Goldfish like. Aquarium plants for goldfish

Goldfish is probably familiar even to those who are far from aquarium hobby. These are large and bright inhabitants of moderately warm waters; the color of the fish contains red, yellow, orange and silver colors, which is why it received such a name, although its distant ancestor is the Chinese crucian carp. In some strange way, a stereotype has developed that goldfish can be kept in small round aquariums. With such care, the goldfish is doomed to rapid death. Therefore, before deciding to purchase a “golden” one, it is recommended that you carefully read the requirements for its content.

Goldfish - which one to choose?

There are many varieties of these unusual fish. For the first time "golden" was bred in ancient China, about 15 centuries ago. At that time, it was used exclusively to decorate the ponds of wealthy people. It was brought to Russia only in the 50s of the 18th century. Currently, in pet stores you can find various variations of goldfish, the most popular are presented below:

  • Veiltail,
  • Telescope,

  • Astrologer,
  • Pearl,
  • Comet,
  • water eyes,
  • Oranda,
  • Shubunkin.

For beginners, we can recommend fish such as comet, veiltail, and shubunkin. They are less picky about their living conditions and quickly adapt to changes in aquarium water parameters. More “delicate” are considered: pearl, water eyes, telescope.

Aquarium design and compatibility of goldfish with other inhabitants

Goldfish - care and maintenance begins with choosing an aquarium. They need a lot free space for swimming, and, therefore, a fairly spacious aquarium. In addition, depending on the species, an adult can reach 30 cm in length or more. It is believed that for 1 “gold” you need at least 50 liters of water. This means that a medium-sized aquarium (100–120 liters) can only contain two adults. However, the larger the container, the higher the planting density can be. For example, in a 160 liter aquarium it is permissible to keep 4 fish.

The shape of the aquarium should be closer to the traditional one, that is, rectangular. Regardless of how large the aquarium is, it is better not to purchase models whose height is more than 50 cm. This will not only complicate the care of the goldfish, but will cause certain difficulties when growing plants. When the water column height is more than 50–55 cm, the luminous flux of standard lamps is not enough and the aquarist has to purchase additional equipment. And these are expenses not only for the purchase of lamps, but also for paying for electricity.

Goldfish love to dig in the soil and “test” everything that catches their eye. Therefore, when choosing gravel, you should give preference to pebbles that fish cannot swallow. It should be round in shape, without sharp protrusions, as pets can easily injure their luxurious fins. In species such as telescopes and water eyes, the area around the eyes is most vulnerable. Therefore, when caring for and maintaining goldfish, it is not recommended to place pointed driftwood, large stones with sharp protrusions, or even hard-leaved plants such as anubias in the aquarium.

Many aquarists refuse to plant live plants in an aquarium with “golden” ones, citing the fact that pets can pluck them in a few days. Indeed, half of the fish’s diet consists of plant foods and they perceive many types of aquarium plants as food. But there are some that will not appeal to the “golden” ones. These are echinodorus, cryptocorynes, lemongrass. You should not completely abandon aquarium plants, as they are an environmental stabilizer. aquatic environment.

Beginners often wonder, with whom can they keep the “golden ones”? In fact, these fish are so unusual that they would look best in a species aquarium. If desired, you can add several species, for example, a couple of telescopes and veiltails, but it is not recommended to add tropical fish from other families. Caring for goldfish has its own nuances, so they should be kept separately.

Water parameters for keeping goldfish

Considering that the fish is a descendant of crucian carp, too warm water She does not love. In the spring and summer months, experts recommend keeping pets at temperatures from +20 °C to +23 °C; in winter, a slight decrease is allowed - from +17 °C to +19 °C; however, when purchasing, it is better to find out under what conditions the fish were raised . Water hardness and acidity of great importance does not have, since these fish are able to quickly adapt to conditions environment.

Keeping and caring for goldfish requires keeping the aquarium clean. Considering that pets are very voracious and excrete great amount waste, water quickly becomes polluted, so maintaining biological balance can be very difficult. When containing “golden” substances, you cannot do without a powerful filter. For large aquariums (over 200 liters) it is recommended to connect an external filter. If the filter is not intended for aeration of water, then you must definitely buy an air compressor, the fish are sensitive to the lack of oxygen in the water.

Caring for goldfish should be regular. Even with a powerful filter, weekly water changes are essential. During cleaning using a siphon, it is necessary to remove the waste products of the inhabitants and replace 30% of the water with fresh, pre-settled and warmed to ambient temperature.

Feeding goldfish

"Golden" are incredibly gluttonous. You should know this and approach the issue of feeding thoughtfully. It is better to feed your pets 2 times a day ( early morning and in the late afternoon), but give a small amount of food. In beginner aquariums, these fish most often die from overeating.

Keeping and caring for goldfish involves varied feeding, because they are considered omnivores. The basis of the diet should be high-quality dry food; most often it comes in the form of flakes or soft granules, which include fish meal, crushed shellfish, grain crops, algae and many other components. Many manufacturers offer special food made according to a special recipe for feeding goldfish. They contain many plant components necessary for normal digestion, and pigments that enhance the natural color of fish.

As an additional food, but not more than twice a week, you can offer live or frozen bloodworms and coretra larvae to the “golden ones”. However, before placing food in the aquarium, it should be thoroughly washed, thereby reducing the risk of introducing infection into the water.

Plant foods must also be included in the “golden” menu. These can be cucumber slices, scalded lettuce leaves, dill, and nettles. It is also possible to offer some fruits, for example, finely chopped pieces of kiwi or orange pulp. If the aquarium contains plants such as duckweed, hornwort or riccia, then there is no need for greenery from the garden. Goldfish will happily eat aquarium plants, and if there are enough of them for two weeks, they can even do without the main food.

Video on how to keep goldfish

Goldfish are the most popular species in the aquarium; even people who are far from aquarium hobby know about them. The fish got its name due to the color of its scales, which are usually shades of red, yellow and orange. This bright fish is also called goldfish. For a novice breeder, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the main requirements regarding the maintenance and care of these pets.

Body color varies, but most species are red-golden. The abdomen is always lighter than the main color. The goldfish has a round shape, small in length, depending on the specific species, the body is compressed on the sides. Scales may be different sizes, all individuals have teeth and large gill covers.

The characteristics regarding the shape of the fins and tail of the fish depend on the variety; there are veil-tailed individuals and those with ribbon-like fins, which look impressive while moving in the water. The eyes are usually of a standard size, but the shape of the apples is convex.

For fish to reproduce, a male and a female are needed. There are no viviparous species among goldfish. All fry emerge from eggs.

Such an individual will look good in any aquarium and will decorate every artificial reservoir. Every aquarist should have at least one goldfish in his collection, thanks to its unusual beautiful appearance.


Fish grow in an aquarium to small sizes; as a rule, the length of the body without a tail is no more than 15 cm. In reservoirs big size the golden individual grows better and can reach 40 cm. The length of the fins varies significantly depending on the species. By creating good conditions for keeping goldfish, healthy and active growth of the individual is ensured.

Life expectancy also depends on size. The shortest individuals live less, within 15 years, while long-bodied representatives can live up to 40 years.


Aquarium goldfish are a species of freshwater fish bred in artificial conditions, belongs to the genus of crucian carp. They were first bred in the East, so the birthplace of goldfish is China and Korea.


Selective breeding has achieved great results; the goldfish family has about 300 varieties. Goldfish differ in color, shape, size and type of fins.

The most popular types of breeds:

  • Ordinary. Contained in indoor aquariums and open containers, the color of the scales is red-orange, the body length reaches 40 cm.
  • . It has a long tail fin and enlarged eyeballs, and is calm and leisurely.
  • . Distinctive featurebig eyes, form eyeballs differs depending on the species.
  • Jikin butterfly. The fin has a forked shape, reminiscent of butterfly wings. Representatives are only divorced at home.

  • Ranchu. It is distinguished by a flattened body and small fins; there are no fins on the back.
  • Ryukin. It has a curved back and is extremely slow in its movements. Loves warm conditions.
  • . Outwardly it resembles a telescope, but on the forehead it has a fatty growth in the form of a golden cap.
  • Bubble Eye. The fish has characteristic bags around the eyes, which are filled with liquid; their size can reach 25% of the size of the entire fish.
  • Pecilia. It has a diamond-shaped body and a wide caudal fin, the head is small compared to the body. The most popular species for keeping in home reservoirs.

Volume and shape of the aquarium

Goldfish, bred artificially in special ponds, are not adapted to life in containers that are too small. An aquarium with goldfish must be at least 80 liters. With a smaller volume, the pet will not have enough space for movement and active life. When creating the most optimal conditions maintenance, ensuring high-quality filtration and aeration, the volume per individual can be reduced to 40 liters.

When choosing the shape of a container, it is preferable to choose a classic rectangular one or with a slight curvature of the front wall of the aquarium, and the length of the vessel should be at least twice the height.

It is important to take into account that high vessels such as screens and cylinders are not suitable for keeping goldfish, since the water height should be within 40 cm. It is not recommended to keep a pet in a round aquarium, since the conditions created in such a container significantly reduce the duration life of an individual.

The requirements for keeping an aquarium are the same as for keeping many other types of fish. The substrate should not be too fine so that the fish do not choke on its particles when digging. The particles should be smooth without sharp edges. Large decorative elements are not recommended for placement in a vessel, since golden individuals do not require a place to hide; excess decor interferes with free swimming and can be a danger to the large fins of many species.

Water parameters

Not required for goldfish special conditions content. Her main need is space to move. Requirements for the characteristics of water inside an artificial reservoir:

  • Temperatures can vary from 20 to 25 degrees.
  • Acidity from 6.9 to 7.2.
  • Water hardness can be no lower than 8.

The temperature of the aquatic environment can fluctuate significantly and depend on the species of individual. The golden crucian carp is cold-blooded and capable of carrying low temperature without drastic changes. Temperatures between 22–24 degrees are optimal for active games. Long-bodied individuals prefer lower temperatures than short representatives. Decorative types are considered the most heat-loving.

Filtration and water changes

A goldfish aquarium must be thoroughly cleaned due to the following factors:

  • Individuals love to rummage through the substrate and pick up mud from the bottom.
  • Fish excrement is a mucus that contributes to soil rotting.

To eliminate all the consequences of its life activity, you need a filter with a capacity of at least 3 volumes of water per hour.

A number of actions need to be performed:

  • Wash the filter sponges in aquarium water once a week.
  • Siphon the substrate once a week, being careful to prevent mixing of the layers.
  • Water should be changed frequently, on average once a week.
  • It is enough to let the water change stand for 24 hours.

An aerator is required, or it must be on the filter. At proper organization internal space in the aquarium, availability large quantity plants, sufficient lighting and additional supply carbon dioxide, the aerator can only be turned on at night.

Aquarium plants

  • Nitrogen consumption.
  • Substrate for bacteria.
  • Vitamin supplement for the inhabitants.

Depending on the conditions in your goldfish's habitat, there may be active algae growth. Since pets love to eat plants, it is recommended that some of the plantings be used for feeding, and some should be planted to decorate the space and create biological balance. Plants with hard leaves are better suited.

Plants should be planted in pots to protect the roots from damage during digging, which fish like to do.

How to care

Goldfish are unpretentious individuals; care and maintenance must be regular. Goldfish need clean water, tolerate fresh water well, with a short settling time. Features of the content are related to the life activity of the individual. Due to the active growth of algae inside the reservoir, they should be removed and the container glass should be regularly cleaned of them. Plants need to be thinned and pruned once a week.


Not only caring for goldfish requires attention and a responsible attitude on the part of the owner. Feeding golden individuals also needs to do everything necessary conditions. At home, the fish should be fed 2 times a day, the volume should be such that the duration of the meal is no more than 5 minutes. Overeating is deadly.

Feeding is varied, dry food should be alternated with plant foods, regardless of the food, it must be prepared in advance. Thaw frozen food and soak dry food granules in aquarium water.

Plant food can be used:

  • Spinach.
  • Boiled vegetables and cereals.
  • Fruits.
  • Meat and liver.
  • Bloodworm.

It is better to regularly feed your pets with live daphnia, which will serve as additional feeding. You can grow Daphnia yourself. Living plants inside the vessel will also be an additional source of essential nutrients. To maintain health, it is recommended to do a fasting day once a week.

Who does he get along with?

Goldfish mainly prefer to live with similar individuals. Rybok different lengths It is also not recommended to place bodies in one vessel. Different types differ not only in body size, but also in character.

If golden representatives are placed with other species of fish, there will be a risk of damage to the fins, since golden individuals need a lot of space. There are species of fish that are very small in size, so goldfish can easily eat them.

Despite the fact that goldfish are peaceful fish, it is important to know that combining them with other species reduces their life expectancy and health. As a result, compatibility with other fish becomes a difficult task.


An aquarium goldfish is a decoration for any artificial reservoir. However, its content requires the creation of certain conditions that are conditioned appearance and the individuality of each variety of gold, differing in character and disposition. The life expectancy of this artificially bred species depends on the quality and conditions of the environment, therefore, before introducing it into your artificial pond, you must carefully read all the information presented above in order to ensure your pet a long, healthy life.

The Aquarium Goldfish is an artificially bred freshwater species belonging to the genus of crucian carp and the class of rayfins. It has a laterally compressed or short rounded body. All species have pharyngeal teeth, large gill roofs, and hard barbs that form fins. The scales can be both large and small - it all depends on the species.

The color can be very different - from golden to black with various inclusions. The only one common feature– the shade of the belly is always a little lighter. It’s easy to convince yourself of this by looking at photos of goldfish. The size and shape of the fins also vary greatly - long, short, forked, veil-shaped, etc. In some species, the eyes are bulging.

The length of the fish does not exceed 16 cm. But in large tanks they can reach 40 cm, not including the tail. The lifespan directly depends on the form. Short, round fish live no longer than 15 years, and long and flat fish live up to 40.

Volume and shape of the aquarium

In the Soviet literature of the last century on aquarium management it is indicated that one goldfish should have 1.5-2 dm3 of water surface, or 7-15 liters of aquarium volume (15 liters per fish is considered a low stocking density). These data have also migrated to some modern manuals. However, it should be taken into account that Soviet books were written about domestically bred goldfish, which lived in aquariums for many generations, and as a result of selection were adapted to such conditions. Currently, the vast majority of goldfish come to us from China, Malaysia and Singapore, where they are massively bred in ponds. Accordingly, they are not adapted to life in small volumes of water, and even to a fairly spacious aquarium they need to be adapted, and a volume of 15-20 liters means death for them within a few days.

Experts working with goldfish brought from Asia have experimentally established:

The minimum volume of an aquarium for one individual should be about 80 liters; in a smaller volume, adult fish simply will have nowhere to move. For a couple – 100 l.

In large aquariums (200-250 l), with good filtration and aeration, the planting density can be slightly increased so that the water volume is 35-40 l per individual. And this is the limit!

Here, opponents of half-empty aquariums usually object that in zoos, for example, goldfish are packed into aquariums very tightly and still feel great. Yes, indeed, this is the specificity of exhibition aquariums. However, we must keep in mind that behind the scenes there are several powerful filters with which this monster is equipped, a very strict schedule of water changes (up to half the volume daily or twice a day), as well as a full-time veterinarian-ichthyopathologist, for whom there is always work.

As for the shape of the aquarium, the classic rectangular one or with a slight curvature of the front glass is preferable, the length should be approximately twice the height. Old Soviet literature indicated that water should not be poured above a level of 30-35 cm, but as practice shows, this is not critical. Goldfish live well in taller aquariums if they have the appropriate width and length (tall and narrow aquariums - screens and cylinders - are not suitable for keeping goldfish).

Aquarium plants

  • Nitrogen consumption.
  • Substrate for bacteria.
  • Vitamin supplement for the inhabitants.

Depending on the conditions in your goldfish's habitat, there may be active algae growth. Since pets love to eat plants, it is recommended that some of the plantings be used for feeding, and some should be planted to decorate the space and create biological balance. Plants with hard leaves are better suited.

Plants should be planted in pots to protect the roots from damage during digging, which fish like to do.


All varieties of goldfish can spawn, but for this they need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 20-30 liters.

The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with sandy soil, in which hard-leaved and small-leaved plants with a powerful root system should be planted. The most hardy plants are elodea, egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria. For spawning, they usually put one female and two or three males at least two years old.

Before this, the fish should be kept separately for a couple of weeks. The temperature in the spawning aquarium should be 24-26 degrees. During the spawning process, females scatter eggs throughout the aquarium, most of which settles on plants. Immediately after the end of spawning, the female and males should be removed from the aquarium

For hatched young animals, special food for goldfish fry (for example, SeraMikron), which can be purchased at a pet store, can be an excellent food.


Goldfish are a very capricious species, and they can only get along with their relatives. However, there are some nuances here too. As mentioned just above, there are many varieties of goldfish, and choosing them for cohabitation worth the size. Long fish with large tails are the most active and voracious species.

Small and plump fish with short fins are more passive. Being in the same space, they will offend each other. Some will become malnourished, others will have their scales, fins or tail damaged. Therefore, be sure to select fish by size. The exception for passive goldfish are catfish. They will be welcome neighbors in the aquarium.

Therefore, to keep several fish, you will need an aquarium, the size of which is at least 100 liters. In large aquariums, in addition, it is easier to maintain a biosphere that is beneficial for its inhabitants, the water needs to be changed less frequently, and the level of pollution in a large aquarium is much lower, which is important for keeping large aquarium fish.

After purchasing an aquarium of the required size, you need to fill it with soil and fill it with water. For goldfish, the most suitable soil is in the form of small pebbles, but its fraction should not be too small, otherwise the fish may swallow a pebble. After the aquarium is filled with water, install the equipment.

Goldfish require oxygen dissolved in water, so it is very important to install not only a water filter, but also a compressor that pumps air. The fish are released into the aquarium after a few days, allowing the water to infuse and become saturated with oxygen.

You can first introduce snails into the aquarium to create the necessary biological environment in the water. Goldfish love good care and will appreciate care for it. IN good conditions These decorative fish grow large and become amazingly beautiful.


It is very important to feed your goldfish properly. Exists special food for this type of aquarium fish. You can diversify the diet by adding small pieces of boiled eggs to the aquarium, but at the same time make sure that the fish eats everything.

The main thing in the diet is to observe moderation and not to overfeed the fish, remembering that goldfish are gluttons. To correctly determine the amount of food, you need to observe for three minutes during feeding how much the fish eat, and at subsequent feedings give them exactly the same amount.

Goldfish prefer warm water. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 23 degrees. To determine the water temperature, you need a thermometer, which is lowered to the bottom of the aquarium.

Of course, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the water, collect the remains of fish from the bottom, and change the water by one third of the volume of the aquarium at least once a week. Goldfish will appreciate this kind of care. How to determine the sex of a goldfish

In conditions home aquarium You can successfully breed goldfish. It is easy to determine the sex of goldfish; just look carefully at the gill covers. In males they are covered with small white dots, similar to semolina, but in females there are no such dots.

Filtration and water changes

It is generally accepted that goldfish are a large biological burden on the aquarium. Simply put, they were dirty, producing huge amounts of waste. Their habit of constantly rummaging in the soil, raising turbidity, also does not add to the cleanliness of the aquarium. In addition, goldfish excrement has a slimy consistency, and this mucus contaminates the soil and contributes to its rotting. Accordingly, to keep the water clean and clear, a good 24/7 filtration system is required.

The filter power should be at least 3-4 aquarium volumes per hour. The best option There will be a canister external filter. If it is not possible to purchase one, and the volume of the aquarium does not exceed 100-120 liters, you can get by with an internal filter - always multi-sectional with a compartment for ceramic filler.

Porous ceramics provide a substrate for bacteria, which convert toxic ammonia secreted by fish into nitrites, and then into much less toxic nitrates. In addition, soil and aquatic plants, especially small-leaved ones, serve as substrates for these bacteria, a stable amount of which is vital for the well-being of the aquarium. Therefore, it is advisable to have a lot of plants, and make the soil fraction not too large.

In order to prevent bacterial colonies from being destroyed when cleaning the aquarium, you need to follow some rules: the filter sponges are washed in aquarium water (with goldfish you have to wash the sponges quite often, about once a week), the soil is siphoned, also weekly, done carefully, without stirring it layers, ceramic fillers for biofilters are always partially changed.

Even if there is high-quality filtration in an aquarium with goldfish, water changes must be done weekly from a quarter to a third of the aquarium’s volume, and if the norms for fish stocking density are violated, then more often. Fish of this species tolerate fresh water well, so there is no need to leave it for more than a day.


Fish health All aquarium owners are very concerned about goldfish diseases, because such delicate creatures can easily die if appropriate measures are not taken. To understand whether a fish is sick or not, you need to pay attention to its mobility, appetite, brightness of color and shine of scales. The dorsal fin also indicates health problems - if the fish does not hold it vertically, then something is wrong.

A plaque that appears on the body or sudden formations is a signal that the matter has already gone far. When these signs appear, you should immediately isolate the sick fish from the rest. A sick fish should be placed in a large aquarium with salt water - the concentration is 20 grams of salt per liter of clean tap water.

The water temperature should not exceed 18 C. Keep the fish in the aquarium for three days, changing the solution every day. Here is a list of common goldfish diseases: Cloudy scales followed by scabies. You need to change all the water immediately; If the fish has hyphae - white threads perpendicular to the body, it means it has dermatomycosis or simply a fungus. Take action right away, otherwise the hyphae will grow inside the body and the fish will lie on the bottom and never rise to the surface;

Fish pox refers to multi-colored tumors (white, pinkish, gray) that occupy the skin and fins. Tumors do not pose a threat, but greatly spoil the beauty of the fish and cannot be treated; Dropsy followed by sepsis is a terrible threat for goldfish. There is only a chance to save the fish initial stage diseases when the patient is “relocated” to running water and bathed in a solution of potassium permanganate every other day for a quarter of an hour;

If you overfeed your fish with bad food or feed them dried daphnia, bloodworms and gammarus for a long time, their stomach will quickly become inflamed; In addition to the listed diseases of goldfish, there are many more ailments, so it is better to consult a specialist on the issue of disease prevention.


In their natural habitat, goldfish's diet consists of crustaceans, insects and vegetation. Like most fish, goldfish are omnivores and eat non-stop. Overfeeding is dangerous for their health, especially if there is an intestinal blockage. The latter is often observed in selected individuals in which gastrointestinal tract spiral The abundance of food leads to voracious feeding, and, accordingly, to pollution of the environment with waste and undigested protein. Overfeeding can sometimes be diagnosed based on the feces coming out of the fish's cloaca. A goldfish-specific diet should include food poor in protein, with a higher carbohydrate content than regular food. Among commercial feeds, there are those that float on the surface of the water and those that settle on the bottom. Enthusiasts can also feed their pets peeled peas, scalded green leafy vegetables, and bloodworms. The juveniles feed on Artemia nauplii.


The behavior of goldfish varies depending on the characteristics of the environment, and in an aquarium, on the preferences of the aquarist. Pets have developed associative memory, and they clearly identify their breadwinner. The owner may notice that the pets react to his approach (swim up to the front glass, quickly move around the aquarium, rise to the surface in anticipation of food), but hide when strangers approach.

Feeding goldfish by hand - HD video 2016

Goldfish in an aquarium - video HD 2016

How demanding are goldfish regarding their living conditions?

Volume and shape of the aquarium

What types of fish are goldens compatible with?

Water parameters, design and equipment of the aquarium

Filtration and water changes


Rules for settling in an aquarium

Rules of care and maintenance

All about aquarium goldfish

Goldfish: description, types, main points of content

Goldfish - care

The capacity of an aquarium for a goldfish should be at least 50 liters. In such an aquarium you can place up to 6 individuals; it is dangerous to populate more - they most likely will not survive due to excessive pollution. You can add neighbors to the goldfish. Angelfish and catfish can easily get along with them. Before you start an aquarium, check out all the possible diseases goldfish. Knowing the symptoms will help you quickly recognize the disease and save your fish. Here are some basic rules for keeping goldfish in an aquarium:

  • Don't skimp on "living space." A goldfish needs a large aquarium. This is more convenient, it makes it easier to maintain biobalance.
  • Buying the right filter. You need to choose an aquarium filter with the ability to pump air. Goldfish need water rich in oxygen.
  • The ideal bottom for keeping fish is gravel. It contains beneficial bacteria. These bacteria consume ammonia and thus lower its level in the water. Try to choose large gravel; small fish may eat it.
  • Don't rush to populate your new aquarium. Let the biobalance settle in it. You can put snails and catfish there for a while. They will “contaminate” the aquarium a little, then the water will be suitable for introducing fish.
  • Periodically check the following water tests: pH level (it should be 7-8), ammonium, nitrite and nitrate levels (up to 40 is considered normal).
  • Place the thermometer. Goldfish is a tropical species. IN cold water she simply won't survive. The ideal water temperature for goldfish is 21 °C.
  • Change the water regularly. For an aquarium of 5-10 liters, it is enough to change 20-30% of the water. Doing this once or twice a week is enough. IN new water You can add a special conditioner. Complete replacement water can disrupt the biobalance and harm the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Goldfish food

Algae for goldfish

Goldfish care and maintenance in the aquarium

We treat the goldfish with special trepidation and tenderness, remembering the famous fairy tale from childhood. This is probably why it is presented as a gift for birthdays, holidays, packaged in transparent bags, living wall panels or crystal glasses, forgetting that it is a living creature. Meanwhile, the goldfish loves good care, it needs special conditions for content. This is a very common and beloved species of aquarium fish, distinguished by its bright decorative appearance and large size. It was bred in China, where even in the Middle Ages it decorated open artificial reservoirs in the gardens of Chinese emperors and nobility. Still in this country to the goldfish special treatment, her image is used to decorate porcelain dishes, decorative mosaic panels, silk fabrics, etc.

The main representatives of the goldfish species were bred in China: veiltails, fantails, black, Chinese and calico telescopes, red cap, pearl, red lionhead, etc. Golden-red, bright orange, velvety black species of this ornamental fish are truly an amazing decoration for aquariums.

The first thing you need to know when purchasing a goldfish is that it needs a fairly large, spacious aquarium. Experienced aquarists believe that for a comfortable life one individual needs about 40 liters of water. Here you also need to take into account that this fish grows to quite impressive sizes. Therefore, to keep several fish, you will need an aquarium, the size of which is at least 100 liters. In large aquariums, in addition, it is easier to maintain a biological environment that is beneficial for its inhabitants, the water needs to be changed less frequently, and the level of pollution in a large aquarium is much lower, which is important for keeping large aquarium fish.

After purchasing an aquarium of the required size, you need to fill it with soil and fill it with water. For goldfish, the most suitable soil is in the form of small pebbles, but its fraction should not be too small, otherwise the fish may swallow a pebble. After the aquarium is filled with water, install the equipment. Goldfish require oxygen dissolved in water, so it is very important to install not only a water filter, but also a compressor that pumps air.

The fish are released into the aquarium after a few days, allowing the water to infuse and become saturated with oxygen. You can first introduce snails into the aquarium to create the necessary biological environment in the water. Goldfish love good care and will appreciate care for it. In good conditions, these ornamental fish grow large and become amazingly beautiful.

Goldfish: care

It is very important to feed your goldfish properly. There is special food for this type of aquarium fish. You can diversify the diet by adding small pieces of boiled eggs to the aquarium, but at the same time make sure that the fish eats everything. The main thing in the diet is to observe moderation and not to overfeed the fish, remembering that goldfish are gluttons. To correctly determine the amount of food, you need to observe for three minutes during feeding how much the fish eat, and at subsequent feedings give them exactly the same amount.

Goldfish prefer warm water. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 23 degrees. To determine the water temperature, you need a thermometer, which is lowered to the bottom of the aquarium. Of course, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the water, collect the remains of fish from the bottom, and change the water by one third of the volume of the aquarium at least once a week. Goldfish will appreciate this kind of care.

How to determine the sex of a goldfish

In a home aquarium, you can successfully breed goldfish. It is easy to determine the sex of goldfish; just look carefully at the gill covers. In males they are covered with small white dots, similar to semolina, but in females there are no such dots.

Goldfish: care and maintenance

Keeping and caring for goldfish does not require much effort. They do best in traditionally shaped aquariums, where the width is approximately half the length. The number of fish for settlement is calculated based on the following indicators: one fish per 1.5–2 sq. dm of bottom area. The bottom of the aquarium should be lined with fine soil or pebbles, as goldfish love to dig at the bottom and can raise mud from the sand. In addition, they easily move plants that are poorly secured, so algae planted in special pots or well pressed down with large stones are best suited. The conditions for keeping goldfish also depend on their external signs, for example, if you are going to place individuals with bulging eyes in your aquarium, then you need to make sure that there are no sharp corners or cobblestones at the bottom, and throughout the entire aquarium, that could damage this organ.

The water temperature for keeping goldfish can vary from 17 to 26–29°C. Monitor the behavior of your fish. If they are slow and inactive, then the water is too cold or hot. They are not very picky about acidity levels, but the hardness should not be less than 80. For goldfish, it is important that the aquarium has good lighting and ventilation.

In the aquarium hobby, goldfish is one of the most popular. She is beautiful, many legends have been invented about her. IN preschool institutions and schools, in order to introduce children to beauty, aquariums with these extraordinary creatures are often placed in corners. But you should know that a goldfish in an aquarium is a capricious creature that must be kept in certain conditions.

Goldfish are capricious and require special conditions.

Description and types

China is considered the birthplace of goldfish . It was brought to Russia in the 17th century. Externally, her body is compressed from the sides. Colors range from golden to pale pink, black, red and bronze. The abdomen is lighter than the body - this is general property all kinds. The eyes are bulging. The lifespan of an aquarium inhabitant depends on its size. Short individuals live for a quarter of a century, and long ones - up to 40 years.

There are approximately 300 species of such fish. The most famous of them:

  1. Ordinary or classic - red-orange fish up to 40 cm long. Reminiscent of crucian carp.
  2. Astrologer. Named so because of the eyes. They are convex, looking forward and upward.
  3. Water eyes or bubble eyes. There are huge blisters under the eyes. Individuals bred in China have an unaesthetic appearance, but to some it may seem original. The bubbles burst at the slightest damage, so these fish are kept in aquariums without stones and flowers. Caring for blister eyes at home is quite complex and requires experience.

    The bubble-eye fish is famous for its huge bubbles.

  4. Veil tail. This beauty's fins resemble a veil. The fish are different in color.
  5. Pearl. Raised scales resemble pearls scattered over the body.
  6. Oranda. The body is round in shape. On the head, which contrasts in color with the body, there is a new growth resembling a cap.
  7. Comet. The elongated flat body reaches 20 cm in length. Bright color that shines when exposed to light. The most active of all fish species.
  8. Ranchu. Its peculiarity lies in the growths on the head and the absence of a dorsal fin. Small, round, bow-shaped tail. Calm and slow in character.
  9. Telescope. So named for its bulging round or cylindrical eyes.
  10. Ryukin. She has a high back because her spine is curved from birth. It reaches 20 cm in length.
  11. Any type of aquarium inhabitants requires care and optimal living conditions. These are very gentle and demanding creatures. The most important thing is to ensure their comfort.

    Tank selection

    Before buying a pet for an artificial pond at a pet store, you should figure out what kind of aquarium is needed for a goldfish and how to properly equip it. To do this, you need to accurately calculate what size it will reach. Also, when choosing an aquarium, you need to consider the following nuances:

    Optimal content

    Caring for aquarium fish requires special consideration. Here you need to know not only about feeding your pets, but also about their compatibility with other fish.

    Proper feeding

    Aquatic inhabitants are fed twice a day: morning and evening. The volume of food should be correctly calculated so that the fish can eat it in 7 minutes. Residues of food must be removed as they spoil the water. Lettuce and spinach leaves can be added to specialized feeds., after scalding them. Before updating the water, you can give live food in the form of porridge and yolk, chopped meat and liver. Once a week you need to have a fasting day. An aquarium goldfish that requires attention must be fed properly.​

    It should be said that aquarium pets are gluttonous and overfeeding them can lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Frozen food must be thawed before use., and dry ones are soaked in a saucer with aquarium water. Repeated freezing of food is contraindicated. The diet should be varied. A bunch of hornwort placed in an aquarium can satisfy the hunger of fish for a week. This is a secret for those who go on a business trip and have no one to care for the fish.

    Aquarium mates

    It is advisable to place representatives of the same species in the aquarium. It is important to house slow-moving individuals (stargazers, telescopes) with each other, and not with fast fish, because they will take their food. And a little more about compatibility:

    1. Cichlids - aggressive look. They won't let their neighbors live in peace.
    2. Tetras. A wonderful union of two peace-loving species. But the problem is that tetras love temperatures of 25 °C.
    3. Labyrinthine. An unpredictable species, albeit a peaceful one.
    4. Catfish. Perfect compatibility, but bots and ancistrus are not suitable for them.
    5. Cyprinids. Fast and aggressive pets can pick off a neighbor's scales.
    6. Poeciliaceae. Peaceful viviparous fish, but together with their radiant neighbors they look dull.

    Cichlids should not be placed in an aquarium with goldfish.

    Reproduction and care of fry

    It is possible to distinguish a male from a female only during the spawning period. At this time, the abdomen of the female has an asymmetrical shape, and the male develops white specks on the gills.

    For propagation, small-leaved plants or a net with large bunches of washcloths are attached in the corners at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. One female requires two males. The female lays up to 3000 eggs in 5 hours. After this, the fish are removed, and the temperature in the aquarium is maintained at around 15-25 °C.

    In a week the fry will appear. They need to be fed 4-5 times a day with small algae and plankton. As they grow older, live and store-bought food is added to the diet. In the third month, the fish acquire a color characteristic of the species. As the fry grow older, it is necessary to sort them, removing defective individuals from the aquarium.

    Diseases and their prevention

    At proper care the immune system fish can repel attacks harmful microorganisms. When an aquarium resident constantly experiences stress due to unfavorable factors (incorrect temperature, wrong food, wrong water acidity, overcrowding of the tank, aggressive neighbors), this weakens his immunity and leads to illness.

    Early treatment promotes recovery. When the fish gets sick, it should be moved to another container with a water volume of 35-50 liters and kept there for at least a month.

    If your pet's condition is satisfactory, you may not give him medication. In severe cases, drugs should be added to water.