Infectious enterovirus in dogs. Treatment of enteritis in dogs at home and symptoms: parvovirus gastroenteritis, coronavirus Infectious enteritis in a 2-week-old puppy

The source of infection is a sick person or carrier. Children often get sick. Treatment consists of following a diet and taking medications.


The causative agents of viral enteritis are rotaviruses, enteroviruses, Coxsackie viruses, polioviruses and ECHO. They do not die in the external environment and are resistant to disinfectants.

Enterotropic viruses can remain in the intestines for several months without symptoms. During this period, a person has no idea about being a carrier.

Coronavirus enteritis is more common in cats and dogs, but is rare in humans. Coronaviruses are released in external environment with saliva and feces of pets. IN environment unstable. Coronavirus enteritis is not dangerous for people, but can cause systemic diseases.

Viruses are transmitted from patient to healthy person through the household and fecal-oral route, through water, food, and less often – by air.

An acute form of viral enteritis can be provoked. They can be viral or bacterial origin. In the latter case, a diagnosis of bacterial enteritis is made.

Predisposing factors to the development of the disease:

  • unbalanced diet, abuse of spicy and fatty foods, overeating;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • food allergies;
  • poisoning with toxins, heavy metals;
  • helminths;
  • decreased immunity.

The disease leads to disruption of the functioning of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.


The symptoms of viral enteritis depend on the location of the virus, as well as its type. Inflammation can affect the jejunum, ileum or duodenum.

Rotavirusuhntherite can occur in the form of ordinary enteritis, gastroenteritis and gastroenterocolitis. The disease is characterized by 3 stages of development:

  • Incubation period. He is asymptomatic. Duration ranges from 15 hours to 7-14 days, on average the first symptoms appear after 2-3 days.
  • Acute stage. The symptoms are pronounced. A person’s body temperature rises to 39 °C, and symptoms of intoxication appear.
  • Chronic stage. Enteritis is characterized by the addition of bacteria. The disease occurs as typhus, cholera or paratyphoid, and corresponding symptoms occur.

Viruses can penetrate the tissues of other organs, so the heart, respiratory tract and central nervous system are involved in the process.

Symptoms of infectious enteritis:

  • increase in body temperature to 37-39 ˚С, fever;
  • and vomiting (more than 10 times a day);
  • weakness, headache;
  • pain on palpation of the abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • rumbling, bloating;
  • thin, watery or foamy stool With unpleasant smell(frequency more than 20 times a day);
  • V stool blood or food particles may be present;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membrane respiratory tract, nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • increase lymph nodes on the neck.

At viral enteritis high risk of dehydration.

Which doctor treats viral enteritis?

Infectious disease specialists provide treatment.


The examination may be carried out by a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. The doctor examines the mucous membrane, skin covering, lymph nodes, reveals symptoms of dehydration.

Based on the results of the examination, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen, whether it is microbial or infectious enteritis.

Diagnosis of viral enteritis:

  • clinical blood test (the number of leukocytes and ESR is increased);
  • coprogram (feces contain neutral fats and undigested fiber);
  • stool for dysbacteriosis (in stool the amount beneficial bacteria reduced);
  • immunofluorescent or serological analysis(to detect antibodies);
  • PCR diagnostics (RNA and DNA viruses are detected).

The examination is difficult because viral enteritis can be caused by more than 100 types of microorganisms.

Rotavirus enteritis is differentiated from dysentery, cholera, intestinal toxic infections, salmonellosis, ARVI, influenza, meningitis, rubella and measles.


There are no specific antiviral drugs for this disease. Drug treatment includes:

  • immunomodulators (Interferon);
  • enterosorbents (, Enterosgel,);
  • enzyme preparations (Creon,);
  • antipyretics (Paracetamol);
  • probiotics and prebiotics.

With pronounced pain syndrome analgesics will be needed.

If diarrhea and vomiting are severe, and symptoms of dehydration are observed, then infusor (intravenous) rehydration therapy cannot be avoided. The loss of fluid and electrolytes can be restored by using glucose-salt solutions (Regidron, Oralita).

Treatment should be carried out with bed rest and strict diet. The basis dietary nutrition make up dairy products, porridge with water, crackers from white bread and unsweetened tea. It is necessary to exclude milk, fresh fruits and vegetables from the diet. Preference should be given to liquid food, which is rich in vitamins and microelements. Drinking plenty of fluids is important.

The prognosis for recovery is favorable if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations. Against the background of severe dehydration, kidney or cardiovascular failure may develop.


To avoid getting sick, it is necessary to avoid contact with a sick person.

After recovery, the patient can remain a carrier of the virus for another 2 weeks.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating, drink only boiled or purified water, observe sanitary standards cooking. Do not visit countries where epidemic cases are registered, strengthen your immune system.

Patients who have had viral enteritis in childhood develop immunity, but it is not stable. If antibody levels are low, the disease may recur in adulthood.

Useful video about intestinal infections

Enteritis occurs quickly and in every second case leads to death. It is easy to become infected: it is enough for the animal to sniff the urine or feces of a sick individual.

Save a pet may immediately contact a veterinarian. Therefore, every dog ​​breeder needs to know the signs of enteritis.

What is enteritis in dogs? Before Olympic Games in the capital of Brazil, this disease was practically unknown in our country, and then it happened epidemic. The virus became famous and spread further.

There are two causative agents of viral enteritis in dogs: parvovirus and coronovirus. Of these, the first is the most dangerous - it acts faster.

Most often the disease affects puppies up to 2 months, especially if they were born to unvaccinated dogs. In such a case, the mortality rate becomes very high.

The enteritis virus is so tenacious that even careful disinfection measures will not destroy it neither from furniture, nor from wallpaper, nor from the ground, where The pathogen can persist for up to 1.5 years.

The virus is transmitted through the secretions of a sick dog: saliva, vomit, urine or feces.

Minimal contact is enough for infection- for example, for a dog to sniff a piece of ground where an ailing animal has urinated. This is one of the most dangerous diseases among those

The incubation period of the virus is one week on average. In puppies, especially unvaccinated ones, this period is reduced to a maximum of two days.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Initial symptoms of enteritis in dogs, Regardless of the type, they are the same:

  • lethargy, apathy, no reaction to favorite toys or owners;
  • refusal to eat, even from the most desired delicacies before;
  • temperature increase in the first hours after illness;
  • vomit 10 hours after refusing to feed and drink;
  • diarrhea with blood.

Veterinarians, depending on the type of virus that caused the disease, divide it into two forms: parvovirus and coronavirus.

Parvovirus form

It is this form of the disease that is considered the most rapid in development, and This is what affects puppies. Why? Because the most favorable environment for parvovirus is an abundance of dividing cells, i.e. baby's growth. Therefore, every dog ​​breeder should know the symptoms and treatment of parvovirus enteritis in dogs.

This disease affects not only the animal’s intestines, but also the heart. Or it can hit both. Therefore, parvovirus is divided into cardiac, intestinal and mixed. Therefore, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs will vary.

1. Symptoms for the intestinal form:

  • instant development - here the dog is playful, but now it is lying down and does not react to anything;
  • abundant, constant vomiting(foam masses, color – yellow);
  • severe diarrhea for 1-3 days (the stool is watery or mucous, the color is red, yellow, brown, green or completely black), the smell is heavy;
  • in addition to loss of appetite, appears refusal of water, when the animal does not take liquid for 1-3 days,characteristic feature for parvovirus enteritis;
  • paw tremor, weakness, staggering;
  • dehydration that occurs within 10-12 hours;
  • a sharp increase, and then (over 1-2 days) a decrease in temperature to normal.

If the temperature drops below normal, this is bad sign: high risk fatal outcome(about 80%).

2. Symptoms of the cardiac form:

  • dry cough;
  • complete refusal of food and drink (puppies are not able to suck the bitch’s milk);
  • sudden, severe weakness, increased frequency heart rate, shortness of breath;
  • mucous membranes change color to bluish;
  • development pulmonary insufficiency and myocarditis;
  • the dog doesn't get up anymore just lying there.

3. Symptoms and treatment of enteritis in dogs at mixed form are diverse: they combine signs of both intestinal and cardiac enteritis.

In the event that sneezing, runny nose, and pus in the eyes are added to the symptoms listed above, this is another viral disease.

Coronavirus enteritis

This form is easier than the previous one: the symptoms are similar, but not as severe. Coronavirus enteritis in dogs is less contagious because it is transmitted only through the feces of a sick animal. And vaccination against it is more effective, and if the vaccinated dog gets sick, the disease may go away completely unnoticed by the owners. Similar form The disease can be acute and hidden.

1. Symptoms when acute form such:

  • apathy, lethargy, lack of response to toys or owners, lying down;
  • loss of appetite and refusal to feed, however, the dog will drink;
  • slight fluctuations in temperature are possible, but more often it remains within normal limits;
  • vomiting only a few times a day, and not at all as profuse as with parvovirus;
  • diarrhea yellow color, no blood, however, long enough to cause dehydration;
  • The pulse is normal, the breathing rhythm is also normal;
  • mucous membranes become pale.

2. Symptoms in latent form such:

  • long time the animal is in a depressed state, in apathy;
  • chronic diarrhea develops, appetite becomes weak or disappears altogether;
  • The pulse drops and the body becomes exhausted.

Dogs affected hidden form perform carriers of the disease. They do not develop severe symptoms.


Depending on the form of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed. The procedures will vary, but in any case they will should be prescribed immediately after an objective diagnosis has been made.

Treatment is not carried out until the animal is tested.

Parvovirus enteritis

It is carried out in two stages: support directly medicines And special diet after acute symptoms have resolved.

At the first stage:

  • the dog is injected with a serum that prevents the virus from multiplying;
  • give painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics;
  • immunomodulators are prescribed to strengthen the animal’s immune system;
  • if secondary infections are detected, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • drips with nutrient and saline solutions are placed to eliminate dehydration;
  • provide support to the dog’s body with B vitamins.

At the second stage warn that you can feed the dog no earlier than 12 hours after the appearance of appetite and prescribe:

  • small portions of soups, fish or meat mousses, mashed potatoes, boiled rice, which should be given 4-5 times a day for 5 days;
  • they warn that these dishes should not be hot, just lukewarm - just right;
  • after 5 days it is allowed to add to the diet boiled eggs, kefir, as well as premium-class dry food, including (dry food is crushed into pulp);
  • It is strictly forbidden to feed the animal raw foods.

However, for these measures to be truly effective and the animal to recover, Only a veterinarian should prescribe and administer them! This means that treating enteritis in dogs at home is extremely undesirable and can lead to the most dire consequences.

Coronavirus enteritis

Two-stage treatment, and, in fact, similar to parvovirus therapy. At the first stage, the dog is given:

  • astringents, antiemetics, analgesics;
  • antibiotic treatment is also prescribed;
  • they put in the same IVs, etc.

The diet does not differ from that recommended for parvovirus enteritis. And just like in the first case, Therapy can only be carried out by a veterinarian!


The first, most effective and important preventive measure is vaccination. For puppies, the regimen will vary depending on the vaccine manufacturer. However, animals cannot be vaccinated during estrus or pregnancy.

The second, no less important measure is compliance with the safety rules:

  • if a dog, and especially a puppy, is not vaccinated, it under no circumstances should they be taken outside;
  • puppies that have not been vaccinated should not be approached in street clothes or shoes;
  • in the room where puppies live, regular, thorough hygiene is required;
  • Before visiting the puppies, the owner should wash their hands well;
  • before the bitch is allowed to have puppies, she needs to thoroughly wash her belly and paws;
  • in a house where unvaccinated puppies live, strangers, friends, and acquaintances have nothing to do– visits are possible only after vaccination;
  • both adult dogs and cubs;
  • animal feed also

Please note that if symptoms of viral enteritis are detected in dogs, the pet is infected, then it cannot be treated independently, but first aid it is possible and necessary to provide. Namely: do not force feed or water, give the “Regidron” solution, and for puppies over 7 months old – the “Enterodez” solution. But an immediate call to the veterinarian is necessary!

Additionally, visually check out the video about the manifestation of enteritis in dogs:

Viral enteritis is a group of infectious diseases in which the intestines become inflamed. In most cases, the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs are affected. Viral enteritis is one of the five most common diseases of dogs. Breed predisposition to viral enteritis of dogs was not detected. The most severe diseases are suffered by dogs of the following breeds: Doberman; whippet; East European Shepherd.

The article combines: coronavirus enteritis of dogs; rotavirus enteritis of dogs; canine parvovirus enteritis. The diseases have common routes of infection, similar symptoms and treatment methods. Most often, puppies between 2 and 12 weeks of age suffer from viral enteritis. However, diseases affect animals of any age. In some cases, all three infections are recorded.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat. After 8 - 10 hours, diarrhea begins. With coronavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid, yellowish in color, mixed with mucus. The intestines are emptied 4 - 5 times a day. The animal drinks a lot of water, the stomach is tense. The temperature usually ranges from 38.5 to 19.5 degrees.

With rotavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid and dark yellow. The intestines are emptied 6 - 8 times a day. The temperature rises to 39.5 - 39.8 degrees. Sometimes vomiting begins.

With parvovirus enteritis in dogs, on the first day of illness, the intestines empty their bowels every 20 to 40 minutes. Feces with pungent odor, flies out in a stream, in dogs of medium breeds at a distance of one meter (sometimes further) from the animal. The stools are watery, brown or Green colour. Skin-like flakes, pieces, and tubes are visible in the stool. Vomiting occurs every 20 - 30 minutes.

On the second day of illness, the intestines empty every hour to an hour and a half. Vomiting occurs after about two hours.

Shortness of breath begins. The animal tries to sit down with its front legs spread wide. When severely exhausted, animals lie on their sides.

At the onset of the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. After 8 - 12 hours it drops to 37.5 degrees and below.

The pathogenicity of viruses, and, consequently, the strength of the manifestation of signs of disease in different regions differs.

Enteritis in dogs - causes and course

The diseases are caused by viruses of the coronaviridae, reovaviridae (rotavirus genus) and parvoviridae families. Pathogens die instantly when exposed to sunlight, remain in feces for several days at a temperature of about 0 degrees.

The source of infection is sick animals. In cities, viruses are carried by stray dogs.

Viruses are shed in feces and vomit.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces, through the consumption of contaminated water, or less often food.

Once in the body, viruses tolerate the effects well gastric juice. The period from infection to the onset of the disease is called incubation. For viral enteritis it ranges from 1 to 5 days. During this time, viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the intestines and (partially) the stomach. By multiplying, pathogens destroy membrane cells. The stomach and intestines swell. Feed digestion is disrupted and nutrients are not absorbed.

Vomiting occurs, most often with foam. Swelling of the stomach compresses the receptors in the mucous membrane and increases vomiting.

The main changes occur in the intestines. The intestines become inflamed, the mucous membrane is destroyed, and with parvovirus enteritis it peels off and comes out in pieces in the feces. With rota and coronavirus enteritis, the intestines are destroyed much less.

Inflammation of the stomach causes vomiting, damage to the intestines leads to diarrhea. As a result of the breakdown of a large volume of cells, toxins are released that disrupt the functioning of the walls blood vessels. Fluid from the blood moves first into the intestinal walls, then into its cavity. The volume of intestinal contents increases. The emptying reflex is activated.

In places where the intestines are destroyed, microbes actively multiply, releasing a significant amount of toxins.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid. Blood viscosity increases; For delivery nutrients and oxygen, the heart is forced to increase its work.

In addition, rota and parvoviruses migrate from the stomach and intestines into the blood and are carried into the heart.

They penetrate the cells of the heart muscle (myocardium) and destroy it.

The body responds by producing antibodies to viruses. On the 5th - 6th day from the onset of illness, the amount of antibodies in the blood is sufficient to bind viruses. However, by this point, the overwhelming majority of pathogens are in the intestinal cells (in the case of rota and parvovirus enetritis, also in the myocardium). Cells are sent to areas affected by viruses immune system, macrophages. However, the response speed protective forces the body lags significantly behind the development of diseases.

Death occurs on the second - fifth or seventh - twelfth day. When treatment is provided, the mortality rate from rotavirus enteritis is less than 5%, coronavirus - 10%, parvovirus - more than 80%.

Mortality on the seventh to twelfth day is associated with high stress on dogs during and after recovery.

Enteritis in dogs - treatment

The course of viral enteritis in dogs is very different. However, there are several areas in the treatment of diseases:

  • destruction of the enteritis virus;
  • restoration of lost fluid volume;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • recovery normal operation hearts.

In the first days of illness, most medications are administered intravenously. Due to the large loss of fluid, medications administered subcutaneously and sometimes intramuscularly are not absorbed. Therefore, they have no effect.

The destruction of the virus is achieved in several ways. The main one is the use of serums and immunoglobulins containing antibodies to pathogens. In most cases, serums and immunoglobulins with antibodies to pathogens of several diseases are used. Serums and immunoglobulins cannot be administered intravenously.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces.

The second way is the use of immune stimulants. Catozal, Erbisol and other drugs are used.

Restoration of lost fluid volume is achieved intravenous administration solutions of salts and glucose. Solutions of disol, trisol, quartosol and the like are used. The choice of solution and dose depend on the condition of the animal and the amount of loss.

Glucase is administered only in the form of a 5% solution. 40% glucose solution is a diuretic.

Removal of toxins from the body is achieved by using special solutions. Hydrolysine and similar drugs are used. Since the detoxification of toxins occurs in the liver, drugs are used to support its function. Glutargin, thiatriazoline and similar drugs are used. Some immune boosters, such as polyoxidonium and lycopid, bind and remove toxins.

Maintaining immunity is achieved by using special medications. Depending on the stage of the disease and the degree of manifestation of symptoms, ribotan, vegetarian, galavit and the like are used. The main effect of these drugs is stimulation of the immune system.

Restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines is possible no earlier than the second day of illness. Metoclopramide (Cerucal) is widely used to stop vomiting. However, the main problem is damage to the intestines, which are normally populated by microbes. Antibiotics, such as amoxicillin (amoxiclav), are prescribed to inhibit the development of microbes. Enveloping and astringent drugs are given internally (oak bark extract, flax seed, enterosgel, etc.) At the same time, medications are prescribed that restore the composition of microbes in the intestines (probiotics). Bioprotectin, bactoneotime, lactobacterin and the like are widely used. A strict diet is prescribed. For 2 - 3 days, the animal is given rice decoctions and soft oatmeal. Meat is added gradually, starting from the eighth day.

Restoring normal heart function depends on the condition of the animal. Sometimes they are limited to the use of drugs that improve myocardial nutrition. Riboxin, Mildronate, Prestarium and the like are used. Sometimes there is a need for the drugs capoten, cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine and similar ones.

To preserve the life of the animal, it is extremely important to avoid physical activity. The walking and training regimen is agreed upon with the veterinarian 4 to 5 weeks after recovery.

Enteritis virus - features

Rotaviruses also infect cats.

Cats with weak immune systems can also become infected from people.

If your animal refuses food or develops diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will be able to select the necessary treatment.

Viral enteritis is a little-known disease, but very dangerous, because mortality as a result occurs very often. In the USSR, the first infection occurred back in the 80s. Due to the novelty and lack of immunity, many dogs died. Animals are at risk from two to nine months, and those who remain alive receive Negative consequences for good health. Interestingly, this disease does not pose a threat to humans and other animal species. And among dogs, the disease spreads instantly: through any liquid medium, be it saliva, urine, feces, vomit, etc. In other words, by letting your dog play with others on the playground, you are taking a big risk. Even if you isolate your dog, you can bring a virus from the street that will not affect you in any way. The carrier of the infection cannot always be determined: after all, the virus is transmitted when the disease is still in its infancy and has not had time to manifest itself.

First symptoms
Apathy, fever, strange behavior- in appearance healthy dog reacts inappropriately to touches on the back or sides. Pressing your tail, arching your back - these are sure signs that it’s time to run to the hospital. This is followed by loss of appetite, possible nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea with a rotten smell. The dog is clearly being tortured stomach pain, so it’s uncomfortable for her to lie down; she suffers from a lack of moisture. Death can occur even a couple of days after infection. This most often occurs when an unvaccinated dog produces offspring. Such puppies are especially vulnerable.

There is a cardiac variation of the disease: babies up to nine weeks are at risk. Symptoms: apathy, constant sleep, rumbling in the stomach, lack of appetite (but at least the dog can drink). Further symptoms of heart failure appear - weak breathing, faded mucous membranes, slow pulse, cool paws.

If you even for a second suspect something is wrong, run to the hospital! You need to undergo tests, and the doctor prescribes treatment accordingly individual indicators. Most often, immunostimulants and serums, salted solutions are prescribed to prevent dehydration. Animals are prescribed vitamin C, glucose and solutions that cover the dog’s needs for the most necessary substances. This considerable list includes antibiotics, as well as drugs to restore cardiac activity. Bed rest is recommended, no force feeding and no arbitrariness or self-prescription of medications!

Coronavirus enteritis- the disease is milder, the symptoms are milder (the dog can drink, vomiting may not occur, temperature regime persists, the virus does not affect the heart). The incubation period is from two to five days, but the course of the disease can be either mild or severe. How older dog, the easier it is for her to tolerate enteritis, and if it is in mild form, there are even cases of spontaneous recovery. But relying on a lucky break in such matters is at least unreasonable.

After illness

When the virus is cured, the dog's immunity is still very weak and it definitely needs special regime nutrition to restore the gastrointestinal tract. Give liquid and soft food, cereals, broths. Also, some doctors prescribe food from veterinary lines. Diet: five or six times a day, food should be slightly warm.

Even if you did everything on time and correctly, unfortunately, sometimes your pet may be left with lameness - temporary or for life. Puppies usually grow up slightly underdeveloped, with weak hearted, infertility, liver and gall bladder diseases. With due attention to all the nuances, these consequences can be eliminated, the only question is time. Enterovirus in dogs is like chickenpox in people: once you have had it, you can hardly be afraid anymore.

The way to avoid infection is vaccination.
It is done for the first time at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, then at three months the “adult” formulation is vaccinated, then after another three weeks revaccination, at six months and subsequently every year.

Hello, friends, we have talked about the treatment of enteritis in dogs several times, but the topic is important, so we will return to it again. In this article I will share with you the treatment regimen, what medications I use, we will also talk about the recovery period, and what to start feeding the animal after an illness.

In addition, I received a question from a viewer on the YouTube channel, after the release of a video where he showed how several dogs were on a drip at home. This is no longer a question, but indignation: “How can you give intravenous injections in an unsterile room? Dogs need to be treated in a clinic, not at home on a bed!” If anyone is interested, you can find this video at , and we will continue.

My treatment regimen for enteritis in dogs

Before I begin, a few disclaimers. Today we are talking about viral enteritis in dogs, it is also called parvovirus. I also remind you about self-medication and its possible consequences. I share information at the request of my colleagues and people living far from civilization.

It is important to consider that this disease is caused by a virus; the main symptoms are intense diarrhea and vomiting, read more on the topic. We have little effect on viruses; antibiotics do not work against them, and the well-known, frequently used antiviral drugs, with unproven effectiveness, that is, useless. Such as anandin, cycloferon, fosprenil... Also due to diarrhea and vomiting quickly and large quantities liquid and salts are lost.

How to treat if nothing works? What remains is symptomatic care and prevention of complications. We need to help the body and buy time, give it the opportunity to develop antibodies.

To replenish fluids, replenish electrolytes, and maintain energy, give intravenous saline solutions, carbohydrates. To suppress bacterial microflora antibiotics. Microflora is always present in the intestines, but it behaves calmly until the balance is upset. The enteritis virus leads to a disruption of natural defenses, damages the mucous membranes - as a result, bacteria and protozoa multiply rapidly.

Let's move on to drugs and doses. Doses based on 1 kg of live weight per day.

I administer intravenously:

  1. Sodium chloride 0.9% (saline) 40 ml.
  2. Ringer's solution 20 ml.
  3. Glucose 5% 20 ml.
  4. Metronidazole 0.5% 4 ml.
  5. Ceftriaxone 20 – 30 mg.
  6. Vitamin B 12 0.05 ml.
  7. Vitamin C 5% 0.1 ml.
  8. Etamsylate 0.1 ml.
  9. Kvamatel 0.5 mg.
  10. Glutargin 4 mg.

All of the above medications are sold in a regular human pharmacy.

Now, to make the algorithm clear, let’s take a virtual dog weighing 20 kg and treat it.

Morning. We connect for intravenous infusions and start with 200 ml saline solution, check that everything is working properly, the speed is 1 drop per second. Inject 1 ml of vitamin B 12 into the rubber extension on the system, then 2 ml of vitamin C, after 2 ml of ethamsylate, all with different syringes. In this video I show where to inject drugs during an IV.

Then we dissolve 500 mg of ceftriaxone with saline solution (3-5 ml), it can be taken from a dripping bottle. Mix well so that there is no sediment and add it to the bottle with saline solution. We drip slowly, 1 drop per 2 seconds, if the reaction is normal, you can increase the speed to 1 drop per 1 second.

When the solution reaches completion, do not lower the system, just close it and go to the second 200 ml saline solution, it is already ready and secured on a tripod. We drip for 2-3 minutes so that the antibiotic leaves the system, then we introduce 10 mg of quamatel into the bottle with saline solution.

Kvamatel is sold in small bottles of 20 and 40 mg, it is in powder form. You need to add 5 ml of saline solution to 20 mg, mix well and then add 2.5 ml of dissolved quamatel into the bottle of saline 200 that you are now dripping. Place the rest in a dark, cool place; it can be used within 24 hours, that is, tomorrow.

Dropper in the field

Dropped quamatel, go to 200 ml of glucose 5%, then add metronidazole 0.5%, inject 40 ml slowly (1 drop per 2 seconds), complete 200 Ringer. Close the system and flush the catheter.

Evening. We connect 200 saline solution, check - everything is working fine, add 2 ml of glutargin 4% into the bottle with saline solution, drip completely. Then we drop 200 pure sodium chloride 0.9% (saline), then 200 glucose 5%, after 40 ml of metronidazole and finish with 200 Ringer.

The sequence of drugs can be changed, but it is desirable that they do not occur in the system. For example, if you drip ceftriaxone, switch to pure saline solution, and after 2-3 minutes you can drip metronidazole. The amount of solutions can also be increased or decreased, depending on fluid loss and the condition of the animal.

A few more words about the substances administered: saline and Ringer's solution are saline solutions to replenish fluid and electrolyte losses.

Glucose is used to replenish fluids and carbohydrates. Ceftriaxone and metoronidazole antibiotics wide range– suppress bacterial microflora.

Kvamatel reduces the amount and concentration of gastric juice, thereby reducing the urge to vomit.

Etamsylate to reduce bleeding in the intestines. Glutargin and vitamins to support the functioning of the liver and the body as a whole, reducing intoxication.

The above list can be expanded or shortened; each doctor has his own “favorite” drugs and treatment regimens. You also need to take into account the condition of the animal, how the dog reacts to therapy, and pay attention to possible complications.

How to feed during the recovery period?

Imagine, a dog hasn’t eaten for a week, has lost a lot of weight, and you have a thought: you need to feed it urgently, otherwise it will die of hunger. But you shouldn’t do this when there is diarrhea and vomiting; there is no point in feeding. Feeding will only cause harm, vomiting, diarrhea, fermentation and bloating will increase, as a result of which the disease will drag on.

You also need to be careful with what you drink. In the first days, when vomiting occurs frequently, you should completely give up water, but at the same time the liquid should be supplied intravenously in sufficient quantities.

Then, when the urge to vomit subsides, you can drink small portions of 5-10 ml in one go every 30-60 minutes (in large dog higher dose). And to observe the reaction, if drinking provokes vomiting, then it’s too early, we return to the IVs and try the next day.

If there is no vomiting after drinking water, then try to gradually increase the portion.

When the fluid is absorbed normally and there is no diarrhea, you can try feeding. Half an hour before feeding, it is advisable to give smecta, read how to do this, then feed.

I usually give a little meat and vegetable baby food, for example, “Gerber” or “Hame”, a little is one or two teaspoons and watch the reaction. If after 1.5-2 hours there is no vomiting, then I give a couple more spoons. A few hours later, a few more spoons.

The next day, if everything is fine, I increase the portion two or three times. I keep my dog ​​on this diet for several days, with gradual increase amount of pate. Then I try to switch to the usual food, it’s either natural or good ready-made food. Depending on what you fed before you got sick.

If breakdowns occur, indigestion begins again, then I go back to the beginning - hunger, IVs and then I try to feed in small portions. Sometimes I use enzymes, for example, children's pancreatin 25 units or analogues. One tablet immediately after meals, 1-2 times a day, for several days in a row.

The digestive system has not worked for a long time, including the pancreas and liver, so drugs containing enzymes will help return to normal.

Is it better to treat a sick dog at home or in a clinic?

If we are talking about viral enteritis in dogs, then treatment at home has a number of advantages. You don't need to go or drive anywhere; the dog in a familiar environment does not experience stress.

Also keep in mind that viral enteritis dangerous disease for other dogs, so you can become a source of infection. Not all hospitals have separate office For infectious patients, you may have to wait in the general queue for some time.

And on the other hand, during illness, your dog’s immunity is reduced; when communicating with other patients, he runs the risk of getting sick with something other than enteritis.

By and large, in the clinic the doctor does the same manipulations as when treating a dog at home. Yes, in some cases, when the situation is extremely difficult or it is necessary to additional research It is easier to provide help in a hospital.

Friends, let’s conclude: if there is no need to take the animal to the clinic and you have the opportunity to invite a doctor home, then it is better to treat viral enteritis at home.

Better yet, take proper care of your pet, get vaccinations on time and don’t get sick.

That's all for now, veterinarian Sergey Savchenko was with you, see you again.