Cane Corso is a breed prone to eye diseases. This Mysterious Third Eyelid What to Look For

Country of origin: Italy
Height: 64 - 69 cm (male); 58 - 61 cm (female)
Weight: 45 - 50 kg (male); 40 - 45 kg (female)
Contents in the apartment: Not recommended
Lifespan: up to 10 years
Fits good: for experienced owners


Cane Corso is excellent security guard who will always protect his family, territory and easily distinguish friend from foe. The ideal adult Cane Corso is a calm and intelligent dog, alert with strangers and aggressive only when necessary.

A well-fenced yard is best for keeping your Italian Mastiff (Cane Corso) safely. If other dogs or unknown people enter this dog breed's territory, the Canne Corso will do what they are supposed to do, which is defend their territory.

The Cane Corso is a very powerful, dominant breed and can test the owner's leadership. A Cane Corso owner should always be the boss of his dog, and it is good for family members to know how to handle such a dog.

Early and regular obedience training is essential so that the dog knows its place in the family.

In general, the Cane Corso is a very loyal pet that loves its family almost desperately. He often follows his owner around the house and can even suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Cane Corsos tend to be dominant and aggressive towards other dogs. Far from their territory, they usually do not run into a fight, but if they are provoked, then a fight cannot be avoided. It is very important that Canne Corsos, already as puppies, communicate with different people and other animals so that they develop a stable temperament.


The main concern of Cane Corso owners is hip dysplasia.

Never take your Cane Corso for a run when he is under 18 months old, as this can cause serious damage to his joints.

This dog breed is also prone to diseases such as:

  • bloating
  • allergy
  • epilepsy
  • thyroid diseases

Eye diseases:

  • cherry eye
  • ectropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • entropion (turn of the eyelid)


The Cane Corso is very easy to groom; all you need to do is occasionally remove dead hair; besides, these dogs do not shed much. Cane Corsos don't mind living on the street as long as they get enough attention and a roof over their head.

You can only wash your Cane Corso a couple of times a year, and then only if it smells bad. And of course, carry out monthly prevention against fleas and ticks.

Cane Corso sport dog, requiring significant physical activity. It has increased endurance, making it an excellent companion for long runs or hikes.


It is very difficult to find a dog of this breed High Quality. Be very careful, study the animal's pedigree, if possible spend some time with the breeder, look at the dog's parents.

The Cane Corso cannot be left in the yard and forgotten. Although he can handle any weather and take care of himself, he relies heavily on the attention and love of his family.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

Back in the 16th century, the literary nobleman Erasmo Devalvasone described the Cane Corso in his poem “The Hunt.”

“Swift and agile, like a greyhound, but more fearless and magnificent. Large, but not heavy. The mass is not a hindrance to him inhaling freely. Has strong bones and a strong disposition. Jokingly, he plunges into anger and is magnificent in it!”

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Italy
Lifespan 10-13 years
Price20-120 tr.
Male height64-68 cm.
Bitch height60-64 cm.
Male weight45-50 kg.
Bitch weight40-45 kg.

Origin story

The history of the Cane Corso dog is quite unusual. Despite being two thousand years old, this breed is young. Until recently it was considered extinct, but its victorious revival began at the end of the 20th century.

In its homeland, the Cane Corso dog breed was recognized in the 80s, but the FCI did not regard it as independent for another 10 years. Only in 1996 did corsas gain recognition from the International Film Festival.

The Cane Corso breed comes from Italy. Forefather modern dogs is an ancient Molossian.

The first evidence of the existence of the breed dates back to 1238. The coat of arms of the Italian aristocracy of the di corsi dynasty, discovered during excavations, depicts a dog with an appearance identical to the Cane Corso.

Family emblems of that time served as a symbol of courage, strength and fearlessness of representatives of the aristocratic family. Therefore, the Cane Corso dog embodied these qualities.

In the 50s BC. e. from the British Isles the Phoenicians delivered to Rome giant dogs. Calling them "Pugnaces" (biting). The Romans used animals in battles with the enemy, and in moments of calm to guard resting legionnaires.

The connection with Rome is also indicated by the dog kennels discovered in Montopoli, 1137. The found skeletons of breeding animals are similar in structure to corsas.

Most breeds were created with human participation by crossing several types of dogs. The Italian Cane Corso is a natural breed, formed naturally.

Theories of origin

There are several theories about the origin of the name:

  1. The name of the breed was given in honor of the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Conrad Gessner in 1551 in his notes talks about dogs called “Canum ex Corsica” - a dog from Corsica.
  2. A more common version of the origin of the name is from the Latin “cohors”, which translates as watchman.
  3. The version of Greek origin sounds like “kortos” - fenced property, it turns out that cane corso is a dog guarding a fenced area.

Cane Corso dogs were indispensable assistants. They were hunting wild beast and were reputed to be excellent guards. Corsas were especially popular with tax collectors. The dogs protected them from robberies and people felt safe.

A faithful comrade-in-arms and a conscientious shepherd, he managed any task assigned to him. Herded livestock and protected animals from predators.

In the 19th century, the Cane Corso breed reaped laurels of popularity. She became a welcome inhabitant in the castles of wealthy gentlemen. Well-born townspeople amused themselves by hunting and baiting lions.

The demand for such dogs was also great among ordinary people. They did not require special beauty; for them, quality work was more important.

With the development of civilization, villages became empty, animals were destroyed as unnecessary. The Cane Corso dog breed is listed as endangered. A few individuals survived only in the interior of the country among peasants who lived by hunting and raising livestock.

The breed was revived by the Italian scientist D. Bonatti. Having organized an expedition of volunteers and enthusiasts, he traveled around the remote corners of Italy several times. He managed to discover and buy several dogs of an endangered breed from their owners. At the end of the trip, the biologist began breeding work.

In 1984, a breed standard compiled by A. Morsiani was adopted.

Interesting! The Italian Cane Corso is immortalized on canvases by F. Hackert, who served at the court of Ferdinand the Fifth.

Appearance of Cane Corso

There are no perfect dogs. Even multiple champions have their flaws, but take prizes thanks to their merits. The Cane Corso standard clearly defines all the parameters, but if the pet falls short of the ideal, it does not cease to be true friend and protector.

The description of the breed conveys all the strength and impressiveness of a noble and elegant animal.

A large, powerful dog with well-developed muscles. The slightly elongated silhouette and athletic build only emphasize his elegance.

The height of Cane Corso males ranges from 64-68 cm, with a weight of 45-50 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller, with a height of 60-64 cm, their weight is 40-45 kg.

  • The head is voluminous, with clearly defined cheekbones and brow ridges. The transition from nose to forehead is pronounced. Frontal part convex in front and flat between the ears.
  • The Cane Corso's muzzle is short and square in profile. Half as long as the skull.
  • The lips are fleshy, form slight jowls and fit tightly to the gums.
  • The teeth are straight, strong, complete. Overbite - slight underbite no more than 0.5 cm.
  • The nose is wide, not protruding beyond the chin line, the nostrils are open. The color of the lobe is predominantly black, but if there is a mask, it can be the color of the fur.
  • The eyes are oval-shaped, medium-sized. They are located widely apart. The iris is as dark as possible. The look is smart, attentive.
  • The ears are thick and triangle shaped. Placed on cartilages and directed forward. Cupping of the auricle is acceptable.
  • The body is stocky and prominent. The pronounced withers flow into a powerful, strong back without arching. The neck is moderately short and strong.
  • The chest is oval, voluminous, descending to the elbow joint.
  • The limbs of the Cane Corso breed are strong and widely spaced. The shoulders are well developed, the shoulder blades do not protrude. Hind legs with prominent muscles. The fingers are tightly clenched into a tight ball.
  • The tail is thick, straight, set at the level of the spine. Cupping is acceptable.
  • The coat is short and shiny. Has a sparse undercoat.
  • Color black, steel, ash, all shades of red. Let's say a tiger pattern. In dark individuals, snow-white markings on the chest and fingers are acceptable. Other colors may have a dark mask and spots on the legs and chest.

Power and grace - this is the Cane Corso; photos of the dog are so popular that they can often be seen on advertising posters and calendars.

The characteristics of the breed coincide with its impregnable appearance.

Important! A puppy of a single color may develop a brindle pattern by the age of 3-4 months.

Character of the Cane Corso

The main character trait of a dog is a clear division of its environment into friends and strangers. This applies to both people and animals. The absence of aggression and a dispassionate, balanced temperament will not allow the dog to attack without a reason. But if the owner is in serious danger, he will not wait for orders, and will act at his own discretion.

The Cane Corso dog breed is gentle and reverent towards its family members. You can safely leave your child with her; a well-mannered pet will not harm the baby. He has a calm attitude towards animals living nearby, especially if he came to the “pack” as a puppy.

The attitude towards relatives on a walk is ambiguous. The Cane Corso is not a bully by nature and will not be eager to fight, but can easily succumb to provocation.

An incorruptible pet and a vigilant guard will go to the end, defending its territory. Pathological devotion and love for the owner makes it almost impossible to transmit adult dog to another owner.

The animal’s amazing intuition makes it possible to clearly distinguish between threats and real danger or games.

Cane Corso males are mostly prone to dominance, so the nature of the Corso is not suitable for every person. The owner must have a stronger will than the pet.

Cane Corso and children

Cane Corso training

When getting a dog with such a character, the owner must protect his environment from the pet, and him from possible dangers in everyday life and on walks. Therefore, training a Cane Corso is extremely important for both the animal and the owner. Molosser-type dogs have an “ancestral memory” of behavioral norms. For an experienced dog lover, the independence and independence of a pet will be a pleasant surprise. Beginners may face insurmountable problems.

Before you begin training, you need to gain the dog's trust. Innate wariness does not allow you to quickly adapt to a new environment. Only when the pet recognizes the person as a friend can training begin.

Home training your pet has its benefits.

  • The baby feels more confident in his familiar environment.
  • There are no extraneous distractions.
  • Self-education promotes maximum closeness between a person and an animal.

But there is also negative sides: puppy, knowing weak sides owner, begins to manipulate him and become capricious. A novice dog breeder may feel sorry for the baby, thereby provoking a manifestation of dominance.

Some training schemes offer a "carrot and stick" approach. This speeds up the learning process, but breaks the psyche of the Cane Corso dog. Education should be based on the principle of mutual respect and encouragement. A dog that is constantly forced to follow the orders of its owner will grow up embittered or cowardly and timid. Negative behavior must be stopped immediately, but gently and without violence.

The coercion method justifies itself only when the dog tries to dominate a person, unjustified aggression and unacceptable behavior.

All Molossians mature later than other dogs, so when training it is important to take into account the age of the pet.

  • 2 months. The puppy begins to feel fear. Separation from the mother and finding a new owner only intensifies the sensations. It is unacceptable to isolate the baby while he gets used to his new place of residence. The owner's task is to calm the pet. At this age, the commands “no” and “place” are learned.
  • 4 months. The baby is ready for walks. Mastering the commands “come to me”, “next to me”, “sit”, “lie down”. The dog must be in contact with its brothers and strangers. Wariness towards strangers is always encouraged, unmotivated aggression is stopped instantly.
  • 6 months. Learning is more difficult. The baby is trying to win his place “in the pack.” It is at this age that the first attempts to dominate the owner are noticeable. Males can exhibit zoo aggression. The females begin their first heat.
  • 7-8 months. The baby is growing up, he begins to " puberty" It is possible to refuse to execute completed commands. The owner's loyal and patient attitude will help you get through this difficult period.
  • Until the age of 4 years, the process of growing up of the pet occurs. His main task will be determined by his status in the family.

Cane Corso training with a professional dog handler is carried out at any age. A specialist will help correct the animal’s behavior and teach how to properly communicate with your pet.

Training Cane Corso. Obedience and education.

How to choose a puppy

Often inexperienced dog breeders make the same mistake when purchasing a Cane Corso puppy. They believe that all dogs are the same, the only difference is their cost. This is wrong.

All purebred dogs are divided into classes.

  1. Pet ( pet). An animal with low exhibition potential, which has some breed defects (color defects, curled tail, malocclusion). Dogs with such defects cannot be bred and will be disqualified from the show ring. But they make excellent companions and guards. Such a baby can be born to titled parents.
  2. Brit. Dog for exhibitions and breeding. They have a good exterior. Such a pet can make a good show career. With proper selection of a pair, you can get high-quality offspring from Brit class individuals.
  3. Show. This class includes units. Expert dog lovers know them firsthand. This is the breeder's pride and they rarely sell such a dog. The baby has not only a brilliant exterior, but also a courageous character.

When choosing a pet, it is worth considering that male dogs exhibit stronger leadership qualities, they are more independent and require stricter control. Bitches are softer and more flexible.

Cane Corso puppies are ready to go to a new owner at the age of 45 days. There is an opinion among dog owners that the sooner you take your baby, the faster and better he gets used to his new place of residence and you can raise the dog “to suit you.” It doesn't make sense, but...

In a professional nursery, all babies receive high-quality education, regardless of whether they remain with the breeder or are sold. You can safely buy a pet that is 4-6 months old, and it will not disappoint. Moreover, at this age the dog’s potential is clearly visible, which is especially important for those who want to exhibit their pet.

By purchasing a puppy from professionals, the future owner receives the following guarantees:

  • Purebred Cane Corso puppy.
  • The baby's parents underwent health tests, they are mentally stable and not aggressive.
  • From the first days of his life, he received proper care, quality feeding and veterinary care.
  • There will be no difficulties with documents for the baby.
  • 24-hour consultations on raising, feeding and treating dogs.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing a specific baby, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Development should be age appropriate.
  • Cane Corso puppies up to 4 months look well-fed and dense.
  • The coat is smooth, without dandruff and bald patches.
  • The skin is clean, without rashes, crusts or scratches.
  • The eyes are shiny, without accumulation of pus in the corners. The eyelids are not inflamed.
  • Ears are free of discharge and odor.
  • Limbs are strong and straight. Club feet, lameness and turning outward are unacceptable.
  • The abdomen is firm, but not bloated. There should be no seals in the navel area.
  • The baby should be curious, active and mischievous.

You should not buy a pet from a nursery where animals are kept in cages or enclosures. With a high degree of probability, such children are not socialized. In such animals adolescence joint problems are often observed due to a sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to determine the dog's resting place. The bed should be located away from radiators and drafts. A quiet, secluded area away from the aisle is an ideal choice.

Important! The dog's bed is inaccessible to guests and children. The animal should feel safe in its place.

Feeding your pet should be complete and balanced. The amount of protein should be 50%. The remaining 50% is allocated to cereals, vegetables and fruits. The dog must receive:

  • Dairy products.
  • Eggs (no more than 2 times a week).
  • Beef motolygi (help strengthen and cleanse tooth enamel).
  • Vegetable oil 1 spoon daily in food.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of bran with food.
  • Vitamin supplements.

It is unacceptable to feed an animal human food, much less waste from the owner’s table. Proper nutrition– deposit good health and long life of the pet.

Health and illness of the Cane Corso

The Cane Corso dog breed, which was revived relatively recently, has a number of genetic diseases.

They are more susceptible to joint problems (dysplasia and dislocation). This pathology is mild degree leads to lameness; in severe cases, the animal is completely immobilized.

Infrequently, inflammation of the third eyelid occurs. The cause may be eye injury, foreign body, strong medications. The third eyelid becomes visible, becomes red and inflamed. Local treatment(drops, ointments) combined with antibacterial or antiviral drugs. In particular difficult cases surgical intervention is indicated.

Eversion and inversion of the eyelid. Not a dangerous disease. Corrected by simple cosmetic surgery.

Bloating and gastric volvulus. These ailments arise due to an incorrectly selected diet and increased activity after eating. Without timely help from a veterinarian, the animal may die.

Thyroid problems and epilepsy are extremely rare. The presence of health tests for parents is a guarantee that the pet will avoid inherited diseases. Healthy pet will please the owner for 10-13 years.

Photo of Cane Corso

To get to know the Cane Corso breed better, you should look at a photo of the dog.

If you have a Cane Corso dog breed in your home, you don’t have to be afraid of ill-wishers. Not a single burglar would risk visiting an apartment where such a pet lives, even if the doors are not closed at all.

Every nation has its own history. The dog “people” also have their own list of victories and defeats. And each breed has an individual list.

Undoubtedly, hereditary anomalies cannot be classified as victories.

In practice, " business card» some breeds are strange, unusual external features animals, and the lion's share of these changes arose initially just as genetic mutation, deviation from the norm.

Other “cute oddities” (from the point of view of geneticists) have become “ side effect» long-term selection during the creation of breeds and even then received love from admirers of beauty.

But not all genetically determined features are safe from the point of view of animal health - such as shaved hair in boxers, a flat muzzle in Japanese Chins, short legs and the elongated body of dachshunds.

There are even less harmless mutations, which are otherwise hereditary pathologies you can't name it. Thoroughbred owners of such deviations are not allowed not only to exhibit, but also to breed in general.

Italian Cane Corso

This breed of impeccable house guard has become a favorite among last decades dog breeders not only abroad, but also in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. It has interesting, unique features.

The Italian Cane Corso is very beautiful and elegant. His subtle intellect, amazing sensitivity, and at the same time strength and endurance, made him truly a true, devoted friend.

But representatives of this group cannot avoid diseases either. amazing breed. Including hereditary ones.

Hereditary diseases of Corso

In fact, the Cane Corso has many genetic abnormalities, and not all of them have been studied yet. Fortunately, a single animal has a limited number of abnormalities out of all those existing in the breed.

It is important to remember those that pose a threat to the health of dogs and at the same time lead to disqualification at exhibitions:

Dental system disorders – incomplete teeth, overshot, undershot.

At first glance, these anomalies are very unpleasant only from an aesthetic point of view. In fact, everything is much more serious. Responsible for their manifestation big number different genes.

Their “joint work” forms several vital systems in the body. And a violation in one of them, like a litmus test, reflects failures in all the others.

That is why the problem of the condition of the dental system in dogs is very acute. For example, it is closely associated with the occurrence of cryptorchidism (undescended testicles).

This is one of the most pressing issues for Italian Cane Corsos;

Taillessness and tail kinks.

The first of the deviations is a clearly disqualifying defect, external consequences the second one is easy to fix. But even in this case, everything is quite difficult.

The development of the spine also involves a large number of hereditary mechanisms.

They are also responsible for the activities of higher nervous system, which can hardly be called flawless in a situation where its main “repository” - the spine - has such serious deviations. They speak volumes;

Mental disorders - overexcitability or, conversely, lethargy.

For such a brave “guardian of order” and responsible “personal bodyguard” as the Cane Corso is, this is simply not acceptable.

The first of the shortcomings borders on aggressiveness, the second on cowardice. After all, centuries-old selection has polished the best “character traits” of the famous Italian.

Between how this subtle sphere is formed and why it is disrupted is a huge mystery of heredity... Genetic science has collected a lot new information in this area, but there are no fewer unanswered questions;


Blood incoagulability is complex genetic disease, which brings a lot of suffering to both the animal and its owner.

Meanwhile, the hereditary mechanism of its formation is very simple from a scientific point of view: only one gene is responsible for it. And it is only their mother who “rewards” her children with this serious problem;

Umbilical hernia.

This anomaly, compared to systemic diseases the body, the most “gentle”, and its consequences are eliminated in the usual way in a veterinary clinic.

Hereditary diseases, which are most common in Italian Cane Corso dogs, affect many body functions at the same time.

Systemic treatment of mental and metabolic disorders is carried out by qualified veterinary specialists using generally accepted methods.

Most of the anomalies, such as tail kinks, cryptorchidism, hernia, dewclaws, are easily eliminated surgically.

And by thoughtful selection of parent pairs of dogs, you can avoid almost any hereditary disorders in puppies.