The emperor's toy - Japanese Chin: description of the breed, the character of the dog, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Japanese Chin: characteristics of the breed Japanese Chin about the breed


Origin: Japan


Usage: Indoor decorative dog

Color: white with black or red spots. Red Chins come in a variety of shades, from very light to almost brown. The spots are well defined. Characteristic sign breeds - colored ears and spots around the eyes

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - about 25 cm, females a little smaller; weight: usually from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, but there are also larger individuals

Lifespan: on average 10-12 years, but chins often live up to 20 years

In their homeland, Japan, these little graceful creatures are treated with reverence.

"Hin" means jewel in Japanese. The Japanese never use the word "dog" ("inu") to refer to chins.

There are dogs, and there are chins - the Sacred Lions of the Buddha. According to legend, chins originated from the union of a lion and a butterfly, and have the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Japanese Chin- a small, slender, graceful dog with a proud posture, a wide short head, huge eyes and long hair.

Japanese Chin dogs, photos of which you have seen more than once, are recognized as a unique breed.

History of the breed

Chin tribal books have been preserved since the 14th century. Their ancestors were dogs that were brought to Japan from China by Buddhist monks.

Another probable version: the Korean emperor gave the ruler of Japan a pair of chins as a token of gratitude in 732.

Until now, many chin nurseries are patronized by the imperial family.

It is almost impossible to buy a dog in such a kennel - they become a precious gift.

The Japanese Chin breed (photo) has long enjoyed special privileges - they had their own servants and doctors, and only royalty could own this treasure.

The Englishman Matthew Colbright Parry brought the chins to the mainland and presented the unprecedented rarity to the queen.

Soon, all of Europe was carried away: chins were smuggled by sea, doomed to certain death.

You can see a true Japanese Chin outside Japan only occasionally at shows.

At home, they are still considered national wealth and do not allow themselves to make a profit from breeding and selling chins.


Miniature Chins are intelligent, emotional, affectionate and playful, like .

They are happy to perform simple tricks and always count on praise; they love to be the center of attention.

Chins are surprisingly loving - they are ready to rejoice at every person they know, but they treat strangers with disdain rather than wariness.

Dogs love walks, but they cannot be called too active.

Favorite places are the back of the sofa and unexpected corners that cats usually choose.

Another similarity with cats is that if you manage to earn the love of a Chin, he will be very gentle and responsive.

The pet will do its best to demonstrate its affection and affection to you, making sounds that are more similar to purring and gurgling than to a dog barking.

Chins are more obedient than most miniature breeds, although sometimes they are stubborn and show character.

Don’t be surprised if your treasure avoids communication, this means that the day before you were inattentive and forgot to testify to your tender feelings for “Mr.

Active and cheerful dogs are balanced and devoted to their owners, just like with.

They excellent companions for those who want to little friend calmly basked on his knees, quietly snoring in his sleep.

Please note that chins really need communication with the owner and constant confirmation special relationship.

Hin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick.


The Japanese Chin is an ideal pet for apartment living.

Many owners never tire of praising the quiet, calm temperament and good manners of this dog.

How to choose a puppy

Purebred dogs are divided into several classes:

  • Pet class. Dogs are pets for the soul.
  • Breeding class. Esterter of high-level breeding class dogs.
  • Show class. These are real aristocrats, there are not many of them. To buy such a dog, you will have to wait a long time for your turn and pay the full price.

If you decide to purchase a breed or show class china, start by visiting exhibitions.

There you will determine which kennel dogs you like, and you will be able to negotiate with the owner about purchasing a puppy from certain parents.

Chins really need communication with their owner and constant confirmation of their special relationship. Khin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick

As in other breeds, Chin males are larger than females, they are more independent and express their gender more clearly.

Male puppies need to be raised strictly; walks with them last longer, and constant supervision is required.

Chin bitches are docile and obedient, all their attention is focused on their owner.

When contacting a breeder, clearly formulate your requirements, and they will select a suitable dog for you.

If you decide to trust your heart and choose a puppy yourself, pay attention to the following points:

  • The puppy's development should correspond to its age.
  • Between the plump and skinny puppies, choose the first.
  • The coat should be, like that of dogs of the breed, shiny and without bald spots, the skin should be free of scratches and wounds, the eyes and ears should be clean.
  • The dog should not limp.
  • Bloated tummy and warm nose they talk about feeling unwell.
  • U healthy puppy a good appetite, fun mood and clear eyes.

All puppies are adorable, but you must understand that they will soon grow up and lose their childish charm.

Chat with the puppies, and you will definitely develop a mutual sympathy with one of them.

At such moments, buyers forget about their demands and take away with them the chin that first climbed onto their laps or licked their nose.

Features of care


Caring for quinines is not difficult. Their coat is straight, so it does not tangle; dogs need to be combed only when shedding in spring and autumn.

There will be no problems with bathing either - three times a year is enough.

The coat is dry, without undercoat, and has a wonderful ability to repel dirt.

Even if the dog has been fussed over on a walk, all it needs to do is dry off, and very soon the lumps of dirt will fall off on their own, and the fur will shine clean again.

Caring for Japanese Chins comes down to examining the ears and eyes.

At the first symptoms of eye inflammation, you need to rinse with tea and carefully wipe the ears with a medicine recommended by a veterinarian.

You can read more about what to do if your dog has pus in his eyes in the article

If the fur between the toes becomes too long, it needs to be trimmed carefully.

Claws are trimmed every 7-10 days so that they do not have time to grow.


The Japanese Chin is very clean; it never picks up anything from the ground or takes anything from the hands of others.

If the owner does not have enough time, the chin does not need to be taken outside; he has been accustomed to neatness since childhood, and immediately understands why a newspaper is laid out in a certain place.

This lap dog feels great at home and does not require daily walks.


Small chins can be voracious, but you should not follow their lead, otherwise the dog will get fat and get sick.

Your dog's diet should include:

  • Animal proteins. Beef, fish, poultry. Fatty meat is excluded.
  • Carbohydrates. Porridges and vegetables must be mixed with meat or fish.
  • Calcium. For breakfast, cottage cheese diluted with kefir is suitable.

There is no need to share “human” food with your dog.

Japanese Chins are not fussy eaters, so you can maintain the diet they were accustomed to from the breeder.

For example, you can feed Chinchina if you are comfortable with it.

Japanese Chins are excellent mothers, so the puppies are always well fed and washed.

From one month on, babies should be fed cottage cheese, diluted milk or kefir.

First, feed the cottage cheese from your finger, then teach the puppies to eat from a saucer.

Only after the kids get used to this diet can you move on to minced meat, and then to small pieces.

By one and a half months, porridge is added to the diet, by two months - boiled vegetables, by three months - raw fruits and vegetables, fish.

Important! Chins sometimes become depressed from jealousy or resentment towards their owner. During such periods, the dog may go on a hunger strike. Don't try to quell a riot by removing the food bowl - you may escalate the situation.

Japanese Chin: the oldest breed of indoor dog

Japanese Chin. Description of the Japanese Chin dog breed. History of the breed. The character of Japanese Chins and their habits. How to choose a Japanese Chin puppy. Features of care and nutrition. What diseases do Japanese Chins suffer from?

small, indoor - decorative breed. Excellent for apartment living. Has a calm temperament, good manners, does not bark in vain, except at a stranger. The Japanese Chin is a graceful little spaniel with a short, wide muzzle and soft coat.

Japanese Chin description and FCI standard

  • The color of the nose is a different color (except black), for white individuals with black spots.
  • Underbite, crooked lower jaw.
  • Solid white color no spots, one spot on the face.
  • Shyness, cowardice.
  • Any dog ​​clearly exhibiting physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

P.S. : Males must have two normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Japanese Chin color

  • White with black
  • White with red spots.

The spots are symmetrically distributed from the area around the eyes, covering the ears, balance on the body is desirable. A wide white blaze from the bridge of the nose to the top of the head is highly desirable.

Description of the Japanese Chin breed

This is a graceful, small, sophisticated dog that delights and decorates the lives of its owners.

She is famous for her balanced character, and her inherent nobility allows one to have no doubt about her exceptional, privileged position in any home and family.

Beautiful and bright color, snow-white silk coat with black or red spots attracts admiring glances and arouses admiration.

The eyes of the Japanese Chin remind us of oriental exoticism, and the wise look of slightly slanted, all-knowing eyes keeps secrets about ancient culture Japan.

A dog needs constant communication and love. Chin does not require heavy grooming and will not disturb your neighbors with unnecessary barking.

This is a dog that has practically no flaws.

Like most long-haired dogs, the Japanese Chin's coat has a very impressive appearance, although grooming does not take much time. She has almost no undercoat, shedding goes unnoticed, and there should be no problems with cleaning. You won't notice clumps on your couch or carpets, as is often the case when long-haired dogs shed.

The structure of the wool is so silky that dirt hardly lingers on it. Even after a walk in the rain or slush, his fur is sufficiently dry.

The Chin's coat does not need constant combing, because it does not fall into tubers and tangles, like the Shih Tzu's; brushing it once a week is enough. It does not need grueling procedures such as trimming, curling, or various haircuts.

Bathing a dog better time at 2-3 months, or as soiled, and use only dog ​​shampoo.

Eyes: Examine your eyes every day and rinse them with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water or making tea. If they remain dark circles for tears under the eyes, buy a special liquid at the pet store to remove tear stains, but remember that you only need to wipe the fur, the liquid should not get into the dog’s eyes! If there is an eye injury, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Photo of Japanese Chin in tulips

Teeth should be brushed 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs. You can control the formation of tartar by adding it to your diet. fresh tomatoes, or rubbing your teeth with tomato paste.

Ears: Inspect your pet’s ears regularly, remove wax deposits with a cotton swab soaked in an ear care product, wipe only the auricle, do not climb into the ear canal.

Remove from ear canal dead hair. Ears should be pale Pink colour, clean, not inflamed. If your ears become inflamed, contact your veterinarian. Japanese Chin, famous good health, he has no problems breathing. In winter, dogs do not freeze and do not need clothing. In summer they tolerate heat well.

You can buy Japanese Chin in nurseries or from an experienced breeder.

Diseases of the Japanese Chin

  • They snore because of their flattened muzzle
  • Dislocation kneecap
  • Cataract
  • Heatstroke

Photo of Japanese Chin

Video of Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a small, graceful dog bred specifically for the role of pet. Breed Features:

  • have an unusual appearance, special grace;
  • are distinguished by a balanced character and self-control;
  • have an independent and proud disposition;
  • strongly attached to the owner;
  • fearless, loyal;
  • very active, cheerful;
  • understanding, obedient;
  • sensitive to the mood of people around them;
  • cannot tolerate rough treatment or a negative environment in the home;
  • similar in behavior to cats (they jump high, like to sleep, climbing higher);
  • Due to the special structure of their muzzles, they snore and make funny sounds (for example, grunting).

a brief description of

What is the difference between the Japanese Chin and the Pekingese?
Chins are slimmer and more graceful, they are distinguished by their poise, courage, and devotion to their owner. Pekingese are smaller - up to 15-23 cm. Another difference is the country of origin. Chins were bred in Japan, Pekingese - in China.

1. If someone in the family does not like dogs. This will cause hostility in the pet, which will result in destructive behavior.

2. If the atmosphere in the house is negative.

Breed not suitable:

1. For those who like to manifest too often positive emotions in relation to the pet. Chins are not very fond of excessive petting.

2. People who are too busy and don’t have time to devote to their dog. sufficient quantity attention.

Do they shed a lot?

Shedding occurs every six months - in spring and autumn. Bitches shed more intensely; the process of coat change can occur after estrus, childbirth, or feeding. Males look more impressive because they have a rich coat.

To get rid of the consequences of shedding, you need to comb your dog at least once a day. Chins have no undercoat, so the owner will not be bothered by scraps of fur flying around the apartment.

How do you cope with cold and heat?
Badly. Heat, cold, and high humidity lead to difficulty breathing and respiratory obstruction. This can cause the death of the pet. If you do not take your dog outside in unfavorable weather and monitor the microclimate in the room, breathing problems can be avoided.
Do I need to cut my hair?

No, representatives of the breed do not need this. To make your pet look neat, you need to trim the hairs on the paws with scissors and remove excess hair on the tail, ears.

Is it necessary to go for a walk?
Yes, walks should be daily. Stay on fresh air has a positive effect on physical and psycho-emotional state pet. For dogs who are not too energetic, it is enough to run around a little in the yard.
What are the reviews about the Japanese Chin?

The owners speak about them mostly positively. Communication with these dogs brings many positive emotions. Chins behave with restraint and do not bark over trifles. This faithful friends, ready to be close to the owner, but they will not impose themselves. They do not smell like dogs, they are clean, they take care of themselves, like cats. The fur repels dirt, so pets always look neat.

Disadvantages include touchiness and jealousy. Many representatives of the breed are picky about food.

How long do they live? Life expectancy is 10-12 years.


  1. Suitable for keeping in small apartments.
  2. You can train him to the tray.
  3. They have a stable psyche.
  4. Not inclined to dominate.
  5. Affectionate and friendly.
  6. They have good guard qualities.
  7. They love children.
  8. They rarely bark.
  9. No undercoat, sheds moderately.
  10. Get along well with other dogs and cats.


  1. Required regular care behind the fur, eyes.
  2. They cannot tolerate separation from their owner.
  3. Daily walks are required, otherwise the dog's character will deteriorate.
  4. Poorly adapt to new surroundings.
  5. If they lack attention, they get sick and may start gnawing things.
  6. Sensitive to summer heat and winter cold.
  7. Without proper upbringing, a dog grows up capricious and self-willed.

Photo of Japanese Chin

Character, behavioral characteristics

The character of the Japanese Chin breed is distinguished by its balance. They behave calmly and will not make a fuss over trifles. However, these dogs are quite active and are always willing to play.

Compared to others small breeds They have a stable psyche, but can become depressed if they do not pay enough attention. A dog's mood can be determined by the position of its tail. If it is raised, the pet is in a good mood. If the chin feels insecure, it hangs its tail down.

Due to their behavioral characteristics, they are often compared to cats. Chins are jumping creatures, they like to sleep, having climbed to heights, and can perch on the owner’s shoulder. Just like cats, they carefully take care of themselves, washing themselves with their paws.

Learning ability

This smart dogs and excellent listeners, older chins know and understand many words. They learn quickly and can be trained well if the owner is persistent and patient. They are able to make their own decisions and may refuse to fulfill a request if it turns out to be inappropriate or ridiculous in their opinion. They quickly get bored with monotonous, too long activities.

Attitude towards the owner and children

They are loyal and strongly attached to their owner. They try to be nearby all the time and not let him out of sight, but they will not impose their company. The dog understands everything perfectly and subtly senses the owner’s emotions; its character is formed in accordance with the psychological situation in the house.

Representatives of the breed are friendly with other household members. They are very friendly towards children and can allow themselves to be squeezed. If a child starts to bother you or accidentally hurts you, the dog will never bite, but will simply hide.

Attitude towards strangers

They are shy, very wary of strangers, but do not show aggression, they will only notify the owner by barking. To a stranger It will be very difficult to gain the trust of such a dog.

Attitude towards pets

They treat other pets well, but you should not take the chin into a home where there is a large dog. She can behave aggressively, and representatives of the breed do not tolerate rude treatment well. Dogs on the street are usually ignored. Sometimes it appears hunting instinct towards small animals, but it is more like curiosity, a desire to play.

Japanese Chins are kept only in residential premises. It is necessary to control the microclimate, since dogs are sensitive to high humidity and temperature changes. The house should not be too cold in winter, and not too hot in summer. Keeping a dog involves daily walks 1-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes. You can play and run with your pet outside.


Combing - 1-2 rubles/week, during the molting period - daily. Purchase metal or plastic tools with antistatic coating:

  • massage brush without protective balls (they damage hairline);
  • comb with straight, rounded teeth;
  • slicker brush (for combing ear fur and untangling small tangles);

To apply some cosmetics and for styling you will need a brush with natural bristles.

Before combing, lightly moisten your hair using an antistatic agent, detangler or conditioner diluted with water. Combing order:

  1. Using a massage brush, comb the dog from bottom to top in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Comb your tail, lifting the hairs up. This will allow you to achieve beautiful styling coat.
  3. Gently comb the fur on the ears with a slicker brush.
  4. Use a fine-tooth comb and a bristle brush to complete the style.

IN winter period It is recommended to apply a product containing fatty acid. Trim the ends of the fur regularly using scissors. Remove hair growing in ears and between the fingers. Keep the fur clean in the area of ​​the abdomen, anus, and feathering on the paws. Dirt can be removed with cleansing wipes.

Bathing - 1-2 rubles/month. or due to contamination. After a walk, the dog’s paws, tummy area, genitals, anus. Exhibition animals need to be bathed 4-6 times a week, this is due to the need to remove special cosmetics.

Try to reduce the water hardness to maintain the natural structure of the coat. For this purpose, use special products or weakly concentrated solutions of vinegar, citric acid. Wash your dog with slightly warm water or cool water, because of the heat, the hairs split and break. You will need 2 types of shampoos (the first for cleansing, the second for adding structure), and conditioner. You can buy cleaning cosmetics designed for Shih Tzu and Setters.

Washing procedure:

  1. Dilute the shampoo with water. Areas with heavy contamination can be washed with undiluted product.
  2. Wet your pet's fur.
  3. Apply the cleaning solution using massaging movements.
  4. Rinse off the first shampoo, then apply the second.
  5. Massage the fur.
  6. Rinse off the shampoo.
  7. Wash the face with a soapy sponge; the detergent should not get into the dog’s eyes.
  8. Apply conditioner over the entire length of the coat, then rinse it off. Some products do not require rinsing.

Squeeze out excess moisture. To do this, run your fingers several times along the sides, along the back, along the paws from top to bottom. Gently dry the dog. You can take absorbent wipes or towels. Do not rub the fur too vigorously, otherwise it will become brittle. Light pressing movements are sufficient.

To dry the wool, put a special blanket on the dog. It will absorb the remaining water and protect against hypothermia. After 2 hours, you need to remove it and then comb the dog.

Wool can be dried with a hairdryer, then a blanket is not needed. The air should not be too hot. Dry the wool with a hairdryer in the direction of its growth, and on the shirtfront, fringes on the paws, and panties - against the direction of growth. Turn off the hair dryer from time to time to allow the hairs to cool. You can leave the wool a little damp. After bathing, the dog should stay indoors for at least 2 hours.

Dry the fur on the ears first against the growth, and then in the direction of the growth of the fur. To save appearance after combing an exhibition animal, treat the fur with an anti-matt agent, liquid silk or a conditioner that does not require rinsing. Then gather the tows into curling irons and secure with thin elastic bands.

  • Eyes: Remove discharge from the corners with a damp cotton swab. For inflammation, place dowels under your eyelids eye ointment"Tetracycline" or use drops of "Levomycetin". If hairs or debris are found in the eyes, remove them with cotton wool moistened with water.
  • Fold of skin running along the nose, bridge of the nose: wipe special means using cotton swab.
  • Nails: Trim the ends with a nail clipper as they grow. Long claws can cause finger injuries.
  • Ears: To prevent wax from accumulating, you can instill special drops. Before bathing, place in ear canals dogs cotton wool, pre-impregnated with castor or Vaseline oil. After drying the wool, wipe inner part ears with a special lotion, which must first be applied to cotton wool.
  • Teeth: brushing with early age. Brush your puppy's teeth with crushed chalk applied to a cotton swab. When the dog grows up, buy it at a pet store for cleaning. toothbrush and pasta. You can give seeds impregnated with fluorine and calcium.

Health, tendency to disease

Representatives of the breed are often diagnosed with the following diseases:

  1. Congenital dislocation of the knee. The cause is developmental disorders in the prenatal period. The main symptom is lameness. Shown surgery, supporting drug treatment.
  2. Subluxation eyeball. It manifests itself as eye loss due to head injury and pressure on the neck. Reason: structural features of the eye sockets. To restore visual function, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.
  3. Cataract. Degenerative disease, characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye. Diagnosed in older dogs. Conservative treatment ineffective, surgery will be required to restore vision.
  4. Allergic reactions. They appear as a result of an unbalanced diet. Symptoms: frequent scratching, hair loss, skin rashes, copious discharge from the eyes. Treatment consists of eliminating allergenic foods from the menu. Used to relieve symptoms antihistamines, enterosorbents.

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance, education

  • slanted eyes (typical for representatives of the breed);
  • White teeth;
  • pink gums;
  • cold and wet nose;
  • shiny fur;
  • clean ears;
  • healthy skin;
  • no lameness.

You should not take a puppy with overly bulging eyes. The absence of premolars and one or two incisors is acceptable. It is better to buy a baby aged 3 months or older. Such puppies are already vaccinated, toilet and orderly trained, and are not afraid of people.

Small chinas are very fragile, so they can easily get injured even at home. Follow a number of rules that will ensure the safety of your baby:

  1. Always remember that the puppy can be under your feet at any second, so try to move around the apartment slowly and carefully.
  2. Close doors very carefully.
  3. Remove all wires from the floor.
  4. Hide it away detergents, medications, household chemicals and etc.
  5. Do not allow small children to roughly grab the puppy or disturb his sleep.
  6. Do not lift your baby by his front legs. It would be correct to clasp it with two hands: one under the chest, the other under the hips.

A puppy must have toys. Balls with harmless dyes and items made of durable cast rubber are suitable. You can buy toys made from tendons, cartilage, and dried ears. Do not give objects made of soft rubber, foam rubber, or polyethylene.

Caring for a Japanese Chin includes toilet training. Place the baby on a diaper, newspapers, in a tray every time after sleep or eating. When the puppy does his business, praise him.

Walk your chin on a thin ring cord. It is better not to buy a collar, it leads to drying of the fur. You can’t use a harness either, it will ruin your posture. Do not allow your pet to come into contact with more large dogs, take him in your arms. The dog can be allowed to run freely only if it responds to its name and comes when called.

Education, training

Chins are intelligent, distinguish the slightest shades of mood, so raising them is not difficult. As a punishment for an offense, a strict tone is sufficient. Physical pressure is unacceptable; at most, you can lightly slap the puppy with a rolled-up newspaper. You should not poke your dog’s nose into puddles or piles left in in the wrong place. This will humiliate her. Be patient, sooner or later the puppy will learn to go to the toilet only in the designated place.

The Japanese Chin is fairly easy to teach commands. At 2 months The dog must know its name. At this age, she can be accustomed to her place. Training begins at 3 months.

The first command that the dog must master is “come to me.” It is necessary for the safety of the pet. The command must first be practiced indoors. Then you can start training outside. Other necessary commands: “no”, “sit”, “near”.

If you devote 10 minutes to training every day, the grown-up dog will become obedient and well-mannered. To prevent your chin from losing interest in learning, the duration of one lesson should not be longer than 5 minutes. Important condition– good mood of the owner and pet. Please note that chins often forget acquired skills, so regular repetition of already mastered commands is necessary.


The health and appearance of the dog depends on a properly formulated diet. Food should be high in calories, since representatives of the breed eat little and move a lot. One of the features of chins is chewing thoroughly stern. Feeding frequency per day:

  • 1.5 - 3 months - 4-5 rubles. (from 8:00 to 23:00);
  • from 4 to 12 months - 3-4 rubles;
  • older than a year - 2 times.

Determine the size of a single serving individually depending on the weight and appetite of the pet. The optimal ratio of protein to vegetable food is 3:1 for puppies and 2:1 for adults. Food should not have a liquid consistency.

Protein food:

  • lean beef (preferably raw) - at least a third of the daily diet;
  • offal, poultry, sea ​​fish- boiled;
  • fermented milk (ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • milk (preferably diluted) – up to 3-5 months;
  • 1⁄2 boiled yolk- 1-2 rubles/week. (for adult animals only).

Plant food:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • vegetables (boiled, stewed or raw - grated and mixed with vegetable oil);
  • fruits (except grapes, figs, persimmons).

Occasionally you can give a little honey. It is necessary to introduce fats into the diet, both vegetable and animal, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements. The optimal food temperature is room temperature.


  • pork;
  • fatty and strong broths;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty, fried foods;
  • sausages;
  • bread, pasta;
  • cheese, sour cream, cream;
  • egg white;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • food from the table;
  • any bones.

Confirmation of a properly formulated diet is the dog’s excellent appearance: eyes without streaks, shiny fur, healthy skin. After feeding, wash the bowl and put it away. The pet must have free access to drinking water.

FCI breed standard

Head The skull is rounded and wide. The forehead is slightly convex.
Stop Deep, depressed.
Nose Wide, short bridge of the nose. The lobe is located in line with the eyes. The nostrils are well open. The lobe is black. In white-red individuals it can be colored to match the color of the spots.
Jaws/teeth The bite is straight. Overshot and scissor bite are allowed. Teeth white.
Eyes Round shape, large. Widely spaced. Black color. A slanted look is desirable; the effect is created by the whites in the inner corners of the eyes.
Ears Sufficiently long, set wide. Triangular shape. Hanging, covered with long hair.
Neck Short, standing tall.
Breast Deep, moderately wide.
Back Strong, short.
Small of the back Slightly convex, wide.
Stomach Well toned.
Forelegs The forearms are straight, the bones are thin.
Hind limbs With moderate angles.
Paws Small, elongated shape.
Tail Throwed on the back. Covered with abundant long hair.
Wool Long, silky, straight. Abundant decorative hair is located on the ears, neck, hips, and tail.
Color White with spots (black or red). The spots are located symmetrically around the eyes and ears (including the ears). It is desirable to have a wide white blaze from the bridge of the nose to the top of the head.
  • any deviation from the description of the Japanese Chin breed;
  • curved lower jaw;
  • undershot;
  • white color without spots;
  • the presence of one spot on the face;
  • shyness.

Historical reference

Country of origin: Japan. The first mention of dogs similar to chins dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. In Japan, these animals were treated in a special way; they were kept exclusively in palaces and temples. Even now there is a belief that chin protects housing from evil spirits. These dogs are capable of restoring peace of mind, relieve a person from the consequences of stress.

Breed selection began in the 14th century. Preference was given to dogs with slanted eyes and a somewhat absent-minded expression of the muzzle, since among the Japanese a direct gaze is considered too frank and causes anxiety. There was no ban on exporting the breed to other countries, so such dogs were often given to ambassadors.

The first appearance of chins in Great Britain dates back to 1613, the dog was presented to Catherine of Portugal, the wife of King Charles II. In the 17th century, the breed became quite common in Europe. These dogs were brought to the USA in 1854. The breed was officially registered in 1888, and a kennel club was created in 1912.

IN Tsarist Russia Japanese Chins were unpopular, although noble families willingly purchased them before World War I. In the USSR, breeding began in the 60s. 20th century. Before this, Chins were crossed with dogs similar to Pekingese. In the early 70s, several purebred sires were imported from Germany, from which good offspring were obtained. The nieces of Academician I.P. Pavlov were also involved in breeding. Official standard was approved on 08/09/1977, previously the breed was called the “Japanese spaniel”.

The Japanese Chin is considered a rather rare, but very popular dog breed. The Japanese Chin dog breed is also often called the Japanese Spaniel. The name of the breed is translated as “precious dog”. These small and brave animals are considered family dogs. They love to indulge, fool around, have fun and spend a lot of time with their owner.

A little history

There is still a lot of talk about the history of the appearance of the Japanese Chin breed. unsolved mysteries. In the canine literature you can find a lot of information about these dogs, but most of it consists of simple myths and fiction. However, there is some officially confirmed data that suggests that the ancestors of the breed come from Tibet. Currently, in Tibet there is also one breed that has many similarities with the Japanese spaniel, with the exception of color. This breed is the Tibetan spaniel.

There is quite interesting fact– Pugs and Japanese Chins have a common ancestor – the Tibetan Toy.

The first representatives of the Chin breed came to Japan as a gift to the ruler from Tibetan monks. There is another version that said that the monks were against the export of dogs. However, this version is implausible, since all the breeds that were bred in Tibet are still considered very rare due to conservative export rules.

The first evidence that confirmed the existence of Chin dogs was recorded about 3 thousand years ago. Some scientists say that the breed was born even earlier. There is a controversial point here. Some sources claim that Chins and Pekingese were described as the same breed. Thus, it cannot be said that such a long story describes only the Japanese spaniel.

There is another version, which indicates that the breed belongs exclusively to Japan. Some experts claim that quinines originated and developed exclusively in Japan. And this fact can be confirmed by frescoes that are 3 thousand years old.

Since religion in Japan is very multifaceted, from the point of view of the clergy, Japanese Chins are considered divine dogs.

According to the latest and most interesting version, Japanese spaniels were born from the union of a lion and a monkey . And such an unusual union was formed thanks to the Buddha's forbearance. One day the king of beasts complained to Buddha about his unrequited love to the monkey. His complaint was heard. Only now the beast had to pay for his size, since the monkey he loved was from the genus of macaques. Buddha made the lion much smaller in size. The lion confessed his love to his macaque, and soon an unusual baby was born - a Japanese chin. Buddha took care of future life baby. The dog grew up kind and obedient, since she did not have to hunt, and she ate exclusively from the royal table.

Gallery: Japanese Chin (25 photos)

Description of the Japanese Chin breed

Externally quinine- These are decorative dogs with elegance, grace and emotionality, which is characteristic of imperial persons. Chins have a rather wide muzzle, which is decorated with long and shiny hair. As for the character of the Japanese Chin, they are balanced, forgiving, intelligent and good-natured creatures.

The weight and height of the animal are not specified in the basic breed standards, since the main focus is on body composition. Usually, average height an adult dog is 26 cm at the withers. Bitches are a little shorter. The weight of dogs depends on their size and gender. Their weight can range from 1.5 kg to 7 kg.

But how is Japanese different? Spaniel from Pekingese? First of all, it is worth noting that the Japanese Spaniel comes from Japan, and the Pekingese is of Chinese origin. The Chinese Pekingese is smaller in size, their height on average is 15-23 cm, and their weight is 3-6 kg. Japanese Chins are very brave and ready to protect their owner, while Chinese Pekingese are more aristocratic and very passionate about themselves.

Both Japanese Chins and Chinese Pekingese are easy to train. Chins enjoy training , and Chinese Pekingese They obey their teacher only because it is necessary.

The breed standards are as follows:


Japanese Chins can be proud of their luxurious coat, which, as a rule, does not create any particular problems for either the dog or its owner. The body of the animal is covered with very thick hair, which fits tightly to the undercoat. The hair is much longer on the ears, on the upper parts of the forelimbs, on the thighs and on the tail. Muzzle and lower front part of the front and hind limbs has shorter hair.

As a rule, the color of the Japanese Chin can be of two options. In this case, the main color is always white, and the secondary color is black or red. There are on the body large spots red or black, which are evenly spaced. Dogs with tan spots have brown pigmentation on the nose and light-colored irises.


Each breed has its pros and cons regarding character, and the Japanese Chin is no exception. The disadvantages lie in the specific structure of the muzzle, that is, in the health of the pet.

As for the character of the dog, here we can only highlight positive points. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that that wrong upbringing may cause defects.

The main characteristics mean correctly well-mannered dog with an imperial disposition. At proper education, the chins are becoming good friends, very patient with small children . Animals love walks, they simply vitally need socialization - communication with the outside world.

Japanese Chins are decorative breed, which is intended for indoor living only. The animal will feel more comfortable in a small home.

At first glance, it might seem that the content of quin is a very troublesome matter, but this is absolutely not the case.

The dog needs to be brushed periodically. During the shedding season, chins need to be brushed every day until the undercoat is completely removed. Bitches tend to shed more hair and the cables remain fluffy even in the summer months.

In addition to wool, you need to pay attention to:

  • Eyes and ears on a daily basis;
  • Eyelids and areas around the eyes that often water;
  • Cleaning your ears a couple of times a month;
  • Brushing your teeth if necessary and for preventive purposes;
  • Nail trimming.


Feeding chins should be balanced. The diet should include mandatory proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements are present. There are three types of feeding:

If the puppy has just moved to new house, then for the first 2 weeks you cannot change the type of food, as well as the feeding schedule.

The Japanese Chin comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. Bred to be a source Have a good mood in the imperial palace. In the animal’s homeland, the word “dog” will never be used in relation to it. She is a treasure for the local people. Let's take a closer look at this beautiful creature.

Description and photo

Let's start the description of the breed with the appearance of the animal.

Standard and appearance

Chins get along well with children, but only school age and older. They don’t really like little ones, as they can easily offend them. They get along easily with other pets, even with.

Important! Due to the fact that chins have flattened faces, it is difficult for them to breathe in the heat and severe frost. Therefore, they live better in an apartment or in a house, but not on the street.

How to care for a dog

The breed does not require special care. and curls are not for her.


The dogs are very neat. After walks, even in terrible slush, the white fur will remain clean, since the dirt does not stick to it, but simply rolls off. But you need to constantly comb a long fur coat - it gets tangled very quickly.

The fur on the paw pads requires trimming as it grows.


Clean Chins are rarely bathed. Only if the animal is heavily soiled, or before an exhibition. You can use dry shampoo, but only in extreme cases. To make the coat shine better, after water procedures apply it to it special cream. If you need your animal's fur to dry faster, you can use a hairdryer.

Inspect for irritations and infections

This inspection should be carried out regularly, especially after walks. The ears and eyes are cleaned approximately once a week using a cotton swab and a special solution. The veterinarian picks him up. Teeth are brushed weekly. Claws are trimmed as they grow.

Walking and physical activity

When walking, the chin constantly strives to climb somewhere. Therefore, it is better to walk him within the city on a leash, and outside the city, where there are no buildings, you can let the dog run. Before a walk, it is advisable to wear a tick collar, as these insects can easily crawl from the grass onto your pet’s long fur coat.

If you are an active person and like to jog, be sure to take your pet with you. Despite their graceful appearance, chins are very hardy and are able to cover long distances.

You are a calm and balanced person - nothing to worry about. Hina will be happy to commit walking with you. This will be enough for them. If there is no time for a walk, the animal will understandably go to the toilet for a potty or a newspaper.

What to feed your pet

Puppies love to eat. But you shouldn’t overfeed them, otherwise it will lead to obesity and a number of health problems. The menu for both adult and small dogs should include: beef, fish, poultry, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir.

If it is convenient for you, you can feed the animal with special ones.

If your female has given birth to offspring, then one month old babies should be given cottage cheese mixed with milk or kefir. When the puppy learns to eat this mixture on its own, you can gradually introduce minced meat. At 1.5 months, porridge is added to the diet, at two - boiled vegetables, at three - fresh vegetables and fish.

About training and education

The breed is easy to handle, unlike others small dogs. When training, always be gentle and praise your pet as much as possible. Doesn't always accept rewards in the form of treats. You need to train every day, but exercises should be alternated so as not to get bored.

Having mastered basic commands, Chin can easily learn unusual tricks.

Important! No aggression, cruelty or harsh words during training. Otherwise it will only get worse.

Breed health

They do not have any particular health problems. If the disease overcomes, it can strike:

  • endocrine system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • eyes;
  • reproductive system;
  • skeleton.

The appearance of these ailments is associated with its genetic feature- dwarfism. Violation of proportions in the skeleton leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs. This does not mean that your pet will necessarily develop one of the listed ailments. Follow all the rules for caring for and maintaining your pet, and it will live with you for many years.

Japanese Chin- a peace-loving animal that is always near its owner. The older the pet, the stronger its devotion and stronger the bond with its owner. Therefore, do not leave your pet alone for a long time and do not hand it over to the wrong hands, otherwise it will be very stressful for him.