How to live a long time without getting sick: debunking myths. How to live long - simple tips on how to live a long life

There is now more research confirming that signs of aging are caused by lifestyle. We can agree, heredity and luck play a role important role, but how long a person lives is influenced by himself.

The most curious thing is that following the advice there is no need to “live in a dark room and eat only rice”, following the advice will help you get up every day with more energy and less often feel sick or depressed.

  1. How healthy is fish?

Fish is a good source of high quality proteins, best source fatty acids, omega 3, important component to maintain proper activity of the brain and heart, eating river or sea fish several times a week maintains mental alertness for a long time and helps to live long.

Delicious fish, tuna or salmon, are the healthiest.

You can take a capsule of the extract fish oil every day.

  1. Choose whole foods

Eat bread to live long coarse, 100 times better than a bun, and 100 times healthier. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains maintains normal blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of obesity and increases the dietary fiber content of meals.

Whole grains will give you a greater feeling of fullness, therefore, eat less of other foods.

Make sure that the labels on food products made from cereals, breads and bakery products include the words “unrefined” or “whole”.

  1. To live long, eat well, but don’t indulge in “gluttony”

Eating large amounts of food increases risk heart attack an hour after eating, therefore, it is preferable to eat lighter and more frequent meals.

To live long, you should eat several times a day, easily, instead of three traditional meals, to maintain stable blood glucose levels and give more energy.

Choose salads as a first course, fruits for dessert, and try to prepare second courses without sauces or fried foods.

  1. Move!

Numerous studies prove that a person who is physically active throughout life, and therefore more resilient, has a reduced mortality rate from various diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Exercise makes you feel better, more relaxed and happier, a good enough reason to live long and lead active image life? You will have a beautiful and athletic body.

There is no time for training, it doesn’t matter if you train daily and regularly.

  1. Don't "oxidize"

Eat foods rich in antioxidants, with low content fats, will prevent an increase in body oxidation, which directly affects longevity. This is due to a decrease in the oxidation of food during metabolism.

You don't need to eat less food to consume fewer calories, just choose lean foods, fruits and vegetables

Eat more products containing antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and gluten.

  1. Be happy!

Happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies that prove happiness allows you to live long.

Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, on your positive or negative attitude towards life.

Try to smile more often, you will see, it will make you look at things in the most in a positive way, will stimulate the mind, feel happier.

  1. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep duration can cause physical, mental and hormonal changes(the secretion of hormones released during sleep changes). It has a negative effect on the body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less time than they should.

Sleeping more is the best solution to live long.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. Keep the bedroom dark and the temperature no more than 20 ºC.

  1. Don't you like broccoli?

A substance that gives a bitter taste to cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts– makes broccoli healthy – sulfurophan. The substance - sulfurophan, a chemical combined with sulfur, protects against certain types of cancer. Learn to eat these foods several times a week, and you will live much longer.

Broccoli – contains higher amounts of sulfurophan. Sulforaphane (isothiocyanate) was first isolated in 1959 from watercress (Carddria draba), which contains it in huge quantities].

Luckily, there are broccoli extracts available in capsule form.

One of the reasons why Mediterranean Spanish cuisine is healing, widely used olive oil. Olive oil - powerful antioxidant, protects the skin and blood vessels. Reduces cholesterol levels and arterial pressure. It has been confirmed that people who consume olive oil throughout their lives have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and arthritis. Unrefined olive oil is the healthiest and will help you live long.

Olive oil has a delicious taste that enhances food.

  1. Watch your weight, lose a few kilos

According to WHO information, the top 10 causes of death are due to diseases associated with overweight. Many studies show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

Reset extra pounds will improve life and health in general.

By doing exercise, you will lose calories and prolong your life.

  1. Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemical substances, relaxing blood vessels. Laughter stimulates immune system, helps to recover from illnesses and live longer.

Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with joyful people!

Try watching a humorous film or TV series every evening.

  1. Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed that those who control themselves in life have longer duration life. For example, support working life under control, reduces stress, especially if the work is responsible.

Your boss will want to reduce your stressful state, if good condition allows you to work better.

Starting to exercise will help maintain your physical and mental balance.

  1. Choose red

Red foods - tomatoes, peppers, are rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer, according to at least 50% and improves the cardiac system

Tomato cooked with a little olive oil (forming a delicious tomato sauce) is effective in prolonging life.

There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

  1. Essential fatty acids

Fatty acid(linoleic and linolenic acids) vital for the human body. Fatty acid - important means anti-aging, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, increase the level of HDL cholesterol or “good” cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acid are effective for athletes.

Fat sea ​​fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

  1. Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is found in sufficient form in food, therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is harmful to the body, salt accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, leading to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Get used to doing without salt. You will stop noticing that the food is tasteless.

Replace the salt with some spices, they will add flavor to the food, and you will improve your health.

Yoga is ideal for all athletes and sedentary people in particular. Improves flexibility, promotes neuromuscular communication, improves concentration, increases strength. Yoga helps you relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means a more long life.

Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through awareness of breathing, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, and expands range of motion.

For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind.

  1. Avoid the smog

It's not news that environmental pollution is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Pollution particles increase the risk of heart attack or lung disease.

If you live in a city with highest degree pollution, try spending hot days in air-conditioned buildings. If you are studying physical exercise outdoors, do exercises preferably in the morning or at night, avoiding crowded streets. You can go and live in the country.

  1. Choose your favorite animal

Having a pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Having a dog to walk increases your time fresh air, you can do exercises in the fresh air.

A pet won't leave you, a girlfriend/or friend can do the same.

  1. Get married

Married men live longer, according to research. Two possible reasons: First, maintain a happy relationship, good for the body and mind. The second, marriage, helps men put their lives in order, healthy food and getting rid of bad habits... drinking too much, staying out late, etc.

Don't look at your friends' marriage failures.

  1. Enjoy your sex life

Sex increases life expectancy, an argument to increase your sex life.

Everyone dreams of learning the secret of longevity. It would be so nice to understand the secret of a happy and long life. Especially if it would allow you to do nothing and still remain strong and healthy. Such advice exists, and it is far from secret. Just follow these 10 guidelines and you will live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

Eating healthy never hurt anyone

It will not be a revelation to anyone that centenarians try to eat healthy. But the hamburgers are so delicious! However, if you want to live happily ever after, you will have to part with them. Just associate each sandwich you eat with a certain period of your life. If you ate a sandwich, you took a week of your life, your beloved one. I agree, the comparison may seem stupid, but in fact this statement is not so far from the truth. Try to follow this rule: make sure that 80% of the food you eat is natural. This should include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, legumes, dairy and produce.

Get as much sleep as you need

Sleep has a huge impact on our lives. If you want to be successful and productive, then do not forget about healthy holiday. It is commendable that you can sleep two hours a day and function almost perfectly, but your body will not forgive you for this. He doesn’t care that you have an urgent report or session. He requires rest.

Quit smoking right now

Scientists have long established that smokers shorten their lives by at least seven years and, in the long term, get nothing but illnesses and poor health. The faster you quit, the more birthdays you will celebrate.

Don't forget about physical activity

Movement is life, no matter what they tell you. Once you start practicing, you will only get benefits. You will feel much better. You'll look great. And since you look great, your self-esteem immediately rises by several points. Confident people are guaranteed to become more successful. And success, as we know, helps extend our lives.

Be sociable

Your sociality is one of the most important aspects long and happy life. Just organize a meeting with friends you haven't seen for a long time. Call your grandma, aunt or nephew. You will immediately notice that there are people around you who care about you. Simple communication can cheer you up at least until the end of the day. But good mood also a guarantee of longevity.

If you like to drink, then do it wisely

This is one of the most important tips for future centenarians. People who don't smoke, exercise, eat healthy and drink wisely live 14 years longer than those around them who don't. It’s better, of course, not to drink at all or limit yourself to one glass of whiskey or wine.

Become a dreamer

All happy people- dreamers. They strive upward and are not afraid to fall. In fact, such individuals are comfortable with failure, because it is an integral part of their growth and development. Don't be afraid to take risks and win too. Only by trying something new will you know what you are capable of.

Don't let go of your thirst for knowledge

People who have lived long and happy life, followed one rule: they tried to find out and learn as much new things as possible. Your education does not end at school. Try to learn something new every day. Indeed, in our time it has become such an easy and accessible process. We are surrounded by information everywhere. We can read a book, go online and find absolutely everything there. But just don’t forget about healthy communication. Your friends can also tell you a lot of new and interesting things.

Remember your family and friends

Ask 100 passersby what is most important in life, and you will get the answer - family and friends. If not everyone will answer this way, then most certainly will. But we very often forget about our family. We have too much to do and not enough time. We don't have 24 hours to work. What a family this is! But this is irresponsible. Family is truly the most important thing in life. You can always find at least a couple of minutes a day to just call your family. Instead of your Twitter and Instagram feed, call your mom.

Be grateful for what you have

Some of us think too much about what we want to achieve and get. In this race we do not notice many pleasant and good things around us. Be grateful for what you have. It will make you happier - scientifically proven. One study confirmed that people who are happy with what they have are more optimistic, happier, and even sleep better than those who are irritable and grouchy.

These simple and obvious tips will help you fill your life with meaning and make it long and happy. Perhaps all of the above is banal for you and should not even be said about it. But in the bustle of days, we sometimes forget the simplest things. Perhaps these tips will help you. Then everything was not in vain.

What advice can you give for a long and happy life?

Do you want to maximize your youth and improve your health? And who doesn’t want to! We have already told you. And today we’ll tell you what else you need to do to extend your life!

We all know that bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food they don't lead to anything good. It is precisely because of the careless attitude towards own body and our body gets sick, we look bad and we age faster. Therefore, the sooner you reconsider your attitude towards your lifestyle and change it to better side, those more likely live to age 90 feeling great.

#3 Exercise

A lot of what the doctors say contradicts one another. For example, to lose weight, you need to train almost to the limit of your capabilities. On the other hand, in order to live long, you cannot overwork yourself physically. The production of D-lactic acid () is harmful to the body. Therefore, if your figure is not an issue for you, make sure that during training your heart rate does not rise above 140 beats per minute.

No. 4 Meal schedule

Train yourself to eat 4-6 times a day, instead of 2-3. This schedule maintains stable glucose levels in the body and smooth functioning gastrointestinal tract. If you eat rarely but a lot, it causes sharp jumps insulin in the blood, and it destroys blood vessels.

No. 5 Diet

Eat simple food: cereals, vegetables, meat. Try to avoid store-bought sauces, mixtures, cakes, and semi-finished products. Your diet should consist of 75% plant food, incl. porridge, and 25% protein (meat, eggs, dairy products). It is not at all necessary to pay for some expensive fruits and vegetables, pay attention to the usual and. Not only are these products very healthy, but you can also use them to prepare a lot of non-standard and very tasty dishes.

No. 6 Nutritional features

Consume peptides and pectins. These substances improve biochemical processes in the body and help eliminate toxins. The first rich in seaweed, chicken and dairy products. The second ones are apples, bananas and persimmons. Every day - two glasses of kefir or yogurt. These drinks reduce self-poisoning by metabolic products, preventing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing the intestinal microflora.

#7 Peace of mind

The most destructive effect on the body is not even alcohol and cigarettes, but stress. When you are often and very nervous, the work of the brain is depleted and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functions of the entire body, is disrupted. If you feel like you can't cope with stress, make an appointment with your doctor and start taking. This will help you avoid getting yourself into trouble. nervous exhaustion and depression.

No. 8 Dream

It's not even about full sleep(although this is certainly important), but about the time when you go to bed. For stable functioning of the body, you need to fall asleep no later than 24.00, and preferably earlier. This way your body will be able to produce a hormone that regulates the functioning of the brain, immune and other systems, works as an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of cells.

Do you know what the most important factor for longevity? Happiness and... After all, you can live up to 100 years, complaining about fate and the people around you, but such longevity will be of no use.

You need to try at every moment of your life to act in such a way that at 95, holding your great-grandchildren on your knees, you can look back and say: “What a wonderful life I have lived!”. We wish you this with all our hearts!

In this article you will find tips and effective techniques how to live long. Plus, you will learn about how many years you can actually win back from fate) and what factors can harm your longevity.

How long can a person live?

Scientists were looking for a medicine to prolong life, and they succeeded. But just enough to extend the life of individual individuals (worms, mice... people) compared to the average species life expectancy. But there is no way to jump over the maximum limit for the species (for a person 120 years old).

Where did the figure 120 years come from? Firstly, from observations of the age of centenarians. Secondly, many researchers believed so in their works. For example, the famous Russian immunologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov: “The norm of human life is 120 years”

Official life expectancy figures:

  • According to Rosstat average duration lives of Russians in 2014 increased slightly compared to 2013, and was 70.8 years . Moreover, for men this value is 65.1 years, and for women 76.3 years.
  • Maximum lifespan person according to the Guinness Book of Records (full verification - i.e. reliable confirmed written documents about the dates of birth and death) - is 122 years for women (to the Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Calment), and 120 years for men (Japanese Shigechio Izumi)

The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the following age categories: young people (up to 45 years old), average age- (45-60), elderly (60-75), old people (75-90), centenarians (over 90).

If you live in Russia, then you can get Extra time life at about 50 years old (120+122)/2-70,8=50,2).

Imagine being able to live 70% longer than usual. And if we remember that not everyone lives to reach the average age of 70, then the percentage can rise to 100%.

Imagine adding 50 years of active, happy, healthy life. Like?
If in doubt, try this on your older relatives. They would like it.

To live a potential 120 years, you need to eliminate life-shortening factors and add life-extending factors and foods. Let's look at both in more detail.

Factors that reduce life expectancy

Health problems

Healthy longevity is good not only because a person can be active, travel, enjoy life, and help children and grandchildren. The important thing about problematic health is that many common diseases can lead to death.

In the list of the most common causes of death in the world (according to the World Health Organization), out of 10 causes, 8 come down to " common illnesses": coronary heart disease, diarrhea, diabetes, stroke, respiratory infections lower respiratory tract.. And only 2 reasons stand out (road accidents and AIDS)

When you are working to prevent diabetes, stroke, etc. - you extend your life to live longer. And poor health, especially the presence of the listed diseases, and even just a risk group for them, significantly reduce your chances of a long life.

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs

They destroy all body systems, lead to serious diseases (diabetes, lung cancer, destruction of the central nervous system, etc.) and death.

Smoking is bad because it wastes your health and causes serious illnesses, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. Smokers are also at risk for type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes). And these diseases lead to premature death.

The result of alcoholism is alcoholic change internal organs, cancer gastrointestinal tract, liver cirrhosis, intracerebral hemorrhage and others dangerous diseases. And most common reasons Deaths associated with alcohol abuse are cardiovascular diseases.

Medical problems

Level medical care in Russia is still low:

  • The ambulance takes a long time because there are not enough people for such a salary, there are not enough cars, there are not enough medicines
  • At the clinic or in a queue, or you need to register in advance; Only 12 minutes are allotted for each patient, and the doctor has neither the energy nor the money for professional journals, advanced training, etc.
  • The population is illiterate in medically: at what age should you check your blood for sugar, when to take measures for thyroid gland, what are the first signs of tumors.. People don’t know anything, and therefore they start treatment when it’s already difficult to help
  • There is no base to carry out necessary research, the doctor does not have the opportunity, and often the knowledge, to think carefully about the diagnosis and treatment of the patient

Problems with medicine and treatment shorten your life.

Psychological problems, depression, constant stress

Stress in a short period of time helps you get your bearings and can be beneficial. But constant problems, depression, stress lead to wear and tear of your body, nervous system, and shorten your life.

There was an article in the journal Experimental Gerontology about stress. Researchers have found that stress does not “kill” people directly, but it does lead to very unpleasant consequences. Frequent stress can increase cortisone levels in the blood, leading to memory loss, decreased immunity and the development of heart disease.

Depressed mood and constant worries shorten life.

Sugar and salt

Lead to obesity, numerous disorders in the body, and as a result - to serious diseases

Polluted air, water, soil

Carbon dioxide, reduced oxygen levels, harmful impurities in water and air, nitrates and nitrites entering vegetables and fruits from the soil - all this slowly but surely accumulates in the human body and poisons it.

Poor nutrition

Quick dry snacks, ready food and semi-finished products, overcooking, harmful additives, etc. - deprive the body of energy healthy eating, bring clogging of the body with poisons, wastes and toxins. Poisoned first in the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract, then the liver, kidneys, blood vessels. And then the whole body progressively increases.

Poor choice of partner

If your husband or wife, or close friends with whom you spend a lot of time, suffer from smoking, alcoholism, nervous diseases, disrespect your health - this will very quickly affect you.

Perhaps you won’t, for example, smoke yourself. But you will become a passive smoker with all the ensuing consequences. Or you won't start drinking yourself. But to ruin your children’s heredity or organize a quarrel in a drunken stupor, your partner can cope with this without your help.

Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbance is a sign of impending health problems and slowly destroys the nervous system. And this will negatively affect the entire body.

Banal inattention, connivance towards one’s health

There are many factors here, causes of potential problems with life and health. For example, a person may neglect vaccinations and go to a country where there is a high risk of contracting malaria. And it’s not a fact that they will be able to save him in time.

The list of these factors is unfortunately open, and we regularly learn about new dangers to the duration human life.

Factors that increase human life

Here effective rules life extension services that you can take advantage of today:

Daily physical activity and exercise

Start doing workouts if you haven't already.

There are many sets of exercises for longevity, including simple and easy ones. Both for older people in poor health, and for young trained people who want to improve their level. You can read more about this in this article. Simple gymnastics will be the impetus that will help you start your daily workouts.

Healthy eating

You need to limit sugar, salt, etc. bad habits in nutrition, and switch to healthy foods

In any case, you consume enough sugar with prepared foods: bread, canned foods, dumplings, ice cream, juices from the store, etc. - all this, even cheap ketchup, already contains sugar. More

The basic principles of a healthy diet are to eat 3-4 times a day, food that is harmonious in terms of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, calories, vitamins and minerals, more live food, and a minimum of semi-finished products and fried, peppered, salted, smoked foods.

Financial security

Make sure you have a sufficient level of savings.

Money allows you to buy better medical care, healthy foods nutrition, spend at least a couple of months a year in areas with a favorable climate for human life expectancy. When you have enough money, you become happier, you are relaxed, and you can help your loved ones.

Overall, you feel that your life is more successful. This satisfaction usually increases life expectancy.

Supportive Relationships

Are your relationships helping you?

Partners in a good marriage provide each other with moral support, they do not have depressive attacks of loneliness, and they more easily overcome financial and other temporary problems.

A good marriage, based on spiritual closeness and mutual respect, according to researchers, can add about 4 years of life for a woman, and about 10 years for a man.

Get a cat

Any pet will bring a little extra warmth and meaning into your life. But cats undoubtedly do it better. There are even attempts to use the cat's purring in medicinal purposes. And in America, cats generally “work” in treatment centers for children with difficulties in mental development, cerebral palsy, etc.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly

Scientists from UCL (University College London), London, UK conducted a study on the relationship between consumption of raw vegetables and fruits and life expectancy. As a result, it was found that eating 3.5 glasses of fruits and vegetables (in total) per day reduces the risk of death by 33% (on average for all diseases)

Eat at the same time whenever possible

The gastrointestinal tract is adjusted at this time, the juices are ready to accept and process food. It’s easier for the body, and more benefits for you.

Purpose in life

A goal in life and daily steps to achieve it make life more interesting and richer. And as a result - longer. A goal keeps a person in life, does not allow him to become a vegetable or slide into depression.

Mind and memory training

How more years, the more important it is to train the mind. It's not that we get dumber with age. It’s just that in our youth we study regularly. It keeps the mind sharp. And then we settle into our usual work routine.

Try going to college after 40. It will be difficult at first. And then you'll get involved. It doesn’t have to be a college: learn a language, dances of the peoples of the world, medicine or zoology. Something more serious than crossword puzzles. And this will help better than piracetam (a recognized drug for improving brain activity).

Centenarians of the world

Intuitively using even part of the rules for life extension, some people achieve longevity records. The longest-lived centenarians with documented ages are listed above: Jeanne Calment, 122 years old and Shigechio Izumi, 120 years old.

Here are the top living centenarians:

Suzanne Muschat Jones born in Alabama July 6, 1899. Now she is already 116 years old, of which the last 26 she has been living in a nursing home. Suzanne does not have her own children, but she has 100 nephews and nieces, many of whom she is very friendly with, and she even sent six of them to college with her own money.

Emma Morano (Martinuzzi), Italian from large family born November 29, 1899, with a failed marriage and the loss of her only child behind her. She worked hard all her life and is now enjoying retirement at the age of 75. He has a positive outlook on life, makes homemade brandy, loves eggs, and sometimes drinks chocolate.

Want to know how to live long? Then consider these eight simple tips.

1. Get rid of extra pounds

Excess weight (exceeding the norm by 20-40%) reduces life expectancy by an average of 10 years. In addition, obesity significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors in the human body.
But bringing body weight to normal in most cases allows you to get rid of the most common diseases of civilization, live long and happily, work successfully and have active rest.

2. Quit alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic drinks and nicotine, when regularly ingested into the body, reduce immunity and increase the risk of developing cancer, accelerate the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and lead to stomach ulcers, cirrhosis, chronic bronchitis, coronary disease heart, significantly increase mortality.
I'm not even talking about the fact that alcohol and nicotine cause increased skin aging.

3. Combat acute and chronic stress

Frequent traumatic situations and especially chronic stress lead to damage to the genetic apparatus of cells. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of stress, but using... physical activity allows you to minimize harmful effects psychotrauma on the human body.

4. Study, study and study

According to scientists, the more you study, the longer you live. At the same time, the brain is trained, memory and thinking, attention and emotional intelligence are stimulated, and the development of dementia, parkinsonism and other aging disorders is prevented.
Besides, a good education allows you to better understand issues of medicine and health, gain knowledge on how to live long, how to maintain healthy image life. Usually, educated people(especially if we're talking about in developed countries) earn well and can afford better medical care.

5. Communicate, communicate and communicate

Australian scientists have found that older people who have friends, lead an active lifestyle, and communicate daily with relatives and acquaintances live happily and 5-7 years longer than their peers who refuse to communicate.

6. Do good

Don't know how to live happily ever after? Be friendly and responsive, do good to your family and friends, acquaintances and others strangers, if possible, donate funds to various charities. Such activity, as scientists have found, significantly reduces the risk of premature death and prolongs life

7. Regular moderate physical activity - one of the most important factors, allowing to delay the aging of the body and prolong youth.