Find out how confident you are: a quick psychological test. Test: How confident are you?

Surely this has happened to you: even if you knew what to say, you still decided to remain silent for fear of looking funny. Or you refused a position that you liked only because you doubted your abilities. According to psychologists, if you often do not try to achieve what you want, only because you are afraid to try - this is the first and most main feature self-doubt...

Before you deal with your complexes, you must face them. A test developed by psychologists will help you do this. Only by identifying what is holding you back can you take a step forward. But be honest with yourself. And remember: even the strongest and most strong-willed people sometimes feel insecure - and this is quite natural.

If you realize that indecisiveness is preventing you from even trying to do something, and overcome it, you can be proud of yourself. Remember: everyone has failed. Overly cautious people lose faith in themselves because they have nothing to congratulate themselves on.

Test questions should only be answered “yes” or “no.”

1. Do you often feel sudden, although, in essence, you are not overtired? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

2. Do you ever doubt that you have locked the door behind you? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

3. Do you often get upset without apparent reason? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

4. Do you care when the seat you sit in at the theater is in the middle of a row? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

5. Is it difficult for you to get ready for someone's unexpected visit? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

6. Do you sometimes get scared? phone call? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

7. Do you often have dreams? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

8. Do you make decisions quickly? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

9. Is it unpleasant for you if you find a stain on your clothes and have to go somewhere like that? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

10. Do you like to make new acquaintances? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

11. Before going on vacation, do you ever have a desire to give it up? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

12. Do you wake up at night with a feeling severe hunger? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

13. Do you sometimes want to be alone with yourself? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

14. If you come to a restaurant without companions, do you sit down at a table where visitors are already sitting when there is a free one? (“Yes” - 0 points, “no” - 1 point)

15. Are you guided in your actions mainly by what others expect from you? (“Yes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points)

Let's sum it up

0 points. You are so self-confident that it can be assumed that you are not completely frank in your answers.

1-4 points. You are free from the rash actions inherent in... A certain amount of uncertainty is not a disadvantage, but proof of your flexibility.

5-8 points. You have a strong need to feel confident. Other people can almost always rely on you. True, because of this trait of yours, sometimes you cannot express your feelings directly enough.

9-12 points. Your need to be confident is so strong that you are often in danger of seeing things not as they really are, but as you imagine them to be. If you are not willing to take risks at least occasionally, then there will be very few happy moments in your life.

13-15 points. Your fear of unforeseen situations is so great that even, for example, when winning the lotto, you first of all experience some doubts and fears. The need for sustainability and stability is quite understandable. But when it grows to such a size, the slightest change in circumstances already destroys your sense of self-confidence. If we take this idea to its logical conclusion, then we will talk about a refusal to develop self. If you want to overcome this, you will have to force yourself to accept some uncertainty.

Psychologists believe that the following techniques will help get rid of uncertainty:

Formulate your positive traits and achievements that you are proud of;

Set your own standards instead of comparing yourself to others;

Encourage and encourage yourself more often;

Always accept compliments and don't be shy about them;

Look for positive qualities in others. Try saying something nice to those you meet. This is contagious - others will also begin to see the good in you;

Surround yourself with sincere friends;

Keep your head up and walk with a calm and proud step;

Smile! If something still doesn’t work out for you, tell yourself: “It didn’t work out this time, but I’ll do it all again!”

1. Do you always worry before carrying out any responsible assignment?

A) yes; B) no.

2. Can you remember offhand five or six times when you showed yourself with the best side and confidently coped with a whole bunch of difficult tasks?

A) No. For some reason, I remember better the cases when everything was the other way around.

B) Yes. And those moments when things happened differently are quickly erased from my memory.

3. Do you often feel anxious?

A) yes; B) no.

4. If necessary, could you organize the coordinated work of several people subordinate to you?

A) No, people don’t listen to me well, they like it better when someone else commands them.

B) I think I could. I'm good at this kind of thing.

5. Do you often remember your past failures and annoying mistakes?

A) yes; B) no.

6. When you talk to people, especially for the first time, do you rarely look them in the eyes, do you look them aside?

A) yes; B) no.

7. Do you often feel tired and overwhelmed, not needed by anyone?

A) yes; B) no.

8. Do your friends tell you that you often hunch over?

A) yes; B) no.

9. When you chat with your friends, you sometimes swing your arms so much that you can easily hit someone with them. But in an unfamiliar company, very often all your active gestures come to naught?

A) yes; B) no.

8. Do you think your classmates don’t respect you and maybe even despise you?

A) To be honest, I have strong suspicions that this is so.

B) No. I'm sure that if they don't love me, then at least respected.

9. Suppose (ugh, of course) that your boyfriend did something (for example, cheated on you), after which, in your opinion, you should not be together. What will you do?

A) you will be offended and forgive him only when he begs your forgiveness on his knees;

B) without hesitation, you will immediately do as you decided - break up with him.

10. Imagine that you have a guardian angel who helps you in everything: no matter what you undertake, with his help you will succeed. Do you think if this happened, it would expand your opportunities?

A) Of course! With such an assistant I could simply move mountains!

B) Maybe, but not by much. I prefer to always achieve what I need through my own efforts.
self confidence test

11. When communicating with girlfriends and friends, you often catch yourself thinking that you are trying to please everyone and please everyone.

A) yes; B) no.

12. Could you become a class leader?

A) No, I would hardly have been able to cope: there is so much responsibility!

B) Yes. In my opinion, this is not difficult at all.

For each answer “A” give yourself 0 points, and for each answer “B” - 5 points and count up the points:

0-15 points: I'm sorry, I can't hide the truth from you: you are a rather insecure person. But you shouldn't be too upset. By the way, many of the great people of the past and present would have scored no more points than you in their time. The main thing is your desire to become better. Read a couple of books on this topic (there are a lot of them now), and if you are not lazy and take the relevant information into account, expect results quickly, and they will not disappoint you!

20-45 points: in general, you are quite confident in yourself, but often life’s difficulties can still bring you out of this state. Therefore, it will also be useful for you to know how other people struggle with feelings of self-doubt.

50-60 points: simply super! In your self-confidence you can easily give a head start to many guys. All that remains is to congratulate you, because success in life is generally guaranteed to you!

Ecology of knowledge. Psychology: Find out how confident you are in yourself and objectively evaluate your psychological condition on this moment This graphics test will help. Take a close look at these 16 symbols.

This graphic test will help you find out how confident you are and objectively assess your psychological state at the moment. Take a close look at these 16 symbols. And in each group, choose one that you liked best at first glance and that best characterizes you. Calculate the number of points you got.

From 8 to 13 points- Now your style of behavior depends primarily on the opinions of others. You easily lose heart and have great difficulty forcing yourself to do things you don’t like. The word “must” unsettles me. Suspiciousness prevents you from establishing relationships with people. It cannot be said that you are the master of your decisions. At the same time, you are too sensitive, you are led by your emotions.

From 14 to 20 points- You strive to find your way, although for now you are swimming more and more with the flow. Able to critically evaluate their actions. So those around you cannot influence you if they do not have arguments convincing enough for you. If common sense dictates that the position you defended is to your detriment, then you are able to abandon it.

From 21 to 27 points- Deep down, you consider yourself always right and infallible. But you are also susceptible external influence. There are two or three people who are significant to you, before whose opinions you give in and give up your positions. And yet, having rational and analytical thinking, strive to find a middle ground between your own views and the situations that life puts before you. It helps that you instinctively choose the right path.

From 28 to 34 points- It is very difficult for you to give up your views and principles, even ifYou see that you are wrong. The more someone tries to influence you, the stronger the resistance. But, most likely, behind your external perseverance lies not so much self-confidence as the fear of getting into an unpleasant situation and “causing fire on yourself.”

From 35 to 40 points- Once you have gotten something into your head, it is impossible to convince you otherwise. You are a tough person who recklessly pursues your goals. But sometimes you burn bridges in vain and then slowly regret it. But someone who knows you well and anticipates your reaction can skillfully and quietly guide your actions. So, less stubbornness and straightforwardness, more intelligence and flexibility! published

Test for teenagers “How confident are you?”

1. You found out that your friend speaks badly about you. You:

A. You will look for an opportunity to clarify your relationship with him;

B. You will stop communicating with him and will avoid meeting him.

2. When you get on a bus or tram, you are pushed roughly. You:

A. You protest loudly;

B. Silently trying to get forward;

E. You wait for everyone to come in, and then, if possible, you go in yourself.

3. Your classmate defends the opposite point of view to yours.

B. You don’t express your point of view, because you still won’t be able to convince him;

d. You defend your point of view, trying to prove that you are right.

4. You were late for the school party. All places are already taken, except one in

first row. You:

B. You stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;

d. Without hesitation, you head to the front row;

E. It takes you a long time to decide whether or not to go to the front row, but then you finally go to an empty seat.

5. Do you agree that your classmates often take advantage of you?

6. Is it difficult for you to start a conversation with strangers?

7. You bought an item, a defective item. Is it easy for you to return your purchase?

8. Can you say that your classmates are more confident than you?

d. No; Food.

9. Your friends demand a favor from you that is fraught with trouble.

Is it easy for you to refuse to do it?

10. you have the opportunity to talk with famous person. You:

d. You use this Opportunity; E. You don’t use it.

11. The teacher instructs you to call the institution and arrange for

class about the meeting. You:

B. You refuse under any pretext;

B. You call without hesitation;

E. You gather your courage and call.

12. You were given an undeservedly low grade. You:

B. You worry in silence;

D. You argue with the teacher about this grade.

13. You don’t understand the teacher’s explanations. You:

B. You will not ask questions to the teacher;

B. Calmly ask me to explain again:

D. Seize the opportunity and ask a question after class.

14. You came to the cinema. People sitting near you talk loudly.

B. You endure the noise and then argue with them;

B. You ask them to stop talking.

E. You endure it in silence.

15. You are standing in line. Someone is trying to get in front of you. You:

B. You swallow the insult and remain silent; d. fight back.

16. Is it easy for you to enter into a conversation with a representative of the opposite.

gender that you really like?

B. Very difficult;

G. It’s very difficult to start, but then it gets easier.

17. You are going to the market. Is it easy for you to bargain?

18. Do you worry when you have to speak in front of the class?
B. yes; d. No.

19. You are praised in front of the class. You:

B. You don’t know what to say in response;

d. Thank you for the praise;

E. You calmly accept gratitude.

20. If you have good knowledge of the subject, you would like to take the written or

oral exam?

A. Oral;

B. Written;

Q. I don’t care which exam to take.

Test results

A - 3 points, B - 0 points, C - 5 points, D - 2 points, d - 4 points. E - 1 point.

Calculate the total.

12 points - strong self-doubt.

12 - 32 points low self-confidence.

33 - 60 points - average level of self-confidence.

61 - 72 points - high self-confidence.

More than 72 points - very high level self-confidence.

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Do you consider yourself a confident person? Then try taking a test to test this assumption. Perhaps you are biased towards yourself or, on the contrary, engaged in self-deception?

Choose one answer at a time.

When you shake someone's hand, you squeeze it...

A. ...firmly and immediately let go.

B. ...intensely and you don’t let go right away.

V. barely touch it and immediately let go.

What zodiac sign were you born under?

A. Leo, Aries, Taurus, Capricorn.

B. Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

V. Pisces, Libra, Virgo, Cancer.

Your skin type is:

A. Normal.

B. Not sensitive, not prone to irritation.

B. Sensitive, prone to dryness and flaking.

You have one of the following behavior options:

A. Do not remember unpleasant situations and disappointments.

B. Take care of someone else besides yourself.

Q. Having deceived another person, you are tormented by remorse.

A lonely woman sits on a bench in the park. Your thoughts about her:

A. She wanted to be alone with herself.

B. Dreams of sympathy or self-pity.

Q. I encountered a problem or trouble.

Select a geometric shape:

A. Triangle.

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A. Parachute;

B. Jumping from a tower into the water.

B. Mountaineering.

Now sum it up: count which letters with answers there are more, and read the result

Most of all "A"

You are confident in yourself, but you can get confused if you find yourself in an unusual situation. You can be called a strong individual, because you realize and acknowledge the fact that there is a place for uncertainty in your life.

Options “B” prevailed

Unstable confidence. When you can rely on many years of experience, you feel comfortable. But when faced with unfamiliar people or new tasks, you become irritated and lose confidence in yourself, your abilities, and strengths. Then a mood comes into play, thanks to which you either turn into an overly self-confident person or into a withdrawn person.

Those who answered almost all questions with option “B” should know:

you are missing positive attitude in relation to assessing oneself and one’s qualities. There is a possibility that you are wary of others and often reproach yourself, and memories of unpleasant situations pretty much poison your life. Set aside energy and time for self-reflection. Look for the reason for your insecurity. Can't solve the problem yourself? Contact a specialist.