Immunological blood test: decoding of indicators. Why immunological studies are needed Immunological markers decoding

An immunological blood test determines antigens and antibodies. Specialists distinguish between qualitative and quantitative immunological blood tests.

Molecules bind, neutralizing various infections and toxins. To conduct tests for immune status, you will need blood. The main characteristic of molecules is specificity. This property is used by laboratory assistants to conduct an immunogram.

Experts distinguish 5 types of molecules. Immunoglobulins G and M are observed in the blood. Molecules of group A are present on the surface of the mucous membrane. The objectives of the study include diagnosing, determining the stage of the disease and tracking the dynamics of the disease.

If the analysis for immunity is carried out at the 1st week of the development of the disease, then group A molecules are detected in the blood, on the 2nd and 3rd - immunoglobulins M and A. If the patient has recovered, then the decoding of the analysis excludes the presence of group M molecules, and the amount G and A is reduced by 2-4 times. In the chronic form, immunoglobulins G and A are present in the patient's blood.

The blood test for immunity has the following advantages:

  • authenticity;
  • early diagnosis;
  • dynamics of the infectious process;
  • fast result.

The disadvantages of ELISA include a high probability of obtaining a false positive or false negative result. An immunogram is carried out in the following situations:

  • viral diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • to determine the level of hormones;
  • oncology;
  • allergy.

Main characteristics

The immunogram consists of a set of indicators that reflect the composition and functions of the body's immune defense cells:

To determine the body's sensitivity to certain allergens, the patient must undergo a study - an allergopanel.

Donate blood on an empty stomach (in the morning). The patient should not eat or drink for 12 hours before the test. During this period, it is recommended to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. Before the study, the patient should be at rest for 15 minutes.

In the process of deciphering the immunogram, each indicator is compared with the normal oscillation interval of the molecule. If the value of several indicators is below normal, then a second study is prescribed after 14-21 days. A new immunogram will check how persistent the identified changes are.

If the indicators are reduced, then the patient's body needs protection. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of chronic suppurative processes. T-helpers contribute to a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes and general lymphocytopenia. T-helpers regulate the immune response to various infections and tumors, including AIDS.

Diagnosis and results

Normally, IgE immunoglobulins should not be present in the blood. Their increase indicates the development of helminthic invasions and allergies. Upon encountering an antigen, IgE antibodies are produced instead of the usual IgM and IgG molecules.

The adaptation of the body is associated with an increase in other indicators. With acute inflammation or infection, the number of white blood cells in the blood rises. Bacterial infections are characterized by an increase in the production of granulocytes in the bone marrow. In the presence of a virus in the patient's blood, the number of lymphocytes increases, which are responsible for protecting the body.

The growth of immunoglobulins of the IgM and IgG classes during infection is positive, as this is a sign of a molecular response to the pathogen's antigens. If a similar phenomenon is observed in patients with autoimmune diseases, then this is the first sign of increased autoaggression. Experts say that there is no unambiguous decoding of the immunogram. But such a study makes it possible to specify an immunological defect (if any) or is the basis for immunocorrection and substitution diagnostics. With a lack of IgM and IgG class molecules, it is recommended to administer intravenous immunoglobulin preparations prepared from donor blood.

With a defect in T-lymphocytes, therapeutic agents prepared from calf thymus tissue are prescribed. Such drugs differentiate and activate the molecules in question. Plasmapheresis is carried out under the supervision of specialists. Allergic and infectious diseases are treated taking into account the dynamics of blood tests for immunity. The study under consideration is a screen reflecting the state and functioning of the patient's immunity.

It is based on the detection of antibodies to a specific antigen in the blood and the determination of their concentration. These can be antigens of bacteria, viruses, parasites, or the body's own (altered or unchanged) antigens. Since immunoglobulins are always specific for an antigen, their detection in the blood clearly indicates the presence of a particular antigen.

What does the analysis show?

The principle of analysis is very simple and precise - if there is an antibody, then there is also the desired antigen. But which antibodies are tested for? Here are the classes of antibodies that the assay can detect:

1. Immunoglobulin A (secretory). This type of immunoglobulin is present mainly on the mucous membranes. Its blood contains about 15% of the total amount of immunoglobulins. Its amount increases in autoimmune diseases and decreases in immunodeficiency states.

3. Immunoglobulin G. This is a protein of strong immunity against bacterial and viral infections. Normally, they are present in a constant concentration of IgG to the antigens of the causative agents of past diseases or to those from which they were vaccinated. An increase in their number indicates a chronic inflammatory or autoimmune process. The decline is about immunodeficiency.

4. Immunoglobulin M. It has the ability to bind several antigens of the same type at once. It is released during the initial contact of the immune system with an unknown antigen, in the acute phase of inflammatory diseases, in the first days after vaccination. This group includes antigens of blood groups, Rh factor and rheumatoid factor. A decrease in their content indicates immunodeficiency of various origins (immunosuppressive therapy, radiation immunodeficiency, removal of the spleen).

Immunoglobulins of all these classes are specific, they are isolated only in the presence of a specific, “own” immunoglobulin, and their concentration increases only in the presence of this antigen. This selectivity makes immunoassay a very accurate diagnostic tool.

When is an immunoassay ordered?

There are many indications for the appointment of such an analysis; it allows you to confirm or exclude many diseases, such as:

Protection of the body from the harmful effects of external pathogens is carried out thanks to the immune system. A person is daily attacked by various bacteria, viruses and microbes. With the proper functioning of the immune system, the body can easily cope with the harmful effects and health is not damaged. To determine the readiness of the body to fight pathogens, an immunological blood test is used. When deciphering the immunogram, the patient's immune status and the correct functioning of the defense system are assessed.

The immune status of a person is studied using various methods and tests. There are two main types of studies: enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA). Certain test systems are used to study the immune status. In radioimmunoassay, the results are measured on radioactivity counters. For ELISA, there are a large number of different test systems. The main types of enzyme immunoassays are: inhibitory, "sandwich", immunometric, solid-phase indirect ELISA, immunoblot method.

There are a number of pathological disorders in which an immunological blood test is carried out without fail. The primary analysis for organ transplantation is precisely the immunogram, especially if the patient is a child. The value of indicators is important in the selection of treatment for oncological diseases. Compliance with the norm is determined after therapy with immunosuppressants, since the drugs reduce the protective function of the body. An immunogram is prescribed for such pathological disorders as:

The study of the immune status is especially important when examining patients with HIV infection. The results of the analyzes allow us to assess the degree of damage to the body's defense system. The study of the immunogram facilitates the selection of drugs for treatment and the choice of the direction of therapy. A decrease in the protective function can lead to the development of serious diseases. In case of a long-term disturbance of well-being, it is recommended to take a blood test for immunity and check the state of health.

Immunogram indicators

A blood test for immune status involves the study of a set of indicators. Deciphering the results makes it possible to fully assess the correct functioning of the immune system. Due to the complex of indicators under study, radioimmune and enzyme immunoassays allow you to check the work of not one specific organ or system, but immediately the whole organism. Research can be done at any age.

As part of the immunogram, the following indicators are studied:

Each of the indicators determined in the framework of an immunological study is important in the diagnosis of pathologies. According to the results of the analysis, the doctor receives a complete picture of the state of the immune system. They interpret the results of the study in conjunction with the existing complaints, other examinations and diagnoses in the anamnesis of the patient, as well as his close relatives.

Norm and reasons for deviation

Each of the indicators studied in the framework of enzyme immunoassay and radioimmunoassay has a norm of value. The deviation indicates certain disorders in the body and requires a more thorough examination. The immunogram involves the study of a whole complex of indicators at the same time. The deviation of each of them means pathological disorders in the body. The norms of indicators have the following meanings:

IgM increases in acute infections, liver pathologies, autoimmune diseases, vasculitis. The decrease in content occurs for the same reasons as IgG, as well as after splenectomy (removal of the spleen).

Antinuclear antibodies increase with autoimmune pathologies, nephritis, chronic hepatitis, vasculitis. The ASLO indicator increases with acute glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, erysipelas, scarlet fever, and streptococcal infection. Antisperm antibodies are elevated at risk of infertility. The MAR test is increased in case of probable male infertility. Indicators of AT-TG and AT-TPO increase in autoimmune thyroiditis, Graves' disease, Down and Turner's syndrome.

An analysis for the CIC (circulating immune complexes) is prescribed for: examination for the presence of autoimmune pathologies and complement deficiency, immunopathogenetic kidney damage, arthritis of various etiologies, persistent infection. Circulating immune complexes are elevated during acute infection of the body, persistent infection, autoimmune pathologies, allergic alveolitis, acute glomerulonephritis, local anaphylaxis, serum sickness, endocarditis, malignant tumors, Crohn's disease. Also, circulating immune complexes are examined as part of a general immunological examination.

The study of the immune system involves the use of various analyzes and tests. Usually, the study takes place as prescribed by a doctor, but you can check your immune status yourself. After receiving the results, the specialist evaluates the state of the protective function. If deviations from the norm are detected, the doctor prescribes treatment and gives recommendations on strengthening immunity. Usually prescribed immunomodulators, physiotherapy. An integral preventive measure to strengthen the immune system is to maintain a proper lifestyle.

The human body, as well as all the animals and even plants inhabiting our planet, is a system that does not allow alien genetic information and alien biochemical processes into its metabolism. The internal environment of the body is characterized by constancy, and all extraneous living agents, like pathogenic microbes, viruses, protozoa, helminths, are constantly trying to be detected and removed from the body. For this, there is a large and complex immune defense system.

It consists, for example, of humoral immunity, which produces various antibodies, and cellular immunity, a typical representative of which are macrophages - phagocytic leukocytes. Modern immunological studies are extremely diverse. These are, for example, blood tests for immunity, such as:

  • assessment of the quality of phagocytosis;
  • quantitative and qualitative;
  • identification of various components of the complement system;
  • assessment of interferon status as part of the body's antiviral activity;
  • study of subpopulations of lymphocytes, their quantitative and qualitative components;
  • in some cases, sensitivity to certain immune drugs is evaluated.

As you can see, in order to conduct an analysis for immunity, the doctor needs to know and be able to navigate in a variety of indicators, but the patient may not always contact an immunologist, and, moreover, it is not always necessary to start an immunological study immediately with an immunologist. For the sake of curiosity, on our website you can take a test by answering questions and. But this is certainly not a real study.

How to check the immunity of an adult patient or a child initially, or, as experts say, to perform a screening study? For this, a primary blood test for immunity or an immunogram is taken. What can a modern laboratory do, and what indicators can be found using an immunogram?

The main indicators of the immunogram

Any modern laboratory offers various options for conducting an immunogram, but there are generally accepted international standards for this immunological blood test. Each immunogram "probes" the state of various parts, or links of immunity. These data may be the reason for later more specific, costly and serious immunological tests. They will help to more accurately diagnose various immunodeficiency conditions, autoimmune diseases such as psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, acute and chronic infections, blood diseases and various lymphoproliferative diseases, which indicate insufficient antitumor immunity.

The standard analysis of the immunogram provides for the identification of the following indicators:

  • the total number of lymphocytes and their varieties are counted, such as helpers, suppressors, cytotoxic lymphocytes;
  • determination of the immunoregulatory index (IRI), or the ratio of the number of T-lymphocytes within their populations;
  • Identification of EC - cells;
  • The determination of B lymphocytes and plasma cells that produce antibodies is carried out;
  • when conducting an immunological blood test, it is necessary to determine phagocytic activity, both among leukocytes and among lymphocytes (monocytic activity);
  • detection of circulating immune complexes, which consist of immunoglobulins of various classes - Ig G, A, M, E and other subtypes.

What do all the above immunological studies included in the immunogram mean?

In this article, we will not talk in detail about the basics of immunology. Let's just say that:

  • T - lymphocytes - these are immune cells that control the formation of antibodies, and they, in turn, are the basis of humoral anti-infective immunity, and are responsible for immunity in adults and children to various infections;
  • B - lymphocytes in response to antigens are able to turn into plasma cells and produce antibodies;
  • natural killers (NK) are a special kind of immune cells that enter into cytotoxic reactions and directly destroy foreign microorganisms;
  • as for phagocytic activity, it is determined by carrying out the control destruction of specific bacteria labeled with fluorescent labels, this indicator allows you to evaluate the reserve capacity of phagocytic activity, and the ability of these blood cells to destroy and digest foreign microorganisms;
  • a very important immunological study of blood, which is part of the immunogram, is the identification of circulating immune complexes. The complexes formed, for example, in autoimmune pathology, are able to migrate from the bloodstream to peripheral tissues and deposit around blood vessels, in the skin, kidney tissue, where they exhibit various activities that lead to complement fixation, and this causes damage to the parenchyma of various organs.

As a result, a patient with identified immune complexes often develops glomerulonephritis, arthritis, and nerve damage. The identification of circulating immune complexes must necessarily be accompanied by other analyzes in combination, for example, a detailed study of the complement system, as well as a study of the function of the relevant organs, for example, in case of suspected kidney damage, it is necessary to examine and conduct a general urine test and provide the doctor with a Reberg test.

Finally, the detection of the concentration of certain types of immunoglobulins can not only tell about the dynamics of the development of the infectious process, but also how to distinguish the acute stage of the disease from the chronic one, but also draw conclusions about the presence of an allergic component, about the difference between the allergic reaction of the body and the infectious inflammatory process.

So, for example, for multiple myeloma, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, alcoholism and chronic purulent infections, an increase in the content is characteristic, and a decrease in its indicators is typical for atopic dermatitis, with pernicious anemia, or against the background of long-term use of corticosteroid hormones.

Immunological studies and their deviations should, of course, be evaluated by an immunologist, and the therapist who ordered the immunological analysis is obliged to refer for a subsequent consultation with a specialist. Typically, the timing of this analysis does not exceed, on average, 8 days. What are the most common indications for performing a screening immunogram in clinical practice?

Indications for the appointment of an immunogram

Most often, the doctor determines the state of the body's immune defenses in the following cases:

  • various long-term chronic infectious diseases that are not sensitive to therapy, or recur;
  • in the diagnosis of immunodeficiency, congenital or acquired, HIV infection;
  • when there is a chronic allergy;
  • Hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases and malignant neoplasms;
  • if necessary, organ transplantation;
  • in the event of an upcoming complex or lengthy operation;
  • in case of complications after organ transplantation and after surgical interventions;
  • in the treatment of certain drugs - hormones, cytostatics, immunosuppressants and other drugs that affect the immune system.

Of course, there are other indications for which immunological blood tests are performed, but these indications can be determined, for example, by the joint activities of narrow specialists, for example, a rheumatologist and a clinical immunologist.

How to prepare for an immunoassay

Immunological research involves elucidating the numerous and subtle relationships between the various parts of the immune system, which can be easily changed if misbehaved. Therefore, preparation for the immunogram is required, although small, but it must be strictly observed. First of all, blood is donated in the morning and strictly on an empty stomach, and the time of night fasting should not be less than 8 hours.

For two to three days on the eve of blood donation, it is advisable to lead a calm lifestyle, try not to worry, physical activity should not go beyond the usual, so it is better to exclude sports training. It is also necessary to refuse to take all types of alcohol at least two days in advance, and it is better not to smoke. If you cannot stop smoking, then a blood test should be carried out at least an hour after smoking a cigarette.

Immunogram interpretation

We will not try to fully decipher the immunological analysis, and this is not required. Instead, we will simply look at the grossest changes that indicate that a blood test for an immunogram needs to be retaken. In the same case, if they turn out to be the same, then a serious and in-depth study will be necessary. Here are the metrics:

  • a reduced concentration of lymphocytes in the blood may indicate the presence of a chronic viral infection, and a decrease in t-helpers may indicate HIV infection;
  • in the event that a violation in the link of T-cell immunity is detected, then an in-depth study of HIV infection and AIDS is necessary;
  • if an immunological analysis showed a violation in the leukocyte link of immunity, then we can talk about acute inflammation, or an acute purulent infection, especially if phagocytosis indicators decrease against this background;
  • if a sharply increased value, which are responsible for allergies, then this may either indicate an increased allergic background, for example, when grasses bloom, if the patient has hay fever, or indicates the presence of helminthic invasion, this is especially true for children;
  • in the event that the patient has it for a long time, then this may indicate recovery after a long infectious disease, or the presence of malignant neoplasms that need to be looked for with precision.

As can be seen from the above, immunological blood tests are a powerful tool for assessing the body's resistance to various internal and external stimuli, but they must be used competently. In the event that a patient, for example, will have a high amount of immunoglobulins, but there will be no history and clinical symptoms, then he will have a long clinical and laboratory examination. Therefore, it is better to tell the doctor from the very beginning about all the diseases that could exist or were there before, about allergies, about injuries, and about the state of health of relatives and friends. A competent specialist will definitely take the time to find out the necessary details.

We briefly analyzed what it is - an immunological blood test. It must be remembered that modern immunology has a large arsenal of various studies, and the usual, standard immunogram is only the very initial analysis, which allows you to see only the “tip of the iceberg”. But this tip speaks of such important violations that each person can pass an immunogram simply in order to gain certain knowledge about the state of their own immunity. This knowledge will never hurt, and sometimes help to identify dangerous diseases.