How to wean a puppy from biting: we accustom a pet to good manners. If the dog bites Why does the puppy bite his hands and feet

Puppy bites - is it normal?

The human cub at the beginning of the knowledge of the world grabs everything in his hands. He wants to touch the surrounding objects in order to study them. Dogs have a slightly different anatomy - in order to explore an object, you need to take it with your mouth, sniff it, try it on your tooth. The puppy is not yet able to calculate the strength of the bite. He is not going to hurt you at all and does not show aggression. If you watch the brood, you will see that the kids, playing, bite each other and the mother, and she allows them to do this to a certain extent. So such behavior, when a one and a half to two month old puppy grabs your hand, clothes or shoes, is quite normal, it only indicates a healthy psyche of the pet. However, it cannot be encouraged in any way, otherwise you will soon be tormented by the question of how to wean a dog from biting. .

When teeth are cut

While the teeth have not yet turned into fangs, biting is not very painful. However, they should not be tolerated. Experienced dog breeders spied on how to wean a puppy from biting, watching ... the animals themselves. The kittens are playing and using their teeth with might and main. But as soon as one of them does not calculate the strength of his jaws and hurts his brother or sister, the victim squeals, quits the game and leaves. The involuntary offender sits for several seconds with a dumbfounded look: what happened, why did the fun stop? On the second or third time, he will begin to bind the force of the bite and the obstruction of his fellow tribesmen. Here is the answer to the question of how to wean a puppy from biting: try until your pet has reached 2-3 months of age, imitate the reaction of a dog. As soon as he grabs your hand with his teeth, make the sound “Aarp!” loudly and sharply, get up and leave. Let the pet sit alone for 5 minutes and think.

from 2 months of age

The above method does not eliminate the puppy from the habit of grabbing everything with his teeth, but simply teaches him how to calculate the force of jaw compression. Our task is more difficult: to develop a stable understanding that neither human hands, nor clothes, nor shoes, nor wires, etc., can be grasped with teeth. etc. In addition, squealing, you put yourself in the role of a victim, and growing up, dogs, especially males, begin to fight for leadership. How to wean a puppy from biting? This dog breeders saw, watching the mother-bitch. If the cub shows disobedience, she lets out a short low roar, sharply grabs the child by the scruff of the neck with her teeth and shakes it.

Team methodology

It is clear that the puppy must develop teeth. But he also needs to learn that it's not about your hands or shoes to scratch them. To do this, get special items to which you "direct" his desire to bite. Prepare such a toy (sold in a large assortment in pet stores) and small pieces of goodies. If it so happened that the animal grew up ill-mannered and loves to grab the ankles and palms of the owners with its teeth, how to wean the puppy from biting? Lubricate the fingers and palm of one hand with something tasteless, such as mustard. Take the toy in your other hand. Move your mustard hand in front of the pet's mouth and, as soon as he grabs it, try not to break free, but rather push your hand further into the larynx. Say at the same time: "Fu" or "No." It will definitely release your brush. Give him a treat and a toy. If he takes it, praise it, give it a treat again, repeat the exercise.


They often bite their owners out of a desire to play or because they are teething. But this applies to up to 4-4 years old. Until this time, the puppy perceives biting as a game and playing with the owner, it is quite natural for him to use his teeth. Waving off, the owner creates the illusion of continuing the game, so in this case (if the game is really going on) it is worth doing what another puppy would have done in the place of the bitten one: he would screech displeasedly and loudly. This sound, as well as stopping the game with leaving the pet for 15-20 minutes and leaving him alone, should act on the puppy as a signal that he himself has finished such entertainment as a game with his bite. After several such repetitions, the puppy has a reflex that it is impossible to bite the owner.

But if the puppy is already more than 4.5 months old and he continues to bite, then it is worth doing with him as with an adult biting dog. It is necessary to lower the position of the pet in the hierarchical ladder built by him. In order to show that the owner is the leader, and not the dog, after a bite, you should take it by the withers and press it to the floor, forcing it to lie down and immobilizing it. These actions should be accompanied by the words "fu" and "no." Keep the animal like this until it calms down. Then give her some command and praise her for doing it.

If the dog is large enough, then the best way would be to raise it above the floor, depriving it of support and shaking it, then also press it to the floor and let it calm down, then give the command and praise it after its execution. By these actions, the owner shows his dominant position in relation to the pet, which must obey.

If the dog is small, then another way to make it stop biting is the same as a stronger strong leader would have done in relation to a member of his pack: you need to clamp the dog’s mouth with your hands, leaving it the opportunity to breathe (the leader also closes the mouth of everyone with his jaws). who is below his rank). Once the animal has calmed down, release it.

To establish a dominant position and thus avoid bites, the owner must show the dog his superiority over her: feed the pet only after the family eats (the leader eats first), and he will fulfill the command given to him; the owner should go in the door and go up the stairs first, and the dog should follow him, but not vice versa.

All your commands the dog must execute completely, to the end. An incompletely executed command leads to a misperception by the dog of the obligation to fulfill them, and hence to self-will. And it's not far from bites.


You can’t let the situation take its course, as soon the owners will be forced to be afraid of their own pet and walk with traces of his bites.

Helpful advice

If the dog gives the owner the opportunity to roll himself over on his back and stroke his stomach, this is a sign that he is ready to obey.

All little puppies love to taste not only things, but also the owner's hands. To prevent biting from becoming a habit, it is necessary to fight it, since a dog that is used to using its teeth in childhood is unlikely to unlearn it in adulthood.


Let's start with the fact that biting for a little one is a natural method of learning about the world around him. As a rule, babies begin to taste things at the moment when they start their shift. Also, puppies use their teeth during games with others, as well as when communicating with people. Weaning a puppy to use his teeth when playing with is necessary from a very early age. It's funny when a small puppy tries to growl and bite its arms and legs, but when it's an adult dog, you won't be kidding.

Wean the puppy to sharply shout "Fu!". If the puppy has played too much and does not respond to raising his voice, then you can slap him with a newspaper prepared in advance. Thus, you will not hurt the baby, but a sharp bang will be unpleasant for him.

As soon as the puppy stops biting you, immediately praise him, give him a treat, or switch his attention to his favorite toy.

You can also try another method. As soon as the puppy bites you, immediately stop the game, silently get up and leave the room. The puppy will very quickly realize that as soon as he tries to use his teeth, the game with his beloved owner immediately ends.

If your puppy is naturally dominant, then when raising him, you should try to avoid games that cause the spirit of competition. For example, tug of war or intentionally teasing a dog.

Do not forget that when raising a puppy, it is unacceptable to use brute physical force - this will only scare the baby, and you will lose such a fragile canine trust. Pay as much attention as possible to raising your pet, because it depends only on you how your dog will grow up.

If the dog begins to bite his master, he thereby shows his superiority over him, trying to take a dominant position. It is very important in such a situation to show firmness, severity and confidence, and in no case succumb to provocation from the dog. However, often the owner himself provokes the dog to bite.


There is one effective way to help wean. If a puppy bites you while playing, you need to quickly stop the game and leave the room. No need to pay attention for 20-30 minutes. The puppy must understand that due to the fact that he bit you, he lost a companion for the game. The urge to bite should fade away.

You should never yell or hit your dog, because of this, he will bite even more painfully. If she began to growl or bite at you, then take him by the withers and press his muzzle to the floor. At the same time, strictly look into the eyes and say “impossible” in a lowered timbre. After that, move away and leave it unattended for 15-20 minutes.

Try to avoid aggressive games where the dog might bite you. But if the dog still bit you during the game, you need to make a loud unpleasant squeal, she will understand that she bit you very hard. Next time she won't clench her jaw so hard. Use this method daily for children under 4.5 months old.

If the dog starts to growl and tries to bite you, take it by the muzzle and squeeze its jaws, thereby immobilizing it. This exercise repeats the action of the leader, who in the pack bites the muzzle of a dog standing lower in status. Exercise should be done on puppies or a small dog, you must be sure that it does not break out and bite you.

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Often, when buying a puppy, we allow him to bite his hands, and do not take any measures. The desire of a dog to bite must be suppressed at a young age, otherwise the situation will worsen and develop into aggression towards all family members.

Helpful advice

Teach your dog to give way to the owner. Feed the dog after the whole family has eaten.

Dachshund, at first glance, is an absurdly long dog with disproportionately short legs. She looks funny and clumsy. Meanwhile, these are burrowing, hunting dogs - mobile, cheerful, with excellent reaction, high intelligence and ability to learn. Fans of this breed claim that dachshunds even have a sense of humor. If so, then the process of training and teaching commands will be of interest to both of you.


From the moment a puppy appears in your home, it begins. Don’t even allow a toddler to do things that an adult dog won’t be allowed to: beg at the table, sleep on your bed and sofa, gnaw on wires, things. Toddlers can be reined in - loudly give the command “Fu!” or “No”, an older dog can be spanked with a newspaper, an adult dog with a strap. Dachshunds will perceive even a light spank as a punishment, but they will understand that it is impossible to do this only if it immediately followed a fault.

The most important command “Come to me” will be easily understood by the puppy if you call the dog in this way during feeding. When practicing other commands and skills, use some kind of treat as a reward.

For your dog's safety on the street, teach him the "Close" command. Do the exercise on a leash. As soon as the dachshund stops sticking to your stride, reverse the direction of movement. Such a tangible opposition to her haste or slowness will quickly be remembered by the dachshund and will begin to follow this command, especially if obedience is rewarded.

The “Sit” command is useful when the dachshund can be made to draw up his hind legs and sit down by slightly pressing on his croup or with his left hand on the shoulder, where the dogs have a “pressure point”. She is also used in relationships between dogs, dominant dogs put pressure on her when it is necessary to show superiority. When the dog sits down and she manages to stay in this position for a while, stroke and praise her, treat her with delicious treats. When she gets up, repeat the exercise again. One lesson should not last more than 10 minutes. Return to working out the command after a while.

Once your Dachshund has learned to perform the "Sit" command, move on to the "Down" command. Get her on the floor. Say clearly the command "Down" and gently pull her front paws, forcing her to lie down. Praise her, give her a reward, and repeat the exercise a couple more times. After some time, consolidate the acquired skill.

Helpful advice

Teach your dog different commands on different days so that it does not get confused and quickly understands what is required of it.
For the safety of your pet, you must first teach him basic commands.

Whatever breed of puppy appears in your home, you will in any case encounter such a problem as chewed things. Moreover, half of the house can suffer from his sharp teeth - wallpaper on the walls, furniture, cords, shoes - everything that he can reach and "try on the tooth." It is difficult to prevent destruction, but it is quite possible.


To sharpen growing teeth is a physiological need of a dog. Buy him toys specially designed for this purpose. They should attract his interest, so keep some of the toys tucked away and lay them out for him from time to time for fun, putting away the ones he's been playing with lately. In this way, the puppy will remain interested in his toys.

If possible, do not leave the little mischievous man alone; under the supervision of one of the household members, he will not be able to cause significant damage. If you leave him alone, remove anything that might attract his attention and become dangerous - especially electrical wires. Some owners even practice locking the puppy in a special cage where he can drink and sleep, but from which he cannot get out and gnaw on expensive furniture.

You can try to develop a persistent negative reflex in a puppy by smearing a wire or furniture legs with some harmless "muck" like lapis or hot pepper. Build such traps and try to develop in him a strong prejudice against those things that seem to him potentially attractive.

When leaving home, make sure that the puppy is full, leave him a special bone, which is sold in special stores. It will take him several hours to gnaw it, and then you will just return home.

Use punishment if, despite your best efforts, your puppy stubbornly prefers shoes and wallpapers to bones and toys. Give him a beating, like bitches teaching their babies or dog pack leaders do. To do this, it is enough to take it by the withers and shake it slightly so that there is no pain, but the warning was understood. But remember that you need to punish as soon as you see a puppy chewing on things. If you punish him after a while, then he may simply not understand why he received a beating from his beloved master.

And remember, if you forbade the puppy to gnaw something, then you don’t need to allow it later, even if you are in a great mood and you understand that you can donate your furniture or wallpaper so that your friend feels just as good. Always be persistent with your dog and patiently get your way. This is the key to her upbringing.

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Some dog owners complain that their four-legged pets periodically spoil the furniture in the apartment, or rather, they gnaw it. Some justify this behavior of animals with poor education. Others believe that their pets gnaw on furniture based on their natural instincts. Still others argue that in this way animals are simply trying to draw attention to themselves. One way or another, it is simply necessary to wean the dog from chewing furniture in the apartment.

Dogs are playful and mischievous, especially when they are at an early age. The puppy is characterized by games that the owner does not always approve. The pet can bite, grab the trouser leg and do all sorts of dirty tricks. Hence the need for educational activities, which we will discuss below. But first you need to find out the true reasons that encourage the pet to bite.

Why does a puppy grab by the legs

Don't be too strict when it comes to your little four-legged friend. In dogs, bites are inherent in nature, it is clear that this should not be reflected in the owners.

However, littermates that have lived together for a long time are accustomed to just such a course of the game. Reflexes make themselves felt, the kids grab each other by the withers, cling to their ears and paws, squealing in every possible way. This picture is familiar to many from popular films about dogs.

If you think that a four-legged pet is biting you because it feels threatened or is showing aggression in this way, you are mistaken. A dog at a young age will never harm the owner on purpose.

Animals of this type, regardless of age, breed, gender, have an instinct that manifests itself in love for the owner. When a pet is bored or wants to play, he subconsciously grabs his legs, squealing.

Such behavior should not encourage you to punish the puppy. He will happily wag his tail, jump on his hands, bite and show love in all other ways. This is where the charm of dogs lies.

Playful mood
Puppies very often practice a game called "hide and attack." The baby will hide around the corner, waiting for your feet to appear on the horizon. And then he will grab the slippers or trouser leg, showing himself to be a predator.

There is nothing shameful in this behavior, you can not scold the animal for playing. Your main task is to distract the baby so that he gradually gets out of his head such an addiction.

It is especially important to prevent such actions in a timely manner when it comes to dogs of large breeds, hunters. After all, when the pet grows up, it can significantly harm. Therefore, distract on other "important" things, but do not punish.

Change of teeth
Dogs, like humans, undergo tooth changes. They cut, itch, cause enormous inconvenience to a four-legged baby. Unpleasant sensations the puppy wants to eliminate, grabbing everything that is possible. Including your legs.

From itching in the gums of the dog will help to get rid of a silicone toy, other devices for puppies. You can help your pet by massaging his gums with your hands with a special gel.

The teeth change period is between 3 and 6 months. It is important to understand that this process is extremely difficult for a dog. Your punishments, screams, swearing, bad mood can only aggravate the situation. Have patience.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but in many cases, the pernicious habits of a puppy are the fault of the owner himself. If you regularly “bait” your pet, make him grin, bite and snap, the baby will simply take such actions for granted.

If games with aggression seem funny to you, think about what such manipulations will lead to in the future. Especially if the dog is a large breed. Subsequently, it will be much more difficult to wean her from biting.

Never play with your pet using your feet. For example, you are walking by and the dog is lying on the floor. No need to "set" her on slippers, the animal will instinctively try to defend itself.

  1. If you understand everything and prepare properly, weaning your pet from biting is quite simple. Keep in mind that the age of the puppy plays a significant role in this practice. Correct behavior must be instilled from an early age.
  2. The sooner the pet realizes the correctness of behavior, the greater the results you will achieve in education. It is much more difficult to cope with an adult, which shows strength and disobedience to a greater extent. When raising a puppy, it is enough to follow simple rules.
  3. If the prankster has once again bitten you on the leg, lightly slap him on the nose with a roll of newspaper. As an alternative, a fly swatter is suitable. You can also squeal loudly and clap your hands to show. You can answer him in some way. Grasp the puppy's nose lightly with your fingers, as if you were biting back.
  4. Any of the above answers will not be to your liking. Teach your puppy to the “Fu!” command right away. Your response should be stored in the dog's subconscious. Soon, the pet will remember that biting people is a rather unpleasant experience.
  5. After such an incident, it is highly recommended to ignore the animal. Do not encourage him with your attention and do not play with him. Leave the room for a quarter of an hour, go about your business. Visit the kitchen or restroom. The dog should not think that for the bites you encourage him with your attention and continue to play.
  6. The puppy should be deposited in the memory that after his missteps, no one else pays attention to him. In this case, do not be lazy. Force yourself to repeat these actions as needed. You should not punish the puppy first, and the next time you play with him, as if nothing had happened. Such upbringing is unacceptable.
  7. Be sure to always scold your pet for inappropriate behavior. This is especially true if the animal bites other family members, especially children. If the dog remembers who "can" bite, then such games will continue. The pet will think that he dominates and everything is allowed to him.
  8. Always say the command "Fu!" with the same intonation, do not hysteria. Your voice should feel superior and confident. Do not show any laughter and smile, be stricter. It is also forbidden to say the name of the pet, only the command.

It is not difficult to raise a pet if you follow simple rules. Don't be overly aggressive. It is worth remembering that at this age puppies are still stupid, so you need to show patience and restraint. Don't stop there, train your dog constantly.

Video: 8 ways to wean a puppy or dog from biting

Correcting the behavior of a dog requires patience, observation and consistency of actions from the owner. The pet does not bite just like that, it is a reaction to an irritant, an expression of emotion. In order for a four-legged friend to be manageable, it is important to teach him to control himself. Let's look at the problem of "biting" in two directions: a young animal and an adult animal.


There may be several reasons.

First, he is still learning to live. And while he does not know what hurts, he does not know how to control the force of jaw compression. If you watch the fighting puppies, you will notice that in the process of fussing they bite each other, and if they get carried away, then the “victim” voice shows where to stop. When you play with a puppy and he bites you hard, let him know that he hurt you.

You can come up with a special exclamation, for example, “Ai!”, After which you immediately stop the game. The sequence "command - cessation of communication" will lead to the fact that he will gradually learn to control his forces.

As a rule, several such repetitions are enough for the baby to understand that he needs it.

Secondly, the teeth are changing. During this period, the puppy constantly wants to chew something, massage and scratch the aching gums. Make sure that he has rubber toys, gelatin bones or natural large mosses nearby. An ordinary raw carrot can serve as an excellent toy: both a delicacy and a means for loosening milk teeth.

If he missed a moment and bit his hand painfully during the game, do not scold him. Stop it, and then gently rub your finger on his gums while talking to him gently.

Thirdly, the “complex” character: harmfulness, hyperactivity, willfulness.

Here, the situation cannot be corrected by stopping the game, and it is required to follow a number of recommendations aimed at prohibiting and switching the attention of the pet.

  1. Stop playing.
  2. Does the puppy continue to play and try to grab clothes or shoes? Freeze (the movement of the dog is perceived as a continuation of the game) and give a forbidding command, for example, “Fu”, “No”, “No”.
  3. Offer the baby a replacement for your trouser leg or sleeve: gently unhook your teeth and give a toy. Do not talk, do not scratch or stroke him - he must learn that the world consists not only of prohibitions, and all things are divided into two types: those that can be bitten and gnaw, and those with whom it is undesirable to treat so.

Have you tried everything without success? Learn how to do it right and get rid of problems!

The signs of estrus in a dog are described in detail.

adult dog

If we are talking about a healthy animal, then most likely the problem is dominance.

Unfortunately, many owners do not pay attention in time to such alarming “calls” as grabbing hands and feet when you pass by, “marks” on your shoes, refusal to give the owner a tasty bone on the “Give” command, growling when approaching to the place where there is a dog bowl, etc.

A bite is the peak of the situation. The dog deliberately goes to hurt, "put in place", as it seems to her, to show who is in charge here.

What to do

The dog perceives the family in which he lives as a pack. We can often, without realizing it, lose our leadership position if we treat it like a child, try to please, hesitate to use forbidding commands, or pronounce them in an uncertain tone.

It must be remembered that we are talking about a pack animal. It always observes a person, reads sign language, captures intonations and mood. And if his actions are not similar to the behavior of the leader of the pack, the dog will try to take a vacant place.

  1. Treat your pet like a dog, not like an equal person. Always remember that in the family hierarchy, she is at the very bottom. It won't stop you from loving him.
  2. Feel free to say prohibition commands if you don't like an action. Do not shout, do not hit, but say in a firm voice "Fu", "No", "No".
  3. Apply commands for endurance and achieve their strict implementation. Be sure to encourage the animal.

If the dog bites, observe its behavior and control your actions. Patience and understanding of the motives of actions will help to correct the situation. Be a loving, but tough and demanding owner, and the wicked one will become a devoted and reliable friend.

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    Today, April 23, 2015 at 6-30 in the morning, I was grabbed by the left hand and bit through it. I listened to a lecture on the radio about the aggression of PEOPLE towards unfamiliar dogs, and therefore, when I saw a sitting dog, I pressed my left hand to my hip, fixed my right hand with a purse in a fixed position, continued to move .... but the result is deplorable - medicines, dressings, injections and it is not known when the hand will heal. The owner let the dog go for a walk for the morning toilet, though without a muzzle. And what to do now, in Yaroslavl we have not yet adopted a law on walking pets and there are no claims against the owner / the owner was not around /. Elena

    • Elena, firstly, accept sympathy for what happened. I beg you to listen to my commentary and, even if it seems absurd or stupid to you, just let it be stored in your memory. What happened to you is the dog's owner's fault, that's a fact (simply because he left her unattended). However, I'm 90% sure that none of this would have happened if you hadn't listened to "dog attack lectures" on the radio. Most likely, your fear provoked the dog to attack you. Why do I think so in absentia? Because the "wolfhound" (Central Asian shepherd dog? Caucasian?) bit you only once. It is common for such breeds to fall to the ground and, having piled on, deal with the enemy in this way. It didn't happen - because it only happens in scary stories and on training grounds.
      I assume the following happened. Your fear - and only he - provoked the dog to bite. You behaved inadequately from her point of view, so the dog chose to express his excitement about your inadequacy in this way (what is normal for people looks crazy in the eyes of animals). But again, the owner is to blame, who allowed his pet with an unbalanced psyche to walk alone.
      For the future - two tips, both equally important:
      Do not watch TV, do not listen to "informative lectures" of this kind. All these horror stories are stored in the subconscious as propaganda of violence and fear. Seriously. Hence the conclusion: if you want you not to have problems with dogs, stop thinking that they will attack you and be afraid of them. They do not "feel" fear on an unknown subconscious level, as they say, they SEE your fear with the help of their eyes, nose and ears 🙂
      We saw a dog - your task is to relax. Breathe deeply, calm your heart, there should be no stiffness in the body. Don't look the dog in the eye.
      And, I will tell you the most important thing: the worst thing that can happen in the life of you and your family is if you pass on your fear to children (willingly or unwittingly, children are excellent observers).
      Wish you all the best!

  1. Good afternoon! Maybe I'm posting in the wrong forum, but I have a serious problem with one of my two dogs at home. Yorkies, 9 and 8 years old. In March, the eldest underwent a complex operation, where I almost lost her, they cut out neoplasms of the mammary glands, but it turned out that the blood was not coagulating and they did a transfusion, what I'm talking about, after she spent 5 days in the clinic, before she had never been left without us. And then ... I gave, so many manipulations, pain, antibiotics, but also vrchi over her with the nurses day and night. When I took her home, she practically lived in her arms for a month, ate from her hands, new toys, constant kisses, even the younger dog had less attention, but the younger one was not offended, but on the contrary she was next to the older one (she was afraid that they would take it away again). Only after 1.5 months she recovered, the scar healed, and her behavior became unbearable. Onoa drives me out of bed, sister, growls, rushes, if I want to make the bed, barks until hoarse, and this horror grins. A false pregnancy appeared, they drank galastop, but she continues to hide in a pillow and protect imaginary puppies, a pillow, hates everyone, eats well, but sucks (I need to give antibiotics, but you can’t on an empty stomach). Walks hunched over and quickly quickly, to the toilet or water and back. Help what to do. On the one hand, she is already an adult, on the other, I feel guilty that I underwent such an operation, and on the third, when I remember that I almost lost her, I myself begin to kiss her. Thanks and sorry for such a detailed post.

    and one more thing: everyone is sleeping, the apartment is quiet, it’s dark, and when she starts barking, growling, she puts the whole house on her ears and you can’t shut her up in any way. He sleeps exclusively in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head (earlier only in the legs), so he shoves and shoves with his paws, turns around and sleeps on his back, and his paws are on his head, on his face and she doesn’t care.

    • Hello, what you described is an old story. The owner who feels guilty towards the dog. And a pet that simply DOES NOT LIVE with such emotions, because it does not know how to experience them 🙂
      In your situation, a small dog suddenly has a significant increase in its social status (because one fine morning you suddenly recognized its absolute leadership, allowing you to behave differently). After all, she does not understand that you feel sorry for her because of her illness, she sees what is happening as something that has become the leader of the pack 🙂
      Well, it is logical that she strengthens her primacy every second: this is how dogs are arranged, they cannot live differently, it is in their nature.
      A dog does not know how to hate and harbor anger for a long time 🙂 She simply reacts to changes around.
      Here is where I elaborated on my opinion on the matter.
      Read this answer, and if you have any clarifying questions - ask them in that thread!

  2. I read the article on the link, watched the video - one to one. But the problem is that I started to be afraid of my own dog. She grabbed me, rushes. Today I will start to follow your advice - we'll see what happens. She doesn’t even put her father in authority - she can come up to him and sit on him. All this is said

  3. thanks for the advice. Three days have passed - our behavior is improving. I noticed that she was afraid to bite me. I, at my own peril and risk, started kissing her on her prr and grinning, she understood that I was not afraid of her and was also kissing me. We fall asleep now calmly, if I put my hand on it. Then she does not growl, but sleeps quietly. I’m afraid she’ll get used to it, but it’s not scary) she sleeps near my head, but the main thing is that she has a hand on her until she falls asleep)))))))))) and I also exhaust her with ball games in the evenings. that then it is even too lazy to growl and bark.

    Good afternoon! You have such detailed advice, maybe you can tell us how to be. We have a Welsh Corgi mestizo, a male of 8 months. at 3 months. On the street he behaved stiffly, whined, asked to be held in his arms, sat still and did not want to go anywhere. Inexperience, we thought, maybe he was cold, it was January. but constantly running, he was not interested in toys or treats. On the street, he did not pay any attention to the dogs, if one of them tried to play with him, he ran away to the side, or hid behind the owner. On the May holidays they took him with them for city, there he walked all day with pleasure, ran after the ball. But, another problem arose - in the presence of the owner, he began to throw himself at neighbors, including children. on someone else's territory, the story repeated itself, when trying to stroke him, he even bit him to calm down. It became dangerous to come to us, we had to close him in the room beforehand. .By nature, very maned, inquisitive, loves to look for objects and bring them. In appearance, a cute, harmless dog becomes an uncontrollable monster when approached by strangers, and especially children. How to behave with him, can you tell me? Thank you!

  4. Good day! We have this problem: York is 2 years old, the dog has become aggressive towards all households. If she sleeps on the bed, she doesn’t pass by, she starts to bark angrily and pounce trying to bite, and she doesn’t touch those who are with her on the couch at the moment. And on the street, this is an ordinary little dog that is afraid of every rustle, and affectionate to all passers-by. What to do advise?

  5. Now a lot of kennels have divorced with breeders who only need to make money, they knit sick dogs all the time, it’s especially scary when security guards are allowed to breed with genetic types of idiopathic aggression, mental illness and physiological - dysplasia, eyelid obstruction, internal anomalies, etc.
    In general, it’s terrible, okay, small dogs, but large ones? I am for the euthanasia of such dogs, if you do not give in to behavioral adjustment, then do not risk your life and the lives of those around you and always remember that a dog is not a person, and as they say, a dog’s place is just an animal, in natural conditions such anomalies are doomed to disappear .
    Previously, there was a very strict screening in breeding and breeding sub-breeding, but now everything is decided by money, making money in any way, and as a result, bitten people or even worse.
    Also there were no stray dogs before.
    If all else fails and the dog continues to bite and behave like a dog, the first is a hereditary, genetic disease - idiopathic aggression! Continuing for a long time, unrepairable, unmotivated and how to speak out of the blue dog aggression should make you think and take decisive action.
    Patience in such cases will definitely not lead to good ((((
    A lot of dogs now, both small and watchdogs, have just such a hereditary disease.

  6. I got a cocker spaniel not long ago, she is 1.5 years old, the dog is not bad, but there are small problems, firstly, when walking, she quickly pulls, starts to wheeze, even the poor woman is sometimes sorry, tried to put on another harness, started to growl, they took it off .at home friendly, playful, but if she did something, or she really liked something, she starts to growl, she can bite, fu commands, she practically doesn’t react, maybe where she was no one cared for her, it seems that everyone did as she wanted, thought to give it back, then changed their mind, thought we’d give it back, and then they give it to someone else and God forbid they mock her for disobedience. Maybe try to buy her a strict collar so that she pulls so hard when walking unless, of course, with her age and upbringing, something can work out. With respect ...

    Help me please. A year ago we adopted a Scotch Terrier, i.e. took him away from the previous owner, who was going to euthanize him. The dog was extremely neglected, when we arrived at the house, he lay in one corner for a month and went out from there only to walk or eat, he did not sniff the corners on the street. After a haircut, a lot of scars were found on his head and body. In addition to his appearance, he also had behavioral problems: he threw himself and hysteria at the sight of other dogs, bicycles, roller skaters. A year has passed, the behavior has changed slightly for the better, but he continues to throw himself on bicycles and bites everyone who tries to touch him. I don’t know what to do, he has already taken root with us and it would be a pity to put him to sleep

  7. Almost a month ago we adopted a Shih Tzu dog. She is 1 year and 3 months old. A week ago, the puppet dog began to show aggression towards me, not allowing me to comb or pick up. And today she bit me. It hurts to the point of bleeding. Now I'm reading on the Internet what to do. Recommend please. The dog does not touch the husband, purrs lovingly around him, but I get it (((

  8. Hello, I have a Shar Pei dog. Since childhood, she has been afraid to walk, shakes on the street, does all her business and goes home with a bullet. What we just didn’t do. , she starts to grin, growl and rush at me. As soon as I remove the leash, everything is fine, she loves everyone, wags her tail. She never shows aggression, but as soon as she walks, she is a completely different animal. he is friends with them, does not bite anyone. I don’t know what to do at all ...

  9. Hello, I have a dachshund dog, and she growls, bites. When guests arrive, he immediately chooses with whom to play and begins to bite the guests in a playful way for all places, and if he is strongly attracted, he climbs to mate (male). When I say fu, you can’t, no, he doesn’t obey. If you try to remove it from them, it can bite very hard. Barks and rushes if someone in the house starts to shout loudly or make quick hand gestures. The dog was pampered and not beaten, sleeps where he wants and also eats where he pleases. Is it possible to normalize the dog or is it too late? Dog year.

    Hello, I have a Yorkie for almost three months, a boy, he lives with us for a week and a half, the dog is good, he almost taught him to wear a diaper, I feed him by the hour, but he bites all the time, it’s impossible to stroke or caress him, and not only does he bite his hands, he jumps all the time and grabs his face .. how can I wean him? when I remove it and say no, it continues the same thing ..

    Good afternoon. My dog ​​is 6 months old. He bites my hands during the game, or on the street he gnaws on occasions, trying to take him away. I have bruises all over my hands, when I want to stop it, he pinches or bites my legs. Teams performs only at home, and with food. Perceives and fears only men at home. I have tried all the video tutorials. He considers himself dominant. What should I do? Thanks

    I have a 2 month old Airedale puppy and one problem is that he bites a lot. It is impossible to stroke, feed, or fasten/adjust the leash - he immediately digs into his hand and clenched his jaw. I thought that there were simply no toys, but when they got it, it still hurts me and the rest of the household. No stopping the game and leaving without attention does not help - he starts to gnaw on his feet / slippers / things that lie on the floor. When all the same you climb on the bed with your feet - from a rough game, he turns to aggression: growls, rushes onto the bed (he cannot climb because of his height). The daily war for leadership: who is more stubborn, who is stronger, who will do more nasty things to each other (I begin to scold or give commands in a strict voice, and he, in turn, bites and stubbornly refuses to obey). Please help with advice - he is still small, but I'm afraid to miss this moment when he grows up and even more fierce "battles" for dominance begin. I'm scared, help me.

  10. Hello, all dog lovers!) I have a toy terrier, a wonderful, beloved dog ... but .. He is 8 years old. It so happened that at first he lived in my sister's family, then in the family of our parents, and in the end, he has been living with us for 3 years, i.e. from 5 years old. Affectionate, wonderful, but sometimes a nightmare! I understand that the change of owners on the psyche of the dog is reflected capitally negatively. I try, educate, but it doesn't work. Accepts only her husband. Of course, he somehow loves me, rejoices, etc. (I feed him) :)) In general, the problem is, he bit me 3 times, and all because he came to our bed at night (categorically forbidden, comes when we sleep), I turned to my husband and he bit me, the last time he darted like a snake into the eye. Thank God, only the eyelid. I swear, my husband scolds him, but somehow there is no return. I'm not saying that he does his little things in the apartment periodically. Although, he is accustomed to walk, on the contrary, he does not want to, he hides when we take him outside. My sister also told me that when she took him away, that all the puppies followed the “mother” in a flock, and our Mavrik was sitting alone, she took pity on him, thought that they didn’t like him, that’s why she took him)) And he’s like that ... Not I know how to raise an adult dog, it doesn’t work for me, maybe someone can help with advice. Thank you) And thank you for listening) Health to you all and your pets)

    Good day to all! I have a problem - the kindest and most accommodating German shepherd, a girl, 5 years old, ran out of the site and bit a passerby, and at a distance from the house, in the village, the passerby just walked, did not show aggression. She bit and ran away. The issue was settled with the victim. But what about the dog? My grandson periodically comes, 4 years old, they always walk together, absolutely no problems. Is it dangerous for children? Can it somehow affect her?

    My dog ​​- a Pomeranian - is very affectionate, friendly to adults and children, does not bark at home, BUT on the street he rushes at all animals and dogs too, barks even with a scream-squeal, and if he manages to get close to the animal, he will definitely bite. .. I took him at the age of 3, now he is 4. From birth, he was brought up in a family where there was the same dog-male (his dad), they were good friends and lived together, and walked together, fasting always on a leash, and only in nature they were released. Now I can’t let go of the dog at all, he runs uncontrollably in all directions, does not pay attention to cars or anything ... I’m afraid that a larger animal will bite him to death if he starts attacking, and he always strives for this. In such situations, I take him in my arms and turn his muzzle to the other side, then he calms down a bit, but turns it around in all directions and looks for a victim. At such moments, he does not listen to any commands, his eyes run like crazy

    Good evening!
    Our dog (Pembroke Corgi) bit me. He treats my young man with respect, recognizes his authority. Mine doesn't at all. Even though I'm the only one who feeds him. I feed and pamper for the execution of commands (close, sit, lie down, give a paw, roll, bunny), for good behavior when walking, cutting claws, combing. Today I wanted him to go to the place (he has a fairly large aviary). I took a treat, I tell him "Place". He stayed where he was. I also took his chewing toy. I repeated the command. At this time, the young man went about his business. The dog came and sat next to him. I repeated the command. He began to snarl. I repeated the command came closer, he clanged his teeth. Bared his teeth. He didn't let me approach him. I stepped closer. He bit me.
    What am I doing wrong. Why does my dog ​​hate me. This is not the first time he has bitten me. The first time he bit me when he decided to urinate at home (although he was recently accustomed to the street and in the toilet), I slapped him (quite lightly).
    Sometimes I'm sure he hates me. But on the other hand, he misses me when I'm gone. Always running to meet me. Just hugs me. When you are afraid of something.
    What I don't understand. How to earn his respect. How to make it clear that I'm the leader, not him?

    Hello. We have a 9-month-old puppy. We picked it up on the street, a mestizo dachshund and don’t know who) It looks like a smooth-haired fox terrier. plaid, and tramples with its paws (as cats do) We are very happy when we come home from work, dancing, screaming, trying to bite with joy and lick it. But recently I began to grab my bedding, chew and growl like a bear cub. strongly when I put on a leash, although he likes to walk. Thank you.

    Hello, I would like to ask for advice!
    Thank you all in advance.
    Toy Terrier, male, 5 years old.
    Well, frankly impudent muzzle) can bite any member of the family without a twinge of conscience, if something doesn’t like it, doesn’t let the child (like a child, a guy of 15 years old closet) into the room, if he came before him, wild hysteria begins, throws, bites. He knows the diaper, but maybe there are other spare places that he also visits every day. He doesn’t let people into the apartment, hysteria begins again. You can only cope with a treat, or a constant switch of attention to a toy. We were spoiled by understanding ourselves, but we want advice on how to reduce aggression, what methods to influence, how to accustom to a diaper (the street does not perceive in any way, refuses to go out, and if taken out, then it gets very upset and suffers with the toilet to the house).

    Hello. I have a 4.5 year old sharpei. since childhood, she was very pampered, gradually she began to bite. But not to blood, just bite or push with your nose, or show your teeth and growl. And recently (about 2 years) she gradually began to take leadership in the family, she bit everyone, moreover, throwing herself. till blood. Only I remained an authority for her. I took it awkwardly the other day when I was trying to wash my paws. She rushed at me sharply, biting me several times until I could hide behind the door. The dog is very capricious, since childhood she was afraid of everything, she is afraid to ride in a car, she is afraid of rain, it is impossible to force her! only by force, wrapped in a blanket, we can shove it into the same car ... We decided to give it to a cynologist with behavior correction for overexposure. But something else worries me - is it possible at such an age to change such a difficult character, because. we have a small child 2 years old and we are afraid that the dog might attack the child too!

    Good day! I have a staffordshire terrier female 3.5 years old. From the smallest she grew up with children and did not show aggression, but today she rushed at her youngest son and bit him on the face. The injury is not dangerous, but the fact remains. Husband demands to remove the dog. Advise what can be done in this situation? thanks in advance

    Hello! I have a chihuahua 5 years old, from the age of 2 he began to bite, and the owners and just almost all strangers ... I bathe him with difficulty, because when I want to pick him up he tries to bite ... he can still spin in place for a long time and bite your paws and growl, this is when they shouted at him or something is not according to him ... but in another, he executes all my commands, used to sleep in bed, but when I pointed to his place in a week I got used to it, so now, now we have a child in our family, 8 months already, and so the dog tried to bite the baby, when we stomped around the apartment, at first growled, and then when I took the baby in my arms, I wanted to grab him, that he jumped up ... tell me what to do, we are thinking of giving the dog to relatives, because we are afraid that it will bite ... thanks for your attention;)

How to wean a puppy from biting - shows trainer Tatyana Skokova using the example of the behavior of a Yorkshire terrier puppy. She has a small puppy for behavior correction, which has not yet been trained. Tatyana shows directly to the camera how to work with a small puppy so that he stops grabbing the owner’s arms and legs with his teeth.

Even such babies, yoriks, can be taught to behave decently, they are also dogs, so they are perfectly trainable.

As Tatyana says, this puppy still bites its hands, bites even on the face, bites the comb when they try to comb it. And you can start working with the baby with this procedure - combing.

Weaning a puppy from biting when combing

The brush, before you start combing the puppy, must first be sprayed with antistatic. Then the process will not cause discomfort to the baby, and he will bite less.

If the puppy is too hooligan, then you need to comb it several times a day. Place brushes and combs everywhere within your puppy's reach so that he gets used to them. Carry a brush or comb with you in your pocket.

Hold the puppy under the armpits, placing the paws on the floor. The most difficult thing is to teach to comb the muzzle and front paws. You can hold it with your hand under the chin, at the withers.

At first, the puppy can arrange a real brawl, but over time he will come to terms and get used to it. You just need to repeat this process more often.

How to wean a puppy from biting hands and feet, clothes

There are several rules here:

  1. First of all, never play with your puppy with your hands. Take for this a toy that he could bite and wag. The puppy perceives your hands as a toy.
  2. Get more different toys, chews, bones.
  3. When the puppy grabs your hands, do not withdraw your fingers, but try to push your fingers deeper into the mouth, to the throat, for a few seconds. The puppy will understand that this is unpleasant and will stop biting your hands.
  4. No need to scream, spank the puppy, punish. Biting is natural for him. Just follow tip #3.
  5. If the puppy bites on the leg, do not withdraw your leg. Stop and lower the part of the leg that he grabbed you by as low as possible to the floor. So you pinch his jaw, it's not painful, but unpleasant. Just once is enough for the baby to stop biting your legs.
  6. If the puppy grabs your clothes, you need to push him away and say no. You can make some kind of hissing sound.