Spanish Mastiff: strength and calm. All about the giant dog from the Iberian Peninsula - the Spanish Mastiff. Their homeland is Spain.

The optimal conditions for him would be a country house with a spacious enclosure in the yard.

The large size of the Spanish Mastiff makes it unsuitable for keeping in an apartment - there is simply not enough space for it. Optimal place His place of residence will be a country house with a spacious enclosure in the courtyard. The issue of caring for such a dog should be approached extremely seriously and responsibly. The main procedures that a representative of this breed requires are combing and cutting nails. IN summer period It is recommended to water it from the shower to save it from the heat. One of the characteristics of the Spanish Mastiff breed is the need for regular exercise. However, you should not put too much strain on them as they grow up - body weight grows faster than joints and ligaments are formed.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Spain

Spain is officially considered the country of origin. Their ancestors were brought to the Iberian Peninsula in the early Middle Ages, where their selection began. Spanish Mastiffs are closely associated with the seasonal movement of livestock, especially the sheep, which they accompanied. Back in the Middle Ages, they began to be used for protection against wolves and other predators. They were bred by crossing Iberian Shepherds with Celtic dogs. Despite the rich history of Spanish mastiffs, the standards for this breed were formulated and published relatively recently - in 1982.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

From the description of the Spanish Mastiff breed it follows that their owner is a person who is primarily looking for a partner and friend. He needs a companion who perfectly senses his mood and at the same time does not fawn on him. Most likely, the owner of such a dog himself is a calm and self-possessed person, leading a leisurely and measured lifestyle.

The Spanish Mastiff is a truly gigantic dog. And the first impression she makes is terrifying. But getting to know her better and listening to the owners’ reviews, you understand that in reality the animal has a very gentle and balanced character, it is devoted to its owner and takes care of children. Photos of mastiffs being led on a leash by small children are very touching.

Their homeland is Spain

The Spanish Mastiff is a breed that emerged through a long process of breeding. Her ancestors are various breeds, used by pastoralists for centuries to protect and herd their herds. Certain requirements were imposed on such dogs: they had to be calm so as not to scare away the herd, self-confident and independent, because at night they guarded the animals without a person; they must also be strong and be able to protect the herd from attack. The Spanish Mastiff absorbed all these qualities and, for his character, he was called an excellent companion and shepherd. In their homeland, animals of this breed are highly respected. And there are reasons for this: mastiffs are able to graze and lead a herd for several days even without food; under threat starvation they will not allow themselves to bully the sheep.

Modern Spanish mastiffs differ from their ancestors in being larger in size (see photo). This is due to the fact that in the middle of the twentieth century, breeders began to select more large dogs. The goal was a success. Today, the dog, weighing up to 80 kg and up to 77 cm tall, inspires fear in strangers and is a source of pride for its owners.

What does a mastiff from Spain look like?

  • The Spanish Mastiff is a fairly large dog. Males reach a height of 77 cm at the withers, females - up to 72. The weight of the animal is from 50 (females) and 60 (males) kg and above.
  • The animal's fur is hard, medium-length, and the undercoat is thick. The description of the breed provides several color options: brindle and wolf, fawn and red, black and white and black and red (see photo).
  • The head is large and square-shaped. The eyes are dark hazel in color and somewhat triangular in shape. The look is melancholic (see video).
  • The ears are drooping and triangular. The chest is wide and convex. The tail is thick. The limbs of the animal are massive. Movements are free and measured.

Spanish mastiffs that meet “pedigreed” standards participate in various exhibitions. It’s interesting to watch the video to see how gracefully and nobly these huge dogs behave.

Calm and strong - these are the main differences between mastiffs

If someone is confident and strong, he has no reason to prove anything to anyone. The same can be said for mastiffs. Dogs of this breed are not characterized by aggressiveness. They are absolutely confident in themselves, and their character is calm and melancholy. And at the same time, animals are very observant. Mastiffs are sensitive to the mood of the owner; they always know when the owner is stressed and when everything is fine.

The Mastiff can be safely left with children as a nanny. The animal perceives babies as part of the herd that needs to be protected and protected. They also have a special caring attitude towards the elderly.

Although the Spanish Mastiff is naturally very intelligent, like any animal, it requires training. Coping with an ill-mannered dog of this size will be a real problem. Therefore, puppies with early age they need to be trained and socialized.

Keeping and caring for a pet

Due to its large size, keeping a mastiff in an apartment is not very convenient. The conditions of a private home would be more acceptable for the dog. He is unpretentious and will happily live in an enclosure. Moreover, he needs space and Fresh air. Thanks to the dense coat and thick undercoat, the animal will not be afraid of frost. In excessive heat, the dog will need shade - this should be taken into account when building an enclosure.

Despite its impressive size and scary looking, the mastiff is sensitive to the approval of the owner and requires a lot of his attention.

This large dog needs exercise and long walks. But only in adulthood. There is no need to overdo it with puppies. They gain weight very quickly, and excessive stress can cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s nutrition, although mastiffs are particularly unpretentious in food. An adult animal eats twice a day. The size of your daily portion may depend on the time of year. In summer, 0.5 kg of feed is enough, and in winter, the dose can reach up to a kilogram. The mastiff should be fed with special food (dry and wet) from well-known manufacturers. The price of the food may be high, but it contains all the necessary elements to feed such a large dog. Also, do not forget about the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sometimes the Spaniard can be fed natural food. He will be delighted with lamb and rabbit meat. But pork meat should be completely excluded from his diet.

Puppies are ready to eat on their own at one and a half months. They eat about 6 times a day. Even if you feed dry factory food, you must add fresh meat, cottage cheese or kefir, steamed vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits to the diet.

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog with a distinctive good health. But it is susceptible to some diseases, among them the “scourge” of large animals - articular dysplasia, as well as heart problems. Puppies of this breed can also suffer from growing pains, so proper proportional feeding is very important during this period.

Features of choosing a puppy

Before buying a Spanish Mastiff puppy, you need to talk to the breeders and find out their reviews. Still, the dog is large and requires some care. Despite the fact that the breed's character is distinguished only by positive qualities, this animal requires a lot of attention and training to become an obedient and balanced dog in adulthood. Also, be sure to consult with breeders whether a novice dog breeder should get a mastiff.

You also need to adequately assess your financial capabilities. The Spanish Mastiff is a dog most often purchased to guard large mansions. She must live in space, and even the largest apartment is unlikely to suit her.

If you are sure that the Spanish Mastiff is exactly what you need, start looking for a puppy. First, decide who you need: a boy or a girl. Males are larger and more active, females are calmer. In a family with small children, it is better to get a bitch who will be more affectionate and obedient than a dog.

On the Internet you can find advertisements for the sale of puppies. Description of the litter and parents, price, photo - this is what is usually included in such advertisements. It is necessary to evaluate the character of the puppies and their parents. They should not be aggressive, but they must be active and inquisitive. This short description will help determine the baby's health: sparkling eyes, soft fur, clean ears, moist nose, its mucous membranes should be pink.

You can find a puppy in a specialized club. Today, almost all clubs and nurseries have websites with photos of their pets, videos of training, and there you can also find advertisements for the sale of puppies of this breed.

It is risky to buy a puppy from a poultry market. The price for it may be significantly lower, but if the animal does not have documents, it is not known for certain whether it is purebred. You cannot buy puppies from resellers. You definitely need to see your parents, not just in photos or videos.

Buying a puppy of this breed is a serious matter. You need to weigh the pros and cons. Chat with the owners, find out their reviews. Read information on the Internet, read a description of the breed, visit various exhibitions and, of course, meet the dog in person. After all, seeing an animal in a photo or video on the Internet is one thing, but live is a completely different matter.

The price of a Spanish Mastiff can vary. There are advertisements that list prices from $500 to $4,000. It all depends on the availability of documents, vaccinations, characteristics of the parents (if they participate in exhibitions, have awards, then the price of their puppies increases) and on the seller himself (for some, selling puppies is a business).

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog for wealthy people who are ready to invest in it not only money, but strength and attention. Dogs of this breed will be grateful to their owners all their lives for their care and care. They will take custody of the kids, guard the home of strangers and delight the owners. They look very cute in the photo. You can find various pictures on the Internet: a photo of a Spanish mastiff standing on hind legs and a head taller than its owner, or a photo of a baby next to a dog of this breed. In general, the Spanish Mastiff will never let anyone get bored!

Dimensions:Height: from 72 to 85 cm, weight: from 50 kg
Character:Noble, loyal, benevolent
Where used:Shepherd dog, guard
Lives:13-15 years old
Color:White-grey, brindle, black-fawn, red, fawn or wolf colors

Taking one look at a Spanish Mastiff dog, one can assume that this large pet was created to protect people. This is partly true. In this article you can learn about the nature of animals, their appearance and living conditions.

Origin story

As for the description of the history of its origin, according to some sources, dogs of this breed appeared on the territory of Spain 3 thousand years ago. However modern history began only in 1906. Then the first representative of this breed appeared in Spain, information about which was entered in the stud book. Six years later, this pet was even awarded a royal prize.

According to the first description of the standard, which was adopted in the 1940s, the weight of dogs of this breed fluctuated around 50 kg, and height - up to 80 cm. But after 10 years, breeders began to give preference to larger individuals. Around these years, kennels specializing specifically in this breed of dogs began to open. The most famous of them were the Trasumancia and El Pinotar nurseries. And although their owners had different views on what an ideal Spanish Mastiff should look like, yet these pets played a decisive role in the formation of the breed (video author - Talo Nurmella. Funny animals.).

The Spanish Mastiff was originally used as a herding dog breed. But when wolves were virtually wiped out in the country in the 1960s, their numbers were reduced to a minimum. However, over several years, dog handlers managed not only to preserve representatives of this species, but also to improve them appearance. In addition, many local breeders continued to work on breeding animals at home. This made it possible to preserve the functions of animals, in particular, to protect livestock and drive them.

Ten years later, breeders agreed that the variety standard needed to be revised. Then in 1981 the international canine organization approved new standard. At the same time, the first association of fans of the Spanish Mastiff breed was registered in Spain. The first animals of this species entered Russia only in 1995. These were pets bred in the Czech Republic.

A few years later, the first Russian offspring was bred, consisting of four puppies. Being a rare species in our country, mastiffs began to have their first fans. They can be seen at modern exhibitions.

Breed characteristics

Appearance and standard

Now let's look at the description of the standard. According to him, the Spanish mastiff is a rather large and powerful animal. In any case, the length of the body should be more height at the withers. Skull box pets are characterized by an enlarged cranial part, square in shape. Representatives of the Spanish Mastiff breed have a clearly defined occipital protuberance.

The animals' forehead itself is flat, fairly smooth, and the muzzle is deep and elongated. According to the standard description, the animals have a black nose, the nostrils are quite wide, and the lips are also black on the inside. Concerning eyeballs, then according to the standard description they are small in size, triangular in shape and slightly slanted. Their color is preferably brown or hazel, the eyelids are always thick and usually slightly drooping.

The ears are small in size, triangular shape, quite thick, slightly raised at the base. According to the standard description, the Spanish Mastiff has strong and white teeth, and the jaw is characterized by a scissor bite. The neck is not particularly long, but moderately strong, set high. As for the skin, it is very thick in this dog breed, but also elastic, with a slight dewlap. It is also worth noting that the chest of these animals is quite developed and deep, convex.

The withers are also well developed, the fur itself is very strong and tough. As for the lower back, it is powerful and short. As for the paws, the forelimbs, according to the standard description, are characterized by sloping shoulders. Their forearms are straight, quite strong, have strong bones, and their pasterns are also powerful and straight. The claws are short and dark. On hind limbs the hock joints are quite low.

The tail is quite thick at the base, and when free reaches the hock joint. When the dog is excited, the tail rises and bends, but does not curl. The fur, as described by the standard, is quite coarse, not particularly long, but the undercoat of the Spanish Mastiff dog breed is very thick. The fur is longer in the chest area, tail and shoulders. Representatives of this breed are characterized by white-gray, brindle, black-red, red, fawn or wolf colors.

Now let's move on to the description of the sizes. The Spanish Mastiff is a large animal. The height of males should be at least 77 cm, preferably 80 cm or more. As for females, their minimum height is 72 cm, but preferably from 75 cm. The weight of males is from 60 kg, females from 50 kg.


As owner reviews demonstrate, the character of the Spanish Mastiff dog breed is one of the most interesting features. After all, the character of these large and terrifying animals is far from formidable, like their appearance. Moreover, it can be said that both puppies and adults have such a character that one would think that this is the friendliest dog.

By nature, these animals are quite confident in themselves and their power. Despite this, pets are simply filled with love and nobility. If earlier puppies and adult dogs were more aggressive and menacing, then their character has changed due to domestication. If you believe the reviews of the owners, then representatives of the Spanish Mastiff breed are always calm and rarely show aggression.

In addition, dog breeders claim that these animals are very intelligent and smart, as well as determined and noble at the same time. One way or another, character traits are formed not only at the genetic level, but also in the process of education. Puppies should be trained to behave calmly towards loved ones and to show aggression towards strangers.

It should also be noted that Spanish Mastiffs get along well with children, in particular with toddlers. Especially if the puppy has been raised since childhood at home in an apartment or house where there are children. By their nature, both puppies and adult dogs are friendly and will never offend a baby. But they may not do this on purpose during the game, simply by accidentally pushing the child with their weight. So in any case, animals and children should be supervised (the author of the video below is My Planet).

Conditions for keeping


As for the conditions of care, they must always be observed to make the puppy’s stay in the house comfortable. Several rules regarding care are presented below:

  1. First of all, animals always need to be brushed, otherwise their fur will be all over the house. Keep in mind that large pets are always a big hassle. Therefore, before getting a puppy, weigh everything several times.
  2. From childhood, puppies should always exercise. Since pets can be a little lazy by temperament, the owner may have to make an effort. Daily walks are necessary, this is not discussed. Once a week you need to walk with your mastiff for at least one hour. It is advisable to do this away from people.
  3. A dog's nails need to be trimmed as they grow, which is very individual. This must be done carefully so as not to harm the animal.
  4. Since the Spanish Mastiff's coat is very thick, in the summer it should be bathed periodically, without shampoo, just with water. The puppy may not like it at first, but over time water treatments will only bring pleasure.
  5. Of course, we must not forget about vaccination. Today doctors are often used modern vaccines, which allow you to protect your pet from several diseases at the same time. Puppies should also be up to date on their vaccinations.

In general, caring for a Spanish Mastiff is not particularly easy. Therefore if most If you spend time away from home, consider whether you can provide care for your pet.

Optimal diet

It would not be amiss to consider the issue of feeding. It must be said right away that special specific features Regarding the preparation of the diet in this case, no. Dogs eat the same foods as other breeds, but the key is the amount of food you give your dog. It should be taken into account that Spanish Mastiffs are naturally prone to obesity and overeating, so do not give your pet a whole bowl of food. After all, he will eat it, even through force.

You, as the owner, should always control the amount of food your puppy or adult dog eats. Since by their nature these animals are real gluttons, never give your pet supplements. The dog will eat everything you offer him without any problems, but this does not mean that you can give him everything (video author - ZagorodLifeTV).

As practice shows, puppies and adult dogs do not have digestive problems and usually their stomachs digest all the bones. However, bird long bones should be discarded. After eating, a person should wipe the dog's face. Of course, she can do this on her own, only about furniture and other household items. As for the diet specifically, when buying a puppy you should consult with the breeder.

But the animal’s diet in any case should include:

  • It is better to exclude boiled or raw meat, pork and lamb; beef is the best option;
  • porridge - rice or buckwheat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • raw eggs (once a week);
  • low-fat fermented milk products, in particular cottage cheese.

Too fat and spicy food should be avoided as it will cause indigestion and other digestive problems. The same goes for any sweets and confectionery, bread and flour products. IN Lately Many dog ​​breeders practice feeding their pets dry food or canned food. In any case, if you decide to use ready-made food, then choose premium products.

Low quality and cheap food It will only harm the stomach, and this also applies to a natural diet, by the way. Food should always be fresh and not spoiled. The quality of purchased feed should be at the same level, so consult with a specialist before purchasing. You can also read reviews about food on the Internet from other breeders. Before buying, pay attention to the composition - it should contain a minimum harmful substances and maximum useful elements.

Stir the feed different types, as well as from different manufacturers not allowed. It can also lead to stomach upset. Keep in mind that the amount of food your Spanish Mastiff consumes may vary depending on the time of year. So, in the summer heat, pets eat an order of magnitude less than in winter. Dry food or natural diet- this is up to each breeder to decide. But experts still recommend using natural food than finished products.

Possible diseases

As for diseases characteristic of this breed, there are not many of them. In general, Spanish Mastiffs are strong pets with strong immunity.

But still characteristic diseases present:

Photo gallery

See photos of Spanish Mastiffs below.

The Spanish Mastiff is a large dog that is ideal for guarding country house. However, unlike other guard and guard breeds, Spaniards need care and attention. They must be full-fledged members of the family, who will be valued for their loyalty, independence and incorruptibility.

The ancestors of the modern mastiff lived for centuries in the Pyrenees, Extremadura, Andalusia, on the Catalan coast and other historical regions of Spain. The economy in this area was based on sheep farming, which flourished largely thanks to mastiff dogs (that’s what the Spaniards called the guards of the herd, without any prefixes or additional words). Mastiffs were born and lived together with sheep and were an integral part of the herd, so when the owner of the flock changed, the dog was given away along with the cattle. Different territories developed their own type of dog, which was suitable for specific local conditions and climate.

The breed developed thanks to sheep farming. In his chronicle of shepherd life, Emanuel Delrio noted that there were usually five mastiffs per thousand sheep. If we compare these data with the number of livestock in the 18th century, we get a figure of about 20,000 individuals. Cattle breeders strictly selected dogs for working qualities, but also took into account external characteristics, such as the depth of the body, the size of the head, the presence of folds and jowls.

Despite their large numbers and widespread distribution, mastiffs were not given much attention special attention up to the 20th century. The first officially registered mastiff was a piebald male named Machako. In 1906 he was recorded in the Spanish stud book. He could not be called a standard of beauty, but no other mastiffs were brought to the exhibition in Madrid. Under the pressure of urbanization, wolves began to leave the vicinity of villages, and with them the small fur-bearing animal, which was the main food for large dogs. Farmers began to switch to more convenient, small and mobile ones. The breed began to degenerate and was preserved only thanks to individual sheep breeders who continued to breed mastiffs, and, of course, to breeders who remembered their national heritage and laid the foundation for factory breeding of the Spanish Mastiff.

The first description of the Spanish Mastiff was written in 1946 for the FCI by breeder Luis Del Portillo, in which the dogs were described as large dogs with short hair. In the late 50s, Luis began searching for large mastiffs, which he collected from pastures in the province of Leon. In the early 60s, a significant contribution to the breed was made by the breeder Amodel Alejandro, who from the 70s to the 80s was involved in breeding and popularizing large dogs. It was his dogs that laid the foundation for several lines that are still known to this day: Manalo Martineda, Ermiño Tascona, Sacaries Pieto and El Pinotara.

At the end of the 70s, a new standard was created that was more consistent with the modern appearance of Spanish mastiffs. In 1981, the breed was officially recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and a Spanish Mastiff breeding program was developed under the leadership of Carlos Solas. The first Spanish mastiff appeared in Russia in 1995, and in 1996, 10 more dogs were imported from the Czech Republic and Spain, which became the founders of Russian lines. The number of nurseries began to increase, of which today there are already more than 10.

Video about the Spanish Mastiff dog breed:


The Spanish Mastiff is a large dog, well-built, muscular, powerful, with a large head and medium-length hair. The body has an elongated shape, but harmony and lightness should be traced in movements and proportions. gender identity is guessed very well. The height at the withers for males is from 77 cm, for females - from 72 cm. Weight is not defined by the standard, with a minimum size of 70-80 kg.

The head is strong, large, shaped like a truncated pyramid with a wide base. The skull is strong, with a pronounced occipital protuberance and a convex profile. Big upper lip covers the lower one, well-developed jowls. The teeth are strong and white. The eyes are small in relation to the skull, almond-shaped, preferably dark in color. The eyelids are pigmented and thick. A slightly drooping lower eyelid allows you to see the mucous membrane. The ears are drooping, triangular in shape, flat, medium in size, and can be cropped. The sky is black.

The neck is strong, flexible, with a well-developed dewlap. The body is rectangular in shape, powerful and strong, indicating great strength, but at the same time mobile. The back is flexible and powerful. The ribs are rounded. The loin is wide and long. The croup is strong, its height is equal to the height at the withers. Rib cage deep, wide, very powerful. The tail is thick, reaching to the hocks, and the terminal quarter is often curved. The front legs are straight, parallel, strong, with powerful pasterns. The hindquarters are straight when viewed from behind, with long and strong bones. The feet are round and the toes are close together. On the front and hind legs Single or double dewclaws are desirable, but their absence is acceptable.

The skin is thick, elastic, forms many folds, and has good dewlap in the neck and abdomen. The coat is long, thick, with a well-developed undercoat, shorter on the legs, longer on the tail. The color can be different, the most valuable uniform ones are red of any shade, black, as well as any variants of these colors - motley and brindle.


The appearance well reflects the purpose and character of the Spanish Mastiff. This is an amazingly hardy and efficient dog that can perform a wide variety of functions, depending on what the owner requires of him. But, first of all, they are intended to accompany the flock, as well as to protect people and their property. When surrounded by family, the Spanish Mastiff behaves calmly, he is affectionate and gentle. This trusted friend and a faithful assistant, very contact and sensitive. Despite his menacing and slightly aloof appearance, he is in great need of attention and love. Mastiffs are more family-oriented and sociable than many other guard breeds.

Spaniards are mentally balanced and not prone to unmotivated aggression. Outwardly they seem to be indifferent melancholics, but their appearance changes sharply when a real threat. The big soft bumpkin turns into a large, physically developed, powerful, vicious dog, confident in itself and in its abilities, capable of a swift attack.

The Spanish Mastiff will become a faithful friend to the child, a caring nanny, protecting the baby. This dog will patiently endure all children's pranks. To others positive quality giants is their friendliness towards other animals. They get along well with other dogs, and consider livestock, cats and small animals to be an integral part of the owner's property, so they protect and protect them. The dog simply will not bark, only if necessary it will give an impressive loud voice. The same applies to night duty - the mastiff will not call to the neighbor’s dogs all night long.

Spanish mastiffs are very strongly attached to the house and to the protected area; they do not dig or break fences, and do not try to leave the boundaries of the protected area, even if it is marked by a dilapidated fence.

Education and training

Mastiffs are very stubborn and willful dogs that are difficult to train with standard training. They are used to working and making decisions independently, and therefore do not strive to unquestioningly follow the owner’s instructions. For this reason, it is categorically not recommended to own a mastiff for people who have not previously owned dogs. large breeds and, especially, for those who are planning to get a dog for the first time.

Training Spanish Mastiffs involves education and regular interaction with the dog; they do not respond well to drilling, which is widely accepted for most breeds. Great importance has competent socialization. At good upbringing Spaniard grows into independent guard dog that you can listen to. In everyday life, the mastiff is obedient and friendly; in work he prefers to follow instinct and personal convictions. It should be remembered that Spanish Mastiffs are formed physically and psychologically before the age of three.

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It is not recommended to keep the Spanish Mastiff in an apartment. Almost impossible to grow healthy puppy on parquet or laminate flooring, the dog will be deprived of proper walking in the house. It is very important that the dog has the opportunity to move enough - as much as he wants and when he wants. The dog must have a territory that needs to be walked around and protected. Mastiffs need moderate but regular physical activity. The best option there will be free maintenance on the plot of a private house. He should not be chained or live in an enclosure. The dog can be isolated behind a fence, but not for long. The Spanish Mastiff needs daily human contact and attention. This Suitable for a dog a fairly spacious booth with a flat roof that can be used as an observation point. It does not need additional insulation in a temperate climate zone.

It is advisable to provide the Mastiff with regular additional walks to get acquainted with the surrounding world, smells and sounds, and communicate with other animals and people. But it is worth noting that these dogs are not designed for active sports.


Caring for a Spanish Mastiff is not difficult: the dog needs to be brushed regularly, a little more often during the shedding period, especially in the spring, when all the winter fluff comes off. Representatives of this breed are rarely bathed, usually 2-3 times a year. The ears are examined once a week and cleaned if necessary. If there are dewclaws, carefully monitor the growth of claws on them, which do not grind down on the surface on their own and need to be trimmed.


Spanish Mastiffs are absolutely unpretentious in food. You can feed them both natural and dry food. This large and heavy dog ​​eats according to its size. Mastiff needs large quantities quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Puppies of this breed cannot be raised on porridge, and such feeding of adult animals leads to the development of all kinds of diseases. You should be very careful about the composition of your diet. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates and fats will certainly lead to weight gain. excess weight and related problems. Many owners consider choosing high-quality dry food for large and giant breeds to be optimal. Portions are calculated based on weight and physiological state animal.

The Mastiff continues to develop into physically up to one and a half to two years. If he eats natural products, it will be necessary to introduce good vitamin and mineral supplements, which, as prescribed by the veterinarian, may be required even when feeding complete dry food.

Health and life expectancy

In general, Spanish mastiffs are strong and hardy dogs, but the breed is not healthy; there are diseases of varying severity that are inherited:

  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Gastric volvulus;
  • Gonarthrosis, accompanied by destruction and dysfunction knee joint;
  • Eye diseases: cataract, entropion, third eyelid adenoma;
  • Skin covering Spanish Mastiffs are sometimes affected by eczema. This may be due to poor quality nutrition, deteriorating environment, inappropriate cosmetics or living conditions.

Choosing a Spanish Mastiff Puppy

The Spanish Mastiff is a serious breed that requires a competent approach to choosing a puppy. In this case, you cannot grab the first offer that comes your way, and especially not the attractive price.

Puppies in new house They usually give it away 2.5-3 months after vaccination and the necessary quarantine, so that you can immediately go out with your baby for a walk and safely keep him outside. When choosing a puppy, you must pay attention to the conditions in which the kids are kept - they should not be confined to a limited area and, especially, in an enclosure. It is free movement that reduces the risk of developing musculoskeletal problems. They also pay attention to the dog’s bones, which should be powerful and strong, and to the type of head ( front part should not be longer than the skull), for the presence of dewclaws (single or paired on all four limbs). The puppy should not be too fat; under the abundant dewlap, of course, there may be a layer of fat, but it should be minimal. Scissor bite, pincer bite is allowed. The ears on puppies seem much longer than those on adult dogs, they are thin and quite wide. It should be noted that the color will become a little lighter with age, but in all other respects the puppies should meet the standards as much as possible.

A large dog with folds of skin on the chest and face, a sad expression on the face and a graceful gait, it is known throughout the world as the Spanish Mastiff. Indispensable watchmen, faithful friends and companions, these seemingly lazy animals show incredible speed of reaction to danger. Mastiffs make excellent guards, as they are very strict towards strangers and notify of their approach with a loud bark or growl. Representatives of this breed rank second in the world in weight and size.

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    Origin story

    The Spanish Mastiff breed began to be bred on the Iberian island to protect and protect livestock from wolves and bears. Dogs took on most of the responsibilities of shepherds: tending the flock and acting as night watchmen. It is believed that the mastiff is the result of mixing the blood of guard and herding dogs Celts who lived in Spain.

    Bred for specific purposes, the dogs had all the required qualities: strength, power, calmness. Even being hungry, almost on the verge of exhaustion, mastiffs never touched sheep from the herd, demonstrating highest degree excerpts.

    The Spanish Mastiff is considered an invincible dog. According to shepherds, these dogs almost always emerge unharmed from a fight with wolves.


    Red Spanish Mastiff

    The official breed standard was approved in 1981, and is determined by the following characteristics:

    1. 1. Durationlife: 10–12 years old.
    2. 2. Height: 72–78 cm.
    3. 3. Weight: 70-120 kg.
    4. 4. Color: red, fawn, brindle, black and white, black and red.
    5. 5. Wool: hard, medium length, dense undercoat.
    6. 6. Head: large, square shaped. Eyes brown, ears hanging, triangular in shape.
    7. 7. Limbs long, well developed.
    8. 8. Tail thick.

    Fawn Spanish Mastiff

    Spanish Mastiffs, who take part in various exhibitions, always behave with restraint, and often amaze judges with their free movements and light gait. Indeed, despite their enormous size, all individuals of this breed are distinguished by grace and elegance. The following words fit their description: nobility, restraint, greatness.

    Spanish mastiff brindle color

    It should also be noted that the mastiff’s skin is incredibly thick, which protects it from bites and wounds. Such “thick skin” is necessary for a dog to fight with the most formidable predators and large animals: wolves, bears, bulls.

    Thanks to their thick coat, dogs can withstand both heat and severe cold equally well.


    Representatives of this breed are calm and balanced. Dogs are not aggressive and will never attack another animal or person without good reason. The breed is characterized by the following character traits:

    • calmness, poise, restraint;
    • attentiveness, observation, nobility;
    • caring, devotion, affection towards the owner and members of his family.

    Mastiffs love small children and older people, treating them with care and respect, protecting and protecting them. Dogs have well-developed mental abilities and a stable psyche, but a dog’s behavior depends entirely on its upbringing and training.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    To the advantages of representatives of the breed applies that they:

    • excellent security guards for the home;
    • good nannies and protectors for children.

    Cons of the breed:

    • stubbornness;
    • the need for daily training;
    • It is impossible to live in a small room, so it is impossible to keep such dogs in an apartment.

    Health and illness

    The Spanish Mastiff is distinguished by good health and rarely gets sick. However, there are a number of diseases that are caused by the huge size of the dog. This:

    • hip dysplasia;
    • gastric volvulus;
    • gonarthrosis;
    • eye diseases: cataracts, entropion.

    To avoid the occurrence of these diseases, you should visit regularly from an early age. veterinarian for examination and vaccination.

    The Spanish Mastiff is a large dog, known for its stubbornness and victories in fights with other animals, so a responsible approach to its maintenance is necessary. Three factors are important for a dog’s long and happy existence: proper nutrition, training, and care.


    Mastiffs, due to their enormous size, cannot live in cramped spaces. In their blood lies a love of will and large space: fields, gardens, plains, therefore the best place for keeping a pet - a country house or dacha with a fenced-off area.

    Dogs of this breed must comb at least once every two days, preferably with a brush with metal teeth. Mastiffs have very thick hair and an equally dense undercoat, so plastic brushes can simply break.

    Ears should be cleaned and nails trimmed twice a month. If the claws are not trimmed in time, the mastiff's paws can become deformed. It is necessary to regularly examine the dog's ears, eyes, fur and mouth for suppuration, discharge and contamination. If there are any, the pet must be taken to the doctor immediately.

    Daily walks - required element development and health of the dog. The mastiff should be walked twice a day for at least one hour. With infrequent walking, the pet may get sick, gain weight, become aggressive or passive.


    Mastiffs are not picky eaters and will eat anything given to them, but they cannot eat much of what they willingly eat. The dog should be fed special food(dry or wet) with essential vitamins For correct height and dog development - Acana, Pro Pac, Royal Canin . An adult animal should eat twice a day.

    Be sure to feed your pet with vitamins and mineral complexes, and sometimes add natural foods to your diet:

    • fresh lamb or rabbit;
    • raw vegetables;
    • cottage cheese;
    • fruits.

    The following foods should not be given to the Spanish Mastiff:

    • pork (in any form);
    • potato;
    • chocolate.

    Education and training

    The dog should immediately be pointed to his place and explained who is the boss in the house. At the same time, it is unacceptable to beat a dog or punish without reason - the mastiff must see authority in the owner and respect him, and not be afraid. The puppy's fear will eventually develop into rage and aggression, which will lead to an attack on the owner. Praise and approval are welcomed in training - when receiving encouragement, mastiffs try harder and work harder.

    • Jupiter;
    • Zeus;
    • Caesar;
    • Solomon;
    • Cerberus;
    • Lucifer;
    • Graph;
    • Daemon.
    • Tiger;
    • Marble;
    • Spotty;
    • Marx.

    The following nicknames are suitable for an animal of red and fawn color:

    • Choco;
    • Brownie;
    • Pharaoh;