New standards: CRM, CSRP, and ERPII. Description of 1C:CRM systems

Maxim MostovshchikovHead of the CRM systems department at Soft Master

Most Russian companies today are at the initial stage of developing and implementing standardized business processes and related corporate standards for working with clients.

If in the field of procurement and production management many companies now have some kind of regulated standards, then in business processes affecting relationships with customers - in the field of sales and customer service - such standards, as a rule, are either absent altogether or require serious analysis and processing.

To improve the process of providing services to customers and ensure quality service, the development and implementation of certain regulations and standards is required. These regulations and standards may affect various aspects of relationships with clients and determine, for example, the order of interaction between departments related to the customer service process, the job responsibilities of company employees, the speed and procedure for processing various contacts with clients, reporting formats, technical parameters for the provision of services, etc.

If the company is small, corporate standards may not play a significant role in business development. But as the business grows, chaos within the organization increases and there is a need to standardize both management reporting and business processes.

In modern Russian companies, two situations can be broadly distinguished using corporate standards for working with clients:

  • There are documents regulating certain standards - perhaps they are even well written, but are not used by the organization in real life, or only a small part of them is used. A large amount of time is spent on generating reports in accordance with these standards, which distracts employees from their main activities.
  • There are no standards for working with clients; each employee interacts with clients in accordance with his life experience with the inherent pros and cons of this approach.

For companies that do not have corporate standards and an information system that maintains the history of interaction with customers, the following problems are usually typical:

  • Sources of information about clients are scattered, often contradicting each other,
  • There are no uniform reporting forms;
  • It is difficult to predict sales volumes;
  • All clients are served at the same level;
  • It is difficult to evaluate marketing campaigns;
  • It is difficult to determine the reason for the client's departure;
  • It is difficult to determine who is responsible for a particular operation;
  • Employees are not satisfied with the assessment of their work and often consider it unfair.

Ways to resolve problems that arise in relationships with clients and within the company:

  1. Create corporate standards (regulations, reporting, job descriptions, rules of interaction between company departments, methods for assessing the effectiveness of processes and employee performance).
  2. Build a system of employee motivation.
  3. Implement CRM-systems.

This sequence of actions allows us to lay the foundation for the further implementation of a full-fledged customer-oriented business of companies. When The main thing in the Company-Product/Service-Client relationship is the Client.

Corporate standards are a set of internal regulatory documents that formalize the principles of regulation of the company's activities. They set the company's style and model of its behavior.

The main goal of creating corporate standards is the effective management and coordination of business, which with their introduction becomes more transparent and predictable. Corporate standards reflect the company's strategy and goals of its activities. The introduction and use of corporate standards when interacting with clients has a positive effect on both the client’s opinion of the company and the activities of all divisions of the company: the company’s owners receive more control levers, top managers receive more time and information to solve strategic problems, and ordinary employees receive a feeling psychological comfort.

Implementation of corporate standards for interaction with clients and CRM-systems are most relevant for such areas of activity as: finance, medicine, publishing business, trade, services; The same applies to other highly competitive industries.

Corporate standards for working with clients are varied, so it is worth highlighting several basic documents:

  • Job descriptions;
  • A document describing the business processes of customer service - related to sales, marketing and service;.
  • Regulations for conducting correspondence, telephone conversations and other contacts with clients;
  • Methodology for quantitative assessment of the main performance indicators of sales, marketing and service departments.

So, let’s imagine that the company has formed a strategy for relationships with clients and corporate standards that correspond to it.

The next important point, which company management does not always realize, is that a company employee is also a client. And he demands to be treated with respect. There are many attempts to implement corporate standards in departments interacting with the client - the trouble with many of them is that the problem of motivating employees is not given due attention.

No matter how good the standards and CRM-system - they will not work without the interest and support of company employees. Involve employees in the processes of creating corporate standards and forming requirements for the CRM system, then you will create a warmer attitude of employees towards innovations. Show me how CRM the system will be able to facilitate their routine work. This will significantly increase your chances of success and reduce resistance to change on the part of company employees.

When implementing standards, the question arises: who and how will regularly evaluate the work of employees and compliance with corporate standards?

It is advisable to standardize the assessment of personnel performance as much as possible and explain it to your employees. To do this, it is necessary to develop an impartial assessment methodology. As a rule, such techniques take into account many factors.

For example, to evaluate the performance of sales department employees, the following parameters are usually used:

  • The amount of money received from clients;
  • Number of new clients attracted;
  • The number of lost customers who switched to competitors;
  • Number of overdue communications with the client;
  • Frequency of contact with clients and more...

Collecting and analyzing data manually from different sources is ineffective - and this is where it can help CRM-system.

A useful practice when developing corporate standards is to involve external consultants, but do not forget that the consultant will not be able to formulate the standards himself, without the help of the company - no one knows the company’s business as well as the people working in it. A consultant can only help create templates, but putting thought into them is up to the company’s employees.

Support for corporate standards in CR.M.-system

CRM systems are designed to accumulate all information related to the client: data from the financial system, from the logistics module, information received through the website, and more. Such a system serves as a single comprehensive repository of client data.

The following enterprise standards are typically supported CRM-systems:

  • Standardized sales processes – help in analyzing future sales volumes and facilitate training of new employees;
  • Unified reporting forms for the company (potential sales, sales forecast, commissions, closed deals, lost deals, number of requests, etc.);
  • Rules for receiving and forwarding service requests;
  • Completeness of contact and other information about clients;
  • Business security;
  • Assessing the performance of employees in sales, service and marketing departments.

CRM- In addition to supporting corporate standards in business, the system also plays the role of standards in the enterprise’s IT infrastructure: it ensures the security of customer data and restricts access to it according to job title and job descriptions. If such standards have already been formed, then before implementation it is necessary to check how CRM- the system is capable of integration, customizable and has a flexible access control system.

Advantages of implementation

What advantages does a company receive when jointly implementing corporate standards and CRM-systems? These are quite a few advantages:

  • a unified database of clients - all documents, history of interaction with the client, his preferences are stored in the CRM system;
  • reduction of time for routine operations (searching for contact and financial information on a client) - increasing satisfaction of ordinary employees, as the main users of the system;
  • timely resolution of problematic transactions and conflict situations - automatic escalation of problematic situations to management;
  • business security increases - the risk of customer leakage when employees leave is reduced;
  • staff training costs are reduced - the CRM system has the ability to create a library of documents reflecting various aspects of the company’s activities;
  • customer irritation from excessive activity in interaction with him is reduced - various divisions of the company always see the intensity of contacts;
  • the attractiveness of the services provided to clients increases significantly.

The implementation of each of the considered elements (corporate standards, motivation system, CRM system) will have a positive effect in itself. But, having created and used CRM-strategy, implementing it in corporate standards, motivating people, supporting the strategy with a CRM system, you will gain a competitive advantage over other companies.

The company's management will be able to answer very important questions: how the company looks in the eyes of its customers; which business processes should be improved and which ones should be abandoned; whether the company can continue its development, how it can increase efficiency and increase its value.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is NOT a software product or a technology. This is NOT even a set of products. CRM is a concept and business strategy aimed at building a sustainable business, the core of which is a “customer-oriented” approach.

This strategy is based on the use of advanced management and information technologies, with the help of which the company collects information about its customers at all stages of its life cycle (attraction, retention, loyalty), extracts knowledge from it and uses this knowledge in the interests of its business by building mutually beneficial relationships with them.

The result of applying the strategy is to increase the company's competitiveness and increase profits, since properly built relationships based on a personal approach to each client allow you to attract new clients and help retain old ones.

ERP systems appeared when the first place was put product and the business processes that ensure its production, that is, accounting, control and distribution, were considered basic. This was the era of "back office" automation.

CRM systems have become necessary in a highly competitive market, where the focus is client. The main task of CRM systems is to increase the efficiency of business processes concentrated in the “front office”, aimed at attraction And retention clients – in marketing, sales, service and maintenance, regardless of the channel through which contact with the client occurs.

At the technology level, CRM is a set of applications connected by a single business logic and integrated into the company’s corporate information environment (often as an add-on to ERP) based on a single database. Special software allows you to automate relevant business processes in marketing, sales and service. As a result, the company can contact the “right” customer at the “right” point in time, with the most effective offer and through the most convenient channel of interaction for the customer.

In practice, an integrated CRM system ensures the coordination of the activities of various departments, providing them with a common platform for interacting with customers. From this point of view, the purpose of CRM is to correct the situation when the marketing, sales and service departments act independently of each other, and their vision of the customer often does not coincide and their actions are inconsistent.

From a business management point of view, the effect of implementing CRM is that the decision-making process, due to automation, is transferred to a lower level and unified. Due to this, the speed of response to requests increases, the speed of funds turnover increases and costs decrease.

Finally, CRM includes the ideology and technology of creating stories relationship between the client and the company, which allows you to more clearly plan your business and increase its sustainability.

Figures and facts:

  • The cost of attracting a new customer is on average five times higher than retaining an existing one.
  • Most Fortune 500 companies lose 50% of their customers every 5 years.
  • A satisfied customer will tell about a successful purchase to an average of 5 of his friends. Unsatisfied – minimum 10.
  • Most clients pay off only after a year of working with them (accordingly, if the client “left” before this period, then he incurred losses)
  • A 5% increase in customer retention increases company profits by 50-100%.
  • About 50% of the company's existing clients are not profitable due to ineffective interaction with them.
  • On average, the company contacts 4 times a year with an existing client and 6 times a year with a potential one.
  • Suppliers of CRM products promise to increase the profitability of enterprises by tens of percent, and the profitability of projects - from 200 to 800 percent in 2-3 years.

Historical roots

The basic concept of CRM (focus not on the product, but on the client + personalization) is rooted in the past.

A classic example: when there were no supermarkets, the bulk of goods were sold through many small shops. The surrounding residents bought everything they needed there, without bothering with trips to the city for groceries. The owner of the store knew all his customers who lived in the neighborhood by sight and name. Knew their needs, habits, tastes, financial status, facts of personal life, etc. He knew who would come, when and why. And everyone knew him. The business was built on the loyalty of these regular customers. Nowadays this would be called personalization.

Then came the era of consumption. Supermarkets have grown. Mass product. Mass buyer. Everything is of high quality. Everything is beautiful. Sold on every corner. But - faceless. We forgot about personalization. After all, you can’t assign a seller to every buyer. But I want to.

In an era of competition, the quality of goods is approximately the same everywhere. The profit margin has fallen. The only way to survive in the competition, to stand out from other sellers of goods and services, is to offer a product to each client personally, taking into account his individual needs and characteristics.

And then it turned out that at the current level of development of computer technology it is possible to “go back to the past” and provide personalization even in mass sales. The owner of the store used to store information about one hundred of his customers in his head. The database can store and process one hundred thousand. And offer everyone exactly what they are used to and what they might want.

The value pyramid in the era of CRM

Thus, the emphasis has now noticeably shifted. If previously the client got an idea of ​​the company based on its product, now he builds his attitude towards the company as a whole - as a partner with whom he interacts through various channels - from a telephone call to the Internet and a personal visit. At the same time, consumer demands have become significantly more differentiated, and forms of interaction have become personalized (see Fig. 2).

In addition, the pyramid of values ​​has changed. A typical manufacturer strategy in an industrial economy was aimed at customer satisfaction and was built on the basis of the following “pyramid” of motives (Fig. 3):

  • Product availability (The company has what I want)
  • Value (Price meets my expectations)
  • Convenience (Product is easy to obtain and use)
  • Trust (I am confident that the product is reliable and of high quality)

In the era of the electronic, “new” economy, the highest goal is loyalty, and mutual– not only the client is loyal to the company, but the company is also loyal to the client). Based on the achieved level of satisfaction, a new pyramid is built (Fig. 4):

  • Satisfaction (My needs and requests are met)
  • Consistency (The company acts based on my interests)
  • Personalization (The company demonstrates that it knows and meets my personal wishes)
  • Merger (Relationships are built on my terms and under my control)

Within the “second” pyramid, the task of CRM is to cover ALL channels and points of contact with clients and coordinate them, so that there is a unified methodology and technique of communication. Every contact should work to attract a buyer! The customer wants to be served with the same quality regardless from the interaction channel, and get a quick professional response! Information delivered to the client upon his request must be accurate, complete and consistent. There should not be different answers to the same questions from different company representatives.

Thus, it was understood that customer base this is the most important assets companies that need to carefully and efficiently manage. “Nurturing” a client is considered a necessary condition for successful work with both current and potential clients. It is interesting to note that price is far from the decisive factor in developing loyalty and making repeat purchases. For example, a study conducted by DELL showed that the motives that led to repeat purchases through their online store were in the following order:

  1. Quality of service.
  2. Delivery of the order on time.
  3. Possibility of delivery to any place
  4. Easy ordering
  5. The company has a wide selection of products
  6. Access to complete information on all products
  7. Convenient site navigation system

Thus, investments in technologies for working with existing customers directly affect their loyalty, and therefore the efficiency and sustainability of the business. In terms of money, loyalty leads to the following results:

  • The client becomes less sensitive to price, which means a higher price can be set for the product (service) (up-sell) without the risk of loss of turnover.
  • The cost of selling products and services to existing customers is significantly lower. As a result, profitability can be higher, even if the price is lower than that of a competitor.
  • The client can be offered a number of additional services (products) (cross-sell), thereby increasing the company’s turnover.

Thus, the concept of CRM is very multifaceted. Although some of its elements have been cultivated before (for example, there has long been an emphasis on ensuring the highest quality of product and service), they are not sufficient on their own. After all, even high-quality service is not necessarily personalized. We still work with the “average hospital temperature.” Albeit tall.

The essence of the CRM concept is that the most desirable and profitable client has the right to priority and exclusive service. In addition, the CRM concept focuses the company on long-term relationships with the client. In particular, a client who, albeit little by little, regularly consumes a product or service over a long period of time, is usually more profitable for the company than a “wandering” customer who made a large, but random order. The first has the right to count on the best service and big discounts.

Finally, the essence of CRM is to learn from your client, have feedback and work the way the client wants. The point is that now it is not enough to tell the client: “We are here.” We must say: “We are here for you, and we work here for you and give you what is valuable to you, anticipating what you want.”

Goals, processes, structure

The functionality of CRM covers marketing, sales and service, which correspond to the stages of attracting a client, the act of completing a transaction (transaction) and after-sales service, that is, all those points of contact where the interaction of the enterprise with the client takes place.

In the early 90s, when CRM had not yet taken shape as a single concept, nevertheless, there was already a set of building blocks, the development of which led to what we see today, namely:

  • Various systems for collecting information about clients, partially including the beginnings of SFA (Sales Force Automation) - Automation of the activities of sales representatives.
  • A number of marketing databases that provide analysis at the product (its sales) level, but are poorly integrated with sources of other information.
  • Systems for delivering information to the client (direct mail, etc.).
  • Basic analytical tools used to analyze consumer behavior during discrete purchases, but without considering the purchase life cycle.

It was only in the 90s that all of these systems were integrated into one within the framework of the CRM concept. For example, when conducting marketing campaigns, it is necessary to ensure that the information used by the marketing department and the sales department are exchanged in order for the process to be efficient and optimal. In this case, automatic distribution of a list of potential clients between sales agents, or automatic assignment of tasks to sales staff can be used.

Therefore, almost any CRM software has corresponding modules (marketing, sales, support and service). However, there is no absolutely universal solution. Each software product has its own strengths and weaknesses and has the best functionality and efficiency usually in one of these areas. Therefore, a company implementing CRM must identify priority areas of automation and start with them, gradually building out the entire system.

Accordingly, CRM should provide a means of entering information into a single database (both by company employees and by the client himself, for example, through a WEB website during registration or purchase), and the data should be centrally updated with each new contact.

The next level is data processing tools (ranking, clustering, aggregation, visualization, etc.). Finally, a means of access to all information – both input and output by all departments of the company. At the same time, a sales agent may need, for example, a client’s purchase history and a forecast of his preferences - what can be offered to him next time, while the marketing department, for example, needs an analysis of target groups. That is, CRM allows for different forms of information presentation for different purposes and different departments.

In Fig. Figure 5 shows a simplified structure of information processes within CRM.

It is important to note that with increasing detail of information and its value from the point of view of analysis, its cost, complexity, formalizability and variability increase. For example, geo- and demographic characteristics are relatively stable, but have long been studied. While the history of personal transactions, including financial ones, the history of contacts, preferences, which make it possible to build a client profile and predict his behavior, are obtained with difficulty, usually interactively, require time to accumulate and are in constant dynamics.

So, we can distinguish 3 main purposes for using CRM systems:

  • Operational
  • (quick access to information during contact with the client in the sales and service process)
  • Analytical
  • (joint analysis of data characterizing the activities of both the client and the company, obtaining new knowledge, conclusions, recommendations)
  • Collaborative
  • (the client directly participates in the activities of the company and influences the processes of product development, production, and service)

At the same time, the results of the analytical use of CRM go beyond the scope of CRM itself. For example, analysis of time and costs for the sales cycle, at different stages and phases of sales, allows for optimization of cost reduction. Identifying priority customers based on different criteria (income/costs) allows you to increase the profitability of your sales channels. Identifying typical problems/requests and developing a typical response to them allows you to minimize the employee’s reaction time (and therefore, again, reduce costs - after all, the company pays for the phone!). Analysis of sales channels allows you to identify problem departments and business processes, understand which channels you need to focus your efforts on, how to restructure the problem area (department), etc.

The table below systematizes the opinions of surveyed experts on priority industries in terms of demand for CRM.

Table 6.4. Which industries have the greatest demand for CRM solutions?

Priority sectors

Banks and insurance companies, telecommunications companies, retail companies

Finance, insurance, telecommunications, trade, distribution

In the banking sector, insurance companies, telecommunications, high technology industry (production and sale of computers and software, system integration), trading and distribution companies, large multinational corporations.

Sergey Chernov, expert analyst at the Analytical Center of the Parus Corporation

For trade enterprises, service centers for household appliances or automobiles, companies providing communication services, tourism, transportation, producing and supplying various types of automation systems

Banking sector, telecommunications, high-tech and pharmaceutical companies; potential users include almost all companies selling mass-produced products.

In wholesale/retail trade, telecommunications, banking and financial sectors

Anatoly Levikov, Head of CRM Practice, Corporate Management Systems Department, IBS

Finance (banks and insurance organizations), as well as telecommunications. Around the world, there is also great demand for CRM systems from car dealers, manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and computer equipment

Marina Anshina, Head of Development and System Support Group, TopS


Boris Kharas, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Telecommunications, financial services, trade and distribution

Telecommunications companies, banks, investment companies

Alexander Skorokhodov, executive director of the Banking Production Center.

Finance (banks and insurance organizations), telecommunications.

Insurance companies and banks

Review of CRM solutions in Russia

If in the Western market the number of CRM systems is measured in the hundreds, then in Russia there is a rather narrow range of solutions, mainly from large suppliers that have been offering their ERP systems for a long time. At the same time, the number of domestic CRM developers is increasing almost every month. Thus, the Russian buyer already faces the problem of choosing from two dozen systems. True, the solutions are radically different from each other, since they are aimed at different segments.

According to experts, SAP and Oracle have good chances in the field of complex integrated solutions that include CRM as one of the blocks - both of them have declared CRM one of the main priorities for this year in business development. In addition, both companies have strong positions in the market. Serious activity in the field of CRM has been launched by hardware suppliers - Cisco, Avaya, focusing primarily on call-centers.

Solutions from Siebel, a global leader in CRM, have come to
Russia thanks to the efforts of Russian companies, but he himself
Siebel is not interested in Russia as a potential market. A fully localized version is expected to hit the market within a few years. So far, the introduction of this product, which is already available in Russia, is associated with major language problems for staff.

The solutions presented in Russia have very significant differences in methodology. Thus, Russian developers insist that their applications better take into account the differences in the local market, although they have less experience working with a large number of clients.

At the moment, specialized CRM packages of an industry nature are almost not represented in Russia - pharmaceuticals, banking and insurance sectors, tourism, etc. Although in the West such solutions are very popular, since if you buy a universal development, it still needs to be significantly modified, leading to specialized needs. And this is associated with unnecessary costs for implementation and staff training, which is not desirable. And in any case, it leads to a loss of time, this is especially important for companies that operate in industries where seasonal fluctuations are strongly affected (tourism, realtors, etc.).

How the data for this study was collected. From open sources - the press, the Internet, personal conversations with experts - a list of all CRM suppliers, both Russian and foreign, was compiled. Only those who have a partner or representative office in Russia were selected. Along with domestic developers, about 20 companies were included in the list. Later the list was refined.

Everyone was sent an email containing the questionnaire and a deadline for completion. After that, the answers were clarified over the phone and additional material was collected on this decision - based on customer reviews, information on the website, the press, and expert opinions. The information received was carefully analyzed and structured.

Let us note that the research below cannot be considered complete; new solutions appear every day and more and more companies declare to provide a range of services for the implementation and maintenance of CRM solutions. During the research process, we met with dozens of companies, many of which are planning to actively enter this market.

Now we invite you to take a more complete look at the table and study it carefully (see at the end of the article). I responsibly declare that this is the most complete comparison of CRM systems presented in Russia.

Company name The product's name Release date (product) Number of copies sold, clients ASP capability Scalability (minimum, maximum number of users) PDA support
Oracle Corporation Oracle E-Business Suite (incl. ERP, CRM and B2B) May 2000 >1,000 clients in the world (including previous versions of CRM), version 11i - about 400 Yes (100% Internet architecture) 5-7000 (real implementation in Oracle), plans to implement up to 20,000 users Yes, Palm Pilot
InvensysCRM Since 1990, current version (4 2) released in December 2000 Worldwide - more than 700 installations in Russia no installations yet ABB Components, ABB Robotics, Bang & Olufsen, EDS, GSX (GE Information Systems), Lanier, RMC, UNU, Barco and Venzon Yes Yes
Sputnik Labs SalesLogix, manufacturer - Interact Commerce Corp, www.saleslogix. com First version -1997, Current version -SalesLogix net (SalesLogix version 5 0) - January 2001 More than 3,500 clients in 67 countries, the number of licenses sold is measured in hundreds of thousands, among clients are British Airways, Deutsche Bank Dow Jones, Ericsson, Hewlett Packard. In Russia, there is a completed project (Comstar CJSC) - the SalesLogix Sales module has been in productive operation since February 2000, SalesLogix Support module is being implemented Yes, through partners (Delinea Corporation, ScionASP) There are no technical restrictions (there are configurations from 1 to 1000 users), license supply - from 10 users Yes, Palm Pilot
000 "IBS" Siebel System eBusiness 2000 MME 2000 g Yes Minimum - 1, maximum - unlimited Yes, Palm Pilot Organizer
Electronic Automation
roved systems and communications
Intelligent CRM Suite (manufactured by Computer Associates October 2000 Yes From 1 to 13500 Any devices with Internet access, including WAP
Clientele More than 3000, including British American Tobacco Industries Nestle SA, American Express Times Mirror Magazines, Walt Disney Among the companies operating in Russia are Mary Key, Karl Storz, etc. - The number of concurrent users can reach 500 -
IT UCI (Unified Customer Interaction) - produced by Altitude Software Latest version 6 1 June 2001 300 system installations in Europe (ABN AMRO Bank - Netherlands Mobitai Communications - Taiwan, NSB Railway Norway - Norway) No 3 - 200 (possibly more) Yes
Actis Systems SalesLogix.NET Latest release - March 2001 More than 3500 clients worldwide Yes Minimum - 1, maximum - unlimited. To date, installations for several thousand users are known. Yes, Palm OS and Windows CE compatible devices
Customer support systems Customer contact management 2000-2001 MTU Intel (10 licenses), MKS (18 licenses), TopS (10 licenses) Yes 3 - 20000 Yes - Palm Pilot
LANIT Navision Financial System Contact Manager module 1996 No 1 - 300 -
Parus Corporation Business process management / SAIL-Client October 1999 5 implementations, including LUKoil Yes 5 - 100 No
Pro-Invest-IT Sales Expert It went on sale in the spring of 2000, version 1 4 was released in May 2001 More than 200 LUKoil, Hewlett-Packard JSC, Promo ru, Rainbow Technologies, Economic Newspaper Publishing House (AKDI Economy and Life), Garant-Park1 No Not limited No
ConSi ConSi- MARKETING ConSi- PRICE MONITORING First version 1992 Latest - autumn 2000 More than 50, including the Kazan Helicopter Plant, the Perm Printing Factory of Goznak, Irkutskkabel, Kostromakabel, etc. No Within the capabilities of MS-Access -
Internet company Bmicro Client-Communicator December 1999 50 No 3 - 300 No

Company name C





















Oracle Corporation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Group of companies "Alfa Integrator - BAAN Eurasia" Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sputnik Labs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
000 "IBS" Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
"EpicRus" (until November 2000 - Platinum Software) -
IT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Actis Systems Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dia Yes Yes Yes
TopS LTD CRM solutions based on Remedy Inc. products. Yes No, but we can-
but did-
No, but we can-
but did-
No, but we can-
but did-
Yes No, but we can-
but did-
No, but we can-
but did-
Yes Yes No, but we can-
but did-
Yes No, but we can-
but did-
No, but we can-
but did-
LANIT Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No
Parus Corporation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (except CTI) Yes Yes (except CTI) Yes Yes Yes Dia Dia Yes Yes (except CTI)
Pro-Invest-IT Yes Yes Yes Yes (hour-
Yes - Yes Yes - No No No No Yes
Internet company Bmicro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes No Dia No - Yes

Company name Strengths (according to the companies themselves) Support, paid/free (documentation in Russian, technical support by phone, e-mail, additional training, books, etc.) Interface language; support for other languages Other
Oracle Corporation Full support for CRM functionality (see above) subject to modularity, consistent channels of interaction with customers, Internet architecture (= low cost of ownership), integrated CRM+ERP solution (full view of customers and no huge integration costs), powerful business tools -analysis. Free - documentation in electronic form, paid - technical support by phone, e-mail, access to a website with technical information, training, implementation services 28 languages, Russian - in the process of translation Financial stability of the supplier, presence of an office in Moscow, huge investments in the product (1,300 CRM system developers), a wide network of partners in Russia
Group of companies "Alfa Integrator - BAAN Eurasia" Time-tested solution (more than 11 years on the market). Modular architecture, fast implementation cycle (3 months). Integration with BAAN IV/V ERP systems. Integration with e-commerce systems (BAAN E-Enterprise). Maintaining client data starting from the moment he was attracted (marketing campaigns). Availability of a web user interface. Used within the software manufacturing company itself. Focus on Microsoft technologies. Free - documentation in Russian paid - technical support (telephone, e-mail, Web) training, consulting services English, German, French, Dutch, Russian Contains standard templates for answering customer questions, supports dynamic preference lists Developed reporting system (internal and external) Tools for customizing existing applications and developing new ones.
Sputnik Labs Sales leader in the Mid-Market segment, the best price/quality ratio for the Russian market, the most complete functionality among similar systems, coverage of all stages of the client’s life cycle, interaction with partners, the ability to fully work using the web, including interaction with partners. Quick implementation (1-3 months), openness (ease of integration with other information systems, ability to make custom settings, change the interface, add functionality on your own) Standard - 24/7 online support, hotline by phone, fax, e-mail, free update of releases within the current version, supply of service packs Price - 20% of the software cost Additional - extended service programs, multi-level training Standard software supplies - with an interface in English and a number of European languages ​​Support for Russian, the ability to create screen forms in Russian A unique toolkit of automatic processes with an intuitive graphical interface.
000 "IBS" A single application for the work of all company employees (sales people, support, marketing), scalability (possibility of upgrading to Enterprise, availability of industry solutions, support for Service Agreements (SLAs), project management Workflow Management, intelligent routing system for applications, potential deals, etc., visual representation client's organizational structures TAS (Target Accounting Selling), Strategic Selling, easy modification for a specific customer Access control to the level of individual records User-friendly interface. Paid - technical support by phone, e-mail, training English, Russian, Spanish, French, German Standard templates for documents (Word, Excel, etc.) Large number of pre-configured reports Thin client Possibility of remote synchronization and work within the holding structure
Electronic Automated Systems and Communications A highly scalable solution with extensive integration and automation capabilities Convenient, self-configuring access to the information you need for both clients and staff Patented “artificial intelligence” system for automatic proactive responses to technical or business problems Consists of individual products, allowing you to choose only what is suitable to the buyer based on functionality and price. The first year is free (included in the price), paid - additional training English. Others - built-in localization capability
"EpicRus" (until November 2000 - Platinum Software) Russian English
IT The solution is implemented on the “thin client” principle Transfer of voice messages and sessions between agents Reliable operation even under peak loads Open architecture with the ability to support various hardware platforms Possibility of flexible configuration to specific customer requirements. Technical documentation is free, other support is paid Today - English, in the near future IT Co. plans to begin localizing the system for domestic users It is possible to obtain a large number of business reports on interaction with the client, his requests and business activity. Integration mechanisms with billing systems, e-commerce systems and financial applications are offered, allowing you to get a clear picture of work with the customer at the level of the entire company.
Actis Systems Possibility of flexible individual configuration for each client, being an integrated package, the system is capable of solving a very wide range of tasks, easily integrates with various applications, has a low cost of ownership, a large number of installations around the world guarantees high quality and reliability of this system allows multi-level access to information - LAN , Web or Wireless aims to provide a quick payback (return on investment) Warranty - 6 months - free Technical support - 10% of the cost of licenses. The main language of the product is English. Quick localization of the product into almost any language is possible.
TopS LTD CRM solutions based on Remedy Inc. products. Flexibility, scalability, reliability, multi-platform, great integration capabilities, openness, compliance with standards, speed of implementation (several months) Documentation in Russian, annual support included in the price of the system, training English, Russian, French, German, any languages ​​can be supported
LANIT Easy to learn and use for the user Free - documentation in Russian Paid - technical support by phone, e-mail, training Russian English
Parus Corporation Decision support mechanisms The complex is successfully operated on the basis of the Parus corporation, including the regional network (according to the results of the international competition "Business-Soft", the "hotline" of the Parus1 corporation was recognized as one of the best in the country) Mechanisms that allow you to expand and quickly adapt the software to specific enterprise needs Built-in WorkFlow and DocFlow mechanism Seamless integration with ERP Full-featured WEB interface Free - documentation in Russian Paid - technical support by phone, e-mail, Internet, training Russian Built-in message/notification delivery mechanism (mail, GSM, paging) Possibility of expanding functionality using the enterprise's own IT specialists
Pro-Invest-IT Easy to use and install Low price Constant development of the program High speed of operation High efficiency of use for solving organizational problems and managing sales and marketing Free - all documentation, technical support Russian Others - no. A proven standard solution for companies that use direct sales when working with clients. The best CRM system according to Business Software 2001
ConSi Proven solution (many installations), low price, fast implementation speed (less than 3 months), collects all information about the client and his operations, intended for both internal users (organizing targeted marketing) and external users (receiving a report on the account balance, personalized financial information) There are real clients who have been working for many years Computer training system, multimedia, animated help, books with techniques Russian Fully targeted at users proficient in MS Office
Internet company Bmicro Full adaptation to any type of activity - an arbitrary number of data types (lists and directories) + up to 150 attributes per record, several built-in report generators Free - documentation in Russian Paid - implementation + configuration Russian There is a special implementation form. We can prepare a ready-made, configured database for a remote client and send it by e-mail

I will comment on each point.

The first points are standard: the name of the company - the solution provider or its representative in Russia, the full name of the product and the release date. Also pay attention to the release date. Some systems have been on the market for a long time, others, despite their youth, also have several hundred and sometimes thousands of installations.

The number of copies sold by all companies is large, with Western manufacturers counting in the thousands, and Russian manufacturers in the hundreds. It is worth distinguishing between the number of clients and the number of licenses (copies) sold, since one client can buy several thousand titles at once.

We can say that all solutions have already proven their capabilities. Another thing is that not all of them have a Russian version and experience of implementation in Russia. Most foreign solutions have never been delivered to our country.

If you are faced with the question of choosing such a system, we advise you to clarify the company’s experience in general and with CRM systems in particular.

No matter what they say about the advantages of this or that system, the price was, is, and will continue to be the main selection criterion for a long time. The most often quoted price is per user seat (license). But to the final price you still need to add the price for a server license, consulting, training, and subtract volume discounts. Some companies are just introducing their products to the market and do not yet have a clear pricing strategy. Plus the difficulty of calculating the final cost without having real experience in implementing systems of this class. The cost of a solution at one level may differ by a significant amount. In this article we do not list the price level, but it can be ordered separately (see at the end of the article).

In Europe and the USA, CRM solutions based on ASP are now becoming widespread, which means that it is possible to maintain the system on the side. This allows you to reduce costs, reduce the size of investments and, of course, relieve the headache of solving almost all technical problems (security, reliability, electricity, 24/7 availability, etc.).

As far as we know, in Russia, none of the supplying companies currently offers such an opportunity. Although many systems are already ready to offer such services. As in many other areas, there is a question of financing and launching such a project, and most importantly, trust in ASP. After all, no one wants to lose the company’s most valuable asset—its customers—and people in Russia are not used to trusting each other. So we can hardly expect this service to appear in the near future.

A special point is the technical requirements. This expense item can cost no less than the CRM system itself. Since the requirements for technology are the highest - powerful servers, a large amount of disk space, a good local network and Internet channel.

It is important what additional software the selected system requires - you will have to pay separately for licenses for the database and some operating systems, and a lot, given the large number of copies, because ideally every employee should have a CRM system. It’s just that access to other people’s segments will be limited. It also matters that if you install a new operating system or other software, then you will have to look for new additional personnel. And it’s hard to find it now. It is almost impossible to find good programmers and system administrators in the regions; those who exist have already been taken apart. And in Moscow, the demand for these professions is constantly growing.

As a rule, CRM is installed by those companies that have already used ERP systems, and therefore there is a certain database, software, and all this must be saved and transferred to the new system. It's more difficult here. Not all CRM solutions are interfaced with ERP, which can negate all its advantages - both functional and price.

If a company has agreed to invest considerable funds in CRM, then it hopes not only to survive in the market, but also to develop successfully. And therefore, sooner or later it will need more users. It is possible that there is no immediate money to provide all jobs with access to the system, but over time the need for this will arise and investments will appear.

Modern systems most often allow you to start work even from one workplace and increase it to several thousand, or even tens of thousands. All companies mentioned this. The difference is that some systems already have real experience of implementation and operation on a similar scale, others note only the theoretical possibility of such scaling.

When a company employee is on a business trip or simply not at work, he may still need information from the system. If you spent money on implementation and installation, then you need to use all the benefits of CRM at a distance. Moreover, it is not so difficult; you can access it through a standard web browser on the Internet or using any mobile device (PDA). Its cost is an order of magnitude less than, for example, a laptop.

Let's say you go to a meeting with clients or partners in another city (country), and even on the go in a car or airport you can get all the necessary data via PDA. And when using the Internet in a hotel, problems may arise with the keyboard and encoding (there is no Cyrillic alphabet).

This point is worth studying especially. All features of the system are presented here. The classification used is Western, therefore the names of the modules are left in English (explained below). At the same time, functions within the system may be distributed differently and even named differently. CRM is a young area, and the terminology has not yet fully formed.

All modules are very closely interconnected, and you can easily move from one to another, often without even noticing the transition (roughly speaking, like hyperlinks on the Internet or like switching functions in a text editor). The classification was made more to systematize the capabilities of CRM systems.

To illustrate the possibilities, here is the opinion of one of the users of the EpikRus CRM system, Sergei Kanev, head of the Moscow representative office of BSS (system integration): “Every company that works with a client must have a tool for structuring this work, since any client base is an intangible asset , Clientele offers an algorithm for working with the client.

In addition, it helps to accumulate information on the history of customer relationships, which is a strong support for sales. For example, if there is a successful sale to a client in St. Petersburg, then there is a possibility of a sale to a branch of the same client in Krasnodar. Since BCC managers work in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Krasnodar, now any manager can look at the sales history of a client in other cities and obtain more complete information.

The BCC company uses Clientele in two directions: sales and service. In general, we can say that a CRM system is, first of all, an algorithm for working with a client and a tool for summarizing information.

Previously, each manager had information only about his region, with its regional specifics. Now he provides this information to other managers and, in turn, receives information for other regions. Many situations that previously required additional meetings are now resolved automatically."

It is usually useful to know the strengths and weaknesses, especially since the choice of a CRM system can radically change the work of the company: either work successfully, or waste time and hastily earn back the money spent.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to assess the weaknesses of these systems. To do this, you need to at least try each of them and see how the already implemented systems work at several enterprises, especially considering that all foreign programs need to be localized, that is, translated, adjusted to Russian reporting, etc. This will take a lot of time and money. And time does not wait. In this regard, Russian developers have some advantages.

Talking about strengths is difficult for the same reasons. Therefore, we trusted the companies themselves to talk about the advantages, and, for obvious reasons, did not ask about the weak ones.

Judging by the responses of Western experts, the implementation of a full-fledged CRM system takes a long period, depending on the system and what the company used from several months to several years. In any case, the buyer will need technical and consulting support for a long time, plus staff training and detailed documentation.

As you can see from the tables, most often all support is paid and probably makes up a significant part of the sellers’ income. At the same time, documentation (it is unknown whether it is in Russian?) is included in the cost of the system. It is noteworthy that some note the availability of 24-hour online support. For example, this service is offered by Sputnik Labs; this can be especially important for regional clients, where the time difference can reach 5-9 hours. The client receives an access password to the support site, where he can find the answer to his question in the intelligent knowledge base.

Not only highly qualified personnel will have to work with the system, but also ordinary “soldiers” of the company: from the secretary (by the way, it is very important how this service is organized and its relationship with CRM) to warehouse managers. Therefore, it is necessary that the system is simple and in the native language of the staff. Sadly, Russian versions are often the latest to appear, although our market is also very interesting and promising.

We included this item so that each company could add anything else that it deems necessary.

In the summary table we have collected all the providers of CRM solutions that are actively present in the domestic market. Although the solutions are very different and it is not always correct to put them on the same page. For example, domestic developers often position themselves as solution providers more for the sales department than for each employee of the company (although this is possible). This is how “ConSi” works, for example. There is no need to buy hundreds of copies - a few jobs in the sales department are enough for now.

Expensive Western CRM systems not only automate standard processes of working with clients, but also allow you to better customize the system to the needs of a specific client. Therefore, they require implementation and modification, which significantly affects the price. But the “boxed” product Sales Expert (“Pro-Invest-IT”), which you can configure yourself, costs only $1,570 for an unlimited number of installations (this is comparable to the price for two places in Western systems, most often their price fluctuates in around 500-800 dollars per workplace). Sales Expert is a tough but ready-made CRM solution that sets clear rules for working with clients. Perhaps the given functions will be quite enough for you.

Of the complex Russian solutions at the moment, only the product of the Parus company can be named. As the commercial director of Parus, Alexey Kazarezov, noted, this product was “tested” within the corporation for about a year, in work with regional partners (dealers, business partners, regional branches, etc.) - for Parus they are also a kind of clients ( consumers of his developments). For example, using the new module, messages of three types were quickly collected (by e-mail): “error”, “wish”, “question (consultation)”. Then they were processed by the appropriate managers, who evaluated them and transferred them to production (messages like “error” and “feedback”) or answered the question.

Each request was analyzed and processed according to the appropriate regulations; Overall, this resulted in a 30% increase in processing and error correction speed.

In addition, the module was tested in the area of ​​specific work with clients: collecting information about a potential customer starting from the first contact; Absolutely all available information about him was entered into the client database - visits to the demo room, questions over the phone, manager visits and much more. As a result, a serious data bank was accumulated, containing a complete history of relationships with a given client (both organizational and financial). Of course, replenishing information and collecting requests contained in the module database is possible not only using the keyboard (for example, during telephone or personal contacts), but also through e-mail and the Internet (as in the example with regional partners). In this case, the client can monitor all stages of his request (depending on access rights or using special notifications by e-mail, pager, etc. - in accordance with customizable regulations).

In the future, the customer database can provide a lot of useful information. For example, if a company that sells household appliances has in its data bank information about what equipment the client has already purchased, then with the next purchase it can not only give an appropriate discount, but also select a model that is optimally combined with the existing set. In this case, there will be no need to question the client, in addition, it does not matter which sales manager led him previously.

These functions are also available in Western systems, but there is still very little experience in implementing such CRM solutions, so we are not yet able to fully reveal the capabilities hidden in foreign developments. There is often confusion about what was supplied to the client - ERP or CRM? It is beneficial for the buyer and seller to say that it is CRM, but there are only a few real examples. By the way, interesting examples of CRM implementation in the West can be found in Bill Gates’s latest book, “Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.”

When reading summary tables, please note the following:

Contact Management – ​​maintaining an extended record for each contact, a separate profile for each client, maintaining contact histories, organizational charts and the ability to collect clients into various groups, etc.

Account Management – ​​maintaining information on counterparties (including clients, partners, agents, competitors). All information, including relationship history, planned/implemented transactions, contracts, financial/accounting data, etc.

Sales Management - maximum information and opportunities directly related to sales - cycles, statistics, territorial reference, report generation, sales history, etc. Looking at sales as a process, dividing it into stages and steps, allows you to forecast and effectively manage sales.

Time Management is a module that helps coordinate the work of all departments in time - a calendar, a list of tasks, as well as various modules for connecting to fax, e-mail and other means of communication.

Customer Service – interactive customer support (Internet, virtual private networks, etc.), the ability for customers to obtain the necessary information themselves, planning work with customers, statistics of requests, generating reports, accounting for the time spent by specialists, the ability to estimate the cost of support, etc.

Field Force Automation - opportunities for group work with clients divided by regional, industry and other criteria, collaboration between geographically remote departments.

Telemarketing/telesales – integration with call-center, maintaining statistics, recording standard questions and answers and full use of many other capabilities of means of communication with clients via e-mail, IP telephony, etc.

Marketing – statistics module, planning and maintaining various marketing campaigns, monitoring returns and calculating efficiency, modeling, auxiliary (educational) material, consumer segmentation and more.

Lead Management – ​​Managing relationships with potential clients: collecting initial information, distributing contacts between employees of sales departments, tracking the effectiveness of sources of primary contacts.

Partnership Relations Management (PRM) – management of relationships with partners.

Knowledge Management – ​​knowledge management, collection of all necessary reference information (maps, industry information, analytical materials, statistics) for the company’s work, creation of separate news sections (for example, for managers who manage the fuel and energy complex, processing industry), integration with Internet sources, powerful search tools.

e-Business is a module responsible for the CRM web part, which may include a company website, an online store or B2B site, interaction with customers via the Internet, etc.

Business Intelligence – the presence of automatic capabilities for monitoring and escalating problems, taking proactive actions, generating individual reports and reports using templates (as a rule, there are many ready-made forms), planning, modeling. – education, employment, contacts, everything related to people in the field of CRM.

  • Altitude Software (“IT”) - UCI
  • Navision (IBS and Lanit) – Navision Financials Contact Manager Module
  • Oracle – Oracle e-Business Suite
  • Parus – “Business Process Management. Parus-Client.”
  • “Pro-Invest” – Sales Expert
  • Remedy Inc. (“TopS”, IBS and “Open Technologies”) - Remedy
  • Interact Commerce Corp. (“Sputnik Labs” and Actis) - SalesLogic
  • SAP - mySAP CRM
  • TerraLink – Terra CRM
  • Frontstep - Frontstep Channel Center
  • Epicrus - Clientele
  • ComputerAge – Relavis eBusinessStreams
  • Pivotal (Columbus IT Partner Russia) - Pivotal eRelationship 2000
  • “Bmicro” – “Client-Communicator”
  • Navision (Columbus IT Partner Russia) - AXAPTA
  • Goals, methodology and sources of research

    This study is an initiative work of the Cominfo Consulting company, conducted jointly with the Business Online magazine.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze concepts CRM from the point of view of its demand in Russia, analysis of structure and prospects demand in Russia for products and solutions positioned as CRM (including motivation, implementation features, trends), as well as market analysis offers CRM solutions presented in Russia, including the collection and systematization of information about relevant products and their suppliers.

    Thus, the main consumer of this study are companies interested in implementing CRM solutions and in need of systematized information on products and suppliers. In addition, the study is of interest to software developers and suppliers, system integrators and consulting companies that are involved in the implementation of CRM.

    Sources of information and research methodology

    The collection of information during the study was carried out on the basis of:

    • Analysis of publications from more than 100 open and closed sources, including professional publications, reports of foreign research and consulting companies, Web sites and other sources (a partial list of Internet resources is given in Appendix 2).
    • Personal interviews with experts from consulting companies, system integrators and CRM solution providers (list below).
    • Questioning of representatives of enterprises - potential customers of CRM solutions.
    • Questioning of representatives of companies - manufacturers and suppliers of CRM solutions represented in Russia.

    The number of respondents included about 200 enterprises in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Central region, as well as Moscow offices of large holding structures with a branched territorial structure throughout Russia. A separate survey was conducted of 70 companies in the telecommunications industry - traditional and alternative fixed-line operators, mobile operators and private networks.

    List of invited experts

    1. Sanal Ushanov, manager of the Moscow office of Accenture
    2. Pavel Cherkashin, President of Sputnik Labs
    3. Roman Samokhvalov, Oracle Business Development Manager
    4. Sergey Chernov, expert analyst at the Analytical Center of the Parus Corporation
    5. Sergey Aslanyan, director of the consulting department of Actis Systems
    6. Alexander Yakunin, CEO of Navision CIS
    7. Anatoly Levikov, Head of CRM Practice, Corporate Management Systems Department, IBS
    8. Marina Anshina, head of the development and system support group at TopS
    9. Boris Kharas, senior manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers
    10. Maxim Filamofitsky, technical director of RosBusinessConsulting
    11. Alexander Skorokhodov, executive director of the Banking Production Center
    12. Maxim Solovyov, sales manager at Avaya Communications.

    Time frame for the study

    The study was conducted in May–July 2001. Since the authors began to receive additional information from suppliers and clients after the publication of excerpts from the study in the July issue of Business Online magazine, it was decided to update the study once a month.


    Goals, methodology and sources of research
    1. Basic concepts of CRM.
    1.1. Historical roots
    1.2. Client-oriented approach
    1.3. Customer life cycle.
    1.4. Pyramid of values ​​in the era of CRM.
    1.5. How to move from concepts to technologies?

    2. Functionality of CRM systems.
    2.1. Goals, processes, structure.
    2.2. Main functional blocks.
    2.2.1. MA – Marketing Automation.
    2.2.2. SFA Sales Force Automation (Automation of the activities of sales representatives).
    2.2.3. CSS - Customer Service & Support (Automation of customer support and service).

    3. Implementation of CRM: process, features, effect.
    3.1. Implementation stages: CRM step by step.
    3.2. Foreign implementation experience.
    3.3. Features of national CRM.
    3.4. Integral effect of application implementation.

    4. Call centers and Contact centers as a key channel of interaction within CRM
    4.1. Basic concept.
    4.2. Call center and contact center functionality.
    4.3. Call center applications related to sales and marketing
    4.4. Call center applications related to service (user support)
    4.5. Advantages of Call and Contact centers within the framework of the CRM concept.

    5. Market of CRM solutions abroad.
    5.1. Review of main solutions.
    5.2. Functionality of CRM solutions. Summary table for 67 companies.
    5.3. Trends and prospects.
    5.4. Solutions for Contact centers. Summary table for 60 companies.

    6. Market of CRM solutions in Russia.
    6.1. Main factors influencing market development.
    6.2. Demand.
    6.2.1. Market awareness about CRM
    6.2.2. Structure and characteristics of demand
    6.2.3. Motivation of enterprises when implementing CRM.
    6.3. Offer.
    6.3.1. Criteria for choosing a solution.
    6.3.2. Consolidated catalog and analysis of 20 products, manufacturers and suppliers represented in Russia.

    Conclusion and conclusions.

    Appendix 1. Glossary of terms.
    Appendix 2. Additional information resources on CRM on the Internet.
    Manufacturers and suppliers.
    Information portals.
    Research and consulting companies.
    Professional organizations, publications, conferences.
    Call center resources.

    The Standard version management system, built on the basis of 1C:Enterprise 8, is an excellent solution for automating business processes. Unlike the basic version, it has expanded functionality and analytics capabilities.

    It is possible to choose a version - for one person or for five employees.

    With the CRM Standard version you can:

    • Significantly improve the quality of customer service
    • Increase your success rate
    • Track problem areas in company processes
    • Increase sales volumes
    • Automate team processes
    • Reduce costs for personnel control and professional growth of specialists

    This CRM system has the ability to integrate with other 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations:

    • Implement a unified information field for the company
    • Pair with versions of 1C: Accounting
    • Set up two-way information exchange and automate processes

    All this without the constant control of hired developers and administrators. This CRM system is ideal for small businesses due to its standard integration capabilities with 1C: UNF - it works with one company or several at once.

    Clients and contacts

    CRM version Standard as a management system is designed specifically to record the customer base and contacts with them:

    • Collect all customer data
    • Combine them into an information base
    • Get characteristics for every contact and touch with the client
    • Track the effectiveness of working with each subject separately
    • Explore the advanced process analytics offered by the CRM system
    • Make a decision - which clients to spend more time on, for which it is worth developing supporting activities, and which ones should be abandoned altogether

    Using the CRM Standard management system, you can plan the entire course of work with an individual:

    • Study the history of the relationship with the desired person
    • Plan meetings and information worth providing to the client
    • Register his needs in the database
    • Share this information among your employees
    • Set up meeting notifications

    All this, with a competent approach, will turn your new customers into loyal ones, and motivate your regular ones to buy even more.

    Time management in the company

    The Standard version includes time management functions for individual employees and the company as a whole:

    • The management system allows you to plan assignments for employees
    • It will tell you the timing - conduct micro-control without wasting time
    • Using internal architecture, coordinates employee actions and reminds about assignments

    Even more control and automation

    The Standard version makes it possible to create unified sales scripts for a client, which the employee must follow:

    • Create standard templates according to the instructions
    • Use operational management
    • Study sales analytics
    • Implement improvements to your sales funnel

    The management system automates and forms standard actions with minimal involvement of employees:

    • There is integration with an email client
    • Ability to create mailing lists based on your customer base
    • Settings allow you to segment your audience
    • Weed out duplicate entries and get an up-to-date contact database
    • Organize a telephone call with reminders about discounts and other company promotions

    1C:CRM Standard works with popular office telephony systems, integrates into SMS services - all work is carried out using standard methods.


    The Standard version is built taking into account the importance of information security in business processes. It is possible to flexibly configure the access level for different employees:

    • There are user groups based on data access rating
    • You can configure the system according to the level of access to objects - someone can view all sales analytics, someone can work with marketing tools, someone can only view directories and documents.

    The optimal solution for small businesses. Functionality for frequently encountered tasks, flexible customization to suit the individual characteristics of the company - all this increases sales volumes and company income. Keep your finger on the pulse of business.

    Line of software products "1C:CRM"- universal solutions in the field of customer relationship management that fully comply with the modern CRM system model.

    Modern CRM model (XRM\BPMS)

    A few facts about 1C:CRM:

    • Flexible and customizable product. In 82% of cases, the 1C:CRM product can be implemented by a consultant without the help of programmers, which significantly reduces the cost of implementation.
    • Fast to implement product. In 70% of cases, the 1C:CRM implementation project lasts up to three months, which allows the company to quickly get the effect of implementation. A phased implementation of CRM system modules is possible.
    • Familiar interface.“1C:CRM” has an ergonomic interface of the most common automation system in Russia - “1C:Enterprise”, which eliminates the need to retrain system users.
    • A profitable product. Based on the experience of clients who have implemented 1C:CRM in their enterprises, we can confidently say that 1C:CRM implementation projects pay for themselves in an average of 3-6 months.
    • Preservation of investments.“1C:CRM” integrates into the company’s existing IT infrastructure, interacting with email, office applications and accounting systems.

    Thanks to 11 years of experience, the team of 1C:CRM consultants and 1C partners has completed more than 3,000 projects for implementing CRM systems.

    Currently, 1C:CRM software products are used by more than 11,000 companies. About 65,000 users have successfully automated their business using 1C:CRM.

    Description of 1C:CRM systems

    The 1C:CRM software product line includes the following products:

    For small businesses:

    • “1C:CRM.Basic version” - a single-user version with basic functionality, suitable for individual entrepreneurs and local automation in small businesses (individual workstations for managers, secretaries and executives);
    • “1C:CRM STANDARD” is an operational CRM system for small businesses with the ability to collaborate with up to 5 users in a single information base. The system is designed to work with clients and automate internal management processes of a small company.

    For medium business:

    • “1C:CRM PROF” is an analytical CRM system suitable for automation of medium-sized companies operating in the service and consulting sectors, trading companies and dedicated sales departments in large companies;
    • “1C: Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)” is a comprehensive trade CRM system, suitable for automating trade, service, production and design organizations of medium and large businesses.

    For large businesses:

    • “1C:CRM KORP” is a collaboration CRM system, suitable for automation of large business companies; takes into account the presence in a large company of many areas of activity, a complex organizational structure and specific management tasks; has the ability to integrate with the company's legacy IT infrastructure.

    In addition to the main line of “1C:CRM” solutions, there are combined configurations “Standard solution “1C” + “1C:CRM”:

    For small businesses:

    2014: 1C:CRM STANDARD. Set for 5 users

    On July 15, 2014 it became known that 1C-Rarus and the 1C company released the 1C:CRM STANDARD solution. Set for 5 users" in three delivery options: electronic version, with hardware (USB dongle) and software protection.

    The release of the new version “1C:CRM STANDARD 2.0” offers users a number of advantages:

    • Availability of electronic delivery “1C:CRM STANDARD 2.0” (together with keys).
    • Distribution of the product and its documentation via electronic communication channels.
    • The ability for users of “1C:CRM STANDARD 2.0” to make a smooth transition (upgrade) to more “powerful” solutions - “1C:CRM” version PROF 2.0 and CORP 2.0.
    • Supporting users within the framework of an electronic subscription to ITS Online.

    With the availability of electronic supplies of the 1C:CRM STANDARD system. Set for 5 users" you can download the program yourself via the Internet, and receive the protection keys and license by e-mail.

    For users who have chosen traditional (boxed) delivery, the following options are possible:

    • Solution "1C:CRM STANDARD. Set for 5 users" with software protection. The kit includes instructions and an envelope with PIN codes for obtaining a software license.
    • Solution "1C:CRM STANDARD. Set for 5 users (USB)” with hardware protection. The kit includes instructions and a USB security key.

    Integration with Google Apps

    On July 25, 2014, it became known about the integration of software products of the 1C: CRM family and the Google Apps system.

    Users using both systems can be assured of seamless integration of email and calendar events, regardless of which system the data is created in.

    Vendors believe that 1C:CRM and Google Apps will give managers and executives the opportunity to work with a large number of tasks simultaneously. Integration will help you avoid mistakes when transferring documents.

    Initiators of the integration project of the company "1C-Rarus" and

    The first employee workspace that opens when logging into the CRM system is the user work center.

    On the desktop form on the left there are navigation buttons that allow...

    The Planner opens from the user's desktop and is a calendar that displays the current user's tasks included in the Scheduler. By default, the scheduler includes all tasks with the types “Order”, “Call”, ...

    The “Mail” button opens a standard email client (in the “1C: Trade Management 11” and “1C: ERP 2.4” configurations). The capabilities of the email client may vary depending on the configuration with which the CRM system is integrated. In the editorial offices of BIT...

    The “Tasks” section contains all the tasks to which the current user is related: he is responsible for the task, controls the execution of the task, or is the creator of the task (author).

    All tasks are divided into 4 groups:


    When you click on the “Transactions” button on the desktop, a list of transactions with clients opens. The list of transactions reflects the type of transaction, the current stage of the transaction, the responsible manager, the potential amount of the transaction, the probability of success of the transaction and the status of the transaction.

    The list of registered interests of possible (new) clients opens when you click on the “Leads” button, and the list of new interests of existing clients opens when you click on the “Potentials” button.

    The lists are very similar and are divided according...

    The “Achievements” section displays the achievements monitor - a form on which the graphical display of KPI indicators is configured. This is a kind of dashboard that allows you to monitor the values ​​of important business performance indicators. Monitor...

    The “Quick Access” section contains tools that require quick access. The speed of access to the most frequently used tools makes daily use of the system easier.

    Always at hand during work:...

    The system allows you to save individual user settings for ease of use in the program. Individual settings are designed for convenient organization of the desktop, task scheduler and other settings.

    Button to open personal...

    Reminders are used to record temporary information that should be displayed on the screen at a certain point in time. After processing, the reminder is not saved in the system. A reminder should always have a time when it appears and an indication...

    The BIT.CRM 3 concept combines tasks of interaction with clients and tasks of assignments between employees. A unified form of setting and performing any task is used, and they differ only in the type of task. Thanks to this, the time...

    If you are given a task, you are required to complete it. How to do it? It’s very simple - you need to click on the “Run” button. Technically, the task will be considered completed - now the system knows that the task is completed and will be able to trace...

    The “Task (CRM)” document combines various types of interactions not only with clients (call, letter, meeting), but also with employees within the company (order).

    Statuses define the life cycle of a task.
    The task may be...

    If, while completing a task, you need to use any external files (for example, *.docx, *.xlsx, *.pdf and others), they can be attached to the task card. From the task form with the “Letter” type, you can send an outgoing email...

    During the life cycle of a task, new data may appear that needs to be supplemented with the task. Most often this is short text information from the author or initiator, comments from the controller or executor (responsible). If the task is not yet...

    If you are assigned a task, and you think that some other employee should complete it, you can delegate the task. For example, a manager can delegate a task to his subordinate, an employee can delegate a task to his colleague....

    The “Statistics of Substitutions and Delegations” report is designed to analyze all tasks that were delegated. The report contains information about the original performer of the task and the employee to whom the task was delegated (deputy). Father...

    The process of working on a task is accompanied by a change in its status. The history of status changes is recorded automatically by the system when creating a task, pressing the buttons “Accept to work”, “Delegate”, “Execute”, “Monitor”, “Return to work...

    When planning a task, you set a planned start date and a planned finish date for work on the task. The period limited by these dates is the time during which the task must be completed. The task can be completed before the planned date...

    The “History of task rescheduling” report is designed to analyze all tasks whose due dates have changed (planned start date or completion date of work on the task). Information may be required for analysis: whether employees are suffering from...

    The system has the ability to organize control over the implementation of assigned tasks. This means that a task can be closed not when it is completed by the performer, but when it is checked by the controller after it is completed...

    The log of interactions and tasks is a special form of a list of tasks of some objects of the BIT.CRM 3 system, which allows you to view tasks in the context of business processes and an information system object. Tasks are grouped by business processes,...

    The “Manage assignments” option allows you to assign tasks to several employees at the same time. This could be a list of employees, employees of a selected department or role. The “fan” formulation of the problem will save time when creating one...

    The “Monitoring the achievement of goals and results” option allows you to set tasks with a specific goal. And when performing a task, you can indicate the result with which the task was completed. This way you can not only indicate the fact of completing a task, but also indicate...

    The “Executive Discipline” report is designed to assess the number of different interactions with the client (calls, meetings, letters) and instructions. The report can be generated with selection by department, performer or type of interaction. Open from...

    If the user uses the CRM subsystem (when he has sufficient rights and the security system is activated), when opening a partner card, its extended form opens. It is supplemented with a list of possible actions, current activities and mechanics...

    The report is a summary of partner information in several sections, the display of information for which can be turned on or off.

    • Contacts
    • Data on the partner's contact information, his contact persons, counterparty...

    The system has a ready-made set of calculated indicators that show the work with the client and his “attractiveness” for the company. Visually, these indicators are presented in the form of trees, divided into several large groups. The indicators are stored...