Shar Pei adult black. Shar Pei dog: breed characteristics, characteristics, description

Today we will talk about a very interesting breed of dog. She is distinguished not only by her interesting appearance, but also by her rather extraordinary character. We hope you enjoy learning about this amazing breed.


Shar Pei - looks very funny dog with small folds on the body. But in reality, they are the real heroes who fearlessly survived famine, medieval Chinese wars and communist repression in the 40s of the last century.

The breed almost completely disappeared several times, but thanks to the forces experienced breeders she was nevertheless revived. Currently, Shar Pei dogs are surprisingly popular in different countries. And for good reason, because these are very smart, loyal and calm animals. They value discipline and order.

Shar Pei dogs are used to keeping their emotions under control.

They are gentle and attentive towards their owners. But such dogs are also assertive and recklessly brave in the process of protecting loved ones or at home.

Shar Pei: description of breed and appearance

The Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, attentive and cautious. She has self-esteem. Her head in profile is square, large in comparison with her body. As a result, the dog appears disproportionate. The Shar Pei's tail is mobile and set quite high on the croup. By the way, it is this tail that is a characteristic feature of the breed. It should be thick at the base. Towards the tip the tail narrows, while twisting into a spiral.

This dog has many deep folds on its body that are formed from excess skin. With age, their number decreases. Folds remain only on the scruff of the neck, neck and head.

The Shar Pei has a medium-length body with well-developed muscles. His shoulders are sloping. Hind limbs fairly widely spaced. The chest is deep, wide, lumbar region massive. Rear end developed, quite strong.

Shar Pei (adult) moves quickly. Strong muscular legs and body structure help the dog run fast. When he runs, his limbs come to the center line of movement, allowing the dog to maintain balance and also develop greater speed.

Description of coat and colors

There are three types of skin of such dogs. The first is similar in structure to skin horses. The second resembles a bearskin, and the third resembles a stiff brush.

Shar Pei colors vary. You can find cream, black, blue representatives of the breed. Shar-Peis also come in sable or red colors.

Intelligence of the breed

Shar Pei dogs are smart and good mental abilities. Their character is delicate, but at the same time firm and persistent.

Shar Peis are very loyal to their owner; they are jealous of their home territory. You can call them the real owners of everything expensive (this also includes people). For this reason, they make excellent defenders and guards.

These dogs are brave and, despite their apparent slowness, they make decisions very quickly in difficult situations.

Such a dog can be alone without any problems, he does not start frantically gnawing furniture and will not lose his composure. He faithfully awaits the return of his owners. Even if the dog falls asleep, he is still guarding his home.

Shar-Pei dogs are independent, so they should never be locked in cages.

Representatives of the breed are well trained. They are capable of learning.

Shar Pei: characteristics of the dog and its character

This dog is suitable for people with strong character. The Shar Pei loves to lead, so it will look for such an opportunity if the owner does not become a full-fledged leader in the relationship.

This dog has a menacing appearance, but despite this, it is quite sociable and sociable. Shar Pei is friendly with his household. The dog has an increased desire for independence. At times the dog may seem withdrawn, unsociable and stubborn. But it is not so. Pets are simply wary of increased attention to your person. For this reason, they should be taught to communicate with children from childhood.

By nature, representatives of the breed are modest and do not like enthusiastic fuss.

Such dogs have well-developed intuition, they sense the owner’s mood. To build an ideal relationship with a Shar Pei, you should show prudent firmness and kindness towards him.

Dog socialization

Shar Pei - family breed. Such a dog is devoted to close people. He always carefully studies the household members, knows who to play with, who to ask for treats, and with whom to behave affectionately and carefully.

Shar Peis get along well with children and the elderly. Thanks to herding instincts, such a dog can nurse babies. But such a dog is still worth keeping an eye on.

The Shar Pei has a balanced and very stable psyche. Such dogs have a beneficial effect on people who suffer from nervous system disorders.

Dogs are distrustful of strangers and can behave aggressively if strangers too intrusive.

Thanks to the developed lateral vision, dogs of this breed see sudden movements dubious characters.

Shar Pei training

Raising a representative of the breed is quite difficult, especially if you are a novice dog breeder. The dog can be stubborn, showing his character at the most inopportune moments. Shar Peis remember commands quite easily, but may resist when they are carried out.

Socialization and training should begin as early as possible, then, as the dog matures, it will be responsive and obedient. Proceed to OKD course costs three to four months.

Early socialization will help soften the dominant nature of the breed. Shar Pei puppies will have a normal attitude towards all living things if they play with other animals from childhood. It is desirable that the animals be different ages and breeds. A sharpei should spend as much time as possible with its owner from childhood (a girl or a boy - it doesn’t matter, both sexes need it equally).

These dogs require basic training. You need to teach them different commands, such as “No!”, “Come to me!”, “Place!”. During training, aggression and violence towards the dog is prohibited. However, the owner must still be a leader. Then education will be the result not of fear, but of trust.

Exercise and walking the dog

Representatives of the breed need walks, as well as a variety of physical activities.

Every day you need to spend an hour (or more) outside. Two thirty-minute walks per day will be enough. You need to walk in different places and by different types soil.

You can go cycling and jogging with your Shar Pei. In addition, you need to play with such a dog using various items(balls, ropes, sticks, etc.)

During the hot season, you should walk with your dog carefully, as he may feel unwell, he may get sunstroke due to the thick layer of skin.

Caring for a representative of the breed

Shar Pei dogs are quite unpretentious in care. But you need to pay special attention to your ears. This is the most vulnerable part of the body. Their auditory canals are thin and poorly ventilated. If water gets into them, they may cause serious problems with health. Shar Pei dogs do not like to wash themselves; it is as if they instinctively understand that similar procedures It won't do them any good. But hygiene comes first.

It is necessary to bathe your pet at least once every three months. During the procedure, it is better to plug your ears with cotton swabs. For bathing, use special shampoos. Remove dead hair with a brush during the combing process. Wash folds during bathing too.

After bathing, dry your pet's coat thoroughly. You can use a hairdryer for this.

Brush your dog with a short-toothed brush. Claws should be trimmed regularly.

You should periodically wipe the discharge from your eyes with a damp cloth.

Shar Pei and your apartment

When choosing a place for your pet's bed, make sure that it is not in drafts. Also, Shar Pei puppies, like adult dogs, cannot tolerate dry air, so forget about humidifying it in advance.

The bed should be simple, not too soft, made from natural materials. The Shar Pei's back requires stability.

Note that such a dog should always have wide view. After all, the Shar Pei must fully perform its function as a guard. Otherwise, he may become restless and nervous.

Food bowls should be clean; it is advisable to also have a special stand.

When getting a Shar Pei, be sure to purchase toys made of durable rubber, as well as cleaning bones for teeth.

Feeding the breed

What to feed your Shar Pei? As a rule, breeders advise using high-quality dry food (super premium class).

Some owners still choose classic food with natural products. Then the pet’s diet should include meat cut into pieces (this could be veal, beef and chicken), low-fat dairy products, porridge (buckwheat, rice).

It is prohibited to give your dog the following foods:

  • fruits with seeds;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • canned vegetables;
  • nuts.

We've figured out what to feed your Shar Pei, but what can you use as a treat? Bread crumbs and cookies special for dogs, which can be purchased at a pet store, are suitable for these purposes. It is best to place a cloth under the bowl, since the representative of the breed cannot be called neat.


How much does a Shar Pei cost? The price varies, it is difficult to name the exact one. Each breeder names the cost himself. On average, you need to pay fifteen thousand for one Shar Pei puppy. The price in this case depends on the pedigree of the parents, their titles, location and other things. Therefore, you can buy a dog like this for either 6 or 50 thousand rubles. Choose a puppy based on your needs. If you don't plan to participate in exhibitions, it may make sense to save money by not buying a premium beast.

A little conclusion

Now you know what a Shar Pei is. The description of this breed is discussed in detail in our article. We hope that the information will help you decide whether this is your dog or not.

Brief description

  • Height: minimum – 44 centimeters, maximum – 51 centimeters.
  • Weight: 18-25 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color: Any solid color other than pure white, stains are not acceptable.
  • Wool length: short, hard, without undercoat.
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: has excellent watchdog and security qualities. Gentle towards children.
  • Difficulties of the breed: willful, prone to dominance. Often suffers from.
  • Price of a dog: Undocumented Shar Pei puppies cost from $100 to $200, the price of a puppy with an excellent pedigree can range from $500 to $1,500.

History of the origin of the breed

Shar Pei is considered a very ancient breed; dogs with a similar genotype lived in China three thousand years ago. For so much for a long time Throughout its existence, the breed experienced periods of popularity and almost disappeared during the reign of Mao. In the seventies there were even Shar Peis are listed in the Red Book as the most rare breed dogs.

The credit for reviving the breed belongs to American dog handlers, who over the course of several years, using about a dozen purebred sires and infusing them with the blood of dogs of other breeds, saved the Shar Pei gene pool. In subsequent years, the breed gained recognition all over the world: puppies, similar to small hippopotamuses, are unusually cute, and adult dogs inspire respect.

Purpose of the breed

Shar Pei is such a versatile breed that in China they were used as guards, herders and fighting dogs helping their owners in everything. It was impossible to find Chinese family, wherever the Shar Pei lived, and this small dog could hunt large game, guard the home and babysit children, and also earn money by participating in battles.

IN modern conditions the fighting qualities of the breed faded into the background, and the main task of these dogs in the city became protection of the owner and territory, as well as playing the role of a companion dog. The Shar Pei's high mental qualities and his ability to subtly sense the mood of people living nearby make representatives of this breed indispensable in everyday city life. Shar Peis are hardy and agile dogs, they easily tolerate physical activity, but is able to easily adapt to any lifestyle.

Shar Pei character

When meeting any representative of this breed for the first time, a stranger will be struck by the dog’s somewhat unsociable appearance and gloomy, concentrated gaze. At first glance, these dogs are incorrigible pessimists, but once you get to know each other better, it opens up. kind, cheerful and tactful dog.

  • The main quality of the Shar Pei is its self-sufficiency and desire to dominate, and these qualities are already evident in puppyhood. A pet, starting from three to four months, begins to test the “strength” of all family members, and it is important not to succumb to its provocations. Dogs of this breed are very accurately understand the hierarchy of their family, and consider it unnecessary to obey low-status household members, such as children.
  • Shar-Peis greet strangers warily, not allowing familiarity. Suspicious noise outside the door will not cause heart-rending barking, however, the dog will be ready to meet the enemy face to face.
  • The fighting qualities of dogs of this breed can lead to aggression towards other animals, especially aggressive males, who are not embarrassed by the size of the enemy, and they ready to get into a fight with any unfamiliar male. In relation to dogs and cats living with them in the same territory, Shar Peis are friendly and often make friends with them.
  • An interesting feature of the Shar Pei’s character lies in its instant metamorphosis: from a phlegmatic animal sleeping for days - into a dog sparkling with energy and joy. If the owner is busy with his own business, then the dog sleeps almost all the time, but as soon as the owner takes the leash, and Shar Pei turns into choleric.
  • The pet of this breed has good developed intuition and prefers to build relationships with the owner on the principle of mutual respect. He will carry out any order of his master only if he recognizes him as the leader. The dog is friendly with the rest of the family, loves everyone in the household and adores small children, but all children’s games with the dog must be supervised by an adult.

Video review of the breed

This short film highlights the features appearance Shar Pei dogs, about their character. It is useful for novice owners to listen to advice on the proper maintenance and socialization of Shar Peis, and on the most common diseases in the breed. A few recommendations from a professional trainer will help you avoid mistakes in training. Filming of funny puppies and adult dogs takes place in natural conditions, where they look most charming.

How to choose a puppy

When deciding to purchase a Shar Pei puppy, you must first of all calculate the possibilities of your budget, since dogs of this breed must be fed with high quality food, and provide an item for the cost of treating the pet.

The wide range of prices for puppies is explained by the level of the future pet: puppies without documents are cheaper, since their parents most often do not have pedigrees or do not participate in exhibitions and do not have permission to breed due to any defect in the exterior. In the worst case, such a puppy may be a half-breed or suffer from some kind of hereditary disease. Arguments for purchasing a pet without documents:

  • Cheap;
  • Why do you need documents if you don’t plan to go to exhibitions;
  • It is easier to keep a puppy without documents.

All of them are wrong, since being cheap can cost a large sum to treat your pet, but feeding and caring for a puppy of any class will have to be the same. As pet It is recommended to buy a puppy with a pedigree, which is marked “not for breeding”. Such puppies have all the advantages of promising littermates, but have some disadvantage in appearance. Their prices are significantly lower.

Shar Pei puppies can move to new house immediately after activation at 45 days of age, and best to take little puppy . A grown-up Shar Pei, and even more so an adult dog, already has an established character, and the owner must have a fair amount of firmness and fortitude in order to re-educate the pet.

Sometimes you need to wait until the babies grow up or are born, since choosing a Shar Pei is a matter that does not tolerate hasty decisions. When choosing a puppy from several thick koloboks, you should definitely ask the breeder about personality traits every baby. Absolutely all puppies are different from each other, and the breeder can advise which one is most suitable for the lifestyle of the future owners.

It is worth examining the tongue (it may have several pink spots on a blue background) and the bite (scissors). For a show career, it is advisable to purchase a Shar Pei with a tougher and long hair sticking out like needles - dogs with this type of coat look more impressive.

The Shar Pei's coat does not have an undercoat, so it should not be kept outside. This is a dog for life comfortable conditions , since they cannot tolerate extreme heat or frost very well. Shar Pei babies quickly learn to be neat, especially if the owner regularly takes the pet out after eating, playing or sleeping.

It is advisable to walk your dog three times a day for recovery, and at least the walk should last at least an hour. Immediately after quarantine, they put him on a leash and start walking the streets with him, introducing him to public transport, rides in the elevator. Shar Pei from childhood should know the rules of life in the city, calmly treats people and other people's dogs and cats, besides, physical activity is important for the proper formation of a young dog.

The Shar Pei is unpretentious in its maintenance; it is enough to examine your pet’s ears once a week for inflammation or allergies, and also brush the fur with a stiff brush. Special attention should be applied to the skin in folds, because when moisture gets in, diaper rash begins to appear. You can wash your Shar Pei several times a year, as it gets dirty, and then dry it well with a hairdryer.

Briefly about training

Shar Pei can be trained successfully only if early start training. A four-month-old puppy should visit the playground regularly, must be firmly forced to carry out the command given by the owner. An adult Shar Pei has its own view of the learning process; the dog becomes willful and stubborn.

Necessarily you need to treat your pet for following commands to secure positive reaction. Particular attention is paid to calling, bringing the command “to me!” to the point of automaticity, since an adult Shar Pei tends to question the owner’s orders, and the dog’s timely approach in many cases can save his life.

Advantages and disadvantages of Shar Pei

Pros of the breed:

  • Easily and quickly learns to be neat;
  • Practically does not chew furniture and things in puppyhood;
  • Not intrusive;
  • Good security guard;
  • Gets along well with other animals in the same territory;
  • Not noisy, not large;
  • Sensitive and affectionate, family friendly.

Cons of the breed:

  • Aggressive towards other dogs;
  • Likes to dominate;
  • Prone to many hereditary and acquired diseases;
  • Needs careful balanced diet, in some cases hypoallergenic food is necessary.


Shar Peis of any gender love to start fights, and the size of the opponent is not important to them, and the number and severity of bodily injuries does not stop the aggressor.

There is an assumption that early weaning of a puppy from its mother provokes such behavior in the future, no matter how the puppy is socialized. Is this really so, and is a puppy raised with its mother until 3-5 months less aggressive in the future?

Shar Pei is an amazing dog, consisting of many folds. This pet is also notable for its historical past. Due to the Chinese war, repression and famine, the breed was at the peak of extinction. But the lovers of these dogs tried their best to bring their pets “back to life.”

Now Shar Peis are very popular not only in China, but throughout the world.

These are smart, kind and calm dogs - real highly cultured Asians. They know how to control their emotions, value order and comfort. Shar Peis are very affectionate towards their owners, but are assertive and brave when we're talking about about the protection of the owner, home or property.

Description of the breed

Scientists have very little information about the origins of the mastiff. There is a version that the scriptures and ancient stud books that were customary to keep in Asian countries were destroyed in 213 BC. Those were the times of the formidable ruler Qin Shi Huang.

Today, according to the most common version, it is believed that Shar-Peis descended from ancient mastiffs and short-haired Chow Chows. This opinion was based on the similarity of character and external features the above animals.

Genetic examinations and DNA analyzes of Shar Peis confirm that these cute pets are more than 3 thousand years old. Representatives of the breed are direct descendants of one of the 4 dogs from which all modern breeds originated.


If we describe the character of a Shar Pei, then first of all the emphasis is placed on the dog’s intelligence and intelligence. Their psyche is stable and balanced. Which fully corresponds to the delicacy and restraint of dogs in behavior.

Asian pets are characterized by a high degree of devotion to their loved ones. Therefore, by nature they are great owners. This makes Shar Peis excellent protectors.

Dogs are very brave and capable of making quick decisions in difficult situations.

Not only high intelligence helps here, but also the pet’s athletic physique. The animal really needs to communicate with people, but despite this, it can patiently wait for the owner/s to return from work. Even in a sleeping state, this dog always seems to be “on the alert.”

Shar Peis are strong-willed and independent. They should absolutely not be locked in cages or enclosures. Dogs need to feel independent and feel like equals with their owners. It is important for a pet to think that he controls the territory while the person is not at home.

Shar Peis are pets for strong-willed people. Since these dogs love to lead and manage, they will gladly seize any opportunity where they can show their caretaker abilities. But their habits are completely devoid of aggression. Shar Peis are intelligent and obedient.

Dogs of this breed love noisy companies. They are smart and friendly not only towards their household members, but also towards all guests. But they make all decisions, guided primarily by their own considerations. Therefore, sometimes it may seem that this dog is stubborn. It is important here to demonstrate to the dog that the owner is always right.

Education and training

Raising a pet is not so easy if its owner is a novice dog breeder. After all, at the most inopportune moment, a dog can become stubborn. But they remember all the commands that their owner teaches very quickly.

Socialization and training of a Shar Pei puppy must begin as early as possible, then there will be no problems with its behavior in the future. So already at 3 months you can start training your pet for the first time. This will somewhat soften his dominant character. WITH early childhood It is worth teaching your dog to play with other animals in the house. If you introduce a Shar Pei puppy to a cat, then later the adult will react more tolerantly to cats during walks.

The stubborn nature of the Shar Pei can only be overcome with tolerant severity. The main teams at the first stage of training should be:


    "It is forbidden!";

    "To me!".

It is strictly prohibited to use violence against the dog. There should be no signs of aggression during training with a Shar Pei. There is only strict intonation and clear explanations of the command to the animal. But the dog must feel your firmness and dominance. Only then will there be a result, and the trusting relationship between the animal and the breeder will not be lost.

Mandatory physical activity

Shar Peis need frequent physical exercise. An overweight dog must maintain its shape through balanced exercise. You need to walk your dog on a variety of terrain: on asphalt, pebbles, sand. This will help grind down your pet's claws. naturally, as well as his muscles and spine will receive the required load. Jogging, playing catch, and jumping are useful for Shar Peis. They feel best in the company of other pets.

Frequent walks with the dog improve his behavioral skills.

Before walking with Shar Peis, owners should take precautions. We must not forget that pets do not tolerate heat well. Moderate air temperatures are best for them. The folds and thick skin of Asians warm up very quickly, which can provoke sunstroke. And these dogs do not like natural bodies of water. Even if there is a large puddle on your way, the dog may be stubborn to pass through it. Therefore, it is worth choosing places for walks that are free of such obstacles.


Representatives of this breed are not particularly demanding in care. They have virtually no characteristic dog smell, and pets rarely shed.

A dog's most vulnerable spot is its ears. Shar Peis have very thin ear canals that are difficult to ventilate. That is why getting water into them is very dangerous for the health of the animal. This is probably why they don’t like to wash at all.

For bathing pets, special shampoos are used, not causing allergies in dogs. To remove overgrown hair during bathing, use a brush to comb the dog. At the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse the shampoo from the folds. After this, the pet's fur needs to be dried. In the cold season, a hair dryer (with a warm jet) is used for these purposes.

The Shar Pei's coat is usually brushed twice a week. It is advisable to accustom the dog to the procedure from the very beginning. early age, immediately purchasing a rubber brush-massager.

Shar Peis have no undercoat at all, because seasonal molt pets passes almost unnoticed by others. But at this time they need to be combed every day.

The Chinese dog's nails must be trimmed regularly, trying not to go beyond the line where they begin to show through. blood vessels. Periodically you need to wipe your Shar Pei's eyes using a damp cloth.


Many breeders chinese dogs It is recommended to feed them mostly dry food. It supposedly grinds down your pet’s teeth perfectly. And high-quality granules include the entire spectrum essential vitamins. But experts advise feeding the animal with proven dog food. Namely:

    fresh meat;

    cottage cheese;


    dairy products;


Meat is served to dogs in minced form. It is best if it is beef or lean pieces of pork.

Shar Pei's favorite treats are special cookies from pet stores and crackers.

The list of foods that are prohibited from feeding Chinese dogs includes:

    Sweets and baked goods.


    Fruits with seeds.

    Smoked or fried meat.


Shar Peis usually have a cloth placed under their dishes, which is washed after the meal. And all because these Asians are not at all neat.


These dogs practically do not get sick. If their personal hygiene is poorly controlled, then it becomes possible to catch . The following diseases are typical for Shar Peis:

    Entropion. A disease that causes entropion of the eyelid and irritation of the cornea. If treatment is not done in time, the dog may go blind.

    Glaucoma. A tumor that also leads to blindness and subsequent death of the animal.

    Atopy. Allergy to various components of the environment.

    Food allergy.

    Otitis. Ear infections or colds.

    Hypothyroidism. Thyroid diseases.

    Seborrhea. It manifests itself as excess sebum, peeling of the epidermis and the presence of an unpleasant odor.

    Shar Pei fever. A little-studied disease of the breed that leads to kidney failure.

    Bloating. Happens when the dog’s diet is incorrect.

    Mastocytoma. Skin tumors or neoplasms on internal organs.

Characteristics of Shar Pei in the table

Breed name

Shar Pei

Country of origin


Time of birth of the breed

about 3 thousand years BC e.


protector, friend


18-25 kg

Height (height at withers)

46-51 cm


up to 10 years

Shar Pei video

Ancient Chinese breed He is distinguished by a calm disposition, intelligence and patience in everything. The dog is capable of making lightning-fast decisions. She loves noisy companies, children and other pets. But she needs to be taught to calmly communicate with the latter from childhood. Shar Peis will do large families or will become good companions lonely people. The Chinese do not like to swim, and if water procedures, then you should avoid them ears. Because the latter is the Shar Pei's most vulnerable spot. These dogs need a sense of freedom and independence, but at the same time, an intelligent animal will try to be attentive and obedient. Shar-Peis also make excellent guards.

They adapt perfectly to apartment life if you pay enough attention. physical activity

Availability large quantity folds on the skin of a Shar Pei - characteristic feature breeds They give him a funny look, but at the same time increase his predisposition to various skin diseases. These animals are prone to allergies, dermatitis, seborrhea, pyoderma and demodicosis. When caring for a Shar Pei, you need to carefully examine its skin for irritation or wounds. These dogs adapt well to apartment life if they get enough exercise. Shar Peis do not require special conditions content: they will be happy everywhere, as long as the owner is nearby. Due to their structural features, they do not tolerate heat well, so when high temperatures they require air conditioning.

Origin and history

Country of origin: China

For many centuries Chinese Shar Pei lived on the coast South China Sea. In all likelihood, their place of origin was the city of Dailek in the province of Kuhn Thon. Shar Peis have been known since ancient times, although there is no reliable confirmation of the exact time when the history of these dogs began. Statues depicting similar animals date back to 200, but these statues also resemble pugs and chow chows. After the formation of the DPRK, the breed was practically destroyed and was preserved only thanks to the efforts of one breeder from Hong Kong - Matgo Low. In 1973, Lowe brought several dogs to the United States, where a breed club was established, and in 1988 it was recognized by the American Kennel Club.

The Chinese Shar Pei dog can truly be called unique breed. The once large population practically disappeared from the face of the earth by the middle of the 20th century, but the few remaining dogs helped preserve the breed.

Today Shar-Peis are distributed all over the world and interest in them among breeders does not subside due to the characteristics of the Shar-Pei breed. Let's try to figure out why this breed is attractive and what are the features of caring for Shar-Peis.

Today it is not possible to determine the period when Shar Peis appeared in China. Scientists are inclined to believe that this happened more than 3 thousand years ago. Possible ancestors (mastiffs, Molossians) clearly relate Shar Peis to Chow Chows, because only these two breeds of dogs have bluish-black tongues. In addition, they have a similar muscular, dense physique.
Among the ancient Chinese of the lower and middle strata, Shar Peis served as fighters, workers and guard dogs. During the reign of the Han Dynasty, they began to be involved in hunting small and medium-sized animals. Improving the well-being of the people contributed to the proliferation of domestic dogs, but since the 14th century, constant wars and famine destroyed interest in all pets.
But the real exterminator of dogs can be called the Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong, who considered pets a luxury and useless, and ordered the elimination of all dogs. The order was carried out, and not a single Shar Pei remained in China.

Fortunately, there are a few dogs left in Macau and Taiwan that have given birth to litters. A couple of puppies ended up in the USA in the 1960s, where caring breeders decided to restore the breed. In 1978, the Shar Pei earned the dubious title of being the most rare dog in the world, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. All individuals took part in the restoration of the breed, without documents, without selecting the best, and inbreeding was used, among other things.

The breeders' efforts were crowned with success, and the breed was recognized by international kennel clubs. Dogs from China quickly gained the attention and love of dog breeders all over the world. Shar Peis appeared in Russia in the 1990s.

Until now, Shar Peis are distinguished into two types based on the place where the new line of the breed was bred: the American type and the Chinese (Asian) type.

Description and breed standard

It is obvious that the current breed standard is far from the original parameters, because breeders did not have the opportunity to select the best genetic material, they were content with what they had.

Shar Peis have features that prevent this breed from being confused with others.

Wrinkled skin

home distinguishing feature- these are folds on hard skin. Shar Pei puppies have so many excess skin that she is stretching out - her body is completely covered with folds, and this causes tenderness in everyone who sees them.
As the body grows, the folds smooth out and remain only on the cheeks, forehead and shoulders. Excess skin is caused by improper synthesis hyaluronic acid, which was originally caused by a mutated gene.

Head and muzzle

The head looks large relative to the body. The muzzle is wide, without narrowing, it is compared to the muzzle of a hippopotamus. The nose is dark or matches the color of the coat. The eyes are deep-set and dark. The ears are triangular, small, thick, pressed to the head. Sometimes wrinkles on the head can almost completely hide features, but according to the standard, such wrinkles should not interfere with vision.


The coat is short and harsh. The length of the coat varies between horse (up to 1 cm), brush (up to 2 cm) and bear (from 2.5 cm). Some cynological organizations consider bear fur to be a discarding sign, as it indicates mixing with other breeds.

The fur is prickly and resembles a brush. Translated from ancient language The name of the breed stands for “sand skin”. Such wool was an advantage for fighting dogs - an enemy who bit the elastic, prickly skin of a Shar Pei found it unpleasant to hold it in his mouth and quickly let go of the opponent.

Body type

The physique is proportional. The tail is thick, set high, curled or curved.

Weight adult dog from 18 to 29 kg. Height is from 44 to 51 cm. Life expectancy is from 8 to 12 years, depending on the conditions of detention and heredity.

Coat and tongue color

There are two groups of coat color, each of which has a wide palette of shades:

Characteristics of the Shar Pei breed are impossible without a description of the language. The tongue is similar in color to the tongue of the chow chow, giraffe and polar bear.

Depending on the coat color, the tongue is allowed in 3 shades:

  1. Purple (or blue, or bluish-black) in ground-colored dogs.
  2. Lavender (or lilac) in dilute dogs.
  3. Blue with pink spots Isabella and blue pets have tongue.

The gums and palate are the same color as the tongue.

Character, behavior

The average Shar Pei is smart, quick-witted, delicate and calm, moderately independent, brave and intellectually developed. Does not tolerate confinement in an aviary or cage, loves to keep the territory under control.
At first glance, it is difficult to classify the Shar Pei as a dog ideal for living in a family. Wrinkles on the forehead and deep-set eyes give the Shar Pei an expression of gloominess and wariness. In fact, a dog can show aggression towards strangers and animals.

Initially, the Chinese demanded from Shar-Peis aggressiveness for fighting, viciousness and independence for performing security and hunting functions. Selective breeders have improved the character of dogs: dogs with good heredity show loyalty to all family members.
In the family they become devoted friends. These dogs show their love with restraint, they do not try to kiss and do not follow the owner’s heels.

They get along with cats if they grew up together from early childhood. They chase other people's cats, as well as chickens and rabbits, this is how their hunting instinct. They are aggressive towards strange dogs, especially in the fight for food, territory or a female. They protect their territory automatically, without training in security qualities.

Education, training

Shar Peis always try to show leadership in the pack, be it animals or the owner's family. To prevent this, the owner of the puppy must make it clear from childhood that in this “pack” the leader is a person.
With improper upbringing and too much freedom, dogs tend to show dominance in the family. In this case, they will refuse to follow commands and may show aggression towards the owner or children.

Only an experienced dog breeder can choose the right model of behavior and rules of socialization, and select the necessary course of training and obedience. The breed is not easy, so beginners should not get a Shar Pei.

In terms of its ability to learn and train, the breed is considered one of the most difficult. The Shar Pei may become stubborn and refuse to do an activity or follow a command if it becomes bored or lacks motivation. U different dogs motivation can be a treat or praise from the owner. Physical punishment should be excluded, since Shar-Peis are only affected by positive reinforcement.

Care and maintenance

Shar Peis love both long walks and lying on the sofa, so they feel comfortable when living in both an apartment and a house. Ready to accompany the owner on a bike ride.
On the street, pets diligently avoid getting into puddles and mud. But this is not only due to the desire for cleanliness, but also from a dislike for water, in particular, for swimming and rain.

There are several things to consider when caring for your Shar Pei: simple rules:

  • When walking, the dog must be kept on a leash, as they tend to be independent and always strive for freedom. It is impossible to catch up with a running Shar Pei.
  • You need to bathe your pet at least once a month. After showering, dry your skin with a towel.
  • Despite its short length, the coat requires regular brushing, and during the molting period, careful brushing. Otherwise, carpets, sofas and armchairs will be strewn with wool like prickly needles. Because of this coat, Shar Peis are considered an unsuitable breed for allergy sufferers.
  • Folds on the body, especially on the face, need to be wiped to avoid diaper rash and inflammation from water and food.
  • At least once a week you need to rub your eyes and clean your ears. Nails should be trimmed as needed.


Indiscriminate re-breeding of the breed in the 20th century led to the fact that Shar-Peis are characterized by poor health. Only healthy individuals were not always selected during breeding, so many genetic diseases can appear in different dogs at different ages.
In general, the health and characteristics of the Shar Pei breed are causing concern among dog handlers and many organizations are asking for changes to the breed standard. Thus, some breeders note instability of behavior, poor health and aggressiveness of Shar Peis.

Increased wrinkles also negatively affect the behavior and well-being of dogs. Not only do the folds sometimes become inflamed, but large folds on the muzzle hang over the eyes or block side vision. This leads to accidental falls, bumps and frequent frights, as dogs have difficulty seeing what is happening around them.

These same folds on the muzzle provoke inflammation of the eyes. Due to the structure of the ears, the ear canals are poorly cleaned and are also susceptible to inflammation.

One of the many problems this breed has is Shar Pei fever. This genetic disease, in which the joints swell and the kidneys are affected. The disease is non-fatal, but very unpleasant, and requires veterinary supervision.

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