How to develop peripheral vision. Peripheral vision (peripheral)

Many people ask, why is well-developed peripheral (lateral) vision needed and important at all? We will give an answer. Peripheral vision is relevant in many cases and is used while driving a car, at home and at work. If a person does not use such vision, this is called “tunnel” vision. Intense or staring at everything exclusively from the front leads to a noticeable weakening of peripheral vision.

Such vision is very useful both in life in general and in sports.

Before learning to read, children see very sharply and clearly around, that is, they have high developed vision peripheral type. And how good are you, it turns out, to see around? Even if it’s not good, in no case be upset, because this can be fixed with. When doing these exercises, look exclusively straight ahead, and at the same time, keep an eye on what is happening on the sides.

Normally, your eye sees only one object best, but its vision is by no means limited to only one object. Well-developed peripheral vision gives you "eyes in the back of your head."


    Take one pencil in each hand and hold them in front of your eyes at a distance of 30 cm.

    Look as if through the pencils, into the distance, without concentrating your gaze specifically on them. Use your peripheral vision to see the pencils.

    Move the pencils very slowly from the eyes to the sides, so as not to lose them from peripheral vision. This exercise can be called "forward/sideways". Do it at least a dozen times.

    Move the pencil down in your left hand and up in your right hand. Watch peripherally. Repeat ten times.

    Now do the same, but with your left hand down diagonally, and with your right hand up diagonally. Do ten repetitions, and ten more, changing direction. That is, left up, right down (diagonally).

    Hold the pencils in front of you at a distance of 30 cm, looking at them, draw circles with your eyes, whose diameter is 5-7 cm. Do ten times clockwise, and ten times counterclockwise.

Municipal state educational institution

additional education for children

"Children's and youth sports school"

Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region

Methodical development
"Lateral (peripheral) vision and its role in game tactics"


Utkina T.V.


High tactical skill of all players is the key to victory. It is generally accepted that perfect tactics should be based on the high technical level of the players (there can be no tactics without technology!), and this provision is beyond doubt, however, high game technique does not automatically give rise to the tactics of competent players. Not infrequently, we see teams of the highest rank on the courts, where technically trained players in a difficult, and sometimes in the simplest game environment, all the time make gross tactical mistakes: they send a pass to a front-line player lying on the ground after receiving a difficult ball; the attacker makes a fake blow directly into the hands of the insurer; the setter makes a pass to the zone where there are three blockers and so on. Consequently, the point is not only in the level of technical training, but also in some qualities of the players, which are not paid enough attention in academic work. This "mysterious" quality is the ability of players to see the field, the movement of their players and opponents' rock, and the ability to quickly navigate the game environment based on these observations. This is not easy, because during the game the volleyball player, with rare exceptions, must look at the ball all the time. Try to land a hit, pass, serve without looking at the ball... It won't work!

The ability to see the field is carried out due to lateral (peripheral) vision, which, combined with technical training, is the basis of the tactical skill of volleyball players. According to our estate, a tactically competent player must have a well-developed peripheral vision and a high technical game: the first will help the player understand the game environment, no matter how difficult it is, and tell you what he should do in this moment games, and three times - will allow these objective observations to be realized.

peripheral vision is the function of the retina outside the macula.

The role of lateral (peripheral) vision in game tactics.

The basic rule in volleyball is: "In the game, the player's gaze must be directed at the ball at all times!" If a player breaks this rule, the ball will be lost. However, there is one exception: during the strike, the blocker should not look at the ball while jumping, but at the attacker.

Some players look at the opponent's court immediately before making an offensive hit, giving the spectators the impression that the attack will be built based on these observations. If the attacker then carries out a successful blow, then indeed such an impression can be created. But it can be said directly that the expediency of such actions is doubtful: the placement of blockers and defenders on the opponent’s court, which the attacker sees before making a strike, will instantly change during the time when he will have to look only at the ball.

Let us show the role of peripheral vision in the performance of certain game techniques.

Passing the ball. The setter went from the back line to the front. The three attackers scatter rapidly, preparing to deliver an attacking blow. In order to perform a pass in the most favorable direction, the connecting player, due to lateral vision (after all, the main visual axis of the eye should be directed at the ball!) must assess where the blockers are and in which zone it is more difficult for them to organize a group block. If he understands the game situation correctly, the attacking hit will be correct.

Forward blow. The importance of lateral vision in individual attack tactics is great: thanks to this vision, the player must see the zone free from the block above the net and direct the blow exactly there; see the location of the spotters, which will allow him to correctly select the free zone of the day of the fake strike.

defense game, Peripheral vision plays an important role in this game technique. Thanks to him, the defender is guided in the location of his players and correctly chooses the direction of the transfer he performs; determines if the opponent is serving or hitting e an out or the ball must be received, etc.

As a result, it must be emphasized that if tactical skill is based on highly developed lateral vision, then central vision is the basis of the game technique.

Preparatory exercises for the development of lateral (peripheral) vision.

1. Players line up in two lines. Everyone has a volleyball in their hand. On the coach's signal, the players toss and catch the ball with one hand without looking at it.

2. Also, but the players throw the ball from one hand to the other.

3. Players in pairs, passing the ball to each other with upper gears, move along the contours of the site, passing under the net and overcoming other obstacles (gymnastic benches, chairs). The movement occurs first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.

4. Basketball dribbling on the floor without visual control.

5. Players are located in two - three steps from a smooth wall. One ball per player. Without looking at the ball, the players hit it against the wall and catch it. Gradually, the distance to the wall increases.

6. Throwing the ball in pairs without looking at it. The exercise is first performed with two hands, then with one. In the following lessons, the distance between the players increases.

7. Players are located in pairs at a distance of two meters from a smooth wall, on which a circle with a diameter of half a meter is drawn at a height of two and a half meters. One player makes a pass to the second player, who must hit the ball in the circle with the top pass. From time to time the players switch roles.

8. Players line up in two lines so that the first players in the lines would be on the free throw line sideways to the basketball backboard. One of the players of the first pair performs the top pass to his partner, who, without turning to face the shield, tries to get into the ring from the top pass. After that, the same exercise is carried out in the form of a competition on best result ten attempts.

9. Players line up in a column one at a time. The first player is on the free throw line in front of the basketball backboard. The coach stands under the ring. At his signal, the first player, looking all the time only at the ring, after a strong run-up, makes a high jump under the ring. If the coach raised both hands up (block), the player must imitate a deceptive blow in a jump, if the coach did not raise his hands, he must get the ring with his palm.

Special exercises.
1. Players are arranged in pairs, one player makes high passes to his partner and immediately changes his location, moving in different directions and at different distances. The second player must return the top pass to exactly where the first player moved. After several such passes, the players switch roles. It is desirable that the first player is located near the wall, and the second one imitates the attacker's run with various tactical combinations.

In this case, the first player's return pass must be a kick pass to the zone where the second player moved.

2. Players are arranged in three columns in zones 2,4 and b. Zone B players make the first pass to Zone 2. The left hitter runs up to hit either the edge of the wall in Zone 4 or a low pass day in Zone 3. The Zone 2 player must pass to the zone where he will hit partner. The exercise is carried out with the performance of attacking blows and blocking.

3 The same, but the player of zone b makes the first pass to the player of zone 4. The rest of the conditions for the exercise are the same, but the attacker shoots in zone 2 or 3.

Have you ever wondered why drivers do not have time to stop and crash into a car moving in front? There's a lot different reasons prior to such accidents. For example, the driver was blinded by the sun, or the driver of another car, moving along the adjacent lane, suddenly changes lanes into your lane and brakes sharply. You can also get into a mess if you don’t slow down in front of a “burning” red traffic light, because there may be people who don’t like to stand in their lane, they go to the next one, and there you sharply press the brake pedal, but you can no longer deceive laws of physics. The distance remaining to the front car, which just recently stood peacefully on the sidelines, is not enough and …

But still, most of these accidents occur due to the fact that the driver shifts his gaze somewhere and can no longer control the situation in front of the car. Dry wording of the Rules traffic about not observing a safe distance from the car moving in front does not fully reveal the essence of the problem. And the bottom line is that the driver does not have peripheral vision and (or) the necessary reflexes are not developed, allowing him to sense the danger in time and begin to slow down in advance.

First, let's find out why the driver shifts his gaze somewhere and does not look in front of him? Everything is simple here. In order to rebuild from row to row, it becomes necessary to look in the rear-view mirror (in the cabin or side). In addition, you may be distracted by another driver, forcing you to pay attention to him with your actions. At this moment, trouble occurs, as luck would have it, cars begin to stop ahead, but you no longer see this, but continue to move at the same speed towards fate.

do not hold your gaze for a long time on the rear-view mirror or on the situation on the side, it is better to quickly look in the right direction several times, focusing on what is ahead.

But the command to the right leg is given by the brain, not the eyes. It is not uncommon for a person to see brake lights lit up ahead, but press the brake pedal late. Of course, the ability to correctly assess the speed of cars and the distance between them also play a role here, but if drivers did not think for a long time, but immediately began to duplicate the actions of the front driver, there would be fewer accidents.

develop one of the main driving reflexes: "danger - I take action."

The anticipatory reaction of the "man with the steering wheel" - essential element driving skill! By the way, an experienced driver who knows how to predict the traffic situation begins to take action even earlier than a colleague in front, who only has time to think about what needs to be, for example, to press the brake pedal.

This is where people have problems. A person sees and understands that something needs to be done, but the realization of exactly when it is necessary to start often comes too late. The main thing in this business - the sooner the better! But what is danger?

The concept of danger for each driver should be:

Lighted up, the brake lights of the car moving in front or the turn indicator turned on;

Flashing green traffic light, as well as burning yellow or red;

The slightest hint of the movement of a car from a neighboring lane to yours;

Sharp "body movements" of cars in front or behind you;

Turning front wheels of a car standing at the edge of the roadway;

The appearance of a pedestrian in the visibility zone or its movement towards your trajectory;

Other movement or signal that can be regarded as a prerequisite for a traffic accident.

So what? Now we don’t hold our gaze for a long time in the mirror and transfer our right foot to the brake pedal as soon as the brake lights at the front car light up, but that’s not all.

Let's start training side vision.

Even if you quickly return your gaze to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front windshield (windshield), you still do not look directly at the road for some time. In addition, when shifting your gaze to a large angle, your eyes do not immediately catch the focus, especially after sleep or when you feel bad. So add to the time when you don’t look, also the time when you look and don’t see, or rather you can’t correctly assess the situation in front of you. This time, of course, is not great, but the front driver, in order to sharply press the brake pedal, needs only a moment.

In this regard, there is a need to see "wide". The slightest movement of any object on the road should be noticed by you. For example, a dangerous approach to your car body of a car moving nearby in the adjacent lane. Even when you're not looking straight ahead in the direction where dangerous movements begin, your peripheral vision should be working for you.

Where to start? The main condition: you must move calmly, without haste, carefully monitor the traffic situation and understand that you will not learn everything at once. By and large, you will do the same thing while driving as always, only earlier you did not focus your attention on such moments, but now you will.

First, try, moving in your lane and looking at the front car in your or neighboring lane, see with peripheral vision how the marking lanes are hiding behind the right and left wings. Try to focus on this moment and realize that you are not looking at the roadway in front of your car, but really control its movement along a strictly defined trajectory.

Secondly, you need to learn while driving, looking only at the front car (in your lane or in the next one), to see the moment when the green traffic light starts flashing or the yellow lights up together with the red when you are standing.

After that, you can already look only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side rear-view mirror (right or left) and try to control the front car. Start with the left one, as it is closer. First, try at the moment when the traffic light allows traffic. You look at a point (let's call it the home point) approximately halfway between the front car and the mirror and try to see the moments by concentrating your attention on them when:

Together with the red signal of the traffic light, the yellow one lit up.

The front car's brake lights went out.

The car in front starts moving.

When the front car starts moving, you let it go forward a little, smoothly move after it and, after a couple of seconds, look at it. While driving, try to smoothly look away from the front car to the starting point and quickly return back to the car. Concentrate on the car in front while you are not looking at it.

Gradually bring your eyes closer and closer to the mirror until you learn to look directly into the mirror, but remember that you still cannot look in the mirror for a long time and at the same time control the situation in front of the car while driving. main goal of these exercises is the ability to see with peripheral vision dangerous signals around the car. After success with the left mirror, carefully try with the right one, since the angle between the longitudinal axis of the car and the line drawn through the driver's seat and the right mirror is much larger. Then the mirrors can be alternated.

After successful attempts to control the front car during the start of movement and in motion, we try to see very important point. The moment when the brake lights come on ahead. Before starting the exercise, you must make sure that the brake lights on the front car are working.

It is easier to start at the entrance to the intersection, where the red traffic light is already on. Look away or move your gaze to any other object (a car in the next lane; a car in front of a car moving in front of you; a pedestrian on the sidewalk, road sign etc.). Concentrate on the car in front and when it flashes red lights, you will immediately begin to slow down. When your right leg It flies in a fast hawk from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, your keen eyes look at the car in front, then the gaze rushes to the central mirror that is above your head (you need to make sure everything is calm behind). Having lingered in it for a moment, we again look at the front car and, stopping smoothly, try to look away or transfer it to another object. If you feel like you are losing control of the car in front, look back at it.

When you drive up to a traffic light in splendid isolation, don't waste your time either. Try the same exercise, only instead of stoplights, concentrate your attention on the traffic light. Seeing with your perfectly trained peripheral vision the moment when the green traffic light began to flash, you must slow down.

A good training for peripheral vision is also movement in a circle. Objective: Make three to four rotations without a break, trying to control as many objects as possible from the side, behind and in front. First, press your left side against the curb, excluding the presence of a neighbor on the left. Remember, driving on a curved path at the same level as another car is dangerous. Better stay behind. When you feel confident in your abilities, you can leave the place to the "left" neighbor.

Once again, you are just driving your car, but you are trying to force yourself to notice any movement or signal and see as many objects around you as possible. The task is to learn to control the presence and behavior of several objects at the same time, while you look at one object, and control the other (others) with peripheral vision.

This page is made on Flash technologies.
The new version of the speed reading trainings is here:

The exercise reveals the reserves of vision for entering the state of speed reading (fast reading). It's easy to see that you can distinguish objects that are 100 pixels from the center of gaze concentration without any training. Let yourself here and read or soon-read in groups of words. You already have all the possibilities for this. The only thing left is to start exercising and acquiring new habits.

This training develops peripheral vision, which is necessary when reading in a zigzag way and when reading diagonally. Also, well-developed peripheral vision helps to increase reading speed due to the fact that the reader grasps several words at once and finds information that requires careful reading, and skips garbage information.

Reading good books there is a conversation with
the most respected people of past centuries -
their authors, and moreover, scientific conversation,
in which they reveal to us only
the best of your thoughts.

Description of the training for the development of speed reading skills

Click on the arrow in the lower right corner. Concentrate your eyes on the dot in the center of the screen and at the same time try to see all the numbers on the field. This can be achieved with a distracted look. See through the screen.

In the center of the screen you see a number. Count the number of digits of the same denomination on the circle and click on the corresponding number in the panel on the right. If you guessed correctly, the radius of the circle will increase, and a green circle will appear in the center of the circle. If you answered incorrectly, a red circle will appear, and the radius of the circle along which the numbers are floating will decrease.

How does training work on the perception of the number of digits.

Focus on the center of the screen. With peripheral vision, count how many numbers are spinning of the same value as in the center. Type a number on the keyboard. If everything is correct, the green circle will light up. If not correct, then red. Gradually, the circle narrows or expands depending on your progress.


Your field of view is much wider than you think. You can now, without any training to read groups of words in one concentration of a glance, or you can read the most important word in a line of text and thereby increase your reading speed.

Break the psychological barrier. Give yourself permission to read several words in one glance.

Online flash training for mastering the skill of speed reading

Schulte tables- randomly located numbers (or other objects) for training their speed finding objects in accordance with the rules. Tables are used for training, development of research, the rate of perception of information, the speed of visual search movements. Search movements are the basis of speed reading. Schulte tables allow you to increase the field of view. A wide field of view significantly reduces the detection time of informative text fragments.

How to make a Schulte table yourself

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square with sides of 20 cm is depicted. The field of the square is divided into 25 cells, into which numbers fit in disorder.

A bit of physiology

    A wide field of view reduces the search for informative pieces of information.

    The maximum human vision zone is 35 degrees. The zone of clear vision is 14 degrees. The 100% vision area is 1.4 degrees.

    When the eye moves, the greatest visual acuity occurs in the central zone of the retina. Everything that lies outside the zone, on the periphery, is not clearly seen by a person. The field from which information is retrieved can be significantly expanded, for example, using .

With regular use of Tables, peripheral vision improves and this allows you to increase reading speed by covering more space. readable text, and due to the use of a single-stage mode of analysis of printed characters.

Rules for working with Schulte tables.

  • It is necessary to list the numbers in silent counting in ascending order. As a result of such training, the reading time of one table should be about 20 seconds.
  • The time and frequency of classes should be chosen so as not to get tired.
  • Before starting work with the table, the gaze is fixed in its center of the Schulte table in order to see the entire table.
  • When searching for successive numbers, it is allowed to fix the eyes in the center of the table. Horizontal eye movements are not allowed. The distance from the table to the eyes as usual.
  • When working with tables, remember that training is not an end in itself. The main thing is to expand the field of view.

How to choose the right reading material?

Be guided by the following principles when choosing literature:

  • Before reading, review the text and note how clear the author's language is.
  • Write down unfamiliar words. The more incomprehensible words there are, the slower the reading speed will be.
  • Pay attention to the examples given by the author.

If the choice of books is not large, then stick to the following reading algorithm:

  1. Look through the book from fifth to tenth.
  2. Postpone the text for a few days.
  3. Read the text in depth.
  4. Take notes in a notebook.

Read books with incomprehensible terminology in two passes. For the first time, you get acquainted with incomprehensible words. By reading a second time, you clean up and assimilate the material, while assimilating the structure of knowledge more fully.

But what if it is psychologically difficult to convince yourself to read the book a second time?

Choose 3-5 books in the area you need and quickly read them sequentially. Such a reading algorithm will overcome the psychological barrier of "re-reading".

How do outside stimuli affect brain function?

If you are an "audilist" - then you perceive information through sound channels, extraneous noise for you will be serious problem while reading.

Here are some tips for those who are annoyed by side conversations:

  1. Study in the library or where the noise level is minimal.
  2. Use headphones while exercising. Turn on calm music or the noises of nature (the cry of seagulls, or the rustle of leaves).
  3. Practice late in the evening when everyone has gone to bed or early in the morning.

How to turn off intrusive thoughts

In addition to auditory stimuli, there are stimuli that have settled in the mind and require attention. obsessive thoughts spinning in circles and do not allow to concentrate on important matters.

Peripheral vision is the ability of a person to see everything that is on either side of the central vision. The viewing angle is 10-20º to the right and left of the horizon that we cover when looking straight. Each person has an individual indicator and depends on gender, health status visual organs and development of this property.

Psychologists believe that due to a life full of household chores and caring for the family, the weaker sex from generation to generation developed lateral peripheral vision. Therefore, peripheral vision in men and women is significantly different. Girls tend to be better.

Non-evolutionary theorists are of the opinion that this is due to physiological characteristics - from a young age, girls show more attention to detail, understand colors and textures. In addition, unlike guys, they will not defend themselves, so they instinctively increase their vigilance, become more accurate, thus ensuring their own safety.

Features of lateral vision of men

Lateral vision in boys is weaker, which explains the abundance of bumps, abrasions and injuries from a young age. Their gaze is directed forward and into the distance, for this reason the peripheral zones of the retina become less active and lose their strength over time. On this occasion, scientists started talking about tunnel vision in men - the eyes are focused on the target in front and nothing distracts them from the sides.

Thanks to this, the guys see well distant objects without special efforts and can follow an object moving at a long distance for a long time. However, everything related to small details, closely spaced elements, here they have a harder time. Men tend to fast fatiguability visual apparatus. The eye constantly has to focus and re-adapt when looking, for example, from the gearbox to the control panel.

Peripheral vision disorder

The development of peripheral vision can slow down the eye disease, and with complications, its loss is irreversible. Due to the decrease in acuity, that is, with myopia and hyperopia, there are no significant changes. But there are more complex deviations, the influence of which must be stopped as soon as possible.


The disease is provoked by disorders of blood circulation inside the eye:

  • exerts high pressure negative impact on the main nerve;
  • the excretion of fluid that accumulates near the cornea is disturbed;
  • aqueous humor accumulates in the lens, which prevents light from entering the pupil and negatively affects the ability to see.

The disease can be caused as congenital pathologies, and stressful situations, steroid drugs, physical trauma to the head, especially the facial part. Signs are called a change in the color of the iris - greenish, emerald color or the formation of a whitish shell on it. The patient often feels:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • iridescent glow in bright light;
  • deterioration of vision in a dark room or in the evening on the street.


This is the name of the deviation in the form of partial loss of vision in the form dark spots. The cause of occurrence is various diseases: cataract, glaucoma, congenital anomalies, as well as frequent neuroses. Both central and peripheral vision fall under the influence of the disease, so the patient feels a lack of coordination, dizziness and disorientation. Treatment for an illness begins with the elimination of the root cause, only in this way the symptoms begin to gradually disappear.

Eye migraine

Blurred vision in the form of attacks of visual images that prevent you from seeing clearly. A specific category of people falls under the attacks of deviation, not the elderly, among whom eye diseases, a:

  • the youth;
  • pregnant women;
  • middle aged people.

The defect is uneven figures, waves of white or multi-colored color. A special feature is the glow effect around the appeared image. The source of the problem is frequent stress, nervousness and sudden emotional surges.

In addition to its absence, clouding of lateral vision is also called a deviation. It may seem to a person that a shadow that has slipped from the side is a ghost, a spirit, a familiar person, and so on. Other hallucinations also occur, especially in dark rooms and in the presence of mirrors.

Diagnostic examination

At home, checking the health of lateral vision is easy. To do this, pick up a white or other contrasting pencil, bright color and move them apart. You need to look at one point at a distance of three meters straight in front of you, and at this time spread your arms further to the side. As long as you can see both an upright object and pencils placed as far away as possible, vision is normal.

AT medical institution for this purpose, a special apparatus is used. As in most cases, each eye is examined separately in this equipment. The patient places his head in the fixator, and in front of his eyes the monitor simulates the movement of figures in the perimeter. While a person shifts his gaze, the technique remembers the possibilities and analyzes the state.

Knowing about the physiological characteristics of men who have associated themselves with a sports or military career, they are wondering how to develop peripheral vision. Also, without this skill, one cannot master speed reading, so the topic becomes interesting for everyone. more of people. There are many methods by which the activity of the retina responsible for it is stimulated and increases over time. Developments include:

Understand each other

Having figured out who has better peripheral vision, it becomes obvious that there is another difference that leads to contention in the relationship between a man and a woman. And this is not surprising, because everyday examples are proof of how closely connected our physiological features and everyday life. Let's remember how often you heard from your husband that he couldn't find something in the refrigerator, and in a matter of seconds you discovered the "loss". But it's all about the side door, which helps girls store food items, and for guys it is a black hole in which the necessary products “disappear”.

This also applies to those anecdotal cases when the wife finds a thing that was “in the most visible place”, but you didn’t notice it point-blank. It was just that the gaze was riveted to the zone that is directly in front of you, and not to the side, albeit only a couple of degrees about the available horizons. This feature also explains the interested glances at the ladies passing by. What a woman has already noticed and appreciated, a man looks at only when he completely turns in the right direction.

Therefore, there are purely women's professions, such as a nurse who needs to be careful when assisting during operations, monitoring the patient's condition and formulating a medicinal composition.


Of course, the difference in peripheral vision between men and women is obvious. Therefore, now, knowing the entire amount of information, it is worth treating the opposite sex with tolerance and respect. After all, the cause of many actions that are not clear to one partner are absolutely natural decisions for another. Before starting a conflict, you should remember why this is happening and whether your spouse is to blame for what happened.

And the good news is that anyone can develop this quality of peripheral vision by practicing according to the methods described in the article. The secret of success in their application lies in stability and reasonable frequency. You should not overload your eyes once, it is better to devote 10-15 minutes to training every day. Then positive result won't keep you waiting long.