Why does the right leg fail. Why do the legs fail in the elderly and alcoholics

Problems from alcoholism in each person manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the state of his health. Someone starts having problems with the liver, someone with coordination of movements, while others can lose their legs after drinking. If the first points are encountered quite often, then the third one may come as a surprise to many. Naturally, you should not leave the problem to chance and you should take steps to restore it, but first of all you need to find out why alcoholics have leg failure.

Causes of the disease

They can be very different. The appearance of polymorphism, which manifests itself in the defeat of the central nervous systems s that ceases to function normally. Thus, with prolonged exposure to alcohol, which lasts for several days of binge drinking, a person can lose his legs. According to statistics, this complication is observed in 10-15% of cases in chronic alcoholics. Fortunately, the predisposition to this can be traced already by the first signs, since at first people feel a slight tingling in the limbs, then they become numb, sometimes itching appears, the muscles become decrepit, and so on until the legs are taken away. But not always an alcoholic pays attention to these signs. The main reasons that cause this phenomenon include:

  • Ethanol enters the human nerve fibers, which creates a slowdown in the transmission of electrical impulses;
  • Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages prevents the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • If a person while intoxicated for a long time is in the same position, then this leads to numbness of the limbs as a result of compression;
  • Various injuries that can occur while intoxicated, especially spinal injuries.

The spinal cord can be damaged as a result of arthritis, cancer cells and problems with the circulatory system. All this is activated when immunity and protective functions fall, which is again caused by alcohol. Thus, the main reasons why the legs are taken away from alcoholics are clear.

What to do?

If it was not possible to prevent the problem, then you need to deal with the factor that has already happened. When an alcoholic's legs fail, not everyone knows what to do. First of all, it is worth providing them with warmth, therefore, it is advisable to wear warm clothes or simply wrap them with an elastic bandage. You can also try to make a bathroom with sea ​​salt, relaxing herbs and other things, naturally warm. All this is designed to improve blood circulation, and as a result, general state person. It will be useful lung conduction massage, if a person does not have pain in the legs, as sometimes it can manifest itself sharp pain even small touches.

In addition to ordinary remedies, you can also use medicines that will help cure. They not only help restore normal work legs, albeit not immediately, but also removed pain. The problem is that such medicines are often not available in home first aid kit. After the legs are taken away, the consequences can take more than a week, although it all depends on the health of the person.
In any case, after such an incident, you need to see a doctor, or immediately call him at home. repeated drinking can produce even more negative effect, so you should already take into account the stage when the tingling of the legs begins. The best option assistance will have a complex impact various methods while the medical specialist is expected to arrive on the call. It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease, in this case it is dependence on alcohol-containing drinks.

Sometimes it happens that against the background of excellent health, a person suddenly has heaviness in the legs.

After a while, aching pain is added. And if the patient does not take any measures against the disease, then this leads to partial or complete failure of one or both legs.

Leg failure medical language called paralysis. In other words, it is complete and partial absence mobility lower extremities. This condition not only causes discomfort, but can cause real panic in a person.

Leg failure can be caused by a number of conditions:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis- the disease causes inflammation of the joints, and this, in turn, causes numbness of the limbs. If not carried out surgical treatment, then over time the situation will worsen, and numbness will occur systematically.
  2. Diabetes- quite a serious disease. Failure of the legs in this case is one of the symptoms that signals the defeat of the body by an ailment.
  3. Raynaud's disease. A disease of the nervous system that disrupts blood circulation, numbness of the legs occurs slowly, the skin on the lower extremities becomes pale. The disease predominantly affects women, the treatment is quite difficult, and in most cases, ineffective.
  4. Atherosclerosis- vasoconstriction, which also disrupts normal blood circulation. A person feels pain in the legs, heaviness, fatigue. All this eventually leads to the failure of the movement.
  5. Osteochondrosis- a disease that affects people, regardless of their age category. Compression of the spinal nerve endings leads first to a short-term loss of sensation in the legs, then to a hernia, and everything can end with complete paralysis of the lower extremities.

Each of the above diseases requires urgent treatment for initial stage, because over time the situation will only worsen, and the disease will progress.

Pain radiates to the lower back

If the leg is taken away, and the pain at the same time gives to the lower back, then this is the first sign of two fairly serious diseases:

  • renal colic- manifested by a rather sharp pain, when stones move in the organ itself, while the patient may fail one or both legs;
  • intervertebral hernia- a neglected state of osteochondrosis, which requires surgical intervention;

Pain in the lower back and numbness in the legs can manifest itself in the presence of tumor neoplasms. Therefore, if a person is worried about this discomfort, even to a slight extent, he needs to urgently undergo a serious medical examination.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may periodically be disturbed by health problems of a different nature. In particular, discomfort appears for problems with pinched nerves, displacement and other violations. All this is due to increased load on the spine, and is aggravated if, before pregnancy, a woman already had diseases such as osteochondrosis.

If there is a feeling of numbness in the legs, a woman should consult a surgeon. It is possible that massage or taking drugs aimed at strengthening bone tissue will be prescribed.
A pregnant woman is advised to include foods rich in calcium in her daily diet.

It wouldn't hurt to go to separate meals, because in this case essential vitamins and trace elements are absorbed by the body much better. In no case is it recommended to wear shoes with heels, but it is best to unload the spine to the maximum.

To do this, you must not go to bed on your back, but also wear a special bandage that you can buy at a pharmacy.

What to do?

Leg numbness- This is enough serious reason to seek help from a medical facility. Therefore, it is not worth delaying, and the first thing to do is to make an appointment with a surgeon or therapist.

After the examination, these doctors can redirect to narrower specialists, for example, to a neurologist. Likewise, the patient without fail some laboratory tests will be assigned: general analysis blood, tomography, ECG, ultrasound.

Based on the results of the above laboratory research and examinations, the doctor will prescribe a person drug treatment. In some cases, surgery may also be required.

What drugs?

Of course, medical treatment of numbness of the lower extremities depends on an accurate diagnosis. But, as a rule, medical institutions in such cases, emphasis is placed on physiotherapy, since this method of treatment has practically no contraindications, unlike medications.

In addition, drugs will be useful, the action of which is aimed at cleansing the vessels and bringing their walls into good condition. Patients are prescribed taking special drugs - statins. They are designed to reduce the body's production of enzymes that help cholesterol assimilate and settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques.

Folk remedies

No less effective in eliminating the disease have folk remedies. If a person’s leg is taken away, then it would be advisable to do special honey compresses at night.

The recipe is quite simple - after a warm bath, you need to apply honey thin layer on the injured leg.

Then wrap it with a clean cotton cloth and cover with polyethylene on top. In this state, a person should go to bed. Wash off the compress in the morning warm water. For treatment, 3-4 procedures are required, and honey must be fresh.


In order not to face such unpleasant phenomenon like numbness of the lower extremities, a person is required to follow some rules and precautions. For example, you can regularly perform a complex special exercises which are aimed at improving blood circulation in the body.

It will not be superfluous to visit the massage therapist's office, and conduct a course of therapeutic or relaxing massage at least one course - once a year (in the absence of contraindications). If a person already has problems in this area, then it is necessary to undergo planned medical examinations and is very careful about your diet.

It has a positive effect on blood circulation, blood vessels and, as a result, on leg problems. cold and hot shower- when the patient alternately holds the sore leg either in hot or cold water.

It should be remembered that if the discomfort is not treatable and does not disappear for a long time, then the patient must urgently undergo a comprehensive medical examination. The longer the disease is left unattended, the faster it will begin to progress.

It happens that against the background of complete well-being, a person suddenly has weakness and heaviness in the legs, leading to partial or complete immobility. What to do if your legs give out? How to find out the cause and is it possible to get rid of such a problem?

Causes and consequences

Paralysis of the legs can provoke a variety of factors. This may be a sudden violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities or a malfunction in the motor nerve fibers. It happens that even an experienced doctor is not able to quickly deal with the diagnosis and understand why a person’s legs fail. Usually, doctors have to deal with the following diseases:

  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • brain stroke;
  • spinal diseases.

These five diseases most often lead to numbness of the lower extremities and impaired motor activity. Regardless of the cause that caused paralysis of the legs, a person loses the ability to walk - temporarily or permanently. Some diseases can lead to a complete loss of the ability to move and cause disability at any age.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy

Alcoholism is one of the most common causes of polyneuropathy. On early stages This disease makes itself felt by such symptoms:

  • burning pains in the calf muscles;
  • numbness and crawling sensation in the legs;
  • painful spasms of the leg muscles;
  • muscle weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • gait disorders;
  • amyotrophy.

All of these symptoms do not occur on the same day. In a person who consumes alcohol excessively, signs of polyneuropathy appear gradually. With each new glass, the disease progresses, and one day there comes a moment when the legs simply fail. A person cannot stand up, and any movements are performed with difficulty. It also happens that the legs completely stop moving for an indefinite time.

Pain, tingling, numbness of the legs - a reason to see a doctor.

Why do alcoholics give up their legs? It's all about negative impact ethyl alcohol on the process of conducting nerve impulses in the legs. Transportation disrupted for alcoholics nutrients and enzymes that ensure the normal functioning of the nervous tissue. All processes slow down, signal transmission along nerve fibers is disrupted. Ultimately, this leads to muscle weakness, up to the complete immobility of the legs against the background of alcohol intake.

There is an opinion that only prolonged binges can provoke leg failure. In fact, even a single use can lead to disruption of the lower extremities. a large number alcohol. The body of each person reacts differently, and it is impossible to predict this reaction in advance. People who do not want to give up drinking alcohol can only hope for a miracle - and for the endurance of their own organism, whose resources are not endless.

In alcoholics, another reason for leg failure may be a lack of B vitamins. Alcohol abuse leads to disruption of the intestines and a decrease in the absorption of nutrients. Chronic beriberi negatively affects the state of nerve fibers, which ultimately leads to weakness in the legs and a violation of their motor activity. The combination of polyneuropathy and a lack of B vitamins significantly worsens an already difficult situation, slowing down the healing process.

Can alcoholic polyneuropathy be cured? No doctor can guarantee a complete cure for the disease. Once having arisen, the defeat of the nerve fibers will progress, eventually leading to complete immobility of the person. You can slow down the development of the disease and alleviate the condition by adhering to the following recommendations.

  1. Refusal of alcohol.
  2. Balanced diet ( complete diet rich in protein and B vitamins).
  3. Taking vitamins intramuscularly.
  4. Function restoration gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. Physiotherapy.

The last two methods allow, to some extent, to restore muscle function and restore the working capacity of the lower extremities.

Diabetic polyneuropathy

This pathology is one of the most serious complications of diabetes. Diabetic polyneuropathy is a disorder of nerve fibers caused by high blood sugar levels. Hyperglycemia also affects the functioning of all other organs: the heart, kidneys, liver and brain.

The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are similar to those of similar condition at chronic alcoholism. Pain and heaviness in the legs, numbness and weakness gradually lead to complete immobility of the lower extremities. Polyneuropathy is almost always associated with a lesion blood vessels and development of trophic ulcers. In severe cases of the disease, gangrene and sepsis may develop.

Donate blood for sugar annually - be aware of your health status.

Neuropathy in diabetes is treated by an endocrinologist. The use of drugs that improve blood flow and activate the work of nerve fibers can slow down the progression of the disease. Also, the endocrinologist decides on the need for insulin therapy and selects the optimal dosage of the hormone for each patient.

In an elderly person, the cause of paralysis of the legs can be diseases of the blood vessels. With this pathology, there is a significant narrowing of the arteries of the legs up to the complete disappearance of their lumen. As a result soft tissues do not receive the necessary nutrition and their necrosis occurs. The legs stop moving, and if left untreated, the disease can be fatal.

Among all diseases of the vessels of the legs highest value has obliterating endarteritis. Why does this pathology occur?

Possible reasons for the development of endarteritis:

  • smoking;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune damage to the vessels of the legs;
  • infections.

The disease develops gradually over a long period of time. First, a person complains of pain when walking. In the future, numbness and swelling of the lower extremities occur, convulsions appear, and trophic ulcers occur. A typical sign of obliterating endarteritis is intermittent claudication - a forced stop of movement when severe pain in the legs appears. If any of these symptoms appear, you should contact your surgeon or cardiologist.

brain stroke

A condition in which the legs fail can be a sign of a stroke. This pathology is characterized acute violation cerebral circulation leading to death nerve cells. In the absence of qualified assistance, a stroke can lead to the death of the patient. In addition to leg failure, stroke is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • confusion of speech;
  • visual and hearing impairment;
  • muscle weakness;
  • paralysis (immobility) of the limbs;
  • disorientation in space and time.

If any of the signs of a stroke appear, call ambulance!

You can recognize a stroke by asking the patient to smile, say a few words, or raise both hands up. In case of violation of cerebral circulation, the smile will come out crooked, the speech will be slurred, and the hands will not be raised at the same level. But even the absence of such symptoms does not guarantee the absence of a stroke. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination in a hospital.

Diseases of the spine

Osteochondrosis lumbar of the spine is a fairly rare cause of leg paralysis, but this option should not be completely ruled out. With this pathology, back pain, impaired urination and defecation are often noted. Why is this happening? The thing is that it is the nerve fibers emanating from spinal cord, are responsible for leg movements, emptying Bladder and rectum. If one of the nerve trunks is damaged, paralysis may develop, as well as other disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Trying to understand why the legs fail, people turn to doctors for help. Sometimes, to find out the cause of this condition, you have to undergo an examination by a neurologist, cardiologist and surgeon. Experts recommend not to delay the visit and make an appointment at the first sign of discomfort in the legs. Timely diagnosis of the disease will avoid complications and prevent the development of paralysis of the legs.


Factors that cause foot problems

Regular drinking, which causes constant poisoning of the body and the work of organs in atypical modes for them, far from natural, can cause numbness and withdrawal of the legs. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • due to dilation of blood vessels (alcohol is usually washed down big amount liquids) are capable of disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses along the nerves, and the signal from the legs or to them will generate very poorly and in a distorted form;
  • a large amount of fluid in the body, along with a high concentration of alcohol, which contains substances that promote leaching of calcium from the bones, cause weakness in the legs, unwillingness to walk, and a decrease in muscle tone;
  • taking a large dose of ethyl alcohol lowers the ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body (primarily the limbs suffer);
  • brain stroke;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • blockage of small vessels (capillaries);
  • the appearance of the first signs of polyneuropathy.

The latter cases are the most difficult, and we will consider them in more detail.

With age, the useful area of ​​the transverse section of the vessels narrows, and with the intake of alcohol, the process accelerates, which can lead to the disappearance of the lumen. The tissues of the lower extremities slowly die off, but the rate of their death is higher than the regeneration processes. And this can end very pessimistically for an alcoholic if he does not turn to a specialist in time.


This term refers to a disease of the peripheral nervous system, which, according to average information, affects about 10-15% of heavy drinkers. The first signs that an alcoholic has polyneuropathy are:

  • increased sensitivity of the limbs;
  • periodic numbness of the lower extremities and the appearance of goosebumps;
  • leg cramping;
  • sagging muscles;
  • slight paralysis of the legs, gradually spreading throughout the body;
  • reluctance to get up.

Ethyl alcohol indirectly affects the conduction of signals by nerve endings. Due to the nerves not receiving the substances necessary for their functioning and the deterioration of the output of the products of their energy exchange from the nerve cells, the signals of the nervous system are transmitted distorted, damped or not transmitted at all. Ultimately, a person either does not feel the legs at all and cannot consciously control them, or the limbs lose sensitivity and cannot be fully controlled.

If you suspect polyneuropathy, you should contact a specialized diagnostic center in order to conduct an examination and determine whether the alcoholic really became a victim of this severe pathology.

A blood test will accurately determine the presence of toxins in the body (ethanol and its decomposition products), causing problems with the peripheral nervous system and, as a result, leg failure. An MRI will also be required for diagnosis. In extreme cases, the specialist will be forced to resort to a nerve biopsy.

blockage of blood vessels

The main function of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body. These blood cells are coated with a lipid layer, which prevents them from sticking together. Ethyl alcohol, entering the blood, dissolves this fatty layer and promotes the formation of grape clusters - large clusters of red blood cells. As a result, blood clots form, moving through the blood vessels. Once in the capillary, if it does not stop, then it significantly slows down metabolic processes in cells. Yes, human body has a significant supply of capillaries, and even by blocking a few of them, most cells will survive, but constant drinking quickly destroys the reserves.

Also, blood clots can cause capillary ruptures and hemorrhages into the intercellular environment.

The result of constant drinking is thrombophlebitis - a change in the shape of blood vessels, bypassing blood clots that blocked the path for blood flow. Such defects worsen blood circulation, especially with a slight increase in blood density (lack of fluid in the body).

What are the patient's actions?

Knowing why alcoholics' legs fail, we can draw at least one conclusion: we stop poisoning our body alcoholic drinks. Otherwise, sooner or later, the ability to move normally on one's own two may be lost forever, or the patient will have to be treated and restored for a very long time to return more or less normal state his limbs.

When the legs fail for the first time or the consequences of drinking for the lower extremities are deplorable, and the alcoholic cannot or is not able to move normally on his own, the limbs should be provided with warmth as soon as possible. A blanket, warm socks, an elastic bandage, etc. can serve for this. A light foot massage, if it does not cause pain and discomfort, will also improve blood circulation and help restore sensitivity to the limbs.

Many effective remedies have been developed that will relieve swelling, restore the proper functioning of nerves, and improve blood circulation. Many of them can be purchased via the Internet without leaving home, after agreeing on all the nuances of choosing and taking the drug with a specialist.


Elderly man's legs fail

There are times when the limbs of an elderly person fail. Even if it goes on a short time, a person is seized with panic, he is afraid to be incapacitated. If after a while the legs began to function, it is still necessary to as soon as possible visit a doctor and be examined because the failure of the legs most likely occurred due to the development of some kind of disease that needs to be diagnosed as early as possible. Postponing a visit to the doctor, an elderly person can find himself in a situation of irreversible paralysis of the legs.

In addition to diseases, the ability to move is sometimes influenced by the lifestyle or occupation of a person.

Diseases that can cause leg paralysis

The diseases listed below lead to paralysis, numbness of the lower extremities and violation of their functions:

  1. Diabetes. This disease is characterized by the fact that it itself gives rise to many functional disorders of other organs. Usually constantly high level blood sugar contributes to the destruction of neuron receptors, thereby breaking the connection between them. The patient begins to experience tingling in the leg, it becomes numb, sensitivity is lost and, as a result, paralysis occurs.
  2. Osteochondrosis has widespread currently. Various destructive processes in the spine lead to the fact that the nerve endings of the spinal cells are compressed, which makes it impossible for signals to pass. Osteochondrosis can be complicated by a hernia of the lumbosacral region. In such a situation, the development of serious pathologies is likely, with more serious consequences than numbness. In the extreme case, paralysis of the legs is possible.
  3. Atherosclerosis is characterized by narrowing of the vessels of the lower extremities. They are not sufficiently supplied with blood, experiencing a deficiency in nutrition, oxygen, and removal of waste products of cells. For this reason, the legs of an elderly person fail, if not taken permanent treatment. Usually the patient experiences severe fatigue or numbness in one or both limbs. If not taken curative measures, then in the future, necrotic changes in the tissues of the leg with the development of gangrene are possible.
  4. Raynaud's disease is also associated with circulatory disorders in the periphery and is its cause. Symptoms of the disease: the sensitivity of the legs worsens, numbness often occurs. Any touch to the limbs brings pain. The skin on the legs is pale. More often this disease affects women and is a manifestation of a disease of the nervous system. Treatment is difficult and does not bring a good, sustainable result.
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis is a manifestation of joint inflammation. The consequence of the disease is numbness of the legs, their failure for a while.

See also: What are effective folk remedies for foot odor

Measures to preserve the mobility of the legs

Before taking any measures, you should find out why the legs of an elderly person fail, the reasons for this phenomenon. To do this, you need to consult a doctor, conduct examinations, make the necessary number of tests. The results obtained should outline the range of possible causes, and suggest what kind of doctor will be needed for further treatment.

If you find problems with the spine, most likely, you will need additional examinations. As a rule, an ultrasound examination is performed, x-rays are taken, in more difficult situations diagnostics is carried out using computed tomography and obtaining a three-dimensional picture by magnetic resonance imaging.

Upon completion of all studies and analyzes, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the required treatment. If necessary, some steps can be repeated to clarify the diagnosis.

It is impossible to determine the treatment in advance, since the causes of the pathology in question are very large. When diagnosing osteochondrosis, painkillers are one of the first to be used to eliminate severe pain that prevents the patient from moving. If the leg is no longer functioning, then treatment begins with a course of chondroprotectors, which should normalize metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin therapy, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed, which, according to many doctors, is the main therapy for osteochondrosis.

In the case of immobility of the legs due to chronic diseases, therapeutic methods are used that affect this particular disease, since numbness of the lower extremities, a violation of their functioning is only a consequence of the main ailment.

Among the elderly, arthritis or atherosclerosis is quite common, which can cause leg stiffness. In such a situation, in addition to drug treatment, one should take seriously the development and strict adherence to the diet. In case of anemia, medications containing iron in an absorbable form are taken. With varicose veins, the use of compression underwear should not be neglected.

In some situations, leg paralysis may require surgery. This refers to the pinching of the nerve by the elements of the spinal column, with vertebral hernias and thrombophlebitis.

To avoid serious consequences and difficult, long and expensive treatment, you must carefully monitor your health and take preventive preventive measures:

  • normal diet;
  • active lifestyle;
  • physical education classes.



Leg failure in medical parlance is called paralysis. In other words, this is a complete and partial lack of mobility of the lower extremities. This condition not only causes discomfort, but can cause real panic in a person.

Leg failure can be caused by a number of conditions:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis- the disease causes inflammation of the joints, and this, in turn, causes numbness of the limbs. If you do not carry out surgical treatment, then over time the situation will worsen, and numbness will occur systematically.
  2. Diabetes- quite a serious disease. Failure of the legs in this case is one of the symptoms that signals the defeat of the body by an ailment.
  3. Raynaud's disease. A disease of the nervous system that disrupts blood circulation, numbness of the legs occurs slowly, the skin on the lower extremities becomes pale. The disease predominantly affects women, the treatment is quite difficult, and in most cases, ineffective.
  4. Atherosclerosis- vasoconstriction, which also disrupts normal blood circulation. A person feels pain in the legs, heaviness, fatigue. All this eventually leads to the failure of the movement.
  5. - a disease that affects people, regardless of their age category. Compression of the spinal nerve endings leads first to a short-term loss of sensation in the legs, then to a hernia, and everything can end with complete paralysis of the lower extremities.

Each of the above diseases requires urgent treatment at the initial stage, since over time the situation will only worsen, and the disease will progress.

Pain radiates to the lower back

If the leg is taken away, and the pain at the same time gives to the lower back, then this is the first sign of two fairly serious diseases:

  • renal colic- manifested by a rather sharp pain, when stones move in the organ itself, while the patient may fail one or both legs;
  • intervertebral hernia- a neglected state of osteochondrosis, which requires surgical intervention;

Pain in the lower back and numbness in the legs can manifest itself in the presence of tumor neoplasms. Therefore, if a person is worried about this discomfort, even to a slight extent, he needs to urgently undergo a serious medical examination.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may periodically be disturbed by health problems of a different nature. In particular, discomfort appears for problems with pinched nerves, displacement and other violations. All this happens due to the increased load on the spine, and is exacerbated if, before pregnancy, a woman already had diseases such as osteochondrosis.

If there is a feeling of numbness in the legs, a woman should consult a surgeon. It is possible that massage or taking drugs aimed at strengthening bone tissue will be prescribed.
A pregnant woman is advised to include foods rich in calcium in her daily diet.

To do this, you must not go to bed on your back, but also wear a special bandage that you can buy at a pharmacy.

What to do?

Leg numbness- this is a fairly serious reason for seeking help from a medical institution. Therefore, it is not worth delaying, and the first thing to do is to make an appointment with a surgeon or therapist.

After the examination, these doctors can redirect to narrower specialists, for example, to a neurologist. Also, the patient will be prescribed some laboratory tests: complete blood count, tomography, ECG, ultrasound.

Already on the basis of the results of the above laboratory tests and examinations, the doctor will prescribe medication to the person. In some cases, surgery may also be required.

What drugs?

Of course, medical treatment of numbness of the lower extremities depends on an accurate diagnosis. But, as a rule, medical institutions in such cases focus on physiotherapy, since this method of treatment has practically no contraindications, unlike medications.

In addition, drugs will be useful, the action of which is aimed at cleansing the vessels and bringing their walls into good condition. Patients are prescribed taking special drugs - statins. They are designed to reduce the body's production of enzymes that help cholesterol assimilate and settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques.

Folk remedies

No less effective in eliminating the disease have folk remedies. If a person’s leg is taken away, then it would be advisable to do special honey compresses at night.

The recipe is quite simple - after a warm bath, you need to apply honey in a thin layer on the sore leg.

Then wrap it with a clean cotton cloth and cover with polyethylene on top. In this state, a person should go to bed. In the morning, the compress should be washed off with warm water. For treatment, 3-4 procedures are required, and honey must be fresh.


In order not to face such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the lower extremities, a person must follow certain rules and precautions. For example, you can regularly perform a set of special exercises that are aimed at improving blood circulation in the body.

A contrast shower has a positive effect on blood circulation, blood vessels and, as a result, problems with the legs - when the patient alternately holds the sore leg either in hot or cold water.

It should be remembered that if the discomfort is not treatable and does not disappear for a long time, then the patient must urgently undergo a comprehensive medical examination. The longer the disease is left unattended, the faster it will begin to progress.


Factors affecting the development of paralysis

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to poisoning of all organs and their work in an enhanced mode against the background of non-standard conditions. A large concentration of alcohol-containing products in the blood can lead to the fact that an arm or leg fails.

The reasons for the formation of complications are quite diverse:

  • expansion of the elements of the circulatory network under the influence of ethanol leads to a weakening of the message of nerve impulses;
  • a large amount of alcohol provokes leaching of calcium from the bones, leads to a decrease in muscle tone and weakness in the lower extremities;
  • an increased content of ethanol in the bloodstream leads to the impossibility of delivering oxygen by red blood cells throughout the body. Often there is hypoxia of the extremities;
  • manifestation of a stroke;
  • the formation of obliterating endarteritis;
  • the occurrence of polyneuropathy;
  • clogging of small vessels and other similar pathologies.


This is a disorder of the peripheral nervous system, which is part of the central one and is formed by neurons. Branching from the spinal cord, they turn into fibers of the system that can be destroyed under the influence of various factors. Most often, the defeat occurs due to:

  • lack of oxygen to cells;
  • penetration of toxic residues of the decay of alcohol-containing products;
  • being in one uncomfortable position for a long time, from which the nerve endings are damaged.

The first signs that indicate that an alcoholic's legs are failing are expressed in:

  • increased sensitivity of the limbs;
  • periodic numbness of the legs with a feeling of tingling or goosebumps;
  • the appearance of a convulsive syndrome;
  • sagging muscles and loss of their tone;
  • paralysis of the legs in small areas, periodically appearing throughout the body;
  • lack of desire to walk.

At the first manifestations of the disease, the patient should contact the diagnostic center, where a blood test and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) will determine the pathology and prescribe qualified treatment.

Rarely, a doctor prescribes a nerve biopsy to clarify the diagnosis.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy

Alcohol addiction is the most frequent factors formation of polyneuropathy. About 10-15% of people suffering from alcoholism notice the prerequisites for the disease.

Not every addict necessarily fails legs. The explanation for this is that the body is individual and sometimes it will be enough for one time of alcohol abuse to stop the legs from obeying for an indefinite time. Recovery at the same time takes a lot of time and no specialist will guarantee a full recovery, even if all the recommendations are followed.

Deficiency of B vitamins is another reason why the legs and other limbs fail in alcoholics. Violation of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract) due to prolonged abuse alcoholic products can lead to chronic variety beriberi. This negatively affects the state of nerve cells. There are prerequisites for the loss of motor activity by a person.

Diabetic polyneuropathy

This is the most dangerous complication such a disease as diabetes. Elevated levels of sucrose lead to disruption of the nerve fibers. The disease negatively affects the work of other organs.

The symptomatology of the disorder is extremely similar to the conditions in etilism in chronic stage. Pain is felt in the limbs, cramps, swelling often occur, the legs can be taken away.

The endocrinologist is engaged in the treatment of the pathology in question. After a thorough examination and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of drugs that improve blood circulation and promote the activation of nerve cells.

Therapy allows you to slow down the process of development of pathology. Important are insulin injections, the dosage of which will be selected by the doctor.

brain stroke

A sharp violation of cerebral circulation can lead to paralysis. In this case, nerve cells die from lack of oxygen.

Alcohol addiction often leads to a stroke. Addiction, to which a person has been attached for many years, has a deadly effect on the body, worsening the functioning of all organs.

The typical symptoms of a stroke are:

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • slurred speech;
  • visual and auditory defects;
  • amyotrophy;
  • paralysis.

The presented pathology can be determined experienced doctors only in clinical setting. The patient should be in the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise the disorder can be fatal.

Diseases of the spine

Rare, but still possible reason paralysis - osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Characteristic manifestations The pathology under consideration is constant back spasms, difficulty going to the toilet.

Nerve fibers are responsible for leg movements, urination, defecation and other processes. Damage to the components of the nervous system entails a violation of these processes.

Cirrhosis of the liver

The presented pathology is the most common complication in long-term use alcoholic beverages. The disease is fatal, developing, it leads to complete degradation of the liver.

Despite the unique ability of the liver to self-regenerate, prolonged intake of toxic substances into the body leads to a decrease in this function. As the disease progresses, the liver loses its ability to cleanse the blood of incoming toxins.

A natural consequence of cirrhosis of the liver during the course of the disease is hepatic encephalopathy.

The main symptoms of the condition are dysfunctions musculoskeletal system. Paralysis of the legs is not ruled out.

Blockage of blood vessels

Red blood cells are covered with a special layer that prevents them from sticking together. They transport oxygen to cells. The decomposition products of ethyl alcohol with its constant use lead to the dissolution of this protective layer and the gluing of blood cells. As a result, when moving through the capillaries, groups of red blood cells clog the vessels, interfering with the normal course of natural metabolic processes.

This provokes a deterioration in blood circulation, and hence the loss of the normal functioning of the lower extremities. In addition, blood clots can break the capillary and cause hemorrhage into the intercellular environment.

This is a pathology of blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries, up to the complete disappearance of the lumen. The result will be a lack of proper nutrition of soft tissues and their further necrosis. The lower limbs are paralyzed, and in the absence timely therapy death occurs.
The disorder does not develop immediately and is not always noticeable to the patient. The decisive factor may be the abuse of alcohol over the years. First manifested pain syndrome while walking, and then swelling of the legs is found and numbness occurs, convulsions seize.
Over time, the pain only gets worse. The first symptoms should be the reason for contacting a surgeon or cardiologist.

Patient actions and first aid

Doctors never give a positive or negative prognosis for leg failure in alcoholics. It is necessary to treat immediately, because every day the risk of tissue necrosis increases, which will lead to immobility or even death.

The first step in giving up alcohol on your feet, of course, should be the complete elimination of alcohol-containing products. For this, the patient can be placed in a special center for people addicted to drinking. There, the treatment will be comprehensive.

A prerequisite effective treatment is the patient's own initiative to start new life. At the first symptoms and sensation of pain, numbness, convulsions, it is forbidden to influence the limb physically. You will need a wheelchair or crutches until the patient fully recovers.
As a first aid, if the legs fail due to alcoholic libation, it is necessary to provide them with warmth. Suitable for this:

  • blankets;
  • elastic bandages;
  • woolen socks or any other warm item.

The next step should be to call an ambulance.

Features of treatment

If you notice the first symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor. At the same time, vodka and other booze should completely disappear from the patient's life.

It will be very difficult to cure the onset of paralysis of the limbs, and this can only be done in a hospital setting. After conducting all the studies and a thorough analysis of the patient's condition, the attending physician will give advice on recovery and prescribe complex therapy, which will include not only the intake of special drugs, but also a number of other procedures:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking vitamins intramuscularly;
  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • balanced diet;
  • complete abstinence from alcohol.

Not a single physician gives a guarantee for the complete elimination of the disease, because the damage to the body is too strong. However, by following medical prescriptions and being under the strict supervision of doctors, you can achieve a stable remission of the disease and improve your own life.

To alleviate your condition, you can use warm compresses, relaxing foot massage or baths with various herbs and fees. It will not be superfluous to use special slimming legs compression stockings or elastic bandages.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent a disorder than to treat it later. Therefore, the first thing to do if your legs fail with alcoholism is to exclude drinking and follow a sober lifestyle.

Convincing an avid alcoholic of the dangers of such an addiction is very difficult, but you need to give him a choice, explaining what can happen if bad habit will continue to flourish.


For what reasons do the legs fail and how can doctors help?

Among all diseases of the vessels of the legs, obliterating endarteritis is of the greatest importance. The disease develops gradually over a long period of time. A condition in which the legs fail can be a sign of a stroke. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination in a hospital. Trying to understand why the legs fail, people turn to doctors for help.

What diseases can cause legs to be taken away

Or it may happen that the refusal of the legs to move is associated with a person’s lifestyle or activity. Diabetes. If this serious ailment has affected the body, the patient, along with other symptoms, often goes numb legs, even when walking. Elevated blood sugar levels in patients leads to the destruction of nerve endings. Osteochondrosis. This disease is very common in modern society. Dystrophic changes in the spinal column lead to the fact that the spinal nerve endings are compressed.

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Atherosclerosis. Painful narrowing of the vessels located in the lower extremities leads to such a pathology as poor circulation. Other serious illnesses can also be the cause of this problem. The results may initially suggest why the leg is taken away, and the patient is referred to a narrow profile doctor.

After receiving all the results, the doctor will be able to accurately answer why the legs fail. A diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Since there are too many causes of this pathology, the treatment is carried out differently.

If the legs do not walk due to chronic diseases, then a special therapy is carried out, aimed specifically at the disease itself. Foot problems are just a symptom of the disease, which will pass as the underlying ailment is cured. In some cases, if taken away left leg or right, surgery may be required. It happens that a woman who is expecting a baby loses her leg or both at once. Toxicosis can be the culprit.

Leg problems can begin due to vena cava syndrome located in the lower abdomen. The enlarging uterus puts pressure on it, the blood supply to the limbs is disturbed, which is why there is a violation in their work.

Legs refuse to walk with symphysis. The symptom of this disease is strong pain in the lower limbs. With this disease, changes occur in the interpubic disc - it diverges. This causes such pain. A pregnant woman asks herself: what to do and how to help herself? Only a doctor can help here. Reception medications in this state is highly undesirable.

They must contain the necessary minerals and vitamins. One of the most common ailments that our elderly readers often complain about is pain and fatigue in the legs. Some have burning feet after walking, while others have aching joints before the rain. These symptoms in their various manifestations unite more than 120 diseases of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. In addition, pain in the legs can occur due to vascular pathologies.

For example, we had a patient who suffered from persistent pain in the knee, characteristic of arthritis. Therefore, understanding the difficulties of the inhabitants of the "outback", I will talk about the most common diseases of the legs and give some useful advice. Flat feet are the basis for the development of many deformities of the foot, diseases of the legs and even the spine.

According to statistics, 60% of people bought it because of wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes (you should pay attention to this from childhood), in particular, “studs” and “platforms”, so loved by girls. Another disease that orthopedists often deal with is spikes, or heel spurs. These formations are salt deposits as a result of metabolic disorders. Facilitate walking with such a spike, special unloading rollers in the form of a donut.

Since the “bone” also grows with gout, people began to think that this disease is main reason such deformation. Or a man in his youth injured his meniscus in training, and by the age of 60 he has arthrosis knee joint. In particular, new drugs that significantly reduce pain in cases where the disease has not yet started - structum, etc. - are very expensive.

Less common disease painful in the legs of the elderly, - osteoarthritis, or arthrosis. As a result, a person begins to feel a tingling in the leg, the limbs lose sensitivity and refuse to walk. It is likely that the legs are taken away as a result of some disease that develops in the human body.


Paralysis (in the common people, the refusal of legs or arms) is the absolute absence of any movements. The causes of this disease are not small. Many people ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to cure this disease? “.

When the legs fail, the motor function of one or more muscles is lost. This is due to the fact that the nervous system is affected. Paralysis does not count separate disease, since any damage to the nervous system can lead to the fact that a person becomes completely immobile. If your legs suddenly fail, you need to urgently call an ambulance. The cause of paralysis can be an injury to the head, neck, back, stroke. In no case should you move the victim: you need to wait for the arrival of an ambulance.

If the legs fail (or have already failed), then you can try to establish a musculoskeletal system using traditional medicine: rub the patient's legs with dog fat with turpentine added to it, and then wrap the dog skin. Fat should be exclusively internal. Such treatment is recommended to be carried out until the complete recovery of the one whose legs failed. By the way, this method has very positive reviews.

It is not uncommon for legs to fail due to the fact that a person has suffered a common flu, or a complex sore throat. Such cases are very common not only among the older generation, but also among young people. Some even can not always understand why they became bedridden. It must be remembered that if this happens, then you need to start treatment as soon as possible so as not to start the disease. The second very effective method to establish the musculoskeletal functions of the legs is to prepare the following composition: mix two tablespoons egg white, one tablespoon of vinegar, thirty - forty grams of melted butter(in enamelware, not in a frying pan). With the resulting mass, it is necessary to rub the patient's legs every day until he recovers. And of course, it is desirable to wrap the lower limbs after this procedure with a warm blanket, but capes made of wool or fur are best, as they warm more effectively.

It is no secret that often after injuries it happens that the legs fail. What to do and how to help is worth considering from the very first moment after this happened, since every second is precious. If treatment is not started on time, the patient may never get back on his feet. But do not forget that the attention of loved ones is very important for him. Almost always, having lost the ability to move on his own, a person enters depression. The help of relatives has a very beneficial effect on psychological condition immovable person. Kindness and appropriate care will give him strength and faith that he will get back on his feet, because it is no secret that the power of thought materializes.

There is another folk recipe treatment that will help the immobilized person to get back on his feet. This is pumpkin ointment. In order to prepare it, you need to take pumpkin pulp(innards), remove the seeds from it, then put it in a glass liter container (a regular jar is recommended) in layers. Each layer must be powdered with three grams of dry potassium manganese (potassium permanganate). After all that has been done, it is necessary to close the capron lid and put in a warm place. The ointment will be ready when it is seen that it has dissolved. If the mixture is purchased dark color(brown), then it is ready for use: you can rub the patient's legs. The procedure must be carried out daily: until he gets on his feet.

Of course, all the above recipes have been tested and have positive reviews. However, if they did not help, then this means that you need to contact doctors such as a neurosurgeon or neuropathologist in order to establish accurate diagnosis and the reason why the legs failed.

In conclusion, it can be noted that if the legs suddenly failed, then folk methods can get rid of this ailment. However, it is still recommended not to self-medicate, but to solve the problem with medication.

With prolonged use of alcohol or with a one-time drinking of a large amount of alcohol, changes occur in the body, leading to loss motor functions- an alcoholic fails one or both legs. This is a temporary phenomenon (it passes without the intervention of a doctor). But more often, paralysis requires immediate treatment, since after the failure of the limbs, cardiac rhythm and breathing stops.


Failure of the lower extremities after taking alcohol is a kind of intoxication paresis (incomplete paralysis). The reason is in toxic poisoning central nervous system. It happens one-time (when introduced into the body increased dosage ethyl alcohol) or cumulative (in alcoholics with great experience dependencies).

General intoxication with alcohol is dangerous because it provokes an acute oxygen deficiency and the subsequent death of nerve cells responsible for the motor activity of the limbs. Also, a factor in the failure of the lower extremities is the lack of nutrients, thiamine and nicotinic acid that develops against the background of alcoholism.

Sometimes alcoholism is not the cause of leg failure in a drunkard, but a pathological factor. In a state of intoxication, a person runs the risk of falling, getting into an accident and injuring the brain or spinal cord.

Diseases due to alcohol addiction leading to paresis

Failure of the lower extremities occurs in diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems - polyneuritis, inflammation of the brain, stroke. Alcohol is:

  • The primary cause (failure of the legs in alcoholic polyneuropathy).
  • Secondary cause (in drunkards, complicated cirrhosis causes encephalopathy - with this diagnosis, only 23% of patients live longer than 2 years).
  • A factor in the exacerbation of chronic diseases (example: in diabetes, alcohol provokes neurotrophic disorders leading to limb failure).

A third of alcoholic diseases are accompanied by complications when limbs are taken away, but this is the “tip of the iceberg”. If paralysis affects not only the legs, but affects the nerve and muscle structures of the brain, a coma occurs with a high risk of death.

Damage to the nervous system

Failure of the peripheral nerves of the extremities in alcoholism is associated with metabolic disorders. Alcohol acetaldehydes impair the digestibility of substances digestive system, tissues begin to experience a deficiency of macro- and microelements. For nerve endings, the lack of B vitamins, which are involved in the transmission of impulses from one cell to another, is critical.

Without the necessary organic matter the limbs first become numb, swelling occurs, and then they completely lose sensory sensitivity. The pathology is called mononeuropathy (if the nerve fibers of one group die, then one side of the body is affected) or polyneuropathy (both legs fail).

Another one frequent pathology after a long binge - compression-ischemic neuropathy. It is characteristic of alcoholism last stages. The reason is the long stay of the patient in a monotonous position in a state of intoxication (prolonged compression of the tissues causes hypoxia of the muscle and nerve fibers of the limbs with their subsequent death).

blockage of blood vessels

With long-term alcoholism, there are changes in nerve ganglia providing regulation of the work of the vascular bed. This leads to persistent spasm of small arteries, inflammation vascular wall. The name of the pathology is obliterating endarteritis. In the absence of treatment, proliferation with vein expansion, muscle atrophy, limb failure, gangrene begin.

If parietal thrombi are formed, then with high blood pressure thrombophlebitis develops (separation of blood clots). Clots by circulatory system can reach the vessels that feed the lungs or the brain - a deadly situation arises.

In 29% of cases, paralysis of the limbs in alcoholics occurs after a stroke. In the morning after drinking, migraines, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting begin. The language does not obey, there are violations of coordination. As a rule, drunkards attribute the symptoms to a hangover and take more vodka. As a result, the symptoms increase, hemiplegia occurs, coma. If the patient can be brought out of the coma, then in 80% there is limb failure.

Infectious diseases

Alcohol disrupts the immune defense and neutralizes the action of antibiotics, infections spread faster. The situation is aggravated by the antisocial lifestyle of alcoholics - they do not observe sanitary norms communicate with sick people (that is, they are at risk of contracting infectious diseases).

The musculoskeletal system fails if the infection damages the articular and bone elements or affects the brain. Background diseases (gonorrhea, tuberculosis, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis) cause prolonged arthritis, arthrosis, limiting the mobility of the limbs, leading to disability.

Alcoholics with experience often get sick viral encephalitis and meningitis. Regular poisoning of the body with alcohol causes damage to neurons, after which inflammation begins, damage to the meninges by pneumococci.

Liver disease

The main function of the liver is to remove alcohol metabolites from the body. If it is not fulfilled, harmful substances alcoholic beverages enter the bloodstream, and from it - to other organs. As a result, the diseases described above, leading to failure of the legs, develop 3 times faster with a diseased liver.

Another cause of limb failure in cirrhosis of the liver is the development of hepatic encephalopathy. There is a violation of muscle function, loss of sensitivity to pain stimuli. The alcoholic ceases to control the legs. Paralysis can affect the respiratory centers, then death occurs from asphyxia.


The doctor selects an individual treatment system - it depends on the cause of limb failure. In addition to the main therapy aimed at eliminating the main disease, measures are being taken to return motor activity. Sessions are required physiotherapy exercises- even if the legs are completely taken away. Exercise therapy allows you to avoid contractures, bedsores. The same goals are pursued by therapeutic massage.

Physiotherapy treatments are done to improve the strength and tone of damaged muscles. The functionality of the limbs can be restored by injections of botulinum toxin, which restores impulse transmission in the nerves. Spastic paresis can be cured with muscle relaxants with dantrolene, benzimidazole. Be sure to give funds to improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels.

Surgical treatment begins with a breakthrough, compression, crushing of the nerve trunk of the extremities. A “patch” is applied to the damaged area (grafts from segments are sewn between the ends of the damaged nerve). healthy nerve). In some cases, the surgeon cuts off the scars, performs muscle plastics, makes a transossal tenodesis, fastening the tendon.

If the legs fail, then the process is irreversible. Post-stroke prognosis full recovery motor activity is 5%. The task of doctors is to restore at least partial mobility of the limbs, to prevent complications and relapses.


You can avoid leg failure if you get rid of addiction, start treating complications caused by prolonged alcohol intoxication. If these conditions are not met, the patient runs the risk of being immobilized, the likelihood of sudden death. Additional preventive measures preventing the pathological process.