A child of 2 years old has festering eyes, what to do. What does pus from the eyes in children mean and what can it lead to? Non-traditional medical measures

- a fairly common problem and a set of measures is needed to treat the disease, as it causes discomfort and possible consequences, ending in loss of vision. First, the cause is identified and the help of an ophthalmologist is required, he will determine the diagnosis and prescribe special medications.
It happens that pus is formed against the background of other diseases that need treatment.

Festering eyes in a child - the causes of the problem

In newborns up to a year, pus is released due to the following reasons. The fault is an undeveloped lacrimal canal. Later, it forms and the pus disappears, but the disease dacryocystitis occurs - a disease that is considered a congenital obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

7-8% of babies have dacryocystitis. The optometrist prescribes sparing treatment, it includes lacrimal duct massage and instillation of antiseptic drops - Vitabact. And if it doesn’t help, antibiotics are prescribed - Levomycetin, Tobriss, Floksal and flushing with Furacilin.

Prescribed for 10 days, 3-4 times a day, one drop in each eye. Children at the age of 2 are recommended antiviral tablets Acyclovir.

Doctors do not advise washing with breast milk, it has a favorable microflora for the multiplication of microbes, leading to suppuration. If gentle treatment does not help, a tear duct probing procedure is prescribed in the clinic.

Another common disease is conjunctivitis. There are viral, bacterial and allergic.

The main causes of the disease:

  • poor hygiene;
  • untreated colds;
  • infection during childbirth (inflamed maternal birth canal) or inappropriate sterilization of medical instruments,
  • eyelash in the eyes of a child;
  • viruses - SARS, measles, herpes, etc.

As a result, conjunctivitis is observed in children aged 3 years and older. Rarely observed up to 3 years. More often, conjunctivitis appears due to viruses and isolation from healthy children is needed.

With a long stay of pus, maceration occurs - irritation and inflammation of the skin around the eyes. In infants, this is very painful and unpleasant.

Most of the situations, with suppuration, are not considered dangerous to the eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis does not leave consequences, and after a few weeks the disease disappears.

Together with pus from the eye, the following symptoms are observed:

  • redness;
  • if you press on the lacrimal sac area, white or yellow pus flows;
  • the formation of crusts;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • visual impairment;
  • lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • fever due to intoxication.

Red eyes in a child at 2 years old - what to do

What to do if the child's eyes fester? Probably, the baby had barley. Barley - inflammation of the ciliary sac. If purulent discharge appears, this indicates staphylococcus bacteria.

A small grain forms on the inside of the eyelid, the eyes itch and a burning sensation appears, then inflammation appears. With problems with immunity, barley appears often. Redness and suppuration cause conjunctivitis.

When the disease appears:

  • photophobia, redness;
  • feeling of sand.

A distinctive feature of the disease is not only eye damage, but also a runny nose, muscle pain, and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Redness of the sclera indicates the ingress of a foreign body, trauma to the mucous membrane, inflammation of the choroid, allergies, glaucoma. And also, vegetovascular dystonia is the cause of the appearance of redness.

Dacryocystitis also causes redness and purulent discharge. More often the disease appears in infants.

The difference from conjunctivitis in swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, and with moderate pressure on the area where the lacrimal sac is located, pus is formed, consisting of leukocytes. The disease affects one eye, rarely two.

If the eyes turn red and swollen, the eyelids itch and a crust of pus appears on the eyelids, this is blepharitis. It happens with an allergic reaction and with overwork.

The eye is reddened, swollen and has a runny nose

It is known from anatomy that the nasal cavity and the lacrimal sac are connected by a single duct. Therefore, both the nose and the eyes are often affected during the disease.

This problem occurs in childhood. Redness appears with adenovirus infection, which has clinical forms: conjunctivitis and pharyngoconjunctivinal fever.

With the flu, redness of the eyes and a runny nose are common. Rhinitis causes redness, as the ducts are connected, and this in turn causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Whooping cough also causes redness, but the mechanism of action is different. The sclera of the eyes turn red due to pressure on the vessels, as well as a long and continuous cough.

Runny nose and red eyes appear with allergic rhinitis. There is a high sensitivity to some allergens, accompanied by a runny nose and flu.

There is an inflammatory process in the sinuses and a strong discharge from the eyes, as a result of which the eyes suppurate.

Pus can also form due to blockage of the nasolacrimal canal. With allergic rhinitis, you need to start by eliminating the source of the allergen, and also pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-allergy drugs are needed, which can be used at home.

The problem arose with a cold

If the baby begins to cough, a runny nose appears and pus is released from the eyes, the cause is a respiratory infection or a cold. Treatment of the disease is carried out by a complex method aimed at treating the underlying disease and increasing immunity.

When treating a cold, do not use drops. When the runny nose stops, the tear ducts are cleared, it is enough just to rinse them.

It is considered normal if tears enter the nose from the inner corner of the eye through the lacrimal duct. When crying, mucus is released, and the nose is blocked.

If something interferes with the flow of tears, stagnation occurs in the tear duct, disrupting the excretion of microbes that have entered the eye. Due to stagnation, inflammation and pus appear.

When the child grows up, such problems go away. To treat a baby at home, you need to remove pus with sterile cotton wool soaked in a solution of furacilin and instill special drops.

Such treatment relieves the symptoms, but in order to completely get rid of the cause of purulent discharge, it is necessary to massage the nasolacrimal sac and remove the discharge of the lacrimal ducts. These procedures can be a good help in solving this problem.

If the tear ducts are anatomically narrowed, then doctors first use rational treatment. But, if a runny nose and pus continue for a long time and develop into a chronic disease, then there is a need to restore the patency of the canal surgically.

If the child coughs, a runny nose is observed and the eyes fester, a complex treatment is prescribed. To stop the discharge from the nose, use drops in the nose and clear the nasal passages. First you need to clean the nasal cavity, as the drops may not bring the desired effect.

There may be crusts and mucus in the nose, which can prevent the medicine from getting further. Babies usually soften the nasal passages with sea water sold in pharmacies before cleansing.

Pus speaks of inflammation that has arisen after a cold. The reason for this may be a weakened immune system, improper treatment or lack of it. Pus can form in both, and in one eye.

Often, purulent conjunctivitis is quickly treated and limited to drops, ointments and washes, but in more advanced forms, antibiotics have to be resorted to. This disease often affects children, since all the ducts are short and close to each other. The causative agents of conjunctivitis after a cold are bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Temperature and pus in the eyes

If the baby has pus and a fever, this is the first sign of infection. To begin with, the causative agent of the infection is always determined, after which medications are prescribed that eliminate the cause and fight the symptoms.

It happens that after sleep pus discharges are formed, you should know whether this is a consequence of the product of the activity of the sebaceous glands or purulent exudate.

If, nevertheless, discharge with pus, then it is imperative to contact a pediatrician who will determine the cause and prescribe the necessary and timely treatment for the child. Often it is conjunctivitis, accompanied by fever.

Symptoms appear after sleep

The main problems are staphylococci and streptococci, which are carried by all people. The immune system must resist bacteria, but if it is weakened, the disease of conjunctivitis is formed.

The occurrence of pus is due to fungi, candidiasis, or in the everyday life of a thrush, if the elementary rules of hygiene are not observed.

The main causes of swelling

Eyes in children may swell:

  1. Due to allergic reactions to pollen, pet hair, household chemicals, etc.
  2. With infections.
  3. Trauma and mechanical damage to the mucosa and eyelids.
  4. An increase in intracranial pressure can also affect what causes them to swell and turn red. This occurs due to problems with the kidneys and a strong fluid retention in the tissues.
  5. In diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Frequent prolonged crying.
  7. Insomnia, including during teething, are also factors affecting eye swelling.
  8. The eyes may swell and water with conjunctivitis, barley, phlegmon, and also with insect bites.

How to rinse your eyes

If a child has festering eyes, pediatricians recommend washing them. It is necessary to moisten a sterile cotton swab with furatsilin and wipe them from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye you need to use a separate cotton wool.

A decoction of chamomile helps well, washed as described above. Pediatricians do not recommend breast milk for use, as this creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Washing should be done every 2 hours. Thorough hand washing is required before rinsing.

How to treat pathology at home

How to treat pus in the eyes of a child? To begin with, you can rinse your eyes with furatsilin, it must first be dissolved in warm water. Chamomile helps, then drip Albucid drops (usually 10% is used for newborns, and 20% for older children). It is recommended to drip every 2-4 hours.

Use Levomycetin or Vitabact. Some people prefer using ointments. It is worth trying Tobrex, Erythromycin and Tetracycline ointments.

If no improvement is observed, then the treatment should be stopped and consult an ophthalmologist, and not self-treat your child.

The appearance of purulent discharge in any area indicates an active resistance of the organism to the infection with the help of leukocytes, and such a phenomenon cannot be ignored.

Before treating a child, parents need to consult a doctor. He will select the appropriate treatment options. If it is impossible to go to the hospital at the place of residence, you can visit a specialized eye clinic.

According to statistics, purulent discharge from the eye sockets is more often diagnosed in children and the elderly, since their immunity is weakened. Nature has come up with a unique and optimal organ of vision.

A person receives 80% of information with the help of vision, which in later life affects education and performance. Health must be protected from infancy. This is where parents help to take care of their children.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes help to remove swelling on the eyelids, reduce inflammation and redness, and have antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

Anti-inflammatory decoction of calendula flowers

In a small enameled container, place 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and pour 450 ml of boiling water. Simmer the broth over low heat for 7 minutes, cool, strain. The product is suitable for compresses, washing. Do manipulations 4 times a day, alternating lotions with irrigation of the eyes.

Black tea compresses

Effectively relieve the symptoms of suppuration compresses with black tea In 1/2 cup boiling water, brew 1 tsp. large-leaf black tea (without flavors, dyes), insist and pass through 2-3 layers of gauze. In the infusion, moisten cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 5 minutes. Do the procedure up to 6 times a day.


Place 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. chopped herbs and boil for 3 minutes, let cool. Rinse eyes with decoction morning and evening for 3 days.

Celandine decoction

Wipe your eyes with a decoction of celandine several times a day. Crushed flowers and leaves of the plant (1 tsp) pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 5 minutes. Use warm, filtered broth to wipe the eyes 3 times a day.

Compress with essential oils

Moisten a towel in hot water, drip 3-5 drops of lavender, rose and chamomile oil on it. Place the compress on the eyes and keep it until it cools completely. Manipulations are carried out 2 times a day. The remedy relieves swelling and inflammation, soothes irritated tissues.

Potato for inflammation

Potato compresses are an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Peel 1 potato, grate on a fine grater, put on cheesecloth and place on the eyes. Hold the compresses for 10-15 minutes, then wash the child with a decoction of calendula or warm boiled water.

Rosehip decoction

Grind dried rose hips to make 2 tsp. raw materials, pour 400 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Rinse the child's eyes with a decoction up to 5 times a day.

Aloe juice drops

Instill eye drops from aloe juice 3 times a day Grind the aloe leaf, squeeze out the juice, mix with warm water or saline in a 1: 1 ratio. Drip 1 drop 3 times a day.

honey drops

Dilute honey in warm water (for 3 tbsp of water 1 tsp of honey). Bury eyes 1-2 drops three times a day. The tool is used for children over 3 years old.

It is realistic to quickly and effectively cure a child at home if the therapy is carried out correctly, alternating washings with drops and lotions. The basis of treatment is medication, and folk methods help enhance their therapeutic effect and alleviate the condition of a small patient.

Possible complications and consequences

Incorrect or untimely treatment of pus in the eyes leads to a number of complications:

  1. Nearsightedness - the child can not see objects that are at a distance from him.
  2. Farsightedness is a deterioration in vision, manifested in blurring before the eyes when focusing on close objects.
  3. Reduced work of the eye glands, which leads to dryness in the eyes.
  4. Increased intraocular pressure.

Important! The most severe consequence of prolonged purulent processes in the eyes is complete or partial loss of vision.


  • proper care for an infant - every morning rinse the eyes of a child with warm boiled water;
  • teach children the rules of hygiene when they are able to take care of themselves;
  • prevent infection from getting into the eyes through dirty hands - explain to the kids that you can not rub your eyes with unwashed fingers;
  • strengthen immunity - engage in swimming, running, moderate physical activity with the child, more time in the fresh air;
  • monitor the baby's nutrition - fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, fresh juices should be present in the diet;
  • avoid beriberi - in spring and autumn, give the child vitamin complexes (Vitamins, Pikovit).

Proper eye care, regular preventive examinations make it possible not to miss the onset of infection and start treatment on time. Pus in the eyes of a child is a phenomenon that requires immediate treatment.

Suppuration is provoked by bacteria, viruses, inflammation, allergies, injuries and foreign bodies entering the eye. Therapy is started only after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the provoking factor.

Comprehensive treatment is required - antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops, ointments, antiviral drugs, antiallergic drugs, which are supported by lotions and washings with herbal decoctions. Compliance with prevention prevents inflammatory and purulent processes in the eyes of a child.

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When pus flows or accumulates in the eyes of a child (white, yellow or green), this causes great discomfort to the baby and a lot of anxiety to parents. Why do the eyes of a child fester? What symptoms can accompany suppuration? What medicines will help if the eyes fester? What hygiene procedures for the eyes should be carried out?

Why does the baby's eyes fester?

Finding that the baby has white, yellow or even green purulent discharge from the eyes, parents wonder why the child's eyes are festering. Experts identify four groups of causes that cause suppuration of the eyes in children of different ages - both infants up to one year of age and schoolchildren can face suppuration:

What symptoms can be accompanied by suppuration?

Accompanying symptoms can tell a lot about the nature of suppuration and suggest how to properly treat it. If the problem is accompanied by fever, the eyes are festering, swollen and red, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor - most likely, we are talking about the “return” of an untreated viral disease or bacterial infection (flu, measles, tonsillitis, etc.)

When in the morning after sleep a child cannot open his eyes because they are festering, the eyelids stick together due to purulent crusts, this may indicate the development of blepharitis. To exclude the development of complications, medical attention will be required.

The release of green exudate, combined with an increase in regional lymph nodes, greenish snot and a sore throat are symptoms of a developing adenovirus.

How to treat purulent discharge?

Almost all eye lesions accompanied by suppuration (with the exception of pathological conditions requiring surgical intervention) respond well to treatment at home. If a child undergoes treatment at home, it still involves consulting a doctor - only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of the disease and select an effective therapy.

First aid at home

If the eyes are reddened, purulent discharge is collected, crusts have dried on the eyelashes, you should give the baby first aid before contacting a doctor. The rules for providing first aid to young patients with suppuration of the eyes (one or both at once) are simple and do not require special skills or special knowledge:

  1. wipe and soften dried crusts, remove accumulated pus with a decoction of chamomile, weak tea or Furacilin solution;
  2. drip into each eye a solution of Albucid 10% (1 drop under the lower eyelid);
  3. often rinse your eyes with chamomile or Furacilin - preferably every 2-2.5 hours;
  4. instill Albucid up to 6 times a day;
  5. further self-treatment is prohibited - you should consult a doctor for the selection of suitable medications.

The use of medications

The basis of the treatment of suppuration of the eyes are eye drops and medicinal ointments. Such drugs are always used according to the scheme "first drops, then ointment."

Depending on the severity of the disease, the diagnosis made and the age of the child, the doctor prescribes medications and draws up a scheme for their use. Usually the procedures have to be carried out 4-8 times a day. Eye drop method:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly;
  2. prepare 2 cotton pads or swabs;
  3. lay the child on his back on a flat surface;
  4. pulling the lower eyelid down with your thumb, drop a drop of medicine (if the child squints, you can drop the medication at the point of contact between the upper and lower eyelids, when the eye opens, the medicine will go where it is needed);
  5. blot the eye with a cotton pad, discard the disk immediately or put it aside;
  6. carry out the same procedure with the second eye.

Eye drops

Depending on the reasons that caused the development of suppuration of the eyes in the baby, the doctor may recommend antibacterial or antiviral eye drops. It is very difficult to independently determine what led to the disease - allergies, viruses or bacteria - so it is better to trust the choice of a specialist.

Cause of conjunctivitisEye dropsPeculiarities
AllergyLecrolinNon-hormonal agent. Helps relieve symptoms within a few days. It is required to instill 4 times a day.
bacteriaPhloxalFast acting drug. Not recommended for use in children under 7 years of age.
Tobrex (we recommend reading:)Effective in inflammatory processes, can be instilled in infants and young children.
Sulfacyl sodiumThe most popular "children's" drug. It can be used to treat children from birth, including for the prevention of gonoblenorrhea.
VirusesOftan IduNot recommended for patients under 2 years of age. Not very popular due to the complex application scheme. Effective in herpes conjunctivitis.
AktipolIt can be used to treat children under 1 year old, but not more than 7 days in a row, 8 times a day.
OftalmoferonIt has antiviral and antihistamine effects. Has no age restrictions. The course of treatment is 5 days.

What ointments are best to use?

When choosing an ointment to eliminate suppuration of the eyes in a child, it is fundamentally important to establish the nature of the disease. Antibacterial drugs are powerless against viral infections, and with a viral infection, it is useless to lay an antimicrobial ointment. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicine for the child, based on the diagnosis, age and general condition of the patient. The most popular are:

  • Erythromycin. Antibacterial ointment. It can be used in combination with other drugs with a similar mechanism of action. It is allowed to use with severe intolerance to drugs containing penicillin. The duration of therapy is 10 days. The ointment is laid after instillation of drops.
  • Zovirax. Antiviral ointment based on Acyclovir. It is allowed to use for the treatment of newborns. The therapy continues until the desired result is achieved and is extended for another 3 days. Typically, patients complain of a burning sensation when applying the ointment - an unpleasant sensation should disappear within a minute. The main side effect is an allergy in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In what case is an eye massage prescribed for a baby?

During the period of intrauterine development of the child, his lacrimal ducts are closed, their opening occurs only after birth. In some babies, for various reasons, the channels do not open on time, then the fluid accumulates in the lacrimal sac. The latter becomes inflamed, the formation of pus begins, which eventually breaks out. This pathology is called dacryocystitis.

If a baby is diagnosed with dacryocystitis, he will not need medical treatment, since the cause of the disease is mechanical in nature. The doctor will prescribe an eye massage. If after a few days there is no improvement, then doctors will help open the lacrimal ducts using special medical instruments.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine cannot replace the antibacterial or antiviral drugs prescribed by the doctor, but they can help to quickly rid the child of unpleasant symptoms. The baby's eyes need to be constantly cleaned of pus, experts recommend doing this not with water, but with one of the following means:

Why do eye infections develop? Often the cause of suppuration of the eye in a child (including infectious etiology) is hidden in the neglect of simple rules of hygiene. Young children often rub their eyes with dirty hands and introduce pathogens themselves. General recommendations for eye hygiene will help minimize the risk of developing suppuration in the eyes:

  • teach a child not to touch his eyes with dirty hands;
  • if dirt or dust gets in, rinse your eyes with boiled water or a special ophthalmic solution, you can use a sterile napkin;
  • never use other people's towels and other personal hygiene products;
  • at the first signs of eye pathology, contact an ophthalmologist;
  • do not wear contact lenses with inflammatory eye diseases.

Under the suppuration of the eyes in children means the presence of mucous discharge from the eyes of yellow or yellow-green color.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in a child

In addition to discharge from the eyes, other symptoms appear, which include:

  • dried purulent crusts on the eyelids and eyelashes
  • eye redness
  • lacrimation
  • swelling of the eyelids

Causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in children

Eye diseases that can cause purulent discharge from the eyes in newborns and infants:

Dacryocystitis of the newborn

Many children are born with poorly developed tear ducts. This means that the tear cannot flow properly into the nasal cavity. Because of this, a secret from the eyes accumulates in the lacrimal sac and inflammation begins. At the same time, the baby has watery and festering, as a rule, only one eye.

Treatment in the first 3 months of the child is carried out with medication. Anti-inflammatory drops are instilled and lacrimal sac massage is applied. In most cases, dacryocystitis resolves. Sometimes probing of the lacrimal ducts is necessary.

Neonatal conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye in the period of 28 days after birth is called neonatal conjunctivitis.

Bacteria that cause inflammation: Staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia, streptococcus, etc.

Gonococcal infection of the newborn

With gonococcal infection in newborns, very abundant purulent discharge, with severe swelling of the eyelids. Possible damage to the cornea and the development of corneal ulcers.

Eye injury during childbirth

In the case of pathological childbirth, damage to the eyes and infection of the eye is possible.

Inadequate eye prophylaxis immediately after birth

Immediately after birth, newborns are given special antiseptic drops for prevention. In the case when drops are not used, the risk of developing neonatal conjunctivitis is increased.

Inflammation of the maternal genital tract

Inflammation of the mother's genital tract leads to infection of the child and the appearance of signs of inflammation of the eyes.

Causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in pregnant women and children older than a year

SARS and influenza

The pus that may be present in your child's eyes may be due to a viral infection. Knowing the causative factors, as well as how to deal with them, can prevent the development of purulent discharge from the eyes in an infant.


If your baby has a cold, he may develop sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). Important symptoms: fever, pain in the forehead and eyes, lacrimation and suppuration of the eyes.


If your baby has a runny nose, and you notice redness and small mucous-yellow discharge, then this may be an allergy.


Often the eyes of a child and pregnant women fester due to infectious inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. The symptoms of conjunctivitis begin in one eye and then spread to the other eye.

Festering eye during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, due to hormonal changes, the conjunctiva becomes loose and there is more mucous discharge from the eyes. This can cause some discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

If you are pregnant and use contact lenses, look out for discharge from the eyes. If a yellow discharge occurs, remove the lenses and consult a doctor.

Festering eyes in a child treatment

Situations that require immediate attention and medical attention include the following symptoms:

  • severe swelling of the eyelids and very profuse purulent discharge
  • increase in body temperature
  • the child complains of decreased vision and pain in the eyes
  • child rubs eyes
  • eye redness and tearing

It is important to know that the spread of infection in children occurs very quickly and rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner.

During treatment, when using eye ointments and drops, it is necessary to first remove pus from the eye. Any types of medicines (drops and ointments) are effective only after washing the eye.

Purulent discharges appearing in the corners of the eyes of children are not at all isolated phenomena. And, although the appearance of pus in itself is not too dangerous, the lack of treatment can cause complications in the form of various eye pathologies. That is why, as soon as parents notice discharge from the eye, which is red and itchy, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. The specialist will identify the cause of the disease and prescribe a treatment that can be done at home.

Festering eyes in a child - the main reasons

With inflammation of the eye and the appearance of pus in it, parents and the doctor must first of all identify the cause of the pathology, which may be:

  1. Conjunctivitis- This is the most common cause of suppuration of the eyes. The mucous membrane in this disease becomes inflamed and reddens, the eyelid swells, pus is released from the eye. Conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or allergens.
  2. Chlamydia the child is infected at birth.
  3. Viruses: adenovirus, herpes, measles, SARS, influenza.
  4. bacteria: pneumococci, meningococci, streptococci, staphylococci.
  5. Dacryocystitis occurs in newborn babies due to blockage of the tear duct. If, after birth, the protective film does not break through in the baby and the cork does not come out of the canal, then an infection begins to develop.
  6. Not cured sinusitis, colds, measles, adenoiditis, tonsillitis.
  7. Allergens in the form of dust, animal hair, odors, pollen.
  8. Non-sterile medical instruments or infection through the birth canal may be one of the causes of inflammation and decay of the eye in newborns.
  9. Weakened immunity.
  10. Non-observance of hygiene rules. Dirt and infection get in if the child rubs his eyes with unwashed hands.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the child's problem by contacting a doctor for this. He will make an accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms and tests.

Associated symptoms

If the eye of a child is festering, then this is most likely a disease that can be accompanied by a number of symptoms:

The body of each child is individual, so the pathology can be manifested by only one or more of the above symptoms. But each of them worries the baby and requires treatment.

First aid

What to do if the child's eye is festering, but there is no way to get to the doctor?

In this case, parents should know how and how they can help their baby at home:

Before each procedure, parents must wash their hands with soap and water. Only well-washed pipettes and sterile swabs should be used. You can make them from sterile cotton wool purchased at a pharmacy.

It is contraindicated to continue treating the eyes on your own if:

  • a bubble appeared on the upper eyelid;
  • the baby began to see worse;
  • the child complains of pain in the eyes;
  • have symptoms of photophobia;
  • the eyes have been festering for more than two days, and there is no improvement in treatment.

Medical treatment

After the diagnosis is made, the specialist prescribes treatment, which is also based on the individual characteristics of the child.

Infectious conjunctivitis is treated with drops of Eubital, Levomycetin, Vitabact, Kolbiotsin. Some children tolerate ointments better, so Tetracycline, Erythromycin or Torbex ointment can be used.

It is necessary to treat adenovirus conjunctivitis with florenel or 25% tebrofen ointment and interferon.

If the eyes of a child are watery and fester mainly in the spring, then most likely the cause is allergens. In this case, antihistamine drops Allergodil, Spersallerg, Lekrolin, Allergoftal, Dimedrol in solution should be used. Raising the immunity of the child will help get rid of allergies.

Herpetic conjunctivitis is treated with acyclovir. It is used as an ointment for the eyes, and tablets for oral administration.

Eye massage for dacryocystitis

With this pathology, drops and washing of the necessary therapeutic result will not bring. First, the film should be removed, which can be done with a special massage. His technique should be shown by a doctor, after which the massage can be performed independently.

Before the massage, the hands are well washed with soap and water. Make sure to keep your nails trimmed short. With a finger up and down with a slight pressure, but very gently, the inside of the eye is massaged. In one session, six to ten movements should be done. If the pus began to stand out more strongly, then the manipulation is carried out correctly.

If in the first six months of the baby's life it was not possible to cope with the pathology, then probing of the lacrimal canal is necessary, which is carried out in stationary conditions.

Mechanical damage to the eye

Inflammation and suppuration can occur if a mechanical particle gets into the baby's eye:

  • eyelash;
  • fly or other insect;
  • cotton wool or fabric fibers;
  • splashes of chemicals;
  • splashes of hot oil;
  • plastic flake;
  • a piece of glass;
  • metal or wood shavings.

In this case, first aid is required:

  1. The inflamed eye is washed with saline, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or warm black tea. If there is a solution for soft contact lenses, then you can use it.
  2. It is necessary to determine whether a foreign body has come out of the eye.
  3. If it is impossible to independently determine the degree of damage, then the child urgently needs to be shown to a specialist who, using special equipment, examines the eye.

Swelling on the eyelid caused by infection of the eyelash follicles, which leads to the formation of pus, is called barley. The bacterial infection enters the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which are located near the eyelashes. In mild cases, barley goes away on its own. But if a child has a weakened immune system, then he can develop into a boil. Two or three days after the redness and swelling of the eyelid, the eye begins to fester.

In no case should you squeeze out pus or open barley. He must ripen himself and make the release of dead cells. That is why his treatment is aimed at accelerating the process. For this it is recommended:

  1. Apply compresses of warm mashed potatoes wrapped in a wide bandage or clean gauze. Keep it until it cools down.
  2. Dry heat is very effective in treating barley. You can consult a doctor to prescribe a course of UHF for the child.
  3. The eyelid must be treated with antibacterial drugs - 1% Erythromycin, Tetracycline ointment or Ciprofloxicin. Albucid is instilled into the eye.
  4. Several times a day, compresses are made from warm infusion of chamomile. To do this, a cotton pad or swab is wetted and applied for 5-7 minutes.
  5. You can use flaxseed, 2 tbsp. l. which are heated in a pan, poured into a clean bag and applied to the eye for 7-10 minutes five times a day.

Heating barley must be used very carefully, because with this method of treatment it can open and infect the eye. Therefore, when barley appears on the eye, it is better to take the child to a specialist.

Parents should remember that the health of the baby is in their hands. Therefore, at the first appearance of symptoms of eye inflammation, you should consult a doctor. Only in this case, the treatment of the disease will not take much time and will not cause complications.

Suppuration of the eyes in children is a frequent and unpleasant phenomenon for parents and their babies. The child suffers from concomitant symptoms: burning, itching, watery eyes.

It is important to find out the cause of the disease and prevent complications. Treatment can be carried out at home under the supervision of a pediatrician.

If you notice the appearance of pus in the eyes of a child, you should immediately undergo an examination with an optometrist for recommendations on how to fix the problem.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of pus in the eye:

  1. Non-observance of hygiene rules. If your child rubs his eyes with dirty hands, dirt and sand can cause an infection.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The most common infection of the eye. There is an inflammatory process and redness of the eyeball. The burning causes the child to rub the eyes, which leads to swelling of the eyelid and the appearance of pus. There are three types of conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral and allergic.
  3. Viruses. If a child is sick with ARVI, snot may enter through the canal between the nose and the eye, which is short in length up to 6 years.
  4. Infection when a child passes through the birth canal or due to the use of a non-sterile medical instrument. There are cases of purulent discharge after the probing procedure or due to poor care of the newborn in the maternity hospital.
  5. Dacryocystitis or blockage of the tear duct. In a newborn, the protective film may not break through, which prevents the plug from leaving the canal, resulting in an infection.
  6. Teething.

Types of discharge and pus from the eyes

The eye is reddened and festering

Probably the development of an inflammatory process near the ciliary sac, in the common people - barley. The appearance of suppuration means the addition of a staphylococcal infection.

First, a grain appears inside the eyelid, and the eye itches and turns red. The frequent occurrence of barley indicates a weak immune system of the child.

The cause of redness can also be the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

If the child's eye is swollen, and the discharge is yellow, this indicates the presence of conjunctivitis. The disease is characterized by the separation of a large amount of pus.

It glues the eyelashes, and a thin film appears on the eye. Infection with bacterial conjunctivitis occurs through contact through dirty hands or pool water.

Suppuration of the eye along with the appearance of green snot in children indicates the presence of adenovirus. The disease begins abruptly and is accompanied by a sore throat and eye pain, as well as an increase in lymph nodes.

The advanced stage of the disease can lead to bronchitis with tracheitis. The child suffers from a cough with green mucus.

Discharge from the eye after sleep

In newborns, the occurrence of purulent discharge after sleep may indicate blepharitis.

Pus glues the eyelashes, and it is difficult for the child to open his eyes. The appearance of the disease can occur due to exposure to an allergen, as well as as a result of gonococcal disease.

Purulent discharge from the eye accompanied by fever

Discharge from the eyes and nose and fever may be the result of untreated diseases such as SARS, measles, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

Additionally, the baby may experience photophobia, sleep and appetite disturbance, blurred vision, irritability.

Treatment of purulent discharge from the eye

It is better to treat suppuration in the eyes of children after consulting a doctor, especially for children under one year old. The specialist will determine the cause of the discharge, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

An allergic reaction can contribute to the occurrence of purulent processes in the spring; in this case, antihistamines will be the treatment.

Eye infections can be cured with the use of special ointments with an antiseptic. Only massage will help get rid of blockage of the channel.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Aciclovir tablets. Kill viral infections caused by herpes. It is used to treat children older than 2 years. Recommended 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days. There are side effects with an overdose in the form of nausea, vomiting, headaches.
  • Alcoholic solution of chloramphenicol. Used for bacterial conjunctivitis. Designed for children from 1 year old. Take prescribed 2-3 drops 1-2 times a day. May cause allergies.

Aciclovir tablets for pus from the eyes

How to remove inflammation from the eyes

To relieve inflammation prescribed drops for eyes. They are divided into antibacterial and antiviral. They also have antihistamine and analgesic properties. Among the most famous:

  • Tobrex. Antibiotic for children from 1 year. Dosage - 1 drop 5 times a day for 1 week. Overdose leads to kidney disease, muscle paralysis.
  • Phloxal. Drops with antibacterial action. Assign 1 drop every 6 hours for 2 weeks.

This is what Floxal drops look like

Treatment of infections

Also effective in the fight against eye infections are ointments local action:

  • Florenal. Kills the viruses that provoked the disease. The ointment is applied to the inside of the eyelid 2 times a day. Application can last up to 1-2 months, depending on the severity of the disease. Do not use for children with sensitivity to the components of the ointment.
  • Tetracycline ointment. An antibiotic used to treat children from 8 years of age. Apply under the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day. Apply up to 1 month. Ointment is contraindicated in diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys.

With blockage of the lacrimal canal, only a special massage can help. During the massage, the film is removed from the eye and pus is removed. The doctor must show the technique to the parents or carry out the procedure himself.

Tetracycline ointment

How to treat pus in a child

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor after identifying the first signs of suppuration (redness of the eye, swelling of the mucous membrane, runny nose, mucus separation), it is worth giving the child first aid.

Treatment of suppuration at home

  1. If the baby's eyelashes are stuck together after sleep, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with a cotton swab and a solution of furacilin (0.2%), potassium permanganate, herbal decoction or weak tea.
  2. Drop the eye with a solution of albucid (10%) with a pipette under the lower eyelid in the direction of the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Decoctions of herbs and tea for washing can be applied every two hours. Instill eye drops no more than 4-6 times a day.
  4. It is not recommended to take any more medications without a doctor's prescription.

Alternative methods of treatment of eye pus

If drug treatment does not work, you can resort to folk remedies:

  • Before going to bed, make compresses from raw potatoes for the child. To do this, wrap the gruel in a warm towel or scarf and apply to closed eyes for a few minutes.
  • Rinse eyes with aloe juice diluted with water. Keep the ratio 1:10. Juice is better to take freshly squeezed.
  • Use decoctions of herbs for washing the eyes: string, chamomile, celandine.


Pus from the eyes is not so terrible and you should not worry much if you notice it in time. The main thing is to start treating the child on your own or consult a doctor. Seeing a doctor is more preferable, because the doctor will find out the real cause of suppuration of the eyes and prescribe the correct treatment.