Compression stockings chmk lpp farm. Compression stockings (up to the thigh, above the knee), compression class III

Compression degree: 18-23 mmHg.

Intended for: prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, initial stages of lymphostasis, post-traumatic complications, arthrosis and arthritis, sprains and other diseases.

In addition, it is used during sports, providing a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling.

Action: the stocking has a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling, providing physiological muscle massage without reducing the natural plasticity of movements.

Due to the presence of natural components in the products, good air exchange and moisture absorption are ensured. The stocking does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergic reactions, and does not lose its properties after repeated use.

Instructions for use: put on the stocking in the morning, lying down, gradually pull it on, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Product care: The stocking should be washed with mild detergents at a temperature of 35 - 37 °C without strong friction. Squeeze without twisting. Dry the product at room temperature.

Composition: cotton 48%, latex 21%, polyamide 31%

How to put on compression stockings, tights and knee socks

The text will talk about compression stockings, but the principle is the same for knee socks and tights. Compression stockings can be put on simply by hand or using special devices to make it easier to put on compression products - butlers or gloves.

To put on compression stockings without special equipment:

  • Pull the stocking completely over your hand and grab the inside of the heel of the stocking with your hand.

Wear compression stockings while sitting - this will make it easier to distribute them correctly over your legs.

  • While holding your heel, turn the stocking inside out. From the toe and heel parts of the stocking you will get something like a pocket.
  • Gently pull the pocket over your foot. Make sure that the heel part of the stocking is completely aligned with your heel.
  • When the toe part completely covers the foot, begin to evenly pull the stocking higher in small parts, turning it outward. Carefully adjust the folds as you put them on.

It will be easier if you wear latex surgical gloves - this will make it easier to pull up the stockings, and this will also protect the product from snags.

  • Stand up. Run your hands over your legs and check for wrinkles. If there are folds, straighten them out in the same small parts as when putting them on.

How to put on compression stockings, tights and knee socks using a device

Wearing compression hosiery correctly is necessary so that the compression is correctly distributed along the leg - otherwise there will be no therapeutic effect.

The text will talk about compression stockings, but the principle is the same for knee socks and tights. It is easier to put on compression hosiery using a special donning device - a butler. Here's how to do it:

  • Place the compression stocking device on the floor. Its middle part with smaller arcs should be inclined towards you.

Battlers have two pairs of arcs. The large arches are handles; holding them, you will distribute the stocking up the leg.

  • Place the toe of the product in the middle of the smaller arches of the butler - this is where you will insert your foot, so you need to leave such a part of the stocking in the middle so that your foot fits there from toes to heels.

The toe part of the stockings is placed on smaller arches - insert your foot into the middle, adjust the toe and heel, grab the handles and lift it up, straightening the stocking along your leg.

  • Place the remaining part of the stocking, turning it inside out, over the smaller arches of the butler. The bottom of the stocking will create a pocket for the foot, and the remaining part should be put on from top to bottom with the wrong side out.
  • Insert your foot into the pocket opening and slide it through until you get the stocking up to your ankle. Check that the heel part of the product should coincide with your heel.
  • Grab the butler by the large arched handles.
  • Gently begin to lift the butler up your leg, straightening the stocking to the knee.
  • After the stocking is pulled up to the knee, remove the butler and continue to straighten the stocking all the way in small sections, straightening out the wrinkles.
  • Stand up, run your hands over your legs, check for wrinkles. If there are folds, straighten them by lifting the stocking up your leg in small sections.

How to wear compression stockings, tights and knee socks

Compression stockings, knee socks and tights are worn in the morning, in the first hours after waking up, when swelling has not yet appeared. If you can’t put on stockings before swelling appears, throw your legs vertically up on the wall and lie there for 10-15 minutes, this will help relieve swelling and put on knitwear.

Compression stockings are worn 5-8 hours a day and removed before bed. Take off your jersey before showering or swimming - you can put it back on when your feet are completely dry. During the day, you can spend half an hour or an hour without stockings, for example, if you urgently need to wash or change them.

You can sleep in compression stockings, but you don’t need to: there is no load on your legs during sleep, so there is no need for compression.

Your doctor will determine how long you need to wear compression stockings. Typically, compression hosiery is worn for 3 to 6 months in the initial stages of varicose veins, and in severe stages you will have to wear stockings for the rest of your life.

File your toenails and remove corns - this will help avoid snags and tears while wearing your knitwear.

Therefore, in order to notice changes in the condition in time, consult a phlebologist - he can stop wearing compression stockings or reduce the compression class if the condition improves.

How to choose compression stockings

Compression stockings: how to choose the size

To choose the size of compression stockings, accurately measure your legs.

You need to take measurements in the first half of the day, when swelling has not yet appeared - otherwise the measurements will show a larger size than necessary.

Be careful! An incorrect size will lead, at best, to a lack of compression effect, and at worst, to excessive compression of the vessels.

Measure the parameters from the picture below to select the size:

  • B - ankle circumference at the narrowest part;
  • C - circumference of the lower leg at the widest part;
  • D - shin circumference 2 centimeters (about 2 fingers) below the knee;
  • G - thigh circumference 5 centimeters below the groin;
  • AG - length from measurement G to foot.

Compare the measurements you receive with the size chart in the product description. If you get borderline values ​​or you are not sure about your choice, call us and our manager will help you choose the right size.

thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, initial stages of lymphostasis,

post-traumatic complications, arthrosis and arthritis, sprains and other diseases.

In addition, it is used during sports, providing a fixing and warming effect.

on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling.

Action: the stocking has a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels,

improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling, provides physiological muscle massage,

without reducing the natural plasticity of movements.

Due to the presence of natural components in the products, good air exchange and moisture absorption are ensured.

The stocking does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergic reactions, and does not lose its properties after repeated use.

Instructions for use: put on the stocking in the morning, lying down, gradually pull it on, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Product care: the stocking should be washed with mild detergents

at a temperature of 35-37ºC without strong friction. Squeeze without twisting.

Dry the product at room temperature.

It is not recommended to place it on heating devices or iron it.

Compound: cotton, polyamide, latex

Color: white

Production: LPP Pharm LLC, Smolensk

size table

Size Thigh circumference, cm Calf muscle circumference, cm

  • We use our feet mercilessly, mercilessly forcing ourselves to run all day long in heels. We eat incorrectly, either eating fast food, then going on a diet, or gaining weight again. And we try not to think about the fact that the body will almost certainly one day force you to pay the bills. This means that it is imperative to pay attention to compression stockings with a smack seam. Moreover, it is advisable to purchase at least one pair of such stockings even if you do not yet feel the need for them. After all, these stockings are not only an excellent treatment, but also an optimal preventive remedy for varicose veins, arthritis, thrombophlebitis and similar diseases.

Advantages of compression stockings with a pmk seam

  • Compression stockings with a smack seam have a lot of undeniable advantages. They are based on the fact that the product is made in full compliance with current GOST and other quality standards. The stockings are made from natural materials - cotton, polyamide and latex. And this means that:

  1. they provide the body with high heat transfer. Thanks to this, the legs in compression stockings with a smk seam are warm in cold weather and as comfortable as possible in warm weather;

  2. stockings guarantee an optimal fixing effect for the skin, soft tissues and, therefore, for the superficial blood vessels located in them;

  3. The product is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritation.

In addition, compression stockings with a pmk seam have a number of remarkable practical characteristics:

  • they are wear resistant. Even with prolonged wear, stockings do not lose either their medicinal properties or their presentation;

  • they are elastic and hold their shape perfectly;

  • they are soft and feel pleasant when in contact with the skin.

to thigh above knee

View: to the thigh, above the knee (over the knee)

Designed for: for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, the initial stages of lymphostasis, post-traumatic complications, arthrosis and arthritis, sprains and other diseases.

In addition, it is used during sports, providing a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling.

Action: The stocking has a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling, providing a physiological massage of the muscles without reducing the natural plasticity of movements.

Due to the presence of natural components in the products, good air exchange and moisture absorption are ensured. The stocking does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergic reactions, and does not lose its properties after repeated use.

Instructions for use: put on the stocking in the morning, lying down, gradually pull it on, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Product care: The stocking should be washed with mild detergents at a temperature of 35 - 37 ° C without strong friction. Squeeze without twisting. Dry the product at room temperature.

Compound: cotton 48%, latex 21%, polyamide 31%

Color: white

Production: LPP Pharm LLC, Smolensk

Circular knit compression stocking PCKV (up to the thigh), compression class III

View: up to the thigh

Designed for: for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, post-traumatic complications

Indications for use:

  • chronic venous insufficiency with dilated superficial veins;
  • varicose veins, spider veins;
  • phlebosclerosing treatment of varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  • swelling of the limbs after injury.


  • an additional “framework” is created for diseased veins, preventing them from stretching;
  • compression of the leg muscles and superficial veins leads to a reduction and displacement of the stagnant part of the blood. As a result, the pushing force of the muscular-venous system increases;
  • a decrease in the diameter of the vein leads to an acceleration of blood flow, facilitates and improves the condition of the vein valve;
  • acceleration of blood flow reduces blood viscosity, which in turn significantly reduces the likelihood of thrombosis;
  • compression of the muscles leads to increased absorption of intercellular fluid, an increase in the speed of lymph flow, which leads to a decrease in swelling and a decrease in pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Instructions for use: It is recommended to put on stockings in the morning, lying down, gradually pulling and stretching the folds until they completely fit the legs.

Select the size of the product in accordance with the indications in the attached table.

Contraindications: open wounds in the area of ​​the affected vessel, local skin diseases (dermatitis), allergic reactions to stocking materials.

Product care: hand wash at 35 - 37 ° C. Do not machine wash. Dry without wringing, away from heating devices and direct sunlight. Ironing the product is not recommended.

Compound: cotton 25%, elastane 15%, polyamide 60%

Color: cream, black

Production: LLC "Center Compress", Smolensk

The stocking is intended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, the initial stages of lymphostasis, post-traumatic complications, arthrosis and arthritis. Corresponds to compression class lll.

The stocking will have a fixing and warming effect on soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation and reducing tissue swelling, providing a physiological massage of the muscles without reducing the natural plasticity of movements. Due to the presence of natural components in the stocking, good air exchange and moisture absorption are ensured. The stocking does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergic reactions, and does not lose its properties after repeated use.

Put on the stocking in the morning, lying down, gradually pull it on, smoothing out the wrinkles.

The stocking should be washed with mild detergents at a temperature of 35-37 degrees without strong friction. Squeeze without twisting. Dry the stocking at room temperature. It is not recommended to place it on heating devices or iron it.

Composition: cotton 48%, latex 21%, polyamide 31%.

Manufacturer Russia