Pain in the neck when tilting the head back. What to do if your neck hurts when you turn your head

The first step is to identify the potential cause. Pain in the neck when tilting the head forward and back most often indicates fibromyalgia or pathological changes in the structure of the spinal column. It consists of vertebral bodies with spinous processes, intervertebral discs that provide shock absorption during movement and the spinal cord running inside the spinal canal. This substance is an essential part of the central nervous system. Through the lateral openings in the vertebrae, the radicular nerves, which are responsible for the innervation of certain areas of the body, depart from the spinal cord. As long as the intervertebral discs have sufficient shock-absorbing capacity, pinching of the radicular nerves during movement is not observed. With the development of protrusion and prolapse of cartilage tissue, radiculopathy may occur, provoking the development of pain.

Another common cause of neck pain when tilting the head forward and back is osteophytes, bone growths on the vertebral bodies that form in places of microscopic cracks. Osteophytes (or calcium deposits) can have a mechanical effect on both the radicular nerves and the spinal cord structures, causing myelopathy. Similar symptoms accompany a herniated disc in the cervical and thoracic spine.

The causes and treatment methods may vary, so it is important to promptly seek medical help and carry out differential diagnosis.

Neck pain when tilting your head back can be dangerous!

Very often, pain in the neck when tilting the head back occurs as a symptom of damage to brain structures. These can be such serious diseases as:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke);
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • brain tumors;
  • consequences of whiplash injuries of the neck with fractures and cracks of the spinous processes and vertebral bodies.

All these pathologies require an emergency medical response, since they threaten not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

This symptom can be dangerous if there are other signs of brain problems, such as headaches. dizziness. nausea and vomiting, decreased visual acuity, numbness of the limbs and much more.

Only an experienced doctor can distinguish meningeal symptoms from the manifestation of an attack of radiculopathy with pinching of the radicular nerves. Sometimes this requires a series of special studies (spinal tap, complete blood count, x-rays).

Cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by unilateral damage to only the upper extremities. The patient may have a numb hand on the side of the radicular nerve lesion, but the leg will not be affected and there will be no damage to the facial muscles (drooping of one corner of the lips, displacement of the tongue from the center) and there will be no manifestation of speech dysfunction.

In case of injuries in the area of ​​impact, hematoma and swelling are observed, palpation is sharply painful. With osteochondrosis, there is no swelling and hematomas; palpation reveals tension in the muscle fibers. Using these and other differential features, a preliminary diagnosis can be quickly established. If you experience neck pain when tilting your head back or forward, we recommend that you seek a free initial consultation with a specialist at our manual therapy clinic.

What to do if you have neck pain when you tilt your head forward or backward?

As mentioned above, pain in the neck when tilting the head forward or backward requires careful differential diagnosis using modern means of examining the patient. In complex cases, computed tomography and duplex scanning of the main blood vessels may be required.

Once the diagnosis is established, comprehensive treatment begins. For pathologies associated with damage to brain structures, our manual therapy clinic can provide assistance only during the rehabilitation period. In order to restore motor activity and muscle tone, massage courses are offered. reflexology. gymnastics with individual development of exercise complexes.

In case of damage to the spinal structures, we offer comprehensive treatment using the entire arsenal of manual therapy. This may be traction to relieve compression of the radicular nerves. In this case, the pain is relieved after the first session. Next, osteopathy is used. therapeutic massage and reflexology. All of them are aimed at restoring the physiological diffuse nutrition of cartilage tissue. After restoration of the shock-absorbing capacity of the intervertebral discs, attacks of pain in the neck when tilting the head forward or backward do not recur.

Now you understand what to do if such symptoms appear. First of all, examination and diagnosis. This is followed by comprehensive, adequate treatment aimed at eliminating the cause, and not pain as a symptom of pathology.

Trubnikov Vladislav Igorevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Neurologist, chiropractor, rehabilitation specialist, specialist in reflexology, physical therapy and therapeutic massage.

Savelyev Mikhail Yurievich

A chiropractor of the highest category, he has more than 25 years of experience.

Proficient in the methods of auriculo and corporal reflexology, pharmacopuncture, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. Perfectly applies osteopathy to both adults and children.

It hurts to tilt your head back and (and turn) to the right.

Vasilissa Orlova Master (1867), closed 6 years ago

Pain appears when tilting the head to the right (and turning) and back. Pain in the lower neck, closer to the right shoulder blade. What could this be from and what can I do to make the pain go away?

P.S. I don't recommend going to the doctor

Mhlu Oracle (59326) 6 years ago

GET RID OF PAIN IN THE NECK AREA easily and simply

Pain in the neck area can be very painful and long-lasting. Sometimes they become chronic. Now let’s simply and easily, once and for all, get rid of them using our own index finger (but it’s better to use the middle finger reinforced by the index finger). To do this, while sitting at the table, with the index finger of the right hand, elbow on the table, we examine the muscles of the neck on the right. If a painful muscle is detected, we knead and massage it day after day until the pain completely disappears. Perhaps some will find soreness on the vertebrae themselves, which should also be rubbed. We'll do the same on the left side of the neck. Relief can be felt within ten minutes. When getting rid of neck pain, it is advisable to pay attention to the occipital protuberances; if they are painful, massage them using your thumb.

In cases where you experience unbearable, terrible pain, from which there is no escape, comparable to toothache, you need to use a “dry needle” puncture. Methodology: the center of pain is located, the most painful point on the body, the skin in the painful area is treated with an alcohol injection solution. To treat the skin, in the absence of an alcohol solution for injection, any 75% tincture or formic or boric alcohol is used. With a sterile needle from 2 ml. A syringe is used to puncture the skin, the needle is immersed to a depth of 1.5 centimeters and immediately removed. If necessary, several more punctures can be made. When choosing the right puncture site, the pain instantly subsides. After a puncture, massage in this area is especially effective.

Source: Doctor, 25 years of successful massage practice.

Irina Guru (2504) 6 years ago

If you suppress an occipital or neck headache with pills, after a while it returns again. Even stronger and, as always, at the wrong time. Without taking proper measures, the pain becomes chronic and interferes with life. Find out how site readers cope with a penny product.

3 Treatment methods

Do you still find it difficult to overcome occipital headaches?

  • You suffer from attacks of occipital headaches
  • Hit the back of the head with a sledgehammer or pull the neck muscles
  • Do you sometimes feel nauseous and dizzy when you have a headache?
  • Everything starts to irritate me, it becomes impossible to work!
  • Do you take out your irritability on your loved ones and colleagues?

Stop putting up with this, you can’t wait any longer, delaying treatment. Read what Elena Malysheva advises and find out how to get rid of these problems.

Pain when tilting head

Pain when tilting the head is the occurrence of pain when a person tilts his head in different directions. It is noteworthy that the pain can be localized in different places. In almost all cases, symptoms develop against the background of an already existing or just developing disease. This clinical manifestation occurs in people of any age and gender.

Pain syndrome in the vast majority of cases acts as the first symptom, against the background of which other clinical signs develop. Symptoms will differ depending on what served as the etiological factor.

Despite the fact that pain when tilting the head is a rather specific symptom, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on such a sign alone. It is because of this that diagnostics are necessary to identify the source.

Treatment, as well as symptoms, will differ depending on the cause of the underlying symptom.


A large number of predisposing factors can cause pain when tilting the head, which will differ depending on where the pain is directed.

Thus, neck pain when tilting the head forward or to the sides can be caused by:

  • stretching of the neck muscles;
  • spondylosis – formed against the background of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae. The appearance of osteophytes, which are growths of bones along their edges, is often observed;
  • discogenic pain syndrome – develops due to disturbances in the structure of one or more vertebral discs;
  • subluxations of the facet joints, which are located along the edges of the intervertebral discs and most often lead to pain in the neck when moving the head;
  • neck injuries, after which seals form that interfere with movements;
  • abnormal calcification;
  • spondylogenic myelopathy;
  • radiculopathy of the neck.

Pain in the head when bending forward or backward, as well as to the left or right can be caused by:

  • migraine;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms in the nose;
  • spondylosis or cervical osteochondrosis;
  • arterial hypertension - this factor can cause headaches when tilting the head down;
  • sinusitis;
  • barotrauma - this reason most often leads to pain in the forehead.

The appearance of pain in the back of the head when tilting the head is often influenced by:

  • damage to the cervical spine by pathologies such as spondylitis, subluxations and sprains;
  • cervical spondylosis;
  • muscle tightening in the cervical spine;
  • hypertension;
  • staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

Reasons why your forehead or temple hurts when you tilt your head back:

  • injuries to this area - in addition to fractures, abrasions, bruises and wounds, this also includes a concussion;
  • the course of inflammatory processes - this category of etiological factors includes influenza, malaria, encephalitis and meningitis;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system - migraine, neuroses and trigeminal neuralgia.

Back pain when tilting your head can be caused by:

Similar reasons also lead to pain in the lower back when tilting the head forward or in other directions.

Ear pain when tilting your head most often occurs due to:

It is worth noting that pain can occur in one ear canal or in both ears.

Pain in the bridge of the nose can be caused by:

If chest pain occurs when a person tries to bend over, this may be due to intercostal neuralgia, which is better known as “thoracalgia.”

Pain in the tailbone when tilting the head can be caused by similar reasons as the sensation of pain in the lumbar region. However, additional factors are considered to be:

Toothache when moving the head very often occurs due to the eruption of wisdom teeth.


The nature of the pain will differ depending on what disease served as the trigger for the expression of such a symptom. The pain when tilting the head can be both sharp and aching, dagger-like or strong, paroxysmal or constant. The increase in the intensity of pain can be influenced by a large number of factors, ranging from the influence of stressful situations and ending with the consumption of certain foods. In addition, they can occur regardless of the time of day.

Very often, pain in the back of the neck, as with any other location, can be accompanied by:

Patients should note that any clinical manifestations may be individual.


Establishing the source of pain in the occipital areas, as well as in the lower back, back, auricle and any other location when tilting the head requires an integrated approach.

It follows from this that diagnostic measures will include:

  • a detailed survey of the patient - to compile a complete symptomatic picture, determine the time of appearance and intensity of expression of the main symptom or additional signs;
  • the clinician’s examination of the patient’s medical history and life history;
  • objective examination - to clarify the localization of pain when the head is tilted;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine - to monitor the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as to identify signs of inflammatory, infectious or any other pathological process;
  • instrumental examinations of the patient, among which ultrasound, radiography and CT come to the fore.

After the therapist examines all the results of the examination, he will refer the patient for consultation with a more specialized specialist, for example, an ENT doctor, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist and other doctors. After reviewing the data of the initial examination, additional laboratory and instrumental examinations may be prescribed.


The main therapy will be aimed at eliminating the cause of pain when tilting the head. Conservative treatment may include:

  • taking medications;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • therapeutic massage or exercise therapy;
  • use of alternative medicine.

The issue of surgical intervention is decided individually for each patient.


There are no specific preventive measures to prevent the appearance of the main symptom. This is due to the fact that pain when tilting the head is only a clinical sign, and not a separate pathology.

All people need to do is lead a healthy and active lifestyle, seek medical help if alarming symptoms appear, and undergo a complete preventive medical examination several times a year.

“Pain when tilting the head” is observed in diseases:

An ordinary runny nose can develop in a short period into more complex types of diseases, but people are accustomed to not paying due attention to such problems. “It will go away on its own, I just put some drops in my nose!” - Almost all people think so. And only when a complication of nasal breathing or persistent nasal congestion occurs do people rush to the clinic to avoid these symptoms.

Plexitis is an inflammatory process of large nerve plexuses, in particular the cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral. The disease affects people of absolutely any age category, which is why it is often diagnosed in babies in the first months of life. If you do not seek help from a specialist or receive improper treatment, the disease can cause loss of performance and disability. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), this disorder has its own code, depending on the nature of development - G 54, G 55, M 50 and M 51.

A complex of symptoms indicating a violation of cerebral circulation that occurs against the background of compression of one or more blood arteries through which blood flows to the brain is vertebral artery syndrome. The disease was first described back in 1925 by famous French doctors who studied the symptoms accompanying cervical osteochondrosis. Then it occurred mainly in elderly patients, but today the disease has become “younger” and its symptoms are increasingly found in 30, and sometimes 20-year-old young people.

What is frontitis? This is a pathological process accompanied by an inflammatory process in the frontal paranasal sinus. The formation of inflammation occurs in the mucous membrane, which is located in the frontal sinus. This disease has another name – frontal sinusitis. Of all types of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis has the most severe form.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

Cervicalgia: pain in the neck when tilting the head forward and to the sides

Pain in the neck when tilting the head forward, backward and to the sides is called cervicalgia and is considered the most common pain syndrome among all known. More than 10% of the world's population has experienced it to a greater or lesser extent.

Main reasons

When neck pain occurs, not every doctor is able to immediately determine the cause. Even modern diagnostics do not always give a clear answer to the question about the factors that led to the development of the syndrome. Today, the main conditions that can cause pain in the cervical vertebrae are:

  1. Neck muscle strain. Most often it appears as a result of constant stress placed on the neck area due to incorrect posture, lack of sleep or psychological stress. The feeling of pain in the upper part of the shoulder girdle and stiffness can last up to 1.5 months.
  2. Spondylosis of the neck. It develops as a result of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae and is characterized by the appearance of osteophytes - bone growths along their edges. Osteophytes affect the tissues surrounding them. The pathology can be accompanied not only by neck pain, but also by weakness, numbness of the upper extremities, limited neck mobility and headaches.
  3. Discogenic pain syndrome. Caused by disturbances in the structure of one or more spinal discs. The most intense syndrome is observed when the head is in one position for a long time - when working at a computer or driving a car. May be accompanied by radiation to the shoulders or arms, muscle stiffness and muscle spasms.
  4. Subluxations of the facet joints. The joints located at the edges of the intervertebral discs are often the source of neck pain and headaches. The development of pathology is caused by whiplash injuries or activities associated with frequent flexion and extension of the neck. The main symptom is pain along the side of the neck or in its middle. They often appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, or base of the skull.
  5. Pain syndrome in a single muscle, or myofascial. It is characterized by the presence of compactions that are painful when pressing on the neck. Often develops as a result of trauma, depression or psychological stress.
  6. Whiplash injury. These types of injuries include injuries to the neck due to sudden hyperextension (movement back and forth) during an accident and other similar situations. Characterized by severe pain, decreased neck mobility and muscle spasms.
  7. Abnormal calcification. The result of this condition in the tendons and ligaments of the cervical spine is diffuse skeletal hyperostosis, affecting the structure of the tissues. They become denser, which leads to pain, stiffness and limited mobility.
  8. Spondylogenic myelopathy. It occurs as a result of degenerative changes in the spinal column, leading to narrowing of the spinal cord canal. As the disease progresses, neurological disorders may occur, accompanied by headaches, neck pain and other symptoms.
  9. Radiculopathy of the neck. Occurs when the nerve endings located in the immediate vicinity of the spinal column are irritated, due to protrusion (intervertebral hernia) or spinal cysts. Typically, pain in the neck and head is accompanied by weakness, numbness and sensory disturbances in the upper extremities.

Types of neck pain

Cervicalgia manifests itself not only when the head is tilted back, forward and to the sides, but also in a static position of the neck. As a rule, the pain intensifies with movement.

In especially severe cases, severe and acute pain is noted, accompanied by swallowing problems, dizziness and enlarged lymph nodes.

Often neck pain occurs in combination with pain in the face, head or shoulders. Paresthesia of the upper extremities may occur, manifested by tingling and numbness in the shoulder girdle.

As a rule, the combination of neck pain and these symptoms indicates pinching (compression) of the nerve roots.

The localization of pain depends on the type of sensory fibers located next to the nerve endings that have been pinched: for example, exposure to the roots and fibers responsible for the sensitivity of the occipital region causes cervical pain radiating to the back of the head.

If the neck hurts due to ankylosing spondylitis, the pain syndrome will spread to the upper back or lower back, which is caused by the inflammatory process in all parts of the spinal column.

Treatment methods

In most cases, cervicalgia is treated conservatively. Therapy methods include:

  • drug treatment - Naproxen, Voltaren, Ibuprofen are prescribed; in the presence of muscle spasms, antidepressants or muscle relaxants are used;
  • manual therapy, which eliminates pinched nerve endings and eliminates defects in the position of facet joints;
  • massage - improves blood supply to muscles, relieves spasms;
  • acupuncture - restores the conductivity of nerve fibers, relieves pain;
  • therapeutic exercises - restores the muscle corset;
  • physiotherapy - eliminates pain;
  • injections into pain points - relevant for severe myofascial pain.

In some cases, the use of orthopedic products, in particular cervical collars, is prescribed, which successfully cope with severe pain. The most important use of collars is for the treatment of radiculopathy and whiplash injuries. In addition, it is recommended to use orthopedic pillows that allow the neck to take the correct physiological position during sleep.

Surgical intervention is indicated only in cases where treatment has proven ineffective, or in the presence of neurological symptoms (for herniated discs, myelopathy).

Neck pain when tilting your head forward or backward

The cervical spine is complex in its anatomical structure and is very vulnerable. The neck contains a large number of nerve fibers responsible for the conduction of impulses to the upper body, and many important blood vessels that supply nutrition to the brain. There are many causes of neck pain.

  1. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structures of the spine (vertebral bodies, spinous processes, articular surfaces, intervertebral discs). The most common pathology is osteochondrosis.
  2. Infectious diseases that cause progressive arthritis or arthropathy (inflammatory processes in the joint parts of the spine).
  3. Neck injuries, muscle and ligament sprains, vertebral compression fractures.

Neck injuries should be discussed separately. Pain when tilting the head forward or backward can be caused by an injury received at birth - subluxation of the cervical vertebra. In childhood, the pathology may not have been diagnosed due to the high adaptability of the body - the subluxation was compensated and did not manifest itself. But with age, a number of degenerative changes occur, which leads to an exacerbation of the condition. Subluxation of the cervical vertebra can be caused not only by birth trauma, but also by other reasons:

  • vertical impact of the head on a hard surface (especially typical for those who like to dive);
  • whiplash injury (sudden, powerful movement back and forth, typical of an accident);
  • incorrect execution of a tuck when falling or somersaulting;
  • a fall accompanied by a sharp turn of the head.

In addition, myofascial syndrome becomes a common cause of neck pain when tilting the head. It is characterized by pain in the neck muscles even at rest, the inability to tilt the head, and limited mobility. On palpation (pressure), severe pressing pain occurs. Myofascial syndrome can occur against the background of hypothermia, severe stress, depression, or be a consequence of a neck injury.

More rare causes of neck pain include:

  1. Meningitis - the pain in the neck is sharp, severe, the muscles are tense and constrained, so it is almost impossible to throw your head back or bend forward. But meningitis is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, severe headaches, excessive sensitivity to sounds and light, so stiffness of the neck muscles is only a characteristic feature.
  2. Fibromyalgia is characterized by diffuse pain throughout the entire body. When you tilt your head back or forward, the pain in the neck intensifies and a feeling of aching appears. When bending forward, the pain is localized in the upper part of the occipital region of the neck and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and when throwing the head back - above and below the collarbone.

Pinched nerve root is called radiculopathy, and acute pain in the neck (regardless of etiology and pathogenesis) is called cervicalgia. These concepts should not be confused, since cervicalgia can be caused by pathologies in muscle tissue, and radiculopathy (radicular syndrome) is provoked exclusively by pathological changes in the structures of the spine.

Pain when bending head forward

When the head is tilted forward, the vertebral bodies come closer together and the spinous processes diverge. If degenerative changes occur in the intervertebral discs (decreased thickness, decreased elasticity, loss of firmness), then tilting the head forward may be accompanied by severe pain in the neck. This is due to excessive friction of the vertebral bodies against each other.

In addition, with changes in the intervertebral discs, the overall height of the spinal column (in this case in the neck area) decreases, which leads to pinching of the spinal nerves that extend from the spinal cord through the intervertebral foramina. The spinal nerves of the neck provide innervation to the organs and tissues located in it, the conduction of nerve impulses to the upper limbs and skin, and provide direct and reverse contacts (using the nervous network) from the brain and sensory organs: eyes, ears, nasal and oral cavities.

Pain when bending back

When the head is pulled back, the area of ​​the intervertebral discs, located on the side of the vertebral bodies, is stretched. And increased pressure is exerted on the area of ​​the intervertebral discs from the spinous processes. If reclining occurs abruptly, it can cause injury to the intervertebral disc. This will cause severe pain and temporary inability to tilt your head back. In addition, protrusion of the intervertebral disc and the development of a hernia are possible.

Another cause of pain in the neck when tilting the head back is considered to be a fracture of the spinous processes. The fracture can be expressed by a crack or fracture of the tip of the spinous process, but in any case the victim will experience severe pain, especially when trying to throw back the head.

The cervical vertebrae are unique in structure: on the sides there are processes with oval openings in which the vertebral veins are located. The lateral processes of the vertebrae are quite fragile, so when the neck is injured, they are often damaged (fracture or crack). Partial and complete fractures of the lateral vertebrae are fraught with displacement of the fragments, which leads to compression of the vertebral arteries. The fragments can dig into the surrounding soft tissue, causing severe pain, especially when trying to move.

After any injury to the cervical spine, you must seek medical help. An X-ray examination will help rule out vertebral fractures. If a fracture is detected, surgery may be required. The sooner a fracture is detected, the more successful the treatment will be!

Pain in the neck when tilting the head forward, backward and to the sides is called cervicalgia and is considered the most common pain syndrome among all known. More than 10% of the world's population has experienced it to a greater or lesser extent.

When neck pain occurs, not every doctor is able to immediately determine the cause. Even modern diagnostics do not always give a clear answer to the question about the factors that led to the development of the syndrome. Today, the main conditions that can cause pain in the cervical vertebrae are:

  1. Neck muscle strain. Most often it appears as a result of constant stress placed on the neck area due to incorrect posture, lack of sleep or psychological stress. The feeling of pain in the upper part of the shoulder girdle and stiffness can last up to 1.5 months.
  2. Spondylosis of the neck. It develops as a result of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae and is characterized by the appearance of osteophytes - bone growths along their edges. Osteophytes affect the tissues surrounding them. The pathology can be accompanied not only by neck pain, but also by weakness, numbness of the upper extremities, limited neck mobility and headaches.
  3. Discogenic pain syndrome. Caused by disturbances in the structure of one or more spinal discs. The most intense syndrome is observed when the head is in one position for a long time - when working at a computer or driving a car. May be accompanied by radiation to the shoulders or arms, muscle stiffness and muscle spasms.
  4. Subluxations of the facet joints. The joints located at the edges of the intervertebral discs are often the source of neck pain and headaches. The development of pathology is caused by whiplash injuries or activities associated with frequent flexion and extension of the neck. The main symptom is pain along the side of the neck or in its middle. They often appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, or base of the skull.
  5. Pain syndrome in a single muscle, or myofascial. It is characterized by the presence of compactions that are painful when pressing on the neck. Often develops as a result of trauma, depression or psychological stress.
  6. Whiplash injury. These types of injuries include injuries to the neck due to sudden hyperextension (movement back and forth) during an accident and other similar situations. Characterized by severe pain, decreased neck mobility and muscle spasms.
  7. Abnormal calcification. The result of this condition in the tendons and ligaments of the cervical spine is diffuse skeletal hyperostosis, affecting the structure of the tissues. They become denser, which leads to pain, stiffness and limited mobility.
  8. Spondylogenic myelopathy. It occurs as a result of degenerative changes in the spinal column, leading to narrowing of the spinal cord canal. As the disease progresses, neurological disorders may occur, accompanied by headaches, neck pain and other symptoms.
  9. Radiculopathy of the neck. Occurs when the nerve endings located in the immediate vicinity of the spinal column are irritated, due to protrusion (intervertebral hernia) or spinal cysts. Typically, pain in the neck and head is accompanied by weakness, numbness and sensory disturbances in the upper extremities.

Cervicalgia manifests itself not only when the head is tilted back, forward and to the sides, but also in a static position of the neck. As a rule, the pain intensifies with movement.

In especially severe cases, severe and acute pain is noted, accompanied by swallowing problems, dizziness and enlarged lymph nodes.

Often neck pain occurs in combination with pain in the face, head or shoulders. Paresthesia of the upper extremities may occur, manifested by tingling and numbness in the shoulder girdle.


As a rule, the combination of neck pain and these symptoms indicates pinching (compression) of the nerve roots.

The localization of pain depends on the type of sensory fibers located next to the nerve endings that have been pinched: for example, exposure to the roots and fibers responsible for the sensitivity of the occipital region causes cervical pain radiating to the back of the head.

If the neck hurts due to ankylosing spondylitis, the pain syndrome will spread to the upper back or lower back, which is caused by the inflammatory process in all parts of the spinal column.

Treatment methods

In most cases, cervicalgia is treated conservatively. Therapy methods include:

  • drug treatment - Naproxen, Voltaren, Ibuprofen are prescribed; in the presence of muscle spasms, antidepressants or muscle relaxants are used;
  • manual therapy, which eliminates pinched nerve endings and eliminates defects in the position of facet joints;
  • massage – improves blood supply to muscles, relieves spasms;
  • acupuncture – restores the conductivity of nerve fibers, relieves pain;
  • therapeutic exercises – restores the muscle corset;
  • physiotherapy – eliminates pain;
  • injections into pain points – relevant for severe myofascial pain.

In some cases, the use of orthopedic products, in particular cervical collars, is prescribed, which successfully cope with severe pain. The most important use of collars is for the treatment of radiculopathy and whiplash injuries. In addition, it is recommended to use orthopedic pillows that allow the neck to take the correct physiological position during sleep.

Surgical intervention is indicated only in cases where treatment has proven ineffective, or in the presence of neurological symptoms (for herniated discs, myelopathy).

It keeps the head balanced and also contains important nerve fibers and blood vessels that supply the brain.

In some cases, there may be pain in the neck when tilting the head forward or backward.


There are many reasons that can cause pain in the neck when tilting the head. And this does not always indicate the presence of pathology. Unpleasant sensations can develop when a person is in a stationary position for a long time, during which muscle hypertonicity develops. Also, one should not exclude drafts and strong winds outside, which can pass through the muscles, causing stiffness when bending or turning the head.

The most common diseases are:

  1. Cervical spondylosis is determined by the presence of degenerative processes in the vertebrae of the cervical spine, due to which bone tissue grows in the form of osteophytes.
  2. Cervical radiculitis is due to damage to the nerve roots.
  3. Neck muscle myositis is an inflammatory process of muscle tissue.
  4. Spinal injuries that result in a violation of the integrity of the vertebrae and their displacement relative to the vertical axis.
  5. Muscle strains - develop with sudden movements, as well as a decrease in the level of collagen and elastin in the body, due to the lack of which the muscle fiber loses its elasticity and is easily injured.

Determining what exactly causes pain when throwing your head back is not easy.

Radiculopathy of the neck

This complex disease includes a number of symptoms that appear when the nerve roots are pinched by the vertebrae of the cervical spine. Accompanied by an inflammatory process of soft tissues, swelling and acute, stifling pain. Radiculitis occurs in the neck extremely rarely; its causes may be:

  • systemic diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • vasculitis;
  • herpes zoster;
  • colds.

The pain is sharp, stifling, shooting. Accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • numbness of the limbs, loss of sensitivity in the fingers;
  • frequent headache, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • stiffness of movement, especially when tilting the head;
  • weakness.

Painful sensations intensify at the slightest turn of the head, as well as when sneezing, coughing and taking a deep breath.

Back of the neck, head, shoulders, upper limbs.

To make an accurate diagnosis, after collecting anamnesis and assessing clinical manifestations, the patient is referred to hardware diagnostics, which consists of procedures such as:

  1. X-ray - helps to visualize the presence of curvature of the vertebrae, as well as possible pinching of the nerve roots.
  2. Computed tomography provides more opportunities, since it shows in detail the condition of the vertebrae, the degree of compression of the nerve roots, as well as further prognosis.
  3. Electromyography - a small electrical impulse is applied to the cervical spine, assessing the performance and conductivity of nerve endings, through the contraction of those muscles for the innervation of which the nerve is responsible.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most detailed diagnostic method, allowing us to examine even the most minor injuries and injuries.

The goal of therapy is to eliminate the root cause of the disease, as well as relieve existing consequences in the form of pain, swelling and inflammation of soft tissues. Drug therapy includes:

  1. NSAIDs – reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process, relieving acute pain.
  2. Muscle relaxants - allow you to relieve muscle hypertonicity by relaxing them.
  3. Analgesics and hormonal injections into the intervertebral space.
  4. Drugs that stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve cells.
  5. Vitamin complexes (B vitamins) help speed up the healing process.

Physiotherapy is also highly effective:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage and gymnastics.

Spondylogenic myelopathy

This pathology is explained by the presence of irritation of the spinal cord when it is compressed in the spinal canal, which occurs due to destructive processes in the cervical vertebrae. Most often, the disease is preceded by arthrosis and osteochondrosis, with the progression of which there is a violation of the integrity of the intervertebral discs, as well as their compression in the spinal cord area.

Aching and tingling pain in the neck, which spreads to the shoulders and head. A person practically cannot move his head, and any turns or bends provoke intense pain, which is difficult to relieve with analgesics. In addition to pain, clinical manifestations such as:

  • numbness of the limbs, decreased sensitivity;
  • impaired fine motor skills;
  • feeling of “pins and needles” in the shoulders and neck;
  • convulsions;
  • crunching and clicking when tilting the head down;
  • loss of strength in the hands;
  • memory impairment and mental impairment.

Neck, head and shoulders.

Detection of pathology by clinical signs is impossible, since the manifested picture is very similar to other diseases, including spondylolisthesis and osteochondrosis. Diagnostics is based on “three pillars”:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging - shows the condition of the cervical spine, the level of compression, as well as the degree of damage to the nerve endings.
  2. X-ray - helps to assess the degree of damage to the vertebrae, as well as assess the level of their compression.
  3. Myelography shows which nerves are damaged, as well as the extent of the disease itself.

Myelopathy is extremely difficult to cure. For this use:

  1. Drug therapy helps reduce pain. Analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants are used.
  2. Physiotherapy – accelerates the regeneration process. The most effective methods are shock wave therapy, magnetic therapy and reflexology.
  3. Wearing a cervical collar, which reduces the degree of compression. In this case, it is important to wear it exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Wearing a collar beyond the recommended time may have the opposite effect in the form of weakening of the neck muscles.

The damaged area of ​​the vertebra is excised, and the bulging disc is replaced with an implant and placed in the correct anatomical location.

Abnormal calcification

Calcium is the main component of bone tissue. When there is not enough of it, bones become looser, their density decreases and the risk of fracture increases. The opposite condition is no less dangerous - calcification, when there is so much calcium that it begins to accumulate in the connective tissue. As a result, the ligamentous apparatus becomes denser, and its mobility sharply decreases.

The pain is dull, aching. The patient feels stiffness of movement, as well as the inability to fully tilt and tilt the head back.

The back and sides of the neck, shoulders.

The pathology is diagnosed using radiography, which shows that the vertebrae are in normal condition, and the ligamentous apparatus is damaged. To clarify the diagnosis and identify foci of calcification, MRI or CT is used. If there is numbness in the extremities, myelography is required, since there is a high probability of damage to the nerve fibers.

In the presence of pronounced pain syndrome, intra-articular blockades are used, when an anesthetic substance is injected directly into the intervertebral space, which allows for an immediate effect. Further treatment is based on taking NSAIDs and muscle relaxants, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • novocaine electrophoresis.


The pathology is characterized by damage to the intervertebral joints and ligaments, which develops as a result of a sharp and lightning-fast movement of the head back and forth, the trajectory of which resembles the movement of a whip. Most often, whiplash injury occurs when:

  • sports and related injuries and falls;
  • car accident;
  • when diving into water;
  • when falling from a height.

The entire mechanism for the development of whiplash injury can be described as follows: when receiving mechanical force, the neck muscles tense as much as possible, and the body itself, by inertia, moves in the opposite direction.

The pain is acute, stifling, often causing the development of painful shock. Symptoms include:

  • loss of sensation in the arms and legs;
  • feeling of warmth in the neck and back of the head;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disruption of the functioning of the entire body, up to cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing.

The source of pain is in the cervical region, but the pain itself can cover the entire body.

The danger of whiplash injury, if the degree of damage is insignificant, is that its first signs do not develop immediately. This fact poses a mortal threat, since against the background of shock a person may not feel pain, which will further aggravate the situation. Patients are required to undergo X-rays to assess the condition of the vertebrae. If necessary, MRI and CT can be used.

First aid consists of immobilizing the neck, which is achieved by wearing an orthopedic collar that relieves compression. Next, drug therapy is carried out aimed at relieving the source of pain, as well as regenerating damaged areas of the cervical spine. Acute pain is relieved with narcotic analgesics, since simple analgesics are not able to produce the desired effect. Further, according to the scheme, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants and vitamin complexes are used. If mental instability develops, antipsychotics and sedatives may be prescribed.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy promote rapid regeneration, as well as blood flow to the head.

Pain syndrome in a single muscle

Myofascial syndrome is one of the most mysterious diseases, which no one has been able to fully study before. It is explained by the presence of an acute spasm of the muscle fiber, which causes acute stifling pain not only at the site of the spasm itself, but also along the location of the muscle fiber. The main reason for the development of this pathology is failures in the conduction of nerve fibers. When the impulse is chaotic, the muscle stops performing its usual functions, contracting where it shouldn’t.

The pain is spastic, sharp, and constricting. It can develop against the background of severe hypothermia of the body, the unstable psycho-emotional nature of the person’s environment, as well as in the presence of concomitant pathologies of the central nervous system.

The area of ​​the entire spine, with a predominance of trigger points in the cervical region.

To identify pathologies in the conduction of nerve impulses and spontaneous muscle contraction, electromyelography is used, the results of which are supported by radiography, ultrasound, MRI and CT.

Treatment in this case covers two tasks at once: to alleviate the patient’s condition here and now, as well as to identify and eliminate the root cause of pain. To relieve acute pain, NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids are used.

Subluxations of the facet joints

Subluxation of the facet joint is one of the consequences of a whiplash injury, when, with strong mechanical movement, the head falls into dissonance with the body. Subluxation is dangerous because it is extremely difficult to diagnose, and the meager symptoms and absence of pronounced pain lead to the patient suffering for a long time, seeing a doctor only in the last stages of progression of the disease.

The pain is aching, sometimes shooting. Appears exclusively when tilting the head.

Inner part of the neck, side outer part, head, shoulders, shoulder blades.

Since this pathology is quite difficult to diagnose, the patient is recommended to undergo an MRI, where the presence of subluxation will be most accurately determined, as well as the degree of compression of nearby nerve roots.

Drug therapy is aimed at reducing pain, using drugs such as:

  1. NSAIDs: Nurofen, Ibuklin, Ibuprofen, Naklofen.
  2. Vitamin complexes and chondroprotectors.
  3. Non-opioid analgesics.

Wearing a fixing collar, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures, are highly effective. Massage helps restore nutrition to damaged cells, and exercise helps return the facet joint to its usual place.

Discogenic pain syndrome

In this case, the pain occurs due to the displacement of the intervertebral disc, which is located between the vertebrae of the spine. There are a lot of reasons for this: from physical exertion to prolonged positioning of the head in a motionless state. People with osteochondrosis and arthrosis are at risk, which contributes to an increase in compression between the vertebrae, which is the root cause of the development of disc protrusion and the development of intervertebral hernia.

The pain is sharp, tingling and piercing. Intensifies when moving the head.

To identify discogenic pain syndrome, radiography is performed, which shows the presence of protrusion of the disc beyond the intervertebral space.

In this case, it is important to fix the neck in a stationary position, and then begin drug therapy aimed at reducing pain, inflammation and irritation of the nerve roots.

Spondylosis of the neck

The pathology is explained by the presence of destructive processes in the bone tissue of the cervical vertebrae, as a result of which they are deformed. One of the reasons may be calcification, when bone growths form on the surface of the vertebrae, limiting the mobility of the cervical spine.

The pain is aching, and when you turn or tilt your head, a characteristic crunch and click appears. Symptoms such as:

  • swelling and redness of the soft tissues of the neck;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • memory problems.

Neck and shoulder region.

The presence of bone growths is clearly visualized on an x-ray, but for a more detailed study of their parameters, causes of occurrence and rate of formation, MRI is used.

In this case, drug therapy can exclusively relieve pain. Bone growths can only be removed through surgery. One of the non-surgical treatment options is shock wave therapy, but its effectiveness appears only in the initial stages of disease progression.

Neck muscle strain

Muscle strain occurs when a person constantly experiences increased physical activity, while his body lacks elastin and collagen. These two important protein components, which are part of connective tissue, provide the ability of muscles to stretch under load, returning to their normal position. Neck muscle strain is a borderline condition that occurs both in those who abuse physical activity and in those who completely ignore it. Nutrition plays an important role.

Aching, pulling, constraining.

Neck and shoulder area.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an initial examination, as well as x-rays, which excludes the possibility of developing concomitant pathologies of the bone tissue of the spine.

Use creams and ointments containing NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Naklofen, Nimid), dry heat, and rest.

Many people have noticed that they wake up in the morning in the same position in which they fell asleep. The result is neck pain. The fact is that in the absence of movement during sleep, all metabolic processes slow down, so there is a high probability of developing cramps and numbness of the limbs. The neck suffers no less. Morning neck pain indicates muscle spasm.

Shackling, aching, shooting. The pain intensifies when tilting the head or turning it.

The diagnosis can be made independently without any special knowledge and skills, by comparing what is happening with the symptoms that are manifested. To confirm it, you can take an x-ray to make sure there are no pathologies in the cervical spine.

Warming ointments and creams that are applied to the sore spot will help you get rid of pain in 3-5 days.

Other reasons

Also, neck pain when tilting the head back or forward can be caused by:

  • incorrect posture and the presence of curvature of the spine in the cervical region;
  • lifting weights and exercising beyond normal limits;
  • inflammatory process in the lymph nodes;
  • torticollis;
  • meningitis and other viral diseases that affect muscle structures;
  • brain tumors;
  • cervical cyst;
  • thyroiditis.

In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

In some situations, delays in receiving qualified help can be very costly for a person. Do not delay diagnosis if:

  • pain appears at the same time;
  • the pain is so severe that dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur;
  • on the painful side of the neck a thickening appears, which upon palpation gives severe pain;
  • the back of the head is burning, and the neck has increased in size;
  • inability to turn the head, and tilting it back worsens vision.

Long-term pain tolerance, as well as taking painkillers, can eliminate the discomfort only for a certain period, but in general this does not solve the problem.

First aid

The patient should be provided with rest, since neck pain is often accompanied by a headache. You can do a light massage of the collar area by rubbing it with pain-relieving ointments based on NSAIDs. If pain persists and there is no relief, immediate consultation with a specialist is indicated.

Thus, neck pain when tilting the head forward or backward can occur both after an uncomfortable position during sleep, and in the presence of serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal and muscular system. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as some diseases can be masked, showing identical symptoms.

Be sure to watch the video on this topic

Editor and expert of the site Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years of experience. City clinic, Smolensk. Graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I really love my profession.

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Causes of neck pain when turning the head and methods of treatment

Pain in the neck when turning the head is an unpleasant phenomenon that often worries not only older people, but also adults and even teenagers. How to determine exactly where it occurs: in the cervical vertebrae or neck muscles; What treatment is needed to get rid of this symptom, what could be the reasons? You can read about all this in this article.

Causes of neck pain

Neck pain when turning the head can occur for various reasons. Sometimes the onset of the disease is very difficult to distinguish from excessive physical activity and prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable body position. However, the most common reasons are:

  • Neck pain arising from osteochondrosis. A disease that occurs due to reasons that are still not fully understood. There is an opinion that hard physical labor, uncomfortable body position that is not changed for hours, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition are the main causes of osteochondrosis. This disease is associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the spine, and most often the vertebrae of the neck are affected. Unpleasant sensations occur when moving the head to the left or right, or when tilting it. Inflammation that occurs inside the neck leads to thinning of the cartilage discs. The gap between the vertebrae becomes so large that they have no choice but to rub against each other, causing suffering to the person.
  • Neck pain that occurs when turning the head can occur due to incorrect position of the body and neck during sleep. This problem is common and is most often associated with an incorrectly selected mattress or pillow, or the abuse of feather beds that are too soft. Neck pain may bother you during the first half of the day; as a rule, in the afternoon or after morning exercises, the discomfort goes away.
  • Pain arising from mechanical damage to the neck. All bruises, falls, sudden turns of the head negatively affect the condition of the spine. Most often in such cases, the muscles are affected, but cases of damage to the vertebrae and even the spinal cord are not uncommon. Displacement of the vertebrae or muscle spasms after injuries cause discomfort in the neck when turning the head to the right or left.
  • Neck pain arising from radiculitis of the cervical-brachial region is popularly called “blown”. This is exactly the feeling that suddenly arises in the morning, when acute and sharp neuralgia of the neck does not allow you to get out of bed, pierces and takes your breath away. Often this symptom is accompanied by numbness and tingling in the upper extremities.
  • Pain due to scalene muscle syndrome. The scalene muscle is a muscle of the neck that is the largest in the cervicothoracic region. Unregulated physical activity leads to its inflammation and increase in size. A sign of this is pulsation radiating to the occipital region.
  • Neck pain due to insufficiency of the vertebral artery. The main symptom is accompanied by darkening of the eyes, ringing in the ears, fainting, and loss of speech. The main reason is a violation of blood circulation and nutrition of the brain, leading to its hypoxia.
  • Neck pain when turning the head due to autoimmune diseases. This phenomenon is associated with diseases leading to the destruction of spinal tissue (lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Neck pain resulting from endocrinological abnormalities, cancer and infectious diseases. In such cases, the described unpleasant sensations are not the main symptom, but rather an accompanying one.
  • Psychosomatic causes, that is, nervous breakdowns and experiences lead to disruptions in the body, leading to the appearance of symptoms localized in different parts of the body, including the neck.

The nature of the discomfort

Depending on the reasons, the nature of the pain can also be different. Its character may be as follows:

How to help yourself?

How to help yourself in such a situation if you know that the reason is a sedentary lifestyle and a poor-quality mattress and pillow?

You can treat your neck yourself by resorting to:

  1. In addition to a set of special exercises aimed at relieving muscle spasms and increasing blood flow, a set of exercises by Dr. S.M. is good for such cases. Bubnovsky.
  2. To the alternation of work and rest in the workplace. If you have a sedentary job, then once every one and a half to two hours you need to get up, warm up, and make circular movements with your head forward, backward, left, and right.
  3. It is better to replace the mattress and pillow with high-quality ones if you can purchase orthopedic products.
  4. Taking a contrast shower will strengthen your blood vessels, tone your muscles and invigorate you.
  5. Control your posture, do not slouch or hunch over. Special correctors will help you maintain correct posture.
  6. Avoid drafts, use woolen scarves in the cold season.

With the right approach, all unpleasant sensations should gradually subside within one to two weeks. If this does not happen, then, most likely, qualified neck treatment will be required, which only a doctor can prescribe after diagnosis.

Even “advanced” joint problems can be cured at home! Just remember to apply this once a day.


Treatment for discomfort depends on what caused it. First of all, the cause is eliminated, and only then the pain itself.

Most often, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, treatment ends with taking appropriate medications, which include the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ketoprofen, Nise, Ibuprofen), which are prescribed to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. Treatment with them is mandatory if we are talking about any changes in the tissues of the vertebrae.
  • Chondroprotectors, which are prescribed in the early stages of inflammatory diseases of the spine to restore cartilage tissue, improve mobility and shock absorption (Chondroxide, Teraflex). Treatment with chondroprotectors is advisable only at the initial stages of disease development.
  • Analgesic, warming and irritating ointments (gels, creams) to relieve pain and improve mobility (Finalgon, Capricam, Bystrum gel). Such remedies do not provide treatment, but they are good at helping to forget about the pain for a while.
  • Vitamin complexes that replenish the deficiency of essential substances speed up the treatment process.

After the inflammation and pain have been relieved, treatment continues with procedures, for which the following are prescribed:

Massage effectively consolidates the treatment, relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, and improves blood circulation.

Therapeutic exercise helps prevent the appearance of new unpleasant sensations, relaxes and strengthens muscles.

Physiotherapy improves tissue permeability, increases blood flow, and has a strengthening and tonic effect.


Thus, the pain that appears while moving the head is far from a harmless symptom; the causes of this phenomenon are quite serious and, if you do not pay due attention to your health, you can waste precious time and develop a disease that will then be very difficult to cure. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for qualified medical care.

They are trying to solve problems with drug treatment, which consists of taking effective drugs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, the use of warming ointments, and a complex of vitamins. The course of treatment must be completed with massage and physiotherapy, which will be repeated several times during the year. Exercise therapy helps to consolidate the treatment, strengthen muscles, relax tense vertebrae and prevent the recurrence of symptoms.

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of quick and non-surgical treatment recommended by leading rheumatologists in Russia, who decided to speak out against pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We have become familiar with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more.

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How to forget about joint pain?

  • Joint pain limits your movements and full life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

If you want to get the same treatment, ask us how?

In what cases does the neck hurt when turning or tilting the head?

Pain in the neck when bending or turning the head primarily indicates the development of pathological processes in the area of ​​connective tissues or the cervical spine. The causes of discomfort can be various diseases, injuries or adverse environmental influences. To diagnose the exact cause of the disease, timely contact with a specialist is necessary.

Causes and symptoms

The most common cause of neck pain is incorrect positioning of the body for a long time (while sleeping, watching TV and working with a computer). As a rule, in this case, the discomfort goes away after some time. But if the discomfort in the neck does not go away after some time, this may indicate the development of a more serious disease.


The disease develops due to constant anatomically incorrect position of the spine while watching TV and working at the computer. As a result of incorrect position, the muscles of the cervical spine are in strong constant tension. Which leads to slow destruction, and subsequently displacement, of the cervical vertebral discs. Osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain in the neck when turning, tilting and moving the head. The pain is constant, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and a “heavy” head.


Injuries that cause neck pain can be of different types - an accident, a fall, a strong blow or a sharp turn (tilt) of the head. The consequences of the injury can be varied - damage or displacement of connective tissues or vertebrae. Displacement of the cervical vertebrae is characterized by severe pain when turning the body or moving the head.

Insufficiency of the vertebral (basilar) artery

When the muscles or vertebrae of the cervical spine are damaged, the basilar artery is compressed. Which, in turn, can cause a large number of complications. Unpleasant sensations in the neck area - numbness, severe pain, hearing loss, impaired vision and speech. Most often, the neck hurts when turning the head. All these signs indicate insufficient blood circulation.


Radiculitis is pinched nerve endings. The disease occurs due to sudden exposure to cold temperatures on the neck and forearms. Radiculitis often develops due to drafts created artificially (open car windows, doors and windows). Another reason for the development of radiculitis can be infectious diseases. Symptoms of sciatica include tingling and numbness of the affected area, which may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Pain with radiculitis worsens when bending and turning the head.

Scalenus syndrome

The scalene muscle is one of the largest muscles of the cervical spine. The cause of pain in this area can be excessive physical activity (sports, heavy physical labor), as well as injuries to this area and diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. With scalene muscle syndrome, severe shooting pain occurs when turning the neck to the right or left.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases are associated with destructive processes in connective tissues and cells throughout the body. The causes may be diseases such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis). In the presence of such diseases, the body begins to independently destroy its cells and connective tissues. In this case, there is pain throughout the body and an increase in body temperature.

Infectious diseases

Infections can cause discomfort throughout the body, including in the cervical region. With the development of meningitis, pain appears when turning and tilting the head. When you tap on the head, the pain radiates to the location of the disease. In infectious diseases, there are many accompanying symptoms that influence the correct diagnosis.


Psychosomatic disorders lead to severe strain and pinching of the cervical muscles, which in turn can affect blood flow to the brain and pain in the neck when turning or tilting the head. Unpleasant sensations in this case are accompanied by dizziness and increased blood pressure.

Incorrect body position while resting

The cause of pinched nerves in the cervical spine can be an incorrect (uncomfortable) position for a long period (sleep or rest). In this case, the neck pain goes away some time after waking up. The reason in this case may be a high raised pillow or an uncomfortable sofa.


Neck pain should be treated depending on the diagnosis. Most often, modern medicine uses methods without surgical treatment. Surgical intervention in this case is prescribed in rare cases. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Together with the use of drug treatment, the patient is prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • therapeutic massage and physical training sessions;

Methods without surgical treatment

Conservative treatment. Prescribed to quickly relieve symptoms of the disease. In most cases, medications are aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. Drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • analgesics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • medications to relieve muscle tension (muscle relaxants);
  • anticonvulsants (if necessary).

Medicines are taken orally, intramuscularly and externally (ointments, patches).

Reflexology - includes several methods of influencing the nerve endings of the neck. Acupuncture affects nerve endings using thin and long needles. It is an ancient Chinese method of treatment. Acupuncture is aimed at increasing muscle tone and mobility. With the help of acupuncture, various diseases associated with neuralgia and muscle tightness can be treated.

Exposure to ultrasound (phonophoresis). The therapy creates an analgesic effect, increases the tone of nerve endings, relieves primary spasms and improves blood circulation. Therapy helps administer medications directly to the sore spot.

LLL therapy – beams of infrared, red and ultraviolet spectra are directed to the sore spot. The method is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation in the affected area.

Manual therapy techniques include massage therapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Have a relaxing effect on muscles. Osteopathy affects biologically important nerve endings. The methods have a relaxing effect and align (stretch) the spine.

Chance Collar - an orthopedic treatment method that involves wearing a special device that completely or partially immobilizes the neck. Designed for recovery after injury and surgery. In addition, the collar helps in the correct formation of the spinal column and posture.

Physiotherapy. Includes a large number of exercises focusing on the chest, shoulder, back and spine. Performing physical therapy is aimed at relieving primary symptoms and normalizing blood flow to the brain.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is usually prescribed in cases associated with radiculopathy, myelopathy and herniated discs. The operations are aimed at removing certain areas of the spine that affect the spinal cord. Surgical treatment is rarely used because it has a large number of contraindications and possible complications.

It is important to know! Bubnovsky: “If you experience neck pain, I beg you, do this…”

The cervical spine is one of the most mobile and unprotected areas of the musculoskeletal system, which is subject to various degenerative changes with age. Hence the decrease in mobility and the occurrence of pain. Gymnastic exercises for the neck according to Bubnovsky are a real salvation for millions, because they do not require much time, and their effectiveness has been proven in practice.

“I Love Healthy Lifestyle” will tell you how to get rid of neck pain and strengthen your muscles using Dr. Bubnovsky’s simple method. 7 simple exercises will do the impossible. The main thing is not to be lazy!

Exercises to strengthen your neck

These simple and effective exercises can be mastered in 1-2 workouts at any age; they can be included in a complex for morning exercises or performed separately. Before starting classes, do a light warm-up or warm-up self-massage of your neck. This trick will help speed up blood circulation and lymph outflow, as well as relieve muscle spasms.

If dizziness and malaise occur while standing, the exercises should be performed while sitting. If pain or discomfort increases, the activity should be stopped and consulted with an instructor or doctor. The breathing rhythm is also important: the exercise is performed while inhaling, and returning to the starting position while exhaling.

The first exercise is slow tilting of the head to the right shoulder, then to the left. Straighten your back and smoothly tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. After returning to the starting position, perform the same manipulation in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times.

Bend your head as far forward as possible, touching your chin to your chest. Then gently stretch your neck forward and up. Do 5 reps.

During this simple exercise, the muscles of the neck and thoracic spine are perfectly worked out. While sitting, straighten your back and place your hands on your knees. Gradually move your arms behind your back while simultaneously pulling your chin up. Gently tense your muscles and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Do 5 reps.

Tilt your head back, then smoothly turn it from side to side. This exercise consists of 6 repetitions.

This exercise partially repeats the previous one. Raise your arms bent at the elbows and clasp them above your head. Smoothly turn your head to the right and left, holding each position for 15–30 seconds. Do 6 reps.

This exercise is effective for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Place your left hand on your right shoulder, then slowly turn your head to the left. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then, changing the position of your hand, repeat in the opposite direction. Do 5 smooth reps. Do you feel your muscles tense?

The final exercise to strengthen the neck muscles is performed in a standing position. It is extremely effective in relaxing and stretching the muscles, giving a feeling of release and relaxation. Stand up straight, stretch your arms at your sides. The neck should be straight, chin and shoulders parallel to the floor.

Pull your head forward, turn to the side and stretch your chin to your shoulder, trying to touch the latter. Repeat the same action in the opposite direction. Perform 5 reps for each shoulder.

According to Dr. Bubnovsky, you can get rid of neck pain quite quickly, but only with regular and correct performance of these simple exercises that are accessible to everyone. In addition, we should not forget about proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. A little effort and self-organization, and very soon you will get rid of debilitating neck pain. Be healthy!

Inside the neck are the larynx, trachea and esophagus, as well as the thyroid gland and paired lymph nodes to protect the body from infections. With such a complex structure, pathologies are possible not only in the neck itself, but also in the internal organs.

Pain in the back of the neck can occur for a variety of reasons, including a common cold or exposure to a draft. However, in the event of deformation or inflammation, the brain and its membrane suffer because blood circulation is disrupted.


Pain in the back of the neck can be of varying intensity and nature, but in most cases its culprit is the spine - hernias, protrusions, pinching, scoliosis and other anomalies of the skeletal system. Many people try to treat the discomfort that arises with home remedies, and a variety of ointments, gels, rubs and compresses are used.

When the desired effect does not occur and the pain cannot be managed, the person decides to go to the doctor. It often happens that the cause of pain lies in diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

There are several types of pain:

  • visceral;
  • somatic superficial;
  • somatic deep;
  • central;
  • neuropathic;
  • acute;
  • chronic.

Visceral pain in the back of the neck originates from, or “refers” to, internal organs located below the neck.

The cause of somatic superficial pain is trauma and mechanical damage. Somatic deep pain is localized inside the organs and tissues of the neck. Central pain is caused by damage to the central nervous system.

Neuropathic pain syndrome is characterized by disruption of the peripheral or central nervous system, excluding physical impact on the receptors. Neuropathic pain occurs as a result of pathological excitation of neurons when the “sleeping” structures that provide pain perception (nociceptors) are activated.

Pain near the neck may be temporary in the following cases:

  • hypothermia, drafts;
  • staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • sudden movements - turning, bending or throwing the head back;
  • excess weight, which creates additional stress on the vertebrae;
  • sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity;
  • psycho-emotional stress and nervous stress.

If the muscles of the back of the neck constantly hurt, then the cause may be an injury or disease that has caused anatomical or degenerative changes in organs and tissues.


The degenerative process in the intervertebral discs, metabolic and circulatory disorders lead to a loss of strength and elasticity of cartilage tissue. The shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae become thinner, and very unpleasant symptoms appear - neck and head pain, blood pressure increases, visual and hearing acuity decreases.

The danger of osteochondrosis lies in its unpredictable course, since as the disease develops it can become more complicated. In the absence of adequate therapy, hernias, vertebral artery syndrome, and neurovascular disorders of the innervation of the throat and larynx appear. A person has difficulty swallowing, dryness, soreness, and in advanced cases, complete loss of voice is possible.

It should be noted that there is a steady rejuvenation of osteochondrosis, and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine today can be detected even in adolescents. The wide distribution of the disease in the cervical segment is explained by the mobility of the joints, which bear the load of holding the head in an upright position, as well as the peculiarities of the exit of nerve endings at the top of the spinal column.

Back problems among young people are caused by the modern rhythm of life, in which there is less and less time for sports and walks.

Intervertebral hernia

A hernia is a protrusion of disc fragments into the spinal canal or their loss. At first, the deviation of the bone is very small, and the integrity of the disc is not compromised. At this stage, it is quite difficult to understand why the back of the neck hurts, since the pinching of the spinal nerves is insignificant.

Gradually, the situation worsens - the vertebrae become less mobile, muscle tension increases, and the pain syndrome intensifies, radiating into the arms. There may be numbness in the hands and fingers, and a tingling sensation in the thumb area.

Treatment should begin immediately to avoid disruption of the blood supply to the brain. If the pressure on the vertebral artery is very high, the sick person faces an ischemic stroke. A large hernia can cause inflammation of the surrounding ligaments, which leads to cervical radiculitis.

If the back of your neck hurts due to a hernia, the following symptoms should alert you:

  • sudden and causeless attacks of nausea;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • nagging pain in the neck when tilting the head back or after standing for a long time;
  • noise in ears.

The most serious complication of a herniated disc is irreversible paralysis of one or both arms, which can result from spinal nerve atrophy.

Spinal stenosis

With cervical stenosis, a pathological narrowing of the central canal of the spine occurs due to various diseases or injuries. The most common culprit of stenosis is osteochondrosis, which causes the appearance of osteophytes, hernias and loss of the central nucleus.

The narrowing of the cavity in which the spinal cord, blood vessels and nerves pass leads to the appearance of clinical symptoms. In the early stages, the neck hurts in the back when turning or tilting the head. Subsequently, as compression of the vertebral structures increases, blood circulation is disrupted and congestion of the cerebrospinal fluid develops.

Spinal stenosis of the spinal canal can be recognized by the following signs:

  • pain syndrome is unilateral or bilateral, and can radiate (radiate) to the middle part of the back, arms, head;
  • headache in the temples and back of the head;
  • respiratory function is impaired, the person breathes intermittently and shallowly;
  • there is weakness in the legs and arms, dizziness;
  • The muscle tone of the neck and upper limbs is increased.

The disease entails a complex of autonomic disorders, including cerebral ischemia, paresis or paralysis of the limbs. Developed stenosis is dangerous due to its complications, which include complete immobility of the patient and death.


The most common are spinal injuries caused by indirect impacts. The main mechanisms of injury - flexion-extension, flexion-rotation and compression - entail dislocations, subluxations, fractures and mixed injuries.

Any sudden or careless movement, blow or fall can lead to sprain or rupture of ligaments, pinching of nerve bundles and blood vessels, and disruption of the integrity of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Even bruises of individual areas of the head located closer to the neck often cause quite serious degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Therefore, if you have a headache in the back as a result of an injury, medical attention should be urgent. In the absence of treatment in the acute period, secondary displacements often occur and the primary deformation intensifies.

If the cervical spine is injured, a bandage or orthosis can be used to stretch and unload the spine, as well as to alleviate the patient’s condition

Tumors and neoplasms

Oncological diseases of the spine with a malignant course are very rare. Tumors develop from connective tissues, which include bones, cartilage and ligaments. Therefore, bone formation is called osteosarcoma, and cartilage formation is called chondrosarcoma.

Absolutely all types of sarcomas are characterized by rapid cell division, the tumor grows rapidly and produces severe symptoms. The higher the tumor is located, the wider the area of ​​neurological disorders and the worse the patient’s well-being.

A distinctive sign of sarcoma is night pain in the posterior segment of the neck. The pain syndrome is quite intense and radiates to the head, and is practically not relieved by analgesics. As the oncological process develops, paresis or plegia of the limbs occurs; in later stages, paralysis of the pectoral and intercostal muscles occurs. As a result, respiratory function is severely affected, and the person can only breathe with the help of a ventilator.

An enlarged tumor leads to compression of the spinal cord and disruption of the free circulation of intracanal fluid and cerebrospinal fluid. Congestion caused by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain provokes an increase in intracranial pressure. This is accompanied by a sore throat and neck, difficulty swallowing, and spasms of the esophagus. Another distinctive sign of sarcoma at this stage is increased pain when tilting the head forward.

Infectious pathologies

Infection of the skin and soft tissues often leads to the development of inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by pain in the neck:

  • furuncle. It is localized mainly on the back and lateral surfaces of the neck, since the purulent-necrotic process occurs in the hair follicle or sebaceous gland. The ripening of the boil occurs within 3-4 days, and may be accompanied by fever, headache and itching;
  • carbuncle. Appears as a result of the combination of several boils and can cause necrosis of the skin tissue. The painful abscess first appears as a small infiltrate, which after a few days turns into a funnel-shaped lesion with an ulcerative-necrotic surface. Necrosis can penetrate deep into the tissue, which causes twitching pain, swelling and redness;
  • abscess. In the cervical region, abscesses are usually caused by injury or damage to the ENT organs, teeth or gums. Symptoms are pain, swelling and redness of the skin and mucous membranes at the site of inflammation, body temperature can be quite high. The infection spreads predominantly by lymphogenous or contact routes, and is less commonly transmitted through the bloodstream. An abscess can be triggered by inflammation of the salivary gland, a sore tooth or tonsils;
  • phlegmon. Purulent inflammation of soft tissues, which is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, is a very dangerous condition. Cellulitis is a secondary disease that occurs due to infection of nearby organs. In most cases, the course of the disease is moderate or severe. When the phlegmon is located in the deep layers, the neck swells greatly, and the patient feels better when tilting his head forward.

The causative agent of skin infections is staphylococcus, a toxic microorganism that is very dangerous for humans in the active phase, produces toxic enzymes and destroys cells

Treatment methods

When your neck hurts, you need to undergo diagnostics and find out the cause of the pain. Most diseases are detected using x-ray examination.

The set of diagnostic measures may also include:

  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood tests;
  • electrocardiogram.

After conducting research and taking tests, the doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you what to do next. Complex treatment includes:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and antidepressants;
  • intra-articular injections;
  • neurostimulation;
  • acupuncture;
  • therapeutic exercises and massage;
  • use of applicators;
  • surgical and laser excision of hernias and neoplasms.

The following methods are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis and intervertebral hernias:

  • isometric kinesiotherapy. This is one of the types of therapeutic exercises that combines active and passive movements, breathing techniques. Properly selected exercises will not only help eliminate pain, but also improve the function of the vertebrae and joints, stabilize blood pressure and speed up metabolism in the body;
  • pulse currents. The physiotherapeutic method of applying current has a vasodilating and neurostimulating effect. Returns muscle tone, relieves pain, helps restore damaged tissue and improves blood circulation;
  • low intensity laser therapy (LLLT). Laser procedures have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, stimulate tissue regeneration, normalize lymph and blood circulation;
  • hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches is still popular today; when using a certain pattern of suction points, recovery processes are accelerated, the blood supply to the damaged organ is stabilized, compression of the nerve endings is eliminated and swelling subsides.

To prevent neck pain, you need to avoid drafts, stay cool and sleep on the right pillow. But if the pain has already appeared, does not go away and is difficult to relieve with conventional methods, you must definitely see a doctor and undergo an examination. And after treatment, do not forget about prevention. Be healthy!

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ATTENTION! All information on this site is for reference or popular information only. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and examination by a physician. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor regarding treatment and diagnosis, and not self-medicate.

Pain when tilting head

Pain when tilting the head is the occurrence of pain when a person tilts his head in different directions. It is noteworthy that the pain can be localized in different places. In almost all cases, symptoms develop against the background of an already existing or just developing disease. This clinical manifestation occurs in people of any age and gender.

Pain syndrome in the vast majority of cases acts as the first symptom, against the background of which other clinical signs develop. Symptoms will differ depending on what served as the etiological factor.

Despite the fact that pain when tilting the head is a rather specific symptom, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on such a sign alone. It is because of this that diagnostics are necessary to identify the source.

Treatment, as well as symptoms, will differ depending on the cause of the underlying symptom.


A large number of predisposing factors can cause pain when tilting the head, which will differ depending on where the pain is directed.

Thus, neck pain when tilting the head forward or to the sides can be caused by:

  • stretching of the neck muscles;
  • spondylosis – formed against the background of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae. The appearance of osteophytes, which are growths of bones along their edges, is often observed;
  • discogenic pain syndrome – develops due to disturbances in the structure of one or more vertebral discs;
  • subluxations of the facet joints, which are located along the edges of the intervertebral discs and most often lead to pain in the neck when moving the head;
  • neck injuries, after which seals form that interfere with movements;
  • abnormal calcification;
  • spondylogenic myelopathy;
  • radiculopathy of the neck.

Pain in the head when bending forward or backward, as well as to the left or right can be caused by:

  • migraine;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms in the nose;
  • spondylosis or cervical osteochondrosis;
  • arterial hypertension - this factor can cause headaches when tilting the head down;
  • sinusitis;
  • barotrauma - this reason most often leads to pain in the forehead.

The appearance of pain in the back of the head when tilting the head is often influenced by:

  • damage to the cervical spine by pathologies such as spondylitis, subluxations and sprains;
  • cervical spondylosis;
  • muscle tightening in the cervical spine;
  • hypertension;
  • staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

Reasons why your forehead or temple hurts when you tilt your head back:

  • injuries to this area - in addition to fractures, abrasions, bruises and wounds, this also includes a concussion;
  • the course of inflammatory processes - this category of etiological factors includes influenza, malaria, encephalitis and meningitis;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system - migraine, neuroses and trigeminal neuralgia.

Back pain when tilting your head can be caused by:

Similar reasons also lead to pain in the lower back when tilting the head forward or in other directions.

Ear pain when tilting your head most often occurs due to:

It is worth noting that pain can occur in one ear canal or in both ears.

Pain in the bridge of the nose can be caused by:

If chest pain occurs when a person tries to bend over, this may be due to intercostal neuralgia, which is better known as “thoracalgia.”

Pain in the tailbone when tilting the head can be caused by similar reasons as the sensation of pain in the lumbar region. However, additional factors are considered to be:

Toothache when moving the head very often occurs due to the eruption of wisdom teeth.


The nature of the pain will differ depending on what disease served as the trigger for the expression of such a symptom. The pain when tilting the head can be both sharp and aching, dagger-like or strong, paroxysmal or constant. The increase in the intensity of pain can be influenced by a large number of factors, ranging from the influence of stressful situations and ending with the consumption of certain foods. In addition, they can occur regardless of the time of day.

Very often, pain in the back of the neck, as with any other location, can be accompanied by:

Patients should note that any clinical manifestations may be individual.


Establishing the source of pain in the occipital areas, as well as in the lower back, back, auricle and any other location when tilting the head requires an integrated approach.

It follows from this that diagnostic measures will include:

  • a detailed survey of the patient - to compile a complete symptomatic picture, determine the time of appearance and intensity of expression of the main symptom or additional signs;
  • the clinician’s examination of the patient’s medical history and life history;
  • objective examination - to clarify the localization of pain when the head is tilted;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine - to monitor the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as to identify signs of inflammatory, infectious or any other pathological process;
  • instrumental examinations of the patient, among which ultrasound, radiography and CT come to the fore.

After the therapist examines all the results of the examination, he will refer the patient for consultation with a more specialized specialist, for example, an ENT doctor, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist and other doctors. After reviewing the data of the initial examination, additional laboratory and instrumental examinations may be prescribed.


The main therapy will be aimed at eliminating the cause of pain when tilting the head. Conservative treatment may include:

  • taking medications;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • therapeutic massage or exercise therapy;
  • use of alternative medicine.

The issue of surgical intervention is decided individually for each patient.


There are no specific preventive measures to prevent the appearance of the main symptom. This is due to the fact that pain when tilting the head is only a clinical sign, and not a separate pathology.

All people need to do is lead a healthy and active lifestyle, seek medical help if alarming symptoms appear, and undergo a complete preventive medical examination several times a year.

“Pain when tilting the head” is observed in diseases:

An ordinary runny nose can develop in a short period into more complex types of diseases, but people are accustomed to not paying due attention to such problems. “It will go away on its own, I just put some drops in my nose!” - Almost all people think so. And only when a complication of nasal breathing or persistent nasal congestion occurs do people rush to the clinic to avoid these symptoms.

Plexitis is an inflammatory process of large nerve plexuses, in particular the cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral. The disease affects people of absolutely any age category, which is why it is often diagnosed in babies in the first months of life. If you do not seek help from a specialist or receive improper treatment, the disease can cause loss of performance and disability. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), this disorder has its own code, depending on the nature of development - G 54, G 55, M 50 and M 51.

A complex of symptoms indicating a violation of cerebral circulation that occurs against the background of compression of one or more blood arteries through which blood flows to the brain is vertebral artery syndrome. The disease was first described back in 1925 by famous French doctors who studied the symptoms accompanying cervical osteochondrosis. Then it occurred mainly in elderly patients, but today the disease has become “younger” and its symptoms are increasingly found in 30, and sometimes 20-year-old young people.

What is frontitis? This is a pathological process accompanied by an inflammatory process in the frontal paranasal sinus. The formation of inflammation occurs in the mucous membrane, which is located in the frontal sinus. This disease has another name – frontal sinusitis. Of all types of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis has the most severe form.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

In what cases does the neck hurt when turning or tilting the head?

Pain in the neck when bending or turning the head primarily indicates the development of pathological processes in the area of ​​connective tissues or the cervical spine. The causes of discomfort can be various diseases, injuries or adverse environmental influences. To diagnose the exact cause of the disease, timely contact with a specialist is necessary.

Causes and symptoms

The most common cause of neck pain is incorrect positioning of the body for a long time (while sleeping, watching TV and working with a computer). As a rule, in this case, the discomfort goes away after some time. But if the discomfort in the neck does not go away after some time, this may indicate the development of a more serious disease.


The disease develops due to constant anatomically incorrect position of the spine while watching TV and working at the computer. As a result of incorrect position, the muscles of the cervical spine are in strong constant tension. Which leads to slow destruction, and subsequently displacement, of the cervical vertebral discs. Osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain in the neck when turning, tilting and moving the head. The pain is constant, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and a “heavy” head.


Injuries that cause neck pain can be of different types - an accident, a fall, a strong blow or a sharp turn (tilt) of the head. The consequences of the injury can be varied - damage or displacement of connective tissues or vertebrae. Displacement of the cervical vertebrae is characterized by severe pain when turning the body or moving the head.

Insufficiency of the vertebral (basilar) artery

When the muscles or vertebrae of the cervical spine are damaged, the basilar artery is compressed. Which, in turn, can cause a large number of complications. Unpleasant sensations in the neck area - numbness, severe pain, hearing loss, impaired vision and speech. Most often, the neck hurts when turning the head. All these signs indicate insufficient blood circulation.


Radiculitis is pinched nerve endings. The disease occurs due to sudden exposure to cold temperatures on the neck and forearms. Radiculitis often develops due to drafts created artificially (open car windows, doors and windows). Another reason for the development of radiculitis can be infectious diseases. Symptoms of sciatica include tingling and numbness of the affected area, which may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Pain with radiculitis worsens when bending and turning the head.

Scalenus syndrome

The scalene muscle is one of the largest muscles of the cervical spine. The cause of pain in this area can be excessive physical activity (sports, heavy physical labor), as well as injuries to this area and diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. With scalene muscle syndrome, severe shooting pain occurs when turning the neck to the right or left.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases are associated with destructive processes in connective tissues and cells throughout the body. The causes may be diseases such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis). In the presence of such diseases, the body begins to independently destroy its cells and connective tissues. In this case, there is pain throughout the body and an increase in body temperature.

Infectious diseases

Infections can cause discomfort throughout the body, including in the cervical region. With the development of meningitis, pain appears when turning and tilting the head. When you tap on the head, the pain radiates to the location of the disease. In infectious diseases, there are many accompanying symptoms that influence the correct diagnosis.


Psychosomatic disorders lead to severe strain and pinching of the cervical muscles, which in turn can affect blood flow to the brain and pain in the neck when turning or tilting the head. Unpleasant sensations in this case are accompanied by dizziness and increased blood pressure.

Incorrect body position while resting

The cause of pinched nerves in the cervical spine can be an incorrect (uncomfortable) position for a long period (sleep or rest). In this case, the neck pain goes away some time after waking up. The reason in this case may be a high raised pillow or an uncomfortable sofa.


Neck pain should be treated depending on the diagnosis. Most often, modern medicine uses methods without surgical treatment. Surgical intervention in this case is prescribed in rare cases. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Together with the use of drug treatment, the patient is prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • therapeutic massage and physical training sessions;

Methods without surgical treatment

Conservative treatment. Prescribed to quickly relieve symptoms of the disease. In most cases, medications are aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. Drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • analgesics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • medications to relieve muscle tension (muscle relaxants);
  • anticonvulsants (if necessary).

Medicines are taken orally, intramuscularly and externally (ointments, patches).

Reflexology - includes several methods of influencing the nerve endings of the neck. Acupuncture affects nerve endings using thin and long needles. It is an ancient Chinese method of treatment. Acupuncture is aimed at increasing muscle tone and mobility. With the help of acupuncture, various diseases associated with neuralgia and muscle tightness can be treated.

Exposure to ultrasound (phonophoresis). The therapy creates an analgesic effect, increases the tone of nerve endings, relieves primary spasms and improves blood circulation. Therapy helps administer medications directly to the sore spot.

LLL therapy – beams of infrared, red and ultraviolet spectra are directed to the sore spot. The method is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation in the affected area.

Manual therapy techniques include massage therapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Have a relaxing effect on muscles. Osteopathy affects biologically important nerve endings. The methods have a relaxing effect and align (stretch) the spine.

Chance Collar - an orthopedic treatment method that involves wearing a special device that completely or partially immobilizes the neck. Designed for recovery after injury and surgery. In addition, the collar helps in the correct formation of the spinal column and posture.

Physiotherapy. Includes a large number of exercises focusing on the chest, shoulder, back and spine. Performing physical therapy is aimed at relieving primary symptoms and normalizing blood flow to the brain.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is usually prescribed in cases associated with radiculopathy, myelopathy and herniated discs. The operations are aimed at removing certain areas of the spine that affect the spinal cord. Surgical treatment is rarely used because it has a large number of contraindications and possible complications.