Why does a cat rub its muzzle on a person's face. Why do cats often rub against human legs? Why do cats rub against objects?

People in whose house cats constantly live understand their habits, but those who have never lived near cats are constantly surprised by their behavior, for example, by the fact that they rub against people and various objects that surround them.
The cat does this in order to mark those objects that are on its territory. Leaving a mark, the cat easily recognizes various objects. They become familiar to her, which gives the cat confidence in the environment.
The cat marks with the temporal glands, which are located on both sides of the forehead, between the eyes and ears. Organs like these (perioral glands) are found in cats near the corners of the lips. Through these glands, the cat secretes secrets for leaving marks on doors, furniture legs, stair railings, etc. The cat's tail is also equipped with glands that secrete a similar secret. The cat raises its tail with a pipe, leads it over the object and leaves a mark in this way. There are glands and surrounded by the anus of the cat, as well as on the pads of the paws.
When a cat treats a person favorably, it marks him too. The cat rubs its muzzle against the person, leads along it with its tail, often accompanying its actions with a purr. She behaves the way kittens behave towards their mother. This pattern of cat behavior is transferred to people, thus showing their affection. At the same time, they define the person they are rubbing against as part of their own territory.
Are cats capable of deceit? People who do not understand the behavior of cats do not always understand the intentions of cats. For example, cats are unhappy when a stranger tries to pet them. Too persistent strangers can even be scratched. But a cat will never put its claws into action without warning about it. She will hiss at first, pressing her ears to her head.
People with experience with cats always avoid being the first to approach a cat they don't know. They will allow the cat to look at themselves, to walk around. Only then will they extend their hand to the cat so that she can sniff it. The cat, showing sympathy for a new acquaintance, coming closer, will arch its back, letting you know that it can be stroked.
If a person is familiar to a cat, she greets him in a special way. As soon as she sees her friend, she raises her tail high, hurries to meet her with a loud purr, begins to rub her muzzle and sides on her legs, sometimes stands on her hind legs, making it clear that she needs to be stroked. Having greeted the person in this way, the cat sits on the sidelines and licks itself. As a result of such a greeting, an exchange of smells occurs. A special, odorous substance is distributed throughout the cat's coat, which is secreted by glands located in the corners of the lips and on the temples of the cat. Rubbing against a person's leg, the cat at the same time receives his smell. When licking, she smells this smell with greater distinctness. Man is incapable of grasping such things.
Familiar cats also exchange scents by licking each other or rubbing their fur against each other. The sense of smell for cats, whose life takes place in the world of smells, is of great importance.
Sometimes cats bite the hand of a person stroking it. So they show their friendly attitude, but not all people understand this. Due to unexpected and sometimes painful biting, a person sometimes begins to get angry with the cat, although she did not want to offend him. Indeed, when biting, a cat leaves a mark on its hand from its saliva, marking in this way “its own”.
It is generally accepted that a cat takes "its" people for relatives. This is expressed in her behavior when she treats a person the same way a kitten treats its mother. For example, a cat lies on its owner's lap, moving its front paws alternately, as if doing a massage. Sometimes she releases her claws, as a result of which there are hooks on the clothes, and scratches on the skin. Not everyone likes this behavior of a cat. And yet it is very easy to explain. As a kitten, the cat moved her paws like this when she received milk from her mother's nipple. Ethologists studying cat behavior have given the name to such movements - "milk step". When a cat is already an adult, she is pleased to remember how she ate her mother's milk. If, at the moment of such memories, the cat is disturbed and driven away from her knees, she will experience anxiety, because stroking a person’s hand reminds her of licking her mother.
Showing dissatisfaction, the cat, as a rule, begins to wag its tail. If she wants to make herself respected, she arches her back and fluffs her fur. If the cat needs something from the owner, she begins to gently touch him with her paw. Rubbing against the legs of a cat is accepted when greeting a friend or letting you know that it's time to feed it.
The sounds made by a cat and we call meowing are distinguished by a wide variety. A cat can purr softly and squawk depending on what emotions it expresses. Cats are very happy to "talk". They start to meow for a variety of reasons. With their voice they express a greeting, a demand, a tender attitude, frustration, joy, longing, a request, a threat, and many more different feelings.

Even long years of living with a pet cannot guarantee a complete understanding of its behavior. So many owners wonder why do cats rub against their legs? This phenomenon often manifests itself in the relationship between man and animal. In addition, the pet may rub against other objects in the house and even outside it. Therefore, some owners need an explanation for this behavior of their pets.

The animal world differs significantly from the human world in terms of information transfer. For these purposes, individuals often use odors. In particular, an excellent sense of smell gives cats the ability to quickly determine the position of the victim. This skill is one of the means of survival in the wild. Pets use their sense of smell to find a home or their own babies.

In the conditions of an apartment, the pet still considers it necessary to limit the limits of its territory. This is the root cause of the fact that the cat rubs against people or furniture, for example. On the body of the animal there are special zones that secrete a special secret. Most of them are concentrated:

  • on the muzzle;
  • on paws;
  • around the anus.

It is especially remarkable when the cat rubs its muzzle against the owner's face. After all, a huge amount of the allocated secret is located precisely in the forehead area. During such a ritual, the animal may purr and look extremely pleased. This indicates that the process gives him satisfaction and calmness. This reaction is associated with the original cause of this phenomenon: the cat feels safe in its territory.

By the way, this instinct is connected not only with the creation of boundaries. The fact is that cats live in families, and by smell they can determine belonging to the pride. Owners of two or more pets may notice that they are rubbing against the same object or corner. This is due to the fact that they belong to the same clan.

Main reasons

Of course, most of the owners want to find out what else such features of feline behavior are connected with and whether the pet is trying to tell them something. After all, pets not only rub, they often demonstrate various gestures that can be interpreted in a human way.

For example, you should pay attention if the cat:

  • actively wags its tail;
  • presses his ears;
  • arches, holding the fur on end.

All this indicates a state of tension, fear, interest or combat readiness. But when a cat rubs against its owner, you should evaluate the circumstances under which such behavior occurs. For example, if this happens when the owner returns home or enters the room, the ritual may indicate the joy that the pet feels from the meeting. At the same time, the intensity and duration of friction can directly depend on the duration of separation.

It is also worth paying attention to how exactly the cat does it. If it rubs against the ankles, and then gradually rises up, the owner has probably been away for too long. The cat felt that the smell had been lost. In this case, you just need to pet the animal. It will gladly restore the smell on your hands.

However, careful observation can show that the cat rubs not only on its owner. From time to time, this phenomenon also affects various objects in the house. Among the things that cats most often rub against are table legs, sofa corners, favorite toys and much more. The animal tries to leave its smell on those things that it recognizes as personal. This gives the pet a sense of security. After all, confidence in the integrity of the territory is a very important aspect of a cat’s life..

It is also interesting how the four-legged inhabitants of the streets run up to someone unfamiliar, starting to rub against him. However, not everyone is honored with such an honor. In fact, in this way street cats try to give the object their smell. And this means that they show indulgence to a person, demonstrating that he is part of their property.

Opinion of zoopsychologists

Animal psychologists often express their assessment of this phenomenon. Most associate this ritual with the peculiarities of the relationship between a mother cat and a cub. Already at a more conscious age, the pet partly sees its parent in the owner. Therefore, he rubs against him, demonstrating gratitude and care.. But the young inhabitants of the streets in this way are trying to get a little affection and human attention.

Also, according to zoopsychologists, the reason for such a habit may lie in the behavioral characteristics of the animal. It is tactile contact that is most preferable for a cat in the process of expressing its own emotions and sensations. And this means that when a pet rubs against a person’s legs, he wants to show his feelings. This theory is supported by the fact that many self-sufficient cats do not demonstrate such rituals at all.

By the way, the absence of this habit can also be indicative. It often indicates such things:

  • lack of trust;
  • temporary offense;
  • dissatisfaction with conditions.

But carrying out the ritual 1-2 times a day clearly indicates that the cat is happy and does not need anything. Of course, there are also much more active individuals who rub often, clearly showing warm feelings for the owner. Such pets show their love in other ways.

Animal psychologists also suggest that a cat rubs against its legs when it wants to get more data about the world around it. This is especially noticeable when the animal enters an unfamiliar environment. At this moment, you can clearly see how alertness develops into curiosity, and the cat gradually begins to rub against various objects and people present. In fact, the pet is trying to adapt to the new and calm itself. Especially disturbing for a cat are various smells.

Other manifestations of the habit

Although the reasons described are most often expressed by the animal rubbing against the owner's legs, many other habits can be associated with them. All of them, one way or another, have common prerequisites. For example, often cats rub against the face of the owner, showing their tenderness and affection. This can be seen in the way they purr and cover their eyes.

It is also difficult not to notice when a cat gets under the feet of a person, literally preventing him from walking. In this situation, she does not just rub against the owner's legs, but clearly wants to tell him something. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • the animal demonstrates that it is in the lead in the house;
  • the cat wants to attract attention because she is lonely;
  • she reminds that they forgot to feed her;
  • she's just curious.

By the way, attempts to rub against a part of the host's body are often associated with nutrition. Usually this behavior can be observed in the kitchen, when the cat is clearly trying to beg for something tasty. Of course, over time, such moments become obvious to the owner. He stops feeling puzzled when the cat rubs, purrs, or shows other ways of communicating.

Are there any negative consequences

Do not be afraid if a domestic cat rubs against its legs. In case no one is allergic to the animal, this ritual is absolutely harmless. Do not warn or scold your pet if he tries to rub himself against his legs or furniture in the house. After all, this process causes peace in the pet, which is very important for its comfortable living on the territory of the owner. Therefore, it is better to give the animal a little freedom to express such emotions.

Knowing for sure why a cat likes to rub against its owner so much, you can find out a lot of details about the character and emotional state of your pet. After all, a clear understanding of the animal's instincts gives a huge advantage to those who want to be aware of the motives of the pet's actions. It is also very important for establishing a trusting and warm relationship. But the main thing is to treat the cat with love and respect her personal space.

Each member of the cat family has a unique character and strives for self-expression. The main means of communication is, of course, sounds: purring, screaming, hissing. However, cats also have a rich sign language that includes tails, ears, eyes, paws, and even whiskers. Their postures, movements and facial expressions can be eloquent. Let's try to figure out what cats tell us in their body language.


The most eloquent part of a cat is the tail. With it, the animal can convey all the variety of its emotions.

The tail held high indicates friendliness and joy, an expression of greeting.

123RF/ Sergey Taran

The tail with a trembling tip, stretched back, will tell about the passion of the hunter. Slow wiggling of the tip of the tail means that the cat is relaxed and peaceful, while its twitching indicates the extreme concern of the animal.

Fluffy tail "pipe" means anger and readiness to attack. It is better to leave the pet alone if he is actively twitching, wagging his tail or knocking it like a whip: this condition indicates discontent and aggression. A lowered tail means that the cat is unhappy with something, disappointed or wary. If the cat presses the tail between the hind legs, shrinks and backs away, this means that the animal is frightened or offended by someone.


Cat ears are very sensitive. Even a sleeping animal can hear at a distance of more than 20 meters. To find the right sound, the cat's ears are able to rotate 180 degrees, moving independently of each other. The position of the ears can also tell about the mood of the pet.

If the cat stared at something with big eyes, and ears pointing forward, It means that she is very interested in something. This position of the ears can also be a sign of a good mood or a desire to play. The ears of a surprised cat, as a rule, are spread apart, while those of a frightened one are lowered down and pressed.

If the cat is very angry and ready to rush into battle, she presses her ears tightly to her head, pulling them back a little. Ear twitching means irritation and anxiety.


You can often observe how the cat shifts its paws, slightly releasing its claws, and purrs at the same time. Such movements remind him of the times of childhood, when he crushed his mother's stomach with his paws and sucked milk, and mean the highest bliss and happiness.

123RF/Alena Ozerova

Sitting on the owner's lap, the animal falls into childhood. Under no circumstances should you chase him away. This is a moment of great love and affection, and the behavior of the owner, angrily driving him off his knees, is inexplicable for the cat.

Trying to hug the owner, the pet demonstrates its highest love. If the cat strikes with a soft paw or pulls on clothes, it means that he is asking for something.

A clawed paw raised up means that the beast is expressing discontent and irritation or is trying to defend itself. During a fight, the cat can fall on its back to “take up defense” and fight off the enemy with all four paws, especially the hind ones - they are stronger.


A cat's eyes are a mirror of her emotions. If a pet looks straight ahead with wide eyes, this means that he is very interested in what is happening. With blinking and twinkling eyes, the cat expresses its devotion. Half-closed eyes indicate drowsiness or caution. Cloudy eyes mean perfect calm and relaxation and are a signal of trust and friendship.

123RF/ Stefano Venturi

If the cat’s pupils suddenly become round and the look becomes “crazy”, this indicates that she is very scared. Pupils-slits mean that the cat is alert and confident. A close look at close range is a challenge, and at such moments it is better to keep your distance.

Nose and mustache

Often a cat, expressing his love, rubs his nose against the face and lips of a person. Sniffing, he wiggles his mustache. A downturned mustache means concern, apathy, or illness, while a forward mustache means interest or being in a state of hunting.


By their appearance, cats can demonstrate not only friendliness, humility and harmony, but also resentment, pride, arrogance. It is worth shouting at a pussy for some kind of offense, as she will immediately be offended, turn her back on the owner and stop responding to her name. But in fact, this is how the cat simply “turns off” from the irritant.

You can often notice how one of the ears of a sleeping cat turns slightly and the tip of the tail twitches a little. This means that something caught her attention, and she is too lazy to turn around and look at the source of the sound, but curiosity haunts her.

123RF/ lithian

When a cat arches its back, bristles its coat, and turns sideways, it is ready for war. In this way, she tries to "get bigger" and scare a potential enemy.

When a cat hunts, he gets up all over, stretches his tail into a string, and brings his muzzle forward, his ears are alert, his gaze is fixed and unblinking. The animal begins to fidget slightly in place, sways and suddenly rushes forward rapidly.

If the cat bends down to the floor, also presses the antennae and tail to appear smaller, then she is not in the mood and wants not to be touched.

Lying down and rolling over on its back, the pet demonstrates the highest degree of humility and trust. The stomach is the most vulnerable spot in cats, so they can only allow people they trust to scratch it.

If a cat crouches on the ground with its front paws, pushes back, tramples with its hind legs, and turns its tail to the side, purring at the same time, this means that it is in heat. When a cat turns its back to a vertical surface with its tail up and shakes it slightly, in this way it “marks” objects with an unfamiliar smell.


The more we communicate with our pets, the more they communicate with us. Cats are very receptive and able to learn by imitating the object they are interested in. Perhaps that is why the intonations of the sounds they make are very similar to human speech: it can be affectionate, interrogative, and demanding purring.

Each cat knows how to get exactly what she wants from a person with the help of sounds of different intonations.

For example, a cat asks for feeding in a long and long tone at low frequencies, and if she wants the owner to give her attention and care, the cat makes short sounds at the same time at low and high frequencies, which have a beneficial effect on the mood of a person.

123RF/ Nikita Melnikov

By meowing, small pets try to attract attention to themselves, adapt this sound to each situation and express their desires. Some of them "report" when they go to the toilet or just walk into the room.

There are also unpleasant frightening sounds in the cat's arsenal, for example, hissing or snorting. In this way, animals express their displeasure or defend themselves. During fights, cats can make completely unthinkable sounds - screams, screams and growls. But if a cat is cornered and unable to escape, it makes a strange throaty sound (howl). This suggests that, despite the fear, she has not yet completely lost her aggressiveness and can go on the attack.

Sometimes cats make a rather strange low "clacking" sound when they are prowling in search of prey or they see a bird outside the window. This sound is used by mother cats to alert their kittens to potential prey.

There is also a silent meow, when the cat opens its mouth, but does not make any sound. In fact, the sound is still emitted, but our ear does not perceive it.

The characteristic sound of a cat's purring sound is produced by vibrating two folds of the mucous membrane located in the lower part of the larynx. It is commonly thought that this is a sign that the cat is happy, but this is not always so clear. A purr consists of several sounds that vary in frequency and intensity, thanks to which the cat is able to express a wide range of feelings. The “rougher” the purr, the more distinct the sounds become in each measure, which means that the cat’s pleasure has reached its maximum level. When a cat becomes bored or begins to doze, the purring softens, and it becomes more difficult to distinguish its beats.


Each animal has its own individual smell, which they leave everywhere, thus giving information about themselves. Even the presence of a certain scent, a cat's mark, on your shoes or clothing can be used as a message to your fellow beings when you step outside. Often cats sniff objects on the street or those that you brought into the house for a long time and carefully, as if reading information by smell.

The love of animals for clean linen without extraneous odors can be explained by the fact that they perceive it as a no man's, unoccupied territory and are in a hurry to designate it as their own.

123RF/Konstantin Aksenov

Why does a cat rub against a person?

The cat rubs its head against the owner, showing its love. She runs along the legs, starting with the muzzle, then sideways and at the end turns with her tail up, wrapping her legs around them. Thus, there is an exchange of smells and information.

Imaginative thinking and mind reading

Communication between cats mainly occurs at the level of mental images, supported by sounds and body movements. It is for people that they invented a kind of slang, but they communicate with each other in their native feline language.

Cats have something like hypnosis and are even able to inspire fear in an opponent. Cats can sometimes read the minds of their owners, because sometimes you don’t have time to think about a pet, and he is already right there.

Most people understand that cats rub against their legs, succumbing to positive emotions. Someone understands this act as affection and affection, it seems to someone that the cat asks for hands or asks her to take pity. You will be surprised, but such a cute behavior has well-founded, physiological reasons!

Let's make a reservation right away that the cat rubs against the owner's legs in order to mark him as property and inviolable property! Cats (and dogs too) have three "sources" of personal odor - secretions secreted by glands on the face, between the fingers and on the surface of the anus. Another "ink" to mark the territory is urine, which does not have a "significant" smell without a secret secreted by those same para-anal glands.

Note! When a cat marks territory, it twitches its tail held high to stimulate the paraanal glands.

Sometimes, odorous substances are called pheromones, this interpretation is slightly incorrect, but it is appropriate. Some, especially territorial cats, not only rub against the owner, but also lick him. Particularly passionately, the pet eliminates the smell of sweat under the armpits and on the legs. Not quite a hygienic process can be explained by the same desire to mark a person with their smell.

Note!"Wet deeds" found in the shoes also indicate an attempt to leave a mark. It is incorrect to write on a person, but leaving your fragrance in shoes is quite appropriate. Males can mark hats and outerwear.

Why do cats rub against people and objects

In fact, a cat rubs against a person’s legs only because it is indecent and fraught to write on them. This ritual is carried out at each meeting of the owner from work or after his long (by cat standards) absence. So, you enter the dwelling, and your purr begins to rub against your legs, you habitually interpret this behavior as a greeting.

Read also: How and what to feed newborn kittens?

The cat comes up to your feet, imitating a snake, touches your ankles with its head, after which its back and sides are arched upwards, and at the final stage it wraps its tail. Having made one turn, the pet, as it were, rises on its hind legs and repeats the ritual. If there is a scratching post near the front door, after finishing the rubdown, the cat begins defiantly sharpening its claws, arching its back.

The sweetest ritual performed by a pet means that you have lost your flock scent. Wiping your legs, arms and face, the cat leaves the secrets of the sebaceous glands on your clothes or skin. The most odorous secrets are in the already listed areas - on the muzzle, paws and around the tail. In scientific terms, this process is called olfactory marking. Having applied its scent to you, the cat conveys a message to competitors: “This man is mine, from my pack, do not dare to attack him!”.

The same ritual is performed in relation to almost all objects on the territory of the dwelling. Pets rub against some things especially often, for example, on the phone, laptop, shoes or bedding of the owner. The reason is simple - the smell of the pack is replaced too quickly by strangers. It should be understood that the aroma of your palms and body is not perceived hostile by the cat, even if the pet stubbornly replaces it with its own.

It is interesting! The cat daily rubs against its place, carrier, tray, bowl and other personal items.

Interestingly, some cats never rub against their owners' legs. The reason is that animals do not trust their owners. Only those who do not pose a threat and are part of the pet's world are worthy of a special smell. Some cats reduce all communication with the owner to a rubdown in the morning or evening. This situation indicates the self-sufficiency of the tailed one, that is, he trusts you, but does not particularly need your guardianship.

Read also: How a cat eats: unusual addictions

How to explain the behavior of street cats that rub against the legs of any approached person? The motives are the same, but the reasons are slightly different. Usually, an outdoor cat that has lived in the wild for several years becomes a leader or beta member of the community. There are exceptions, such as aggressive or cowardly animals.

Seasoned street cats, self-sufficient and determined, give out a “ticket” to those passing by with an ambassador: “You came to my house and became my property.” Young animals beg for affection and attention, hoping to become your companion.

By the way, if you pick up a kitten that has not yet experienced the “charms of street life”, it will immediately begin to rub and cuddle up to you. Tiny babies actively trample their palms with their paws and rub their faces. A kitten with all its appearance shows a person trust and fidelity, asking for affection and protection in return.

Unexplained in the behavior of cats

The pet curled up and hid its muzzle in its paws, you opened the closet and took out a warm sweater ... after all, this is a sign, such behavior promises cold. You will be surprised how many superstitions are associated with cats. For example, in ancient Russia, a cat was allowed into the baby's cradle so that it would lie down and rub itself. After that, the child was put to bed, and he slept sweetly.

The cat, which rubbed against the guest's legs, suggested that the person came with good intentions and did not hold a stone in his bosom. Perhaps this is an exaggeration, but it is not in vain that they say that purrs see the energy of people, and they immediately smell cruel and vile bipeds ... they scream, hiss and even attack them.

The red cat, which rubs at the feet, sorts out all the negative energy. Why exactly red, is unknown. Most likely, this is due to another sign, that solar cats bring happiness, wealth and good luck to the owner. Again, a red cat, brings peace to the family and eliminates conflicts, calming the “dispersed” husband or wife.

Some features of cat behavior remain a mystery to many owners. Not every experienced cat breeder will intelligibly answer the question of why a cat rubs against its legs. Households can repeatedly observe this phenomenon when communicating with their pets. At the same time, cats rub against human legs, furniture, objects both in the house and on the street. Owners will be interested to know what causes such behavior of the animal, whether it poses a danger.

Read in this article

A little about scents

In the animal kingdom, obtaining important information, as well as communication between individuals, occurs through smells. A well-developed sense of smell in cats allows them to determine not only the location of prey.

The smell helps animals to survive in the harsh conditions of the wild, to be the first to smell the enemy. With the help of the sense of smell, the cat accurately finds not only its home, but also small kittens.

Domestic cats have not lost their natural ability to navigate with the help of smells and widely use a sensitive sense of smell in the comfortable conditions of a city apartment. With the help of smell, she determines the territorial boundaries of her possessions. This feature is one of the main reasons why cats rub against people.

On the body of the animal there are several zones that secrete a secret for identifying an individual: on the forehead and muzzle, on the paws, and glands located near the anus. Males most often mark their territory with the help of urine and the secretion of the paraanal glands mixed with it. With the help of the located odorous glands on the crumbs of the paws, the animal also determines the boundaries of its possessions: it sharpens its claws on a tree or a scratching post. At the same time, the specific smell of a particular individual remains on the objects.

On the muzzle of a domestic cat there are zones that produce odors. Especially a lot of them in the forehead area. The odorous secret is produced by glands located between the ears and in the corners of the lips. That is why owners often observe how fluffy pets rub their foreheads and muzzles against objects. Both cats and cats perform such a ritual. At the same time, pets look peaceful, often purr and express pleasure from the process.

In the wild, representatives of the feline family often live in families, clans. The smell helps individuals to navigate not only in relation to territorial boundaries, but also in belonging to a particular group. This behavior can also be observed in domestic cats if more than 2 pets live in the house. They rub against the same object, such as furniture or a corner of the house, thus showing that they belong to the same clan.

Reasons why they rub against the legs

Knowing the importance of smells in the life of cats, it will be easier for a connoisseur of these fluffy creatures to understand if a cat rubs against the owner's legs, which means this in cat language. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • In the event that a pet rubs against the legs of the owner, who has just entered the room, the behavior means joy and satisfaction from meeting with his beloved owner. The longer the owner has been away, the more intense the ritual will be. The cat may first rub against the ankles, then rise on its paws and continue rubbing the owner's legs.

This behavior indicates that the owner has been away for too long and has lost the scent of his feline family. If at this moment you bring your hand closer to the animal, then similar manipulations will be done by the pet with this part of the body.

  • Experts in the field of zoopsychologists rightly believe that the reason why cats rub their faces or foreheads on objects is the desire to leave their individual scent on them. This odorous sign indicates that the owner is accepted into the cat clan on an equal footing. This kind of mark is usually placed by domestic cats. The fact that pets regularly rub against objects in the house where they live is due to the need to give things “their own” smell.

Items quickly lose the specific mark left by the cat, so it must be constantly updated. The presence of a familiar smell on household items has a calming effect on the animal and gives confidence in the environment.

  • Often you can see a picture of how a street cat runs up to a stranger and begins to rub against him. The mechanism of this ritual is similar, as in the identification of "friend or foe", but the reasons are somewhat different. Street cats thus mark an object unfamiliar to them, trying to give it their smell. Fluffy habitues of streets and yards do indulgence to a person, turning him into their property with the help of smell.
  • There is an opinion among animal psychologists that the reason for a kind of ritual is the relationship between the mother-cat and the baby. Having matured, the kittens perceive the owner as a caring mother, and thus signal their well-being and express appreciation for the care. Young outdoor kittens try to get affection and attention when they rub against a person.
  • The reason why the cat rubs against the legs, experts in the field of zoopsychology consider the behavioral line. With the help of tactile contact, reinforced by leaving a smell, domestic cats express their attitude towards household members and other pets. Experienced breeders note that some self-sufficient and independent animals practically do not show ritual actions towards the owner.

This can be interpreted as distrust of a person. If the pet at least twice a day shows attention to the owner in the form of rubbing her muzzle on her legs, then we can conclude that the cat is satisfied with the behavior of the owner, everything suits her, but she does not need additional attention. Sociable and loving by nature, individuals most actively rub against their legs, thereby showing love and tenderness.

  • Cause why cats rub their faces against the face of the owner, many owners consider the favorable attitude of the pet towards its owner. At the same time, as a rule, they purr and in every possible way show their gratitude and emotional disposition.
  • Many owners have noticed that especially often cats begin to rub against furniture and legs during sexual hunting. This is done on purpose. With the help of such a ritual, animals try to spread their scent as far as possible. This behavior is especially typical for domestic cats that do not have access to the street.
  • The reason why cats rub against people's legs may be to get more information about a stranger. This behavior is often noted when the animal is in a particular place for the first time. As a rule, the pet begins to intensively rub against all protruding objects, about the human legs. This ritual helps the cat to adapt to new environments and especially to new smells.

The owners also note that friendly animals want to attract attention with such a ritual, and spoiled pets can beg in the kitchen, begging for a tidbit. In any case, the behavior is emotionally colored and carries certain information for the owner.

Possible negative consequences

There is no danger that a domestic cat rubs against the legs of household members, unless family members are allergic to cat hair. In this case, direct contact with the animal is undesirable.

A street cat can be a real danger to humans. By rubbing against the legs, the animal can infect with a fungal infection such as ringworm. The spores of this pathogenic fungus are very persistent in the environment. With direct contact with a sick individual, the risk of infection with ringworm is high. Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the disease.

Knowing what it means if a cat rubs against its legs, the owner can get more interesting information about his fluffy pet.

Understanding the natural instincts, the emotional state of the animal will help to better understand the nature and motives of the pet, make the relationship more trusting and comfortable.

About why the cat rubs against the legs, furniture, see this video:

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