About the Labrador Retriever - a friendly, family-oriented and loyal breed. Variety of Labradors - description and breed standard Large Labrador dog

Labrador Retriever is a dog for intellectuals. This is exactly what they say about this breed. Animals are unusually smart, quick-witted, and charming, and not every owner can appreciate these qualities. Previously, this dog was intended only for a narrow circle of people in the English elite club, but today it is loved in families all over the world. They prefer to have Labradors famous people. But anyway, best host– this is the person who will love, appreciate and care for the pet.

Features of the character and temperament of a Labrador

Breed experts call the Labrador's character truly angelic. Reliability and good nature - that's it features this amazing animal. The dog is quite easy to train, has a healthy psyche, is balanced, and unpretentious. Labradors are often found in families with children. The dog copes well with the role of a nanny, since he is able to stoically endure any pranks, takes care of the child and is not at all aggressive. You can trust him with children of any age: he is one of the few dogs that understands how to behave with a “human child.”

Labradors value communication with people; they don’t single out anyone in the family, but they know how to approach everyone. They get along well with other pets. You can be sure: in a short period of time the Labrador will find mutual language even with the most unsociable pet. The dog doesn't know what jealousy is.

Labrador Retrievers really need to interact with people. A dog deprived of attention becomes bored and sad.

Both for service and friendship...

Thanks to their innate intelligence, Labradors successfully master various professions: nanny, rescuer, guide, policeman, etc. The dog is loyal to humans, willingly obeys and is one of the best service breeds.

They definitely know how to recognize emotional condition the owner, sympathize and empathize. They successfully treat people for depression. This is a dog for communication, an attentive and understanding friend who is always happy to listen and support.

Dogs help in the treatment of children with Down syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy. Four-legged doctors work with patients just like doctors.

The Labrador is the ideal family dog. She is sincerely happy when the whole family gets together and expresses dissatisfaction when she has to see someone off. The dog loves guests and happily takes part in all family events.

Labradors seem to be created to serve man, it’s not for nothing that they are called “angel dogs.”

Developing the Character of a Labrador

If you have purchased a puppy of this breed and do not know at all how to raise it correctly, try to imagine what it would be like Small child. Try to act intuitively. Raising a puppy is not a difficult process. A pet “for the soul” does not need special training. The dog must be explained what is good and what is bad. Do not yell at the dog under any circumstances, and especially do not use physical punishment: firstly, this is cruel to the animal, secondly, by doing this you will spoil the dog’s psyche, and thirdly, the dog will get used to screaming and simply will not react to it. Never humiliate a dog! The educational process should take place in a calm environment. For pet The love and understanding of the owner is especially important.

Key points of education:

1. Cleanliness.

2. Exemplary behavior on the street.

3. Acceptable behavior in the home environment.

Labrador puppy with early age It is necessary to teach people to “do their business” on the street, but inside the apartment? in a tray or on a diaper.

Be prepared for the fact that a small and active lump will leave teeth marks on everything that is bad and lying anywhere, so try to put wires, shoes, toys away so as not to tease doggy As he gets older, he will outgrow this habit.

You cannot feed your dog from the table; it must eat in a place specially designated for feeding. Snacking is unacceptable; it will be quite difficult to wean an adult dog from it.

Give your dog special place for sleeping and do not allow anyone to sleep on chairs or with you on the bed.

The dog understands quite quickly what's what. The owner himself must put much more effort into the education process in order to resist the temptation to pamper this lovely creature.

Thus, when the right approach to the educational process, a puppy turns into an intelligent dog with good manners.
Labradors are easy to train. Excellent learning of all skills in the game. An intelligent and hardworking dog will be very happy to learn new tricks.
At home, a Labrador will willingly do some simple work, for example, fetch slippers. Teaching him basic things is quite simple, and it is even useful for the development of intelligence. The “sofa-street-sofa” mode is not entirely suitable for such a dog.

Color and character

When choosing a Labrador, many people are interested in the question: does the Labrador’s color affect its character? Experienced dog breeders answer unequivocally “no”. The character of a dog does not depend on its color, but on genetics and the characteristics of its upbringing. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, and also to be sure of the breed of the dog, it is recommended to take puppies that have already grown up.

Labrador girl and boy character

Girls are more obedient and calm, affectionate, very attached to their owner, you can walk with them without a leash, because... bitches do not need to explore the territory. Problems with walking can occur only 2 times a year, when I'm in heat. During this time, it is better to keep the dog on a leash.

When walking, Labrador boys behave a little differently. They strive to mark everything around, carefully examine the surroundings and get to know everyone. If a Labrador is poorly trained, he will run away endlessly, so it is better to walk the boy on a leash, otherwise he can easily be bitten by other dogs. But there's a dog at home magically turns into a good girl and causes absolutely no trouble - sheer joy.

No matter who you choose: a boy or a girl, this dog has so many advantages that you simply will not notice the shortcomings.

Labrador? A wonderful dog with a golden character. She will teach you how to live life to the fullest and enjoy simple things. She will charm and captivate with her devotion, ability to sincerely love and truly make friends.

The captivating, sweet appearance, good-natured character and extraordinary user qualities of the Labrador have made the breed very famous. beautiful, smart pets live in the families of movie stars and presidents, serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and are guides for the blind. The kind nature of cheerful dogs is used to rehabilitate children suffering from various mental illness. Puppies of this breed appear on advertising posters and postcards, and appear in films along with adult dogs. The spontaneity and simplicity of Labradors captivates and touches even people who are indifferent to animals; these qualities are fundamental in the characteristics and descriptions of the breed.

History of the breed

Fawn and black color

Labradors take their origin from countries North America, where these smart dogs helped the indigenous people catch fish, willingly diving into the water after it. If necessary, dogs could save a child who had fallen into the sea; they coped well with the functions of nannies and guides. During the hunt, they served game that had fallen into the water or forest thicket without tearing it apart.

Labradors were first seen by European sailors on the island of Newfoundland, after which several individuals were brought to Britain in 1830. Families of sailors were delighted with smart, understanding animals with whom they could hunt and fish, who did not offend children and lived peacefully with other pets. Although the breed was considered a hunting breed, it did not have the bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness of terriers: agile, large dogs did not seek to destroy the population of ducks or geese.

Already in 1903, the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England, receiving official name named after the province in Canada where these dogs originated. At the same time, the Labrador Retriever received a standard description. To the question: “retriever or labrador, what is the difference or difference?” - there is a clear answer. Retriever is common name groups of hunting dogs, to which the Labrador belongs.

The beginning of the twentieth century was the beginning of a triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America, especially when, in addition to black color, fawn and chocolate appeared in the breed. The fact is that initially, all dogs were of different colors. As a result of targeted selection, light and dark brown puppies were discarded; it was believed that the true representatives of the island of Newfoundland must certainly be black. Now all three colors are officially recognized.


Chocolate Labrador

A black Labrador (or any other color) should give the impression of an extremely strong, proportionally built dog, with a large head, wide chest and a powerful back. Affectionate and obedient, with a pronounced desire to please the owner. The absence of timidity or aggression emphasizes an attentive, good-natured look dark eyes. The dog simply exudes restrained strength and readiness for active action.

  • The body of the animal is somewhat stretched, with a flat topline and a wide, strong loin. The chest is moderately deep, wide, and the ribs are rounded. The neck is powerful, strong, and goes into strong withers. The forelimbs are straight, with a long, slanting shoulder and arched paws. Hind limbs with well-developed, muscular thighs, low hocks.
  • The head is large, with a wide skull and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The muzzle is powerful, with superbly developed jaws. Scissor bite, teeth set vertically. The eyes are hazel or brown, medium in size. The ears are set far back and drooping.
  • The coat is hard, dense, with a well-developed undercoat. The color is rich brown, light or black. In fawn and chocolate dogs Brown nose is allowed.

The photo gallery shows Labradors as puppies and adults, working and playing.


Labrador is a born fetcher

Probably, the Labrador dog breed, the price of which is quite high, ranks first among all other dogs in its devotion to humans, in its desire to help and fulfill any task of the owner. This is an ideal companion: lively, active, wanting to constantly be with a person. Absolutely not aggressive, not testing negative feelings to people and most domestic animals.

They cannot be taught to rush at people, although some dogs actively vocalize when knocking on the door.

The Labrador's voice is very loud and shrill; many dogs quite consciously use it to remind their owner of themselves. A heart-rending bark is a signal that the dog hears preparations for feeding, or guesses that it is about to be released from its cage or enclosure.

Labradors are amazingly perceptive, they are able to recognize (hear, smell or spy) small gestures, shades of human behavior that indicate his intentions. Very fine hearing and an excellent sense of smell are combined with a very high intelligence.

Breed characteristics

Labrador is a peace-loving dog

Invariably good mood, readiness for games and walks is another feature of Labras. The desire to run, jump, mess with other dogs, and especially to swim, all this is in the character of charming animals. The passion for water is so great that your pet will turn the bowl over to splash in it, and then lie down. Particularly quick-witted originals quickly learn to open the water tap. On the way home, the dog will definitely get into any puddle, even a very dirty one.

Most Labradors are in excellent health, but your pet may suffer food allergies, expressed in dermatitis and otitis media, as well as representatives of this breed are predisposed to the development of hip dysplasia.

Don't look for it in character sweetest dog signs of innate intelligence or aristocracy. These are simple and funny dogs, who experience virtually no remorse after committing a crime, they are monstrously familiar and intrusive. The typical behavior of the offender is to run around the owner with a cheerful look, deftly and cheerfully dodging spanks. Many dogs simply harass their owners by running around them with stolen items.

By the way, pets that are cute the rest of the time become simply impossible if a person tries to punish them. In this case, the Lab begins to be stubborn, stops obeying at all, and can even bark at the owner without malice. A stubborn person should be trained firmly, without being subjected to physical punishment.

What a potential Labrador owner should know

Labrador loves to swim

Any person who wants to buy a Labrador puppy must be prepared for some difficulties in maintaining and raising a baby, and then an adult animal. This is a very peculiar breed, different from the majority, so not only beginners in dog breeding, but also people with experience may be surprised and even disappointed when they discover the following qualities of a cute pet:

  • This is a dog, and it is not just tall, but powerful. A six-month-old teenager can weigh more than forty kilograms, and the pet's manner of frantically wagging its tail often causes irritation among family members.

Clarification specifically for beginners who dream of having large dog: on the street, at an exhibition in a huge hall, the dog always seems smaller than in the space of a small apartment.

  • The lab has a hard coat and undercoat, which, due to fatty lubrication, does not allow moisture to pass through. This is why the dog needs periodic bathing, otherwise it begins to smell strongly and unpleasantly.
  • The pet's thick undercoat should be combed several times a day twice a year, during the molting period, especially if the animal is kept in an apartment. Otherwise, the floor, things and owners end up literally covered with white or black (depending on color) flakes of fluff.
  • Labradors mature quite late; until the age of three, many remain children, trying to chew the wires from the TV or the owner’s favorite boots. It is not recommended to leave the puppy alone for a long time; as a last resort, purchase a crate where the baby is locked in the absence of the owners.

Gnawing is also caused by boredom, longing for people, and lack of proper contact with a person.

  • When walking, you should not let your pet off the leash until he has matured enough that he stops rushing to the first person he meets, jumping on the passerby with the intention of licking him from head to toe. Representatives of this breed run away after playing with street dogs or following strange children. The command “come to me!”, reinforced with a treat, should be the first and most beloved by the pet.
  • A dog like a Labrador or Golden retriever, must move a lot, run, jump, play. Daily two-hour exercise is a must for an adult pet.
  • Labras tend to be full. They love to eat, and they look hungry immediately after swallowing their portion of food (food for a Labrador Retriever should not be too high in calories). An insatiable appetite forces the dog to steal food where it can be stolen: from the cat’s bowl, from the table or from the stove, from a bag brought from the store. A bag of trash forgotten in the hallway is immediately subjected to a thorough inspection, after which all the jars and paper food packaging are scattered around the room.

All problems associated with bad behavior, begin from puppyhood. Babies must be raised consistently, firmly, and from the age of four months, visit the training ground. Only in this case will it be possible to raise a magnificent and understanding Labrador at a glance.

The video tells about the main advantages of the breed, the history and modern application Labrador Retrievers.

Who is the most faithful and trusted friend person? Of course the dog. Of their many breeds, one breed has always received the most attention. They really deserve it with their wonderful temperament, their lifestyle and attitude towards people. It's about about the breed that ranks first in many countries of the world Labrador Retriever.

In order to get this beautiful animal, breeders had to work hard. In the 19th century, they crossed two interesting breeds - a curly-haired retriever and a small one.

The second breed of dog has excellent characteristics. They are distinguished by great hard work and intelligence and were excellent assistants to people in fishing and hunting. Dog sleds with these animals were quite common.

These lived interesting dogs on the lands of the Newfoundland peninsula. It was there that they were noticed by an English colonel and transported to Great Britain. After this, the breeders bred dog labrador retriever.

On the islands of Great Britain, dogs had to work in coastal areas. They were indispensable assistants from local sailors and fishermen. Friendly labrador retriever character, his ability to avoid damaging his prey with his soft grip almost immediately predetermined what future might await him.

And these assumptions completely coincided with reality. Labrador retriever puppies from then to the present day they have been considered the most popular and one of the best breeds.

The Labrador Retriever is often used as a rescue dog.

The dogs got their name from the name of the peninsula in eastern Canada. This breed was officially recognized in 1903. Initially it was only about black labrador retriever.

The year 1924 was remembered for the fact that another fawn labrador retriever. Some time passed and a little later these colors were diluted with others. This is how it appeared chocolate labrador retriever and golden labrador retriever.

IN Soviet Union this breed was first introduced in 1960. Thanks to their excellent qualities, they were appreciated by everyone, but their popularity came only 30 years later.

Throughout the world, interest in these dogs is consistently high. Their friendly disposition and desire from birth to please their master made them the most beloved family dogs.

The photo shows a fawn Labrador retriever

They are widely used in search and rescue operations. Can serve as an ideal psychological support for unhealthy people and serve not only, but also. This is one of the best breeds used in customs work.

They are still trained to hunt game birds. In those areas of human activity that cannot do without the help of dogs and where their balanced and persistent disposition and lack of anger are required, this breed is given first place and no one has argued with this for a long time.

Features and character of the Labrador Retriever

Good nature, cheerfulness and playful disposition - these are the main traits for the Labrador Retriever. This cheerful, healthy guy has enough energy and vivacity for everyone around him.

His cheerfulness and optimism know no bounds. In the family in which this woman lives, a calm atmosphere constantly reigns, infecting everyone around with happiness and peace.

Home comfort and harmony are visible in every corner. Residents of many countries have for some time now considered the Labrador Retriever a symbol family happiness and well-being. Therefore, the first thing many young families do when creating their own new family- they start themselves.

IN Labrador Retriever reviews there are a lot of words about their optimism in life. They say that their energetic activity is overflowing. They simply cannot sit sadly and wait for entertainment.

If the owner does not have time to provide his pet with an entertainment program, he can easily organize everything on his own. Loneliness is absolutely unacceptable for this breed.

The photo shows a chocolate Labrador retriever

They perceive it too painfully, so in such cases they can simply leave the home rather than sit and wait for attention to be paid to them. They are open to friendship with everyone, be it an adult, a small child, another pet in the family, or just a random passerby. They are not called upon to zealously protect their territory.

Moreover, the dog is friendly to everyone, even strangers. She can let them into the house and start a game. The only people with whom they have an incomprehensible relationship are birds. After all, it was these that their ancestors were taught to hunt.

But there have been more than isolated cases when a Labrador Retriever developed a real friendship with birds. And this is in Once again confirmed their loving and friendly disposition.

This breed has a developed mind and quick intelligence. They easily lend themselves to any training and are very happy about it, carry out all the owner’s commands with amazing accuracy and thereby completely please him.

Golden Labrador Retriever

The difficulty comes from their playful nature. may become overplayed and distracted from the main task. This happens especially often during their growing up period, it lasts about 3 years. These are precisely the dogs for which it is very difficult to part with children's fun even in adult life when they look respectable and have already become parents themselves.

They quickly get used to people and know how to appreciate an attentive and caring attitude towards themselves. Regular exercise can keep your dog fit and relieve boredom at the same time.

These inquisitive natures and adventure lovers can follow a new smell when walking, so every owner needs to take this into account and watch them closely to avoid losing them. In addition, such a good-natured animal can simply be stolen. Therefore, it is advisable to have a dog, with all information about it entered into a special database.

The Labrador Retriever dog is quite large in size. But this absolutely does not prevent him from living comfortably in an apartment. In addition to physical games, it is advisable to download intellectually. This will keep her from getting bored and relieve stress.

It is better to raise puppies from the first days of their life. This will help you handle your Labrador Retriever without problems as an adult. They quickly get bored with monotonous activities due to their developed intelligence, and rough methods of education using force make them closed. They do not trust people after this and completely refuse to follow their commands.

Although not watchdogs, they are still not averse to barking, especially near their home and in an excited state. They love to eat, so in frequent cases they can quickly gain excess weight. Their owner should not forget about this and control their diet.

Black Labrador Retriever

Description of Labrador Retriever

This is a large, strong and hardy dog. Her ability to work is amazing; she can work for many hours at a time. It is compact and good developed body.

Average weight A standard male Labrador Retriever weighs 29-36 kg, females 25-32 kg. The height of the male at the withers reaches 56-57 cm, and the female is 2 cm less. Judging by photo of Labrador Retriever, he is athletic, muscular, balanced and has no excess weight.

— The dog’s head is wide, wedge-shaped, with a convex forehead, on which a convex groove is clearly visible. The brow ridges are not very pronounced. The dog's cheeks and cheekbones have a clearly visible flatness and firmness.

— The teeth are proportional in size, they are dense and even. The animal's nose is wide, the nostrils are open. His lobe is always colored to match the color of the dog. A dog's eyes are almond shaped Brown color, they have a friendly, calm and intelligent look.

— The dog’s ears are medium. The body is rectangular, strong, with a wide chest and back. Her limbs are strong and thick. The dog has membranes on its toes, thanks to which they swim well. These membranes also help dogs walk on snow with ease.

— The Labrador's tail is very similar to the tail. It fits perfectly into big picture and nothing stands out. It is of natural length, thickened at the base and gradually tapered towards the tip.

Care and maintenance of the Labrador Retriever

Grooming a Labrador Retriever does not require any special effort or financial costs. It is only important to remember that the dog simply cannot stand sitting without exercise and doing nothing for long.

Thanks to his well-developed instinct and ability to quickly bring a ball or any other toy, you can easily find an activity for your dog that will help him blow off steam. It is advisable to visit special areas for animals with your pet or engage in some kind of activity with him. dog-like sports

The photo shows a Labrador retriever puppy

Your dog's coat should be brushed at least twice a week. During the molting period of the animal, this must be done daily. If the undercoat is not removed in a timely manner, the animal may develop dermatitis, although the Labrador is not prone to such diseases.

It is very important to protect your dog from appearances that cause him unbearable suffering. It is not necessary to bathe your pet often. Just 3-4 times a year is enough. It is advisable to choose a warm season for this and the period after the dog has shed.

No need for animal eyes, ears or claws special attention. It is enough to inspect them periodically and possible problems take appropriate measures. A special nail clipper is used to trim claws. Many people complain that labrador terrier may often smell like “dog.” This is a completely understandable problem. After all, the dog has a very dense undercoat.

This causes some discomfort when keeping an animal in an apartment. In order to somehow reduce the smell, you can switch to special industrial food.

We should also talk about the animal’s oral hygiene. His teeth require close attention. It is necessary to provide him with high-quality nutrition and teach him to brush his teeth regularly. If your pet develops plaque, it is advisable to take it to the veterinarian.

Quite a lot important role It has good nutrition pet. His overall well-being and health depend on a properly selected diet. It is better to opt for quality industrial feed which will provide useful substances and microelements and will prevent her from overeating. IN natural food There is more variety, but it does not contain all the substances necessary for a dog.

Labrador retriever price and owner reviews

Buy Labrador Retriever not difficult. But it is advisable to do this in special nurseries, so as not to fall for greedy breeders. When choosing a friend, you need to listen to your heart and, of course, to the advice of the seller. Labrador retriever price with a pedigree ranging from $350 to $700. Puppies without documents are cheaper.

Thanks to their good-natured disposition and excellent attitude towards people, these dogs have earned the most flattering reviews from their owners. The only thing is that because of their mobility, they are not entirely suitable for older people and people suffering from allergies.

What can say more about a dog than the opinion of its owner? The Labrador is a fairly popular dog that many families prefer to keep. As one owner said, best breed You wouldn’t want it for keeping in a house with children.

It is difficult to find a more loyal and kind creature with an easy-going character. He will be a friend to a single person, a married couple, and children.

Breed standard

Weight: For male Labradors, a normal weight is considered to be between 30 and 36 kg. For bitches - 25 - 32 kg. Labradors can gain weight quickly due to poor nutrition, and this is fraught with heart disease.

Height at withers: For males - 56-57 cm; In females - 54-56 cm.

Color: Three colors are considered standard: black, chocolate and fawn. But the shades of these colors can be very diverse: light chocolate, liver, golden, light cream, red fox. Fawn often has brown-liver pigmentation. The chest may be decorated with a white spot.

Wool: Labradors are covered with thick, short hair that does not have waves or feathers. The wool feels rough to the touch. The waterproof undercoat is also very dense.


Breed varieties

The only difference between Labrador Retrievers of different colors can be color. And if they say that black Labradors are more inclined to hunt, fawn Labradors are somewhat lazy, and chocolate Labradors are stubborn - this is not true.

The first standard for this breed was exclusively black Labradors with a deep charcoal color. Later, fawn and then chocolate Labradors were included in the standard line.

General description of the breed, its character

The history of the most popular dog in Europe, the Labrador Retriever, began in the 19th century. There is evidence that several small dogs - Newfoundlands - were brought from the island of Newfoundland to England. They were crossed with a Curly Retriever, and possibly with a Foxhound and a Setter.

This is how they created the wonderful breed of modern Labrador Retriever, the dog of presidents and kings, rescuers and police officers, disabled people and ordinary citizens.

Varieties of color


The Labrador is a fairly large and strong dog with an athletic build and well-developed muscles. She can work for several hours at a time, despite even bad weather. That is why Labrador is used as hunting dog, capable of the most difficult conditions for a long time chase a bird on the water or game in a field.

This universal dog: her physical characteristics and stable temperament allow her to work as a search engine and a guide dog, and her intelligence allows her to be an excellent companion for her owners.

How long does a Labrador live?

Life expectancy may vary, but the average is 10-14 years. This is influenced by the quality of care, proper nutrition, reasonable exercise stress, as well as constant veterinary control.

Advantages of the breed

The main thing that distinguishes Labradors and how one can explain the love of their owners for them is ideal condition psyche, intelligence, affection for family members, friendly communication with children, the ability to understand from a person’s intonation what he must do and accurately carry out the order.

A small drawback can be called a loving attitude towards everyone around him, including strangers. This means that he cannot be used as a watchman.

On a walk


The Labrador has a truly golden character. He is ready to serve his masters always and in everything. You can’t call him a bodyguard (he would be better suited for this role), but he can be a guide, a nurse, a hunter’s assistant, and even a psychotherapist.

He won't bark for no reason, but will immediately respond to suspicious noises. It might make sense to train your Labrador. Like a real hunting retriever, he will gladly bring the right thing to the owner.

A properly raised Labrador obedient, easily accepts training and training, he is not characterized by an aggressive reaction to people and animals. Moreover, he loves children and has an affectionate and calm attitude towards the elderly.

Features of training and education

The Labrador is easy to train and train. It is important to start doing this on time, do not wait until the dog grows up and has time to acquire unwanted habits. Suffice it to say that three-month-old puppies are able to solve educational tasks that are accessible to other breeds only at 6-7 months.

It is best to entrust training to specialists who do it according to specially developed programs.

The dog must always have something to do - at least bring slippers to the owner or catch toys thrown by children.

A dog with a golden character

One of natural properties labrador - addiction to water. It's a pleasure to see how they dive and swim, helping themselves with their tail. And the second passion - carry out items- and this is a reason to teach the dog to perform the command “Fetch!” when playing with cymbals.

Owners should give her maximum attention so that from an early age she correctly adapts to the rules of communication with a person and obeys his commands. Be patient and explain, like a child, what can and cannot be done. Screaming and physical abuse are unacceptable.

Features of feeding

The feeding pattern is approximately this: six times a day - up to three months of age, five times - up to five months, four times - up to ten months, three times - up to a year, and then two meals a day.

Labrador puppies have an enviable appetite, they are prone to obesity Therefore, you cannot overfeed them and you need to ensure a balanced diet.

It is best to choose dry puppy food. You can mix it with soups or cereals. In addition, be sure to include veal or beef, skinless chicken, lean fish, eggs, vegetable oil, cereals, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. Don't forget about vitamin and mineral supplements.

Black color

A dog needs a good owner

It is often said that the Labrador is a dog for everyone. Or rather, for everyone who will become its good owner.

This is a person who can give her a lot of attention. Who knows that this breed, due to its special tail, needs a lot of space. Who will be happy to walk, so that the Labrador gives an outlet for energy and cheerfulness. Who will have a feeling of closeness with the dog both during games and in moments of training.

Choosing a puppy

First of all, you need to decide what gender the future family pet will be.

Whom to prefer

Many people think that a bitch is guarantee of peace and friendliness. This pure truth. But there is still some stubbornness. And most importantly - estrus, which occurs twice a year. At this time, the owners need to be vigilant and protect her from male dogs. And some buyers believe that a bitch with show potential is the right investment.

Male in the future will be big and strong dog , mobile and requiring attention. It is believed that males are more loyal to their owners than females and get along better with other pets.

You need to choose and remember that buying a puppy will oblige the owners to take care of the pet for 10-15 years.

Labrador puppies

Where can I buy

Of course, the most reliable way- buy a healthy purebred puppy from experienced breeder in the labrador retriever kennel. It is best to look for a puppy whose age 6-8 weeks.

The nursery will select a suitable baby and give recommendations on how to properly care for him and maintain his health. In addition, it is possible to see the puppy’s parents and receive all the necessary documents

Key points when choosing

  • The puppy should not be angry or timid;
  • He must show signs of friendliness;
  • He must be tight, but not fat;
  • There should be no damage to the skin or fleas;
  • The puppy must have a good appetite.

Is it worth buying an adult Labrador?

If a family decides to take an adult Labrador into their home, they must first weigh some circumstances:

  • whether the new owners had to communicate with similar breeds of dogs;
  • observe the dog in its usual environment;
  • find out if the Labrador has had contact with children and pets;
  • does she have bad habits(may have to be weaned off);
  • see how the dog behaves on the street, how controllable it is.

Unusual brown color

How to prepare your home for a puppy

The puppy will need:

  • place to sleep and mattress;
  • feeding area;
  • supply of special food;
  • bowls;
  • leash with collar;
  • toys;
  • first aid kit.

Before bringing the puppy into the house, you need to remove carpets from the floor, remove all small objects, needles, threads that the baby can swallow, securely hide electrical and telephone wires, chemicals, as well as shoes.

It is important to train the puppy right away and not allow him to do things anywhere.

Always ready to swim, run races, play and walk with his owner

The strong build and open, cheerful disposition of the Labrador Retriever make him completely tireless. He is ready to swim, run races, play and walk with his owner anytime, anywhere! If you are looking for a dog that is easy to train, smart, balanced and also playful, choose the Labrador breed. Most of these dogs love children very much. However, it is necessary to remember one of their weaknesses - appetite! Maintaining optimal body weight in representatives of this breed is quite difficult.


They are good with children, have an easy-going disposition and get along easily with other pets.

Labrador is one of the few dog breeds that are popular all over the world. And they deservedly gained such popularity. Almost the main characteristic of the Labrador is the rare friendliness of dogs of this breed. As a rule, they are good with children, have an easy-going disposition and get along easily with other pets. These are capable students who willingly and actively participate in the learning process. However, if they get bored, you can expect any mischief from them! If you want to get a Labrador Retriever, study the breed description and think about whether you can cope with its cheerful and active character.