The dog has been in heat for over a month. How long is estrus in dogs and its features

All animals reach puberty at some point, including dogs. This symbolizes their readiness for fertilization and bearing offspring. In order to find a suitable pair, you need to know about all the intricacies of estrus in dogs, its duration, the selection of a male and the behavior of the owner during this difficult period.

Of course, all owners of female dogs will be interested in how long the estrus will last for the pet, what will be its behavior, the nature and cyclicality of the process, how the owner should behave and when can panties be worn?

What is the frequency of estrus in dogs?

Dogs usually go into heat about twice a year, but some breeds of bitches are exposed to such manifestations of nature only once a year. The reason for concern may be the absence of this phenomenon for more than 8 months from its onset, if less than 4 months have passed between the periods. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the animal.

The development of the cycle of estrus in dogs occurs at the age of two years. Absolutely normal is the reduction or stretching of the break between estrus. It is impossible to accurately predict the date of the beginning and end of this process and the exact number of days, since every year everything happens differently, and the dates are shifted. It is better for the owner to keep observations and write them down in a diary every year, so as not to miss this important period.

The main point is the observation of the cyclical nature of estrus in dogs. The period of the process itself can vary from a few days to two weeks. Moreover, the rest is from 4 to 7 months. If everything is taken into account correctly, then you do not have to worry about delays.

It is worth remembering that all dogs have a different duration of estrus. But on average, it can be a period 2 to 4 weeks. A deviation from the norm will be considered when the estrus lasts less than 7 days or more than 30 days.

The entire estrus period consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts a certain number of days:

The onset of estrus indicates the puberty of the dog, about her ability to procreate. Specifically, even veterinarians cannot say for sure at what age such a phenomenon can occur for the first time and how long it will last. It has already been proven that everything depends on the breed of the knot. It has been noticed that in dogs of small breeds this process occurs earlier than in representatives of large breeds and lasts a smaller number of days per year.

Small-bred females are already in heat for the first time at six or seven years of age. Although, it is still very early to bear offspring. Yes, and the very nature of the manifestation of a natural phenomenon differs from a real estrus, since it does not last long and with small secretions.

In bitches of large sizes, the first estrus appears at the age of one and a half to two years. In addition, the beginning can be very poor and short. And the first ovulation may not come. Predicting the next estrus is also very difficult. It has been noted that the period of the onset of the first estrus coincides with the period of molting of the animal, but it is not so easy to predict this with great accuracy.

The onset of the first estrus in a dog can be calculated by its behavior. The owner must first inquire in order not to get confused and take appropriate measures. Shortly before the onset of estrus symptoms, the animal begins to behave differently than usual. You can notice in her behavior a manifestation of aggression, increased activity, excessive playfulness. The animal loses disciplinary skills, it is difficult to control it.

Exist several signs of estrus at the dog. Among them are:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Increasing interest in the bitch from males.
  3. The appearance of spotting and traces in the resting places of the pet.

During this special period, the dog can itself pay attention to the dogs, bark in their direction, wag your tail. The owner must be on the lookout if he does not want to mate his bitch.

How should the owner behave during estrus?

The signal of estrus will be the behavior of males in relation to the bitch in the territory for walking dogs. At this point, the owner of the dog must limit himself from the future consequences that may arise from close communication between the bitch and the male. For this some precautions need to be taken:

Of course, the estrus period adds additional difficulties and inconveniences, but do not take this phenomenon as something unacceptable. On the contrary, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that such a process in a dog passes without much difficulty, especially the first time.

In order to answer the question of how long a dog's estrus lasts, you need to understand what your dog's sexual cycle is and what are the durations of your dog's sexual cycle phases.
Knowing the number of sexual cycles of your dog per year, you will know how many times a year there will be estrus. By adding up the duration of the first and second phases of your dog's sexual cycle, you will know how long the dog's estrus lasts.

Sexual cycle of a dog or how many times dogs have heat.

Monocyclicity, i.e. reproduction once a year, is typical only for wild animals - strictly in a certain, favorable season for this. The gonads of male and female wild animals function only during this season.
A distinctive feature of domestic animals from wild ones is reproduction two or more times a year, the so-called polycyclicity.
Female domestic dogs have a polycyclicity of two to three sexual cycles during the year. In male domestic dogs (stud dogs), the testicles function all year round. The number of sexual cycles of your dog is mainly determined by the conditions in which the dog is kept. If your dog (female) lives in a city apartment, then the influence of the external climatic environment on it is minimal, and it can have two or three sexual cycles per year. Enclosed or free-range dogs have two estrous cycles per year.
The cycle of native breeds is closer to the cycle of wild representatives and estrus in such dogs takes place once a year, in a certain season.
As a result, the number of your dog's sexual cycles per year determines how many times the dog goes into heat.

Phases of the sexual cycle.

The sexual cycle of a dog includes four phases.

The period lasts from 3 to 20 days, but in most dogs it is 7-10 days. In the ovaries, the growth and maturation of follicles that secrete female sex hormones - estrogens.
In a bitch, the functions of the mucous genital organs are enhanced, the loop swells, the size of the uterine horns increases, the walls of the uterus and vagina thicken.
During this period, the bitch's behavior changes, she becomes naughty, active, playful, often urinates, making marks on the territory. During this period, the bitch reacts aggressively to males, not letting them near her.

The period lasts approximately 4 to 12 days.
The color of the discharge in the bitch becomes less bloody, closer to pale pink. During this period, the bitch is ready to mate.
In a bitch, the loop increases sharply in size, becomes swollen, soft when touched, the bitch reacts, takes her tail to the side, stands up. The second, third day from the start of the hunt is the best time for mating. Control mating can be done after 24-48 hours.
The duration of estrus in dogs is the total period of the first and second phases of the sexual cycle.

The discharge stops in the bitch, the loop gradually decreases in size. During this period, the bitch does not allow males to approach her.
Pregnancy lasts approximately 60-67 days. If a

Choosing a girl from affectionate curious puppies, each owner acquires a true friend in her person. Approximately 2 times a year, she turns into a cunning bride, for whom you need an eye and an eye. How is estrus in dogs, you must know in order to successfully mate the animal, as well as to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

A special period in the life of a pet is manifested by the appearance of a positive reaction to males and the beginning of sexual hunting. The onset time depends on several indicators: breed, dietary characteristics and conditions of detention. The duration of estrus is on average 3 weeks.

The manifestations of the first estrus are less pronounced, the symptoms are more blurred. The second estrus in dogs passes with more obvious signs. Well, all subsequent flows against the background of a steady cycle are approximately the same.

Video "What you need to know about estrus in a dog"

In this video, the expert will tell you about the features of estrus in a dog.

How to recognize an attack

It will not be difficult for an experienced dog breeder to determine the beginning of estrus in dogs. The symptoms of estrus are quite characteristic and occur in a complex manner. These include:

  • bloody issues;
  • frequent urination;
  • the need to mark the walking area or even objects in the apartment;
  • changes in behavior - the pet begins to behave restlessly.

Examining the litter, you can see brownish spots - traces of dried blood. The increased interest in your pet from the "grooms" is associated with the release of pheromones in the urine. These are special biosubstances that are sensitive to males. At the very beginning of the process, the bitches do not let the males in, drive away, jump, growl.

The behavior of the dog before estrus changes. During a walk, she ceases to obey, can be aggressive, easily break loose and even run away. In some cases, the girl may not react at all to changes. The beginning of the mating season can be determined only by physical signs.

How does it go

In girls from large breeds, the process of estrus always begins a little later than in small breeds, since it takes more time for their physical development. The usual terms are from 8 months to 1.5 years. In tiny dogs, the emptying begins at 6 months.

The final stage

Metaestrus lasts 7 to 10 days. The heat stops, the discharge no longer bothers the dog. Interest in the opposite sex drops sharply, and the bitch no longer allows males. The loop gradually subsides and returns to its previous dimensions.

Then comes the after-estrus, if the bride did not become pregnant. This is a period of restoration of physiological processes. It takes 30 to 60 days. Sometimes false pregnancy occurs, accompanied by psychophysiological disorders.

sexual rest

Anestrus can last from 100 to 150 days. The older the dog, the longer the pauses between estrus become, but the laying still continues, although it lasts much less (3-5 days). At the end of the period, the maturation of a new egg is stimulated. When this happens, the cycle restarts.

Possible difficulties

About a third of girls have non-standard "schemes", which the veterinarian will help to find out and deal with.

These are the following changes:

  • intermittent leaks. Occurs in young girls before the first estrus. For a short period of time, bloody discharge appears, which disappears in 3-5 days. A month later they start back. There is no forerunner or it has a short period;
  • mild leak. Due to hormonal disruptions, the symptoms are blurred, the bitch does not show a desire to mate;
  • hidden leak. It can be considered normal and is often found in dwarf breeds. But it often happens against the background of hypothyroidism. It flows imperceptibly, there are practically no discharges. The loop does not increase and does not swell. Only by the behavior of the male can one guess about the special position of the bitch;
  • extended ovulation. Occurs in dogs with metabolic disorders and reduced levels of sex hormones.

Estrus begins at 7-8 months and continues throughout the life cycle. In order for the dog to conceive safely and bear offspring and always remain healthy, during this period she needs special care and attention from you.

Estrus, also known as estrus, is the reproductive stage through which unsterilized females go. At this stage, their eggs mature, making them fertile and able to give birth to puppies. During this period, the dog may experience various behavioral and physical changes due to hormonal changes in the body. These changes will allow you to figure out if the dog is in heat or not.


The concept of estrus in dogs

    Understanding the basics of your dog's reproductive cycle. When you are wondering if your bitch is in heat, the first thing to understand is her normal hormonal cycle. When a bitch reaches maturity and is physically ready to breed, her estrogen levels increase and her ovaries begin to release eggs. If mating occurs during this period, eggs can be fertilized and embryos can be conceived.

    • Bitches, or females, typically enter estrus at puberty, around the age of 6 to 24 months, depending on the breed. Small breeds usually go into heat earlier than large breeds.
  1. You need to know when to check for signs of heat. Depending on the breed, a female estrus occurs twice a year with an average interval of six months between each.

    • This will help you determine if there is a chance that she is in heat. For example, if she had a heat a month ago, then it is unlikely that this will happen again so soon and something may be wrong.
    • Although most dogs go into heat twice a year, that is, every six months, as with all hormonal events, some dogs have it more regularly than others. Some of them go into heat regularly, like clockwork every six hours, while others are extremely variable. An interval of 4 to 8 months is considered normal.
    • Heat usually lasts three to four weeks.
  2. Understand the signs of a leak. The heat itself goes according to the scheme, with swelling of the vulva and spotting during the first week. However, nature can be deceiving, because around 7-14 days, the discharge may stop or become weaker. This can mislead the careless owner into thinking that the period is over and the bitch is no longer at risk of getting pregnant. However, nothing could be that far from the truth. This average week is actually the period when ovulation occurs and the peak of the risk of getting pregnant.

    • Also, this is the week when she is most interested in finding a friend, and you should not let your guard down, and if you do not want her to have puppies, then you should increase your security measures.
    • Approximately for 14 - 21 days of estrus, spotting returns, but gradually weakens and completely disappears. However, for a couple of weeks the vulva often remains larger than usual (although now she cannot conceive, estrus is over).

Note the physical and behavioral changes in your dog during estrus.

  1. Note the swelling of the vulva. The dog's vulva is located directly below the anus. Before a bitch goes into heat, her vulva will begin to swell a little. At the height of estrus, the vulva will increase to three times its normal size and take on a reddish hue.

    Pay attention to vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding is a sign that your dog is about to go into heat. When a dog is in heat, the amount of discharge will decrease slightly and the blood will take on a brownish tint.

    • If the bitch thoroughly cleans and licks the discharge, it will be difficult to understand if there is a discharge. A helpful tip is to cover her bed with a white sheet or pillowcase. This way you will see bloodstains on the white while she sleeps.
    • If you are planning to breed puppies, write down the day the bleeding started. Mating will occur most successfully on the 10th or 11th day from the onset of bleeding and on each of the three days following it.
  2. Pay attention if your dog constantly licks itself. Another sign that a dog is going into heat soon, or has just started, is if she constantly licks her vagina. While some bitches don't do this, most dogs will exhibit this behavior right at the start of estrus.

    Pay attention if the dog begins to behave strangely. Bitches that are in early heat usually don't perform as usual. In particular, bitches who are about to go into heat are nervous, restless and easily irritated.

    • Some bitches bark a lot and become more aggressive towards people and dogs around.
  3. Pay attention to the aggravation of marital behavior. If your dog starts jumping on males or other bitches, then it is more likely that he is in heat. Jumping on dogs is a common sign that a bitch is in heat. She can even jump on your feet.

    • However, dogs may jump on their feet or on each other for other behavioral reasons, such as masturbation, dominance, or, oddly enough, submissive behavior, so this does not necessarily mean that the bitch is in heat.
  4. Watch for changes in the position of the dog's tail. When a dog enters estrus, she twists her tail to the side to facilitate mating. This action is called "flagging" and is very common with bitches in heat.

    • You can induce this behavior by vigorously scratching her soft spot. If her hind legs are stiff and her tail leans to one side, she is flagging.
    • Never insert anything into a dog's vulva or vagina to see if it's ready. You can inadvertently hurt the tender, inflamed tissues and put your dog under a lot of stress.

Note the behavior of the males

  1. Be aware that some bitches are "silent hunters", that is, they do not show any visible signs of estrus. They secrete reproductive hormones but do not show the usual outward signs, such as vulvar swelling.

    • The only way to determine if these dogs are in heat is to observe the interaction between the males and the bitch in question. Males will even detect a low level of female sex hormones, which will cause their increased interest and attention.
    • Keep in mind that some bitches "skip" heat. If they are not feeling well or in poor health, have lost weight lately, the body can conserve energy and heat will not start at the expected time. This is a natural way to let the body know that it needs all its reserves for the most important thing, and is not in a state of full bloom of strength, when it could take care of the offspring.
  2. Pay attention to the level of aggressiveness in males. If you have a pair of males and also a bitch who you think might be in heat, pay attention to how aggressive the males are towards each other. When there is more than one male next to the bitch, they begin to behave aggressively towards each other, trying to prove which of them dominates and should mate with the bitch.

  3. Note increased vocal communication and restlessness. If you have one male and a bitch in heat, notice how the male reacts to his separation from the female. If he seems more restless than usual and whines frequently, then it is most likely that he is expressing his displeasure at not being allowed near the bitch. This is a sure sign that the bitch is in heat.

    • Although this is not guaranteed and you need to interpret this in the context of the physical changes in the bitch and the normal behavior of the dog being isolated from his mate. Some dogs experience anxiety when they are isolated from close friends and it can be difficult to distinguish this from sexual dissatisfaction.
  4. Watch the interaction between male and female. If you allow your dogs to run freely together all the time, then watch what happens when the male approaches the bitch. If the bitch allows him to lick and sniff her vagina for a long time, then it is most likely that she is in heat. In particular, if she lets herself jump, this is a sign that she is in heat.

    • However, if she lets another dog mount her, that can also be a sign of submissive behavior, so again, you need to interpret the big picture and ask yourself if it's time for estrus, for example, and how she usually behaves around dogs. . Don't forget, butt sniffing is something dogs love to do often, at best just to figure out who is who!
    • If your dog and bitch don't normally communicate, keep your dog on a leash when you bring him close to the bitch. One or both dogs may become aggressive if they are not familiar with each other.

Checking the estrus at the veterinarian

  1. To determine if your dog is in heat, your veterinarian will do a blood test. An analysis is used that determines the level of progesterone in the blood, which rises during estrus. This is done simply by taking a blood sample from the bitch and sending it to the laboratory. A low level indicates that there is no period, an average level indicates that the dog is in heat, and a high level indicates pregnancy.

    • An alternative is analysis used in research institutions. It measures the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood, which rises before ovulation. However, such a test is not available for commercial use.
  2. Have your veterinarian do a vaginal cytology test. It's fast and easy. The veterinarian runs a clean cotton swab over the moist mucosa of the vulva and then over the microscope slide. Once the smear is dry, it is stained and examined under a microscope.

    • A typical picture in a bitch in heat will be large cells plus red blood cells, which is characteristic of the period of heat. This, along with the physical signs, is enough to determine if a bitch is in heat.
  3. Ask yourself if the visible symptoms are signs of heat or if they suggest a health problem. This means it's important to use common sense when asking about a bitch's heat. If in doubt, take her to the vet for a checkup.

    • Is it time for the bitch to go into heat? If yes, then heat is more likely than a health problem.
    • Was there a heat recently? If yes, then it is less likely that it has come again, and there may be health problems.
    • Is she in a good mood, eating and drinking normally, and is she generally active? If yes, heat is more likely.
    • Does she feel unwell, has a reduced appetite, is she more thirsty than usual, or does she feel sick? If so, there is probably a health problem and urgent veterinary attention is required.
  4. If there should not be heat, but similar symptoms are present, have the veterinarian examine the dog. There is a disease, pyometra, which affects older bitches, the symptoms of which, to the untrained eye, may coincide with those of estrus. Common symptoms include a swollen vulva, with or without vaginal discharge. Pyometra refers to a uterine infection. In severe cases, the uterus fills with pus and the toxins released by the bacteria are absorbed into the blood and poison the dog.

    • If a bitch who has been in heat (4 to 8 weeks ago) has discharge, seek veterinary attention as this is the peak period of risk for developing pyometra.
    • In the early stages, the dog may experience more thirst and lack of appetite. As the disease progresses, the toxins cause damage to the kidneys and, if left untreated, can be fatal.
    • Each time in heat slightly weakens the lining of the uterus and makes it more vulnerable to the appearance of pyometra. This disease is more likely to affect older bitches (the more heats she has, the more likely it is to happen), and no breed is at risk.

Estrus in dogs is one of the normal physiological states of female mammals, indicating readiness for bearing offspring and the mating process. Fertilization occurs when a “live” spermatozoon fuses with a mature egg, which comes out at regular intervals.

The first estrus in dogs begins at different times. In one female earlier, in the second later. Do not worry, of course, if this is within the normal range, otherwise you can suspect some pathology in the pet.

All dogs are unique. Even if we consider females from the same litter, then in different conditions of keeping, estrus in dogs begins in different months. Remember the features. For example, for some breeds, maturation at 18 months of age is also considered the norm.

When does the first heat in dogs start?

At 7-18 months, the dog becomes capable of reproduction. The larger the pet, the later it reaches fertility. The animal begins hormonal restructuring, after which the first signs appear: a sudden molt and a change in “mood” / character.

Also, the first estrus in dogs is shorter in duration than subsequent ones. And this is normal, since the body of the female has just begun to rebuild.

Its signs are a small amount of blood from the so-called loop. Rarely do males react to such estrus (and this is another name for estrus, some owners also call it a pustovka). However, if the males reacted, then it is extremely undesirable to knit a dog, because this is only the preparation of the body.

Much depends on the content of the pet. If there is a lack of nutrients, then puberty will come later, the presence of stress also “postpones” the date of the first estrus.

What is the owner to do? After you have noticed the symptoms, it is better to protect the dog with special underwear and walks exclusively on a leash (preferably short), if you do not want an early birth (often complicated due to the unpreparedness of the body).

signs of heat

The symptoms of the beginning pustovki will be associated with a change in behavior (the pet becomes too active, uncontrollable, overly playful), and with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.

The frequency of urination increases. Males are interested in your pet. Often, females begin to lick the loop (it is better to teach the dog to do this from the first estrus, then you will not have to constantly wash the floor after it).

In the first ten days, the female will not let the male. This is due to ovulation that has not begun (there will be no fertilization). On the 9-15th day from the beginning of estrus, mucous (straw-colored) discharge already appears, and the female herself becomes overly excited. The dog is interested in males, takes aside the tail.

estrus stages

  1. It is not difficult for an attentive owner to determine when a dog is in heat. Stage number 1 - proestrus. During this period, the pet has a slight discharge in the form of droplets of blood that remain wherever the animal is located. All this usually lasts 9-10 days.
  2. After proestrus comes the actual estrus. The duration varies from 5 to 7 days. If you are planning puppies, now is the time. If you want to avoid dog birth, then keep the bitch on a leash, do not let anyone in, put on protective panties on the animal.
  3. The final stage is diestrus. The estrus will last another 10 days, but nothing “shines” for the males, since there will be no fertilization. When will the next vacancy start? Normally, six months later, and after childbirth, about 6 months should pass before a new estrus, because the body needs to rest.

In total, the total duration of estrus is about 23-28 days. It happens twice a year, but there are features that should be taken into account in order to easily determine when the dog is ready for fertilization.

What should the owner do? Carefully (not postponing for tomorrow) enter all the numbers (the beginning of estrus, childbirth) in the calendar you created. This will help to calculate the estimated start time of the next vacancy.

Features of estrus in dogs of various breeds

In small breeds, the first mating begins already six months after birth. Although it is considered the norm if it begins after 11 months. For example, Yorkshires become sexually mature only by the age of one.

Small dogs need to be extremely careful. If you "blink" the signs of estrus, then the walk will be full of trouble.

Large males are very dangerous, because they can try to fertilize a small dog, and after giving birth, she is unlikely to survive (large pregnancy, painful contractions, multiple breaks).

In large breeds, estrus begins later. Usually it is anywhere from a year to a year and a half. There is no exact date, everyone is individual, so if your dog did not show signs of estrus at 12 or 16 months, do not worry. Perhaps in a couple of weeks the symptoms will appear.

Speaking of multiplicity, it is normal twice a year (even if there was a fact of childbirth). However, likes, for example, show signs of estrus once a year, this is the norm, nothing needs to be done.

And for the “old women” the breaks between emptyings are increasing. If the dog comes into the hunt more than 3 times a year, you need to go to the clinic, take blood tests for hormones.

You should not write off the “old woman”; the signs of estrus are often difficult to determine for her, but this does not prevent her from “quietly” getting pregnant, giving birth, and after giving birth again coming into the hunt.

Therefore, keep a calendar of estrus, and if you do not plan to receive offspring from your pet, then it is better to immediately sterilize. This will help keep the animal healthy, and not worry about unwanted offspring, and not worry about the puppies being adopted when they are born.

In general, owners of not only females, but also males should be on their guard. Yes, the process of unwanted childbirth does not threaten, however, the male, smelling the "heat" will rush to her with all his might.

It will become aggressive, uncontrollable, it can be injured, so if you suspect that there may be females in heat in the walking area and in the vicinity of several kilometers, and your male is not neutered, do not let him off the leash.

Otherwise, you will then puzzle over what to do in order to find him, catch him and return him home safe and sound.