Cats are pranksters or how to properly punish cats. Is it possible to beat a cat, how to punish bad behavior

How to properly punish a cat - after all, cats, in their essence, are rather wayward animals, therefore, in order to follow certain rules, you need to be not only affectionate with them, but also strict. Any upbringing is always accompanied by punishment, but here it is very important not to overdo it. Punishment of a cat should be correct, timely, and also not be rude.

cat punishment

How to properly punish a cat - punishing a cat

Before determining the type of punishment, you need to understand what you have done. Do not rush to immediately shout at the animal and grab it by the scruff of the neck. Cats, of course, are not stupid animals, but according to human rules they do not know what they can and what not.

If the fluffy climbed onto the kitchen table, he can be sincerely convinced that there is nothing wrong with this. That is why, in relation to the cat, well-chosen educational measures should be applied, and not physically punishing the cat.

Often, in order for an animal to stop doing any forbidden actions, you need to figure out what it wants and try to give it to it. For example, often animals misbehave because the owners turn their attention to them. The example of climbing on a table may just be the result of such a desire to attract attention.

Sometimes cats conflict situation perceived as some kind of game. If at least once the cat did something “forbidden”, and the owner ran after her, but when he caught him, he only slightly patted her, and then generally “moved away” from his anger and caressed her (this is how almost all owners do animals), then another time the fluffy will do some dirty trick just in order to cause the same reaction in the owner.

If the cat began to shit instead of a toilet in different places, for example, corners, shoes and so on, then it is likely that she can take revenge on you for something. Cats can also behave this way, marking their territory if you brought any other pet into the house. Also, this behavior does not preclude possible problems with animal health. One way or another, but before yelling at an animal and physically punishing it, try to understand why it behaves the way it does.

Explain all the rules about how to behave to your pet from childhood, and try not to change them over time. For example, you had an old chair in your house for a very long time, on which the cat sharpened its claws, and no one punished or scolded it for this, and then you decided to change this old chair for a new one. In such a situation, the pet will no longer be able to understand why it is now forbidden for him to sharpen his claws there, because before he was always allowed to do so. Punishing a cat in such a situation is completely useless, cruel and wrong.

If we consider those cases where the upbringing of a pet still requires punishment, it will be effective only if it follows immediately after the commission of a “bad” act. It makes sense to punish a pet only if you caught him red-handed, caught him “at the crime scene”. Otherwise, the cat simply will not be able to understand why she was punished.

No matter how insulting and annoying it is for you to find a puddle in your favorite shoes or puffs on a new chair, if the pet has been sniffing hard for a long time after having committed bad actions, then it makes no sense to punish him. In addition, it can be dangerous, because cats are considered vindictive animals. As it seems to the cat that she received a punishment that she did not deserve, she will consider that the owner has become aggressive and angry towards her. In such a situation, between the animal and the owner, the relationship will deteriorate, not to mention the fact that the cat may also begin to take revenge.

How to properly punish a cat

Cats, naturally human language they do not understand, but they perfectly capture the intonation of the voice and the emotional coloring of how we speak. A cat is always able to distinguish between changes in voice and a change in positive intonation to dissatisfied. In addition, pets are well aware of the gestures, and especially the facial expressions of their owner. Therefore, in order for the pet to understand that you are unhappy, just raise your voice slightly. Well, if the situation is more serious, then threaten the pet with your finger.

Don't yell at the cat, yelling to her is strong annoying factor ohm. Even at the moment when the cat behaves badly, crying will not have a pedagogical effect. Your pet will just be very scared, but he won’t be able to figure out what happened. But a nickname strictly pronounced in raised tones can bring good result on education.

You can also add the impact of gestures to the increased intonation of the voice, for example, threaten the cat with a raised finger or a fist. When you combine a strict voice and gesture, you will thereby let the cat know that you are dissatisfied with his act. Other times, you just need to show only a gesture so that the cat understands what the owner means.

If a pet constantly does the same misconduct, not responding to either your raised tone or gestures, then you can hiss at him, imitating how the cats themselves reproduce it. In cat language, this is a warning, so the cat will immediately understand that if she continues to do her bad deeds, she can provoke real anger. However, we often do not recommend doing this, as the cat may perceive you as a potential enemy.

When you bring up an animal, then assault is unacceptable here at all. You can't hit a cat at all. Such actions, firstly, except for the pain and horror of the pet, will not bring any benefit in education. An animal, when it experiences a sensation of pain, will perceive the owner as a source of pain. heightened danger, and we suck at not the fact that he can find a connection between his bad behavior and such punishment.

In addition, a human blow is too strong for a small cat's body, and when you get angry at a delinquent pet, you can simply not calculate your strength. Hitting an animal with your large (by the standards of a cat) hand can cause serious harm to the cat's health.

Never hit a cat on the back, especially where it has a tail. In this place, cats have a similarity solar plexus, like a person, that is, there is large cluster nerve endings. If, by hitting, you fall into this area, you will bring unimaginable suffering to your pet. In a fit of anger, the owners beat their fleeing cats in this very place.

With all this, it is not worth it to completely refuse to influence the animal physically, the main thing is to do it very carefully and competently. If raising your voice and a threatening gesture do not bring the proper result, then in front of the cat's muzzle, importunately move your finger. Such movements are quite unpleasant for cats, and if, after all the bad deeds committed, you do just that, then your cat will have a clear connection between what was done and the subsequent disgusting waving in front of the muzzle.

How to properly punish a cat - but still, a pat on the forehead, bridge of the nose, or fluffy nose with your finger is considered a more effective punishment. Cats generally do not tolerate and do not like when they touch their muzzle, but if this is also done abruptly, then she will not like it especially much. By the way, it is this method that is best suited for weaning kittens from increased biting, as well as going to the “toilet” in the wrong place.

It can well replace the physical impact of a slipper, a small and light kitchen towel. If your pet has done something wrong, then take a towel, and without folding it into a tourniquet, lightly slap the cat with this cloth. Such a “blow” with a towel, of course, will not bring physical harm and pain to the cat, but will entail an unpleasant and frightening effect.

When you combine your stern voice with a disgruntled menacing look, the pet will understand that this is precisely the punishment for the bad action he did. Next time, you just need to show the cat this towel, and she will understand that she did something bad.

A kitchen towel can also be used contactlessly on a cat. You just need to shake the towel sharply in front of the cat so that you get a clicking sound, similar to a whip. This can also be done only immediately after the cat's bad behavior, otherwise, apart from irritation and fear of the cat, you will not be able to achieve anything.

There is also the most effective and unloved, and also nasty punishment of a cat with water. It is necessary to resort to such a punishment only when all other punishments have been applied and have not brought a positive result. To carry out such a punishment, a spray gun is used. Spray your pet with water from it directly into the muzzle. It is undesirable to simply splash water from your fingers, as a large drop can get into the cat's eye.

Such punishment will make a strong impression on the cat, and if she associates splashing with water with her bad behavior, then she will not misbehave again. But you need to splash with each punishment only once, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the psyche of the pet.

How to properly punish a cat - and so, to summarize: it is important for cat owners to learn that punishing a cat is effective only immediately after doing bad deeds, you can’t scream at a cat and beat it at all, but raise your tone of voice, and also apply physical influence to it, in quality of education and punishment is possible and even necessary. It is necessary to apply more severe measures only when all other sparing measures still do not have a positive effect.

And most importantly, do not forget that upbringing provides for not only the punishment of a cat, but also encouragement. Therefore, stroke and treat your pet with goodies. This is the only way you will get an obedient animal, an affectionate and true friend.

How to properly punish a cat is basically useless... Love a mischievous pet just the way you have it!

We think it's time for a serious conversation. And this conversation will be not so much about cats, but, oddly enough, about ourselves. Because one of the most FAQ, which we hear from pet owners, unfortunately, says more about us than about them.

How to punish him? How to teach, retrain, discourage? How to make a living being become a comfortable, trouble-free doll for us? At the same time, the questioner is not interested in what the kitten wants. He does not ask, for example, how to understand his pet, how to negotiate with him or explain something to him. He asks for advice on what form of violence to use in order to turn off behavior in an animal that is objectionable to a person, and preferably with a guarantee.

But violence does not solve problems anywhere and with anyone, it can only create new ones for you. Because animals need not be punished, but educated. And before educating someone, we do not interfere with educating ourselves. Only when we do not look for a way to hurt someone, someone will be able to get along with us. And this doesn't just apply to pets.

Punishment: why?

The futility and even harmfulness of punishment has already been discussed in the article “ Is it possible to punish a cat». For kittens, all the statements in this article apply triple. The list of misdemeanors for which the owners are trying to punish defenseless kids makes you grab your head at all.

The kitten does not go to the tray! And you, a reasonable person, with intellect and rich inner world, how many months (or maybe years?) did you learn how to use the potty? And at what age do you demand that from an unintelligent kitten who, with all due respect, has a brain the size of a thimble?

He tore the wallpaper! And what fate befell your first wallpaper in the nursery? He dropped something and broke it! Have you ever broken anything?

There is only one answer to the question of how to properly punish a kitten: any punishment of a kitten is wrong in principle. The idea of ​​such a punishment is unethical, and the punishments themselves are useless, because the kitten will never understand them.

How to punish a kitten so that he understands?

This question is much less common. But a person who phrases it this way is closer to the correct answer, because he has already noticed one important fact: cats, and especially kittens, do not understand what you are punishing them for. They do not know that what they have done violates some of your rules, because these rules exist only in your head.

In the cat world, the rules are different, but the kitten does not yet know the local ones. But if you think that punishment will be able to convey this knowledge to him, you are mistaken again. Most likely, the cat will not connect your actions with his act, even if they follow each other in time, and if they do not follow, then even more so. In his mind, what he did is completely natural and does not deserve punishment.

“I found a cutlet on the table,” the cat would write in his diary, “very tasty. I went to sharpen my claws on the sofa - very convenient. A strange man suddenly pounced on me with a sneaker. In my opinion, he's not himself, I'm starting to be afraid of him. These unmotivated outbursts of aggression ... I think he should be shown to the veterinarian. I'll poop behind the chair - it's dangerous to go where this psycho with a slipper is now.

Not punishment, but education

Based on the above, the question “how can I punish a kitten so that he understands?” it is better to replace it with another: how can I communicate with the kitten so that we both understand each other correctly? With this request, as psychologists say, it is already possible to work.

The first advice - do not take the kitten very small. Wait up to two to three months to give the mother cat time to take care of her upbringing. Believe me, she knows better how to do it without trauma for the kitten's psyche. The baby will learn the basic skills of communicating with people and behavior in the apartment, simply by following her example.

If this is not possible, and there are no older cats in the family, you yourself will have to become a kind and patient older cat for the crumbs. If you see that he is preparing to make a puddle, take him and plant him first on a diaper, and then in a tray. And don't expect him to understand you right away.

Make sure if he likes the filler, if the tray is convenient. Buy him a scratching post according to his taste, wait until he is about to stick his claws into your favorite chair and show the kid a new fashionable device. Move his paws over the surface so that he understands how it works. You can pick up your claws yourself with a loud joyful meow - if you're lucky, the kitten will understand, and the household will treat you more carefully.

Most importantly, be sure to praise and caress the cat when he does everything right. Love is the only force that transforms the world for the better.

Cat, you are wrong!

What to do if the kitten is still mischievous? First of all, remember that the malevolence of cats in oral tradition is greatly exaggerated. In fact, they rarely do anything out of spite, revenge, or a desire to annoy you. It will be very good if you remember this every time before punishing the kitten for pampering. Because cats do not wish you harm.

Like humans, they believe they have very good reasons for doing the way they do. For example, they like it. And of course, if you take away something that gives the cat joy, he will think that you wish harm to him. Therefore, in order not to lose emotional contact with your pet, follow this rule: negative emotions a cat shouldn't mess with you in his brain. He should stop loving the process itself, but without your visible participation.

For example, if he jumps on the table, but this does not suit you, wet the edge of the table or spread rustling paper on it. Cats dislike harsh sounds- a huge help in such work. You can hang a rattle or bells on curtains, on a roll of toilet paper, put on a shelf instead of valuable vases - empty tin cans.

Remember that the habit of going around this or that place in the apartment will be formed in the kitten for some time, during which your actions must be consistent and constant.

Good luck and be patient!

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Raising any pet involves punishment. But it is important to remember that educational methods should not be violent or cruel. If the house lives little kitty, then you should treat him more condescendingly. Over time, he will understand what he can do and what is strictly prohibited. The same applies to adult animals - sometimes they need time to get used to something new and unusual. It is important that the cat understands its owner, and not just afraid to do something.

Why does a cat do something punishable?

An animal that has committed some bad deed does not always understand what it has done. Most often, cats play or look for a comfortable place for themselves. For example, if a pet climbs on new furniture, then it seemed comfortable to him. In such cases, the cat cannot be punished. It is advisable to purchase a special soft bed for her or lay a bedspread on the sofa so that it remains in its original form longer.

The same can be said about broken dishes, souvenirs, vases - for pet It's a game. He sees the fragments fly into different sides, and this is of interest. Breaking and breaking household items is characteristic of small kittens.

The animal tears apart wallpaper, furniture and carpets with its claws - a sign that it urgently needs a scratching post. If it is not there, then it is pointless to scold the cat - the owner is to blame. And if there is, then it either does not suit the pet, or he does not understand its purpose. In such cases, it is necessary to show the kitten the place where the claw sharpener is located.

Be sure to encourage the animal if it does everything right - stroke, scratch behind the ear, treat it to delicious food.

When and how to properly punish a pet?

The most effective punishment for a cat is to raise its voice. But you should not go on a cry, just say the pet's name with a threatening intonation, and he will definitely react to it, realizing his misconduct. You can also gesticulate, frown, threaten the cat with a finger, knock on the table with a newspaper - the animal will perceive such a sign correctly and at the same time will not be scared.

In the most common situations, the action should be as follows:

  • If the animal sharpens its claws on wallpaper or upholstered furniture, then you should scold it and take it to the scratching post, pointing your finger at it.
  • If a cat drops or hits household items, then first the animal must be scolded, and then put things in a place inaccessible to the pet.
  • If the cat jumps on the kitchen table or appliances, then you need to pick it up and put it on the floor, gesturing index finger and pronouncing the nickname in a threatening tone.
  • If a pet defecates in shoes, on the floor or on the sofa, then you should show him the tray so that he gets used to doing his physiological needs In one place.

There is a popular method for potty training a kitten. It consists in the fact that in order to educate the owner, seeing a puddle of urine or excrement, pokes the kitten with his muzzle into this mass. You can't do that. You need to show the animal where the place is, where he should go to the toilet. It should be a tray or a special diaper. It is advisable to use litter or newspaper so that the cat distinguishes the toilet from other plastic containers. In pet stores, you can buy special sprays and other products that can help your pet get used to the tray faster.

What can not be done?

In order for the pet to understand and learn the rules that the owners force him to follow, you should correctly approach the punishment for cat misconduct:

  • In no case should you play or pet a kitten immediately after being scolded. The animal will not understand what the owner wants to say with this gesture. If you behave in this way, then the pet will become afraid and avoid people.
  • There is no point in punishing an animal if the offense was committed a long time ago. That is, a person who noticed a plate broken by a kitten only a week after the incident should not scold his pet. The animal has long forgotten about this incident, so the punishment will be perceived as something undeserved, and the owner will become an enemy.
  • You can't hit cats hard. Any physical impact will cause physical or psychological harm to the pet. Also, do not spank the kitten on the head, neck and back - there are nerve endings in this area, and a blow will cause him severe pain. If the pet does not understand facial expressions, gestures and intonation, then you can lightly pat the face with your finger - so the cat will understand that she has done something forbidden, while the owner will not deliver it to her. pain or injury.
  • No need to scold the cat if he tore the furniture in the place where the claw sharpener used to be. He acts intuitively. In this case, you need to return the scratching post to its original place or try to show the animal a new place. The punishment in this case is senseless and cruel.

It is important to remember that a kitten is capable of doing something by accident or unconsciously. Do not try to harm the animal or hurt him. It is necessary to punish the cat in such a way that he understands both his act and the attitude of a person to this misconduct. Otherwise, the pet will be afraid and treat the owner with distrust for a very long time.

“They say that cats are cowardly, evil and cruel. That's right, and they have many other virtues."
(Missy Dyzik)

“Sometimes you scold a cat, you look at it, and there is unpleasant feeling as if she understood everything before last word. And I remember…”

Cats give their owners a lot of joy and humor, they relieve us of stress and make the house more comfortable.

But at the same time, cats often do dirty tricks: they crap out of place, steal food from the table, tear furniture and wallpaper, beat vases and flowers, and sometimes scratch and bite.

At the same time, cats are more difficult than dogs to call to order, since they are by nature loners, and not pack animals. In principle, the cat does not have the desire to obey the leader of the pack.

And yet, any cat must be educated, otherwise it will turn your house into chaos, and its own life will not be happy at all.

At the same time, it must be remembered that cats are by their nature stubborn, capricious, independent, vindictive and they need to be punished for their misdeeds very delicately, otherwise your actions will lead to the exact opposite effect - the cat will begin to misbehave with a vengeance.

How to properly punish a cat

1. It is necessary to punish the animal immediately after the commission of the "illegal act", otherwise, it simply will not connect the punishment with the action and will continue to do so in the future.

It is necessary to catch the cat at the scene of the crime and punish it no later than a few minutes after the dirty trick, otherwise new impressions in her mind will obscure this act and she will associate the punishment with completely different actions.

Thus, if you returned tired from work and found a puddle on the carpet, a broken vase in the morning, a torn chair, then it is too late and absolutely useless to punish. The cat has long forgotten about what he did. But if you start yelling at her and grabbing her by the scruff of the neck when she happily greeted you or lay relaxed, then you can seriously injure her psyche and lead the animal to depression for a couple of such unsuccessful times. The cat will be afraid of you

It remains only to grit your teeth, pull yourself together and postpone explanations for later.

2. It is impossible to humanize a cat and demand from her to understand things that her brain is not able to understand.

For example, cats just can't understand the value of expensive things in your home. From the point of view of animals, the space of our apartment is cluttered with useless rubbish, often preventing them from moving comfortably.

A mink coat or an expensive merino blanket is just a soft and warm object that is good to wallow on. Upholstered furniture and wallpapers from the point of view of a cat are simply created in order to sharpen their claws and calm down (and without this, cats are easy). Get used to the scratching post in time!

It is impossible to rebuild the mind of a cat in a human way, but it is simply necessary, with the help of constant repetitions, to consolidate in it the knowledge of what objects it should not touch (upholstered furniture), equipment, and you must secure all small, fragile and fragile things yourself by removing the turnkey . It is in the nature of cats to drop small things, read more. I have all the vases glued to the cabinets with a few drops of Supermoment gel. It’s very dreary to tear them off every time guests bring flowers, but after a series of favorite broken vases there is nothing else left (well, or put everything in turnkey cabinets, but what about comfort and design, I ask you (((

3.Never hit a cat with your hands!

All experts in animal behavior (behaviorists) and zoopsychologists are in solidarity in the opinion that after beatings, cats begin to misbehave much more actively.

To beat any animal strongly is, firstly, vile and inhumane, and secondly, you can injure it under a hot hand.

Animals should treat you and your hands with complete trust, and not identify them with pain and danger. Otherwise, you will destroy all trusting relationships with the cat.

If the cat has committed a really serious offense, do not beat her with your hands, you can slap her on the back (BUT NOT ON THE Muzzle and Head) with a folded towel. Veterinarians and zoopsychologists do not advise even beating cats with a newspaper.

In no case should a cat be hit on the back in the tail area. In this place she has a semblance of our solar plexus, that is, a sensitive accumulation of nerve endings.

But you can swing at a cat if it is going to harm. Often such an impact is enough for her to get scared and retreat (or give a fight 🙂)

Some experts and experienced breeders they advise, after committing a malicious sabotage, to grab the cat tightly by the scruff of the neck, lift it up and hiss at him, as his mother would have done with him in childhood.

Well, I don’t know, in my opinion it will only work with small and slender animals, and you will so easily injure a heavy fat cat while he struggles violently. Well, or he will scratch you. But hissing menacingly at them helps a lot.

It is very effective to drive the cat away from scratching the sofa or stealing food from the table by puffing it with water from a spray bottle (if you have time right away when you are going to misbehave). The natural instinct of fear of water works flawlessly for most cats. Just do not puff repeatedly and wet the animal. It will only get stressed, but the lesson will not be remembered.

4. Measure the punishment with the severity of the deed!

You can not equally severely punish a cat for any petty offense. Sometimes just a threatening tone and gesture is enough.

And never take it out on an animal Bad mood and anger.

5. Never severely punish a kitten or adult new cat if they have recently appeared in your house!

Let the animal get used to the new environment and new rules. Getting used to an unfamiliar environment is very difficult for an animal, it is always a lot of stress.

The more comfortable and safer cat feels, the less fearful and vicious she will be.

6. Do not shout loudly at the cat, they do not like sharp and loud sounds and lose confidence in you.

It's much more effective to speak in a low (like a little growl) and threatening tone, so your threat will get to the cat faster. Although cats do not understand human speech, they very quickly learn all the slightest shades of your voice, facial expressions and gestures.

Therefore, if you always use the same shout with a couple of words (fu, no), frowning and making a threatening step or hand gesture to the cat, she will quickly learn that this “evil scene” is not nonsense and a whim of an unreasonable owner, but rules of behavior.

It is very effective to drive the cat away from the table, flower pots, dishes, by sharply clapping your hands or hitting the table with your hand.

7. Never punish animals for misdeeds by depriving them of food!!!

This is very unhealthy and useless, as the animal cannot associate the lack of food with the wrongdoing. The result of food deprivation will be resentment and stress of the animal.

But it is very useful to motivate good behavior cats delicious rewards. If you did it right, you'll get a tasty treat right away. And so several times to reinforce good behavior.

8. Encouragement for doing the right thing, encouraging praise, stroking are no less important for raising a cat than punishment.

cats- animals are very wayward, to achieve compliance from them certain rules, it is necessary to be not only affectionate, but also a strict owner. It is hard to imagine education without punishment, but it is very important that this punishment be correct.

How to punish a cat?

Before scolding a pet, it is important to understand the offense. Do not rush to scream, grab the animal by the scruff, and even more so beat it. Cats do not know what is allowed and what is prohibited by human rules. A kitten can be sincerely sure that there is nothing wrong with scratching wallpaper, breaking glass vases and going to the toilet on the carpet. Therefore, it is important not to harsh punishment, but a moderate educational impact.

Very often, animals, like children, behave badly in order to attract the attention of the owners. And sometimes cats perceive the current conflict as fun game. If once a pet messed up, and the owner, having caught him, patted him a little, and then began to caress him at all, then the next time the animal will commit an offense precisely in order to cause such a reaction.

In addition to a specially designated place, it may well be that she is taking revenge on you for something. Or the animal marks its territory, with the advent of another pet in the house. Health problems can also be a reason for this behavior. In any case, before yelling at a cat, you need to try to understand the reasons for her disobedience.

The rules of behavior at home need to be taught to the animal in childhood, and not change them over time.
In the case when punishment is really required, it is effective to punish only immediately after the deed. If a cat has long forgotten about its "crime", it is pointless to punish it. Otherwise, the animal simply will not understand why it is scolded. It should be remembered that cats are very vindictive: having received, as it seems to them, an undeserved punishment, they think that the owner has become angry and aggressive. Then the relationship of the animal with the owner deteriorates.

Cats perfectly capture the emotional coloring of what was said. They will definitely note changes in the voice, a change in a calm mood to an indignant one. In addition, animals perceive the movements and facial expressions of the owner. You only need to slightly raise your voice or threaten with your finger to warn your pet of your displeasure.

Yelling at cats should not be, for them it is too annoying factor. The animal will be frightened, but will not understand what is the matter, and the cry will not produce the desired effect. But a nickname pronounced strictly and clearly in a raised tone can give a good result, which can be strengthened with gestures. So you let the cat know that you are unhappy, and the next time, the pet will immediately understand what the owner means.

Remember that assault is completely unacceptable! Such actions will bring nothing but pain and fear, and your animal will begin to perceive you as a source of danger. You can not beat the cat on the back and in the tail area - in this place there is a large accumulation of nerve endings. Hitting this place will cause severe pain to your friend.

Physical impact can be applied, the main thing is to do it correctly.
You can importunately drive your finger in front of the cat's face, or even pat it on the nose, forehead or bridge of the nose. Such actions are very unpleasant for the cat, if this is done after each misconduct, the animal will form a connection between the deed and the unpleasant waving in front of the muzzle that follows.

A small kitchen towel can be a good substitute for flip flops. Without folding it, slap the cat with a cloth. It won't do any harm, but it will frighten you unpleasantly. In combination with a stern voice and a displeased look, this will have the desired effect: the animal will understand that he is being punished for what he has done. Then it will be enough for you to simply show the cat a towel so that the cat knows that it has committed a misdemeanor.

If no punishment gives an educational effect, use heavy artillery - water. Spray water from a spray bottle directly into your pet's face, or simply spray it with your fingers. This action will make a strong impression on the animal and more cat will not be mischievous. However, spraying for one punishment should be only once, so as not to disturb the psyche of the animal.

So, you can apply harsh measures only when others do not work.
Most importantly, do not forget that when educating, you need not only to punish, but also to encourage. Therefore, pamper and caress your pet, treat him with goodies. Remember that there is never enough love and care, and you will have obedient cat and a true friend.

Now you know how to properly punish a cat! Read other articles on our site! Murmur to you!

For dessert, a cool video "The Best Runet Kittens"