How to tame a wild kitten and raise it to be obedient. How to tame a cat and is it so easy? The cat won’t let you get your hands on it, what should you do?

Often people decide to take home a cat they like from the street. However, this is due to household and psychological problems. Adaptation can take a lot of time and effort. How to tame a cat is a task for the stubborn.

It is with an assessment of the cat’s condition and character that taming should begin. The first criterion is habitat. Cats are:

  • wild - never had contact with humans;
  • semi-wild - they usually live near residential buildings, take food from people, but do not want to get closer;
  • wild - they were domestic, but for some reason they ended up on the street.

Feral cats are the easiest to tame.

The second criterion by which the possibility of taming an animal is assessed is age. It is easiest to establish contact with kittens no older than 12 weeks. Individuals under 4 weeks of age should not be taken away from their mother due to lactation. If you want to take an animal into your home during the first months of life, you will have to take its mother as well. When feeding is over, the adult female is sterilized and released into her usual environment.

Attention! Adults are the most difficult to tame. Sometimes this is impossible to do.

How to catch a wild cat?

Catching a feral cat is not an easy task. As soon as a person approaches her, she will probably try to run away. Therefore, to catch it, you will need a trap, inside of which bait is laid out - treats. You can even make it from an ordinary carrier. Special devices are designed so that the door slams shut when the cat steps on a special platform. A soft bedding or terry towel is placed inside.

Another method of catching a cat takes longer. The animal is fed every day at a certain time until trust in the person arises.

Attention! After the cat is trapped, the first thing you should try to do is take it to a veterinary clinic for a check. This will help avoid infecting other pets, as well as yourself.

If there are no contagious diseases, then upon returning home, they give an antidote, and after a few days they treat it.

In the next 14 days, they are quarantined, which will help avoid infecting other animals. Another goal is the adaptation of the new resident. To do this, choose an isolated room to which other pets have no access.

Video - DIY cat trap

Why cats don't want to be held

Inexperienced owners believe that if they have established contact with the cat who lives at home, then everything will go like clockwork with the homeless one. But they are wrong.

Every cat, even once domestic, treats humans with caution. When meeting, he usually hides in a far corner and does not let you approach him. There is no need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, since it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new home.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question why cats don’t want to sit in your arms. There are several reasons for this, and they can be combined.


The reluctance to communicate closely with humans may be inherent in the character of the animal. Some individuals behave independently. Those with the harshest dispositions avoid contact with humans altogether.

Attention! Not all cats can be tamed. Some of them are not suitable for this due to their character.

Fearfulness and withdrawal are two more character traits that can cause reluctance to sit on your hands.


There are representatives of which, more than others, love to spend time in the arms of the owner. The top 8 included:

  • Siberian;
  • menx;
  • Burmese;
  • ragdoll;
  • Burmese;
  • exotic

But the feature and fold-eared breeds is that they refuse to sit on their hands. Therefore, if you find such a cat on the street (this also happens), there is no need to persist. It is enough to establish a trusting relationship.


The cat refuses the hands of the owner in the following cases:

  • kittens are very active, and their attention is easily distracted by more interesting things;
  • the owner smells of citrus fruits, alcohol, seasonings, hygiene and cosmetic products, and washing powder;
  • grievances experienced in the past - beatings, bullying;
  • fear of loss of balance and heights;
  • non-recognition of other family members other than the one who tamed him;
  • fear of sharp sounds, shouting;
  • if children who do not know how to handle an animal pick it up, they squeeze it and offend it;
  • sudden movements and pinching are made.

Attention! Almost all cats are touchy and vindictive. They have no contact with the person who hurt them or drove them away.

The likelihood that a cat will be picked up increases in a calm atmosphere. When teaching a dog to hold hands, the environment in the house should be as calm as possible. A scandal, the sound of a TV on, loud shouts will cause fear and disrupt plans to pacify.

First stage

The first stage of acquaintance requires caution, since the cat can attack a person and scratch him. The first step is to conduct an inspection in a friendly and respectful manner. To find out the cat's mood, place a palm above its head. If he nuzzles or purrs, he allows himself to be petted. At your next meeting, you can pamper your new pet with something tasty.

If the cat rubs against his legs and purrs, then perhaps he is bored and wants attention. Unconditional trust is evidenced by the fact that the animal sits comfortably on the person's lap.

Next, they ensure that the cat climbs onto its knees. Then they carefully teach her to limit her movements and lift her into her arms. At first, to avoid injuries in the form of scratches and bites, wear long sleeves and do not walk with bare legs or bare feet.

To communicate with your cat, you need to choose a specific time - for example, 20.00 after dinner and 7.00 before work. The new resident is treated with respect, they knock on the door every time before entering the room where he lives. When entering the premises, they do not sudden movements. When cleaning, feeding and changing water, they have a calm conversation with the cat.

Attention! You should not look directly at the animal, otherwise the cat may regard this as a sign of danger and show aggression. You need to look away and lower your head.

When the cat begins to calmly perceive the presence of the new owner, you can spend some time with her - for example, 30-60 minutes, for example, reading a book. And the cat is offered toys that are sold in a pet store.

The cat should not be given a reason to. Human touch and fear can cause inappropriate behavior. Another common method is to try to lure the animal towards you with treats. Once the cat is on your lap, you can pet it and give it a treat. But at the same time, the animal cannot be restrained by force. Another way is to smear your hands with a product with a pleasant smell for cats - for example, valerian.

Attention! Particular care is taken when contacting old individuals. Due to a decrease in the cognitive function of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for memory and learning, very serious problems with domestication can arise.

Fear of touch takes a long time to heal, but the new owner must be patient. At first, the cat is not picked up and contact is not required if the animal seeks privacy. Light touches are only possible if the pet itself approaches the person.

Nervous excitement should always be a signal to stop contact. And it manifests itself like this:

  • the tail trembles;
  • ears lowered to the head;
  • shoulders and limbs tense;
  • pupils are dilated.

Second phase

You should not immediately try to pick up the cat, as this will most likely end in injuries - bites and scratches.

Important! You can tell whether a cat is ready to be handled by its behavior. Hissing, growling, attempts to attack a person are a sign that the animal is currently avoiding physical contact.

First, the cat is accustomed to your hand by placing it palm down on the floor; you can place the cat’s favorite toy nearby. You need to wait until the cat comes up and rubs itself on your arm or leg. In this way, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If a person initiates contact, the animal may respond with an attack.

If the pet has given the go-ahead, the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then they begin slow stroking. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close contact with a person.

Attention! Tension, tail beating, flattened ears, enlarged pupils are a sign that it is time to leave the animal alone for a while.

You should not drive away a cat if it climbs onto your lap, even when there is no time for tenderness. Then it will be more difficult to achieve such trusting behavior.

How to properly pick up a cat

The kitten is positioned with its tail facing itself. Then they take it by the skin on the back of the neck, near the base of the neck and ears. The grip force should be moderate, not very strong. The animal is lifted and placed on the lap. If he allows, then you can stroke him, while talking affectionately and calmly.

Attention! The cat must not be lifted from the front!

You can tame a cat using the combing procedure. This is also a hygiene measure that keeps the coat and skin in good condition.

It happens that a cat is afraid of heights. Then, taking it in your arms, place one palm under your armpits and hold it with the other. hind limbs. Thanks to such support, the cat will not feel weightless, and the fear will pass.

Video - How to pick up an angry cat

Tray training

This problem is faced not only by those who picked up a kitten on the street. Animal sellers often claim that babies are toilet trained. But often this is not true. We have to get down to business ourselves and teach the baby one of the most necessary skills for living in an apartment.

Important! Moving or a new place of residence is stressful for an animal. Therefore, after such events, small and even adult individuals may experience problems going to the toilet. But after they get used to it, normal urination patterns will be restored.

In the process of training pet It is advisable that the kitten is always under the supervision of its owners. Observation will minimize the likelihood of puddles appearing in. Every successful trip to the litter tray requires praise and petting.

Instructions for kittens

The tray should have a small side, because little kitty will not be able to climb into a high toilet. To rinse containers use clean water. If a fragrance is used, the smell should be subtle. To make the task easier, you need to soak a piece of cloth or paper in the urine of this kitten and put it in the tray. Then the baby will follow his scent. To train a kitten to the toilet you can use special means, which are sold in pet stores.

Determining that a kitten wants to go to the toilet is quite simple: it starts to fidget and loses its calm. At this point it needs to be moved to the tray. To better make it clear that an unfamiliar object is intended for bowel movements, you can scratch the surface of the tray with your finger. When urination or bowel movements begin, talk to the kitten in a gentle tone, thereby encouraging its correct actions.

The baby should be carried to the tray every time after waking up or eating. Having planted it in the tray, you need to make sure that it makes raking movements in the filler.

Video - How to train a kitten to use a litter tray

Instructions for an adult cat

Problems may arise with an older cat. Here are the rules that will help you change your habits. The best place for the tray - bathroom, toilet room, insulated balcony. But no matter where the owner places the toilet, it is necessary to ensure constant access to it for the pet, especially if he is often left at home alone.

If the cat lived outside before, then it is accustomed to the open space. Therefore, the tray must be large enough. Veterinarians recommend trays with high sides for adult cats so that the litter does not spill on the floor when it is raked after bowel movements or Bladder. Alternative option- toilet house.

This is interesting. A common myth is that females are easier to toilet train. However, they are more capricious and choose the place for the toilet themselves.

Usually, animals themselves intuitively understand the purpose of the structure with filler. But if this does not happen, you need to make it clear where to relieve yourself. There are several options. When the cat chooses a place to defecate, you need to quickly place a tray under it, stroke it and move away. It may be that the animal will run away. But it needs to be returned to its place and the action repeated until the process comes to its logical conclusion.

Attention! For an outdoor cat, for the first time, soil is poured instead of litter - it smells familiar.

The smell of her urine will also guide your cat. To do this, as in the case of a kitten, a piece of cloth or paper soaked in urine is thrown into the tray.

Reasons for refusing a tray

Refusal to relieve yourself in a specified place can be provoked not only by the stubbornness of the animal, but also by other reasons:

  • health problems;
  • inconvenient tray format or size;
  • choosing the wrong place;
  • untimely;
  • the need to share a tray with another pet.

If the owner tries, the cat will sooner or later get used to its new toilet and stop shitting anywhere.

Surface treatment products for urine odor

But in case of failure, you cannot scold, much less beat, your pet - he may get scared, and such a measure will not bring any benefit. The area itself is treated with anti-urine odor products.

Table 1. Home remedies for urine odor.

Product nameNote

It can stain the surface; before use, carry out a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface of the floor, furniture, etc.

Does not stain surfaces

Cats cannot tolerate the smell of citrus fruits and will avoid areas treated with juice.

Carefully! Paints surfaces

Cats can't stand the smell of vodka

The industry produces a lot of products to remove the smell of cat urine. This:

  • Urine-off Cat & Kitten or Multi-Pet;
  • Arm
  • DezoSan;
  • OdorGone;
  • Simple Solution Stain and Odor Remover and others.

Video - Checking traditional methods of getting rid of urine odor

Aggression towards another animal

A new owner may show aggression towards a pet that already lived in the house. In such cases, the cats are placed in different corners for a while, preventing their contact. This continues until the smell of the new pet becomes part of the atmosphere of the home. Then the cats are introduced again.

But even after establishing contact with the old-timer, care must be taken to ensure that the animals have different corners for resting and feeding. It is also necessary to buy trays for each four-legged “family member”. To avoid incidents of predatory aggression, it is necessary to provide an outlet for these instincts. To do this, it is advisable to also purchase a scratching post.

Foundlings can be aggressive towards old-timers and vice versa

Taming a cat is a rather difficult task and the undertaking does not always end in victory. It will take up to 6 weeks to domesticate a kitten, sometimes more. With older cats, the process can take years. Therefore, you should not grieve if you failed to tame the animal. But having achieved success, it is important to remember: there will still be a wild cat most spend time alone.

It is quite possible to make a wild (feral) cat a pet. This animal is amenable to education and training. In just a couple of days you can transform aggressive kitten tame and affectionate. Therefore, you should not be afraid to take a pet from the street. Following special technique, you can change the character of even an adult cat, but it will take a lot of your patience and time.

A small kitten found in the basement is much easier to adopt as a pet than an adult.

The main thing is to set a goal, which will be to turn a wild, fearful cat into a kind, sweet and completely safe cat for others. There have been cases where aggressive pets have caused significant damage to human health, so the safety aspect is paramount. An inappropriate cat that thinks it is protecting itself from danger can frighten or injure a child, and we should not allow this to happen.

In medicine there is special term- "cat scratch disease"

You can easily end up in the hospital with this syndrome. The damage that remains after a bite or scratch is quite painful and often inflamed. It is very difficult to protect yourself and your loved ones from such situations, because it is impossible to predict the behavior of an unfamiliar animal that lived in unknown harm.

It is impossible to put a muzzle on a cat to prevent it from biting. It is also difficult for her to trim her nails to avoid scratches. Therefore, she needs to be educated. A pet should be affectionate and safe for all family members. To do adult cat or a small kitten with a kind tame animal, first you need to earn its trust. This can be achieved by satisfying his life needs. The animal should be fed well and tasty, play ball with it, speak in a gentle voice, and stroke it gently. All these simple manipulations will lead to the formation of trust and affection.

How to behave with a kitten picked up on the street?

To tame a kitten, it must first be isolated from people and other cats in an enclosed space, such as a cage. It is best to place it in a quiet place and cover it with a towel on top. The kitten needs to be provided with a tray and saucer of water.

After the conditions for the new pet have been created, it must be left alone. During this period, it is not recommended to approach him or disturb him. Soon the animal should get hungry.

After three hours, you can approach the cage and talk to your pet in a gentle voice, try to offer him delicious food. For example, fragrant chicken or special food for cats. The main condition is that the fluffy ball must take food from your hands. If he hisses and does not want to eat, move away and leave your pet alone for a while longer. A feral kitten must understand that food must be earned by good behavior. Realize that you are his friend and provider, and not his enemy.

When the animal stops hissing and rushing at you, you can open the cage a little and extend your hand to it.

Movements should not be sudden. Please note that wild cat The pup will be frightened by these actions because it is not used to people. He may continue to hiss at you. There is no need to pay attention to this. If the kitten tries to hit your hand with its paw, it needs to “blow back” (brush it off), which will let it know who is in charge. When the baby calms down and stops reacting to you, you need to give him a small piece of aromatic food. This is complementary feeding, and the main portion of food will come a little later.

After about 15 hours, the kitten will get hungry, come out of the cage and take food directly from your hands. If this happens, we can conclude that you are the right way. Do not make sudden movements, speak loudly or shout. This may make the pet scared, and everything will have to start again.

After the kitten begins to approach you, you need to try to pet it while holding the food in your hand. If he reacted normally and allowed himself to be stroked, you can unclench your hand and allow him to eat from your palm. This is how the kitten begins to get used to affection.

Over time, he will begin to understand that a person does not wish evil.

When your pet begins to trust you, you can start picking him up, stroking him behind the ear and tickling his belly. In addition, he must gradually be accustomed to games. If a kitten scratches you, he should say “no” in a stern tone and leave.

By patiently and systematically performing such manipulations, in three days you will receive an affectionate and domestic cat. If new friend began to trust you, then you can start introducing him to the rest of the family members and letting him near the children. Adult wild cat It will be possible to domesticate in about a week. The main thing is to be patient and radiate warmth and love, because animals feel everything.

Wild representatives of the feline class - a kitten or an adult animal - can not only be caught, but also turned into domestic ones. This is achieved through education and training. Time, patience and a special technique change the character of both small and already grown cats. Therefore, do not be afraid of wild tailed animals: human love will help them become tame.

How to catch a wild cat

Wild animals are often called individuals who have no experience social adaptation with people. Animals are afraid of humans and react aggressively to his actions. Determine if they are strays before catching them.

The difference between a wild animal and a domestic pet

It is often very difficult to distinguish a street feline from a tailed one that has left the house for a walk. The idea that a wild stray cat is necessarily dirty and thin is a misconception. Street four-legged animals are often fed by caring residents of nearby houses, so they are not always exhausted. And since cats are clean creatures that take care of their fur, healthy stray animals can look no worse than their counterparts living at home.

If it is difficult to determine whether a cat is truly feral, watch him for a while. When an animal is on the street both day and night, it is unlikely that it has a home. Domestic walking cats return from the street at night.

Lost pets make contact even with stranger, because they associate warmth and food with it. Signs of a stray cat are wounds and scratches on the face and body, torn ears, which are evidence of its participation in battles for a female or protection of territory.

Street cats, especially those that have previously been abused, are often aggressive towards humans, unlike lost pets

Catching a cat: safety measures

The process of catching a street cat has its own characteristics. Try to lure a small kitten out of hiding using a candy wrapper on a string or food: dry food, fish, meat, canned cat food placed on a saucer. When he comes close, catch him by the fold of skin on his neck and press him tightly to your chest. Another way is to put food inside the pet carrier, lure the kitten in with a candy wrapper or another toy and close the door.

It's more difficult with older animals. Wild cats and cats, after a long stay in the street, become cautious, afraid of people and run away from them more often than small kittens. Of course, you can try to take the animal with bare hands. But since the cat is wild, it will begin not only to hiss, but also to bite and scratch. To avoid accidental injury, handle it carefully. You can protect yourself by wearing thick gloves and thick clothing that covers all exposed parts of the body.


To protect yourself and speed up the process of catching an animal, use a special cat trap (cat trap). It is sold in pet stores and veterinary hospitals. You can rent it from a specialized animal control service, a shelter, or make it yourself. It is suitable for both adult cats and babies. An animal carrier with a closing door, which is secured with a tied rope in the upper position, is also used as a trap.

Kotolovka - a reliable trap for stray animals

Before using the trap, gradually accustom the stray cat to your presence for at least two days - regularly feed him something tasty at certain hours, talk to him, and calm him down. Although cats are predators by nature, a treat will help in establishing contact with them. Do not pick up the animal, even if it does not show concern. When the cat is no longer afraid, lure him inside the trap:

  • set a trap in the area where the animal most often visits;
  • attract the cat with tasty bait with a pleasant smell: fish, canned food for cats, dry food, and other products placed in a plastic plate.

Place the food in front of the trap entrance and on the side opposite the door. It is important that the cat enters completely inside the trap. The operating principle of all types of such devices is the same. It consists of closing the door of the structure after the cat is inside. After this, cover the top of the trap with a blanket or cloth so that in the twilight the cat will quickly recover from the resulting stress.

Video: catching a cat using a homemade trap

Landing net trap

Among wild cat catchers, a landing net is considered a good tool. It is different from a net triangular shape. The device folds to a length of 1 m and expands to 3-4 m. It is more reliable if it is made of dense fishing line.

It is advisable to carry out the capture process in dark time days when the animals will not notice the swing of the landing net. Animal rights activists who consider all trappers to be knackers are also less likely to be found. Go it alone or take someone to feed your cat. First, open the landing net and pour some food into the cat's mouth. Then enter with the device open from the back of the animal. If you throw a landing net on a cat while in his field of vision, nothing will happen.

There are two types of wild cats (cats):

  • not paying attention to the landing net (until the first unsuccessful attempt to catch them);
  • smart animals that do not approach the landing net closer than 5 m.

Approach any cat discreetly from behind when it is eating. With a sharp movement, quickly cover it with a landing net. If unsuccessful, she may no longer even come close to complementary feeding. Practice on pets first. When the cat is caught, pressing the device to the ground in the direction from the handle to the net, move with gloved hands until it comes out of the landing net. At this point, grab the net with your palm and lift the cat in the net. Hold the landing net not by the handle, but by the net. There are two ways to get a cat:

  • less dangerous - the cat is taken to a garage, basement, apartment and transferred to a carrier;
  • more risky - the cat is transferred to a carrier at the capture site: back side The carriers are placed against the wall so that the cat cannot run out, then the door is opened, the landing net is brought to the hole with the exit forward, the hand holding the net is unclenched, and the cat is pushed inside the carrier.

Usually animals, having experienced severe stress, are driven into the depth of the carrier, which allows you to quickly close its door. Push the cat in with its tail first, otherwise it will sense something wrong and begin to resist violently. Choose a carrier made from durable material.

A landing net is convenient for catching wild cats

What to do after catching a cat

Felines can be carriers of diseases, most of which have no obvious symptoms. To avoid possible unpleasant consequences, show the cat to a specialist before transporting it home. If you have to take it to the veterinary clinic by car, then place a trap with the animal on the seat, covering it with a towel or blanket. Upon arrival at the site, remove it from the trap (portable container) safely.

If you receive a bite from a wild cat, immediately consult a doctor so that your four-legged client can be examined and treated in a timely manner. necessary tests, gave a conclusion about the absence (presence) of infection, its safety for people and animals with whom it will come into contact.

If before visiting veterinary clinic The cat is in the apartment, quarantine is required. Place the cat in a separate room, isolating it from people.

Before bringing a stray cat home, check its health by contacting a veterinarian

What does a cat need at home?

At home, first feed the animal. Offer several food options so that the cat can choose what he wants. Often the animal prefers already familiar foods. A serving of food may consist of boneless fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, and dry food. Sometimes exhausted cats simply don’t have the strength to eat. In addition, the body of selected wild cats is dehydrated and needs water (filtered), so there should always be a bowl of clean water next to the food.

After eating, the cat will need the toilet. If there is no special tray, then in the first days replace it with a cardboard box covered with cellophane. Pour regular river sand inside. Cats that live outside and are accustomed to burying their feces in earth or sand will like this litter box more than one with industrial litter.

An outdoor cat's home must be treated with flea treatment, for example, bathed with a special shampoo.

How to tame a wild animal

You can tame both a baby and an adult animal. To do this, first of all, you need to win their trust.

Taming a kitten

A small two-month-old kitten can be turned into an affectionate domestic creature in just 3–7 days. Achieve positive result Can:

  • good and tasty feeding;
  • playing with a ball, string, or other objects;
  • frequent stroking of the fur, gentle conversations with the kitten.

This helps to establish trust and affection on the part of the baby.

After the kitten is brought into the house, follow these steps:

  1. Eliminate his contact with people and other animals in the house by placing him in a separate space, for example, in a cage.
  2. Place it in a quiet corner and cover it with a towel. Place a saucer of water and a tray inside the cage. After the device, leave the baby alone and do not disturb him. After a while he will get hungry.
  3. After about 3 hours, go to the cage with your pet, talk to him tenderly, treat him with something tasty: delicious food for kittens, fragrant chicken. Remember that he must take the food from the owner’s hands.
  4. If the kitten hisses and does not want to eat, leave him alone for a while. The baby must realize that he receives food for good behavior from the hands of a friend, a breadwinner, and not an enemy at all.
  5. When the animal calms down, open the cage slightly and extend your hand to the kitten. Do not make sudden movements so as not to scare him. He may hiss because he is still afraid of everything. Do not pay attention. If he decides to scratch his hand, stop the action by brushing him off. Then the baby will understand who is in charge.
  6. After the kitten calms down, give him a small piece tasty food as complementary food. He will receive the main portion of food a little later - after 12–15 hours, when the baby begins to feel hungry. He will leave his shelter and even take food from his hands. This means you did everything right.

When communicating with the baby animal, do not speak loudly or scream, otherwise it will get scared and run away. We'll have to start all over again. Later the kitten will begin to approach the owner. If he did this and allowed himself to be petted, the time has come to treat him with food from your hands. From this time on, the animal begins to get used to affection. Soon he will understand that he is not in danger from humans, and he will begin to trust. Then you can pick him up, tickle his tummy, stroke the fur behind his ears. Play with him often. If the kitten starts to scratch, sternly tell him that he can’t do that and walk away from him. When establishing trust in communication with the kitten, introduce it to the rest of the household, including children.

Video: how to tame a kitten

Domestication of an adult cat

A grown wild cat (cat) can turn into a tame pet in a month or more. It all depends on the character of the animal. There are those who have a feeling of fear that lasts their entire lives. How younger cat, the easier it is to socialize him and accustom him to new living conditions. In addition, this is influenced by life experience, which he acquired while living on the street. They achieve success in taming an animal with patience, warmth and affection. It itself will feel a kind attitude.

A cat that has been caught and brought home after the doctor needs to spend several days in an individual space (cat carrier), closet or bathroom, where he can more easily get used to the conditions at his new place of residence. It should fit:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • tray with litter for the toilet;
  • bed.

If the animal will be in the room, remove all unnecessary items from the shelves, close the windows and dim the lights. Place some kind of box that the animal will use as a shelter. Place toys for the cat and the owner's personal belongings on the floor so that he can smell the person. Place the carrier with the animal in a room that is rarely visited by family members and pets living in the house. Do not touch your pet for 2 days, giving him only food and water. It is necessary to make sure that the cat cannot escape from the carrier (room), thereby harming the inhabitants of the house or existing furniture. These days your pet may behave restlessly.

A wild cat usually feels comfortable at home after two days

To tame a cat, sit near it more often, calmly talking to it. The pet will get used to this treatment and will stop being afraid. When he adapts to the new conditions, release him into the rest of the rooms. It is better to communicate with him while sitting or lying on the floor in order to be on the same level with the animal. Do this every day, then the cat will allow itself to be stroked and picked up. Come to the cat with something tasty. If he does not approach the owner even after a few days, then bring food with you (do not leave it) and wait until the animal eats it. It’s better to place a plate of food near you. Do this several times a day so that the cat gets used to it. He should always have water. Also make sure that he does not slip out of the room through open doors or windows.

To quickly socialize a cat, you need it to want to approach people. Don't rush him and create a secluded place where the cat can hide.

If the cat is not afraid, you can pick him up. In a few days he will come up for food on his own. During this time, show the animal that no harm will come to him when he is picked up and stroked. You can carefully, so as not to scare the cat, take it into your arms with a towel and give it something tasty. If it hisses, try again next time. Once the cat is in your arms, pet him lightly while talking to him. If he starts to resist, release the cat. Stroke him when he wants to be picked up and caressed. Good behavior Reward your cat with something tasty. Work with your cat every day - play, talk, pick him up - until he gets used to caresses and touches. To help him adapt faster, teach him to communicate with guests to quickly get used to a large number of people.

Video: how to turn a wild cat into a domestic one

What not to do when catching and taming a cat

When catching a cat on the street, do not use bags, blankets, sacks or other similar items. A frightened animal can seriously bite and injure a person, which is dangerous for humans, since a cat can be a carrier of the rabies virus.

So that the animal quickly turns into pet, you need to know what not to do during the period of his socialization, namely:

  • tame a cat if you do not plan to leave it in the house forever;
  • contact the animal before visiting the veterinarian to avoid possible diseases;
  • look into his eyes: animals perceive such a look as a threat;
  • handle wild cats with your bare hands - you need to protect yourself from bites and scratches by wearing thick clothes with long sleeves and gloves;
  • overfeed the animal - the amount of food should be increased gradually;
  • picking up a cat when he doesn’t want to - this will slow down the socialization of the animal;
  • show aggression towards the animal.

Cats are not always tame and affectionate. Because of this, some owners are interested in how to accustom a kitten to being handled, so that in the future furry pet remained affectionate and always ready for human contact. Accustoming a cat to being handled when it is already an adult can be much more difficult, so this should be done with a kitten as soon as it settles in the house. In order to succeed, you need to know certain rules training, because otherwise, by making mistakes, you can get the opposite result and, instead of a sociable cat, raise a wild animal that will react aggressively to attempts to pick it up.

Ways to train a kitten

Sometimes you can’t just calmly sit a kitten in your arms, because it gets scared and, even when it recognizes the person, continues to struggle. In order for a pet to be willingly given into the owner’s hands, it is necessary to accustom it to this, if it itself does not show a desire to actively make contact. As soon as the kitten realizes that communicating with the owner, when he takes him in his hands, brings him pleasure, the baby himself will strive to cuddle the person. Be sure to hold the kitten correctly, caress the pet and talk calmly to it. It’s very good if the cat starts playing while in your arms.

The kitten will quickly stop being afraid to be handled if you use one of the training methods below.

  • Using the characteristics of animal physiology. After the kitten has eaten well, it begins to feel sleepy, since maximum energy is spent on digesting food. If the animal is warm and comfortable at this moment, it will begin to experience special pleasure. The owner may well provide the pet with the illusion that he is lying next to his mother if he picks up a well-fed, dozing kitten and cuddles him, but without squeezing. Gradually, the baby will get used to the fact that sitting in your arms is very pleasant and safe.
  • Talk. Monotonous, affectionate conversation with the kitten gradually begins to relax it. At this moment, the owner has the opportunity to gently stroke the pet behind the ear or in the throat area. If the kitten reacted calmly to such affection, you need to place your palms on its sides. If the baby does not break free here, he is carefully picked up. When the kitten tries to escape, you should not restrain it by force. Such sessions must be repeated several times a day, until the baby agrees to stay on the owner’s lap.
  • Lure with a treat. This method is most suitable for kittens who are particularly freedom-loving and cannot combine being held in their arms with pleasant sensations. Using a treat, the owner lures the pet onto his lap. While the kitten is eating the treat, you need to stroke it on the back, but under no circumstances hold it by force. Gradually, the baby will get used to the fact that it is pleasant to be held and will actively seek the company of the owner.
  • Overcoming the fear of heights. As strange as it may sound, some cats are terrified of heights. Because of this, when a kitten is picked up incorrectly and he perceives what is happening as floating in the air, he experiences severe shock. This phenomenon can be prevented simply by starting to hold the baby correctly. Then his fear of hands will go away. You need to take the kitten with one hand under the armpits, and place the other under its hind legs. After this, the baby should be held close to you, but not squeezed. If the fear is panicky, then first you need to accustom the kitten to your hands while sitting on the floor.
  • Training in the game. This method is suitable for active kittens who are not yet ready to exchange free time for affection. When playing with such a baby with a toy, you should gradually pull it onto your lap. After the kitten jumps into your arms, you need to let him catch the toy here and enjoy the catch. While the kitten is playing in your arms, you can pet it. Gradually, such games with jumping into hands will lead to the fact that the animal will not only completely get used to the hands, but will not be able to do without affection and close contact with a person. With this nature of the pet, you should often allow the cat to sit in your arms while playing with the owner.

The choice of method depends on individual characteristics kitten, and each owner must evaluate for himself which method is optimal in his case. In principle, accustoming a kitten to affection cannot fail, you just don’t need to stubbornly follow a method that is not suitable, but need to be creative in your approach.

Spray bait

Sometimes a cat must be accustomed to being handled using a special bait spray, which is sold in a pharmacy and usually contains catnip extract; this is necessary in cases where the kitten has been running wild for a long time and categorically refuses to make contact. Most often, this phenomenon is observed if the animal has suffered from people and cannot, because of this, not fear even its owner, who loves him and created him comfortable conditions life. Also, basement kittens, which have largely returned to the behavior of their wild ancestors, are often distinguished by distrust.

The spray should be applied not to clothes, but to the palms of the hands, so that the kitten gets used to the person, and not to the thing. The smell of the product acts on the animal like a drug, and therefore the pet will, despite its fear, still run to the owner and rub against the hands. Gradually, the kitten will understand that there is nothing dangerous or unpleasant when communicating with a person. As a result of this, in the future, even without a spray, the pet will be willing to be handled.

When using a spray, it is important not to exceed the norm so that the baby does not become accustomed to it and begins to suffer from the lack of the drug. Because of this, you cannot use the product more often than once a day. This remedy should be used more often if you had to take an adult cat into your home.

Mistakes in hand training

Mistakes at the stage of hand training occur quite often and lead to the fact that the kitten’s fear of being on a person’s lap only intensifies. When teaching a baby to hold hands, it is unacceptable to do the following::

  • forcibly hold the kitten in your hands, forcing it to sit on the owner’s lap;
  • shout at the animal when it tries to escape;
  • punish the kitten for not being ready to cuddle.

During the training process, violence is unacceptable, since it is enough to scare the kitten once so that it will never agree to sit on your lap in the future. As with litter box training, you can spend a week or even a month on this, the main thing is to be patient and remain attentive and gentle in handling your pet.

When getting a cat, you need to remember that there are breeds that are characterized by a special love of freedom, so their representatives will never be particularly affectionate and sociable. For example, Scottish or siamese kitten usually take longer to get used to than affectionate kittens of hairless breeds. It is especially worth noting that a wild kitten of a forest or steppe cat will not feel comfortable in the hands of a person. Despite their peaceful appearance, representatives of these feline species are not suitable for home keeping.

A new pet must be accustomed to being handled by the owner, taking into account common features behavior of an animal of the chosen breed, and most importantly - with an understanding of the character of your pet. Often the behavior of the animal itself will suggest where to start when taming.

Have you seen a poor wild animal on the street and wanted to take it home? An excellent solution, we fully support it, but first you have to answer the question: how to tame a cat? And after reading this article you will understand that this is not a simple matter at all, it is fraught with many difficulties and even dangers.

Of course, taking home a wild animal, giving it affection, warmth and care is wonderful, a very good idea. But let's take a more sober assessment of the situation and examine all possible problems.

  • He may be ill, and very seriously. The range of diseases can be quite large, but some of them are very dangerous. For example, rabies, which is immediately transmitted by a bite through the saliva of an animal. But wild animal At first, he will most likely show aggression, try to bite you, and each of his bites can have disastrous consequences for your body.
  • You will need to pay a lot of money right away. Immediately after taking the cat into your home, you will need to take him to the veterinarian, conduct an examination, do basic complex vaccinations, deworming. And this is only a standard set, if the veterinarian finds nothing in the animal. If any disease is detected, the list of costs for medications and treatment can grow significantly. So soberly evaluate your financial position and think about the fact that you will have to immediately give away a fairly good amount of money.
  • Taming will take a very long time long time. The easiest way is with kittens; if they are under 10 weeks old, they will be fully tamed in 2-3 weeks. But for taming adult It can take several months, a year, or even more! And all this time, the animal will need to be treated with the utmost care and caution, receiving in return only suspicious glances, aggression towards any attempts to pet it, and rather capricious behavior. Adults have already developed habits, for example, going to the toilet on the street, but it will take a very, very long time to retrain them to use the litter tray.
  • A wild cat may not become domesticated at all! Adults are not only tamed for a long time: some of them are never tamed! You will try again and again, but the furry creature will not change its attitude, no matter how hard you try. Moreover, prolonged existence in street conditions makes many cats withdrawn, which is why, even after domestication, they will be alone most of the time, sitting on the windowsill, but not on your feet.

The animal may be sick
Need a lot of money for vaccinations

Taming takes a long time
An adult wild cat may not become domesticated

We have given all these arguments for only one purpose: to make you think about whether you really need it. The desire to take a wild animal home is commendable, but it is important to understand that the cat perceives you as an enemy, expects something bad from you, and therefore will react aggressively to all actions. Perhaps it’s better to just feed her every day than to try to radically change her whole life, especially since she doesn’t really want it herself.

And yet, if you decide to tame a cat, then we will help you with this

First you need to prepare some room where you will immediately place the cat. Ideal if you have an unused attic or storage room, or indeed any not particularly needed room. But if there is none, then use your bathroom for these purposes.

Remove all unnecessary objects from the room, especially shelves, check for holes in the walls anywhere, and also be sure to close the windows and place a tray, throw toys on the floor, and place bowls of food. We also recommend putting up some kind of shelter for the animal (even an ordinary box will do), and bright light change the lamps to the dim light of a night light or floor lamp. And you can also put a couple of old personal items on the floor so that the cat gets used to the smell of a person.

Prepare the room so that the cat gets used to the new place and smells.

This is the room you should let your cat out into when you first bring her home. Of course, it’s great if she allows herself to be picked up and brought home, but most often cats respond to attempts to pick her up by running away, so you will need to catch her using a safe trap cage. Find one for rent, it's a simple cage with a slamming door. It is best to cover the trap with a blanket and place a treat inside. Only when you catch a cat, make sure that it does not bite you when carrying it, we have already described the consequences above.

You should leave the cat in the prepared room for at least half a day, let it get used to the new place, gradually get used to your smell, with the feeling that it is not outside. If you enter a room, do so by first knocking on the door, and do not make sudden movements.

Yes, I really want to pet a furry animal, and I want to wash it even more to make it look neat and tidy. But neither one nor the other should be done at first. You even need to start petting the cat gradually, after a sufficiently long period of time. Otherwise, you'll get bites and that's it. At first, just try to play with her, for which you buy special toys or simply make a classic toy from a string and a bow.

Buy your new pet toys

Analyze your pet's behavior before each next step from your side. If the muscles are tense, the gaze is constantly directed at you, and even growls with its ears pressed to its head, then you should not try to pet or play with the animal yet. And one more piece of advice: under no circumstances look at the animal for a long time and without taking your eyes off. The point is that in wildlife a direct, long gaze is regarded as a challenge; it does not bode well. Therefore, no matter how much you would like to watch your pet, if he catches your gaze, then it is best to look away to the side, do not once again provoke the predator.

If you find a wild kitten, then it will be much easier with him. He is unlikely to be able to bite through his hands, and he will not resist so much. Kittens become domesticated much faster; two to three weeks are enough for this. At the same time, just a couple of days after taking it into your home, you can already try to pick up the kitten and sit it on its feet, especially if it is exhausted and wants to sleep.

In any case, working with kittens is much easier, especially up to six months of age. During this period, they have not yet fully developed habits, thanks to which they can quickly be tamed to the tray and the desired behavior can be instilled. The main thing is a good attitude and patience, because kittens sense a person’s mood very well.

Kittens that are too young cannot be adopted without their mother!

If the cat has not yet stopped feeding the kittens (and she stops feeding them about a month after birth), then take the cat and the kittens home with you. When the kittens become independent, release the cat; if you wish, you can first vaccinate and sterilize it.

If you take home a very small kitten, then there will be absolutely no problems with its domestication, because it will see you almost from birth, thanks to which it will quickly assign you the status of owner with all the appropriate behavior.

The only thing to remember is diseases; be sure to get all the necessary vaccinations from a veterinarian and check the baby for diseases that could be transmitted from the wild mother.

  • Quite often, even domesticated cats spend time alone. They need it so much, so let your pet be alone;
  • Do not try to overfeed the animal right away. In conditions of constant malnutrition, the stomach cannot digest large portions of food. Increase the amount of food gradually;
  • Under no circumstances should you shout or show aggressive behavior in relation to a wild animal, otherwise your long work in building a relationship may be in vain.
  • Thus, it is possible to domesticate a wild cat, but many factors must be taken into account and be sure to weigh the pros and cons. It is very easy to domesticate kittens, but with adults they can be serious problems. And first of all, we advise you to show the wild animal to a veterinarian, because even a small bite can lead to serious problems if the furry creature has serious health problems.