When the cats go away. Why do cats, young and adults, run away from home?

For every owner, the disappearance of a pet is a real misfortune, and sometimes a whole tragedy. However, sometimes cats voluntarily leave their well-fed life and cozy bed, running away from home to God knows where. Why does this suddenly happen and what does it mean for the distressed owner and the rest of the household?

  • Cats have a phenomenal sense of smell, so their sudden departure from home is often associated with impending disaster. The cautious animal sensed her approach and ran away from danger.
  • There is another interpretation, the opposite in meaning. Some superstitious people believe that the missing mustachioed bear is not running away from misfortune that threatens his family. Quite the contrary, sensing the approach of danger, a personal amulet takes it away from its adored owner.
  • Very often in life a sign about the relationship between a cat and a sick person is confirmed. Most often, the animal tries its best to help the sufferer, caring for him day and night. But if the fluffy suddenly leaves the house to an unknown destination and never returns to his “patient,” this means that there is no longer any hope of recovery.
  • The animal reacts in exactly the same way to the prospect of a new addition to the family. If the birth of a baby is expected in the family, then by leaving the purr, as it were, makes room for him, sacrificing himself.
  • Sometimes incredible coincidences happen. No matter how many animals you get, they all disappear from home sooner or later. Pragmatists claim that mishandling or simple carelessness is to blame. However, the mystical point of view also has a right to exist. She reports that an exceptionally jealous brownie lives in the house, who does not tolerate competition on his territory and consistently survives all uninvited “aliens.”
  • There is also a scientific point of view that explains the departure of your beloved purr from home. Often, reckless revelers simply cannot find their way home, especially if it is a pet. Sometimes cats need privacy before death to meet with the cat god. It happens that the reason for the disappearance is mistreatment, unfavorable home energy, jealousy of a new pet, or the need to produce kittens away from prying eyes and unknown dangers.
  • Experts in omens can tell you that cats of different colors have different abilities. Snow-white pets keep peace between household members, black ones protect the home from negativity, red ones attract wealth, and “tricolors” provide absolute happiness. However, the consequences of the disappearance of an animal are not affected by its color. The disappearance of a red-haired beauty will not lead to poverty, and a tricolor animal will not take your happiness with it.
  • If the lost one suddenly appears on her own, then you should not think that she brought back all the troubles and problems that caused her to run away. In fact, the return of the pet means that the threat has passed, and everyone escaped with only a slight fright.
  • It's sad, but happy independent returns of pet purrs happen very rarely. Much more often, the owner has to make great efforts to find the fugitive. If a call for help posted on the Internet, on the doors of entrances and bus stops does not help, then a magical version of the search comes into play.

    • Place your pet's favorite treat in a bowl and call him three times while standing by the window with a lit church candle in your hand.
    • Another method involves having a glass filled with water at the front door. Stand next to the container and call the animal, imagining it entering the apartment.
    • Try one more trick. Tie a red thread around all four legs of the table where the family is used to gathering for lunch or dinner. It is likely that good news will not keep you waiting.

Sometimes cats leave home. Some return after 2-3, or even 5 days, while others disappear forever. What is the reason for our pets’ habit of leaving and not returning? Why do many owners shed liters of tears in the hope of seeing their cat at least once more, but never get this opportunity? Where do the cute mustachioed and striped ones go? Or rather, why? It is difficult to give a definite correct answer to all these questions, but it is worth trying to explain this behavior by instincts inherent in nature.

They say cats go to die. It’s as if they are looking for some special place, heading far, far from home, so that the owners cannot find their lifeless bodies. However, it is difficult to believe that a young, healthy cat will go to die. After all, such cats sometimes don’t come back either. Therefore, the problem of pets leaving must be considered from two perspectives, based on the age of the loss.

Why do young cats leave?

Healthy cat sitting on a balcony or windowsill:

* Can smell the scent of a walking cat and jump towards it. This sometimes happens, even if the cat has not gone outside before;
* He will notice a bird flying nearby and, not feeling the danger of heights, will simply jump after it;
*Interesting events outside the window, falling leaves, can also attract the attention of your pet.

Healthy cats disappear for the same reasons. Having fallen out of a window or balcony, an animal becomes lost in a new and unfamiliar territory and, obeying the instincts laid down by its ancestors, tries to hide in a secluded place (for example, a basement hole in a house). And there are new troubles. The homeless yard cats don’t really like the “new kids”, because they already suffer from a lack of food, and here they will have to share with another mouth.

A pet practically does not know how to defend itself from a pack of stray dogs. Of course, he will immediately try to climb a tree, where none of the flock can reach him. What if there is no tree nearby? One medium-sized cat can cope with a maximum of three dogs that are no larger than him. Has anyone seen dogs forming packs based on each other's size? This is hardly possible. A domestic cat, no matter how sad it may sound, could simply be torn apart by yard dogs. This happens especially often if there is a dog living in the house besides the cat, and the mustachioed one simply won’t think about the fact that man’s best friend could offend his brother.

A house located near a road with heavy traffic poses a potential threat to an escaped pet. Cars can easily harm a small cat. Not many drivers will stop to see what condition the animal is in. A few will take the downed person to the veterinary clinic. Accordingly, the pet may simply die from its injuries.

In the autumn-winter period, cats often warm themselves under the hood, sitting on the wheel. The driver will start the car and move off, but the cat will not have time to escape. High probability of death.

In rare cases, pets do not return home because they cannot find their way. Usually, a keen sense of smell and visual memory help to reach home in 3-5 days.

Why do adult cats leave?

All of the above reasons can also be attributed to older kitties. In addition, old cats usually leave and don’t come back not because they don’t want to, but because they can’t. Even in the wild, a member of a lion pack will not “go to the rainbow” near his family. He will find a distant, secluded place and calmly spend his last hours there.

They say that adult cats can take on serious troubles and ward off trouble from the owner’s house. True, in such cases they go away forever. You don’t even have to try to look for your pet - it will simply disappear. Of course, after digging through tons of material on the World Wide Web or in the city archive, it is theoretically possible to find so-called animal cemeteries. But it’s not a fact that that’s where the pet went...
Instead of an afterword
Love your little furry friends, play and talk with them, share secrets, take care of him and have him examined by a veterinarian on time - then the cat will live a long and happy life, delighting all household members with his activity and causing smiles. Health to all pets and owners!

RS: yesterday my cat went for a walk and disappeared, and he was not even a year old (((

When getting a cat, the owner must understand that he is responsible for their safety. When beloved pets disappear from home, it is perceived as a disaster. It happens that after a certain period of time they return, but, unfortunately, this does not always happen. The reasons for the disappearance of animals can be different. In some cases, you need to immediately start searching for your pet. To prevent your cat from running away from home, you need to take precautions.

Why does a cat or cat leave home?

There are several reasons why cats leave home. The most common reasons are:

  • Premonition of death. If the pet is no longer young and has a premonition of the end, then, as a rule, he retires, never coming home again. In the wild, old and sick cats behave this way - they go off to die.
  • Continuation of the family. If March is approaching and the cat suddenly left its home, then do not be upset. The pet will be back soon. In these cases, a cat that has gone on a spree returns pregnant and, closer to the birth, disappears from the house again in search of a secluded place for lambing. A couple of weeks later she returns, but not alone, but with her offspring.
  • Negative attitude. Cats react very subtly to the atmosphere in the house. Negativity from one of the family members, poor care, screaming, assault - all this provokes the cat to run away from home. And if in the future she meets new caring owners, then the owner should prepare for the fact that she will not return to her previous home.
  • The cat is lost. By nature, cats are very inquisitive. Their attention is attracted by literally everything - a dragonfly or butterfly flying past the window, a leaf swaying in the wind, another animal and much more. In a fit of curiosity, the animal forgets about caution and can jump out of a window or jump out of an open door. Once outside, a domestic cat finds itself in a hostile environment. She is unable to protect herself from attacks from street cats and dogs, hooligans and evil people. Also, it can get under the wheels of a car. A domestic cat does not have any skills to survive in the wild.
  • Replacement. After a certain time, owners can get another pet, turning all attention to it. Or a child appears in the family, and the cat remains unattended. She begins to feel lonely and unwanted. The reason for the disappearance of a furry pet is simple jealousy. In this case, the cat leaves and never comes back.

Escape Prevention

The departure of a beloved cat from home is accompanied by worries and worries on the part of the owners. Anxiety increases even more if the pet is absent for a long time. In most cases, escape can be prevented.

  • In order not to lose your beloved pet during the mating season, you can resort to sterilization (castration). This operation is harmless and is performed in a veterinary clinic under general anesthesia. It makes it possible to rid the animal of attraction to the opposite sex.
  • There are special medications (drops and tablets) for cats that interrupt sexual desire. But contraceptives do not always pay off. Also, it is worth considering that all medications have side effects. Therefore, before giving the drug, you should consult a veterinarian.
  • Try to create conditions so that the pet cannot leave the house. Strictly monitor the front door; it is advisable to install a protective net on the windows.

What to do if your pet runs away?

If the cat left home and did not return, then there is no need to panic and waste precious time. You shouldn’t wait until your pet gets some exercise and decides to come home on its own in a few days. This may not happen, so you need to resort to the following actions as soon as possible:

  • Contact your neighbors next door. Perhaps one of them saw the cat or took it in for a while. Also, it doesn’t hurt to ask passers-by or children walking in the yard. After all, the cat may be not far from the house, and “hot on its heels” you can find witnesses to its escape.
  • Post a missing pet report at the same time as searching for your pet. This can be done via the Internet, television (creeping line) or by simply posting printed leaflets. It is advisable to indicate as many characteristics of the animal you are looking for as possible. Ideally, a photograph of the animal should be attached to the missing report.

If the cat leaves the house systematically, then for such cases the best solution would be to purchase a special collar. There is a sign on it that shows the address, phone number and name of the animal's owner. Thanks to this, the animals are found faster.

The cause of death for cats can be serious illness, injury, old age, or an accident. Anticipating an imminent end, the animal often leaves its home, never to return. It is natural that the question arises why cats leave home to die. After all, even if the pet does not have the opportunity to leave the apartment, it simply hides in an inaccessible place, for example, somewhere in a closet.

There is no clear answer as to why this happens. There are several versions of this pattern, none of them have been scientifically confirmed.

Love for the owner

Some people believe that a cat that has left home to die is concerned about its owner's feelings.

There are cases when pets even said goodbye to a faithful friend, meowed, jumped onto his lap for the last time and allowed themselves to be petted.

But it happens that a cat leaves to die suddenly. Yes, perhaps some pets are so attached to home and loved ones that they try to reduce the pain of separation. But this version is unlikely for two reasons:

  • firstly, the cat is unlikely to care about approaching death, because it simply does not understand that it is dying. Most likely, the animal is worried about pain, weakness, but clearly not awareness of death or fear of it;
  • secondly, such high feelings are unfamiliar to the pet, since he is at a lower stage of evolution and is guided by instinct, not reason. And even more so, a feeling of caring for a person is unlikely to appear in dying cats. It is the primitive instinct that guides reproduction, caring for offspring, and not love, as it happens in people. It is unlikely that a cat, dying, thinks about how its owner feels.

Running away from pain

There is an opinion that it is not impending death that makes a cat leave, but unbearable pain. Without realizing why this happens, she rushes headlong wherever her eyes look, and dies far from home. But one can also argue with this version:

  • childbirth, surgical interventions, injuries and other conditions from which the cat does not die do not force it to seek shelter. And only those cats whose death is imminent leave their homes;
  • Not every illness is accompanied by painful sensations, however, pets still strive for privacy before they die.

Cats don't always leave home when they die. For example, an old indoor cat that has never seen the street is unlikely to dare to leave its safe haven. Weakness, impotence, and immobility can also interfere with this. Due to old age or serious illness, cats simply slowly fade away, refuse to eat and drink, and cannot go to the toilet on their own.

Signs and superstitions

In England it is considered a very bad omen if a cat dies in the house. By leaving, the pet brings disaster to its inhabitants. And if a cat jumped over a coffin with the body of a deceased person, then it had to be killed, otherwise misfortune could not be avoided. Although this nation has always been distrustful of representatives of the cat family, endowing them with witchcraft abilities and mystical properties.

There was a completely different attitude towards cats in Ancient Egypt, where they were revered and elevated to the rank of sacred animals. If a pet died, the owners shaved their eyebrows, cut off their hair and observed mourning for 70 days.

We believed that if cats leave home to die, they take all the bad energy with them, as if protecting their owners. It is believed that when an animal dies, it gives its beloved friend one of nine lives.. For example, it can sense if a person is in mortal danger. The cat deliberately throws itself under the wheels of a car and dies, as if giving its life in return. It’s also not for nothing that the cat is the first to be let into the house at housewarming parties. After all, spirits live in every room, and only this fluffy and affectionate animal can calm them down.

And when all the cats die suddenly one after another throughout the year, this is due to an excess of negativity that furry creatures cannot cope with. This could be due to:

  • otherworldly forces;
  • damage or evil eye;
  • unfavorable location of the house (for example, at the site of burials or mass deaths).

It is advisable to call a priest to consecrate your home and cleanse yourself of black thoughts. People who are skeptical about mystical events believe that cats die due to the presence of an infection in the house that is dangerous for them.

Natural instinct of cats

In the wild, animals also look for a secluded place, since dying animals become easy prey for predators.

Leaving the usual habitat is due to the desire to leave the pack, remain alone and protect the weakened body from enemies.

Most likely, the domestic cat is also guided by this instinct of self-preservation. She, like her wild relatives, seeks to hide from stronger opponents, from whom she cannot defend herself due to physical impotence. Today, this is the most plausible and logical version of why cats leave home to die.


Our cats often leave their homes due to their problems. Sometimes they are absent for a couple of hours, and in some cases the pet can wander somewhere even for several days. But the worst thing is when a furry pet disappears forever. It is believed that when a domestic cat leaves home, it is a rather bad omen. Therefore, it is worth considering this difficult issue in more detail.

Reasons why cats leave home

  1. The pregnant cat left the house. Pets always try to find some secluded place to bring their kittens there. That is why they persistently try to get into the wardrobe, onto the bed or under the sofa, from where we persistently kick them out. So the pregnant cats go to the neighboring yard, where there is a warm, suitable place in the barn or hayloft. Usually cats, after a week or more, return home with their kittens, tenderly carrying the litter in their teeth.
  2. Cats leave home to die. Sometimes this really happens. The animal feels that it may soon depart to another world, and quietly disappears from sight into some quiet corner where no one disturbs it. It happens that this place is in your yard, and sometimes the pet gets into your neighbors. Maybe it’s better when you don’t see the cat’s suffering, and he will die without unnecessary worries.
  3. Most often, if you find that a cat has unexpectedly left home, the reason is that it got lost, died under the wheels of a car, or was bitten by evil dogs. A domestic cat, which rarely leaves the apartment, is not at all adapted to life in the wild. Having jumped out from or through an open door, the animal finds itself in an unfamiliar world. A dog can easily scare it, and the animal will rush off in an unknown direction, easily getting lost in a metropolis. It’s good if the cat is able to adapt to the new area and meets a good owner.

There may be several reasons why cats leave home. Even a rude attitude or a sharp cry can provoke the animal to flee to the next block. It’s great when she returns in an hour, but if she meets a kind woman who will pet the cat and feed her, then it’s not an option that over time she will forever prefer her house to your uncomfortable apartment.