How to properly trim a cat's claws. How to trim a kitten's claws? How to trim the nails of an aggressive cat

Manicure for furry pets is often necessary not for the safety of the owner’s hands or furniture, but for the health and comfort of the animal itself. How to trim a cat's claws at home, how often does it need to be done, and what life hacks can you learn from experienced groomers?

Not many cats climb trees and fences enough to grind off their claws naturally. Scratching post, though best friend From the point of view of saving a person's home, a manicure and pedicure cannot always be replaced by a cat's. How, when and with what to trim the claws of purrs?

Trim a cat's claws: how, why and when

Many novice cat breeders wonder: is it possible to trim cats’ claws? Doubts are justified by the presence of a scratching post and references to the past, when cats were fluffy, and they caught mice, and no one gave them a manicure or styling. The opinion is widespread, but does not stand up to criticism.

Just like humans, animals' claws continually grow throughout their lives. IN wildlife or as close as possible to the conditions of village life, the claw will wear down on its own when the animal climbs trees and runs on hard surfaces. Domestic cats, which are in modern world The vast majority cannot achieve such loads even in theory. In an apartment, cats sharpen their claws on a scratching post and try to gnaw the ends on their own, but in a healthy animal, the claws grow faster and a manicure is necessary.

A cat's claws are curved and retract into the pads of their paws, but the space for retraction is far from infinite. Overgrown claws become dull and peel, causing cats discomfort when walking and can injure the pet when it decides to scratch behind its ear with its hind paw.

The most dangerous are the claws on the fifth toe of the front paws. They dig into the pads and injure soft fabrics. It will be painful for the animal to walk, and an infection may get into the wound, which will provoke much more serious problems with health. On hind legs Cats' claws are also trimmed. They do not grow into the paw pads, but it is even more difficult for an animal to grind them off on a scratching post than the front ones.

The growth rate of claws is individual for each animal, but determining how often to trim a cat’s claws is not difficult. On average, the procedure is carried out once every two to three weeks. First, inspect the paws. If the tip of the claw has become long, has begun to dull and will soon stop hiding, it’s time to cut it. Secondly, listen when your pet walks on the floor, windowsill or some hard surface. If the claws of the branch are larger than normal, there will be a slight clattering sound.


In simple terms, cat claw scissors are called claw clippers. It would be more accurate to say “claw pruner” or “trimmer” - the blade blades have a special shape for the claw, and the edge of the cutting surfaces is reinforced. A stronger version, more like a nipper, is the claw guillotine. In this model there is only one moving blade, and the force on the handle is applied slightly differently, due to which the cut is made faster and smoother.

Nail clippers for dogs and cats differ only in size. For large breeds trimmers are more powerful, for cats and small breeds- the size is not much larger than nail scissors. For a non-professional it is more convenient to hold such a tool in his hands than a large pruner.

After trimming the nails, the tip can be filed with a regular manicure file so that the edges of the cut do not cling. The procedure is optional, and not every cat will agree to extend the manicure for filing. Don’t be upset if your pet is against it; he will shape the cut himself using the scratching post.

The tool must be made of high-quality steel that will hold an edge for a long time. The blades should fit perfectly against each other, the handle should have no play or creaking, with a pleasant force when the spring is compressed. Most pet stores offer a sufficient range of tools from various manufacturers with a wide range of prices. You should purchase a trimmer of at least the mid-price category, since the cheapest scissors can be not only short-lived, but also dangerous for the animal. Participants in specialized forums recommend taking a closer look at the tools of the companies listed in the table.

Table - Popular manufacturers of nail clippers

You cannot use regular scissors, manicure scissors or more massive ones. They will split the claw, which can cause injury.

Technique of the procedure

WITH one month old A cat can already have its claws trimmed, and it is better to instill this habit from childhood. It is good if the animal sits quietly during the procedure, but this is rare. Even calm cats out of fear they become aggressive. To prevent your pet from running away and scratching you while escaping, you can wrap it in thick fabric. Some owners use an interesting life hack: they wrap the cat in its own robe, and pull out its paws one by one through the sleeve for grooming. Separating the limbs reduces the ability to resist.

Another life hack is to trim your cat’s claws using clothespins. During childhood, the mother cat carries kittens by the withers with her teeth, and fixing the skin in this place causes most cats to stop twitching. This "baby reflex" can be helpful for grooming - attach a couple of clothespins or a similar, not too powerful clamp to the fold of skin just below the scruff of the neck. True, the older the animal, the greater the chance that the feeling of its mother’s teeth is forgotten.

If you trim your cat's claws yourself, teach the kitten to a position that is comfortable for this from childhood - sitting on your lap with its back to you. If there is an assistant, the animal can sit or lie on your lap or on the sofa, the assistant will hold the cat, and you will pick up each paw in turn.

Nail trimming itself is not difficult. There are five claws on the front paws and four on the hind paws. Consistently apply pressure to the animal's fingers until the claw is released. Many cats have transparent claws and the line between the base where the nerves and blood vessels pass is clearly visible. You shouldn't cut your cat's nails too hard - this can cause bleeding and pain. If you make a mistake and start bleeding, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic.

In general, in order to trim a cat’s claws correctly, you need to follow several simple rules, collected for ease of memorization in a table.

Table - Basic rules of manicure and pedicure for cats

It is advisable to create a pleasant association with this process in the animal from the first haircuts. Be gentle and pet your pet before the manicure, paying special attention to the paws. It is better to choose a time after eating, when the cat is happy with life and relaxed. After trimming the nails, treat your pet with an extra treat.

Is there an alternative: “soft paws” and “anti-scratch pads”

In fact, there is only one alternative and how humane it is is the question. We are talking about an operation to remove claws - onychectomy. The need for it may arise when severe course claw diseases, traumatic injury fingers or excessive aggressiveness of the animal. But in last years some pet owners go for it without medical indications, but only to prevent damage to furniture by animals.

The glamorous name “soft paws” actually hides the amputation of the last claw phalanx on the animal’s toes. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which in itself is serious test for the animal's body. Removal of claws can lead to a number of diseases and affect the psyche and behavior of an animal deprived of an innate tool, but not the need to use it.

A more humane method to prevent damage to hands and furniture is silicone claws or “anti-scratches.” These are silicone caps that are glued to the claw with special glue. Available in several sizes for cats different ages and species, and all kinds of colors. Multi-colored caps not only allow you to be creative in choosing a manicure, but also simplify the search and cleaning of fallen nails. The latter is especially true for families with small children and other animals who may pick up and eat something from the floor.

The gluing procedure is in many ways similar to trimming nails and is no less stressful for the animal. It should be taken into account that silicone pads change tactile sensations animal when walking, playing, affect jumping and the ability to climb objects.

Experts have differing opinions regarding silicone claws. On the one hand, there is no particular harm from them, and in comparison with “soft paws” they are completely harmless. But, on the other hand, for the animal it is stress and suppression of instincts.

Perhaps reviews from more experienced cat owners will help you decide on the need for the procedure. But remember that “anti-scratches” do not solve the problem at the root. It is still necessary to trim your cat's claws, as they continue to grow under the silicone.

Many owners of furry cats are interested in how to trim their cat’s claws.

After all a pet- this is not only the joy of communicating with him, it is the responsibility for his health.

Every owner is obliged to properly care for his pet, in particular, it is worth knowing how to choose the right one for your pet and equip it.

However, one of essential elements care is taking care of an animal's claws at home.

Every cat needs its nails trimmed

Why do you need to trim your cat's claws?

In the process of washing. cats chew and bite their nails.

This is a natural process, this is how they try to shorten them.

Cats are also used for these purposes.

But the pet itself is not able to complete the grinding procedure to the end.

Owners often don’t understand why they need to trim their cat’s claws?

When animals grind their claws on a scratching post, it is not always the case that animals damage furniture or behave in an unusual way.

Therefore, the owners believe that no help is needed, that the pet can handle everything on its own.

However, if the length of the claws does not prevent the cat from living normal life, if the animal does not cling with its claws, then this issue does not concern most owners.

Village cats wear down their claws while walking

When does a cat need help and is it possible to trim each pet’s claws?

The owner should understand that it is not only possible to trim claws, but also needs to do this procedure regularly.

In this case, you should know exactly how to trim a cat’s claws correctly.

This is especially true for pets who live in apartments and do not lead such an active lifestyle as their village relatives.

Claws grow very quickly, but they do not have time to shorten naturally (or with a scratching post).

Such fast growth leads to the fact that the animal begins to cling to different surfaces with its paws.

The pets scratch the floor and begin to scratch their owners.

Then the owners start thinking - how to trim the cat’s claws in order to protect themselves, the house, and the animal?

If we're talking about about the regularity of the procedure, then haircuts at home should be carried out based on the characteristics of the breed and the pet itself.

Typically, haircuts are carried out twice a month.

In some cases, you may need to cut your nails less often.

You should monitor your pet's behavior to determine whether the claws need to be trimmed.

And so that you don’t have to wonder where to cut your hair, you should take into account simple recommendations.

Important! Cats have a fifth claw on the back of their front paws. He does not take part in scratching. But if you don’t cut it, it can grow into the pads, causing pain to the fluffy.

You should be accustomed to trimming nails at home from childhood.

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to trim kittens' nails, veterinarians recommend doing this for the first time on the fifth day of the kitten's life.

The haircut is reminiscent of cutting a child's nails.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly?

There is nothing complicated about this procedure; you can handle it yourself.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, your pet will not have any unpleasant impressions, and he will not get nervous and break out at the sight of scissors or if the procedure needs to be repeated.

Before you trim your cat's claws, you need to prepare tools, a hemostatic agent, and cotton pads.

First you need to determine where the blood vessel ends on the claw.

The claws are transparent, so if you hold them up to the light, this place will be clearly visible.

If a blood vessel is touched, bleeding will occur, and then inflammation may develop.

Claw diagram

If the location of the blood vessel is very close to the end of the claw, then you can shorten it a little.

If necessary, you should show your pet to the veterinarian; a convenient one will help make this visit comfortable for your pet.

The cutting process itself looks like this:

  1. The cat should be placed on your lap. If you can’t handle it yourself, you can invite an assistant to hold the pet. You need to talk to the animal tenderly and pet it in order to distract you from the procedure itself.
  2. You need to press the pad of the paw thumb for the claw to appear. It is better to make a transverse cut, so the animal will not feel discomfort.
  3. Trimmed areas need to be polished. An ordinary nail file is suitable for this. Before you trim your cat's claws, you need to prepare this nail file.

With infrequent trimming, the claws begin to interfere with the pet

Important! If a vessel was accidentally touched and bleeding began, it must be disinfected with an antiseptic. If the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

What to do if your cat behaves aggressively?

Not all cats like various manipulations, and therefore the question of whether it is possible to trim the claws of an aggressive animal often worries owners.

If you need to trim the claws of an aggressive cat, you should follow the general rules.

You need to find a moment when the aggressive cat is in a calm, relaxed state.

For the safety of the owner and the pet itself, it should be swaddled

This is one of the most convenient solutions to trim the claws of a cat that has an aggressive character.

You also need to gently press on the pads and cut off the claws.

You should praise and pet your pet.

It is also worth giving an aggressive cat her favorite treat, so that when following procedure she behaved more calmly.

How often should the procedure be performed?

Many owners are concerned about the question of how often can they trim their nails at home to keep their pet healthy and active?

There is no definite answer to this question; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

  • The growth of nails directly depends on the characteristics of the cat’s body;
  • Dark claws grow much slower than light plates;
  • For active pets who regularly use a scratching post and have the opportunity to frolic, the procedure should be performed less frequently than for slow and lazy cats.

If there are small children in the house, then buying special ones is an excellent solution.

Then the animal’s paws will not pose a danger to the baby.

Popular anti-scratch pads

Harmless and high-quality models of overlays will not add any discomfort to the fluffy’s usual image, and with them your pet will get an attractive and colorful “manicure”.

How to trim a cat's claws and do it correctly? Important Tips on frequency and technique of nail care.

By purchasing a fluffy kitten, each owner takes responsibility for caring for a new friend. In addition to feeding, bathing and combing the fur, the pet needs to periodically trim its overgrown claws. We will tell you how to trim a cat’s claws at home correctly and painlessly in our educational article!

Many owners of furry pets wonder why they should trim their cat’s claws at all and how important is this procedure? Any female cat's claws grow throughout her life.

Yard animals independently adjust their length by scratching against the asphalt and tree bark. But it is not easy for domestic cats to do this, so to create the optimal length of their claws, a caring owner and a special tool - a nail clipper - are involved. There are also silicone claw covers for all cat breeds.

If the claws are not trimmed, the consequences can be quite unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owner. Too large claws disturb the animal, and there is also a risk of them growing into the pad of the paws, which will cause pain. It will be difficult and quite painful for the cat to move on its paws.

In addition to tormenting the animal, overgrown claws can noticeably damage appearance furniture in the house. The British or British Fold is patient with this procedure, as he has a calm nature by nature, but can fight back. Fluffy kitten, obeying his natural instinct, will definitely find a suitable surface for combing them.

This could be the owner’s favorite sofa, walls with new wallpaper, the door of a stylish cabinet, etc. Do you want to avoid such unpleasant consequences? Then don’t be lazy and regularly trim your beloved pet’s overgrown nails! There is also a special anti-scratch that helps prevent damage to your furniture or you from the animal.

How to trim a kitten's claws correctly?

This procedure is quite unpleasant for the animal, so kittens often resist and do not allow their owner to perform a neat trim without unnecessary problems. If the kitten long hair completely covering the nail, it becomes more difficult to trim. In addition, it will constantly break out.

Let's look at expert advice on how to trim a kitten's claws without hurting him or yourself:

  • It is better to start pruning with early age, the kitten will gradually get used to it and will tolerate this unpleasant process more calmly;
  • when you caress and stroke your furry pet, apply slight pressure to the paw pads so that he gets used to such a touch and does not resist when trimming;
  • This procedure should not be carried out when the animal is hungry or too active; choose a moment when the cat is drowsy or sleeping;
  • If the animal shows aggression, it is better to postpone the planned care activity for a while.

4 stages of nail trimming:

  1. feed the kitten and try to calm it down;
  2. stroke and cuddle your beloved pet;
  3. Gently press on the pad of the paw and trim the tip of the claw using special clippers for this purpose. After trimming, it is recommended to smooth the cut area. A scratching post is used for this;
  4. If during the procedure you accidentally injured your pet's paw, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide;

Convenient accessories for caring for animal claws

To trim nails at home, purchase special tools in advance (you can buy them at any pet store). In this case, pruning is painless and almost unnoticeable. Do not use ordinary nail scissors or other accessories for personal use. Your pet must have its own grooming accessories!

How should you properly trim overgrown claws on a long-haired or short-haired cat? You should have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • special scissors for cat claws (claw clippers), the cost of such an accessory starts from 230 rubles. up to 800 rub.;
  • forceps (guillotine or crescent-shaped);
  • a practical nail file for filing nails;
  • cotton swabs + antiseptics for processing damaged areas(just in case).

All pet manicure accessories must be kept clean. After trimming, antiseptically clean the surfaces of the instruments using regular medical alcohol. This will prevent the cat from becoming infected during the grooming procedure.

Where is it better to trim your pet’s nails – at home or in a special pet salon?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the individual capabilities of the owner and personal desire to participate in such a responsible event. Some owners find it easier to take their pet to a pet salon to have its nails trimmed by an experienced professional. This procedure is carried out on a paid basis.

Do you want to save costs? Then purchase all the necessary tools and perform this care procedure in the comfort of your own home. After all, we have already talked about how to trim a kitten’s claws and why this is done. Over time, you will gain experience, and the cat itself will get used to such an unpleasant, but necessary process. Simply put, after a few months this procedure will not cause any difficulties.

  • Declawing should be done in good light (preferably near a window in daylight);
  • the animal must be in a comfortable position;
  • claw cutting is performed on the front and hind legs;
  • before trimming, be sure to press down on the pad of the paw so that the claw appears;
  • Only keratinized tissue (approximately 1-2 mm) can be cut; be careful not to touch the pulp;
  • do not scare the animal, do not use force, try to gently negotiate with your beloved cat, attracting affection and kind attitude;
  • if you can’t hold the pet on your own, involve another family member in this procedure, one will hold it, and the second will carefully trim the claws;
  • experts recommend producing antiseptic treatment cut surfaces after the procedure;
  • When finished, treat your beloved pet to something tasty, he will definitely appreciate such a reward!

If you managed to accustom your kitten to trimming its claws from an early age, be sure to carry out this procedure regularly. It is not advisable to take long breaks, as the cat may lose the habit, which will cause new difficulties the next time you leave.

How often should nails be trimmed?

This procedure must be performed as it grows. Experience shows that owners have to trim their beloved pet’s nails 2-3 times a month.

At what age does a pet need to be declawed?

What tools are best to use?

Choose quality manicure tools for animals. Very easy to use and practical for cutting, scissors made of stainless steel with rubber lining on the handles.

Is it possible to cut while the animal is sleeping?

Is it possible to trim cats' claws when they are sleeping? Not only is it possible, but even necessary! Many owners of purebred cats claim that grooming while the cat is sleeping is the most convenient and safest.

The pet is relaxed, does not show aggression, allowing its beloved owner to perform even and high-quality pruning without accidental injuries. Therefore, our tips on how to properly trim your cat’s overgrown and sharp claws without effort will definitely come in handy. Put them into practice and you will succeed!

What to do if blood appears on your paw due to an accidental injury?

The main thing is not to panic in such a situation! Nothing bad happened; the wound cannot be serious if you used special tools for animals. What do we have to do? Simply treat the bleeding area with hydrogen peroxide. Such wounds heal quickly. But still try to be careful and not cause pain to your beloved pet!

How to trim a fluffy cat's claws?

Some cats of elite breeds have too long fur, covering their paws and claws. In such cases, cutting should be done after preliminary cutting of the wool tufts on the paw, which prevent free access to the animal’s claws.

A little fluffy ball is definitely a joy in the house. Just like another pet little kitty requires special care. One of the problems is the long and sharp claws, which constantly cling to everything, scratch and can even cause injury to the young feline. Trimming and filing the ends will help solve this problem.

Why trim cats claws?

Sometimes disputes arise regarding the “cat pedicure”. Some believe that cats need claws by nature, and there is no point in interfering with this process. Others will be inclined to believe that overgrown tips cause inconvenience not only to the owners, but also to the furry pets themselves.

There is no need to trim the claws of kittens and cats only if they most spend time outside. Thus, the dead part is rubbed off on asphalt, trees and other surfaces with which the paws come into contact. A pet does not need human help when there is a scratching post in the house. A kitten trained from an early age will systematically rub its claws on a rough surface.

The procedure for cutting off the horny endings of pets who do not leave the apartment is mandatory. Their claws do not come into contact with surfaces on which they could at least partially wear off.

On their hind legs, cats have four toes with horny processes. But on the front ones there is one more side one, which are located slightly higher. They are the ones who don’t grind down, grow large and can even grow into roots. Adult cats can chew off their claws, but babies cannot do this. In this case, human help is inevitable.

A broken claw is a painful injury and an open area for germs to grow. As a result, the kitten may get sick.

How often to give a cat pedicure

Experts recommend trimming kittens' claws no more than once a month. But it is also worth paying attention to individual characteristics pet. There are breeds in which the horny endings on their paws grow much faster than others. Scottish Folds, Sphynxes and Persian kittens require special attention to your paws and claws. Their horny plates grow and separate much faster. Therefore, nail trimming will occur more frequently in these breeds.

Owners of kittens need to carefully monitor the condition of the horny endings. Deterioration of their condition indicates a lack of vitamins B and D in food, increased fragility indicates a lack of calcium. IN veterinary clinic They will tell you which medications will help cope with the problems.

Trimming kittens' claws at home

If you have not experienced cutting corneal processes or are afraid to do it yourself, then you need to contact a specialist. He will do a proper and painless haircut.

A cat manicure can also be done at home. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and tips for the procedure.

Nail trimming tools:

  1. Nail cutters are special scissors-nippers that perfectly cut the tips of the claws. They are sold in pet stores.
  2. A nail file - in this case, the most common one that is in a woman’s manicure set will do. But it is recommended to purchase a separate one for your pet.
  3. A cotton pad and antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide) - these products will only be needed if you injure the living part of the claw.

Time for circumcision
When the kitten is active or very hungry, the procedure should be postponed. The most the right time for trimming claws - this is the period when the baby has eaten or is sleeping.

The animal needs to be calmed, petted, and spoken quietly. Be sure to give the nail clippers a sniff so they don't cause interest while you trim.

A kitten, like other pets, is easy to train. Take advantage of this opportunity and turn the claw trimming procedure into a pleasant experience. To do this, stock up on your kitten’s favorite delicacy: pieces of meat, fish fillets, tasty food. Before and after trimming each horny end, give it a “yummy” treat. After several such actions, the fluffy will calmly give up his paws.

To this procedure did not take much time and did not harm the animal, you need to know how to properly trim the tips of the claws:

  1. Kittens' nails should be trimmed in a bright place. Carefully examine the corneal process in the light. The part closest to the paw has a pinkish tint - this is the pulp, a claw with blood capillaries and nerve endings. When cutting, you need to step back a few millimeters from it.
  2. The dead part will have a white transparent color. This is what needs to be removed. To make it easier to cut off the horny process, take the kitten's paw and lightly squeeze the pad with your fingers. The claws will spontaneously extend outward.
  3. Hold the tool strictly perpendicular to the claw. Carefully cut off the tip. Use a nail file to even out the cut areas. At the end of the procedure, wipe the claws with an antiseptic.

During the grooming, the kitten should behave calmly. Otherwise, it is necessary to postpone the procedure to a more appropriate time.

And most importantly, cats are freedom-loving animals, they love independence and do not tolerate being forced to do something. However, they require attention, care and love from their owners.

Video: how to trim a cat’s claws correctly

For many generations, domestic cats were excellent at catching mice - they simply needed claws. In addition, spending most of their time outside, they could use any tree or fence to “sharpen their claws,” but in fact, remove the upper, exfoliated section of the claw. In addition, active running “over rough terrain” also contributed to the claws of wild and semi-wild cats grinding down on their own.

What should modern domestic cats do, who see nature only from a window or a carrier? City streets have become dangerous for domestic animals: toxic chemicals, salt sprinkled on roads, flayers and feral dogs. Caring owner will think three times before letting go pet into this jungle. All that remains is a scratching post and the master's sofa. Some cats try to help themselves with their teeth, but their teeth are not at all designed for such delicate work.

Overgrown claws are not only a threat upholstered furniture and carpets. During the game, the animal becomes simply dangerous. Without meaning to, a cat can severely scratch its owner or other family members or animals. And scratches from cat claws take a long time to heal, and there is a high risk of infection and suppuration. The cat becomes dangerous to itself. Trying to scratch or wash her face, she may scratch the skin or even touch it. sensitive skin ears, cornea of ​​eyes.

Cats have 5 claws on their front paws, and the fifth is located high and practically does not take part in “scratching” and does not touch the surface when walking. If you don't trim it, it can grow so long that it simply curls up and grows into the skin. Unpleasant and painful, to help your pet you will need a real surgery. To avoid all these troubles, you need to trim your cats' claws regularly and in a timely manner.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly?

Cat owners often doubt whether it is possible to cut their cat's claws; they are afraid of hurting or harming their pet. Meanwhile, trimming a cat’s claws correctly at home is not at all difficult. Let's start with choosing a tool.

How to trim a cat’s claws is up to everyone to choose for themselves. Ordinary nail scissors, of course, will not work. But many have adapted to trim their pets’ claws with ordinary “human” nail clippers.

There are also special scissors: they have convenient grooves on the blades that prevent the claw from slipping.

Another special tool is a guillotine claw cutter. It is similar to wire cutters, only it has a closed ring into which the claw is threaded. Then just press the handles - and the blade cuts quickly and accurately.

There are several rules that should be followed when trimming your pet's claws:

  1. Less is better than more. The transparent part of the claw is trimmed, there is no blood vessels.
  2. Unlike human ones, when trimming cat claws, the scissors are held vertically rather than horizontally.
  3. The cut line should be perpendicular to the nail line. You should not cut at an angle - jagged edges may appear.

What to do if your cat won’t let you cut her nails?

If the animal is not accustomed to grooming from a very early age, the very fact of “violence” can cause very strong reaction. The cat begins to scream in a heart-rending voice, struggle, and scratch. What to do in such a situation?

The main thing to remember is that trimming an animal’s nails is painless. All his “performances” are connected, rather, with the fact itself: he is being held and some kind of manipulation is carried out against his will.

Try to calm your pet down and talk to him gently. Does not help? You can protect your hands from scratches by wrapping your pet in a large terry towel. One paw at a time is removed from the bag and the procedure is carried out as quickly and accurately as possible. This method is also good because you do not risk causing pain to the animal, which can happen if you hold it with your hands.

Another, “extreme” option is to give your pet ¼ tablet of suprastin. This antihistamine has a strong sedative effect. Within an hour the cat will fall asleep or at least, will be greatly slowed down. It will not cause harm if you do not abuse it.

Attention. If the cat is small, it is better to take not even a quarter, but an eighth of the tablet, otherwise your pet will sleep for the whole day.

Common questions about nail trimming

What should you do if you accidentally cut your nail too short and blood starts to flow?

It's OK. Place a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide for a couple of minutes to stop the bleeding. Unpleasant sensations The cat's claw will go away very quickly, and the claw will grow back!

The cat actively uses the scratching post. Is it possible not to trim your claws?

A scratching post does not replace a nail clipper! Your cat's claws still need to be trimmed, otherwise they will have jagged edges. Moreover, the claws different lengths Often they scratch even more often and more painfully.

How often should a cat's nails be trimmed?

Domestic cat Nails are trimmed approximately every 2-3 weeks. If a cat participates in exhibitions, then be sure to trim its claws 1-2 days before the exhibition. Untrimmed nails can even cause disqualification.