Eye exercises for preschool children. Basic set of classes

During the first ten years of life baby is coming intensive development of his organs of vision. During this period, the eyes are especially susceptible negative influence numerous factors such as increased loads(computer, reading, TV), injuries, infections, unfavorable ecology, and many others.

How can you help the emerging child's body to resist such an influence? external environment and prevent visual impairment in the baby?

  • Any physical activity helps the baby's eyes work better. Encourage your child to run, jump, play outdoor games more. Playing sports will also benefit him.
  • Be sure to watch your child's posture. After all, if a child sits with a "crooked" back, his blood supply to the brain is disturbed, which, in turn, provokes vision problems.
  • Do not allow your child to sit in front of a TV or computer for a long time without looking up. It is best to sit in front of the screen not on the side, but directly opposite. It is also impossible to watch TV in a dark room, as the eye will be forced to constantly change focus and overstrain, adapting to the light.
  • Do regular eye exercises with your child.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Visual gymnastics is one of the effective preventive measures. Like any other prevention, it requires regular classes and compliance with all prescribed rules. Exercises for children's eyes should be performed within 7-8 minutes before and after classes or work at the computer. Eye relaxation exercises will be given below.

Palming. Sit up straight, relax. Cover your eyes like this: middle of the palm right hand should be opposite the right eye, the same with the left hand. The palms should lie softly, no need to forcefully press them to the face. The fingers can cross on the forehead, can be located nearby - as you prefer. The main thing is that there are no "slits" that let light through. When you are sure of this, lower your eyelids. The result is that your eyes are closed and, in addition, covered by the palms of your hands.

Now rest your elbows on the table. The main thing is that the neck and spine are almost in a straight line. Check that your body is not tense, and your arms and back and neck should be relaxed. Breathing should be calm. The exercise can be done while studying, for example, during breaks between lessons. Even in 10-15 seconds, your child's eyes will have time to rest a little. But, of course, it will be better if the exercise lasts longer. After completing the exercise (especially if you have been doing it for a long time), gradually open your palms, let your closed eyes get used to the light a little, and only then open them.

"Nose letter". This exercise aims to both relax the muscles in your eyes and relax your neck. The tension in this area breaks proper nutrition eyes (in other words, the process of blood supply slows down).

The exercise can be performed both lying down and standing, but it is best to sit. Relax. Close your eyes. Imagine that the tip of the nose is a pen with which you can write (or imagine that the line of the nose is continued by a long pointer-pen - it all depends on how you feel more comfortable, the main thing is that you and your eyes do not strain). Now write (or draw) in the air with your pen. What exactly is not important. Write different letters, names of cities and countries, a small letter to your loved one. Draw a house with smoke from a chimney (such as you drew in childhood), just a circle or a square.

The main set of exercises for the eyes

Before performing the complex, sit in comfortable posture(it's good if you can sit on your heels on a gym mat, but you can sit on a chair too). Straighten your spine.

Exercise 1. Inhaling deeply and slowly (preferably from the stomach), look between the eyebrows, hold your eyes in this position for a few seconds. Exhaling slowly, return your eyes to their original position and close for a few seconds. Over time, gradually (not earlier than after 2-3 weeks), the delay in the upper position can be increased (after six months - up to several minutes).

Exercise 2. Inhaling deeply, look at the tip of your nose. Hold for a few seconds and, exhaling, return your eyes to their original position. Close your eyes for a little while.

Exercise 3 While inhaling, slowly turn your eyes to the right ("all the way", but without strong tension). Without stopping, as you exhale, return your eyes to their original position. Turn your eyes to the left in the same way.

Do one cycle first, then two (two to three weeks later), and finally do three cycles. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds.

Exercise 4 While inhaling, look to the upper right corner (approximately 45 ° from the vertical) and, without stopping, return your eyes to their original position. On the next inhalation, look to the lower left corner and on the way out, return your eyes to their original position.

Do one cycle first, then two (two to three weeks later), and finally do three cycles. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds. Repeat the exercises, starting from the upper left corner.

Exercise 5 Inhaling, lower your eyes down and then slowly turn them clockwise, stopping at the highest point (at 12 o'clock). Without stopping, start exhaling and continue turning your eyes clockwise down (up to 6 hours). To begin with, one circle is enough, you can gradually increase their number to three circles (in two or three weeks). At the same time, without delaying after the first circle, immediately start the second. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds.

Then do this exercise by turning your eyes counterclockwise. At the end of the complex, you need to do palming (3-5 minutes).

Exercises to relieve eye strain

  1. Stand freely, arms along the body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Keeping them in this position, pull back as far as possible and return to the starting position. Make circular movements with your shoulders quickly enough. Repeat the exercises 10 times.
  2. The same as in exercise 1, but in reverse direction. Raise your shoulders as high as possible and pull back, then move forward, lower, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Lower your chin to your chest, relax your neck, then raise your head and tilt it back as far as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  4. In a sitting position. Lower your chin to your chest, then gently turn your head to the left, tilt back, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times in one direction and 5-6 times in the other.
  5. In a sitting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the left, return to the starting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the right, return to the starting position. Repeat turns 5-6 times at a slow pace.

Repeat all exercises regularly, preferably in the morning!


Book of exercises for the treatment of children's peephole

All exercises are recommended by the American Optometric Association for home use in order to correct violations and prevent regression between the treatment procedures performed by doctors.
In 1999, a joint statement from the American Academy of Optometry, the American Optometric Association, the College of Optometrists at the Vision Project, and the Optometric Extensions Foundation stated: “Many visual impairments can be effectively treated with glasses or contact lenses however, some of these are most effectively treated with vision exercises.... Research has shown that vision exercises can be an effective treatment option for problems with ocular movement, neurotic binocular disorders, strabismus, amblyopia, visual information disturbances.”

The book will be accompanied by red-green glasses and other exercise equipment.

The exercises will be presented in the form of tasks in the fairy tale about the Gnome with glasses with motivation for successful completion.

Search in search engines: Book of exercises for the treatment of children's peephole

Good exercise for the eyes. I myself studied it as a child, though it didn’t save me from glasses.

Thanks for the info!


Comment on the article "Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes"

myopia in a child: (went to the doctor - one eye 0.5 the other 0.75. says mb spasm and regional. they said that the minus is too small for glasses and they say do gymnastics for the eyes. there was no sense, and who will do that gymnastics do it every day when the vision has already deteriorated to...

See other discussions: Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Visual impairment in children - gymnastics for the eyes. Vitamins to maintain vision in children should be in the medicine cabinet of every parent. from the age of 6 they, we had such. at 2 years old...

gymnastics for the eyes. Vision. Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, eye gymnastics polyclinic. Can anyone come across, mine is 1 year 3 months old, it happens that the eyes squint a little Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes.

Charging in kindergarten. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with Exercise in kindergarten. This year, in our kindergarten, we decided to do exercises from 8.15 to 8.30. There is a small gym.

the older child has a real problem with vision - last year (academic) it was 2-2.5 (minus. We went to different devices, did massage, gymnastics. Vision falls while the child is growing, And with it the eyes (sounds creepy, but true) As growth stops, vision will stop falling.

High farsightedness in a child. Vision. Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. High farsightedness in a child. Tell me who came across - my daughter has 1.5 g farsightedness +7. I've been wearing glasses for six months now.

Lost vision. Doctors, clinics, diseases. Child from 7 to 10. Gymnastics for the eyes. Lost vision. Descend or go at first still to one oculist. mine was measured on the left eye 0.6, they said "what do you want - first class, visual textbooks on a stand.

Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes. Outwardly, this is manifested by the fact that the eye deviates in one direction or another (to the right or to the left, less often up or down, there are also various combined options). The eyes want to rest.

How to save eyesight: gymnastics for the eyes. in a child of 9 years of vision -3 in the spring, vision may deteriorate somewhere by half a diopter, control is best done in the fall, when Visual impairment in children, myopia and hyperopia Eye exercises: how to improve vision in children.

A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and Where do you take your children to sports clubs, dances, art studios and other additional activities. classes in SEAD? Preferably...

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development child from 3 to 7 years old. Section: Diseases (if the child does not see 7 8 lines). The results of the visit to the ophthalmologist.

Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes. Any child psychologist will say that the full development of Gymnastics for the eyes for children and adults working at the computer. How to cure myopia, strabismus with the help of exercises.

Please tell me what to do with partial atrophy optic nerve? How to teach to fix the gaze? France has one mother with an autistic child. Only a few times specialists worked with the body of the child, showed the techniques to the mother and she unconditionally believed in this ...

Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes. Lost vision. Descend or go at first still to one oculist. mine was measured on the left eye 0.6, they said "what do you want - first class, visual textbooks on a stand.

My child is engaged, they are regularly pulled there. The stretch is already pretty decent. And then I heard the opinion that all gymnasts and ballerinas Specifically about gymnastics and acrobatics - I heard the opinion that heavy load in these sports leads to growth retardation.

Children with special needs, disability, care, rehabilitation, doctor, hospital, medicines. In general, girls, write what you do for the child, how you do it, what programs anyone has to deal with cerebral palsy.

Visual impairment in children: how to prevent? Gymnastics for the eyes. The boys see that we do not abandon our old people. The best charge for small child This is gluing one eye for a while. But the first years 1, 5 -4 there was no significant improvement.

Undoubtedly, of all types of sensitivity, vision most influences the development of personality in every sense. Therefore, eye health must be maintained from the very beginning. early age. When we are talking on visual hygiene in children, then the responsibility for the quality of the measures taken, aimed at restoring and strengthening visual abilities, falls on the shoulders of preschool educators educational institutions school teachers and especially parents.

One of the simplest and effective ways to maintain the child's vision at the proper level is visual gymnastics.

Causes of diseases of the organs of vision

Vision in children may be impaired due to exposure to various factors. The main ones are discussed below.

genetic predisposition

If one of the parents (or both) has any ophthalmic pathology, then the likelihood that the child will sooner or later manifest similar problems increases dramatically. Therefore, you should not wait until his vision begins to decline. You should visit an ophthalmologist to prevent or detect diseases at an early stage.

In our age of smartphones and gadgets, this is one of the most common causes of vision loss in children. Throughout the day, children's eyes are exposed to TV, computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.

It can also be caused by reading too close to a book, in poor lighting, or without a break for a long time. Of course, at the heart of this problem lies the negligence of parents who, through frivolity, allow the child to use gadgets uncontrollably or sit in front of the TV for hours.

Children's eyes need to rest and better to the alternation of loads and rest was within a certain regimen of the day. visual fatigue on early stages manifested by headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, pain and burning in the eyes.

It is necessary to pay attention to these symptoms in a timely manner and limit the child as much as possible from “communication” with a computer, TV and other similar “toys”.

vitamin deficiency

This problem is also acute among a large number schoolchildren and children younger age. Organization of a healthy baby food It has big influence on the quality of vision and health in general.

The daily diet of the child should contain in the optimal amount all the vitamins and minerals necessary for normal development child's body. If a child systematically lacks vitamins A, B, D, as well as zinc and iron with food, then over time he may begin to have vision problems.

This problem is now quite relevant and is mainly due to the fact that children from a very early age, with the connivance of their parents, an addiction to unhealthy foods is formed: a variety of fast food, chips, confectionery delights, sweet carbonated drinks, etc. Naturally, such food cannot contain enough useful substances and vitamins, so important in childhood.

Reading at an early age

There are many fathers and mothers who by all means strive to instill in their child a love of books at a very early age, hoping that such a tendency of the baby will definitely remain with him for the rest of his life. The goal is good, but it often happens that because of this, the child acquires persistent visual dysfunction.

The eyes of young children (up to 4 years old) are designed in such a way that long reading without a break very quickly leads to a decrease in vision. During this age period, the child learns a lot of information, but it must be conveyed to him in different forms.

The maximum time that a child at this age can spend reading a book without compromising health is 15-20 minutes a day.


Pathologies of the spine, central nervous, endocrine, immune and other systems. As is known, in human body there is no isolated system. Everything influences everything. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a decrease in vision to be associated with any organic pathology of other organs.

Insufficient level of physical activity

In order for the visual system to function normally, it is necessary that the cells and tissues are regularly saturated enough oxygen. One of the main ways to keep the level of oxygen in the tissues at a decent level is to keep physical activity.

Behind last years level physical activity in children (especially urban dwellers) decreased several times. This is largely due to the fact that the usual mobile games could not compete with a computer and TV.

Neglect of prevention

When the child's complaints, even if, at first glance, insignificant, are left without due attention from the parents, the disease will progress.

In most such cases, for medical care apply when vision is reduced several times. So it is important to contact an ophthalmologist when the first symptoms of impaired visual function appear in a child.

Appointment of gymnastics

The main task of visual gymnastics is to strengthen eye muscles. Like any other muscle in our body, they can weaken, which will affect the quality of vision. Therefore, a set of simple exercises is aimed at preventing a decrease in visual acuity.

Usually for the first time a child learns about visual gymnastics when he comes to kindergarten. A wide variety of methods for conducting physical minutes for children of all ages have been developed. They are mostly in the form of a game or in verse.

Thanks to regular visual gymnastics, a child with early years an awareness is formed that vision is very important for a person and it needs to be protected.

With a responsible attitude of parents to the health of their child, he will be able to transfer these useful skills into adulthood.

With the help of visual gymnastics, one can not only prevent the development of numerous eye diseases, but also restore vision. Exercise restores performance visual apparatus improves trophism of nearby tissues.

If visual gymnastics has become habitual for a child during his stay in kindergarten, then it is likely that when he becomes a schoolchild, he will also take visual hygiene seriously, thanks to which he will be able to avoid numerous health problems.

The main goals of visual gymnastics:

  • improvement not only visual, but also mental capacity the child, due to the fact that with the help of a number of exercises the speed of processing visual information increases;
  • security good rest eye;
  • prevention of eye diseases;
  • restoration of visual function in children with reduced vision;
  • providing a calming effect on all parts of the nervous system.

If you follow all the rules of visual gymnastics, then a positive effect will come very soon.

Main aspects of the methodology

Caring parents you need to know that in children who were born prematurely and in babies with weakened immunity, the risk of developing myopia (nearsightedness) increases significantly. The risk of this disease in children with aggravated heredity is also great. In such cases, from the earliest age of the child, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent development this disease.

important role in maintaining vision normal level plays the strengthening of the eye muscles. This will help regular visual gymnastics. Everyone knows that small children are fidgety, so visual gymnastics should not be a set of “dry” rules.

Children should be interested, and they must definitely join the process, and also try to follow all the recommendations exactly, otherwise there will be no benefit from such gymnastics. Therefore, more often in preschool institutions, gymnastics for the eyes is carried out in the form of a game.

Principle beneficial effect visual exercises consists of alternating tension and relaxation of the eye muscles which helps them to cope with the increasing load in the future. One of the main keys to successful gymnastics is systematicity, that is, the positive effect of doing such exercises will be obvious only when the child performs them regularly.

Visual gymnastics for children preschool age on average, it is carried out 3 times a day for 5 minutes. Ophthalmologists have developed a set of standard exercises for the eyes, recommended for implementation in preschool institutions. The following is a list of some of them:

  • Large multi-colored circles (made of colored paper or cardboard) are attached to the ceiling. For 8-10 seconds, the child should carefully look at each of them. When looking from one circle to another, it is important that the child moves only his eyes, and the head must remain in a fixed position. When the baby has finished looking at the circles, he should close his eyelids for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat the exercise again.
  • The child tries with all his strength to close his eyelids for 5 seconds, then sharply relax them. In this order, the exercise should be repeated several times.

  • The child, without moving his head, slowly raises his eyes up and down, and then to the right and left. For a small child, it is better that he can fix his gaze on some object that corresponds to one of the extreme points.

  • You need to attach a picture with a complex pattern to the wall or ceiling. The child should, without moving his head, carefully walk along all the lines with his eyes. After doing this exercise take a break of at least 10 minutes.

  • The child alternately fixes his gaze first on the farthest, then on the closest object from him.

These are just a few of the simplest exercises to strengthen the eye muscles. For your child, you can find a wider list guidelines developed by modern specialists in the field of pediatric and adolescent ophthalmology.

It is important to remember that even the most interesting game exercises with daily performance (and this is exactly what a serious approach to visual gymnastics requires) can even get bored by the most gambling child. Then he will fulfill them formally, without primary zeal. Therefore, it is recommended to change the set of exercises from time to time.

You can find a lot of exercises for the eyes in verses - with this you can captivate your baby even more. Another way to avoid routine - change environment periodically, that is, do gymnastics not only at home or in kindergarten, but also during a walk.

Be sure to ask the kindergarten teacher if visual gymnastics is included in the daily routine of children. Several vision training techniques have been developed for preschool institutions:

  • using wall or ceiling simulators;
  • game gymnastics in the form of games, songs or poems;
  • looking at schematic drawings and tables;
  • the use of stereoscopic images (the image must be printed on paper, and not on electronic media, as this can create unnecessary stress for the eye muscles).


With myopia

If you notice that your child has difficulty distinguishing objects that are at a sufficient distance from him, then he may have myopia (nearsightedness). In this case, the child should immediately be shown to the ophthalmologist.

The cause of this disease is a decrease functional activity ciliary muscle, which is responsible for the degree of tension of the lens. Because of this, the shape of the eyeball is distorted, taking on an elliptical shape, as a result of which the reflected rays are focused not on the surface of the retina, but slightly in front. Therefore, a child can examine any object in detail only from a short distance.

being corrected similar condition via permanent wear glasses, hardware treatment, physiotherapy, night lenses, medicines (eye drops, vitamin complexes etc.), laser correction.

For this case, a set of exercises for the eyes has been developed. They are easy to perform even for the smallest children, but at the same time they have a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • The baby begins to blink as quickly as possible within a minute. After a short break, you need to repeat the exercise again.
  • The child should close his eyes tightly and remain in this position for 5-7 seconds, after which open his eyes wide. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Slowly look from the ceiling to the floor and into reverse order. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Invite the child to rub their palms together, and then, when they are warm, attach them to the eyelids for a few seconds.
  • The baby needs to fix his eyes on the tip of the nose for a few seconds. Then close your eyes. In this order, repeat the exercise 5 times.

At the end of the gymnastics, you can massage the eyelids of the child with light circular movements or offer to do it yourself. The load must be strong! Overwork during exercise can give reverse effect Therefore, during the exercise, carefully monitor the condition of the child.

With children's hypermetropia (farsightedness)

Children's farsightedness is due to the fact that light rays do not focus on the retina, but outside it. Because of this, the child cannot accurately examine objects that are at a close distance from him. If a child under eight years of age is diagnosed with mild to moderate hypermetropia medium degree, this might be an option physiological norm and be associated with the relatively small size of the eyeball and its slightly flattened shape. As they grow older, the children's visual system becomes more perfect and vision problems go away by themselves.

So that children's farsightedness does not have time to accept resistant form,you should regularly engage in visual gymnastics with your child:

  • First you need to properly prepare the muscles for charging. The following exercise is suitable for this: the baby takes horizontal position, and with two palms he tries to close his eyes as tightly as possible (it is desirable that no light penetrates through them at all). This simple exercise will help relieve excess tension from the eye muscles.

Modern specialists have developed many methods aimed at significantly improving vision in nearsightedness and farsightedness, as well as correcting or reducing astigmatism if these two anomalies are not very pronounced (unfortunately, when they are high degree only helps surgical intervention). How to do exercises to improve vision yourself and teach them to your child, says ophthalmologist Marina Ilyinskaya.

IMPORTANT! If by the time the treatment started your child was already wearing glasses, then with any type of visual gymnastics, you use glasses with lenses one or two diopters weaker than those that he was prescribed. If their strength initially does not exceed 1 diopter, all exercises must be performed without glasses!

Method 1. "Step gymnastics"

Quickly turns the accommodative apparatus into active work, trains all its elements and thereby significantly improves vision in short time. How is it performed?

To begin with, do the exercise yourself, so that later you can explain in detail to the child the technique of its implementation.

  1. Move 1 meter away from the window.
  2. Stretch one arm forward, palm facing you, and carefully examine the pattern of skin on the palm.
  3. Now look at the window frame and examine its small details just as carefully.
  4. Next, look out the window, but at a distance of no more than 50 meters. If there is a tree standing there, take a good look at its branches.
  5. Then move your gaze 100 meters into the distance. If there is a house, consider its windows and balconies.
  6. And only after that look far into the sky - as if looking beyond the horizon, into infinity.
  7. Gradually return your gaze to the palm, looking at the house, tree, frame in reverse order.

Repeat the exercise: palm, frame, tree, house, sky. And back: sky, house, tree, frame, palm. Each time for 5-10 seconds, fix your eyes on the object, forcing the accommodative apparatus to turn on at the required distance. Then they “jumped over the step”: the palm is a tree, the frame is a house, the sky is a tree, the house is a frame and back. The movement of the eyes smoothly along the “steps” is carried out for 3 minutes, and the eyes should move about the same amount in leaps and bounds through the “step”. But it is necessary to finish the gymnastics smoothly: the sky, the house, the tree, the frame, the palm.

Exercise to obtain a lasting effect of improving vision must be done every hour with prolonged visual stress, for example, doing homework, working with a computer.

Gymnastics fit for children from five years old. But what younger child, the more help he will need from an adult to master the exercise. For older children, it is enough to explain that the exercise will help improve vision and allow you to never wear glasses again, and then on own example show how gymnastics is performed.

Method 2. "Digital gymnastics"

To begin with, rub your palms vigorously against each other until you feel that they are well warmed up. Next, close both eyes with either one palm or two (it does not matter to achieve the result). Covering your eyes with your eyelids and without removing your palms, begin to draw numbers from 1 to 10 and back in space with your eyes, and the range of eyeball movements should be maximum.

In total, such gymnastics will take no more than 2 minutes. But after its completion, removing your palms from your face and opening your eyes, you will be pleasantly surprised at how clear, contrast and color the world around you has become.

After mastering the exercise, explain to the child how to perform it correctly. At first, I advise you to do gymnastics with your child, and then it will be enough just to remind you of it.

"Digital gymnastics" is necessary first of all in the presence of large visual loads, especially for schoolchildren who have eye problems. For example, if you sit for many hours at home in the evenings, you need to do the exercise every hour. For adults, I’ll add: due to the fact that “Digital Gymnastics” significantly improves the blood supply to the eyes, it is very useful for cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases as part of complex therapy. And in combination with "Step Gymnastics" it perfectly removes the so-called computer visual syndrome.

Method 3. "Point gymnastics"

Designed to improve visual acuity.

Take a regular sheet of paper and with a sharpened black pencil draw 10 black dots on one line with intervals of about 5 mm between them. At very poor eyesight the interval can be increased to 7 mm, but no more. Place the sheet in front of your eyes at a distance of 40 cm. You should clearly see all the points and be able to count them. Now ask an assistant to slowly move the sheet of dots away from your eyes, stopping every 20 cm. Once you can no longer see all the dots clearly and they have merged into a solid line, you do not need to move the sheet further away. Measure the distance from your eyes to a sheet of paper and write it down. After that, for some time move the sheet with dots either closer or further away from the eyes, but do not exceed the recorded distance so far. It is useful to perform gymnastics for 3-5 minutes at least 3-4 times daily.

This exercise in complex therapy effectively and quickly improves visual acuity.

Educate a child correct execution exercises and make it a must-have. It must be done at least three times a day. The distance from the eyes to the confluence of points into one solid line must be measured no more than once every 7-10 days, noting achievements.

"Point gymnastics" also helps to improve near vision for all people over 40 who suffer from reading difficulties. The execution technique is the same, but you need to start counting the points not from a distance of 40 cm from the face, but from the one where you can see them (say, 50-70 cm). Next, try to count the points at a distance less than the one at which you saw them clearly at the beginning of the exercise. Gradually, you will notice that you are no longer tired when working with plain text.

Gymnastics for the eyes for children takes important place in the process of prevention and treatment eye diseases. A child receives a lot of information visually, which is why even toddlers' eyes are subjected to tremendous stress.

And we don't need it!

For the harmonious development of the child, both physical and intellectual, educators and parents should adopt special techniques using eye exercises.

Often, parents believe that if the baby does not complain about vision, then everything is in order with his eyes and you can not remember about visual gymnastics.

The load on the eyes of children of preschool and primary school age is colossal. Therefore, it is especially important to properly prepare for future loads.

But this opinion is wrong. Eye gymnastics for preschool children is important, first of all, for the purpose of prevention.

Weighty arguments in favor of gymnastics for the eyes are:

  • Myopia.
  • Farsightedness.
  • Complaints of the baby about eye fatigue.
  • Long stay of the child at the TV screen, computer, phone or tablet.
  • Hereditary factor (vision problems in parents).
  • Internal diseases of the baby.

Before choosing a set of exercises, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Today, there are many methods to improve children's vision. Therefore, the specialist will help you correctly choose the option of visual gymnastics, suitable for specific case.

What? Where? When? or why do children need gymnastics for the eyes

The main purpose of gymnastics is to train the muscles of the organs of vision.. The quality of the baby’s vision directly depends on this, not only in this moment, but also during school years and during adulthood when the load on the eyes will increase many times over.

Children's sets of exercises for the eyes contribute to:

  • calming the nervous system of the baby;
  • activation of brain processes so that the brain processes the information received with the help of the organs of vision faster;
  • relieve fatigue, relieve stress and rest children's eyes.
  • slowing down and stopping the decline in vision or the development of astigmatism.
Before choosing a set of exercises, you need to visit an ophthalmologist for a consultation.

If before the use of visual gymnastics the baby wore glasses, when performing any complex, it is recommended to use glasses 1-2 diopters weaker than those prescribed by the doctor.

If their strength is not more than 1 diopter, it is advisable to perform eye exercises without glasses.

As is known, vision is formed up to 12 years.

And if you regularly do gymnastics for the eyes, the benefits for children's vision will be obvious.

Also, do not forget about physiological development child and especially about the formation of the skeleton.

If you notice that child walks on toes, read the following , the reasons for this phenomenon should be carefully considered.

Already with infancy need to train vestibular apparatus and develop coordination. And this will help the baby.

An indispensable companion for the correct formation of the foot are.

Treatment and entertainment: how to conduct classes correctly

Visual gymnastics is good not only for the correction and treatment of eye diseases (as an alternative to glasses), but also as an excellent way of prevention, which is indispensable for healthy eyes.

You should start training as early as possible, because already at the age of one and a half, the baby is able to repeat the movements after his mother.

But most importantly, the child should do gymnastics with pleasure and one hundred percent return. And if it doesn’t work out, you need to turn the exercises into an exciting game.

Perceived as a child fun fun, eye gymnastics for children 2-3 years old in kindergarten and at home will gradually become a habit. And the regular execution of the complex special exercises It will be an excellent prevention for many vision problems for children.

This question worries more than one mother. In our article you will find 10 effective methods teach the baby to learn words and speak already at this age.

Children always remain children and love funny Games, therefore, educators can also use eye gymnastics for children 5-6 years old in verse, with pictures or any attributes, and even to music.

This will help to combine prevention and treatment with entertainment., and children will perform a set of exercises fun and with pleasure.

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 6-7 years old in kindergarten is necessary, first of all, for unloading after many hours of sitting in class and doing homework.

In this case, you can repeat a set of exercises for children 5-6 years old, but in order to save time, it is better to use Digital Gymnastics:

  • Rub your palms together to keep them warm.
  • Close your eyelids and cover your eyes with your palms.
  • Without removing your hands, start drawing numbers from 1 to 10 with your eyes in a dark space, making sweeping movements as much as possible eyeballs.

It will take about 2 minutes to complete the exercises, however, by removing the palms and opening the hole, the child will notice that everything around the world around has become brighter, clearer and more expressive.

Such training activates the process of blood supply to the eyes. and is very useful as a complex therapy in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma and retinal diseases.

But for other diseases, it is ineffective. So, there is a special one, which is prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist, as well as eye gymnastics for children with strabismus and amblyopia, which is also selected only by a specialist in each specific case.

A set of exercises for the eyes for children "week-mixing"

Funny verses spoken in the process of doing gymnastics not only contribute to the training of the eye muscles, but also develop auditory memory in children.

Cheerful poetic form and effective exercises give reason to conduct such gymnastics for children not only of younger, but also of middle and older preschool age.

All week in order, the eyes do exercises.

On Monday how to wake up

Eyes smile at the sun

Look down at the grass

And back up.

Children look up and then down. The head remains motionless.

Exercise helps relieve eye strain

Tuesday eye watch,

Looking back and forth

Walking left, walking right

They will never get tired.

Babies turn their eyes to the right and then to the left. The head doesn't move.

Relieves eye strain

On Wednesday we play hide and seek,

We close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We squint and open -

So we continue the game.

Children close their eyes, together with an adult count to five, after which their eyes open wide.

To relieve eye strain

On Thursdays we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time

What is near and what is far

Eyes must be considered.

Looking straight ahead, you need to put your finger 25-30 cm from the eyes and look at its tip. After that, the hand should be lowered.

To strengthen the eye muscles and improve their coordination

On Friday we didn't yawn

Eyes darted around.

Stop, and again -

Run to the other side.

Children move their eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back.

An exercise to improve complex eye movements

Though on Saturday day off,

We are not lazy with you.

Looking for corners

To run the pupils.

Babies move their gaze to the upper right corner, then to the lower left, and then perform the movements in reverse.

Improved complex eye movements

On Sunday will sleep,

And then let's go for a walk

To make the eyes harden

You need to breathe air.

Children close their eyelids and massage them in a circular motion: upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eye, and the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, and vice versa.

Exercise helps to relax muscles and activates blood circulation.

Complexes of exercises for children of preschool and school age

For eyes for children 3-4 years old gymnastics in kindergarten should be carried out in an interesting game form so that kids can show activity and creativity.

Children learn to “communicate” with their eyes, convey emotions and movements, and even draw!

For younger preschool age, it is better to make up a set of exercises in three parts: warm-up, main and final parts.


(repeated 2 times)

The teacher invites the children to move their eyes up, down, left and right, then close their eyes, cover their eyes with their palms and count to five.



Toddlers need to look at the tip of the nose and imagine that it grows and then decreases. Eyes must strictly follow this "process".


Children fantasize and imagine themselves in the role of different animals. Repeating the habits of animals, babies actively work with their eyes: squint, open or close wide, make circular movements, look into different sides etc.


The teacher invites the children to become artists and draw any shape (circle, square, oval, rectangle), but instead of a brush, this should be done with their eyes.


"Drawing with a nose"

Toddlers "draw" figures of toys or fairy-tale animals in the air. You can put pictures of toys or fairy-tale characters so that children repeat their outlines from a distance.

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 5-6 years old in kindergarten is longer and more intense. In senior to school age children already know how to count well, are more diligent, know the meaning of gymnastics and try to follow the teacher's recommendations well.

Therefore, each exercise is designed for several repetitions.


You need to blink, then close your eyes and count to 5.


Close your eyes tightly and count to 3.

"Happy Finger"

We put our right hand forward, look at the tip of the index finger and move it left, right, down and up.

The head remains motionless.

"Looking into the distance"

The left hand is put forward.

"Let's spin"

Circular eye movements: 3 times to the right and left.

After that, look up, look into the distance and count to 5.

This complex contains exercises that help relax the muscles of the eyes. Considering the fact that in five-year-olds the load on the eyes increases, such gymnastics will be indispensable both in kindergarten and at home.

Your attention is invited to a video lesson on the restoration of vision, it is specially designed for children according to the M.S. Norbekov.


Interesting, light, unobtrusive and quite simple exercises for the eyes will help kids prevent the development of many eye diseases and forget about vision problems in kindergarten, at school and after it.

Regular performance will give not only visual acuity, but also good mood and will allow you to see the world in all its bright colors every day!

Thanks to the development of computer technology, children from a very early age become regular users of tablets, computers, smartphones and many other modern devices.

That is why it is very important to do eye exercises every day in kindergarten, at a time when the body is just developing.

Goals and objectives of visual exercise

In addition to the fact that gymnastics for the eyes with early childhood teaches a child to take care of his vision, regular exercises will help solve many serious problems:

Gymnastics for the eyes from early childhood teaches the child to take care of his vision

protect the eyes from overwork and fatigue by relieving stress from them;

increase efficiency visual system;

stop the deterioration of vision;

correct violations and;

soothe and relax nervous system baby;

improve blood circulation of the organs of vision;

to prevent the development of many (for example,);

strengthen the muscles of the eye.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten is also important for proper development vision in preschoolers. How well the baby will see in the future can depend on a simple daily exercise.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten: types

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, the eyes of children should not overwork, therefore, after the training, special relaxing exercises are practiced.

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, the eyes of children should not overwork, therefore, after the training, special relaxing exercises are practiced.

There are several types of vision exercises:

1. With verbal instructions, no use additional items . For greater clarity, the teacher on himself shows the sequence and correctness of the movements. The most interesting for children are classes in poetic form, when all movements are accompanied by cheerful quatrains.

2. With the use of visual simulators. Posters with multi-colored figures, spirals and labyrinths serve as simulators, which the kids follow with their eyes. Such fields should be placed above eye level, in the center of the room.

3. With various items (toys, images, cards with letters and numbers of various sizes).

4. In the form of a game(using presentations, musical accompaniment).

All trainings are held with a motionless head, and the classes themselves are selected taking into account the age and state of vision of the children.

Basic set of classes

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 2-3 years old in kindergarten, the card file of which consists of many trainings, is based on the repetition of the simplest movements that are understandable to all kids.

Over time, the exercises will become more complicated, but it is better to start gymnastics from the basics:

1. First, it is recommended to do a preparatory warm-up, during which you need to rub your palms against each other, and lean them against your eyes. At this time, move the eyeballs up and down, to the sides, and in a circle. Continue moving your eyes for 30 seconds, then remove your palms and rest a bit.

2. After warming up, you can do the same exercise, but with open eyes and double the execution time.

4. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds. After, slowly, without straining, open them. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

5. Draw various shapes on the board or poster (circle, square, heart, inverted figure eight) and ask the children to circle their eyes. Complicating the task, you can draw more complex shapes (snail, flower, envelope).

6. Put your palm in front of you at a distance of 30 cm from your eyes, concentrating your attention on it for 5 seconds. After shifting your gaze to an object that is in the distance. Perform the training 5-6 times, alternately stopping either on the palm or on the object.

An example of a set of exercises for charging the eyes, carried out in kindergarten

For best result it is important to create a calm, wholesome environment so that the children are passionate and interested in the proposed exercises.

Visual exercises in verse

All children absorb information better if it is presented in rhyming, unobtrusive stories. Therefore, most of the complexes for preschoolers are composed in the form of poems and nursery rhymes. Some of the most common rhymes for the development of vision:

Watchmaker screwing up his eye(one eye closed)
Repairs watches for you(squint both eyes, then open).

The cat came out on the ledge,
The cat looked down.
Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat.
Smiled, stretched
And turned left.
She glanced at the fly
And narrowed her eyes.

Such rhymes develop in the child the habit of doing small five-minutes during the day on their own. Thus, the baby himself learns to take care of the health of his eye.

Educational exercises for a child 3-4 years old

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten (file file Naydenova A.A.):

In the photo: a color spectrum to reduce stress and relax the eyes

Training #1
As a relaxing exercise, a poster of the spectrum is hung in the center of the room. Kids examine the multi-colored sections of the poster for 1-2 minutes, while relieving tension from the eye muscles.

Training №2
1. Without moving your head (counting up to 4), look up. After, count to 6 and look straight ahead. By the same analogy, look to the right and straight, down and straight, left and straight.
2. Relax your eyelids, and cover your eyes on the count of 4. Count up to 6, sharply look as far as possible. Do this movement 5-7 times.
3. Close your eyes with all your might, sharply open your eyes and immediately look into the distance. Do 5 such repetitions.

Training #3
1. Put your hands on your sides, while exposing your elbows. Turning your head to the left, then to the right, focus on the tip of the left, and after the right elbow.
2. Stretch forward the brush of one hand. Without taking your eyes off your index finger, smoothly move your hand up and down and left and right.
3. Blink as quickly as possible for 10-15 seconds.
4. Calmly lower your eyelids, and with the help index fingers, with light circular movements, massage the upper, and then the lower eyelid.

Training №4
1. Give each child a toy (or a card with a picture). Watch carefully for 3-4 seconds. on the toy in their hands, then look at the object in the hands of the educator (also for 3-4 seconds). Repeat the training 4-5 times.
2. In the form of a game, tell the children how much fun the character in the hands of the teacher loves to jump and run (up and down, in a circle, left and right). At the same time, children should carefully monitor all movements of the toy.
3. Ask the kids to close their eyes tightly for 4-5 seconds. At this time, hide the toy in a place accessible to the eye. Then offer to find the item without getting up. Repeat the game of hide and seek 4-5 times.

Training number 5. Draw a nose
For such a charge, you need to prepare several geometric shapes or outline drawings. Ask the kids to remember the card shown to them, and with their eyes closed, try to draw it in the air.

Training number 6. labyrinth
All sorts of multi-colored spirals, lines and stripes are drawn on a poster or board. With the help of a pointer, the teacher shows which of the lines, and in which direction to follow.

Training number 7. Color spectrum

1. Close your eyes and slowly, first take them to the right, then straight, then up, and then switch your gaze down. Do the movements 3-4 more times, the child's head at this time remains motionless.
2. With a score of 6, move your eyes from corner to corner diagonally for 30 seconds.
3. Pull out forefinger at a distance of 30 cm, and slowly, without taking your eyes off him, touch the tip of your nose. After quickly look far ahead, and repeat the lesson 4-5 times.

The regularity of performing sets of exercises for the eyes in preschool, their diversity and playful form of conducting provide positive results of the work of teachers.

Exercises for older groups

In the photo: doing gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten, the card file of which is complicated by certain topics, can train not only visual functions, but also memory, imagination and develop the thinking of the preschooler as a whole.

Following the example of various cards with figures, exercises with closed eyes can be complicated by using numbers and letters.

You can offer to count the multi-colored rings on the pyramid, and then circle only the given colors with your eyes. The most popular are workouts on the days of the week (“Merry Week”), with clock hands (“Running Hands”) and exercises with the help of fruits and vegetables (“Harvesting”).

Regular visual gymnastics can improve blood circulation, promote fast, and within a few minutes reduce fatigue from the oculomotor muscle.

By spending daily, you can avoid many ophthalmic problems at school age, when the load on the eyes will be much higher.