Exercises and visual gymnastics for farsightedness in adults and children. Restoring vision with age-related farsightedness: exercises for the eyes Exercises for the eyes with farsightedness in a child

127 10/22/2019 7 min.

Diseases of the visual organs are considered one of the most common diseases, today there are a large number of methods of treatment. Most often, glasses, contact lenses are used, less often - hardware techniques, laser correction, and surgical intervention. Visual gymnastics will help prevent further deterioration of vision, you can do it at any convenient time at home or any other place. This method has been evaluated by millions of patients, it is very important to combine therapy with other methods of treatment.

The effectiveness of visual gymnastics

Visual gymnastics is considered one of the elements of the treatment of eye diseases, although not all ophthalmologists recognize its effectiveness. This is due to the characteristics of the body of different patients, their visual pathologies. Before starting classes, it is recommended to consult with an optometrist. Treatment of myopia at home is described.

Gymnastics does not provide complete relief from eye diseases, but it is considered one of the elements of treatment. The action of the method is aimed at training the eye muscles, getting rid of uncomfortable sensations, activating blood circulation, and preventing complications. Monotherapy in this case is absolutely useless, the benefit is observed only if complex treatment is carried out. There are exercises not only for farsightedness, but also.

An important role is played by the observance of the regularity of the exercises, a prerequisite is the daily exercise.

Bates Method

Before therapeutic exercises, preparation is carried out, the patient must remove lenses or glasses, relax the facial muscles, and blink.


  • moving the gaze with fixation for a second down and up;
  • alternately shifting the gaze to the left and right;
  • eye movement up to the right, smooth shifting of the gaze to the lower left corner;
  • moving the eyes to the left up, diagonally to the right down;
  • moving the eyes along the perimeter of the drawn rectangle in two directions alternately;
  • moving the gaze in both directions on the dial with stops at positions 12, 3, 6 and 9;
  • positioning the hand in front of oneself with fixation of the gaze at a point in the zone of the thumb, bringing the brush to the face in the nose area, a sharp redirection of the eyes to an object located in the distance;
  • drawing an imaginary figure in the contours of a snake in 2 opposite directions;
  • squeezing with force.

At the final stage, gymnastics of the neck and shoulder girdle is carried out in the form of compressions, rotations, and relaxations. When performing gymnastics, the organs of vision are involved, the head must be in a fixed state. Exercises must be repeated 20 times, each ending with a blink. What to do if your eyes hurt from a computer, find out by.

The treatment system shows effectiveness in the initial stages of the development of eye diseases, its systematic application gives a result.

Restoration of vision according to Zhdanov

Personal consciousness plays an important role in the implementation, it is necessary to remember about prevention. It is important to observe 3 rules of hygiene - rest, palming, no glasses. A set of exercises includes moving the eyes in different directions (“eight”, clockwise and vice versa, horizontally and vertically, drawing squares). All actions should be repeated 7-10 times, the head should remain motionless, light blinking will help relieve tension at the final stage.

Training Methods

Pencil exercises

Exercises with a pen or pencil:

  • take a pencil, stretch out your hand, blink several times, look at distant objects;
  • look at the pencil, move the hand at a distance of 15 cm from the eyes (without looking away), slowly return the hand to the starting position, blink, do 5-10 repetitions;
  • bring the pencil to the face, tilting it to the left and right, move the pencil 20 cm to the left, return to its original position, repeat, moving it to the right (throughout all actions, the gaze should be directed into the distance, the pencil is located at eye level, repeat for 3 minutes.


Palming can be translated as "palming", from the English palm - palm. The action of the technique is aimed at relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles. What to do if vision falls, you can find out at.

  • Close your eyes tightly with your palms for a while, correct execution is ensured by observing the following conditions:
  • isolation of the eyes from the light source (eyes tightly covered with eyes);
  • before starting gymnastics, rub your palms together;
  • relaxation of the eyes will provide a positive attitude to doing gymnastics.


  • the direction of the eyes down and up, diagonally, to the sides (left up, right down, vice versa), several repetitions are performed, at the final stage it is necessary to blink;
  • drawing a rectangle, a circle clockwise and counterclockwise with a glance, blinking;
  • drawing zigzag eyes from left to right and vice versa;
  • crossing the palms in the form of an inverted "V", imposing on the eye area (without strong pressure).

Gymnastics should be accompanied by pleasant sensations; it is recommended to repeat a set of exercises daily in the morning and evening. Palming is performed when the eyes are tired from work.


Exercises are performed with eyes closed, a light source is required for carrying out: a candle, a lamp, the sun. It is necessary to move the head alternately in different directions, (or a hand in front of the eyes), which will ensure the alternation of light and shadow.


  • stand near a candle or a window with legs spread apart shoulder-width apart, peer into the distance;
  • smooth alternating turns of the body to the right and left, at the maximum turn, the heel of the opposite leg can be lifted off the floor;
  • when making turns, the window or candle must be kept in sight (focus on the moments when the light source “floats” past from the side), repeat 30-50 p.

It is necessary to avoid straining the organs of vision - they should always be relaxed. There is no need for a detailed examination of the light source.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

Norbekov outlined his theory of improving vision in his book “The Fool's Experience or the Key to Enlightenment. How to get rid of glasses”, which was published in 2001. Today, there are a large number of supporters and opponents of the method, ophthalmologists and patients still express their opinions. Anyone can form an opinion after trying the method on their own.

A set of exercises:

The head is straight, the gaze moves upwards, after reaching the extreme point, continue moving “through the forehead”, return the eyes back. Direct your gaze down, mentally continue moving into the throat, return your eyes to their original position.

Mentally look through the left ear, return back, repeat to the right side. The method provides an impact on the energy centers concentrated in the outer corners of the eyes, on the top of the head, through which the body is affected.

The book “Experience of a Fool or the Key to Enlightenment” clearly and step by step describes the methodology, indicates the key points, gives advice on doing exercises, concentration.

"Butterfly"- head movements are prohibited, only the eyes move. To ensure comfort during exercise, the dimensions of geometric shapes should be as large as possible. With your eyes, you need to draw a diagonal, starting from the bottom left, move to the right up, then down to the right, ending the diagonal in the upper left corner. Repeat in the opposite direction, relax the muscles of the eyes: blink frequently without straining the eyelids.

"Eight"- the head is motionless, with a glance it is necessary to draw an infinity sign, the dimensions of the figure should not exceed the dimensions of the contours of the face. The directions of execution alternate.
The exercise is aimed at strengthening the lateral muscles of the eye. A prerequisite for implementation is the absence of noise, a calm environment. The gaze must be concentrated on the tip of the nose, shift the eyes to the front, try to examine the interior items located on the sides, the pupils remain motionless. Concentrate your eyes on the tip of the nose, slowly move your eyes forward, fixing the objects located on the sides. Direct your gaze to the bridge of your nose, move to the sides and forward, concentrate your eyes on the central point between the eyebrows, move forward, fix objects on the sides. Repeat the exercise 8 times, the movements are smooth, the mood is positive.

Place the right and left index fingers to the tip of the nose, focus on the fingers, slowly spread the fingers in a straight horizontal line to the sides. Each eye should follow the finger of the corresponding hand. When performing exercises, peripheral vision is involved, it is necessary to do 2-3 repetitions, let your eyes rest. "Big circle" - before your eyes imagine a golden dial, circle the contour of the clock with a mental fixation of each digit. Perform movements in 2 opposite directions, the contour should be as even as possible, gradually increase in diameter. Repeat the exercise, the gaze is concentrated on the sky. Prevention of myopia is described.

The sequence of exercises is compiled in accordance with the order of increasing their complexity. A set of exercises is recommended to be repeated in three stages: with open eyes, with closed eyes, mentally.

Exercises for children


  1. Make eye movements to the left and right; for preschoolers, the teacher must demonstrate actions slowly. Gymnastics is recommended to be carried out in the form of a game, the child can be invited to imagine himself as a cunning fox that is stalking prey. The exercise is carried out with a gradual increase in pace, in the final, the child must relax his eyes.
  2. Squinting and opening your eyes for five seconds, you can invite the baby to pretend surprise.
    Scratching the nose - a child with arms outstretched should place the index finger in front of the nose, the gaze is focused on the approaching finger. The baby should scratch the nose slightly, after removal, slowly remove the finger

Exercises for children aged 9-10 years:

  1. Looking around a geometric figure (circle, rectangle, triangle), the look should stop at the corners.
  2. Some exercises:

    1. With a forward gaze, turn your head and look to the right, return to the starting position. Do in the opposite direction, do 10-15 repetitions.
    2. Bend one arm, moving it 30 cm away from the eyes, hold your gaze at the tip of your finger for 10 seconds, look into the distance, repeat 10 times.
    3. Sitting, put the arm bent at the elbows behind the head, bend the straight spine back, put the legs on the toes. Stay in this position for some time, return to the starting position, put your hands on your knees or lower them down, repeat seven times.
    4. Sitting with relaxed arms lowered down, raise alternately one and the other arm to the corresponding shoulder. Stretch the limbs forward, return to the starting position, repeat five times.
    5. Sit down, raise your left hand to eye level, stretch it 40-50 centimeters from the eyes, but no more. Perform slowly counterclockwise circular movements with your fingers, follow the movement of your eyes. Repeat with the other hand in the opposite direction, do seven times.
    6. Sitting comfortably make self-massage of the back of the head and neck with your fingers from top to bottom.

    To achieve the effect, all exercises must be repeated daily.


    This video will show you how to do eye exercises on your own.


    1. Visual impairment is a common problem faced by many. Today, there are a large number of therapy methods, gymnastics is considered one of the most effective.
    2. There are a large number of methods - gymnastics according to Norbekov, recovery according to Zhdanov, the Bates method. Also highlighted separately.
    3. A specialist will help you choose the appropriate option, the effectiveness is ensured by the regularity of the exercises.

These exercises should strengthen the oblique oculomotor muscles while increasing their mobility and relieve chronic tension from the rectus muscles of the eye to improve the accommodation of the eye. The location and direction of movement of these muscles is shown in the diagram.

Training of any muscles is most effective with their static tension for 5-6 seconds, followed by complete relaxation and new tension after a few seconds. This is how you need to train the weakened oblique muscles of the eyes (exercises 1 - 4). For chronically compressed rectus muscles, on the contrary, dynamic exercises are useful in order to increase the mobility (flexibility, softness) of the muscles (exercises 5 - 8).

The complex also includes exercises to increase the flexibility and performance of the ciliary muscle (exercises 9 and 10) and a convergence exercise (gaze information, 11).

In the presence of presbyopia, all exercises should be done 5-7 times a day (not necessarily in a row), but exercises 1,2,5,7 and 8 are best done more often. When performing exercises, be careful: do not let your eyes get tired, do not allow pain, cramps or other discomfort, try to relax as much as possible all the external and internal muscles of the eyes that do not work in this exercise, achieve a gradual increase in smoothness and range of motion, replace tension with attention, looking at objects with static positions of the eyeball. Give more time and attention to the eye that sees worse, doing more repetitions of exercises with it (the second eye can be closed with a hand). High-quality exercise should gradually reduce deviations from normal vision.

The starting position corresponds to the correct posture: the head is turned so that its crown looks up; shoulders, neck, facial muscles and eyes are relaxed; the gaze is directed forward.

1. Smoothly move your eyes from the center to the upper right corner. It should be exactly above the right shoulder. Move your gaze in this direction as far as possible to the painless limit. Try carefully, but without tension, to consider what is in this corner. Examine the object for 5-6 seconds, then slowly return your gaze to its original position. After a few seconds, repeat this contraction of the superior oblique muscle of the right eye.

2. Make the same careful consideration of what is in the upper left corner for training the superior oblique muscle of the left eye.

3. To strengthen the inferior oblique muscle of the right eye, gently move your gaze to the edge of the right shoulder to carefully and relaxedly examine it for 5-6 seconds. Then gently return your gaze to its original position.

4. In the same way, squint at the left shoulder and carefully examine it for 5-6 seconds.

5. Smoothly, without moving your head, move your gaze up as you exhale. You will see your eyebrows and what is at an angular distance close to them. Without stopping, also gently return your gaze to its original position. Exhale as you look up again. With smooth, almost pendulum movements, raise your gaze as high as possible (within the framework of a comfortable and painless) up and lower it to its original position. Try to avoid accelerations and jerks in eye movement.

6. In the same way, with an exhalation, smoothly move your gaze to the limit down and, without stopping, return your gaze to its original position.

7. Smoothly, with the beginning of the exhalation, move your eyes to the limit to the right. The left eye will simultaneously see the nose. Without stopping, just as smoothly return to the starting position. You seem to swing your eyes, as if on a swing: to the right and back, softer, farther and farther. Make sure that when moving to the right, the gaze does not fall, setting in motion the lower oblique muscle of the right eye.

8. In the same way, move your eyes to the limit to the left and return to the starting position. The nose now sees the right eye.

The first eight exercises of the complex can be done separately for one, worse seeing eye, closing the other eye with your hand.

9. Stick a small piece of paper on the window glass. Draw a bold cross or other clear sign on it. Stand opposite the window at a distance that is limiting so that you can still see the sign clearly, and move a little closer to the window. Close one eye with your hand. Look first at the sign, then through the window into the distance, trying to shift your gaze as smoothly as possible. Lingering on the sign for 5-6 seconds, try to see it clearly. Do not take your head back and do not tense up. Try your best to keep the image sharp. Help the eye mentally, as if drawing the sign to you (or pull it in with your breath). After training the muscles of one eye, close it with your hand and train the other. Don't forget to give your eyes time to rest.
If there is such an opportunity (for example, a bush outside the window), look into the distance, gradually increasing the distance and then also decreasing it, returning your gaze to the sign. You can use curtains or blinds for this purpose. Through open blinds or through tulle, distant objects, a mark on the window, and themselves can be viewed.

10. Take in your hand some object that you can clearly see in all details at least at arm's length. Slowly bring the object closer to your eyes. Slightly cross the line of clarity of vision. Stop the movement and try to get a sharp image. Let your eyes rest, then move it back towards you in the same way. Perhaps physically you will feel the resistance of the eyes to the approach of the object. Watch the relaxation of the muscles of the eyes, do not squint. Don't let the image blur for too long and don't force things by bringing the subject too close to the eyes. Help the eyes psychologically by mentally pulling the object towards you.

Do the same for one eye, covering the other eye with your hand, then change the training eye. Do the exercise for both eyes together, then for each of them separately, devoting more time to the eye that sees worse.

11. While exhaling, focus your eyes on the bridge of your nose for 5 seconds (yogis call this place the third eye), then smoothly move your eyes in an arc for a few seconds into the distance - at this time you can inhale, then, while exhaling, look at the tip of your nose for 5 seconds and look again into the distance, then back to the bridge of your nose, and so on.

Don't let your eyes get tired. Pause or stop exercising if you feel discomfort. Regularly use various methods of rest and relaxation of the eyes, including audio recordings, as needed.

) is a refractive error in which the optical focus falls on the area behind the retina. In this state, a person has difficulty seeing objects located nearby. With a high degree of farsightedness, the patient cannot see both distant and near objects. A moderate degree has little effect on near vision, since accommodation works, but this way the eyes get tired faster, headaches occur, objects lose their clarity. Exercises for farsightedness (gymnastics for the eyes) can stop the progression of the disease.

How to improve vision with hyperopia in adults

Farsightedness is corrected with glasses and contact lenses. However, these measures do not help to cure the pathology, only to correct the visual function. Special exercises help improve visual acuity with farsightedness. This complex allows you to eliminate visual discomfort, stop the progression of farsightedness and prevent disorders in people with a predisposition.

Visual gymnastics for farsightedness

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax and look straight ahead. Turn your head, moving your eyes, and return to the previous position. Turn your head to the other side. Repeat up to 10 times for each side.
  2. Sit down, bend the right arm at the elbow, place the tip of the index finger 30 cm from the eyes. Look into the distance for a few seconds, look at your finger and hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Sit down, raise your right hand to eye level at a distance of 40-50 cm. Slowly make circular movements with your fingers, follow them with your eyes without turning your head. Repeat with the other hand. Perform the exercise 7 times.
  4. Sit down, straighten your back, close your eyes for 5 seconds, open your eyes and relax your eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat 7 times. After the exercise, blink quickly for a minute.
  5. Stand up, straighten your back, bend your right arm at the elbow and take it to the side. Extend your index finger and move it in a semicircle. Follow the finger with your eyes, do not turn your head. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Sit down, relax and look ahead. For 5 seconds, look at the nose, return to its previous position. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Stand up, look up, down, right and left. Don't move your head. Repeat all steps 7 times.
  8. Sitting, look up and perform circular eye movements in different directions. Repeat 5 times.
  9. Sit down, close your eyes, look up, look down, look to the right, then to the left. Repeat 7 times.
  10. Get up, spread your legs. Lower your head, look at your left leg, then raise your head and look at the upper right corner of the room. Repeat with the other leg. Do all actions 5 times.

After visual gymnastics, it is useful to do water procedures (dousing, showering, rubbing). With farsightedness, it is allowed to perform exercises designed to train vision with myopia, but only do them the other way around. In addition to relaxation, with hypermetropia it is useful to train accommodation. For this, gymnastics according to Windolph is intended.

At first, training may seem completely ineffective, because it is very difficult to strain and relax different muscle groups. Therefore, accommodation training is most effective if done after relaxation exercises. Usually, patients do relaxation and tension exercises on different days, then on the same day, and later and at the same time.

How to relieve stress with farsightedness

Visual impairment in hypermetropia is caused not only by visual discomfort and ophthalmic disorders, but also by neck tension and insufficient blood circulation in the brain. To relieve fatigue and ensure normal blood flow, you can do simple exercises.

Exercise for stress:

  1. Stand up, lower your arms along the body. You need to raise your shoulders, take them back and return to their previous position. Make circular movements with your shoulders. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Perform the first exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. Lower your chin, relax your neck, raise your head and tilt it back. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Sit down, lower your chin to your chest, smoothly turn your head to the left, tilt it back and return to its original position. Perform 5 times.
  5. Perform the previous exercise in reverse.
  6. Sit down, turn your head all the way to the left, return to the starting position. Repeat right. Do the exercise 5 times. Do the exercise slowly.
  7. Sit down, straighten your spine. Hands behind your head, slowly bend back, put your feet on your toes. Return to the previous position, put your hands on your knees and relax. Repeat 7 times.
  8. Sit on a chair, lower your arms. Raise your arms in turn and press your hands to your shoulders. Stretch your arms in front of you, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  9. Sit down, massage the occipital region and neck (from top to bottom). Can be stroked and rubbed.

Dr. Bates complex for farsightedness

The famous ophthalmologist William Bates developed a set of exercises for people with farsightedness. The doctor believed that the cause of the violation was excessive eye strain when viewing objects up close. All the exercises of this complex will help to relax and relieve tension from the eyes.

Bates complex for hypermetropia:

  1. Reading a special table or book with small characters at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. It is advisable to change the lighting, because in conditions of dim light, the eyes relax. You need to work with the text for 10-15 minutes, without effort and stress. When reading, remove glasses and contact lenses. An additional optical system can only be used at first, when it is not yet possible to see the font. If discomfort is felt during the process, you need to interrupt and perform an exercise to relax ().
  2. Look at the empty space between the lines when reading books.
  3. Go outside for fresh air or open a window. Look at homogeneous objects (grass, sky), then at a manual checklist.
  4. Watch flying birds, watch special films, follow moving objects.

Turns according to Bates

Stand in front of a window with vertical bars of the lattice, spread your legs (30 cm or more if you are tall). Lower your arms, keep your back straight. Smoothly and continuously turn the body and head 180 ° in different directions.

The gaze must also move, then the objects will appear blurry. Distant objects visually begin to move in the direction of the movement of the body, and near ones - in the opposite direction. This phenomenon indicates that the eyes have relaxed. The vertical bars will start moving in the opposite direction, and the objects behind the glass in the direction of rotation.

In the process, you can not focus on external movements. It is advisable to free your head from thoughts and relax as much as possible. It is usually comfortable to do 16 rotations per minute.

Exercise with the Sivtsev table

This exercise requires a test. You need to hang it in a dark place and dim lighting. The patient should be able to read text from a distance of 5 m. This exercise requires little effort.

Stand 5 m from the table, take a manual format table and give it good lighting. The patient must first read the large table, then move his eyes along the white stripes on the manual table. In the process, you need to blink. Repeat several times.

Bates believed that with the systematic implementation of this exercise, vision can be restored with farsightedness. Exercise will be useful for patients with presbyopia ().

Debko Chart Exercise

To complete this exercise, you need a Debco table. Small turns of the head should be performed, visually leading with the tip of the nose and looking along the lines on the table. You need to continue the exercise until the moment when the lines begin to slide in the opposite direction. After that, you need to repeat the exercise for the bottom of the table.

Having finished with the table, you need to close your eyes, turn your head and look at imaginary lines. Next action: open your eyes and draw lines on the white surface of the table with your eyes. This exercise will help to distinguish text at any distance.

Farsightedness in children

Moderate physical activity is shown: jumping, running, outdoor games. This helps to strengthen general and local immunity, will prevent complications and related disorders.

It is necessary to monitor the posture of the child. If, with farsightedness, you regularly sit in the wrong position, the blood supply to the brain, including the visual centers, is disrupted. Poor posture is a guarantee of visual impairment even with the full treatment of farsightedness.

When doing schoolwork, playing at the computer or watching TV, you need to take breaks periodically. A child with farsightedness is forbidden to be exposed to visual stress for a long time and without interruption.

Take a break every hour for 10 minutes, ensure proper lighting, and never use smartphones and tablets in a dark room. The lack of additional illumination negatively affects the eyes, because they will have to constantly interfere with the focus and strain to adapt to the light.

Exercises for farsightedness in children

Visual gymnastics is an excellent prevention of various pathologies common among children, and also helps to prevent complications with farsightedness. The effect is achieved only with the systematic and correct exercise.


Sit up straight, relax, lower your eyelids. It is necessary to cover the eyes so that the middle of the palm of the right hand is opposite the right eye and vice versa. You can not press and strongly press the palms to the eyes, there should not be lye that transmits light. In this position, you need to lower your elbows on the table, keeping the straightness of the neck and spine. The body should be relaxed and breathing calm.

This exercise is useful to do during breaks at school. In just 15 seconds, the eyes will rest and “reboot”, but it is better to do the exercise longer. In order not to injure the eyes with harsh light, do not open them immediately after taking away the palms.

nose letter

This exercise helps to relax the muscles of the eyes and neck. Tension in the shoulders and neck contributes to overstrain of the visual system and malnutrition of the brain.

Exercise can be performed lying down, standing and sitting. You need to relax and close your eyes. The child should imagine that the tip of the nose can draw lines in the air. The choice is up to the child. It is allowed to write letters, words, draw ordinary figures or houses.

Visual gymnastics from children's farsightedness

You need to perform the exercises in a comfortable position and in a relaxed state. It is recommended to sit on a gymnastic mat and straighten the spine. Exercise is best done in the morning.

A set of exercises for children:

  1. Inhale slowly and deeply with your stomach, look at the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds. Exhale, return the eyes to their original position and lower the eyelids. The gaze delay in the interbrow area can be gradually increased (after 2-3 weeks of doing gymnastics). After six months, holding the gaze is destroyed for a few minutes.
  2. Inhale deeply, look at the tip of the nose. Hold your gaze for a few seconds, exhale and return your eyes to their original position. Close your eyes and let them rest.
  3. Inhale and slowly turn your gaze to the right until it stops, but without tension. You do not need to linger, as you exhale, return your gaze to its original position. Repeat to the left. First, it is better to perform one cycle, increasing the number of approaches to two in 2-3 weeks, then up to three cycles. After completing the exercise, you need to close your eyes and relax.
  4. As you inhale, look to the upper right corner, return your gaze to its original position. On the next breath, look to the lower left corner. As you progress, you need to increase the number of cycles from one to three. Close your eyes, rest and repeat on the other side.
  5. Inhale, lower your gaze and slowly move it clockwise. Stop at the top point, start exhaling and continue to the bottom point. At first, one circle is enough, over time, you can increase the number of approaches to three. After the first round, you need to immediately start the second. After completing the exercise, you should close your eyes and rest, then repeat on the other side.

Exercises for age-related farsightedness

Age-related farsightedness develops in the vast majority of people closer to 40 years. This is one of the manifestations of the aging of the body, which is expressed in impaired near vision. Presbyopia begins earlier in patients with farsightedness, and later in those with nearsightedness. Medicine causes presbyopia to thicken the lens and increase the density of the ciliary muscle.

Bates believed that presbyopia develops from mental stress when trying to examine small objects up close. A follower of the doctor - G. Benjamin - pointed out the role of nutrition. To prevent age-related farsightedness and prevent complications, you need to perform a set of exercises daily and balance the diet.

Gymnastics with age-related farsightedness:

  1. Working with a checklist for .
  2. Strengthening the oblique muscles of the eye. Sit down and relax. Close the palm of the eye that sees better without preventing blinking. Extend the other hand in front of you, put your palm in front of your open eye. Within 30 seconds, you need to remember the location of the lines in the palm of your hand. Both eyes are then closed and these lines are visualized. Repeat the exercise, placing the palm at a distance of 40 and 15 cm from the eyes. After that, you need to do palming and repeat with open eyes.
  3. Draw a sketch of a fingerprint on paper. The exercise is performed in the same sequence as the previous one.

Farsightedness can develop at any age. It must be remembered that visual gymnastics will be effective only in combination. At the first symptoms of hypermetropia, you should consult a doctor and get the necessary treatment.

Or hypermetropia, they call one of the types of violation, in which the image of the object in question is projected not on, but behind it. Farsightedness of a high degree is manifested by the fact that a person does not see objects that are located close to him. With moderate farsightedness, near vision is often normal, since a person uses, that is, strains the accommodative (ciliary) muscle of the eye. This technique does not have a positive effect on the state of the organs of vision. After a while, a person develops headaches, fatigue, the objects in question lose their clarity of outline.

Farsightedness is corrected in ophthalmology using glasses with convex lenses. However, this method is not a treatment for farsightedness, as with myopia, so you often have to change glasses for stronger ones. To improve visual acuity with farsightedness, several specialists have developed special exercises, with regular performance of which it is even possible to completely get rid of this visual impairment.

Gymnastics for the eyes with farsightedness

The first is a set of exercises, with the help of which it was possible to restore visual acuity to many people suffering from farsightedness. This complex also helps to prevent the onset and progression of farsightedness, especially if a person has a hereditary predisposition.

  • 1 exercise. Starting position: sitting in a relaxed comfortable position. The eyes look straight ahead. You need to slowly turn your head to the right, moving your eyes. Return to original position. Then turn to the left, also moving your eyes. Initial position. The exercise is repeated 7-10 times in each direction.
  • 2 exercise. Starting position: as in the first exercise. It is necessary to place the tip of the index finger of the right hand at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes. Look into the distance for 2-3 seconds, then look at the index finger and look at it for 30-35 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • 3 exercise. Starting position: sitting with a straight back, feet well placed on the floor. It is necessary to put your hands behind your head and bend back, while putting your feet on your toes. Return to starting position. Relax by placing your hands on your knees or down. The exercise is repeated 7 times.
  • 4 exercise. Starting position: sitting, feet well on the floor, arms down. It is necessary to put the right hand to the right shoulder, the left hand to the left shoulder. Next, stretch your arms out in front of you. Take the starting position. The exercise is repeated 5 times. For exercises 3 and 4, it is recommended to use a chair.
  • 5 exercise. Starting position: sitting. With the fingertips of both hands, it is necessary to perform self-massage of the neck and occipital region. Stroking and rubbing are performed from top to bottom.
  • 6 exercise. Starting position: sitting. It is necessary to raise the right hand to the level of the eyes at a distance of 45-50 cm from them. Make slow circular motions in a clockwise direction. The gaze follows the fingers, while the head does not move. Next, raise the left hand and perform the same movements, changing the direction of rotation. The exercise is repeated 7 times.

To obtain the expected effect, this set of exercises must be performed every day.

A set of exercises for farsightedness by W. Bates

The set of exercises developed by W. Bates is based on the fact that the cause of the development of farsightedness is the effort and tension that a person creates when trying to examine an object located nearby. That is why all the exercises of the complex are aimed at relaxation.

  • 1 exercise. Reading a small print book or a manual format checklist at a distance of 25-30 cm from the organs of vision for 10-15 minutes every day. Reading is done in dim and good lighting. The exercise is done effortlessly. To perform, you must abandon the glasses, as they slow down the appearance of a positive effect. If at first it is impossible to perform this exercise without glasses, then they can be used. Dim light allows the eyes to relax. If eye strain is felt during the exercise, then it is necessary to interrupt and perform relaxing techniques (palming or central fixation).
  • 2 exercise. When reading any book or test card, you need to look at the white space between the lines.
  • 3 exercise. Sivtsev's large-format test card must be hung in a dark place with dim lighting so that the letters can be read at a distance of 5 m, albeit with difficulty. The exercise is performed with little effort for the eyes. Being at a distance of 5 m from a large test table, you need to pick up a small format table and create good lighting for reading it. At the beginning, the rows of a large table are read (as many as possible). Next, they move their gaze to a small table, glancing over the white space between the lines. It is important to blink softly regularly. Reading the near and far tables is repeated several times. Regular performance of this exercise contributes to the complete restoration of visual acuity. This exercise is also useful for senile farsightedness ().
  • 4 exercise. Exercises are performed at an open window or in the fresh air. Alternates between looking at surrounding surfaces (ground, grass, sky, wall) and reading a hand-held vision chart.
  • 5 exercise. The elimination of farsightedness is facilitated by observing moving objects: flying birds, a movie, etc.
  • 6 exercise. The exercise is performed with the debco table. During the exercise, small turns of the head are carried out, while glancing (as if with the tip of the nose) along the lines from point to point. Turns are performed until the lines seem to move in the opposite direction from the movement of the gaze. Next, the exercise is repeated for the bottom of the table. Then you need to close your eyes and perform head turns, mentally imagining the movement of the gaze along the lines. After that, the eyes open and glide over the white space between the lines: first at the top of the table, then at the bottom. This exercise will help you better understand letters when reading at different distances.
  • 7 exercise. The exercise is performed with the phrase of the test table "Relaxation will restore my sharp vision." In the exercise, the letters are “swinged” or “punched”.
  • 8 exercise. With normal and senile farsightedness, it is useful to alternate large turns with the subsequent focusing of the gaze on the candle flame.

Big Turning Technique:

  • Starting position: standing, facing the window; legs are spaced at a distance of 30 cm from each other with average height, more than 30 cm - with high growth; the spine is straight; arms are relaxed and lowered along the body. It is desirable to have vertical bars or blinds on the window, or at least vertical bars of the window frame.
  • The body is smoothly turned to the left so that the shoulders are parallel to the left wall. To make a full turn, it is allowed to lift the heel off the floor and turn the foot on the toe in the right direction.
  • Further, the same turn is carried out to the right.
  • Thus, in total, the body will rotate 180 degrees.

Turns are performed continuously, softly and smoothly. When turning, the shoulders, head and gaze move together, that is, the eyes are constantly looking in front of them. To perform the exercise, you do not need to make efforts and strain your muscles. During turns, objects that are in the path of view appear blurry. The closer they are to the eyes, the more blurred they appear.

Objects that are at a great distance from the eyes will appear to move in the direction of gaze movement, while objects close to it will visually move in the opposite direction. This apparent movement will mean that the eyes have achieved the necessary relaxation. Thus, the vertical stripes of the lattice or frame will move in the opposite direction from the view, and objects outside the window will move in the direction of rotation.

It is important that during the exercise the gaze does not focus on any extraneous movement. In this case, the exercise will be performed incorrectly. During the exercise, the head should be free from extraneous thoughts and experiences. This is necessary for complete relaxation of the eyes. The normal pace for the exercise is approximately 16 full rotations in 1 minute.

It is important to know!

Exercises with are also effective for farsightedness, if performed in reverse. It is necessary to move the gaze from a distant object to a near one where it is moved from a near to a distant one; mentally represent letters clearly near, if necessary, represent them at a distance, etc.

Exercises M. Windolph

In addition to relaxing exercises, you can train focus, or accommodation, according to the principle developed by M. Windolph.

Training is carried out in the same way as described in “Exercises for myopia”, only it is necessary to strain the oblique muscles of the eyes, and relax the straight ones. During the contraction of the oblique muscles of the eye, the eyeball is compressed in the center and lengthens in the anteroposterior direction. In this case, the image of the objects in question will be projected onto the retina, and not behind it.

Before training accommodation, it is necessary to perform relaxation exercises for 10-15 minutes. At first, doing workouts will seem ineffective, because it takes a lot of effort and time to achieve a feeling of relaxation and tension.

In this regard, experts recommend that, first of all, to achieve a feeling of general relaxation of the organs of vision, then - a feeling of tension in the oblique muscles, and then - to combine these two feelings. You can do only muscle relaxation one day, and tension the next. Later it will be possible to perform both types of eye muscle training on the same day, and in the future - simultaneously.

Exercise for Presbyopia

According to the developers of the above sets of exercises (M. Windolph, W. Bates, and others), presbyopia (senile farsightedness) is a kind of farsightedness. Presbyopia begins to develop after about 40 years of age and is perceived by many as an inevitability, a normal manifestation of aging. First of all, this condition is manifested by impaired near vision: there are difficulties in reading, especially in low light. Distance vision usually remains unchanged. Presbyopia begins to develop earlier in people who are farsighted than those who are nearsighted. In traditional ophthalmology, the development of presbyopia is associated with tissue compaction, while the ciliary muscle cannot change its curvature due to an increase in density.

W. Bates proved that this widespread opinion does not quite correctly describe the cause of the appearance of presbyopia, but rather is an excuse for improper “treatment” with the organs of vision throughout life. Bates claims that the main reason for the development of presbyopia is the mental stress that occurs when trying to examine an object up close. G. Benjamin (follower of the teachings of W. Bates) is of the opinion that the development of this condition is directly related to malnutrition throughout life.

Based on these data, it can be argued that for the prevention and correction of senile farsightedness, it is necessary to follow the rules of rational nutrition and perform a set of exercises every day.

1 exercise.“Reading a book with small print or a manual format checklist in dim and good lighting without the use of glasses” (see “Exercise 1” of the W. Bates farsightedness exercise set). If at first you can’t read without glasses, you can use them to complete the exercise, gradually abandoning them. This exercise is an excellent prevention of presbyopia if performed daily from the age of 35.

In general, the correction of presbyopia can be carried out using a set of exercises for farsightedness by W. Bates, since (according to this specialist) presbyopia is a type of farsightedness. It is also possible to achieve relaxation of the organs of vision with the help of inclinations, palming, and central fixation.

Other experts argue that improving vision in senile farsightedness can be achieved by strengthening the oblique muscles of the eye: when they contract, the eyeball lengthens and the image of the object is projected directly onto the retina, and not behind it. Eye muscle training can be done using the following multi-stage exercise.

2 exercise. "Lines in the Palm" To perform the exercise, you need to sit down and relax.

The eye with better vision should be covered with the appropriate hand, cupping the palm so that the hand does not interfere with the opening and closing of the eye. Extend the other hand in front of you and place your palm opposite the open, worse-seeing eye. In 30 seconds, you need to remember as many lines as possible, large and small, in the palm of an outstretched hand. You can give them a name, as in palmistry: the line of the mind, the line of life, the line of love, etc.

After they close both eyes, it is necessary to imagine the remembered lines of the hand. Then they open their eyes and place the same hand at a distance of 40 cm. It is also necessary to consider and remember all the lines in the palm of your hand. The eyes are closed and represent the palm with all the lines. The actions are repeated, placing the hand at a distance of 15 cm from the eyes. Then palming is performed for one minute, after which they repeat the exercise with the same hand, looking at it with two open eyes. After completing the exercise, it will become clear that in order to have a good view of all the lines of the palm, it is not necessary to keep the arm extended.

3 exercise. "Fingerprints". In general, the exercise is similar to the previous one. To perform the exercise, you must first make a print of your index finger on a sheet of white paper. The exercise is performed in the same sequence as the previous one, in good light.

General strengthening exercises

Doctors recommend keeping physical activity in adulthood and old age. This can be embodied with the help of ordinary morning exercises. It helps the body “wake up” and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. Morning exercises include a set of simple exercises that do not require much time to complete. Nevertheless, they allow you to keep a good shape even at a respectable age. Each person who does morning exercises has his own exercises that are right for him. And in order to maintain visual acuity in parallel with a good form, it is recommended to perform exercises for the eyes during morning exercises.

  • 1 exercise. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, look ahead. Close your eyes tightly for 4-5 seconds, then open them and relax for 4-5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 7 times. After finishing it, blink for one minute.
  • 2 exercise. Stand up straight, spine straight, look straight ahead. Look into the distance for 3-4 seconds without moving your eyes. Next, raise your right hand and place your index finger at a distance of 30-35 cm in the middle of the line of the body. Focus on the tip of your finger for 4-5 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise for 10 races. This exercise relieves eye fatigue well.
  • 3 exercise. Sit on a chair. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fingertips in a circular motion starting from the bridge of your nose to the outer edges of your eyes, then change direction. The duration of the massage is one minute. This exercise normalizes blood circulation in the eyes.
  • 4 exercise. Stand straight with a straight back, look ahead. Slightly bend your right hand at the elbow joint, take it strictly to the side and stretch your index finger. Slowly move it from right to left and back. Without turning your head, follow the movement of your finger with your eyes. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • 5 exercise. Sit in a chair in a relaxed position, look straight ahead. Look at the tip of your nose for 4-5 seconds and look ahead again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • 6 exercise. Stand straight with a straight back, look ahead. Bend your right hand slightly, lift it up and extend your index finger. Move your hand up and down and back. Follow the finger with your eyes without raising your head. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • 7 exercise. Stand straight, don't move your head. Look alternately up, down, right, left with only a glance, the head remains in place. Repeat the exercise 7 times.
  • 8 exercise. Sit down, don't move your head. Look up and make circular eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • 9 exercise. Sit down, close your eyes, don't move your head. Without opening your eyes, move your eyes up, down, right, left. Repeat the exercise 7 times.
  • 10 exercise. Stand in the middle of the room with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your head and look at the toe of your left foot, then raise your head and look at the right corner of the room under the ceiling, then look at the toe of your right foot, raise your head and look at the left corner of the room. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After morning exercises, it is useful to take water procedures: a shower, douche, and after active rubbing with a towel.

Recently, for many, the question of how to restore vision has become relevant, especially for such a pathology as farsightedness. This is due to the fact that in recent years there has been a prevalence of not only age-related farsightedness, but also visual impairment among children. However, this pathology is not a sentence; special gymnastics can be used to improve vision.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Farsightedness is one of the varieties of visual impairment, due to which the image of an object does not appear on the retina, but behind it.

The symptoms of pathology include:

  • eye fatigue when viewing an object at close range;
  • increased fatigue in the process of reading;
  • feelings of fatigue during activities with eye strain;
  • eye inflammation.

Reasons for violation:

  • eyeball shortened along the longitudinal axis;
  • in the eye system, there is a violation of the focus contours or a shift in the elements.

A more complex form of the disease is the presence of two causes of visual impairment. In this case, conservative treatment is not enough to correct vision, surgical intervention is required, but in all other cases, you can use the sets of exercises developed by specialists.

When are exercises prescribed?

It is important to remember that exercises for farsightedness can only be carried out as prescribed by an ophthalmologist, because not at every stage of the development of the disease, gymnastics can significantly improve the patient's condition. So complex hypermetropia can be treated only using surgical intervention, but at the initial stage of farsightedness, special gymnastics will help slow down the development of the pathology.

In addition, you can perform special exercises as a prevention of eye diseases or eye fatigue.

When doing eye exercises, you can improve:

  • blood circulation in the neck area;
  • blood supply to the muscles of the eye organs;
  • the work of the muscles of the eye;
  • the work of the eye lens (from a metabolic disorder, it can become cloudy and even cataracts occur).

The type of exercise is selected depending on the stage and form of the disease. Also, doctors recommend special exercises for those who are faced with presbyopia at an early stage, gymnastics has shown its effectiveness in age-related pathology.

In children, a high degree of hypermetropia is usually congenital, such a disease is treated in an operative way. However, since the child's organs of vision are still at the stage of development, it is likely that over time the level of the disease will become minimal or vision will improve. Therefore, gymnastics for the eyes with farsightedness for children has a positive effect, especially at a low and medium stage of the disease. Since it is quite difficult for kids to concentrate and perform exercises that help strengthen the eye muscles, it is best to conduct training in a playful way. The eyes are a very important organ, and eye diseases are very serious. Before doing exercises, consult your doctor, there are contraindications (for example, retinal detachment).

For the little ones

Gymnastics exercises for the eyes with farsightedness for children under two years old:

  1. With your fingertips, you need to lightly massage the child around the eyeball (try not to touch your eyes), while the baby's eyelids should be closed. The massage session should be carried out for 5 seconds, then the massage should be repeated 5 times, the interval between repetitions is 30 seconds. Such training improves blood circulation in the eye and tissues around it.
  2. The baby is placed on the back. Then, with the help of a toy, you need to attract his attention, after that you need to very slowly bring the toy closer to his face, while the movements with the toy should be in the form of a “snake”. This exercise must first be repeated no more than 2 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions up to 5 times. Such training activates the work of the ciliary muscle.

2 to 5 years

A set of classes for children 2-5 years old:

  1. It is necessary to attract the attention of the child with a ball of bright color, after which the ball is thrown forward. First, the kid follows the sword with his eyes, then finds it to bring it back.
  2. The child should be seated on the floor, one of the parents should sit opposite, the distance between the adult and the child should be 2-3 m, then you need to roll the ball to the child, then the baby should roll the ball to you. Lesson time 5 min. This training stimulates visual accommodation.
  3. Movement repetition exercise. The kid should see a grimace on your face and repeat it. You can alternately close and open your eyes or squeeze them shut. This game improves blood circulation, and also helps to activate metabolic processes in the organs of the eye.

5 to 7 years

Lesson for children 5-7 years old:

  1. It is necessary to let the child read 1-2 lines from a book with large letters, preferably in a bright color, after which the book should be brought closer to the baby by 15 cm. Now we need to read a couple more lines. This exercise must be performed daily for 5 minutes.
  2. School-age children can be trained through sports such as tennis, cricket, basketball, volleyball, badminton or golf. Such sports activities, combined with the complex treatment of farsightedness, have a positive effect on vision.

Thus, with the help of training the visual system, it is possible to reduce eye strain, activate blood circulation to the organs of the eye and improve the elasticity of the eye muscles.

Over 7 years old

Gymnastics for children over 7 years old

Hypermetropia is one of the most common diseases in children. All infants have farsightedness, which in a child usually decreases by the age of 5, and in 13 years, vision is restored in most cases. Unfortunately, farsightedness does not go away in all children. For this reason, a farsighted child must undergo complex treatment, which includes vision correction with glasses, hardware procedures and special gymnastics.

Classes to restore vision with farsightedness in children:

  1. In order to do this exercise, the child needs to turn to face the window and, while standing, stretch out his arm so that he can see his palm. Next, you need to consider the palm, after that, look at the window, now you need to see what is outside the window, gradually examining more distant objects. Then repeat the same steps only in reverse order, that is, the last action is to look at the palm.
  2. It is necessary to draw numbers with closed eyes with palms.
  3. Palming. This type of training involves tightly covering the eyes with the palms for some time. When performing this exercise, it is important that no light falls on the eyes, the palms must be warmed up, for this they need to be rubbed against each other. In addition, during this task you need to relax as much as possible.

It is very important for the eyes that they be in a relaxed position for a while. Relaxation is achieved by looking at distant objects (even if they are hard to see due to vision problems). Good nutrition and good rest are important for vision. Go out in nature more often, go in for sports (in moderation, because strong loads are contraindicated in case of eye diseases), monitor your health in general, and your eyes will work at their maximum capacity.

All these exercises should be carried out after consulting a doctor. Be healthy!