He and she are sleeping. Comfortable sleeping positions for two and their meaning

Can tell about many traits of his character. For example, if you sleep on your back it often means confidence and strength, and if you sleep on your stomach it often means you have an open, sociable and cheerful personality.

It's even more interesting to watch how two personalities meet on the bed. In a dream, your behavior is controlled by the subconscious, so body language becomes a surprisingly accurate indicator of what is happening inside the peacefully snoring couple. Hence the genuine interest scientific world to people's positions during co-sleeping. Many psychologists have studied the issue, as a result of which scientists have identified the 10 most common positions.

Close courtship


According to a study conducted by psychologist Corrine Sweet, this position occurs in approximately 18% of couples. She talks about the dynamic development of relationships in which one of the partners protects the other. Although it seems quite sweet, the position can also hide a little rudeness.

Patti Wood, an expert in the field for thirty years, adds: “It's a very vulnerable position with sexual overtones. She openly states that your significant other trusts you completely.”

Free courtship


As a rule, they like to cuddle each other in bed, but as soon as the relationship matures, the strength of the hug weakens. Patti Wood notes that these are the same high-trust hugs, but with less sexual overtones.

Ultimately, all people whose relationships can be called established come to free hugs. Partners simply return to those positions that provide them best quality sleep.

Obsessive advances


The situation in which one of the partners moves to the edge of the bed and the other follows him is somewhat reminiscent of a chase. Such movements can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, the person being “stalked” wants it because of lack of attention or as part of a love game. Samuel Dunkell sees another meaning in “runaway” behavior. According to the writer, in this case, “unauthorized courtship” occurs - the partner moves in search of free space.

Tangled Tangle


An extremely strong and quite rare plexus is found in couples where there is seething powerful emotions, for example, after or at the beginning of a romantic relationship. Although some people manage to keep it for a long time, which is not necessarily good. According to American psychotherapist Elizabeth Flynn Campbell, partners may depend too much on each other to sleep separately.

Loose knot


The halves fall asleep, pressing their faces closely together, and after 10 minutes they separate a short distance. This position is a sign of an even closer relationship than a complete merger. This is probably why only 8% of couples rest in this position. This is a great compromise between intimacy and independence for both.

Lovers of freedom


Don't worry if you sleep some distance apart, with your backs turned to each other. Leave your fears behind, there is nothing wrong with that. According to psychologist Corrine Sweet, this is how a couple demonstrates their close connection and independence. Moreover, the situation occurs very often - in 27% of cases.

Kiss with your backs


Touching backs or buttocks during sleep - good sign. The partners are relaxed, they are comfortable in their union. The position is most often observed among those who have just met each other or have been in a relationship for less than a year.

Cozy shoulder


The position in which a couple crosses their legs and one partner's head rests on the other's chest can be seen in early relationships or their degeneration. This nurturing position creates a feeling of security. Psychologist Shirley Glass also notes high level trust, a sense of comradeship and patronage.

Entwined legs


According to scientists, flirting and playfulness in bed, accompanied by intertwining of legs, indicates a desire for emotional or sexual connection. Touching feet is also a sign that the partners still can’t get enough of the feelings, even in their sleep. The destinies of people are so connected that they live as a single organism, complementing and caring for each other.

Sweeping "peacock"


Sometimes one of the partners takes the position of a starfish, or, to put it politely, sprawls on the bed like an impudent pig. It is obvious that one person is dominant and the other is in a secondary position. But most people don't want to be second fiddle! The degree of selfishness goes off scale, which is why the other half has to literally hang over the edge of the bed. If such inconveniences occur in your life, the time for a heart-to-heart conversation is ripe!

You can distinguish a “soldier” from a “general” in bed by the position of your head. A person who lies closer to the head of the bed tends to feel confident and dominant. And those who place their head further away from their back tend to be more submissive and have lower self-esteem. If the heads are nearby, this means equality of people. It’s even better if their heads touch, which means the partners’ minds are on the same wavelength.

After many months of dating, you finally decide to move in together. You happily move to your loved one, or he to you, and begin your life together.
In addition to the usual grinding in, which all couples go through sooner or later, in addition to everyday little things and daily routine, you have to change another important habit. So the battlefield is the bed.

The presence of another person in bed undoubtedly leaves an imprint on our posture. And if before this we were used to sleeping, spread wide across the entire bed, then we will have to make room and choose the most convenient option for everyone.
Co-sleeping doesn't mean you have to completely give up your favorite positions. It’s just that their arsenal will be replenished with “together” poses that will be comfortable for both partners.

The poses of partners can tell a lot about their relationship. They are a reflection of the emotional state of the couple and indicate a feeling of closeness.
Positions can be distinguished by the duration of the relationship. For example, the poses of people who have recently been together, or the poses of newlyweds, are characterized by passion and ardor. It is clear that the intensity of feelings and the peak of the relationship are in full swing. The postures of long-established couples and married people are less emotional. For them, a small touch of bodies in sleep, light touches with hands or feet are enough. Such poses indicate a friendly and calm atmosphere in the family.
Is our emotional condition also plays a big role in the choice of poses. If you are physically tired and exhausted, then it is likely that you will want to retire somewhere on the edge of the bed. During periods of quarrels and conflicts, couples can sleep not only away from each other, but even on different beds.

There are a number of so to speak “standard” poses for partners that can characterize their relationship.

Face to face.

The most sensual pose, talking about passionate relationships and passion between people. Even at night they cannot tear themselves away from each other, and they need full contact with their partner. In this position, lovers lie with their bodies hugged, their legs most often intertwined. This position is typical during periods of tension in relationships. In experienced couples, this position is less common, although it is also possible after a long separation. If a couple sleeps in this position for many years, this indicates that they have maintained the emotional uplift of their relationship. The level of the head may indicate leadership in the family - whose head is higher is the head of the family.
It is worth noting that this position is rather uncomfortable for sleeping, and it is difficult to sleep in such conditions.

Hugs from behind.

This pose is the most frank and sexy pose. Both sleepers lie on one side, pressed against each other. The legs can be extended or bent at the knees. The partner from behind hugs the other with his arms.
The distance between them indicates proximity - the denser, the closer. The partner hugging the other half in a couple is the follower, usually a man, although it also happens the other way around. A tight hug symbolizes the degree of leadership; the stronger, the greater the desire to control.
This pose does not always involve hugging; sometimes the touch of hands is enough. In this case we're talking about most likely about complete trust between partners, and freedom of action.
Too much distance may indicate that the partners are distant, or that there are some problems in the relationship. Partners often sleep in this position after a quarrel. In this case, the one who turns his back shows his resentment, and the second partner, on the contrary, shows a desire to reconcile.

Hugs on the back.

The man takes the “royal pose” - on his back, this position is typical for someone sleeping alone. In this case, the woman can be in different positions: on her side, facing the man, or with her back to him, on her stomach, on her back. The man hugs the woman with one hand, thereby showing his patronage and dominant role in the relationship. Most often, in this position, the woman’s head rests on the man’s shoulder, demonstrating complete trust and the need for protection.
The legs in this position can be relaxed and straightened, or intertwined.
If a woman lies on her stomach, hugging a man with one arm, then this indicates her great affection for him.

Back to back.

Most often, this position is typical for couples with experience. Partners who sleep at a distance with their backs turned to each other can have a rather cool, weakened relationship. The position of the bodies indicates a loss of interest in each other.
But you shouldn’t always interpret this position this way; perhaps, as mentioned above, this is an elementary indication of the partners’ fatigue, but in this case, such a position is resorted to occasionally.
Touching hands, feet or back in this position indicates emotional contact between two people, but at the same time, everyone has their own personal space.

The back-to-back pose, during which partners touch their buttocks, is called “Zen pose.”

This position of the bodies suggests that the partners are strong individuals who do not claim each other’s freedom, but at the same time maintain a close, indestructible connection.

You shouldn’t try on every characteristic of a pose so zealously. Often, due to habit and physical discomfort, our postures may be completely inconsistent with the emotional intimacy of our relationship. In the end, everyone is different.

The sleeper cannot control his subconscious, which manifests itself in the form of dreams, as well as those positions in which he usually freezes in sleep. Yes, throughout your sleep, your body position changes, and yet you can single out that single “figure” in which you fall asleep: it is this that can tell you about your character, what period in your life you are currently experiencing and what thoughts are in your mind. consciousness.

Psychologists believe that posture during sleep is of great importance for understanding the processes that occur in the body. this moment time in a person's life. Taking them into account, you can try to change something for the better.

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The meaning of a posture in a dream for a “loner”

If you sleep alone for some reason, your sleeping positions will tell a lot about your personality and how you feel about yourself. last period. Remember: how do you fall asleep? In what position are you most comfortable? It is by this that you need to judge what your subconscious is telling you.

On your back (royal pose)

An open pose of a sincere, but not protected personality. This is how those who trust people too much sleep, cannot see them as enemies and traitors, and always forgive everything. If you fall asleep on your back, you are very good, bright man, incapable of betrayal and treason. You always turn your face to people, without hiding or hiding. The only disadvantage of such people is that they do not know how to lie at all, so they often hurt even those closest to them, not understanding that sometimes it is better to remain silent than to express the bitter truth.

On the stomach

This body position is characteristic of hidden and closed people who skillfully hide all their feelings and intentions. A person who likes to sleep on his stomach can smile at others, have fun with everyone, while in his soul there will be darkness and blackness. It costs him nothing to lie, but he does it wisely, only for his own benefit, and not to the detriment of others. If this is how you sleep, you need to learn to trust people and approach life more simply. According to psychologists, the meaning of this position is that a person is very vulnerable, sensitive and prone to disappointment more often than others.

“Curl” (fetal position)

A very sweet and romantic pose, but it doesn’t mean anything good. People who are too insecure usually sleep in a curl. They are not just withdrawn, they are loners in life, they do not like company, they are much more comfortable and nice in their shell. And you can never guess what is on their mind, what they are thinking about and how, from which side to approach them. Very often such people are unrecognized geniuses. However, even the created shell will not be able to save them from the bitterness of disappointment in this life.

If you sleep in a ball, try to get out of your cocoon at least sometimes and communicate with people, because seclusion and loneliness have a very bad effect on the psyche. Most often, these are driven people who need care and protection.

On the side

The pose of being confident in oneself and in one’s abilities, harmonious person who knows what he wants from life and what goal he is striving for. He is not afraid to speak the truth face to face, although he knows very well when it can simply be kept silent in order to avoid critical and problematic situations. Such people can resist depression because they know how to combine work and leisure without taking on unnecessary worries. Those sleeping on the left side are very pleasant to talk to, charming people for whom all doors are open. Those who choose the right side to sleep are somewhat dry, but they can make an excellent career and gain universal respect.

These are the most common positions that a sleeping person assumes. And if one of them is yours, draw conclusions, be surprised, analyze and start changing something in your life if the conclusions do not suit you.

Positions while sleeping together

Most adults still sleep together, and the poses of lovers during sleep can be even more interesting to unravel, since their meaning will tell us what kind of true relationship binds the couple, who plays in it main role. Sometimes people think that they - perfect couple, but they fall asleep in different corners of the marital bed, and this is a very bad sign. Therefore, trying not to be disappointed, calmly analyze what positions you fall asleep in with your loved one.

Face to face

If you sleep face to face, with your bodies touching, this indicates a tender, trusting, very good relationship. Either newlyweds who are still enjoying their new impressions, or experienced spouses in whose relationship there has been an outburst of emotions and feelings can sleep this way. As a rule, this position causes both partners a lot of inconvenience, but people still sleep this way, thereby indicating that they are ready to overcome all trials and tribulations together.

Back to back, bodies touching

Couples who sleep this way are unlikely to experience an explosion of feelings and new emotions. As a rule, they have already gotten used to each other, passion has given way to serene, calm love. The meaning of this position in a dream for partners is more than clear - you respect each other, love, and tenderness and gratitude reign in your relationship.

Back to back, without touching bodies

It seems to be a slight deviation from the previous pose, but its meaning is exactly the opposite. This is how partners sleep who are tired of each other, do not want to live together, perhaps even have connections on the other side. This is either a marriage of convenience, or it is already on the verge of collapse, and the days of such a couple are numbered.

"High Chair"

If lovers sleep sideways, clinging to each other (either the guy hugs the girl from the back, or she hugs him), this position indicates emotional and physical intimacy - very strong and real.

By deciphering the meaning of posture during sleep, you can understand yourself and the nature of the relationship that you have with your partner. This will help you change something, somehow improve your condition, accept correct solution and look from the outside and at yourself. Do not ignore your subconscious: only it can tell you what is going on in the depths of your soul.

This is interesting: Defining

What do our sleep positions mean?

In what strange exotic positions we sometimes sleep... But pose can say a lot!

The point is that we consciously o We do not choose the position in which we will sleep. This is the work of our subconscious, which intuitively strives to find the most optimal position for falling asleep and further maximum rest. Find a position that will characterize you, your attitude to life and its problems.

It would seem like a trifle - how do we sleep? But it turns out... hello again from the subconscious...

Poses of a person in a dream - the meaning of how character is reflected

Postures while sleeping you can’t control it, you can’t impose social prohibitions and penalties... Of course, when falling asleep, you can fold your arms prayerfully or put on a pious expression on your face, but as soon as you fall asleep, everything immediately changes. You become who you are. And this is without embellishment and deception...

The average person changes his position up to 30 times during sleep, and the person is restless, with a lot of chronic diseases capable of turning up to 100 times per night. However, for psychological analysis we will take the positions in which a person sleeps most often.

Sleep position "Fetus"

The pose comes from childhood, almost embryonic. A person sleeping in this position is in great need of protection and care. He does not feel confident, open, safe. Often this pose is combined with covering oneself completely with a blanket - wrapping oneself in a cocoon. A person can clasp his knees or hug a pillow in a dream, looking for reliability and solidity in the pose. Exacerbation - covering oneself with one's head. The latter simply screams about psychological problems.

A weak, unprotected child at heart, although during the day she could be a forty-year-old woman with a load of problems and family troubles. He is looking for a strong, friendly shoulder, a person who will take on the burden of responsibility. It's easier to be dependent; leadership skills are lacking.

Doctor's comment: Sleep in this position is often superficial, restless, typical for people suffering.

"Royal pose" of sleep

The calmest and most relaxed pose of a confident person. Security, confidence, strength - that's what this pose radiates. The person who most often sleeps like this is open to the world and willingly accepts its gifts.

Strong leadership skills, career ambitions, active life position. He will find a way out of any situation, and more often he simply will not find himself in a position from which he will have to wriggle out.

A variation of the “royal pose” is the position "starfish".

The pose is also on the back, only the limbs are spread wide.

Speaks of great inner freedom, the desire to control the situation, dominance in everything. They strive to be the center of attention and love comfort.

Such a person often has blankets flying off his bed (and sometimes his sleep partners! Just kidding), he does not tolerate interference in his affairs, independence from conventions and social norms.

Doctor's comment: the royal pose is good for people with weak hearted and with a tendency to hypertension. This position is also more physiological for patients

Stomach sleeping position (prostrate position)

Sleeping on your stomach is associated with the need to control space. Usually precise, neat, sometimes even scrupulous people sleep this way. Attentive to details, obligatory, demands the same from others.

There is an increased need to be aware of everything, to control the situation, to be prepared for the unexpected, and it is difficult to perceive criticism.

A variation of the “prostrate pose” is heron pose

Heron pose speaks of an ambivalent attitude towards the world; these people are unpredictable, stubborn, capricious. People of “mood”, they are characterized by hesitation in decision-making and indecision.

This article Dear friends, let me open most interesting topic about body language.

Have you ever wondered why you like to sleep on your back or side, curled up, or with your feet under the mattress?

Meanwhile, they are full of meaning, they reflect his essence, image and style of life, line of behavior.

Body language (facial expressions, gestures and postures) contains 80% of information about a person and is conditioned, which cannot be faked.

So says Allan Pease, an outstanding specialist in the field of human relationships, who wrote the book “Body Language”.

While we are awake, if we wish and using strict self-control, we can control our body movements. However, at night, self-control is impossible, because our consciousness is at rest, body movements and postures are dictated by our subconscious, and they openly talk about our fears, experiences, and preferences.

Famous psychologists Samuel Dunkell, Dale Carnegie, Sigmund Freud and somnologists agree that a person’s posture in sleep best characterizes his physical and mental state.

Let's look at and analyze the main postures, and Samuel Dunkell, a doctor and psychoanalyst, and his book “Sleeping Postures” will help us with this. Night language bodies."

Basic sleep positions

During a night's sleep, a sleeping person changes his body position from 25 to 30 times. And if he is sick or in under stress, then more than 100 times. This means large movements and significant movements of the entire body.

Studies have shown that the sleeper takes ten or more different positions in his sleep, but basically they are mirror images of each other. If we look at these mirror poses from a psychological point of view, they are one and the same thing. In addition, many poses are intermediate and short-term.

Samuel Dunkell divides all poses into “Alpha” and “Omega”:

  • Initial or "alpha" pose. The body position in which we fall asleep.
  • Basic or "omega" pose. The position in which we are comfortable, we return to it every now and then during sleep, and in it we most often wake up in the morning. This pose is the main one and should be considered in the analysis.

Dr. Samuel highlighted 4 main (basic) “omega poses”:

1. "Embryo".
2. “Stretched out.”
3. "On your back."
4. “Half-embryo.”

Germ. In this pose, the whole body is curled up, the knees are bent, and the knees are pulled as close to the chin as possible. A person lying in this position tends to cover his face and center of the body, clasping his legs with his arms and palms, and closing them in a ring. Hiding internal organs, the sleeper sometimes hugs a pillow or blanket.

Analysis: a person is like a tightly curled bud; he does not allow himself to open up to the events of life, its joys and difficulties, and therefore does not use his life potential to the fullest. Typically, such people sleep in the upper corners of the bed, facing away from the wall.

While awake, they experience a high need for protection, a point of support (loved one, family, children) around which they can organize their lives and will depend on it. They adhere to a dependent line of behavior that was formed in early years, and provided them with security of existence.

Prostrate. A person lies face down, his arms are most often thrown above his head, while his legs are straight and extended, and his feet are spread apart. The sleeper seems to be protecting himself from the surprises and troubles that he expects.

The pose reflects the desire to dominate the space of the bed, embracing it as fully as possible. If it is not possible to capture the necessary space in bed, a person feels vulnerable.

Analysis. While awake, people who prefer this position experience a similar need to control their living space and the events in it.

They are vulnerable, do not like surprises, and organize their life activities in such a way as to avoid any surprises. They are characterized by punctuality and self-discipline, accuracy and diligence in achieving their ideal of a measured and predictable world.

Sleeping on your back or the “royal” position. The arms of a person lying on his back lie freely on the sides of the body, and his legs are turned out and free, they are not scattered chaotically to the sides, but are not closed either.

Analysis: There is an old proverb: “Kings sleep on their backs, wise men on their sides, rich men on their stomachs.” Dr. Samuel was convinced more than once that a person sleeping on his back feels like a king not only in his dreams, but also in life. These people, as a rule, were children in childhood who were loved and surrounded with increased attention.

“Royal” is the pose of a confident, straightforward, decent, simple-minded, sometimes rude person. In life, he is a leader who persistently achieves his goals, or a headstrong stubborn person who defends his opinion.

It is very difficult to convince the “king”. Accustomed from childhood to being the center of attention, he adult life strives in any society (in the family, in the company of friends, in professional activity) take a dominant position.

Regardless of the type of activity, people who take the “royal” pose in a dream feel completely safe, have strength of personality and confidence in their abilities. They are ready to openly and joyfully accept the world as it is, and feel their unity with it.

The desire to occupy the center of the bed and the face turned upward indicates the neatness and rationalism of a person.

Important. If you begin to wake up in a royal position with your hands behind your head, and this position in your sleep was not typical for you before, undergo a cardiac examination. Perhaps this is a sign of problems with the heart.

"Half-embryo". The most common position in sleep. According to a 1909 study by Boris Sidney at Harvard, right-handers sleep primarily on their right side, while left-handers sleep primarily on their left.

The advantage of this position is the physical comfort of the sleeper:

In this position, when the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body retains heat better, while air circulates freely around the body.

The center of the body and the heart, the most important organ, are well protected.

The pose allows you to roll over from one side to the other without completely disrupting the configuration of the body. In the “prostrate”, “fetal” and “on the back” poses there is much less opportunity to move without violating the accepted body position.

Analysis: Physical comfort and common sense posture characterize the degree of adaptation of a person to the world.

Usually people who choose this pose are reliable and balanced. They adapt to the conditions of existence without undue stress. Their psyche is stable, they do not need to control the space in bed, they do not curl up into a “fetus” in order to find protection from the uncertainty of the future.

So, each person has his own individual set of body movements. The complexity of a person's character is reflected in the number of positions he takes in his sleep and in the unique combination that he chooses. Many of us can take two or three postures during the night that are important for analysis.

Posture changes during the night.

For example, you can fall asleep in the “royal” position and wake up in the “fetal” or “semi-fetal” position. What could this mean?

In wakefulness, a person considers himself the ruler of his world, the “king” of the situation. And when he falls asleep, he no longer needs to “keep his mark” either in front of others or in front of himself. In sleep, the restraining centers are silent and people behave like children sincerely and directly, which is manifested in postures.

A majestic and confident person during the day, who falls asleep in a “royal” pose, in a dream takes a pose that reflects his deep attitude to the world, he can show himself to be completely different - sensitive and vulnerable. The “royal” pose represents one aspect of his personality, but it is far from the main one.


The pose we most often take in our sleep reflects our true attitude towards the world and ourselves.

As you can see, the sleeping postures carry a deep meaning, but it is very important to avoid a simplified approach when analyzing, because the position of the body in a dream is influenced by many reasons.

Factors affecting the posture of a sleeping person

General physical state and diseases:

pain in the stomach can force you to sleep lying on your back, covering the painful area with your hand. For pain in the shoulder or hip, the person will sleep on their healthy side. People suffering from heart pain and respiratory ailments often sleep sitting up with pillows around themselves.

With sleep disturbances, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time and tosses and turns, taking the most comfortable position, but not typical for him.

When illnesses go away or painful sensations are removed with the help of analgesics, the person returns to his characteristic posture.

Ambient temperature. If it’s cold, we curl up and diligently wrap ourselves in a blanket. When it’s hot, on the contrary, we open up and spread our legs and arms as far as possible to the sides, trying to increase heat transfer.

Excessive lighting . We cover our heads, turn to the wall, cover our eyes with our hands.

All these factors should be taken into account when interpreting the sleeping position.

We have looked at the main four poses, which can be transformed into a “sphinx”, “swastika”, “mummy” and so on. , and also, we’ll talk in the following publications.