Gia schedule for all subjects. Compulsory and optional subjects for the OGE

As before, in 2017, Russian ninth graders are waiting for the GIA (State Final Attestation) - mandatory exams for high school graduates. The form and tasks are the same for all participants. This makes the GIA a prototype - the Unified State Exam, which is taken by eleventh graders.

Despite the obvious shortcomings of certification, rumors about its abolition did not justify themselves. The Ministry of Education and Science will improve the system of assessing the knowledge of ninth-graders through systematic changes in the structure of the State Academic Examination. The first innovations will appear in the 2016-2017 academic year. So, what do the guys who finish the 9th grade need to be prepared for?

It is likely that the number of exams in the GIA-2017 will be expanded to five!

GVE and OGE - who gives what?

Speaking of the GIA, it is worth deciphering these abbreviations first. Very often they confuse the participants of certification. On the Internet, you can find information according to which they are new types of exams that can be taken instead of the GIA. But this is far from the truth. GVE and OGE - two forms of exams (GIA) for ninth graders. Without passing them, you cannot go to grade 10 or go to college and technical school.

  • GVE (State final exam) rented by pupils of institutions of a closed type (boarding schools, colonies for minors), as well as students of foreign schools and children with disabilities.
  • OGE (Basic State Exam) is carried out using the so-called KIMs - control and measuring materials. It is the OGE that the rest of the ninth graders pass, regardless of the form of education (full-time, part-time, home).

Features of the

The basic rules of certification have not changed. As you know, until 2014, GIA participants took four compulsory subjects. Then the number of exams was reduced to two: Russian language and mathematics. As a result, most students refused to take additional subjects, which had a negative impact on the level of their general knowledge. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Science is gradually increasing the number of exams. In 2016, there will again be 4 of them, in 2017-2018 - 5, and by 2020 it is planned to conduct a knowledge test in 6 subjects.

Mandatory subjects for GIA-2017

So, each ninth grader must pass:

  • Russian language
  • mathematics

Mathematics will be one of the compulsory subjects in GIA-2017

Electives at GIA-2017

The remaining items for delivery will be selected from the list:

  • biology
  • social science
  • physics
  • Informatics
  • chemistry
  • geography
  • English language
  • story
  • literature
  • Spanish language
  • French
  • German

If students study a regional (native) language and literature, they can be assessed for this course.

Retake the GIA

Scores for compulsory exams will be included in the certificate. Students who earn an unsatisfactory grade in one or more subjects will receive a document on secondary education only after successfully retaking the exams. The second chance will be given only to those who "flunked" no more than two courses. It will be possible to retake the GIA until September 1, 2017.

It is assumed that from 2017, the scale for evaluating work will be made not by regional, but by state departments. Thus, the calculation of results will become more fair and transparent. Back in 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science allowed to postpone the dates and place of delivery of the GIA in the event of a natural disaster, man-made disaster and other emergency situations.

The examination procedure remains the same. Until 2014, students took 4 compulsory subjects, but then the number was reduced to 2. This innovation had a negative impact on the general level of preparation of schoolchildren, since most of the students refused to take exams in additional subjects, there were about 10% who wanted to, so the Ministry of Education and Science again decided to increase the number of exams. Due to the small number of subjects taken, there was a significant lack of knowledge among students in certain areas.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only 2 compulsory subjects and, if desired, could take exams in two more disciplines. But already this year the changes will come into force, now schoolchildren will take 4 exams - 2 mandatory and 2 randomly selected.

OGE-2017. USE tests-2017

OGE-2017. Schedule of the OGE 2017

the date



early period

geography, informatics and ICT

geography, informatics and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

history, chemistry

history, chemistry

math B, P


foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology, physics

social science, literature

social science, literature

reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history

reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, history

reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics



foreign languages

foreign languages

literature, history, biology, physics

Russian language

Russian language

informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

reserve: foreign language

reserve: foreign language

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

main stage

the date



foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

geography, informatics and ICT

geography, informatics and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

math B

math B

history, biology, physics, literature

mathematics P

physics, computer science and ICT

physics, computer science and ICT

social science

social science



physics, literature

physics, literature

social science, geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

chemistry, history

chemistry, history

reserve: informatics and ICT, history, biology, literature

reserve: geography, informatics and ICT

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: biology, history foreign languages

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: social science, geography, physics, chemistry

reserve: math B, math P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

Additional period (September terms)

the date



Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

math B




literature, history, biology, physics

literature, history, biology, physics

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, geography

foreign languages

foreign languages

reserve: mathematics B, Russian language

reserve: mathematics, Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: geography, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, literature

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

  • athletes: traveling to training camps, competitions, reviews, candidates for the national teams of the Russian Federation;
  • participants of international Olympiads for schoolchildren, contests and competitions;
  • students sent for treatment and preventive measures;
  • graduates of schools abroad or traveling abroad to continue their studies.

In additional terms, but no later than the beginning of the next academic year, they can take:

  • graduates who missed OGE 2017 for a good reason;
  • studying abroad;
  • received an unsatisfactory rating.

OGE-2017. How do the results of the OGE affect the school certificate?

Grades for OGE 2017 they do not go directly to the certificate, but they influence it. Moreover, if earlier this was true only for the main subjects - the Russian language and mathematics - then with 2017 years, the results will also affect the grades in the certificate OGE optionally.

How this will be done is still unknown. Judging by the latest edition of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates, for the final grades in Russian language and mathematics, the rule is true: grade for the year X grade for the exam / 2 = grade in the certificate rounded up. That is, the combination of grades "5" and "4" will still give "5" in the certificate, the combination of "4" and "3" - "4" in the certificate. It is logical to assume that the same mechanism will continue for items of choice.

Only two subjects can be retaken this year. In case of failure of the exams in two subjects at once or in one subject twice, the certificate is not issued, and retake will be possible no earlier than September 1, 2017.

OGE-2017. OGE and GVE - and again the final exam

Recently, unfamiliar abbreviations have begun to appear more and more often on the Internet (and not only there) - OGE and GVE, often interpreted as "new exams" or "exams that now need to be taken instead of the GIA and the Unified State Examination." The further such “discussions” went, the more confusion they caused in the minds of high school students who were already tired of endless school reforms. But there is nothing complicated here. Let's figure it out together.

We didn’t have time to get used to the fact that after the ninth grade you need to take GIA, and after the eleventh - USE how some other OGE and GVE appeared. The decoding of these abbreviations - "Basic State Exam" and "State Final Exam" - does not bring any clarity. Where did they come from? What is the difference? Do they now exist instead of GIA?

What is OGE?

In fact, everything is simple. Recall, first of all, that since 2014 the GIA (State Final Attestation) has become mandatory for all ninth-graders in Russia. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013, the GIA 2015 is held in two forms - the OGE in the 9th grade and the GVE in the 9th grade. Let's take an excerpt from the same order (with some abbreviations):

GIA is carried out:

a) in the form of the main state exam (hereinafter - OGE) using control measuring materials ... (hereinafter - KIM) - for students of educational organizations, including foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, refugees and internally displaced persons who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in full-time, full-time - in absentia or correspondence forms, as well as for persons who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in the form of family education or self-education and are admitted to the State Academic Examination this year;

b) in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (hereinafter referred to as the state final exam, GVE) - for students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in special educational and educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions, serving a sentence of imprisonment, ... as well as for students with disabilities, students of disabled children and disabled people who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education.

What is GVE?

Grade 9 students who do not have health restrictions or are not studying in special institutions of a closed type will take the GIA in the form of the OGE, that is, according to standard tests - KIMs. And 9th graders with appropriate restrictions pass the GIA in the form of GVE.

In the GVE format, the USE is also taken by 11-graders of the same category (having appropriate restrictions).

OGE-2017. How much time is allocated for passing the OGE?

In 2017, for passing the Basic State Exam (OGE) in the 9th grade, the following amount of time is allotted for each subject.

OGE-2017. What OGE subjects are required to be taken?

All ninth graders are required to take four subjects OGE 2017: Russian, Mathematics and two by choice. At their discretion, students choose two exams from the following list of subjects:

  • biology;
  • social science;
  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • English language;
  • story;
  • literature;
  • Spanish language;
  • French;
  • German.

State exams after the ninth grade are needed to get a certificate of incomplete (secondary) education. In addition, by concentrating on several state exams, you will gain the experience of preparing for the exam, which is necessary for entering universities.

Recall that for university admissions committees, the sum of USE scores is important, so the result for each exam is important.

OGE-2017. What can be used at the OGE?

When passing certain subjects when passing the State Final Attestation (GIA), it is possible and necessary to use permitted reference and computational materials.

Below is a list of permitted supplementary materials.

Russian language - spelling dictionary;
- mathematics (algebra) - a table of squares of two-digit numbers, formulas for the roots of a quadratic equation, factorization of a square trinomial, formulas for the n-th member and the sum of the first n members of an arithmetic and geometric progression. Calculators are not used in the exam;
- physics - a non-programmable calculator (for each student) and experimental equipment;
- chemistry - periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev; table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water; electrochemical series of voltages of metals; non-programmable calculator;
- biology - no additional materials are used;
- geography - a ruler, a non-programmable calculator and geographical atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9 (any publisher);
- social studies - no additional materials are used;
- history of Russia - no additional materials are used;
- Literature - full texts of works of art and collections of lyrics;
- computer science - for parts 1 and 2 no additional materials are used, for part 3 - a computer with software familiar to the student;
- English / German / French / Spanish - sound reproducing and recording equipment for listening and recording the answer to an oral question.

OGE-2017. If you got a "deuce" and how to retake the OGE

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade in one or two subjects, the graduate is allowed to retake the subject at an additional time before the start of the next academic year.

In case of non-receipt of a satisfactory grade and on retake, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was obtained, and only these subjects can be retaken next year.

In this article, we will try to clarify the main points that relate to the retake GIA-9. If you have any further questions, please contact your local school or education department.

You can pass the State final certification for the 9th grade several times, in the current year or next. There is main spring-summer period with reserve dates and two additional: in August and September. The exam review takes approximately 10 days.

If you couldn't get through GIA-9 during the main period due to illness or other valid circumstances, then subjects of choice can be handed over later, on reserve days. BUT from the 2016/17 academic year the opportunity to retake optional subjects before the start of another academic year(until September 1. – Note.) has appeared.

retake GIA-9 in the current calendar year you can if you:

  • received unsatisfactory results in compulsory subjects;
  • could not come to the exam for a good reason and documented this;
  • could not complete the exam for good reasons and documented this;
  • filed an appeal about the violation of the procedure for conducting the exam, and it was satisfied by the conflict commission;
  • received 0 points from the SEC due to violations of the established procedure for conducting the exam.

These rules have nuances. If you received "fail" one compulsory subject, then it can be retaken in August. At the same time, schoolchildren with a satisfied appeal or work canceled by the SEC can go through the GIA-9 again.

When “blockage” of both Russian and mathematics pass GIA-9 you can again in September (since it is believed that a new school year begins on September 1. - Note.). Also in the fall, those who for valid reasons, I could not pass a compulsory subject in August. But there is one important condition: in this case you don't get a certificate. After passing GIA-9 in September, there may be several options for the development of events: go to college, re-go to 9th grade, or study the 10th grade program at home on your own (and take the GIA again next year, plus credits for 10th grade).

In all cases of re-delivery GIA-9 must apply for the exam.

To start a conversation about state exams in the 9th grade in 2017 should be from the background. The so-called main state exam (common abbreviation - OGE) for high school graduates using KIMs, a kind of analogue, appeared in Russia back in 2002 (formerly called GIA). This system of control over the knowledge of students immediately had both supporters and opponents - disputes between them have not subsided so far. Perhaps that is why the procedure and essence of the OGE has been subject to adjustments more than once.

How has the OGE changed since its inception?

For 12 years, until 2014, ninth-graders inevitably took 4 subjects. Then there was a noticeable simplification - the number of compulsory subjects decreased to only two (Russian language plus mathematics). And 2 subjects were additional, students could choose them themselves from an extensive list or choose nothing at all. The results of these exams did not affect the grades in the certificate and the possibility of obtaining this document. In other words, in order to have an incomplete secondary education, it was necessary to pass Russian and mathematics for a weak “C grade”. Some students took advantage of this situation.

Let's take a look at some numbers. In 2014, a little more than 1 million 180 thousand ninth-graders passed the Russian language and mathematics within the framework of the OGE. And social science was chosen by only 9 percent of this number of students, biology - only 3 percent, and history - 0.9 percent. Other data suggests that those who wanted to take additional exams in 2014 and 2015 averaged about 10% - a rather small figure.

Not so long ago, the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, lamented that some elective subjects (history, geography, etc.) were chosen by students less and less. Actual knowledge in these subjects has seriously fallen. The catch was that effective mechanisms for controlling this knowledge simply did not exist.

In this 2016, something will change - fundamentally new standards will be introduced into practice. Now students within the framework of the OGE will show knowledge in four disciplines without fail. These are all the same Russian, mathematics and 2 more disciplines of your own choice.

OGE 2017: number of exams

In 2017, even more innovations are planned, this has already been clearly and unambiguously stated in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. First of all, parents are interested, understanding the intricacies of the OGE 2017, how many subjects their children will have to take. The answer to this question will be a modified line of Alla Pugacheva's song: "For some reason, they will load more and more of them."

In accordance with the plans of Rosobrnadzor, those who graduated from the ninth grade in 2017 will have to take five exams, but to date there has been no official confirmation of this project. First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Natalya Tretyak proposed leaving two compulsory, and increasing elective disciplines to three. At the same time, there is no talk of expanding the number of compulsory subjects. Such freedom of choice will help students to concentrate on the desired sciences.

The results of four out of five exams, and this is also a fundamental thing, will affect the grades of the certificate, the refusal or permission to issue it.

And in the future, it is planned to take into account the results of all exams passed within the framework of the OGE in the certificate. Now the Ministry of Education and Science declares that the number of subjects in the future will systematically increase further. So, in 2020, ninth grade graduates will have to pass exams in six disciplines. It turns out that every two years one subject will be added. There is no talk of expanding the number of compulsory subjects yet.

Retake and other nuances of the OGE 2017

Retake is a topic that also excites schoolchildren and parents and requires coverage. The OGE exams in 2017 suggest that only 2 subjects can be retaken promptly. If the student receives an unsatisfactory grade, for example, in three or four subjects, then he will be able to retake them only in the next academic year, that is, in September. In fact, this means leaving "for the second year."

Another important innovation: the OGE in 2017, its conduct, will be controlled not by regional centers, as is happening now, but by a state commission that is not subordinate to local leadership. The specialists included in these commissions will not know whose work they are checking, and this will exclude the possibility of all sorts of fraud and fraud, and will make the calculation of the final results more objective.

And finally, one more important nuance. In the official documents on the OGE this and next year, it is specifically noted that the date and place where the exams are organized can be postponed in case of force majeure situations (man-made and natural disasters are indicated first). Previously, there was no such provision.

Pros and cons of increasing the number of exams in the OGE 2017

It would seem that everything is correct and logical: these initiatives have been put forward, and in part have already been adopted in order to improve the basic education and the level of knowledge of schoolchildren. And this will surely make some of them take their studies more seriously and, perhaps, even think about choosing a profession. Attention is also drawn to the fact that the OGE in this format will make it possible to better prepare for the main headache of all schoolchildren - the notorious USE.

But there are those who doubt the usefulness of this approach, increasing the number of disciplines that need to be taken. After all, for a certain group of students, in this case, the risk of being completely left without a certificate and incomplete secondary education increases. And this is fraught with the deprivation of many chances and prospects in life. Pupils can, as they say, be left on the sidelines due to teenage infantilism, not realizing how important the tests that are offered to them are.

Whether these fears will be confirmed, whether there will be a further increase in exams for ninth graders and how schoolchildren will cope with them, we will see soon. Not much time left until next year. In any case, it is important for parents and students to reliably and timely find out how many exams are taken in the 9th grade in 2017. New draft laws can be published in February-March and will be posted on a single information disclosure portal without fail. They will be implemented only after a comprehensive discussion with the participation of the expert community. Having information about the changes in the OGE in full, it will be easier to qualitatively prepare for them. And the sooner such training begins, the greater the likelihood of good points.

Also interesting:

On June 6, 2017, Russian ninth-graders will write an important mandatory exam - the OGE in mathematics. Strictly speaking, testing of schoolchildren is called GIA, but it is carried out in two formats: the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (for children with disabilities, abbreviated GVE).

Articles about answers in other subjects:

  • Answers to the OGE in English (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Spanish (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in French (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in German (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in the Russian language (May 30, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in history (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in biology (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Literature (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in physics (June 1 and 3, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Informatics (June 3 and 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in social studies (June 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in chemistry (June 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in geography (June 8, 2017)

Changes in the OGE 2017 in mathematics

No significant changes were made to the OGE 2017 in mathematics. But this does not mean at all that you should rely on the advice of those who have already passed the OGE and try to find 2016 KIMS in the Network. Every year, the exam does not repeat the same type of questions, because a whole group of highly qualified experts is working on the tasks for the GIA.

The OGE exam in mathematics consists of two parts. The first is aimed at checking the achievement of the level of basic training, the second - at identifying knowledge of the material at higher levels necessary for admission to technical universities. The first part of the OGE consists of three modules - "Algebra", "Geometry" and "Real Mathematics". The second level of the exam is testing in the sections "Algebra" and "Geometry".

In the first part of the OGE in mathematics, the simplest questions are provided: the choice of one or more answers from the proposed ones, tasks with a short answer and tasks for correspondence.

The Algebra module of the OGE in mathematics contains tasks on arithmetic, algebraic expressions and their transformations, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and numerical sequences.

In the "Geometry" module of the OGE in mathematics - geometric shapes and their properties, measurement of geometric shapes, coordinates, vectors.

The second part of the OGE in mathematics is needed to divide schoolchildren with a good level of knowledge according to the levels of preparation. In these tasks, you need to show on the form of the OGE all the steps for solving problems, arranged in increasing complexity.

Answers to the OGE 2017 in mathematics

If you type in the search engine “Answers to the OGE on June 6, 2016”, then many sites or pages on social networks will appear that allegedly have the original KIMs of 2017. All you need to do is to transfer a certain amount to the scammers, and then, perhaps, you will become the owner of answers to the exam tasks of the OGE (USE) in mathematics and enter the university of your dreams ...

Have you already imagined the happy moment of admission? It's too early to rejoice. Hundreds of swindlers profit from dishonest graduates, who simply earn money in this way. It is unlikely that you will get anything at all after you pay for "real answers to the OGE GIA on June 6, 2017." Maximum - the official demonstration version of KIM 2017 or the standard exam version of the OGE.

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