Tablets and medications for dogs against diarrhea: a list of effective and safe remedies. Trichopolum for cats - indications and dosage

Hello Deniska!

I am contacting you by urgent matter. Because I noticed that you are experienced in such matters. May the forum members forgive me (if anyone can help in this matter, then I also really ask)!

The situation is similar to the first message-appeal. My baby has reached the 5th month (born May 21, 2012) Lately(and this has been for about 3 weeks) periodically (not with every stool, maybe after 2-5 days, on the third stool on the same day) in the stool, at the end, are present bloody issues. As a rule, at this time, the stool becomes liquid, puree-like or something (if you can compare it that way) and sometimes watery with mucus - and the urge to push after such a stool is more frequent, and at the end of such pushing there are liquid drops with the presence of bloody discharge. As far as I remember, the stool was some kind of brownish-green color (they say the color also depends on the food, the fact that the teeth change can also change the color and shape - to be honest, the head is already mounded, I don’t know what to think). Not always clearly designed! Just the other day we pooped twice brown poops(which is very rare), shaped like clear sausages, and the next time that day in the evening (or maybe the next) it will be less shaped, and even later it may become liquid and either with or without blood impurities. (I even have a photo I can attach if needed) And today, at about three o’clock, I pooped mushy and the color of the stool was white; there were also Christmas tree needles in the stool, and it looked like a cat’s fur, ruffling it. This is the first time! Before this, today I pooped in different shapes, little shape and runny at the end without blood (they say anal glands cleans, but there should be no blood). And now it’s the same greenish color again at the end, thinner and with some blood in it.

The temperature now at 17:10 is -37.9, previously it was normal 38-38.4 (it has never been higher). The dog's condition is normal - playful and cheerful.

He likes to chew sticks - he chewed a lot of them, swallowed small pebbles (I found pebbles and Christmas tree needles and twigs in poop and stole pieces of a sponge - in general, there’s enough of everything) - So I attribute the situation to this more than to unsuitable food , since I’ve already read a little information in the topic about diarrhea and bloody stools. But everything is individual, right?

They changed the front teeth (before September 17, the change of teeth began, now the front ones all seem to be new) they say this may be the case.

Our food "Eukanuba" for puppies large breeds. The dose of food per day is 400-500 g. Weight is approximately 16 - 17 kg. Before it all started, I fed him with cottage cheese 5 times and 9% (but a couple of times that was a long time ago) and kefir 2.5%. Then I thought that this could be the reason and removed it from the diet. I haven’t given it to her for a long time. I now started giving vitamins with probiotics (8th day) WOLMAR WINSOME PRO BIO BOOSTER Ca MINI 180 tablets. (after that, our first poop started to look like a sausage, but not all the time, it might become liquid again).

We got the first vaccination on July 30 at 2 months (and it turns out that 10 days before it we were dewormed (July 19-20) Prazicide suspension 40 - no worms were found).

Perhaps I didn’t remember and indicate everything, but this is approximately the situation. If you need it for information, the breeders fed the puppies, according to their words, Pedigri, but when the puppy was being transported in the car, he vomited potatoes and, apparently, pumpkin - not yet digested (maybe he got seasick), but not Pedigri. My sister had it too small problems with digestion, since the breeders fed Pedigri puppies, the owner of the father fed Royal Canin and bought her this food, according to her owner "(chair with no big amount mucus and blood). The veterinarian said that this could be from a sudden change in food, or a reaction to one of its components. Now we eat Bosch with lamb and rice for puppies + bifidumbacterin. It feels good."

Help me please!!! They didn’t contact veterinarians, although I thought about it, but the reputation of local veterinarians does not inspire confidence from the stories of familiar dog lovers. I don’t know what to think and what to do - I’m worried.

Labrador for the first time in our family. Before this, they didn’t even know that they had such problems, that they were actually gentle, despite their impressive-looking appearance!

Modified on September 26, 2012 by Elena B.

Metronidazole - effective antibiotic, which is widely used in veterinary medicine. This drug is produced by Krympharma. Country of origin - Russia. This medicine Available in tablet and powder form.

The drug contains active substance Metronidazole. One gram of powder contains 250 mg active substance. The tablets contain 25%/50% active substance, depending on their weight, and have a bitter taste.

Indications and contraindications, side effects

Contraindications to the use of the drug are intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, allergies and liver failure. Suitable for animals of any age. Side effects include illness gastrointestinal tract, defeats nervous system, allergic reactions and increased urination.

From the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, constipation, and decreased nutrition appear. Damages to the nervous system include fatigue, apathy, dizziness, depression, increased activity and drowsiness. Fever may occur, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Indications for use include diseases such as:

  • skin diseases;
  • postpartum infections;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, you should follow safety rules when working with the medication. Before working with the drug, you must wash your hands with soap. During the manipulations, you should not smoke, eat or drink drinks.

After finishing working with the medication, you need to wash your hands. It is recommended to avoid direct contact with the drug. If the antibiotic gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse the contact area with plenty of water. If the drug enters the body, you must immediately contact the nearest medical institution for help.

During treatment it is necessary to observe correct mode for an animal. To avoid scratches and injuries from animals while taking the drug orally, you need to wrap your pet in a towel or any other soft cloth. For convenience, injections can be given by a veterinarian.

Exist certain rules Treatments for diarrhea in an animal that should be followed:

  1. 1. crush half the tablet;
  2. 2. dilute the tablet with water;
  3. 3. pour the solution into the syringe;
  4. 4. pour the solution into oral cavity animal or mixed with food.

Storage conditions: at temperature conditions from -10 to +40 °C. The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children. Shelf life: three years from the date of production. After the expiration date, the use of the medication should be discontinued.

Dosage and regimen of use

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian depending on the weight of the pet, the severity of the pathology and individual characteristics. The average dose of the drug is 10 mg/kg of animal weight. On average, the medicine needs to be given to your pet 2 times a day.

Since diarrhea is a phenomenon that often occurs in dogs, every experienced dog breeder knows several simple remedies used to relieve diarrhea. Some of them are known to everyone (ordinary carbon, not even activated), some are more often used in medicine, but their use in veterinary medicine is not prohibited. You just need to remember that anti-diarrhea medications for dogs should not be given “just like that” or at random.. Firstly, it wouldn't hurt to consult your veterinarian anyway. Secondly, it is advisable to at least approximately understand the mechanism of their action and those cases when a particular drug can be used and when it is strictly prohibited.

Activated carbon is a product that can easily be found in every home medicine cabinet. Frankly speaking, it was used even before our era. Of course, then no one activated coal, but used ordinary burnt wood (except birch and coniferous species). The product obtained by firing alder is especially good. By the way, what is good about coal in general, why is it used for diarrhea and poisoning? The fact is that this material has excellent adsorbing properties. Simply put, it can absorb large volumes of various liquids and compounds. When it is “activated,” the number of pores responsible for the absorption process increases sharply, as a result of which the activity of the drug increases.

Its other advantage is absorbed compounds do not come back out. Thus, charcoal is good for intoxication of the body. It adsorbs toxins and other harmful substances, the load on the liver and kidneys is reduced, making it much easier for the pet’s body to overcome the consequences pathological condition. How and for how long can it be given to dogs? Let us say right away that there have been no cases of coal overdose during the entire period of its use. However, if you give it too much, the dog is guaranteed “reinforced concrete” constipation. The optimal dose is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of live weight.

But there is one problem. Of course, it does not have a special taste, but still it is not particularly attractive to dogs. Add it to food? Of course, dogs with color vision have problems, but still food with unusual appearance few people will eat. Finally, when strong appetite the pet may be completely absent. So the coal must first be crushed to the state of “pollen”. After this, it is diluted with water so that a semi-liquid slurry is obtained. It is poured directly into the dog’s throat using a syringe (you can use a Janet syringe).

If the animal vomits, it's okay. This is even better - the “waste” coal will leave the dog’s body. Repeat the procedure again. As a rule, after two or three “fills” the pet’s condition already improves significantly.

Proper use of Levomycetin

– a “classical” medical drug, often used to relieve severe diarrhea. But how justified is its use in veterinary medicine? Experienced specialists do not recommend using it: the medicine causes many side effects in animals, some of which can be very severe. In particular, because of him may appear severe vomiting , sometimes allergic reactions develop, the drug puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. In addition, the product is very bitter, and therefore giving it to a dog is a very difficult matter.

So why do veterinarians still use it, despite all the “side effects” and other negative aspects? It's simple - this drug works well against pathogenic protozoa, which are often the cause of diarrhea in dogs (giardia, pathogenic ciliates, etc.). The main problem is selection correct dose. “Human” standards are not suitable here. It is believed that you need to take 1-1/2 tablets of the drug per dog. We strongly do not recommend increasing the dosage on your own: first consult with an experienced veterinarian. If, after taking the medicine, your dog has flaky foam coming out of his mouth, he is behaving strangely and showing other signs that something is wrong, you should immediately seek help from a specialist!

By the way, how do you even give a terribly bitter medicine to a dog? There is only one way - by force. The tablet is crushed until a powder is obtained, diluted with water, and then poured directly into the pet’s throat using a syringe. It is advisable that the dog has access to an unlimited amount of clean drinking water s, because after the “execution” he will probably want to drink.

It is logical that this drug has contraindications. So, you should not give it to pets with pathologies of the liver and kidneys (especially with chronic renal failure), its administration to young animals less than six months old is prohibited. They can develop very severe side effects, including complete failure of internal organs.

Please note that in parallel with Levomycetin, experienced veterinarians strongly advise giving hepatoprotectors. These are drugs that protect the liver. In such cases, you can protect your pet from quite serious problems.

Is it possible to give Smecta to dogs?

It is possible and even necessary! The fact is that Smecta is essentially a mixture of kaolin (a special clay), flavoring additives and other components. There are no substances in this medicine that pose even a “phantom” threat to the dog’s health. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?

It is similar to that of activated carbon. Kaolin has impressive adsorbing ability, meaning it can also absorb and absorb toxins and other harmful compounds. In addition, it softens the effect of these substances on the intestinal mucous membranes. Finally, thanks to the aromatic additives and pleasant consistency, the medicine does not have to be forced down the dogs’ throats.

The dosage is also simple. For a dog weighing from 7 to 15 kilograms, you can take three or even four bags at a time. There have been no cases of overdose or the development of any side effects during the entire period of use of the drug in veterinary medicine.

But! Today on sale you can find not only Smecta, but also a large number of its analogues, “smectins”. Look carefully at their composition: if there are salicylates (salts) salicylic acid), it is better to refrain from purchasing. Of course, these compounds are not as dangerous for dogs as they are for cats, but it still wouldn’t hurt to consult with your veterinarians first.

Aspects of the use of Furazalidone

– a medicine from the nitrofuran group. These drugs were widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine at a time when antibiotics were just coming into use. Has a good antimicrobial effect and very cheap, you can easily find the medicine in any pharmacy you come across.

But the list of advantages can be considered complete here: experienced veterinarians advise giving this medicine to a dog only in case of extreme need, since nitrofurans have a bad effect on the dog’s liver. Because of this, the drug is strictly contraindicated in all animals suffering from diseases of this organ, although it is sometimes used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

So, you find yourself in a situation where this is the only medicine you can give to a dog suffering from severe diarrhea. What dosage should I use? It is believed that no more than 1-1 ½ tablets should be taken per dog (and this, we note, daily norm). Please note that the specified amount of the drug should be divided into three parts and given to the dog during the day, at equal time intervals. If you feed your dog more, the likelihood of developing side effects increases sharply. The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than three days.

Purpose and use of Loperamide

Small white tablets that sometimes help people cope with even the most “severe” diarrhea caused by sudden changes in diet, or due to the effects of various pathogenic microorganisms. It is believed that the drug can be used in veterinary medicine: it is completely safe for the animal’s body, if the dosage is observed, there are no side effects you won't see.

Take one and a half to two tablets per dog. Large dogs Up to four pills may be needed, especially in cases of severe, watery diarrhea. As in most of the cases described above, the drug is given, having first crushed it to a powder state and slightly diluted with water. The treatment is complicated only by the fact that the medicine does not taste very pleasant, and therefore you will have to pour it in by force. So it can be difficult to give it again, which is somewhat offset quick action medications: re-administration may not be necessary.

How effective is Enterofuril?

It appeared on the shelves of “human” pharmacies quite a long time ago, immediately gaining recognition and popularity among consumers. Available in the form of tablets (more precisely, capsules), as well as in the form of a suspension. When treating diarrhea in dogs, we would recommend using a liquid drug, since it will be much easier to give it to your pet. In addition, in this case the medicine has a pleasant taste, so the dog drinks it himself.

Means effective for diarrhea caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. In particular, there is information about good effect Enterofuril for parvovirus diarrhea. The advantage of the medicine is its soft action. Despite high efficiency, it does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, already “battered” by the pathogen, the drug can be given with sufficient early age(puppies must be at least one and a half to two months old). The dose, however, is not too small - 2.5 kilograms of live weight - per milliliter of the drug. The duration of the therapeutic course can be up to one week.

Use of Enterosgel

And finally, let’s talk about one more adsorbent. This is Enterosgel. According to the principle of its action, the medicine is at the same time similar to Activated carbon and Smecta. It gently envelops the intestinal mucous membranes, preventing their further irritation and development inflammatory processes. The medicine has decent absorbing ability, and therefore is capable of absorb large volumes of toxic compounds. In addition, it can be given even to very young puppies.

The dose is not too large - two to three tablespoons of the drug per day per adult animal. For puppies, the dosage is halved. Give the medicine for four to five days until the symptoms disappear completely. clinical manifestations pathology.


The whole point is that trichopolum has a very strong pressure to the liver. As in the case of chloramphenicol, when prescribing it, you must simultaneously give your pet hepatoprotectors. Dose in each specific case determined by a veterinarian separately. The simultaneous administration of metronidazole and antibiotics is extremely undesirable.

Cat owners often wonder about correct use Metronidazole. Further in the article we will answer the most common questions about the use of this medication to solve various health problems for your pet.

However, the information below is not a direct indication of action, because the use of any medications is recommended to be coordinated with a veterinarian. Only a specialist should prescribe correct therapy all kinds of diseases. Self-medication can negatively affect your pet's condition.

The drug Metronidazole for cats is used according to the diagnosis and severity of the disease. Basically, the dosage is from 8 to 10 mg per kilogram of pet once every 12 hours.

The drug is mixed with food or administered forcibly (intramuscularly, etc.).

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Dysentery.
  3. Trichomonosis.
  4. Anaerobic infections that occur after childbirth.
  5. Malignant edema.
  6. Gingivitis.
  7. Aphthous stomatitis.
  8. Necrotizing mastitis.
  9. Necrobacteriosis.
  10. Enterotoxemia.

The drug is also available in the form of an ointment and can be used for skin problems resulting from damage by anaerobic microorganisms.

The antibiotic should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Liver failure.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Is the product harmful for pets?

Veterinarians generally prescribe Metronidazole for treatment. various diseases. The medication is well tolerated by all cats and does not have a negative effect on the animal’s body. In some situations, additional therapy against worms and a change in the daily diet are carried out.

How to give Metronidazole to your pet

For diarrhea, the drug should be given as follows:

  1. Crush half the tablet.
  2. Add some water.
  3. Inject it into the cat through a syringe.

It can also be administered into a vein through a dropper. This approach is appropriate when the disease is in the acute stage. Therapy is carried out for no more than 3 days. Subsequently, you need to switch to tablets.

Remember that only a doctor should prescribe the dosage!

Cost of the drug:

  • in a bottle 5 mg/ml (100 ml) – 50-160 rubles;
  • a pack of tablets (250 pieces) – 270-300 rubles;
  • a jar of one thousand tablets costs 1,550 rubles.

Medicinal properties of Metronidazole

The drug includes 25% of the active substance. The color of the tablets may be white or with a yellowish/greenish tint. The weight of one tablet is only 0.25 g.

The antibiotic in question is actively used in the treatment of trichomonas, lamblia, amoebae, histomonas, and so on. Veterinarians often use this remedy for tetanus or all kinds of inflammatory processes.

When the medicine is administered orally, the active substance is perfectly absorbed and enters the organs and tissues digestive tract. The drug accumulates in the liver.

Metronidazole is excreted from the animal's body along with urine, feces, and also penetrates slightly into milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the medication for lactating animals.

The drug has a number of side effects:

  • allergy;
  • Nausea;
  • damage to the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of ataxia, seizures, etc.

How to store Metronidazole at home

We have already noted that the medicine is available in packs of 250 pieces. There is also a form in the form of a yellowish or white, which is packaged from 100 g to kilograms.

Do not store the medicine near food and feed. The optimal temperature is from -10 to +40 degrees. Under such conditions, the medicine can be stored for up to two years.

Metronidazole is used not only for cats, but also for other animals. Therefore, after using the medicine, it is not recommended to eat meat or milk from animals that were treated. Animals can be slaughtered a week after the course of treatment with the drug.

To summarize the article, we note that now you know how to give your cat Metronidazole to treat certain diseases. The medicine is most often used to treat diarrhea in pets.

When treating more complex pathologies in mandatory consult a veterinarian who will prescribe the appropriate course. Do not self-medicate.

The drug in question is an antibiotic, and it is possible serious consequences due to incorrect use of Metronidazole.

in a cat, the situation is quite common and unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owners. It is often caused by poor-quality food and gluttony of the pet itself, but the possibility of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora and/or parasites entering the animal’s body cannot be ruled out. What tablets for diarrhea in cats are used in veterinary medicine, and which drugs are the safest for the health and life of your cat?

But first, let’s figure out what kind of medications for cats should not be given under any circumstances. Here is a short list of them: Immodium, Immodium AD, Kaopectate II Caplets, etc.. Note that many of these drugs are used to treat diarrhea in dogs, but they often cause severe side effects in cats. Only in extreme cases is their use permissible, but only under the condition of constant veterinary control!

This is due to the fact that in medicines This type contains bismuth salicylate. The problem is that all salicylates are deadly to cats. And this, by the way, applies not only to anti-diarrhea drugs: for the same reasons, it is strongly not recommended to use them to treat cats. acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin).

Let us immediately warn you that now veterinarians try to use this medicine only in extreme cases, since it is not very beneficial for the cat’s health (high load on the liver and kidneys). However, it is very effective in some situations. Available in tablet form.

Old Trichopolum is one of the few antimicrobial drugs that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Simply put, the drug can penetrate directly into the tissue of the brain and spinal cord, which allows it to be used to treat diseases affecting the central nervous system. In addition, the medicine perfectly helps against diseases that affect bone and dental tissue. It should be given to your pet with food, since in this case the absorption medicinal product improves significantly.

Side effects

It was no coincidence that we mentioned at the very beginning of the article about the reluctance of many veterinarians to use this drug, despite its positive traits. The whole problem is heavy side effects , often developing in cats as a result of its use:

  • Allergic reactions (shortness of breath, urticaria, etc.).
  • Excessively increased salivation (hypersalivation).
  • Vomiting or gagging.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Apathetic state or falling into a coma.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria).

Under no circumstances should metronidazole be prescribed concomitantly with the following drugs:

  • Cimitidine (a medicine prescribed to treat ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract).
  • Sedatives.
  • Drugs that reduce blood clotting.
  • Phenytoin (usually prescribed for neurological seizures).
  • Phenobarbitals (significantly reduce the effectiveness of Metronidazole).

Additional warnings, there are only three, but you must always remember them! So here's the list:

  • Don't give metronidazole pregnant or lactating pets.
  • It is strictly prohibited to prescribe it young cats, since the medicine may well be fatal for kittens. Their liver simply cannot handle the utilization of its metabolites.
  • If your pet has liver or kidney disease, the use of the drug should also be abandoned. It can finish off already “worn out” organs.

Pectin and Kaolin

Products containing these substances are widely used not only in veterinary medicine, but also in medicine. Before use, make sure (by looking at the instructions) that the medicine does not contain salicylates, since the latter are deadly for cats! For every 2.5 kg of live weight, take 1-2 teaspoons of the same smecta (it also contains kaolin). The medicine must be taken every six hours. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to read the instructions and first consult with a veterinarian. If diarrhea persists for two days, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian!

In some cases, compounds that slow down intestinal motility are used to treat severe diarrhea. But! They are strictly prohibited from being given to pets whose condition is caused by poisoning and severe bacterial infections. In such cases, diarrhea is a salvation for the animal’s body, since together with liquid feces in external environment a lot of toxins are released. If during such a period you prescribe drugs that slow down intestinal contractions, all these substances will be actively absorbed into the blood, causing very serious consequences.

Activated carbon

Perhaps one of the most ancient remedies used by humans to combat diarrhea. True, our ancestors used to eat simple birch charcoal - it also helps with diarrhea. But still much better. The principle of its action is based on adsorption, that is, the ability to absorb harmful substances and toxins.

How and how much coal can you give a cat with diarrhea? Don’t worry, even if you “stuff” a whole plate of coal into your pet, nothing bad will happen to it. But it is believed that three to four tablets are enough for an animal weighing about 2.5 kilograms. Of course, the cat won’t swallow them that easily. To avoid torturing your pet, finely grind the pills to a powder and dilute them with water. The resulting “dubious” substance must be drawn into a syringe and poured directly into the cat’s throat. This should be done every five to six hours until the signs of intoxication completely disappear.


Not unknown medical product, which perfectly helps not only with diarrhea, but also with heartburn and other problems with the digestive system. It has a neutral taste and can be used in veterinary medicine. For a cat weighing up to 2.5 kg inclusive, take one sachet of medicine. Its contents are diluted in a small volume of warm boiled water, after which it is soldered in the same way as discussed in the part devoted to activated carbon.

Are there any contraindications and points that both owners and veterinarians need to remember? As for the “purebred”, there are no contraindications. But if you use various “Smectins”, be sure to read the composition and instructions. If there are at least some salicidates, giving such a drug to a cat is strictly prohibited. Salicylic acid salts are a strong poison for all cats!


Also popular and effective medicine, known to many travelers and tourists. Allows you to cope with even “severe” types of diarrhea in field conditions. It is quite natural that cat lovers who are faced with diarrhea in their pet have a desire to give their pet the same pills. Is it possible to do this? Yes, the drug can be used to treat cats suffering from diarrhea. For one cat you need to take exactly half the tablet (for animals weighing 2.5 kg). Kittens and miniature animals are given ¼ or even 1/8 of a pill.

But there are some things you need to remember. The action of Loperamide is based on its ability to suppress intestinal motility.

In any case, it is advisable to first give the animal some coal to drink and wait until it leaves the cat’s body. naturally, and only then give. In this case most of toxins will be neutralized and will no longer be absorbed into the animal’s blood.


Also medicinal, occasionally used in veterinary practice (but not from the good life). Let us immediately emphasize that this medicine is VERY bitter, and therefore giving it to a cat more than once can be very, very difficult. In addition, the product has a strong impact on the liver and kidneys, and therefore it is better not to use it unless absolutely necessary!

So why do they continue to use it? It's simple. Despite all its shortcomings, it helps well with diarrhea caused by pathogenic protozoa. Therefore, in some cases, veterinarians simply have no choice. Giving it to kittens, as well as pregnant and lactating cats, is strictly prohibited. The dose for one animal weighing 2.5 kg is no more than ½ tablet. If within eight hours after giving no signs of improvement, or the cat has any signs of poisoning, take him to the vet immediately!


A drug that appeared in pharmacies quite a long time ago and immediately gained well-deserved popularity. Why did this happen? The fact is that it belongs to the category of adsorbents, that is, compounds capable of absorbing “excess” from the intestines. It is often used not only in the treatment of diarrhea, but also for the prevention and elimination of allergies, diarrhea, and other pathologies directly related to digestion. In a word, the medicine is very, very good. But is it possible to give it to cats, and will using the drug cause any unpleasant consequences?

The medicine is absolutely safe for cats. The dose for an adult animal is a teaspoon once a day; kittens can be given half a spoon, also once a day. In moderate cases of diarrhea, visible improvement occurs within a few hours.


A drug that has recently appeared on the shelves, produced in the form of a suspension. Helps a lot with many intestinal infections, including viral ones. It has a gentle effect without irritating the intestinal mucous membranes. Often used in pediatrics. But how safe (and is it safe) to use it in veterinary medicine?

Don't worry, it's all good. can and should be used to treat pets with diarrhea. For every 2.5 kg of live weight, 0.5-1 ml of the drug is taken. That is, a large cat whose weight reaches five kilograms can be given 1-1.5 ml of medicine. Kittens can be given medicine as early as one month old at a dose of 0.1 ml per animal. Give once daily for three to four days until completely gone clinical signs infections.


This drug has also been used in medicine for a very long time. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans, is effective against many gram-positive and negative bacteria, and is available in tablet form. But what about treating diarrhea in cats? Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Yes, effective against many pathogens infectious diarrhea in cats. It’s just that it hits the livers of animals mercilessly. Daily dose for an adult cat - a maximum of ¼ tablet, and they need to be divided into three doses. To make it more convenient to give such a small amount of the drug, part of the pill is finely crushed to a powder state, diluted with a small amount of water and given to the animal using a syringe. It is advisable to give the medicine for no more than three days. More - only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

What if diarrhea is caused by bacterial factors?

As a rule, in such cases antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents. Pathogenic microflora all these medicines destroy perfectly, but not everything is so simple: along with the “bad” ones they also die beneficial microbes. Because of this, some owners strive to “help” their pet without completing the entire course of medications. This leads to a deterioration in the condition of the animal and the formation of forms of microorganisms resistant to antimicrobial drugs. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to prescribe probiotics that restore the “population” of beneficial microflora. This is often forgotten, and therefore diarrhea from infectious agents followed by diarrhea due to antibiotics.

In addition, in cases where the cause of diarrhea is inflammatory diseases intestines, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be used. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 months. But it must be remembered that longer-term use of such drugs is strictly prohibited, since they can have extremely negative impact on internal organs animal.

Enrofloxacin5 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyGram-negative bacteria
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyClostridia
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg,Sepsis (used with aminoglycosides), diarrhea
orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularly
Gentamicin2.2 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
Cephalothin22-44 mg/kg, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
MetronidazoleDosage - 10-20 mg/kg, exclusively orally
Tylosin20-40 mg/kg, intramuscularlyMany types of protozoal and bacterial infections
Erythromycin10-15 mg/kg, orallyVarious campylobacters.
Trimethoprim15 mg/kg, orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySalmonella

In many cases of diarrhea, it is possible to significantly alleviate the animal's condition by putting the pet on a starvation diet for 24 hours. At the same time, the cat should have unlimited access to clean drinking water. After this time, the diet changes to a more gentle one, at which time you can already give boiled rice and boiled (low-fat) chicken. If the animal's condition does not worsen, you can return to its normal diet over the next week. Let us emphasize once again that this should be done gradually, since sudden changes often provoke a relapse of the pathology.

Alas, in some cases the cat has to be transferred to special diets for life. Such situations include, for example, cases of chronic renal failure, diabetes and other serious illnesses.

It should be noted that experienced veterinarians advise owners of such animals to use special commercial food, since during their production all the needs of “special” cats were taken into account.

But in some cases you can do without intravenous injections. True, this will require special compounds, designed to restore electrolyte balance. Such products are sold in stores sports nutrition and pharmacies (Regidron, for example). The medicine must be diluted (a couple of teaspoons per glass of boiled water) and given to the cat instead drinking water. But if no improvement is visible within eight hours, you should still contact your veterinarian. Most likely without intravenous infusions It’s definitely not possible to get by.

How to determine that you urgently need to take your pet to the clinic? Just grab it by the scruff of the neck and immediately release the resulting fold of skin. If it goes away right away, the IVs can probably wait. But when the fold remains for a couple of seconds and takes a very long time to smooth out, the cat must be immediately shown to the veterinarian, since the degree of dehydration is severe!