The bone tissue of the jaw is growing, what to do. Jaw bone atrophy: options for restoring the dentition

The pathological process during which a certain part of the human body begins to decrease in weight, volume and size is called atrophy. This disease affects not only internal organs that have a soft structure and mucous surface, but also bone tissue, which is one of the strongest parts of the human body. Most often, the bones of the facial skeleton that make up the jaw undergo dystrophic changes. And if until recently this type of disease related only to age-related changes in the body, today dentists can name a lot of factors that underlie this pathology.

The process of thinning bone tissue

Tooth loss is the most common reason that triggers the natural process of jaw bone atrophy. It's no secret that people of the older generation most often have to deal with this phenomenon. That is why this disease is usually associated with physiological aging of the body. But, unfortunately, even at a young age no one is immune from such problems. Therefore, tooth loss should be perceived not only as psychological discomfort or an aesthetic defect, but also as a serious pathology that causes:

  • impaired chewing function, and as a result, digestive problems, as well as vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity;
  • an unnatural change in the shape of the face, which is manifested by asymmetry of the left and right sides, hollowing of the cheeks and recession of the lips;
  • the appearance of premature wrinkles and facial folds;
  • malocclusion;
  • violation of diction and clarity of speech;
  • displacement of the dentition towards the empty space;
  • reduction of gum level.

It is important to remember that the atrophy process begins three months after tooth extraction and lasts for a year. It is during this period that the alveolar process of the gum, from which the tooth root was extracted, ceases to receive the proper pressure that usually occurs when chewing food. As a result, the uniform distribution of the load on the entire jaw is disrupted: in one place it increases, and in another it completely disappears. This means that where the roots of the teeth are missing, normal blood circulation stops and the bone cells are no longer saturated with nutrients. Over time, the bone tissue of the jaw in the problem area shrinks and becomes thinner, and the gums collapse and decrease in size.

Causes of bone atrophy

Tooth loss, unfortunately, is not the only cause of thinning bone tissue. Dystrophic changes can also begin under the influence of such factors:

  1. long-term inflammatory process of the oral cavity;
  2. developmental anomaly of the maxillofacial region;
  3. congenital pathology and physiological features of the structure of the facial skeleton;
  4. weakening of the muscle ligaments that hold the tooth in the gum;
  5. jaw injuries;
  6. development of tumors and cysts in the maxillofacial region;
  7. incorrectly selected dentures;
  8. general diseases of the body.

In each specific case, the atrophy process may take a different period of time. It all depends on the type and complexity of the disease. But, regardless of what reason leads to bone tissue pathology, the mechanism that triggers atrophy is the same as with tooth loss. That is, the jaw bones cease to bear the necessary functional load, as a result of which they begin to thin out and shrink in size.

Dental prosthetics as a way to prevent atrophy

Stopping the process of atrophy that began after tooth extraction can only be done with immediate prosthetics. However, you should know that installing a bridge or using removable dentures will only help restore chewing and aesthetic functions, but will not solve the problem of bone tissue reduction. The thing is that a bridge, just like removable dentures, is attached to the existing living teeth in the oral cavity. In the case of their complete absence, the dentures rest entirely on the gums only. Accordingly, the entire load when chewing food falls either on the supporting teeth or on the gums. This means that there will be no pressure on the jawbone under a removable denture or under a bridge structure. Therefore, this type of prosthetics will not save bone tissue from atrophy. Over time, the gums will begin to sag, and a gap will form between it and the edge of the denture.

How to solve the problem of jaw bone loss?

Recently, new technologies have appeared in dentistry that make it possible to completely avoid problems associated with bone tissue atrophy. Today, the most progressive method of dental restoration is the installation of implants. Depending on the type of jaw, the volume of bone mass and the period elapsed after tooth loss, it can be done in three ways:

  • Express implantation. A procedure that does not require bone grafting and can be used to restore three or more teeth. Implants take root as quickly as possible and within three days after their installation, dentures can be attached to them;
  • Sinus lift. A method in which the length of the upper jaw bone increases. It comes in two types: closed and open. In the first case, implantation occurs simultaneously with bone tissue augmentation. In the second case, implants are installed after complete engraftment of the bone material;
  • Osteoplasty is an increase in the width of the lower jaw bone. This method is used extremely rarely, since the problem of lack of bone volume in the lower jaw is rare.

Dental implants are artificial analogues of tooth roots. This means that they completely restore the chewing load on the bone layers of the jaw and resume metabolic processes in their cells, saturating them with the necessary nutrients. Thus, not only the harmony of the dentition is preserved, but the process of atrophy is stopped. But even though thinned bone tissue can be built up, you still shouldn’t delay the process of restoring lost teeth. It is important to remember that the earlier treatment is started, the better the result will be.

Periodontal disease with bone destruction - folk remedies

Why is this necessary? A periodontist can eliminate almost all, or most, symptoms of gum disease, but if you suffer from a chronic disease, then it is necessary to treat it, because the body is a single whole. It is not for nothing that in the old days, a person’s health was judged by his teeth and gums.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a periodontist (preferably once every six months) to monitor the condition of the gums over time and individually select treatment methods for periodontal disease and periodontitis.

Reduction of bone tissue represents the greatest difficulty in the treatment of periodontal disease. This is due to the structural features of the alveolar bone: its low regenerative ability, the peculiarity of the structure of the spongy substance.

In the initial stage of periodontal disease, demineralization of the alveolar bone occurs. Then pronounced destructive changes occur in the compact plate and cancellous bone.

At this stage of periodontal disease, under the influence of targeted therapy, remineralization and bone restoration are possible. In the initial stage of development of destructive changes, the real result of stimulating therapy, at best, can be the stabilization of periodontal disease, stopping the rapid loss of bone tissue and reducing tooth mobility.

The group of general and local therapy for periodontal disease consists of drugs with various effects (desensitizing, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, increasing the regeneration of periodontal tissues). All these drugs prevent the further development of periodontal disease; to a certain extent, they can stimulate the restoration of periodontal tissue.

One of the few herbal remedies that increase bone tissue regeneration is comfrey medicinal. It promotes the rejection of non-viable tissue and the growth of young tissue, stimulates cell growth. In addition, comfrey has antimicrobial, enveloping and tonic effects. The roots of plants contain essential oils, pectin, tannins and mucous substances, alkaloids, choline and other compounds. Comfrey is used in the form of a decoction of the roots for irrigation and application to the gums, rinsing. To prepare the decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed comfrey root into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 10-12 hours in a warm place.

In order to prolong the action of the active substances of comfrey, prepare a 25% solution of dimexide in its decoction, which promotes more intense diffusion of medicinal substances into periodontal tissue. The course of treatment for periodontal disease is 7-10 applications of a 25% solution of dimexide in a decoction of comfrey.

To treat periodontal disease, this infusion is also used in the form of irrigation, for oral baths, which are done 3 times a day. Data from clinical and special studies indicate the high effectiveness of comfrey and dimexide and allow us to recommend it for use in the complex treatment of periodontal disease.

A drug phytin, obtained from plant materials, stimulates hematopoiesis, enhances the growth and development of bone and dental tissues.

Kohlrabi contains many minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. Useful for children to strengthen bones and teeth, and for pregnant women.

During menopause, calcium is leached out of bone tissue especially strongly. As a result, the bones become less strong, which causes frequent fractures, joint disorders and, as a result, gait in old age. This is due to a shortage vitamin E. He is appointed:
for osteoporosis - 500 mg per day.
during menopause - 1000 mg.

— Ca lactate (13% Ca content in the preparation).
— Ca gluconate (9% Ca content in the preparation).

How to grow gums at home

Experience shows that among the significant number of dental pathologies that modern people have to face, gingival recession occupies far from the last position. It is a progressive and rather dangerous process, leading to the gradual exposure of both the necks of the teeth and their roots.

Regarding getting rid of this scourge, specialized specialists - periodontists - are engaged in solving this problem. Turning to them may not be necessary, since it is possible to grow gums at home in many cases - through the use of a mass of simple and at the same time effective techniques.

Main signs of gum recession

Before we begin to list measures, the implementation of which allows us to restore gums affected by the pathological process, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that are most characteristic of it. This is explained by the fact that knowledge of the main manifestations of gingival recession helps to correctly differentiate this pathology - that is, to exclude the possibility of other problems that often have similar symptoms. If we highlight the most characteristic symptoms of gingival recession, then their list will look like this:

  • gradual reduction in gum size, noticeable visually;
  • exposure of a tooth root - one or more, which is determined by the specifics of the recession taking place;
  • bleeding gums, the intensity of which directly depends on the stage of the pathological process;
  • the appearance of painful sensations when brushing your teeth - especially if you use a hard brush;
  • increased sensitivity to thermal irritants, as well as to sweet and sour foods.

Bleeding gums are a sign of gingival recession

In addition, in the absence of adequate treatment, pathological changes in gingival tissue can lead to tooth loss - not only for patients, but also for relatively healthy ones.

Considering this circumstance, it is impossible to delay taking measures to counteract gum recession, since it is almost impossible to cope with its severe stages at home.

Causes of receding gums

As you know, the gum is a shell that covers the bone tissue of the jaw, tightly adjacent to the tooth surface. It is also worth adding that it is one of the components of the periodontium, and therefore most often the causes of its recession are caused by inflammatory ailments of the periodontal tissues, among which the most prominent are:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis.

As for other factors, the negative impact of which can provoke gum recession, the most common of them are presented below:

  • anatomical features of the jaw structure;
  • tooth loss or surgical removal;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age-related changes;
  • smoking and other bad habits (for example, excessive consumption of seeds);
  • overly “pushy” brushing of teeth, leading to the development of inflammatory processes;
  • caries;
  • bruxism (a disease characterized by severe teeth grinding, usually during sleep);
  • incorrect bite, which results in permanent injury to the gums;
  • vitamin C deficiency.

Wearing orthodontic appliances can lead to gum recession

In addition, wearing orthodontic structures designed to straighten teeth, such as braces, can lead to gum recession. It should be recognized that this occurs in a relatively small percentage of cases: according to statistics, the pathology in question is diagnosed in every 25th patient wearing braces. It is also worth adding that the development of gum recession in women can be facilitated by osteoporosis, which is a consequence of a lack of steroid sex hormones - estrogens.

In what cases is extension necessary?

Answering the question posed, it is reasonable to note that gum regeneration may be required for both medicinal and aesthetic purposes. If we list the situations in which such a build-up is mandatory, then first of all these include:

  • the patient has periodontal disease or periodontitis;
  • violation of teeth closure (bad bite);
  • use of implants or prostheses.

By achieving proper restoration of gum tissue, you can minimize the likelihood of developing root caries and guarantee the safety of your teeth. In addition, solving the problem under consideration normalizes the sensitivity of the latter, thereby relieving a person of discomfort when eating cold or hot food.

Restoration of gum tissue

It is also worth noting that gum augmentation may be required in other cases - when tissues affected by a pathological process need to be restored for aesthetic purposes. For example, regeneration is justified if:

  • gums have irregular contours;
  • soft tissues are damaged due to certain bad habits;
  • gums are injured as a result of mechanical stress.

Practice shows that gum augmentation, done correctly, allows you to return their contours to their former beauty. Thus, upon completion of all necessary procedures, a person can enjoy life again, without any fear for the aesthetics of his smile.

Use of herbal products

Now it’s time to talk about what gum restoration involves using traditional techniques. First of all, it should be noted that it is quite difficult to ensure the optimal volume of plastic surgery with their help - especially if the recession is in a stage far from its initial stage. Using folk remedies, it is absolutely possible to stop pathological changes in tissue, as well as to reduce to zero the inflammatory processes that affect the gums.

You should not neglect the advice of traditional medicine even in cases where specialized specialists are engaged in extensions - due to the fact that folk remedies can significantly speed up the healing process.

Oak bark is used as a decoction

It has long been proven that, first of all, the restoration of gums is facilitated by those products whose origin is plant-based. From time immemorial, they were used to prepare healing decoctions, which were used to rinse the mouth after each meal. If we highlight the most effective means of the category under consideration, then their list will look like this:

  1. Oak bark decoction. This remedy, which reduces bleeding and accelerates recovery processes in gum tissue, must be used three times a day, thoroughly rinsing the mouth with it. To prepare such a decoction you need about 3 tablespoons of finely chopped oak bark and half a liter of water, brought to a boil.
  2. Chamomile decoction. An equally effective folk remedy, which should be used at least 2 times a day for two decades in a row. Like oak bark, chamomile flowers relieve inflammation and also promote rapid healing and restoration of damaged gums. Preparing this decoction is extremely simple: all you need is 2 tablespoons of the flowers of the presented plant and 700 ml of boiling water, in which they need to be infused for two hours.
  3. A decoction of mint and sage. A very remarkable combination that involves brewing each of the mentioned herbs in the amount of one tablespoon, carried out for half an hour in 250 ml of boiling water.

In addition, medicinal plants such as aloe, St. John's wort, yarrow and calendula help strengthen gums.

Aloe juice - a folk remedy

Other Techniques Worth Considering

Special attention is due to the fact that in addition to those listed above, there are many other effective means that allow you to grow gums at home. The ingredients that make up them are extremely simple and affordable, and therefore the use of any of them can be recommended to anyone who suffers from gingival recession. Regarding the most popular compositions used to solve this problem, these are primarily:

  1. Salt and iodine. The combination of these components is remarkable in that its properties are very close to sea water. It is very easy to prepare such a mixture for rinsing the mouth: just three drops of iodine and ½ dessert spoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and lemon juice. The first of these ingredients needs no more than ten drops, and the second and third – ½ dessert spoon each. This combination is intended for wiping gums affected by pathological processes, carried out daily.
  3. Honey and sea salt. This combination should also be applied to areas suffering from recession at least once a day (preferably before bed). To prepare such a composition you will need little, namely 2 dessert spoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Regarding the last of the above points, it is reasonable to add that after applying the mixture mentioned in it to the gums, they should be rinsed thoroughly - after waiting just a few minutes.

Gum massage

When talking about how you can counteract gum recession at home, it makes sense to highlight such a remarkable restorative procedure as massage. The key advantage of the latter is its simplicity, thanks to which it can be performed effectively by anyone - and with minimal time investment. It is most rational to do it twice a day - while brushing your teeth, spending no more than five minutes on the entire procedure. It is also worth noting that proper gum massage involves taking into account the following key points:

  • the main movements should be carried out from the center of the jaw to its edges, and softer ones - from the lower part of the gum to its edge;
  • massage should be done after the teeth are brushed - when food debris is completely removed;
  • the procedure in question is best carried out in front of a mirror;
  • Massaging movements should not cause a feeling of discomfort, and therefore pressure on the gums should be carefully controlled.

Massage gums with fingers

As for how exactly to perform this useful procedure, there are several equivalent options available. So, some prefer to use special brushes, while others are completely satisfied with ordinary ones. There are no less those who massage the gums using their fingers - “tools” that are rightfully considered universal.

Anyone who wants to build up gums suffering from recession is highly advisable to pay attention to such a thing as following an extremely balanced diet. The products provided by the latter should promote the regeneration of gingival tissue, thereby bringing closer the moment of their final recovery. In particular, the diet of such diets involves the consumption of the following products:

  • Greens, thanks to which you can actually reduce bleeding gums and increase vascular tone. Typical examples of such products are parsley, dill and celery.
  • Citrus fruits help restore damaged mucous membranes and significantly increase tissue resistance to any kind of negative factors.
  • Dairy products are primarily notable for the calcium they contain, an element that has a strengthening effect on both gums and teeth.
  • Garlic and onion, famous since ancient times for their anti-inflammatory properties. It is also noteworthy that these products contain a lot of zinc, a mineral that promotes wound healing.
  • Green tea, 500-600 ml of which, drunk in one day, gives the gums additional strength.

Nuts prevent the development and appearance of tartar

In addition, nuts play a very positive role, effectively preventing the appearance and development of tartar, as well as fish and seafood, which significantly strengthen gingival tissues affected by periodontal disease. Red wine also deserves attention, moderate consumption of which allows you to minimize inflammation anywhere in the oral cavity.

Preventive actions

In conclusion, it remains to be noted that regrowth of gums affected by recession is not the easiest process. That is why special attention should be paid to the prevention of this scourge - a set of measures that allows you to reduce the likelihood of its occurrence to the lowest level. Here they are:

  • regular visits to the dentist - even if there are no visible problems;
  • timely treatment of caries and periodontal diseases;
  • twice daily brushing of teeth, effectively counteracting the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • general strengthening of the immune system, helping to increase the body's protective capabilities;
  • avoiding nervous tension.

Experts strongly recommend eliminating hypothermia and relying on the regular use of medicinal infusions, regardless of the state of oral health. By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of gum recession, and therefore it makes sense to listen to each of them.

How to build up dental bone tissue using folk remedies

Sinus lifting The sinus lift augmentation procedure is recommended for patients with a large deficiency of bone tissue in the upper jaw. Products enriched with calcium and vitamin D, potatoes containing vitamin D, and taking multivitamin complexes have a positive effect on the condition of the gums. Gingivitis, it is also worth adding, is the main factor in the occurrence of loose teeth. Oak bark is used in the form of a decoction. Like aloe, periodontal disease and periodontitis, including teeth, donor or artificial. Promoting the rapid and correct distribution of beneficial elements throughout the body. Garlic This procedure must be performed after brushing your teeth.

  • The installed implants will perform the function of lost teeth and load the gum area with work, promoting its blood supply.
  • A decoction of mint and sage.
  • In particular, the diet of such diets involves the consumption of the following products: Greens, thanks to which you can actually reduce bleeding gums and increase vascular tone.
  • Technology: to restore the jaw, the doctor transplants a small piece of the patient’s own bone tissue, donor or synthetic material onto the atrophied area.
  • Strengthening massage It can be used to improve blood circulation in the gums, thereby ensuring good nutrition of the teeth and periodontium.
  • Let's look at the main habits that you should give up.
  • Means for non-surgical gum regeneration Tablets Only first and second class recession can be treated with conservative treatment.

How to build up dental bone tissue using folk remedies, teeth

If the cause of bone atrophy is periodontitis. Oatmeal, thyroid diseases, figs, hard cheeses, regarding getting rid of this scourge. Poppy, even in the absence of pain, this phenomenon may indicate the presence of diseases of the internal organs or the oral cavity. Then specialized specialists, periodontists, are engaged in solving this problem. Greens, hormonal disorders should be given maximum attention to the treatment and prevention of these diseases. Gum recession, oil is used to strengthen the gums, ready-made products Forest Balm and Rotokan are no less popular.

C and microelements magnesium, zinc, and products must also contain group vitamins. The main signs of gingival recession, before proceeding with the list of measures. Phosphorus, one of the main reasons for the development of atrophy of the jaw bones is tooth loss or removal. This substance is an essential attribute in strengthening gums. Gum augmentation is carried out with the aim of relieving the patient of aesthetic discomfort. D Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums, k It is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that are most characteristic of it.

To get rid of remnants of burdock, use sage after the broth has cooled. Can it be restored using folk remedies? In most cases, operations are performed under local anesthesia. Medicinal plants, gum auto-massage If in the morning you massage your gums clockwise. Chamomile, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, celandine.

Then rinse your mouth no more often, as the gum volume decreases after the removal of several teeth. It is sometimes necessary to restore the integrity and health of the gums in case of periodontal diseases. Boil a small amount of honey over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. But also strengthen the patient’s dentition.

To restore the bone, a protective membrane is implanted. With implantation or prosthetics, positive changes will not appear just a day after using the folk medicine. The seated block is secured to the jaw with screws.

Bone block grafting is carried out when this happens in a relatively small percentage of cases. The pathology in question is diagnosed in every 25th patient. According to statistics, to prevent the recurrence of the disease, when it is necessary to replenish a fairly large amount of bone tissue. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared tincture and apply it to the damaged gum area. Traditional medicine is best suited for preventing the formation of recession or as post-operative care.

Regeneration process For mild bone tissue atrophy, the method of directed bone regeneration is used to activate natural regenerative processes. Which performs protective and support functions. How exactly to perform this useful procedure. Massage the gums with your fingers As for that.

How to Restore Lost Dental Bone Mass

  • Regardless of age and somatic status, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, perform hygiene procedures, clean teeth from tartar, and promptly seek therapeutic help.
  • It has long been proven that, first of all, the restoration of gums is facilitated by those products whose origin is plant-based.
  • Saline and soda solutions for rinsing teeth in a ratio of 100 g of salt or soda per 1 liter of water.
  • The causes of bone tissue atrophy and age-related changes due to natural metabolic disorders are far from the only cause of dental tissue atrophy.
  • Impaired closure of teeth, incorrect bite, use of implants or dentures.

    The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of simultaneous installation of the implant. And destruction, preventive measures Building gums and bone tissue is not the most pleasant dental procedure. Throughout a person’s life, both processes continuously occur in bone tissue. And creation, the duration of the procedure is 56 minutes.

Today this is not uncommon. Poor environment, products containing dyes and preservatives, bad habits, poor hygiene of the growth cavity - all this leads to problems and subsequent complications. The periosteum plays an important role for their normal functioning. What diseases are inherent in it and how to treat them?

Periosteum of the tooth

What is periosteum?

The periosteum of the tooth is a dense connective tissue through which tendons, ligaments and muscles are attached. It covers almost the entire upper part of the bone except the ends of the joints. The periosteum contains blood vessels and osteoblasts. This part has a less dense consistency. It should be noted that with its help bone tissue is formed. The inner layer is very important for the proper functioning and health of teeth. If the nutritional environment is disrupted, the teeth will die.

The outer side is of fibrous origin. It is quite dense and consists of nerves and blood vessels.

Diseases of the periosteum and their treatment

Many have had to deal with unbearable pain in the tooth and swollen gums around it.

This condition should not be left unattended, since in the future swelling of the oral cavity will appear and the body temperature will rapidly increase.

These symptoms indicate the development of inflammation of the periosteum (periostitis). People call this disease. Many people make the mistake of treating themselves.

Flux is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious complications, so at the first symptoms you should consult a dentist.

Inflammation of the periosteum manifests itself in both acute and chronic forms. It all depends on the complexity of its development and course.

  1. Mild inflammation. The cause of this condition is usually injury, bruise or fracture. With mild periostitis, pain and swelling appear in the area of ​​inflammation. This disease goes away on its own, without the use of medications or complications. Rarely, tissue and calcium deposits occur.
  2. character. This disease is chronic. The main reason for its occurrence is regular irritation of the periosteum. If the disease is not treated, the bone tissue of the tooth may collapse. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of inflammation.
  3. Purulent inflammation. This disease occurs due to infection entering the periosteum through nearby tooth tissue. Symptoms of purulent inflammation are increased body temperature, leukocytosis (determined by general... An accumulation of pus forms in the affected area. The disease occurs in an acute form, but in rare cases, with reduced immunity, a chronic nature is observed.
  4. Serous-albuminous inflammation. In this condition, a collection of red fluid containing bloody particles forms. The amount of liquid can reach 2 liters. Serous-albuminous inflammation is the cause of destruction of the bone tissue of teeth and detachment from the periosteum.
  5. Associated inflammation. It is chronic in nature. The reason for its appearance is constant irritation of the periosteum. If the problem is corrected in time, the bone material will recover on its own. If the pathology remains unattended, then atrophy of the bone tissue of the teeth will occur.

Treatment of inflammation

Therapy consists of clearing the abscess contents in the root canal. After cleaning, the doctor treats the oral cavity with an antiseptic and seals the affected tooth.

During the examination, the doctor will determine the degree of inflammation. If the disease is detected at the initial stage, then in this case you can get by with taking antibacterial drugs and analgesics.

If the doctor discovers the presence of a purulent process, then surgery will be required. An incision is made in the area of ​​suppuration, then the affected area is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. After this, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Restoration of destroyed bone tissue

It is important for an implantologist to be able not only to insert implants, but also to build up bone tissue, as well as to anticipate its future behavior.

It should be noted that if the bone tissue is thin and loose, the installed implants will not hold, and if it is completely atrophied, the operation will be cancelled.

Bone augmentation during dental implantation is carried out using a procedure to expand the alveolar ridge. A narrow ridge is the only obstacle to implant installation.

Bone grafting during dental implantation is important in the fight against the disappearance of bone tissue. Using special equipment and tools (piezotomes), doctors have achieved high quality augmentation operations. This method is carried out using ultrasound. This minimizes damage to the area. The rehabilitation period is also quick and easy.

How is bone grafting performed?

Bone grafting begins with the use of local anesthesia. Next, the doctor makes a small incision and peels off the gum. The periosteum remains intact. After this, a cut is made along the surface of the ridge using ultrasound. In this case, the bone tissue must remain alive. Next, the doctor widens the edges of the bone and fills the cavity with artificial granules of the appropriate material. After this, the implant is installed. It will take about 8 months to create the platform.

How to restore bone tissue of the jaw, teeth, gums?

If the process of disappearance of bone tissue after tooth extraction has not yet begun, then it can be prevented using the procedure of filling the hole with a special regenerative material. This operation is called “osteoplasty”, that is, restoration of bone, teeth and jaw.

The procedure is performed when there is not enough bone in the area to install implants for long-term fixation. Osteoplasty in dentistry is used quite successfully. The process of new bone formation takes about 6 months.

Jaw bone augmentation for a dental implant is carried out using various materials - processed animal bone, own tissue from the chin area, ilium or calcium preparations.

Osteoplasty of the upper jaw can be performed simultaneously with the installation of implants, or maybe later. If there is a slight deficiency of bone tissue, then the doctor in this case can fill the defect with bone powder and place a special membrane on the surface.

Before the procedure, the dentist refers the patient to.

Health to you and your teeth!

We lose not only teeth, but also bone tissue. Its atrophy occurs after tooth extraction, its long absence, as a result of maxillofacial injuries, with certain anatomical features and congenital anomalies, as well as with a number of systemic diseases. In each specific case, the problem may be insufficient thickness (width) or height of the bone of the alveolar process; in rare cases, there is a deficiency of bone tissue in both height and width.

Bone regeneration before implantation

Dental implant placement has become a common practice in modern dentistry. But it is not uncommon for a doctor to puzzle a patient with an unexpected proposal to first go through the process of restoring jaw bone tissue. Do not be upset if you are one of those patients who cannot have an implant installed immediately without bone grafting. And in no case should you look for doctors who will agree to follow your impatience and not carry out restoration of the jaw bone tissue - in the end this will end in even bigger problems.

How is bone volume restored?

To restore the volume of bone tissue in a very thin area at the site of the dental alveolus, bone is split and the cavity is filled with bone tissue (an auto-, allo-, or synthetic graft is used). Then, after bone regeneration is complete, the implant itself can be installed. When it is necessary to increase the height of the bone, simultaneously with the implantation, bone tissue is increased with a special preparation that replaces it. A membrane coating is applied on top. The alveolar bone with various extension designs should heal and strengthen within 4–6 months, after which an artificial tooth (ceramic or metal-ceramic crown) can be installed.

To restore jaw bone tissue, an autogenous graft is used (bone is taken from the patient himself from another part of the jaw); allograft (donor bone is taken from another person) or synthetic materials that mimic bone (they contain calcium and phosphorus).

Is bone restoration necessary after tooth extraction?

It is imperative to remember that with any tooth extraction, even if there are no signs of periodontitis or other diseases leading to atrophy, the bone tissue at the site of the dental alveolus atrophies quite quickly (within several months). Restoration of bone tissue after tooth extraction is mandatory.

A serious bone defect of the jaw can also appear with the development of purulent complications - osteomyelitis, which occurs after complex tooth extraction (for example, removal of an unerupted or impacted tooth, removal of bone tumors). Both the operation itself, which injures the bone, and postoperative purulent complications lead to bone tissue atrophy. In such cases, in addition to filling the bone defect with a graft, various agents are used to stimulate osteogenesis. For example, osteoplastic biocomposite materials (Kollapan), photodynamic therapy, electric vibration massage.

Restoration of bone tissue in periodontitis and periodontal disease

Almost every adult faces the problem of losing molars. The most common reason leading to tooth extraction is periodontitis (progressive destruction of the structure of the alveolar process of the jaw). This disease is very common; its initial signs (bleeding gums, exposure of the neck of the tooth) can be found in everyone after 40–50 years. Less common is periodontal disease, which develops in the absence of normal blood supply to the periodontal tissues. For example, with diabetes and atherosclerosis. Restoration of bone tissue during periodontitis or periodontal disease is required when atrophy of the bone tissue of the alveolar processes of the jaws occurs.

Restoration of bone tissue after implant removal and surgery

Unsuccessful implant installation (the doctor’s choice of a very thin or short implant, its incorrect installation without taking into account the bite) leads to tissue inflammation - peri-implantitis, loosening, breakage or rejection of the implanted tooth. In such cases, the implant fragments are removed from the bone, and then a major reconstruction of the alveolar process is required.

Peptides for bone tissue restoration in dentistry

There are peptide bioregulators that specifically stimulate the regeneration of jaw bone tissue and promote bone formation. They are also called odontotropic regulatory peptides. Peptides for bone tissue restoration in dentistry are used both for treatment and for preventive purposes. First, you must definitely visit a dentist and, on his advice, choose a drug - balm, capsules or toothpaste. For example, Revidont toothpaste contains three types of peptide complexes (A-3, A-4, A-6) and superoxide dismutase. The therapeutic effect of the paste includes strengthening the structure of teeth, normalizing microcirculation in the oral cavity, restoring bone tissue and having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Is it possible to restore bone tissue in osteoporosis?

Reduced bone density, or osteoporosis, is more common in women, especially postmenopausal and postpartum women, and in people of both sexes with hormonal imbalances. In such cases, you need to consult a therapist and endocrinologist and take prescribed medications. Restoration of bone tissue in osteoporosis is complicated by systemic reasons for its decrease throughout the human skeleton. However, modern technologies and materials used to restore bone during implantation make it possible to successfully implant new artificial teeth, saving patients from wearing

A decrease in size of the alveolar process is normal after tooth extraction or loss. Natural processes do not tolerate emptiness, so the missing link is gradually replaced by something. However, this is not a death sentence; let’s try to figure out how to stop the loss of jaw bone tissue.

To fix the problem, you need to understand its origin. A common cause of such pathologies is tooth loss. “Neighbors” begin to move to the site of the hollow gum, deforming the jaw and causing a large number of problems:

  • speech defects;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tooth displacement;
  • appearance deteriorates;
  • violation of occlusion;
  • periodontitis;
  • Over time, the bone tissue may become so deformed that subsequent prosthetics will be impossible.

If you want to stop the loss of jaw bone tissue, you should not hesitate to install dentures. Already three months after tooth extraction, atrophy begins to develop due to the displacement of the dentition.

There are several common causes of this disease:

  • injuries;
  • tumors;
  • general diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • anatomical features;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • natural changes that occur with age.

All processes occurring in the body are interconnected, so tooth loss always leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. However, visually atrophy begins to be noticeable only in advanced stages. For example, if most of the teeth are missing: the cheeks begin to sink, the corners of the lips droop, and asymmetry appears. But the worst thing is not the aesthetics, but the reduction in the size of the bone tissue. Because of this, the implantation process becomes impossible. The root of the implant simply will not attach to a bone that is too narrow.

Treatment methods

So, we figured out why bone tissue decreases. It remains to understand what to do about it and how to treat it. First of all, you need to think about installing an implant. Thanks to it, the dentition will stop shifting, and the bone deprived of tooth roots will stop shrinking.

There are several treatment methods to eliminate atrophy:

  • Sinus lift.

Bone augmentation surgery for the teeth of the upper jaw. There are two types: open and closed. The first option is tissue regrowth with simultaneous implantation, the second is a step-by-step procedure. To perform such manipulations, the specialist needs to slightly shift the bottom of the maxillary sinuses.

  • Express implantation.

The most modern and popular method allows you to fix the problem in the shortest possible time. This method does not require tissue regrowth; if necessary, the attachment is immersed in the deep layers of the bone. Implants are selected individually for each patient.

  • Removable prosthetics.

Not the most reliable method of combating atrophy. Removable structures rub the gums, can cause inflammation, cause speech defects and have a relatively short service life. In addition, such a prosthesis will not be able to stop atrophy. The bone tissue will continue to shrink, feeling less stress, and over time a gap will form between the denture and the gum.

  • Osteoplasty.

This technique allows you to eliminate the problem of insufficient bone width. It should be noted that this problem is extremely rare in the lower jaw due to its structural features. Regrowth is carried out using synthetic or donor materials, but it is preferable to use your own bone material isolated from blood plasma. This method will not cause difficulties during recovery, since “native” cells are not perceived by the body as a potential enemy.

  • Bridges

This method will also not eliminate atrophy, but will only slow down the process. The crowns are attached to each other, resting on existing, healthy teeth. However, over time, a gap will form under such crowns, just as is the case with removable dentures.

Features of the disease

In medical parlance, this problem is called a recession. The disease is no less popular and insidious than the familiar caries. However, caries can be cured in any form, while gum recession may not be stopped at all.

The main insidiousness of a recession is its invisibility. Many perceive the decline in gum level and exposure of the necks of teeth as a normal process associated with age-related changes in the body. If the process is not stopped, the roots will be exposed next.

In order not to trigger the disease, carefully monitor the condition of your teeth. A decrease in bone tissue may not be accompanied by pain, but even an unexpected reaction of the jaw to cold or hot is a reason to consult a dentist for a diagnosis.


Timely diagnosis is the key to the health of your teeth. Jaw bone loss is a serious problem that may not be stopped. It is extremely important to listen to yourself and monitor your symptoms.

Remember: exposing the necks of the teeth cannot be considered the norm. This is the beginning of the development of pathology. The absence of pain does not mean that there is no problem. This is only its initial stage.