Strange phobias or a list of the most ridiculous phobias. The most unusual phobias of a person The strangest phobias in the world

We are accustomed to the fact that when it comes to mental illnesses, all subsequent information should be taken either with a serious or sad face. But sometimes a story about various phobias that people are susceptible to modern people, cannot cause anything other than laughter or a smile. And, besides, thoughts about some fantastic nature of what they are trying to tell you about. After all, a person who does not suffer from phobias, or who experiences fears that seem natural to our society - fear of poverty, horror of aging, fear of an accident - sometimes cannot even believe that the diseases that we list in this article really exist.

And today we decided to voice the funniest phobias that have been recorded by official psychiatry over the past 65 years. And believe me, there is not a single one among them that is fictitious, due to which you can easily “try on” any of the fears for yourself in order to understand how their carriers actually live.

If, after reading our list of “most unusual fears”, you find that phobia that torments you from time to time, then, at least, you can smile at the fact that you are not alone, and that there are people on Earth who are frightened by the same thoughts, events, situations and objects as you. Well, if, while listing the funniest phobias, we forgot one, feel free to point out our mistake in the comments to this article. Using your comments, we will be able to compile a list that will truly include the most incredible, unusual and non-standard phobias and fears!

List of the most incredible fears experienced by modern inhabitants of the Earth

  • Ablutophobia is the fear of all types of washing and brushing teeth.
  • Acribophobia is a refusal to read, caused by the fear of not understanding what you read, which will be proof of the insanity of the acribophobe.
  • Acousticophobia is the horror experienced by the sound of voices on the phone. The type of device - mobile, home, street - does not matter.
  • Alexia – fear of forgetting how to read. Usually it is one of the symptoms of a general fear of multiple sclerosis.
  • Ambulophobia is the inability to walk. People like this don’t leave the apartment anymore, moving around it crawling.
  • Ancraophobia is a fear of the wind, and sometimes of the air itself. This phobia defies logical explanation.
  • Arachibutyrophobia is the fear that nut butter will stick to the tongue and roof of the mouth, causing suffocation.
  • Aurophobia is the fear of wearing gold or touching it.
  • Aphobophobia - the idea that the absence of phobias is evidence of insanity - fear due to the absence of fears.
  • Barbaphobia - panic occurs at the sight of a beard, mustache, or stubble on the face, both in oneself and in other people.
  • Bibliophobia is the fear of libraries, or of books that can “suck in those who open them.”
  • Vestiphobia is a horror of clothes, forcing the patient to walk naked.
  • Wyvernophobia is a panicky fear of dragons.
  • Gargantophobia is an incredible but still existing fear of images and figurines of Teletubbies.
  • Hedonophobia - fear of receiving pleasure - patients feel that for any pleasure they will definitely be punished by the Higher Powers.
  • Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia - mystical horror of the number 666 - “the number of the beast.”
  • Hyerophobia is a horror of sacred objects, priests, prayers, and temples that occurs in people who consider themselves possessed. In fact, it is not proof of possession.
  • Gymnophobia is the fear of someone else's or one's nudity.
  • Hi- despite the name, fear of excessively long words.
  • Glenophobia is a type of phobia caused by the sight of dolls, which, according to Glenophobes, are possessed by “evil spirits.”
  • Gnosiophobia - fear of knowledge - is an excellent opportunity to “give up” on school.
  • Graphophobia is the fear of writing with a pen or pencil. Sometimes - fear of drawing.
  • Deipnophobia is a horror of dinners and conversations about food, usually found in patients with anorexia.
  • Dextrophobia is the horror experienced if something is a person, an object, a car, etc. - appears to the right of the patient.
  • Dorophobia is the fear of receiving gifts.
  • Eupophobia – horror of good news.
  • Internet phobia - the desire to turn on the Internet - the abode of unknown forces and electronic entities.
  • Cyberphobia is a horror of computers, typical not only of older people, but also of 3% of modern teenagers.
  • Kionophobia – fear of snow, snowfall, winter.
  • Coprophobia is a state of panic that occurs at the sight of feces, sometimes one’s own.
  • Coulophobia is the fear of clowns or people in makeup and masks.
  • Kumpunophobia is the fear of buttons, caused by the thought that a button in the mouth will cause suffocation.
  • Lacanophobia is a fear of vegetables, forcing one to refuse to eat them in all forms.
  • Laterophobia is the inability to lie on one’s side, inexplicable to anyone other than the carrier of the phobia itself.
  • Minusophobia is the fear of minuses and any images similar to them.
  • Mythophobia is the horror experienced when reading fairy tales and myths, fantasy and science fiction.
  • Nephophobia is a panic that occurs at the sight of clouds.
  • Ommatophobia is the fear of looking into the eyes of others, sometimes into the eyes of one’s own reflection.
  • Papaphobia is a panic that occurs at the sight of the Pope.
  • Paraxavidecatriaphobia is a mystical horror of Friday the 13th.
  • Parthenopelidophobia is one of the most fantastic phobias, attacks of which arise at the thought of... bald-shaven virgins.
  • Penteraphobia is a type of phobia fear-inducing in front of my mother-in-law.
  • Ranidaphobia is panic at the sight of frogs or the sound of their croaking.
  • Rectophobia is the fear of not being able to go big.
  • Siderohomophobia is another surprising, but very common phobia - the fear of being in the same train compartment with a homosexual.
  • Syngenesophobia – fear of meeting relatives.
  • Fregoli syndrome – intrusive thought that all people on the planet are one person who skillfully changes their appearance and develops as a symptom of persecution mania.
  • Somniphobia – obsessive-compulsive disorder, in which the patient does not allow himself to fall asleep, because I am sure that in a dream he will become someone’s victim, or die.
  • Sciopophobia is the fear of seeing your own or someone else’s shadow.
  • Urophobia is the fear of urinating.
  • Phasmophobia - the horror of meeting a ghost, brownie, goblin, and other otherworldly creatures.
  • Phobophobia is the horror experienced by people who are afraid of having some kind of phobia.
  • Helsinki phobia is the fear of missing even a frame from a film, caused by the belief that incredibly valuable information, messages, and knowledge are encrypted in films.
  • Chrematophobia is the horror experienced when touching money, a source of infections.
  • Eichophobia is a type of phobia that occurs at the moment when its bearer hears good wishes to your address.
  • Ergophobia is a more than excellent way to sleep until lunch - the fear of working physically.
  • Erotophobia is the fear of sex.
  • Ercinophobia is the horror experienced at the sight of modern works of art.

But is everything as fun and funny as it seems?

Having listed all the most unusual fears and the most unusual phobias, we suddenly thought: is everything as funny and fun as it seems? Indeed, in fact, the presence of any, even the most amusing, phobia is often nothing more than a symptom of the presence of some serious, and therefore absolutely unfunny, problem in its owner. mental illness. Moreover, the more ridiculous and absurd a particular fear is, the more serious a mental problem it speaks of.

Therefore, if you are afraid of something that, after attacks of a panic attack, arrhythmia and pressure surges, makes you laugh, or makes your friends laugh no less cheerfully, do not rush to assume that everything is in order with your psyche. Any fear that causes you to lose control over your condition, thoughts, emotions, actions is an indispensable reason to consult a doctor, at least for a professional testimony. After all, any strong horror, repeated under similar conditions, gradually inevitably develops into mandatory psychiatric illness or a deviation that will then be very difficult to treat.

Because of this, we urge you to take your health seriously and begin treating your fear today, when you can get rid of it with the help of the shortest course of psychotherapeutic conversations and the safest, non-provoking side effects and any addictive medications!

And yet, since we are talking about funny phobias, to relieve yourself, watch this short video

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Agyrophobia involves a fear of crossing streets, highways, and other transportation hubs, or a fear of the streets themselves. This makes life in the city very difficult, and sometimes even unbearable. The name comes from the Greek gyrus, which means "to whirl" as the sufferer of the phobia avoids the whirlpool of movement. Fear has several categories, where sufferers can only be afraid of wide roads or single-lane streets, or they can experience fear anywhere on the street, even at a controlled crossing. This phobia is considered independent from the fear of cars.

The bizarre fear of cooking is called mageirophobia, which comes from Greek word mageirokos (cook, culinary specialist). This phobia can be debilitating and potentially lead to unhealthy food if you live alone. Mageirocophobia sufferers may also fear people with cooking skills, and this frightening feeling of inadequacy is likely the root cause of the disorder. If you suffer from mageirocophobia, try to overcome yourself and develop your culinary skills to overcome the disease.

Pediophobia is an unreasonable fear of dolls, not only scary dolls- ALL the dolls. Strictly speaking, this is a phobia.” misrepresentation dolls as intelligent beings.” Pediophobes are afraid of mannequins and robots, which is why it is difficult for them to go shopping. This fear should not be confused with paedophobia - fear of children. Sigmund Freud believed that the disorder could arise from the fear of the doll coming to life. Roboticist Masahiro Mori elaborated on this theory, stating that the more human-like something becomes, the more repulsive its non-human aspects become.

Sufferers of deipnophobia are very afraid to talk while eating. Some people are so intimidated by the idea of ​​talking to another person over lunch that they avoid even such a situation. In past times there were strict rules etiquette that helped a person cope with these situations, but now they are forgotten. In today's society, where rules are a formality, dinner parties and large celebrations can be a real challenge for deipnophobes. However, you can get rid of any phobias and fears with the help of a qualified psychologist.

Eisoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors in a broad sense, or the fear of contact with the spiritual world through a mirror. Sufferers experience inappropriate anxiety even though they understand that their fear is irrational. Because their fear is often based on superstition, they may worry that broken mirror will bring failure, or there will be contact with the other world. Many people are afraid to approach the mirror in the evening, or sleep in front of the mirror.

Demonophobia - constant fear before evil supernatural beings. Suffering people believe that such creatures exist and roam the Earth freely, causing harm to people. Demonophobes most often understand that their fear is unfounded and excessive. However, they are very worried when discussing demons, they are afraid to walk in the forest, watch horror films, and sometimes even sleep in the dark. Sufferers may wear bunches of garlic around their necks, carry crucifixes, wooden wedges, and weapons loaded with silver bullets.

Of all the fears on this list, penterophobia is the most common. If you haven’t guessed, then this is fear of the mother-in-law. It's safe to say that all married people have suffered from this fear at some point. This phobia, so common in Western society, often appears in films and humorous stories. Of many available methods treatment for this phobia, divorce is the most popular. A related fear is noverkaphobia, the fear of your stepmother. The most famous sufferer of noverkaphobia is Cinderella.

This is a very exotic phobia, which consists of the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. This may seem like fiction to many, but nevertheless, there are people who actually suffer from such an illness. That is why arachibutyrophobia is included in the list of the most unusual phobias. This disorder seems to be fairly easy to treat: Don't buy peanut butter. However, there are people who love butter very much and cannot give it up. Here is the testimony of one alleged sufferer: “Every time I see peanut butter, I begin to sweat excessively and my body begins to convulse. The roof of my mouth becomes rough and itchy. I can't live with this fear anymore. My craving for peanut butter must be suppressed to get rid of these terrible anxiety attacks.”

Katisophobia is the fear of sitting down. This disorder may be caused especially acute case hemorrhoids, but in some serious situations it can occur due to physical abuse involving sitting on sharp, or painful objects. Sometimes, catisophobia occurs due to punishment during school days, or it may be another form of phobia - fear of elite and powerful people. This phobia is characterized by sweating, heavy or short breathing, and restlessness. Here, first of all, it is worth understanding why we feel fear, and then taking concrete steps for rehabilitation.

One of the most unusual phobias in the world, automatonophobia is the fear of a ventriloquist's dummy. And this fear is very easy to understand - for many, the very act of ventriloquism may seem very disgusting. The ventriloquist places a puppet on his hand, creating the illusion that it is talking. Those suffering from automatonophobia should not seek treatment - this is a completely natural reaction to a strange process.

Ablutophobia is a persistent fear of cleaning, washing, or bathing. It occurs more often in children and women than in men. This is not a very common phobia, and not as uncommon as many of the others on this list. However, this fear greatly affects the life of the suffering person. Imagine how long you could live comfortably if you couldn't wash yourself?

Chorophobia is a fear of dancing and having fun, which cannot be cured even with alcohol. Phobia also manifests itself as fear of any situation, occasion or person that is associated with fun and dancing. The fear is usually associated with social phobias - especially fear of crowds.

Taking its place on the list of bizarre and unusual phobias is the modern affliction, nomophobia. Anxiety is characterized by a feeling of worry that the phone may be out of range, run out of battery, or get lost. It is believed that more than 50 percent of users mobile communications affected by nomophobia in one way or another. For some it may be more pronounced, and for others it may be completely absent.

The term anemophobia, or ankraophobia, is used to define the fear of wind. People who suffer from anemophobia tend to become restless in and around the street. open windows. Anxious feelings can also manifest themselves when using hand dryers, or even a hair dryer. It is believed that fear is caused by some past experience included in the subconscious of a person.

An extremely rare fear, allodoxophobia is the fear of other people's opinions. The fear is believed to be related to previous confrontations and arguments where the person was unable to properly express an opinion or it was rejected. The phobia manifests itself in social situations when the affected person refuses to involve himself in discussions, fearing confrontation.

A fun reason to skip school, didaskaleinophobia is the actual fear of going to school. Commonly known as “school anxiety,” the phobia is more common in the younger grades (ages 7 to 11). It is believed to stem from anxiety caused by separation from parents. It may also be the result of bullying, conflict with teachers, or other students.

Scopophobia is the fear of being the object of attention. It may seem far-fetched, but scopophobes have an extreme fear of attracting attention. As a result, they become alienated from other people and unavailable. Scopophobes are characterized by paranoia, they always want to stay at home, be isolated as much as possible, and completely refuse to get out of their own world. But even if they have to leave their home, scopophobes try to hide themselves. This phobia actually harms a person's daily functioning. The cause of fear may be a terrible experience in the past that left a trauma for life. They may have faced rejection and ridicule because they are different from other people in some way.

Chrometophobia - fear of money. A person who suffers from such a strange illness is absolutely helpless, since he cannot buy anything for himself or simply take care of himself. Chrometophobes usually live on the streets and are afraid to ask for money, even if they are starving. Fear consists not only of fear of money itself, but also of the very fact of having it. Imagine how unlucky people are who cannot afford to have money.

Do you feel extremely worried and anxious every time you see a bald person? Then you may suffer from peladophobia. Is your fear of going bald giving you a full-blown anxiety attack? Probable cause Such a phobia can be considered an unsuccessful childhood experience, or heredity.

In conclusion, why not mention the fear of phobias itself - phobophobia? Phobophobia is defined as the fear of phobias, or their development. The risk of acquiring a new phobia is common to people who already suffer from a particular fear. If you've been through severe attacks fear, you may end up afraid to have that painful experience again. This is how phobophobia develops.

Panic attacks of this kind are sometimes difficult to interpret logically even by specialists. A person knows that he has a certain problem, while understanding all its groundlessness and abstraction from existing reality.

Psychologists say that a phobia is a reaction of the human body to disturbing memories from childhood or the result of the acquisition of pathology after suffered stress at a more mature age.

In psychiatry, this term refers to an inadequate manifestation of fear to a specific stimulus. Specialists in this field of studying human consciousness examine the nature of obsessive fear in their patient. In psychoanalysis - a doctrine developed by Sigmund Freud - the concept of “phobia” is deciphered as a stable neurosis with its dominant symptoms in people’s behavior.

Experts, after a detailed study of panic attacks, came to the conclusion that they amount to several hundred such mental pathologies. According to some common features they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Spatial phobias. With voiced fear, a person is afraid to be in a certain territory. Claustrophobia prevents him from feeling comfortable in a confined space, and agoraphobia prevents him from feeling comfortable in an open area.
  • Social fears. This category includes many mental pathologies that relate to communication with other members of society. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the fear public speaking(glossophobia), aversion to physical touch (gaphophobia) and fear of any contact with people (anthropophobia).
  • Horror of fauna. A person may never meet the object of his scary dreams, but is madly afraid of him. The most common pathologies in this category include aversion to sharks (selachophobia), fear of spiders (arachnophobia), fear of reptiles (bactrachophobia) and aversion to insects (entomophobia).
  • Fear of natural phenomena. Even cold-blooded people can be afraid of some manifestations of the violence of the elements. In most cases, this concerns fear of thunder and thunderstorms (brontophobia), panic during hurricanes (anemophobia) and fear of an earthquake (seismophobia).
  • Health concerns. Hypowalkers are usually very sensitive to their well-being. They are most worried about infection (germaphobia), the occurrence of tumors in the body (cancerophobia), heart attacks (cardiophobia) and the need to visit the dentist (dentophobia).
  • Fear of objects. People with this pathology are initially afraid of piercing things (aichmophobia), knives (hoplophobia) and even buttons (kumpunophobia).

The most unusual fears a person has

Most fears in relation to the world around us cannot be called obvious pathologies or specific personality changes. Many people are afraid of predators and natural phenomena that threaten their lives. However, there are obvious deviations from the norm in the perception of some individuals, so it is worth talking about.

Rare phobias in humans

The list of the fewest pathologies that are accompanied by panic attacks can be outlined as follows:
  1. Wyvernophobia. This is the beginning of panic at the mere thought of dragons. People with this problem cannot watch films featuring voice-overs of fantastical creatures. However, they calmly observe the predators that exist in nature, being horrified even by the image of a surreal fire-breathing monster.
  2. Gargantophobia. This is a problem regarding the lack of perception on a subconscious level of the Teletubbies. Kids' favorites look pretty funny and are not aggressive characters. This argument is refuted by the gargantophobe, who sees amusing dolls as a great threat to himself and others.
  3. Zeusophobia. Characterized by panic that appears at the thought of gods. At the same time, a person with a similar problem is afraid not only of representatives of Olympus. He will not like any spirit that has become a character in the myths and folklore of different nations.
  4. Cataphractophobia. This is a kind of fear of meeting a knight. Such people understand that the times of the Middle Ages are over, but cannot overcome their unreasonable fear.
  5. Arachibutyrophobia. A unique disease that Woody Allen suffers from. He really fears that the nut butter (oil) may suffocate him, as it will stick to the larynx and tongue of the famous personality.
  6. Papaphobia. A rather rare phenomenon, which is characterized by panic at the mere memory of the Pope. This pathology is almost identical to hierophobia with its classic rejection of priests and cult church attributes.
  7. Omphalophobia. It is such an unusual analysis of some parts of the body of its own kind that it can be considered a deviation from the norm. People with this problem can calmly contemplate irregular facial features and a figure with obvious defects when communicating with any subject, while being horrified at the sight of a human navel.
  8. Parthenopelidophobia. A single deviation from the norm, in which a peculiar person begins to have an attack for a rather fantastic reason. Panic attack such representatives of the stronger sex arise when thinking about shaven-headed virgins.
  9. Fregoli syndrome. This is the paranoid thought that all people on the planet are a masterful counterfeit of the strategic development of higher powers. Strange phobias in humans in this regard can be led by a similar deviation, in which a not entirely healthy person in the billions of the planet’s population sees one subject under the guise of secret agents.
  10. Genuphobia. Some people are afraid of belly buttons, and some people panic about looking at their own or other people's knees. Therefore, they react adequately exclusively to women in long dresses and men in trousers even on the beach.
  11. Somniphobia. Such a rare fear is inherent not only in children (for them this is the norm), but also in mature individuals. They will never fall asleep in an apartment alone or in a separate room. Even in old age, they will be able to see the monsters that are hidden under the bed, in the closet, and even under the blanket.
  12. Anatidaephobia. No sane person would argue that the fear of being followed by a duck or a goose is not adequate reaction to existing reality.
The list of the most unusual human phobias lists fears that are on the verge of developing a mental illness. Therefore, the time has come to start rehabilitating your emotional state and visit a specialist.

Some phobias cannot be called isolated cases of manifestation by people negative reaction to irritants. However, they still deserve to be considered:
  • Penteraphobia. This is the fear of the mother-in-law, mother-in-law. Women who got married are more emotional towards their new relatives. Any mother considers a grown-up child a unique person, for which it will be difficult to find a worthy pair. Many mothers-in-law and mother-in-law are initially hostile towards the chosen one of their offspring, which creates the ground for such a thing as penteraphobia.
  • Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia. This is the fear of a combination that makes up three digits 6. Some people believe that the superstitious statement about the “devil number of the Beast” is an absolute danger to human health and life. It is also worth noting tradecaphobia, a panic state in which (number 13) is also inspired by mystical prejudices.
  • Eichophobia. This kind of fear will surprise many people because they usually like to hear nice things from friends and colleagues, even in a flattering form. A person with a vocal phobia is horrified when faced with the prospect of taking note of warm and sincere wishes addressed to you even from a loved one.
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Just by its name it makes it possible to imply horror of something global. People with such mental disharmony are afraid to utter long words, even with excellent diction.
  • Siderohomophobia. It is a very common phobia that many men are embarrassed to voice out loud. They are afraid of being in the same train compartment or in a sauna with a homosexual, which they carefully hide from everyone in order to avoid ridicule by their friends.
  • Helsinki phobia. This is the fear of missing even a frame from a film that was interrupted by advertising. Particularly suspicious and exalted persons are confident that it is at this moment that information that is important to them in all respects will be sent to the audience.
  • Ambulophobia. This is a reluctance to walk. At first glance, such a refusal may seem like a whim of the owners of personal vehicles. However, the reason is precisely that ambulophobes are afraid to even touch the pavement or country road with their feet, which seems to them a death strip.
  • Caliginephobia. In this case, women who believe that representatives of the stronger sex pay attention exclusively to ladies with a bright appearance will be surprised. It is precisely these spectacular beauties that Caliginephobes are madly afraid of, who would prefer a gray mouse as a life partner.
  • Coulrophobia. Many children love to attend circus performances, because what attracts them most is the miniatures of funny clowns. However, coulorophobes are not at all amused when it comes to seeing these characters, because they are best case scenario fall into a stupor from the horror they have endured.
  • Metrophobia. A rather interesting phobia of people can be considered their rejection of a high syllable. They do not perceive poetry either in terms of recitation or as a means of receiving new information through rhythmically designed masterpieces of world classics.
  • Eisoptrophobia. Very successful people suffer from the fear of seeing themselves in the reflection of a mirror. Pamela Anderson is considered quite a stunning beauty, but she would never consider her appearance that way because she is aesoptrophobic.
  • Pogonophobia. In this case, it should be noted that the reasonable statement that every person has quite different tastes. However, with a voiced phobia, women sometimes become horrified and disgusted at the sight of bearded men.
  • Alliumophobia. Some skeptics may think such fear is superstition, but people with similar problems They are really afraid of garlic. They would definitely have been considered vampires at one time, but alliumophobes simply cannot stand this spicy vegetable solely for gastronomic reasons.
Unnecessarily emotional people They exaggerate the presence of problems that in fact are not a signal for alarm. They even consider aphophobia (the fear of not having any fears) to be a pathology, which is definitely not such.

The most dangerous phobias in humans

Some manifestations of fear in response to external stimuli can cause harm both to the patient himself and to complete strangers:
  1. Criminophobia. This is the fear factor that a person may commit any offense. Even with full compliance with all laws, he is afraid to go beyond the Criminal Code. Such a pathology is dangerous because in the end exactly what the criminophobe is so wary of will happen.
  2. Homicidophobia. Is the state in which people are afraid not of banal theft, but direct participation in taking the life of another person. In this case, we are not talking about a specific person who was chosen by the object to settle scores. Even strangers, therefore, a homocidophobe (potential maniac) is a dangerous subject for society.
  3. Suicidophobia. With this pathology, a person becomes a threat solely to himself. Tendency to settle scores with one's own life - distinguishing feature people who are already on the verge of deciding their existence in this world.
  4. Angrophobia. These are emotional disturbances that have a twofold character. In this case, a distinction is made between fear of one’s own anger and fear of aggression from loved ones or strangers. It is the first problem that can become dangerous factor for the safety of other people.
  5. Vestiphobia. It consists of a person’s unconditional rejection of both underwear and outerwear. Consequently, he is ready to walk naked, which is an obvious deviation from moral standards and an asocial manifestation that can even lead to administrative liability.
Watch a video about unusual phobias:

If you are interested in what kind of phobias a person has, just read this article. In most cases, the pathologies described are rare conditions that should not be feared.

Many people in our world experience severe, uncontrollable obsessive fears. They are called phobias. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they appear in certain situations. If, for example, a person is afraid of the dark, then panic overwhelms him when the lights in the room turn off. But this is, in principle, a fear that can be justified. There are many like them. They are not surprising. Therefore, now I would like to talk about the most strange phobias. Among them there are some that many have probably never even heard of.

Fears starting with "A"

Perhaps we should start with acribophobia. This - obsessive fear do not understand the meaning of what you read. Interestingly, it often becomes a sign of schizophrenia. This is in cases where people complain that phrases and words break up into individual syllables and letters.

Ablutophobia is another specific fear. Manifests itself in fear of cleaning, washing, bathing, washing, bathrooms and toilets.

It’s also worth saying about arachibutyrophobia. It is typical for people who are afraid that nut butter will stick to the roof of their mouth.

There is also Anglophobia. Based on the name, you can understand what it is. This is the fear felt before everything that concerns England. Not the strangest phobia, but surprising at least. You can get rid of it if something pleasant appears in your life related to the frightening country. For example, your favorite British TV series, delicious tea, or an English friend.

Fears of modernity

The strangest phobias are associated with the 21st century factor, and it’s hard to argue with that. They developed with the advent of gadgets in our lives.

For example, punctumophobia is characteristic of people who are afraid of receiving a message that ends with a period. They believe that this is a hint of a serious conversation or a lack of mood on the part of the interlocutor.

Reterophobia is characteristic of people who are afraid of making a mistake in a word or not noticing autocorrect.

Even stranger is the fear people have that their emoji messages will be misunderstood. This is emojiphobia. First, a person sends a frivolous emoticon in the form of some kind of eggplant into the chat, and then worries that he will be considered frivolous.

Also on the list of the strangest phobias of our time is the fear of a bad selfie. Although fear is comical, the consequences can be serious. Some people are ready to do a lot for a good and bright selfie.

The last thing I would like to note is ignorophobia. Fear is characteristic of people who are afraid that their message will be read but not answered. They immediately begin to think about what word they used incorrectly and how they offended their interlocutor.

Absurd cases

Developing the topic, I would like to give the top 3 truly ridiculous fears that only cause laughter. So here it is:

  • Stenophobia is a phenomenon characteristic of people who are afraid that their relatives will register on social networks. networks. The name is given in honor of Stan, a character from the cartoon "South Park". In one of the episodes, his own grandmother added him as a friend.
  • Fakephobia is the fear of believing false news. People who are characterized by this feverishly check information that interests them in various sources.
  • Waybecophobia is a fear experienced by those who are afraid that their Internet past will be found by other people (old comments, photos, recordings, etc.).

The most interesting thing is that now these fears are not uncommon. It’s not surprising, because we live in a world of modern technology.

Fears in social media networks

Some of them have already been mentioned above. But the previously listed fears are far from the strangest phobias in the world compared to the fear of choosing a bad filter on Instagram! And this happens. It's called filterophobia.

No less absurd is the fear of getting too few likes on your post. It is called, accordingly, likekophobia.

Many people also feel the fear of being tagged in a photo or post, and there is also a fear of being tracked by intelligence agencies on social media. networks, and irritation regarding constant notifications. The most interesting thing is duoluminaphobia. It lies in the fear of making a mistake in the chat.

Men's fears

Talking about the strangest phobias, it is worth noting the fear that is characteristic mainly of representatives of the male half of humanity. And now we will not talk about the fear of defeat, rejection or failure. This refers to caliginephobia. This is the name of the fear of beautiful women.

This fear is a type of gynephobia, which, in turn, manifests itself in the fear experienced in front of women.

Caliginephobia is accompanied by several symptoms. These include panic attacks, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. To eliminate this fear, cognitive behavioral treatment is used in conjunction with systematic desensitization.

Social fears

They are also worth noting when talking about the strangest human phobias. And first of all, we need to talk about the fear of becoming an object of someone’s observation. This is scopophobia. Characteristic of people who are afraid to attract attention to themselves. If they notice someone's gaze on them, they feel awkward and begin to get nervous. This is a dangerous fear, because it often leads to unsociability and isolation. Those for whom other people's views cause paranoia may close themselves off forever if you do not help them cope with this problem.

One cannot help but mention ephebiphobia. This is the fear and disgust felt towards teenagers. The term appeared in 1994, and was introduced by Kirk Astroth. The cause of ephebiphobia is usually personal motives. This phenomenon is treated through the use of psychotherapeutic methods.

One cannot help but mention peladophobia. It is typical for people who are afraid of bald people. The exact opposite is trichophobia. This is fear and disgust experienced in relation to hair. For people with such fear, going to the hairdresser turns into real torture. A hair accidentally stuck to clothing can cause a panic attack.

Ridiculous fears

The top 10 strangest phobias definitely include chronoipochondria. It is characteristic of people with excellent imagination and vivid imagination, who, as a rule, love science fiction. This phobia manifests itself in the fear of going back in time and catching a deadly virus! But it’s impossible to get back to the future because the time machine is broken. It looks like a movie script, but no - this is the fear of many people.

Genuphobia is no less surprising. It manifests itself in the fear of bare knees! People with such fear always cover for them. One can only wonder how they feel when walking on a hot day, when everyone around them is dressed in shorts and skirts.

No less strange is metrophobia. And no, this is not a fear of traveling on the subway. At least somehow she can be understood. People with metrophobia are afraid of everything related to poetry. Poems cause them a real panic attack.

One cannot fail to mention omphalophobia. In short, it is a fear of the navel. People with this phobia cannot even look at him.

What is compared to justification

Our reality is also known for such a phenomenon as ergophobia, which is an aversion to work. Many people include this fear in a list called “The strangest and most ridiculous phobias.” Some even joke: “You’re not lazy, you’re just an ergophobe.” But in reality it is - serious illness, which can cause many troubles and troubles.

The reasons for its occurrence are usually:

  • The boring job that started my career. It provokes the feeling that work is something monotonous and tedious. The realization of the need to do this all your life figuratively kills a person.
  • Depression. Mourning, dysthymia and stress that a person experiences suppress motivation to work.
  • Neurosis This dysfunction makes it difficult for a person to cope with anxiety, which prevents him from finding work and focusing on it.
  • Mental and post-traumatic disorders.
  • Dismissal.
  • Phobia (fear of the workplace).

This fear is now being actively treated through psychotherapy, counseling, medication and alternative medicine.

Rare cases

There are fears that are characteristic of only a few. They are also worth mentioning when listing the strangest phobias.

Papaphobia begins the list of unusual and rare fears. And this is the fear of the Pope. It is closely related to the so-called hierophobia. It, in turn, manifests itself in relation to religion and clergy.

You can also say something about chairophobia. It is characteristic of people who are afraid of laughing in an inappropriate environment. Let's say at a funeral. The fact is that some people's bodies behave this way. defensive reaction to a shocking situation.

Nephophobia is also considered a strange phenomenon. It manifests itself in the fear of clouds! Often, by the way, it transforms into fear experienced in front of fog or even air.

But an even more rare and incomprehensible fear is dextrophobia. It represents the fear experienced in front of objects located on the right. Dextrophobia is considered a disease whose roots go back to childhood.

Other fears

Continuing the list of the funniest and strangest phobias in the world, it is worth notingia. Based on the name, you can understand why a person with such fear experiences fear. TO long words, of course!

By the way, the fear of the number 666 has a similar name. This fear is known as hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia. It is not rare. Often, even the route numbers on buses were changed, just to avoid the “number of the Beast.”

It's funny, but there is even gnosiophobia. This is the fear a person experiences before acquiring knowledge! But even she does not top the rating called “The strangest and most ridiculous phobias.” The top of most TOPs is... fear of money! Surprisingly, there really are people who are afraid of them. This fear is called chrometophobia. People suffering from it are afraid to touch bills or coins, pick them up, or carry them in their pockets. It’s good that the concept of cashless payments now exists, otherwise it would be very difficult for them.

In psychiatry, a phobia is a pathological fear of a particular stimulus. It turns out that there are about a thousand different phobias in the world. The list of fears is so huge that today almost every third person can find their own fear in it.

By the way, many people, living with some kind of fear, do not even realize that they are susceptible to a phobia. We present to you a selection of the strangest human phobias.

Dextrophobia- fear of objects and things located to the right of the person suffering from a phobia. Scientists believe that the roots of this phobia come from childhood - when the child was accustomed to waiting for danger on the right side.

Dorophobia- fear of receiving and giving gifts. At first glance, this fear even seems funny. If you look deeper into this problem, the source of this fear lies in complexes and reproaches from childhood.

Kumpunophobia- fear of buttons. Psychiatrists have found that 1 person in 75,000 suffers from this fear.

Omphalophobia- fear of belly buttons. Patients with such fear are afraid to touch other people's navels and even look at them. This is due to the fact that they associate the navel with the umbilical cord and the womb. It has been noticed that omalophobes are often afraid to even think about belly buttons.

Penterophobia- fear of mother-in-law or mother-in-law. This is not the story of their joke, but the real mental disorder, when the patient is simply unable to communicate with the parent of his significant other.

Chairophobia- fear of laughing in an inappropriate environment, for example, at a funeral.

Imojiphobia- fear of being misunderstood when using emoticons in emails. The patient is frightened by the fact that the emoticon sent to him in a chat may be misunderstood.

Selfiphobia- fear of taking a bad selfie. This phobia can be expressed in hysterical filming before receiving best result. According to doctors, this is a serious mental disorder that can lead to bad consequences.

Gargantophobia- Fear of Teletubbies. This fear arose with the appearance of the children's educational program “Teletubbies” on television screens. Sick people are scared appearance heroes of this program.

Dikephobia- fear of justice. Apparently, the life of those suffering from this fear consists of constant violations of the law.

Nomophobia- fear of being left without a phone. A patient may become hysterical if he accidentally forgets his cell phone at home.

Papaphobia- fear of the Pope. And this happens. This phobia was initially based on fear of clergy, but then it developed into a separate fear - fear of the Pope.

Plutophobia- fear of wealth. There are many examples of people with billions living simply and even wearing torn socks. Whether they can be called plutophobes or whether they are simply very economical - psychiatry is silent.

Deipnophobia- fear of dinners and conversations at dinners. Probably, such a fear arises when a person has found himself in a situation a couple of times. awkward situation at lunch time.

Criminophobia- fear of committing a crime. Most likely, patients have hands that are tempted to break something, but panic fear causes the very awareness that they may do something illegal.