Functions of water in human life. The unique role of water in human life

Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water.

All living plant and animal beings are composed of water:
fish - by 75%; jellyfish - by 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - by 85%; tomatoes - by 90%; cucumbers - by 95%; watermelons - by 96%.

In general, the human body consists of 50-86% by weight of water (86% in a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly). The water content in various parts of the body is: bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles - up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%.

This circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person “has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of caustic sodium.”

Throughout his life, a person daily deals with water. He uses it for drinking and food, for washing, in summer for rest, in winter for heating.
For a person, water is a more valuable natural resource than coal, oil, gas, iron, because it is irreplaceable.

A person can live without food for about 50 days, if during a hunger strike he drinks fresh water, he will not live without water for a week - death will occur in 5 days. According to medical experiments, with a loss of moisture in the amount of 6-8% of body weight, a person falls into a semi-conscious state, with a loss of 10%, hallucinations begin, with 12%, a person cannot recover without special medical care, and with a loss of 20%, inevitable death occurs. .

In the human body, water:

  • humidifies oxygen for breathing;
  • regulates body temperature;
  • helps the body absorb nutrients;
  • protects vital organs;
  • lubricates the joints;
  • helps convert food into energy;
  • participates in metabolism;
  • removes various waste products from the body.

A person begins to feel thirsty when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2% (0.5-1.0l). Loss of 10% of moisture from body weight can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and the loss of 20% (7 - 8l) is already fatal.

The average person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In hot weather, with high humidity, during sports, water consumption increases. Even through breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily.

The correct drinking regime implies the preservation of the physiological water balance - this is a balancing of the inflow and formation of water with its release.

The daily requirement of an adult in water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Approximately 40% of the body's daily water requirement is met with food, the rest we must take in the form of various drinks. In summer, you need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water daily. In hot regions of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 liters per day, and at an air temperature of 38-40C and low humidity, outdoor workers will need 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water per day. At the same time, you can’t focus on whether you are thirsty or not, since this reflex occurs already late and is not an adequate indicator of how much water your body needs.
It is interesting to know that cereals contain up to 80% water, bread - about 50%, meat - 58-67%, vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water, i.e. “Dry” food consists of 50-60% water.

And about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself.
According to some estimates, for 60 years of life a person drinks about 50 tons of water - a whole tank!
By participating in the metabolism, water can reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight. Many of those who want to lose weight believe that their body retains water and try to drink less of it. However, water is a natural diuretic and if you drink it, you will lose weight.

If the body receives enough water, then the person becomes more energetic and hardy. It is easier for him to control his weight, as digestion improves, and when you are drawn to a snack, it is often enough just to drink water to reduce your appetite. Symptoms of dehydration are dry skin (may be itchy), fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, high blood pressure, poor kidney function, dry cough, back and joint pain.

Research scientists have already proven that drinking enough water can minimize back pain, migraines, rheumatic pains, as well as lowering blood cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. Since water does not contain salts, fat, cholesterol and caffeine, then, accordingly, it is excreted from the body in a different way.

German scientists, after conducting tests on student volunteers, came to the conclusion that those who drink more water and drinks show more endurance and a penchant for creativity than those who drink less.

Regular water intake improves thinking and brain coordination. The brain and the whole body will be sufficiently charged with the necessary substances if the water we drink is of high quality, that is, rich in minerals. A healthy person should not limit himself to drinking, but it is much more beneficial to drink little and often. It is harmful to drink a lot of liquid at once, since all the liquid is absorbed into the blood, and until its excess is excreted from the body by the kidneys, the heart receives an excessive load.

Thus, we can conclude that the role of water for humans is enormous. Today, each person can create for himself the conditions for maintaining an invaluable water balance through the proper organization of the drinking regime.

Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water.

All living plant and animal beings are composed of water:
fish - by 75%; jellyfish - by 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - by 85%; tomatoes - by 90%; cucumbers - by 95%; watermelons - by 96%.

In general, the human body consists of 50-86% by weight of water (86% in a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly). The water content in various parts of the body is:
bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles - up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%.

This circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person “has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of caustic sodium.”

Throughout his life, a person daily deals with water. He uses it for drinking and food, for washing, in summer for rest, in winter for heating.
For a person, water is a more valuable natural resource than coal, oil, gas, iron, because it is irreplaceable.

A person can live without food for about 50 days, if during a hunger strike he drinks fresh water, he will not live without water for a week - death will occur in 5 days. According to medical experiments, with a loss of moisture in the amount of 6-8% of body weight, a person falls into a semi-conscious state, with a loss of 10%, hallucinations begin, with 12%, a person cannot recover without special medical care, and with a loss of 20%, inevitable death occurs. .

In the human body, water:

    humidifies oxygen for breathing;

    regulates body temperature;

    helps the body absorb nutrients;

    protects vital organs;

    lubricates the joints;

    helps convert food into energy;

    participates in metabolism;

    removes various waste products from the body.

A person begins to feel thirsty when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2%.
(0.5-1.0l). Loss of 10% of moisture from body weight can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and the loss of 20% (7 - 8l) is already fatal.

The average person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In hot weather, with high humidity, during sports, water consumption increases. Even through breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily.

The correct drinking regime implies the preservation of the physiological water balance - this is a balancing of the inflow and formation of water with its release.

The daily requirement of an adult in water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Approximately 40% of the body's daily water requirement is met with food, the rest we must take in the form of various drinks. In summer, you need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water daily. In hot regions of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 liters per day, and at an air temperature of 38-40C and low humidity, outdoor workers will need 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water per day. At the same time, you can’t focus on whether you are thirsty or not, since this reflex occurs already late and is not an adequate indicator of how much water your body needs.
It is interesting to know that cereals contain up to 80% water, bread - about 50%, meat - 58-67%, vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water, i.e. “Dry” food consists of 50-60% water.

And about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself.
According to some estimates, for 60 years of life a person drinks about 50 tons of water - a whole tank!
By participating in the metabolism, water can reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight. Many of those who want to lose weight believe that their body retains water and try to drink less of it. However, water is a natural diuretic and if you drink it, you will lose weight.

If the body receives enough water, then the person becomes more energetic and hardy. It is easier for him to control his weight, as digestion improves, and when you are drawn to a snack, it is often enough just to drink water to reduce your appetite. Symptoms of dehydration are dry skin (may be itchy), fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, high blood pressure, poor kidney function, dry cough, back and joint pain.

Research scientists have already proven that drinking enough water can minimize back pain, migraines, rheumatic pains, as well as lowering blood cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. Since water does not contain salts, fat, cholesterol and caffeine, then, accordingly, it is excreted from the body in a different way.

German scientists, after conducting tests on student volunteers, came to the conclusion that those who drink more water and drinks show more endurance and a penchant for creativity than those who drink less.

Regular water intake improves thinking and brain coordination. The brain and the whole body will be sufficiently charged with the necessary substances if the water we drink is of high quality, that is, rich in minerals. A healthy person should not limit himself to drinking, but it is much more beneficial to drink little and often. It is harmful to drink a lot of liquid at once, since all the liquid is absorbed into the blood, and until its excess is excreted from the body by the kidneys, the heart receives an excessive load.

Thus, we can conclude that the role of water for humans is enormous. Today, each person can create for himself the conditions for maintaining an invaluable water balance through the proper organization of the drinking regime.

Water has a huge impact on human health. In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Even in ancient times, people were able to distinguish between "living" water - suitable for drinking and "dead" - unsuitable for consumption. Scientists have long established a direct relationship between the quality of drinking water and life expectancy. This is not surprising, given that, according to the World Health Organization, about 90% of human diseases are caused by the use of poor-quality water for drinking purposes, as well as the use of untreated water for domestic purposes (shower, bath, pool, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc.) . At present, the issues of drinking water quality have not lost their relevance.

High-quality drinking water is water that does not contain impurities that are harmful to human health. It should be odorless and colorless and safe for long-term use.

The rapid growth of the world's population, combined with increasing water consumption for domestic and industrial needs and intensive agriculture, leads to a global water crisis, which manifests itself in the lack of fresh water and its increasing pollution.

According to a recent study, freshwater systems around the world are now degrading so badly, losing the ability to supply people, animals and plants, that if this trend continues, it could lead to a sharp decline in the world's population and the extinction of a large number of animal species. The situation is threatening, as humanity consumes more fresh water than the Earth can provide. The growth rate of fresh water consumption is more than 2 times higher than the growth of the world's population.

While many regions are well supplied with drinking water, every four out of 10 people live in river basins with a shortage of drinking water. By 2025, at least 3.5 billion people - about half of the world's population - are expected to lack drinking water. People now use 54% of the available fresh water, with two-thirds going to agriculture. According to experts, by 2025 water consumption will increase to 75% of the current level only due to an increase in the population. Already, more than a billion people on earth do not have access to clean water. Another problem is that in developing countries, 95% of sewage and 70% of industrial waste are discharged into water bodies without treatment.

In many countries, the issue of providing the population with good quality drinking water is very acute; it has long been a subject of trade.

In Europe, such developed countries as Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, agree on the supply of clean drinking water from Sweden, and Hong Kong, for example, receives water through a pipeline from China.
Recently, we have begun to think more and more often, what kind of water do we drink? From a tap or bottled, or from numerous springs located on the territory of the region.
Despite the fact that tap water complies with accepted sanitary standards, it remains far from clean. Not everyone, you see, will voluntarily risk taking a sip of even cold water right from the tap. In the water bodies surrounding the city, where the water supply comes from, an average of 2000 pathogenic substances and microorganisms are found. Some of them (very small) are disinfected at treatment plants by chlorination. Chlorine itself is an extremely dangerous and poisonous element!

Chlorinated tap water is dangerous to health. Although chlorine destroys many dangerous microbes, it is one of the causes of atherosclerosis. Combining with organic substances present in the water, chlorine also forms carcinogens and no less - dioxin - a chemical warfare agent that American troops used in Vietnam in the 70s of the last century! Distilled and distilled water is also unhealthy. As a result of special cleaning methods, everything is removed from it - not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial trace elements - and it becomes almost empty and useless. If you drink it for a long time, then there will be a sharp loss of mineral salts by the body, which will lead, for example, to malfunctions in the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, and will cause premature aging of the body.

The use of spring water is also not a panacea. Its quality is practically not subject to control and especially deteriorates during the spring period of snowmelt. In such water, pesticides, phosphates, and heavy metals are detected during laboratory analysis. The pollution with nitrates is very high, their concentration is on average 2-10 times higher than the amount allowed for drinking water.

According to the World Health Organization, the frequency of waterborne diseases is the highest. The impact of the water factor on the health of the population is constantly confirmed by more than a century of water supply practice.

Thus, drinking water should not only be clean at the bacteriological level and not have substances harmful to humans, but also contain useful minerals (they are better absorbed by the body from water than from food)

Why is chlorine dangerous in water?

Combined with chlorinated tap water with The most valuable natural phytochemicals with antibacterial and anticancer properties that we get from food turn into deadly poisons. These substances include soy, fruits, vegetables, tea, many health foods, and some medications.

In Japan, a joint study was conducted by the National Institutes of Health and Shizuoka Prefectural University. Scientists have found that naturally occurring organic compounds react with chlorinated tap water to form dangerous compounds that can cause cancer. Such compounds are called MX, that is, "Mutagen X" or "Unknown mutagen". They are similar to the already well known and easier to detect trihalomethane (THM).

An earlier study in Finland found that MH is 170 times or more dangerous than other known by-products of chlorination. It has also been laboratory confirmed that Mc damages the thyroid gland and causes cancerous growths.

There is nothing dangerous in the organic compounds themselves. It is chlorine that is responsible for turning them into deadly poisons of MH and THM. When the same compounds are combined with pure drinking water, they are quite beneficial to the body.

It has been found that fresh vegetables and fruits also react with chlorinated tap water with which we drink food, and in the same way form toxins. This means that fresh fruits and vegetables, green salad, green, black and herbal teas, soy products, vitamins and various health supplements, even some drugs can change their properties when combined with chlorinated water.

Dangerous carcinogens can be extremely toxic even in microscopic doses, so small that they are extremely difficult to determine. And in order for them to form, chlorine is also required quite a bit.

There is an assumption that chlorine depresses the immune and hormonal systems of the body by changing plant estrogens and phytochemicals that we get from food and which support the activity of these systems.

Although chlorination reduces the risk of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, many pathogenic (disease-causing) factors are not eliminated in this way. In addition, chlorine is dangerous to the body both when ingested, and when it comes into contact with the skin and inhalation.

Is it possible to find a safer way to disinfect water? Can. There are other methods, for example, ozonation and ultraviolet irradiation. However, for various reasons (including high cost), they have not yet been put into effect. And it is simply impossible to refuse chlorination. When Peru stopped chlorinating its water in 1991 to reduce the number of cancers, a cholera epidemic broke out there.

What to do?

    Avoid chlorine as much as possible: for example, don't drink chlorinated tap water. Try to get rid of chlorine: use bottled drinking water.

    If possible, avoid swimming in chlorinated water. The chlorine in the water dries out the skin and causes itching. And when inhaled, vapors of chlorine compounds can accumulate in the lungs and cause bronchitis and asthma. There are special filters that are installed in the shower head.

    Buy testers. After reading about the dangers of chlorine, you probably want to know how great the danger to which you are exposed. The tea served to you at the restaurant may have been made with chlorinated water; Lettuce leaves could have been washed in chlorinated water... You can find out the details with the help of testers. They are not yet available in every store, but they can be purchased if desired. To measure the level of chlorine in water, test strips are used (usually 25 pieces per package), as well as indicators in the form of tablets or drops. They will let you know if the "clean drinking water" you buy contains chlorine. Or the water is really clean and drinkable.

    1. Boil water

    Boiling water destroys bacteria, coagulates colloidal particles of dirt, softens water, evaporates volatile organic substances and part of free chlorine. But the concentration of salts, heavy metals, pesticides, organic substances increases. Chlorine, associated with organics, when heated, turns into a terrible poison - a powerful carcinogen-dioxin, belonging to the category of especially dangerous poisons. Dioxins are 68 thousand times more poisonous than potassium cyanide. We drink boiled water, and it slowly kills us.

    2. Settling water

    When water is settled for at least 3 hours, the concentration of free chlorine decreases, but iron ions, salts of heavy metals, carcinogenic organochlorine compounds, radionuclides, and part of non-volatile organic substances are practically not removed.

    3. Water distillation

    Distilled water is unsuitable for constant consumption, as it does not contain trace elements necessary for the body. Its constant use leads to disorders of the immune system, heart rate, digestion process, etc.

    4. Water filtration

    Choosing a home filter is a very difficult task. In order to figure out which filter to buy (and their mass: coal, membrane, bactericidal, complex, etc.), you first need to have information about the composition and characteristics of your water. Only then it is necessary to select a filter according to the given properties. This can only be done by a professional. A home filter is essentially a mini water treatment plant.

    Domestic filters, as a rule, purify water only from mechanical impurities and excess chlorine. Imported installations are designed for post-treatment of a fundamentally different source water, which must comply with the WHO standard for 150 parameters. However, according to this assessment, our water only fits the category of “technical” and should not be subjected to post-treatment, but to primary treatment. Naturally, when treating such water, the filters quickly become clogged. The degree of purification decreases, and after a while the filter begins to give back to the water, the accumulated pollution and the microflora that has multiplied in them. It is very difficult to determine in time the moment when the reverse contamination of water begins, because. this process is unregulated. Therefore, for high-quality water purification, the filtration method at home will not become a panacea.

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  • Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Water is the largest "food product" in the human diet in terms of consumption.

    Water is a universal substance, without which life is impossible. Water is an indispensable part of all living things. Plants contain up to 90% water, and in the body of an adult - about 70%; this circumstance allowed science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person "has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a 40% solution of sodium hydroxide."

    Biologists sometimes joke that water "invented" man as a means of transportation. And this seems to be true, because the main component of our body is water. There is a beautiful metaphor by Dubois on this score: "A living organism is animate water."

    After air, water is the second most important component necessary for human life. How important water is is evidenced by the fact that its content in various organs is 70 - 90%. With age, the amount of water in the body changes. A three-month-old fetus contains 90% water, a newborn 80%, an adult - 70%. Water is present in all tissues of our body, although it is unevenly distributed:

    The brain contains - 75%
    . Heart - 75%
    . Lungs - 85%
    . Liver - 86%
    . Kidneys - 83%
    . Muscles - 75%
    . Blood - 83%.

    Today, more than ever, it is very important for our body to receive clean water with a balanced mineral composition.
    It carries our body's waste, delivers lubrication to our joints, stabilizes our temperature, and is the lifeblood of the cell.

    Water is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes, it takes part in the absorption of nutrients by cells. Digestion becomes possible only when food becomes a water-soluble form. Crushed tiny food particles acquire the ability to penetrate through the intestinal tissue into the blood and intracellular fluid. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in our body occur in the aquatic environment, so the lack of clean water inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals in human blood, which leads to premature skin aging and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles.

    Consumption of clean water ensures the normal functioning of internal organs. It keeps your body flexible, lubricates your joints and aids in the absorption of nutrients. A good supply of clean water to the body helps fight excess weight. This is expressed not only in a decrease in excessive appetite, but also in the fact that a sufficient amount of pure water contributes to the processing of already accumulated fat. These fat cells, with the help of a good water balance, become able to leave your body.

    Water is a heat carrier and thermostat. It absorbs excess heat and removes it by evaporating through the skin and respiratory tract. Water moisturizes the mucous membranes and the eyeball. In the heat and during physical exercises, intensive evaporation of water from the surface of the body occurs. Consumption of cool clean water, which is absorbed into the blood from the stomach, provides timely cooling of your body, protecting it from overheating. During training, for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink in small portions of about 1 liter per hour.

    Even if you do not bother yourself with physical exercises, you still need to constantly replenish the lack of water. The atmosphere in modern buildings is often overheated and air-conditioned. This dries the air and dehydrates the body. The same thing happens when traveling by train, plane and car. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all these joys of life contribute to the removal of water from the body. An adult is able to live without food for more than a month, without water for several days. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity. Loss of 20% of water leads to death. During the day, from 3 to 6% of the water contained in the body is exchanged. Half of the water contained in the body is exchanged within 10 days.

    The amount of water required to maintain water balance depends on age, physical activity, ambient temperature and humidity. The daily requirement of an adult is about 2.5 liters.

    Clean drinking water also increases the body's defense against stress. It thins the blood, fights fatigue, helps the cardiovascular system, fights stress. A healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition, activity and the consumption of clean water.

    With such a great importance of water for a person, the water must be of the appropriate quality, but if the water contains any harmful substances, they will inevitably be distributed throughout the body.

    Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluorine is contained in the water. Water fluoridation is believed to be effective in preventing caries, especially in children. The content of fluorides in drinking water above sanitary standards (not more than 1.5 mg/l) has a harmful effect on human health. Fluorine is a biologically active trace element, the content of which in drinking water should be in the range of 0.7-1.5 mg/l in order to avoid caries or dental fluorosis.

    According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from a tap must meet drinking water standards. However, how far these standards are from the quality of hot water. At the time of hot water supply from the station, the temperature is 130 degrees. Naturally, not a single microbe can withstand such heat. However, on its way, along rusty and demolished heating networks, the liquid is not only saturated with living and very harmful microorganisms, but also with chemically hazardous substances. First of all, it is iron, lead, arsenic, chromium, mercury. The main threat, primarily to the health of hair and skin, is active chlorine, which at high temperatures forms an extremely toxic substance in water - dioxin. The microbes and microelements accumulated in hot water are detrimental to damaged areas of the skin and hairline. Skin diseases and hair diseases in many ways become a serious problem due to the ingress of pathogenic substances into the affected areas.

    How much and when should you drink?

    When consuming water, it is necessary to remember that not only insufficient, but also excessive drinking is harmful. With a sharp restriction of the amount of fluid introduced into the body, the excretion of decay products with urine decreases, thirst appears, health worsens, efficiency and intensity of digestion processes decrease. Excessive drinking, especially in large portions, also brings undoubted harm: sweating increases, “diluted” blood copes worse with the role of an oxygen carrier, and its increased volume creates an additional burden on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.

    The emergence and quenching of thirst is associated with the circulation of water in the body. Thirst appears when the water-salt balance shifts towards an increase in salt concentration and activates the system of self-regulation of osmotic pressure, which determines the permeability of cell membranes, that is, the speed of movement of all substances dissolved in water through them. In the brain (in the region of the hypothalamus, which is involved in the regulation of the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, and other organs and systems), there are nerve cells that are extremely sensitive to osmotic pressure, and when it rises, they cause the body to quench thirst. Often we feel the desire to drink, not so much because there is not enough water in the body, but because of the signals that the osmotic pressure can still increase.

    In cases where we have consumed a lot of salty and spicy foods, quenching the emerging thirst leads to the restoration of the water-salt balance and osmotic pressure. It would seem that everything is in order. But there is too much fluid in the body, and then not only the organs that pump blood, but also the metabolism suffer from its excess.

    By regulating your drinking regimen, you can achieve a change in the function of some organs. So, drinking water on an empty stomach, especially cold, carbonated, as well as sweet juices, increase intestinal motility and thereby have a laxative effect. Very hot drinks, on the contrary, should not be drunk on an empty stomach, they adversely affect the gastric mucosa. It is harmful to drink cold water after a heavy fatty meal. Such food lingers in the stomach longer, and if you drink a lot of water, it will overflow even more and stretch, there will be an unpleasant feeling of discomfort, fullness. In addition, a full stomach reflexively increases intestinal motility, causing diarrhea. After fatty foods, it is better to drink a small amount of hot tea.

    People struggling with fullness are not recommended to drink during meals, since food diluted with liquid becomes mushy, and in this form it leaves the stomach faster, a feeling of hunger appears, forcing to break the diet. It is better for obese people not to drink food, but to drink before meals or some time after meals.

    You should not drink immediately after eating fruits or berries - this can cause severe bloating. It is recommended to drink only dry food: sandwiches, pies, crackers, dry cookies, that is, everything that is difficult to swallow dry.

    The volume of liquid you drink, along with the water that comes with food, should average 2000-2400 ml per day. excessive fluid intake is undesirable and even harmful: it contributes to the leaching of nutrients from the body, including mineral salts and vitamins. In addition, heavy drinking creates unfavorable conditions for the work of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs.

    It must be borne in mind that hot and warm drinks are absorbed and quench their thirst faster than cold ones. If you are often thirsty, for example in the heat, it is better to drink some hot tea, moreover, green. You should not drink a lot of liquid at one time: you will not quench your thirst, and most of what you drink will be excreted within two hours. In addition, massive fluid loads cause unpleasant subjective sensations. But a sharp restriction of water without special reasons is also not desirable. Modes with high or low fluid content are prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons.

    Unfortunately, most people, as practice has shown, drink only one third of the required amount of liquid. And their ailments are not connected in any way with a lack of water.
    In fact, the first signs of dehydration are well known, but few people pay attention to them. If the skin begins to dry and peel off, you feel tired, lethargy, headache and dizziness, back and joint pains appear, efficiency decreases - all these are SOS signals that the body gives. The body does not have enough water.

    Take a glass of amazing substance, quench your thirst! And in the future, never forget about it. Remember, the regular intake of clean water into the body in sufficient quantities will provide you with endurance and vitality, relieve ailments, and, according to experts, from many serious diseases.

    Some tips to avoid dehydration at home:

    Drink more water on the eve of a trip in which you will not be able to drink water regularly;
    . while on an airplane, where the air is as dry as in the desert, drink water at the rate of 1 glass per hour of flight;
    . Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water before going outside in hot weather. Do not get carried away with drinking directly in the heat, as this can cause increased sweating and, as a result, dehydration of the body;
    . Strange as it may seem, you need to drink more water even in cold weather. In the cold, the body spends more energy and a lot of water is lost during breathing;
    . drink more water when you have a fever;
    . more water is required for pregnant and lactating mothers;
    . The use of caffeine and alcohol leads to dehydration. For every cup of coffee or alcohol you drink, you should drink an additional glass of water;
    . Smoking also contributes to dehydration. If you smoke, drink more water.

    Information received on """", """


    We begin our life as a fetus, which is 99% water. When we are born, 90% of our body is water, and by the time we reach adulthood, the water content drops to 70%. If we die in extreme old age, then our body consists of about 50% water. In other words, throughout our lives, we exist mainly in the form of water. (Emoto Masaru)

    The quality of drinking water is one of the main global problems of the XXI century. At the same time, each continent, country, region, city and even district is a unique place, with its own unique climate, soil, population, ecology, and the state of the water supply. Water, like nothing else, is a very accurate indicator that reflects all the territorial features that affect its chemical composition, taste, color, smell.

    For almost all countries of the world, the problem of drinking water purification is becoming more and more urgent every year.

    According to current standards, drinking water must be safe in epidemiological and radiation terms, harmless in chemical composition. The ecological state of the region, the soil, the quality of communications - all these problems affect the quality of our water. Environmentally friendly drinking water is the most important food product. What water we drink is very important.

    Since water directly affects human health, we were interested in the following questions: What kind of water flows from our tap? What substances are contained in it? How safe is it to drink? What diseases are caused by contaminated water? In our village, water is supplied to the water supply from underground sources (wells), or from surface sources - rivers, lakes, reservoirs?

    From the above, the goal of our work follows: to investigate the quality of drinking water in the village of Ut.

    1. Find out what role water plays in human life.

    2. Determine the quality of tap water in the village of Ut.

    3. To study how water quality affects human health.

    4. Identify sources of contamination of tap water and determine the level of contamination.

    5. Outline ways to solve this environmental problem.


    Is the tap water in Ut village suitable for drinking and cooking?

    Research methods:

    questioning students, laboratory experiments, visual observations, comparison, photographing objects, working with scientific literature and Internet resources

    Place of study:

    Ut village, Dobrush district, Gomel region.

    The role of water in human life

    Nothing living can exist without water. Man, plants, animals - all need water. People have long settled where there was water. It plays a huge role in our daily life: we drink it, cook food on it, wash our faces and brush our teeth, wash clothes and wash dishes. We swim in the water and water the garden with it, wash the cars. In industry, water is used in many manufacturing processes, and the food industry is all based on water. Agriculture is a large consumer of water. But even more important is the water contained in ourselves. Up to 65% of the human body consists of water. Without water, our hair will become dry, our nails will become brittle, and we ourselves will become old and wrinkled. Muscles will lose strength, skin - tone. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity, the loss of 20% of water leads to death. A person can live without food for four weeks, but without water - no more than five days.

    Water is called the "mineral of life" because life itself, according to scientists, originated many millions of years ago in the ancient oceans. Over the years, living beings have populated the land, but their connection with water continues to this day. Every living being has its own "ocean" inside. Signs of dehydration of the human body - dizziness, headache, peeling of the skin, swelling of the legs. If you purify 35 tons of water drunk by the average person in a lifetime, the result will be 420 glasses of salts and pollutants. This water "garbage" remains in the human body: it settles in the joints, blood vessels.

    Every day a person needs to drink 6-8 glasses of pure water. Drinking enough water plays an important role in a person's ability to resist colds, runny nose, headaches, and stress. Scientists have come to this conclusion. They found that people who drink not eight, but only three glasses of water a day, 5 times increase the risk of living with a constantly stuffy nose and sore throat. And if the rate of water consumption is only 2.5 cups, then the risk of catching a cold increases 3 times. Water helps the human body to cope with stress faster, avoid headaches and skin diseases.

    Water resources of the Republic of Belarus

    In terms of water resources, the Republic of Belarus is in relatively favorable conditions. Resources of surface and ground waters are sufficient to meet the needs of the population and sectors of the economy. More than 20 thousand rivers and streams flow through the territory of Belarus, there are more than 10 thousand lakes, 143 active reservoirs, about 1500 ponds in the country.

    Due to the peculiarities of the hydrogeological structure in Belarus, there are significant reserves of groundwater, which are the best sources for domestic and drinking water supply. Among the underground waters for humans, groundwater is important, which occurs at a depth of 25–30 m. Groundwater in river valleys and ravines sometimes comes to the surface and forms springs and springs. Ground water is water that accumulates above the first layer of waterproof rocks from the surface of the earth - clay, granite, solid limestone. Depending on the area, the depth of groundwater is from one or two to several tens of meters. Ground water is usually clear. The amount of dissolved salts is small.

    An important element necessary for the existence of all life on the planet. For a long time, when choosing a place for a settlement, people preferred the area located near any source of life-giving moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. The development of a site for the construction of a dwelling began with determining the location of the passage of groundwater for the construction of a well.

    Going on long journeys, whether by sea or by land, sailors and travelers always took care of drinking water supplies. Nothing is more valuable to a traveler in a hot area than a sip of water. Only air is more important, without which life is unreal. Without the possibility of quenching thirst, life in the human body is maintained for only 2-3 days. You can go much longer without food. For this reason, it is necessary to treat the gifts of nature with respect and gratitude.

    Human health directly depends on the environment and water reserves. Our careful attitude to water resources will allow us to efficiently spend their small reserves. After all, there is not much suitable water for drinking, only 1% of the total area, the predominance of water over land.

    Water is the basis of human life

    The human body is 60-70% water. Interestingly, the embryo in the fifth month of life in the womb, consists of 94% of water. But the human body is so arranged that with age it loses moisture. Starting from infancy, the water content indicator is 85% of the whole body. With age, the coefficient of fullness with water already becomes 85–70%. In older people, the level of moisture saturation decreases to 70-50%.

    All living things are made up of water: animals - 75%, marine life - 80%, shellfish - 99%. Most vegetables have water in their main composition: cucumbers - 96%, tomatoes - 95%, apples - 85%, potatoes - 76%. Watermelon holds the record for water content among food crops, it is 97% water.

    A person needs water for use throughout his life: for quenching thirst, cooking, washing, bathing, etc. One inhabitant of the planet consumes approximately 30 to 60 tons of water per year only in the process of nutrition. Every day we lose a large amount of it with sweat, breath and through other excretory systems. It is obvious that these losses must be replenished without fail. You should not limit yourself to drinking. A person needs to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean, filtered, non-carbonated water daily to replenish internal water reserves. It is better to drink little and often. Required before meals and not earlier than 1 hour after the meal.

    Benefits of water for the body

    It is necessary to observe the drinking regime throughout life. To avoid such unpleasant symptoms as fatigue, lethargy, irritability, increased blood pressure and other indicators. Bringing the consumption of clean water to the required norm increases life expectancy by an average of 15–20 years. Water stimulates the complete regeneration of tissues and all functional processes of the body. It improves digestion, taking an active part in the assimilation of the necessary elements obtained from food. Thus, contributing to the acceleration of metabolism and restoration of the functions of the immune system. Due to which there is a rapid recovery and rejuvenation of the whole organism, normalization of weight.

    Water increases overall energy. It is known that the human body receives "fast" energy from two sources: water and carbohydrates (sugar). Agree, the first option is much preferable for many factors! This is because water is easily processed and excreted by the body, along the way, taking with it also slags with toxins. What can not be said about carbohydrates - their excess is translated into fat reserves, which are very difficult to get rid of. The feeling of hunger and thirst occurs simultaneously with a decrease in energy levels. A person, confusing these signals, seeks to satisfy one of them, most often hunger. Not realizing that thirst often disguises itself as appetite. Don't rush to eat at the first sign of hunger. First you need to replenish the water reserves of your body, thereby helping it to cleanse and recover. And along the way, prepare the digestive system for the next meal.

    It is water that has all the above-mentioned cleansing, healing, regenerating and rejuvenating properties. It must be clean, of high quality and degree of purification. Because all drinks, such as tea, coffee, juices and the like, are perceived by the body as food. Also, water is of paramount importance in the assimilation of food by the body, enriching it with the necessary energy. After that, the food particles, split into microelements, deliver all the nutrients along with energy to the entire body. It turns out that without water, food has no nutritional and energy value, as it is simply not digested. Without the participation of blood, which consists of 90% water, nutrients are unable to independently be transported to the organs and tissues of the human body.

    So, we can sum up that water is not only a source of life, a guarantee of health, and the full functioning of the body. It is a guarantee of cheerful health, excellent mood and attractive appearance for many years. Health is so easy!