Dreaming of a doll without a head. I dreamed of a scary doll

A doll in dreams is considered an auspicious sign. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to reproduce in memory the entire scenario seen in night dreams, to remember what it was exactly, what manipulations were performed with it. Only after that you can find out exactly what the doll is dreaming of.

A doll in dreams is considered an auspicious sign.

Different interpreters indicate their understanding of these dreams. Sometimes it is even radically different:

  1. Egyptian dream book. A person does not live in reality, but in a fictional world, he hides from all problems and does not even try to solve them. If in the very near future you do not start active actions, then serious problems are possible. You may even have to endure a serious illness.
  2. Female oriental interpreter. Receive sad news as soon as possible. Someone close to you becomes seriously ill. Unforeseen expenses and the collapse of conceived plans are not ruled out.
  3. Mayan Dream Interpretation. An unexpected gift will be presented, relations with a lover will be established. For an unmarried girl, such a dream promises a marriage proposal. The marriage will be strong and happy.
  4. Family dream book. Good health and financial well-being promises a dream in which it is possible to play with a doll. The smile of the toy promises a quick replenishment in the family.
  5. General interpreter. Receiving good news. Only if the toy is broken will the news be unpleasant and financial investments will be required.

Doll in a dream book (video)

What is the dream of a baby doll or baby doll, baby doll

Dreams in which a baby is dreaming can have several meanings:

  • joyful chores and worries;
  • the dreamer attaches too much importance to things that do not deserve such close attention;
  • fussiness in connection with the upcoming trip. It is recommended to pull yourself together, calm down and go about your daily activities;
  • the sleeper is wasting his strength in vain. Wrong goals have been set, it is better to devote time to the family during this period;
  • the baby doll is crying - worries will appear, the sleeper will be forced to shoulder them;
  • for a woman - the birth of a child;
  • for a businessman - in this period he is trying to win over a new partner, but all his actions will be in vain.

Dreams in which a baby is dreaming can have several meanings.

The baby doll personifies the sleeping person himself. He lacks warmth, wants to be needed and useful. You should talk frankly with loved ones, and say that their attention is very lacking.

The baby doll indicates that the dreamer is prone to excessive fussiness, worrying in vain. Soon, the disclosure of new abilities and talents is possible.

Seeing a Barbie or a porcelain doll in a dream

Sometimes it’s not ordinary dolls that you dream about, but porcelain ones or those considered the standard of beauty, Barbie. Naturally, the significance of such night visions will be special. Thus, the appearance of a porcelain doll indicates that stability and tranquility are expected in family relationships.

The beautiful Barbie warns the dreamer that his demands are too high and for this reason he may soon lose a close friend. Also during this period, long trips are not ruled out.

Also, a dream may indicate that a person is trying to deny the ideals imposed by society, trying to console himself with simple fun. It is quite possible that the dreamer will soon find a new hobby, with the help of which gray everyday life will acquire a bright shade, life will become interesting again.

What is the dream of a doll in a beautiful dress

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams is a favorable sign. For a girl, such a dream may portend an early pregnancy or replenishment in the family. A dream has no less positive meaning for men. They will soon meet new acquaintances, causing only positive emotions.

The appearance of dolls in beautiful dresses in night dreams is a favorable sign

It is also possible the beginning of a romantic relationship. In the near future, he may discover in himself such qualities that he had not even suspected before, capable of changing his life radically and exclusively in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of a voodoo doll

A dream in which a Voodoo doll is seen indicates that you should carefully look at the people around you. It is possible that one of them has selfish goals and to achieve them he uses the dreamer himself. Given all the nuances of the scenario, the value may change somewhat:

  • Voodoo in the workplace - a colleague perceives a sleeping rival. It is worth being more circumspect, being wary of the smiles of colleagues and not agreeing to a job that will require the participation of several people. In the end, it might work. That all duties will be performed by the owner of dreams;
  • manage Voodoo yourself - in the soul lies the desire to suppress the willpower of a colleague or loved one. Crude, dishonest means are used to achieve this goal;
  • the dreamer's child (boy or girl) is holding - it is worth considering how correctly the child is brought up. It is possible that the dreamer is too soft and indulges his child in literally everything. It is worth being more decisive and teaching him to be responsible for what he has done.

Buy a doll in a dream

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning. A difficult life period is expected, filled with many problems, which simply cannot be avoided. They will affect not only the financial sector, but the state of health may also worsen. It is possible that the sleeper did not deserve respect in society. People perceive it much worse than it really is.

Buying a doll in a dream has a negative meaning

A doll that was presented in a dream is considered a symbol of fatigue. The vital energy has already been exhausted, it is recommended to have a good rest, change the situation and retire for a while. Otherwise, health problems, job loss and conflicts in the family are possible.

Why is a living doll dreaming

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems. They can be connected both with the owner of dreams, and with his close circle. It is possible that the sleeper is simply trying to pretend to be more honest and noble than he is.

It is possible that soon a person will fall into an unpleasant situation, become the object of ridicule. The planned plans will fail.

The appearance of a living doll in dreams promises serious problems.

Such a dream has no less negative meaning for entrepreneurs. A new partner can be mean and hurt an established business. A blow can also be expected from old, time-tested partners.

A talking toy indicates that in the near future you should be more careful about spending money. Reckless waste is possible, as a result of which unnecessary, faulty things will be acquired. If this doll did not have an arm or leg, then the dream indicates the presence of problems in the body. It is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a full examination.

Dolls in Miller's dream book

A well-known interpreter says that playing with a doll promises a happy family life and financial well-being. Simply seen toys are considered harbingers of significant financial costs.

If you had a chance to dress up a doll in a dress, then the dream indicates that the person himself controls his own destiny. You just have to grow up a little and not wait for help from others.

The revived toy indicates that there are deceitful people in the environment who pretend not to be who they really are. A toy dressed in a wedding dress promises an early pregnancy, an acquaintance with a future life partner.

Why do toys dream (video)

The meaning of dreams in which dolls are present is most often positive. Even if the interpretation turned out to be negative, you should not despair. The dream is just a warning. If you pull yourself together in time and start acting, then undesirable consequences can be avoided.

Attention, only TODAY!

Wanting to know his future, a person closely monitors everything that surrounds him: he lives according to signs, and also tries to interpret his dreams. Now I want to talk about what dolls dream of. After all, it would seem that, on the one hand, this dream simply means longing for childhood, but there is also a deeper, different meaning.


So, what, in general, can mean a dream in which a doll is dreamed of by a sleeping person? This means quick cooperation, partnerships in business. It is important to remember that such a dream also promises an excellent result from future transactions, so it is very important not to miss your chance to improve your own financial condition in reality.


If a person in a dream receives a doll as a gift, this may mean misunderstanding on the part of others, as well as loneliness. The doll in such a dream is trying to replace everyone around. If the sleeping person goes to the store and buys a ceramic doll there (especially in a package), this indicates that in life this person does not receive from his environment the due respect and attention that he rightfully deserves. Therefore, in reality, you need to try hard to change this state of things.


What else do dolls dream of? If a person in a dream gives his toy, it means that those around him are very much appreciated and respected in reality. If the doll is simply given away as unnecessary, you should be wary, because all the bad deeds done by the person who sees this dream will be perceived too negatively by others in reality, and some people may even then slander the person. There may also be gossip and unpleasant conversations behind your back from your inner circle.

be a doll

If a person is sleeping and understands that in a dream he is a doll, you need to carefully look at your surroundings in life. After all, all close people simply do not consider a person as an independent person, trying all the time to lead and guide the sleeping person at their own discretion.

living doll

It is also important to figure out what a living doll is dreaming of. In this case, it is important to remember what kind of face she had. If it’s good, you shouldn’t be afraid, but if it’s evil, then the sleeper needs to be afraid of what will soon happen in real life. After all, a person can be drawn into an adventure, which, unfortunately, will not end with anything good at all. It is important to say that you should not underestimate the danger and you need to carefully look at any, even the most harmless at first glance, proposals.


I would also like to talk about what Barbie is dreaming of. A doll dreamed of by a woman may indicate that she just wants to return to the past, where everything was simple and carefree. If a young lady dreams of Barbie, this may mean empty fun, which may end in some problems. And the naked beauty doll says that a sleeping person in reality cannot trust anyone and open his soul, keeping experiences in himself.

Games with a doll in a dream

When figuring out what the dolls are dreaming of, it is also important to fully remember the dream, taking into account even the most insignificant details at first glance. After all, they can tell you a lot. So, if a girl in a dream dresses up a doll in various beautiful outfits, this suggests that in reality no one appreciates the lady and does not pay due attention to her, her beauty also remains unappreciated. If the sleeper combs the hair of the doll, this means that soon he will be initiated into a secret, which, however, he does not need at all and will only burden his mind and soul. If a man dreams of a big rubber doll, then this means that in life he lacks thrills in the intimate sphere of life, and he is afraid to reveal his secret fantasies to the lady of his heart. It is also important whether one person plays with his doll in a dream, or in a company. In the first version, such a dream promises a single solution to one's problems, an independent achievement of the intended goal. If the sleeper plays with dolls in the company of friends or even strangers, this means that a huge number of well-wishers will help solve problems in reality.

Special dolls

What else do dolls dream of? Here it is important to remember, such was the toy. So, for example, a voodoo doll in a dream is a bad sign. This means the beginning of a black, heavy life streak. It is important after such a dream to carefully look at your surroundings, because it is because of a loved one that some negative changes will occur in the life of the sleeping person, and ordinary communication with him will not bring anything good either. If you dreamed of a broken doll, without a head or in torn clothes, this is also not a very good dream. It is worth expecting deception or betrayal by a loved one. If in a dream a child breaks a doll, nothing particularly terrible will happen. The worst: it's too much spending or uninvited guests. Why is the baby doll dreaming? The dreaming baby doll does not bode well, soon he says that the sleeper regrets the past time and is a little nostalgic about the past. However, in reality it is worth abandoning such actions, because living in the past, a person simply does not have a future. Matryoshka warns the sleeper that you need to be careful about new friends, comrades and acquaintances. After all, one of them is a many-sided person who wants to take only benefit for himself from communication, constantly changing masks and guises. Also, such a person can soon become a traitor and cause considerable damage to the life of the sleeping person, if you do not get rid of such communication in time.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is also interesting to consider what the Italian dream book says, what the doll is dreaming of. So, the author believes that such a dream of an adult speaks only of nostalgia for the past, especially for a carefree childhood. Also, in his opinion, this can say that a person is a puppet in the hands of others and he should change his supple position.

Small Velesov dream book

In this book, you can read that the doll itself is a marvel. If you dream of a lot of them - have a lot of children. If the toy is bought, the person becomes the leader in the work, maybe even the leader. If received as a gift - to profit or fulfillment of desires.

Eastern dream book

Eastern people say that seeing a doll in a dream is not good, this is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream can mean news of a loved one's illness, deception by dear people, or even an unpleasant situation.

Esoteric dream book

On the pages of such a publication, one can find the following interpretation: to see a doll - to receive real estate or something significant as a gift. If a person becomes a doll in a dream, you should be afraid of losing your property.

Modern dream book

What does it mean for a woman to see a doll in a dream? According to the latest dream book, this promises a quick pregnancy for a lady, and a new love adventure for a man.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

According to the interpretation of this source, to see this in a dream means that the sleeper simply does not have enough fortitude to resist others in defending his opinion, such a person very easily falls under the influence of others. This dream should be a signal that it is necessary to get together and fight back those people who brazenly put pressure.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If in a dream a person sees a voodoo doll pierced with needles, this means that other persons are controlling the sleeping person, constantly manipulating him. It can also mean that a new friend uses the connections of a sleeping person very qualitatively for himself, for this, and making friends with him.


What does a doll mean in a dream?

If you have a question about what the doll is dreaming of, open the dream book and you will immediately find the interpretation of this dream.

Seeing this toy in a dream, it is very important to remember all the details, even those that you consider insignificant.

Only then will you be able to know what to expect in the near future.

What was she like?

If you dreamed of a doll with blond hair, it means that soon a kind, reliable person will appear in your life. And if the hair is dark, then you alone will cope with a difficult task.

The blue-eyed doll says that your friend is a very bright and fair person. And dark eyes are a sign that there are envious people in your immediate environment.

  • A doll in a dress is dreaming - to calmness.
  • She is dressed in trousers - to perform male work.
  • The dream in which the doll is talking is a conversation with a stranger.
  • Porcelain doll - to stability in relationships.
  • Barbie in bright clothes - for fun gatherings with a friend.

According to the dream book, the doll on the shelf is dreaming of a holiday in your home. And to see her on the bed means to make peace with her lover.

If the toy fell to the floor, then you have a cunning rival. And the doll, sitting high on the closet, speaks of your determination and achievement of your goals.


If you dream that you are playing with a little doll, then in life you underestimate yourself a little. And a dream where the doll is small, on the contrary, suggests that you are a self-confident person, not burdened with complexes.

Dressing Barbie in a dream means waiting for the upcoming visit of guests. And to undress her is to try to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Bathe the doll in the bathroom - for a trip to the seaside.
  • Sewing clothes for her is a search for a new style.
  • Combing a doll is for a pleasant evening in the company of best friends.
  • Putting her to bed - to rest after a fruitful day.
  • Braid her braid - to the revelations of a sister or girlfriend.

An unexpected gift from a loved one is what the doll that you accidentally broke is dreaming of. And to fix it and continue to play means to successfully complete the work begun.

Losing a chrysalis means significant cash receipts. And to find it is to spend a lot of money on a good, necessary thing.

Other dreams

According to the dream book, a doll made of plastic dreams of wealth, of rubber - an attempt to assert itself, of matter - stability in family relationships.

Bald Barbies dream when you have a lot of thoughts, but you can't concentrate. And toys without a head say that soon you will be in love with your partner without memory.

The dream where the doll walks promises a pleasant walk in a romantic place. And if, when you put the toy down, her eyes close, then your friend is ready to follow you to the ends of the world.

Dolls in a shop window dream of a valuable acquisition. And a Barbie in the hands of a child means that you can do something that you didn’t do very well before.

Finding out what the doll is dreaming of will make it easier for you to take the right steps on the path of life.


Why is the doll dreaming?

A dreaming doll in a beautiful outfit, for example, in a dress with bows, promises a girl pregnancy or an early replenishment in the family, and a man - sudden pleasant acquaintances or even a romantic relationship. In addition, such a dream portends the discovery in oneself of new, previously unmanifested qualities, for example, enterprise.

If the doll lies on the floor, motionless, as if abandoned, unnecessary to anyone, then in the near future there is a high probability of parting with someone very close.

If the doll suddenly breaks, it lacks body parts, such a dream is a symbol of minor troubles at home or at work, minor quarrels or insults. You should be more sensitive in relation to others, so as not to repent once again.

If you had a dream, a doll in which it is bought, then this is a new profitable cooperation, which in the future can bring excellent results, an improvement in material wealth. It is important not to miss this rare opportunity!

It's not every day that you see a doll in your dream. She can dream of both a child and an adult who has never held her in her hands. Why is this happening and why this dream? There are several different interpretations of the doll dream.

You can decipher a dream in which it happens to play with dolls in someone's company as follows: a happy home life awaits ahead in the circle of relatives and friends, happiness at the family hearth, and if you dreamed of playing alone, then this is for the imminent implementation of plans. Perhaps in real life there are insincere people from the environment at work who seek to suppress and control like a puppet. It's time to declare their independence to them.

On the other hand, a dream indicates a great opportunity for early self-realization, the fulfillment of long-cherished desires. It's time to gather strength and make the last push towards achievements and acquisitions. If in a dream the doll speaks human language, then, in reality, the feeling of loneliness haunts. It is worth shaking up, going to the movies or just calling friends.

Thus, having the necessary information, you can easily comprehend what the doll is dreaming of. Please note that the dream of a doll has different interpretations.

On the one hand, this is a completely neutral dream, symbolizing longing for a bygone childhood, and on the other hand, it is a warning that it is time to change relationships with loved ones and stop playing on their feelings.


living dolls

Dream Interpretation Living Dolls had a dream about what living dolls dream about in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Living Dolls in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dream Interpretation - Doll

The doll is a waste of time.


Why do Barbie dolls dream?


Lilac fairy

And a Barbie in the hands of a child means that you can do something that you didn’t do very well before.

Alice Richter

They say how dolls dream, then this will be some kind of miracle. Doll in a dream - prosperity; beware of temptations. Children - Good, good attitude of people. Their children, who actually do not have a very successful event.

Ekaterina Podkur

Children of the girl to withdraw, you will be amazed!


to the surprise.


The doll is a symbol of false illusions. Usually such a dream indicates that you are mistaken about one of your acquaintances, or that someone is deliberately misleading you. Try to take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps this will save you from unnecessary disappointments and problems.

Gala Galina

Your dream is to your disappointment in some people who do not want to understand you.

What is the dream of the Doll (living, talking)?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why the Doll is dreaming (living, talking) by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Doll (living, talking), but something else - use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

Why is the Doll dreaming (living, talking)

A certain mechanical, behavioral (or sensual) part of the sleeping person, which is trying to integrate in consciousness, to show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.


The living doll tried

Dream interpretation Living doll tried dreamed of why in a dream Living doll tried? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Living Doll in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll (live, talking)

A certain mechanical, behavioral (or sensual) part of the sleeping person, which is trying to integrate in consciousness, to show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you wrongly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone in a row. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you were surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your environment, which is trying to use you to its advantage. These people do not care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to slander you behind your back and without a twinge of conscience will take every opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unrealizable dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans may come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

"to put, slip a doll" cheating in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deceit.

"like a clockwork doll" mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Play with a child's doll - have fun with trifles, do useless work, or remember childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible addiction.

To receive a doll as a gift - to take up the upbringing of a child or the re-education of a teenager.

Buying a doll for a gift is to be deceived in your expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the back of the doll and present the doll to a young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying, in the near future you would have to say goodbye to one of your dear people. To keep the separation short, put in a dark place photos (or things that they gave you) of all the people you love and put a burning candle nearby.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Doll - they say how dolls dream, then this will be some kind of miracle. Doll in a dream - prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

It symbolizes a person and expresses the nostalgia of adults about childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially for girls. The puppet is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic "Super-I", which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image indicates the almost complete dominance of the deforming mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. Absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of a perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dressing a doll - to deceive a friend; wash the doll - to waste, loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream portends large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that laziness and sybarite moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

The doll is a waste of time.


Doll living talking strangles

Dream Interpretation Doll live talking strangles dreamed of why in a dream a living talking doll strangles? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a living talking doll strangles by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll (live, talking)

A certain mechanical, behavioral (or sensual) part of the sleeping person, which is trying to integrate in consciousness, to show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you wrongly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone in a row. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you were surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your environment, which is trying to use you to its advantage. These people do not care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to slander you behind your back and without a twinge of conscience will take every opportunity to set you up.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unrealizable dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans may come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

"to put, slip a doll" cheating in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deceit.

"like a clockwork doll" mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Play with a child's doll - have fun with trifles, do useless work, or remember childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible addiction.

To receive a doll as a gift - to take up the upbringing of a child or the re-education of a teenager.

Buying a doll for a gift is to be deceived in your expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the back of the doll and present the doll to a young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying, in the near future you would have to say goodbye to one of your dear people. To keep the separation short, put in a dark place photos (or things that they gave you) of all the people you love and put a burning candle nearby.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Doll - they say how dolls dream, then this will be some kind of miracle. Doll in a dream - prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

It symbolizes a person and expresses the nostalgia of adults about childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially for girls. The puppet is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic "Super-I", which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image indicates the almost complete dominance of the deforming mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. Absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of a perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dressing a doll - to deceive a friend; wash the doll - to waste, loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream portends large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that laziness and sybarite moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

The doll is a waste of time.


Doll living talking without

Dream Interpretation - Ghost

Your Dream has a dual origin - half of it is created from the images of your subconscious, but the second half is a marker! Your life is in the phase of searching for answers to many questions! Many of the answers you will have to give to yourself will affect your life later on. A dream indicates to you your fear of change and curiosity at the same time, but what will happen next ?! Your subconscious gives you the answer to your question: - you must change! At the same time, rely on yourself and on your closest people, and fears are illusory, as friends and relatives will not allow you to stumble recklessly! Sorry it's late, but I hope you get this information in time!

Dream Interpretation - I kill a rat

Part of the dream about the explosion will receive news (news) of the result, but not the one you are waiting for, because of which it will seem to you that your dreams have been deceived and because of this there is a possibility that you will quarrel with someone.

Dream Interpretation - Murder, Escape

1) Most likely, your dream indicates that you can get rid of something in life. Moreover, this deliverance will not be entirely "legal". You may harm someone with your actions. And then you will cover your tracks. 2) You may try to hide your negative sides from others by trying to get rid of them. But your fears will turn out to be imaginary: your negative sides will not be so significant (dolls in a dream). 3) Another option is that those 4 people are some of your sins or just actions in the past that you want to hide from others. 4) You can also imagine, judging by the hole in your dream, that you are just trying to forget something. How would you hide it from yourself in the depths of the subconscious. Dolls are most likely some things that are devoid of action. That is, they are devoid of potential - this is what has already passed, what was in the past and no longer has any ability to act. You are simply ridding yourself of unnecessary memories by burying them. As a rule, in such dreams there is a fear of punishment. Think about something in life that makes you feel that way?

Dream Interpretation - Messenger Birds

Hello, perhaps a dream about some kind of warning. Birds really warn of something, some kind of threat. Could this threat be related to humans? Who did that person look like if you have similar acquaintances? Perhaps you need to ask something from your loved ones, get advice. Birds can also mean that something very valuable and personal is in danger. It can be an invasion of privacy, a threat to feelings. Be careful when you open your soul to anyone. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Saving a Kitten

The cave is something that you keep secret, and it would not be worth messing with it at all, because the situation will bring anxiety, fuss, intrigues. Apparently, you have already found yourself in this, and with each period of time, the "jokes" become less and less funny. The matter, perhaps, will reach the parents, who will first understand the situation one way, and then another. In any case, you will receive support from them. What exactly do the dolls talk about - you need to know it well, probably, in order to determine it, but I can generally say this: you will play to something ...

Dream Interpretation - Resurrected

Sleep talk only about changes in the relationship between you and your family. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery Search

Looking for an answer to a question about a woman/girl. You think that the problem is related to her, but in fact, the problem is in a man.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery Search

Goodnight! I will assume that you are facing a difficult choice between your son and your beloved man. It seems to you that by choosing a man you will lose your emotional connection with your son (you are looking for your son’s grave in the cemetery), and by choosing a son you will lose your beloved man, and you are inclined towards the second option - forget the man (your late uncle is digging a grave for a midshipman - your man is a military or former military??). I still have a second interpretation of this dream in reserve, as possible, but I will leave it for later. All the best to you, Regards Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Cut a cat

It is possible that, at someone's request, you will have to dig into someone's unpleasant business ... Or it already happened

In a dream, you can magically travel back to the past, for example, get into the carefree time of childhood, and play with your favorite toys. And why, in fact, do they dream: cubes, cars, and once adored dolls? In dream books, a toy copy of a little man, a beautiful girl often symbolizes the hidden abilities and talents of the sleeping person. But sometimes this subject suggests that the dreamer has played too much and cannot really assess the situation. Or maybe he doesn’t want this, because of his spoiled, infantilism.

A correct and accurate interpretation will be only if you can remember the details and nuances of night vision and carefully analyze them.

Incredible Perfection Barbie

Dreamed of a Barbie doll? Then, unfortunately, you will have to part with a true friend for a while. He will either go far and for a long time, or mutual claims will arise, and you will avoid communicating with a former comrade.

This toy, which girls on both sides of the ocean dreamed about a few years ago, has completely unrealistic proportions, is associated with the denial of time-tested ideals, foundations, norms, and rules. This means that a sleeping person takes the wrong steps in his life, looking for oblivion in revelry and fun.

But not everything is so sad, the notorious Barbie can dream, and for those who are about to plunge into an unknown before, they will be carried away by some unusual hobby, which will completely change life, make it more intense, bright.

Ritual Items

In the Modern Dream Book, the doll is identified with deceit, disappointment, attempts to isolate oneself from the negative realities of the surrounding world. Sometimes this vision is an omen of a miracle, an unusual event in life.

But the puppet figures used for voodoo rituals are an unkind symbol, suggesting that there is a person nearby who deftly manipulates the sleeping person. He should take a closer look at those around him - among them there will definitely be such a person, pursuing his own selfish plans.

Dreamed of a toy in the form of a baby doll or a baby? Ahead is a lot of trouble, worries, and other fuss, sometimes aimless and useless. But who knows, sometimes this dream promises the discovery of an extraordinary gift or talent!

Why does a woman dream of a baby doll toy? This is a sign that she will actually have to babysit the little one soon. If this was a vision of a pregnant woman, then this is just a reflection of fears and fears that she will not be able to properly cope with the duties of a mother. But, these are vain worries, because the Universal Dream Book recommends that the expectant mother concentrate on her own health and calmly go about her daily activities.

gift toy

Your dreams and ideas will certainly come true, this is what the Wanderers' dream book predicts to someone who, being in a night's slumber, received a doll as a gift. And it is also possible to get a good profit, or a bonus. A dream in which there were many dolls and other toys prophesies a large, friendly family.

Another present in the form of a doll in a dream precedes the receipt of some pleasant, long-awaited news. But what if in a dream you felt that the toy was luxurious and you did not even dare to touch it? So, in reality, you need to overcome your own weaknesses, showing will, making efforts. Know that every person has their own skeletons in the closet that threaten their reputation. So that you are no exception, and therefore do not be afraid of your small, and not very, shortcomings. In a night phantasmagoria, did you present a doll as a gift to someone? What very soon you will surprise and delight your family with a noble, beautiful act.

In a number of dream books, a doll received as a gift is a sign of fatigue, emptiness, apathy of the sleeping person. He no longer wants to resist life's circumstances, but is only ready to simply go with the flow. Waking up from such a vision, think about how to get an extraordinary vacation and urgently change the situation.

When in a dream you yourself donated a doll to a certain character, try to remember his face. If he is familiar to you in reality, then he needs help. Give him unselfish support.

Interpretations from various sources

Miller suggests that a doll in a dream is a sign of upcoming expenses. Did you play with her while you slept? Great, ahead - a happy, long family life. Relations with relatives will develop not only good, but also sincere, friendly.

What does the vision mean about how they dressed up a toy man? Its meaning is that you need to independently build your own destiny, take care of the well-being, well-being of the household.

And what is the meaning of the vision that the doll came to life? Shereminskaya's dream book states that this promises a collision with falsehood, hypocrisy and scam. By the way, the author of the collection of interpretations recommends that the sleeping person also think: is he prone to some insincerity, cunning, pretense?

It’s hard for me to guess what a dream about a doll dressed up in a bride’s dress predicts. This is a quick acquaintance with the betrothed, marriage and another joyful event - the birth of a healthy, beautiful first-born.

Buying a doll, according to Aesop's dream book, will receive a very favorable offer in the near future, or make a deal on excellent terms, promising an impressive profit.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 03/01/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact, ...

What can mean a dream in which a doll dreams? Often this image serves as a hint: it's time to reveal the potential, realize your talents, and not wait for the right moment. Also, toys can be a sign that you yearned for childhood, because then you could not care about pressing problems.

Doll symbol in various dream books

Often dreams are beyond the control of the sleeper. The image of a doll that came in a dream wants to tell you something important. How to interpret all this correctly? Fantasy mixed with reality is a special feature of the realm of Morpheus. Don't be surprised if you have a vision of a zombie doll or puppet. In a horror dream, it is quite possible to meet a dead doll. Creepy, right? And if in a store in a dream you were offered to make a choice between two equally beautiful and desirable figures? What does naked doll mean? Dream Interpretations interpret these images in different ways.

Miller and East

Both dream books interpret the image of the doll as not very favorable: it portends the illness of loved ones, some kind of unpleasant incident or deception. According to Miller's dream book, this symbol also warns of big money spending in the near future.

Small Velesov

Here, the dream figure means a miracle. Perhaps you will be surprised. When there are a lot of them - to a large offspring. If you bought - to increase, they can appoint a project manager. Received as a gift - a wish will come true, make a profit.


If you dreamed that you bought yourself a doll, then in reality you are very lonely. You dream that in your life there is someone who needs your care.

Playing with her characterizes you as a person who easily follows the lead of others.

Other interpreters about the doll

Here is what other dream books say about the doll:

  • the truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz promises vanity, chores that will not bring results;
  • esoteric - mining, obtaining real estate. However, you can lose it if you yourself turned into a doll in a dream;
  • Rommel - a strange relationship with someone, an inexplicable dependence;
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima - one of your friends is trying to deceive you. Be careful, and this will save you from disappointment and trouble;
  • Hasse is a waste of money, and if you play with her, this is a successful housekeeping;
  • Shereminskaya - it is worth considering whether you are honest with others, as this is manifested in your behavior, manner of communication;
  • bitch's dream book - finish the business you are doing now very soon.

There is a special science that deals with the study of dreams - oneirology. For the most part, it explains why a person sees different images during sleep. Tells how this or that vision is interpreted in the context of the dreamer's lifestyle.

Video: why a person dreams

Who sees a dream about a doll: a man, a girl, a child

The interpretation has its own nuances depending on who dreamed of the doll. The dreamer of this image is not necessarily a woman and a girl. A doll can come in a dream to a man.

  • in a man's dream, she marks a new amorous adventure or news of imminent fatherhood. If he dreamed of an elegant toy, this may be a warning about an imminent break in relations;
  • For women, such a dream portends pregnancy. When a doll appears in a night dream to a future mother, then, most likely, she fears for the fate of an unborn baby. It seems to her that she will not cope with maternal responsibilities. It is best in this case to be distracted, to take care of household chores;
  • if a girl dresses up a toy in beautiful dresses in a dream, then she lacks male attention. It seems to her that her beauty is not noticed;
  • for a child, dreams about dolls are considered quite natural. Pay attention to the colors in which the child talks about his night visions. You should be wary if dolls scare a child in a dream. It may be worth seeking advice from a child psychologist.

Dolls dream different

Of no small importance for understanding sleep is the appearance of a toy: beauty, hair color, clothing, material from which the doll is made.

Beautiful or scary

  1. Beautiful - temporary success in a not very important matter, deceitful love, frivolous girl. If in a dream there was not enough money for a beautiful and expensive doll, then in reality your creditworthiness will be in full order.
  2. Terrible - be vigilant, do not rely on luck in your actions. In the next few weeks, there is a high probability of being in a dangerous or hopeless situation. When such a doll is your reflection in the mirror, this indicates that you are ashamed of some of your traits, consider it disgusting. Perhaps you see it as a weakness.

Face: good and evil

The doll is a mini-copy of a person. Accordingly, the facial expressions of the doll can repeat the expression of a human face. If the doll's face in a dream was kind and pretty, then nothing threatens you. If evil - be careful, danger is possible.

Head: hair, eyes

If a pregnant woman has a dilemma in a dream about which doll to take, then as a result the child will be born with the chosen hair color.

Dresses: wedding, mourning, beautiful ...

Now remember what the doll was wearing:

  • in a wedding dress - can portend a joyful event or meeting, a successful acquaintance, news of pregnancy;
  • in a black bride's outfit - do not rush to get married if you do not want to become a black widow;
  • in a beautiful dress - a figurine is a reflection of your need for comfort, warmth, affectionate treatment and care.

If the doll is naked, this indicates remorse for the mistakes of the past.

live, talking

If the doll walks, moves, then it seems to you that no one understands you, which is why you feel lonely. She is also able to symbolize stereotyped thinking, artificial emotions in communication. You hide your true self from people, and they feel it.

The talking stick figure can be the voice of a repressed part of your personality: sensual or behavioral. Conduct a thorough introspection: pay attention to the thoughts that are spinning in your head most often, to your reservations, coincidences. Are they random? Often such a dream portends a lie, a substitution, reflects disappointment in people. You will be offended and confused, feel your own uselessness. The reason will be fraud or pretense of those who were trusted. A talkative toy may also indicate that you will soon learn something new about your child. Or an annoying and cynical lady from your environment appeared in this image.

If in a dream you yourself have turned into a toy, then there is a possibility that loved ones do not see you as an independent person, so they try to control all areas of your life.


If in a dream you see this beauty - to separation from a close friend. The reasons may be moving, a long journey, too high requirements for the opposite sex.

In a dream, this toy portends separation from a loved one.

Or soon you will be very interested in something, this activity will enrich your life, make it more interesting.

Naked baby doll: girl or boy

A lovely toy girl dreams of successful undertakings. Let the income be modest so far, but your business has very good opportunities for successful development. Boy - to joy.

And if you saw in a dream a girl who looked like a very beautiful doll, then something wonderful, magical awaits you. For example, a meeting that will give quivering delight.

Baby girl dreams of successful undertakings

A figurine that looks like a child - you will recognize yourself from an unexpected side.

Often a toy baby appears during your indecision, anxiety over trifles. However, there is really no reason to worry. Such a dream is a symbol of an unexpected creative impulse, the discovery of new talents.

Play with a baby doll - you will be asked to look after the child.

Puppets and clockwork puppets

Clockwork - thoughtless imitation, mechanical behavior. This can manifest itself both in the way of thinking and in behavior.

Puppet - a reflection of the proverb "did the job - walk boldly." First you need to complete all the cases, and after that you have to rest.

If you dreamed of a doll that you played with as a child, then this is a warning about useless work, wasting time on empty entertainment; memories from adolescence may come flooding back.

What the doll is made of: rag, plastic, porcelain, dough ...

Remember what the doll in your dream is made of:

Vanka-vstanka, tumbler, matryoshka, nutcracker

  1. Vanka-vstanka marks the deliverance from annoying thoughts. And you don't have to step on the same rake twice.
  2. The roly-poly warns that things will go with varying degrees of success.
  3. Matryoshka symbolizes a slippery, two-faced person from your environment. If you do not move away from this acquaintance, you may soon suffer from his actions and words.
  4. The Nutcracker is a friend who will help in a difficult task.

Lots of dolls

If you dreamed of several dolls, expect important news. However, the news, good or sad, will no longer be as relevant as before.

Voodoo and needles

Associations with voodoo are not the most pleasant. This ominous image suggests that there is someone next to you who knows you well, but uses this to manipulate you for selfish purposes. It is unlikely that he is going to cause harm - he just wants to cash in on you. Be careful, trust but verify.

A magical figure from a dream can become a harbinger of a black streak in your life.

  • to lead such a figure - this characterizes you as a strong, dominant personality. However, your domineering behavior and desire for control can alienate those who are dear to you;
  • pronouncing witchcraft spells, sticking needles into a doll - you are tormented by a thirst for revenge. Try to subdue her before she swallows you whole;
  • wanting to save someone from voodoo magic - this characterizes you as a person ready for self-sacrifice. To help your neighbor, you are ready to take off your last shirt;
  • if in a dream they sewed such a doll and knew exactly who it was intended for, then the desire to be with this person is so strong that you will achieve your goal at any cost.

Video: what are voodoo dolls


If you dreamed of a toy with black hair, eyes and skin, then it could be the personification of that part of your soul that is, as it were, in the shadow: an alter ego. Especially if you see such a doll instead of your reflection in the mirror. Often she is of the same sex as the dreamer. Such a dream speaks of the need to engage in self-knowledge.

A dark figure may mean something important to you that requires special attention. For example, a trauma or a very personal problem that you have been putting off for a long time. Maybe it's time to meet her face to face.


  1. A doll without any part of the body or in a torn dress - you will be deceived or betrayed by a dear person. Sad news or unsuccessful relationships can await, the inability to fix them. This will lead to disappointment in people.
  2. With a torn off part of the body - trials, serious troubles in yours and the lives of your loved ones, which will eventually strengthen family ties. These problems will unite your family, as you will solve them together.
  3. Headless - lose your head from love.
  4. If in a dream you spoil the figure yourself, then in reality you are able to make a mistake that will negatively affect your career. Someone else spoils the doll - this also does not bode well for your career. And the mistake will be made not by you, but by one of your colleagues.
  5. And if the doll is mutilated by children, such a dream does not portend trouble. Unless you spend a lot of money or uninvited guests come.


A dream about a dead doll is presented to the dreamer as a kind of absurdity of what is happening. Some people described their dreams like this: “I saw a dead doll in a dream, but I didn’t understand for sure: is it a child or a doll ...”. Of course, such dreams are quite painful in their perception.

Such a dream is usually a dream of trouble, some kind of life hardship, a possible burden. But do not be discouraged, but think about which area of ​​your life is now the most vulnerable. After all, this is just a dream, he should be thanked for the warning.

And here is a tip if night vision left a rather unpleasant emotional aftertaste:

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Miller's dream book. Guide to interpretation.

Your actions

In any dream, you can just be an outside observer, or you can take an active part in the plot. Here's what you could do with the doll:

  • to bathe - to big troubles or monetary losses;
  • hold in hands - vain dreams and hopes;
  • enclose - a deception that will hit your pocket;
  • throw away - you can lose your luck;
  • give - will be ignored by one of the acquaintances. Your mistakes will affect you. People from your environment will begin to spread rumors and gossip;
  • sell - there is a chance to miss a good deal;
  • tinkering - to an unexpected discovery. If someone else makes a doll - a friend will bring you up to date;
  • to dress - a friend will deceive;
  • undress - expose your feelings;
  • to pick up elegant clothes for her - you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness;
  • to sew dresses for her - to search for a new hobby;
  • combing your hair - to a wonderful pastime in the company of relatives or friends;
  • braid pigtails - you will be secret about the secret with a friend or sister;
  • if you dreamed that you were in a puppet theater, then, having abandoned important matters, embark on the path of bliss and idleness.
  • crying - to annoying visitors who will offer you unnecessary services and goods;
  • toys scattered on the floor warn of a competitor in your life;
  • a lot of dolls around you - pay attention to your circle of acquaintances: among them are those who spread gossip about you, trying to put you in a bad light.
  • If your favorite doll from childhood turned into your mother in a dream, then perhaps in reality you have moved away from her, as well as from your past. It worries you. Living independently is good, but still try to visit your parents more often.

    Give birth to a doll

    If during the first pregnancy you dreamed that you gave birth to a child, and then he turned into a doll, then you probably still cannot fully realize your future status. You subconsciously perceive the child as a toy.

    Buy in the store

    Such a dream is for profitable cooperation, the conclusion of a successful deal that will make you richer. According to another interpretation, a series of problems awaits you ahead. They can be related to both money and health.

    Buy a pretty daughter's doll - for an expensive present from her husband. Buy for a gift to someone else - to deceived hopes.

    Give or be a giver

    If in a dream you were presented with a toy figure, then your dreams will come true soon, and your plans are doomed to success. And good news is expected from you. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers also indicates a cash bonus.

    When the present is very beautiful and expensive, and you think that you didn’t deserve it, then you should work on your self-esteem. Not taking control means letting them run your own life. This can negatively affect the reputation, and, as a result, on the future path of life.

    If you give, then in reality make your dear person happy.


    Playing with a doll in a dream is complete family harmony, including with the mother-in-law; good news.

    A girl is playing - one of the relatives will get sick.

    Often a person who sees himself carried away by this fun suffers from complexes. However, the meaning of sleep is directly related to the size of the doll: if it is large, this indicates too much pride.

    Note that there is a difference: the sleeping person plays alone or together with someone. In the first case, you have to solve your problems yourself. In the second - well-wishers will help. Play in the company of a child - your reputation is at stake.

    babysitting a baby doll in a stroller

    The first interpretation is an addition to the family. The second is that those around you do not have the most flattering opinion about you. Thirdly, you have not fully matured, you often want to return to a carefree childhood, and not take responsibility for this or that decision. You have a clear need for a protector, patron.

    Dolls are a frequent guest of dreams, and in most cases they dream of something good. Or they urge you to become better acquainted with your inner content, as well as pay attention to those around you. Try to remember as many details as possible: the color of the eyes and hair of the doll, her outfit, where she was. The completeness of the interpretation depends on the little things.

    Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state, physical health, clarify exciting moments? What does what you see in a dream mean and will tell you.

    Why the Doll is dreaming: interpretation of sleep according to 100 dream books

    What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

    In order to correctly understand the meaning of the dream in which you see the doll, you should remember the famous expressions and phrases with this word. Doll - this is how a beautiful, but not too smart girl is often called. For a man, a dream often means a possible acquaintance with such a person, and if the dreamer is a woman, this warns that the partner does not take her too seriously. An inflatable doll in dreams in most cases is a symbol of false deception. Another option, when a doll is dreaming, you can be deceived in financial matters - they will slip a “doll”, which your dream warns about.

    We analyze the vision in which the Toy was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

    Toy or symbolic person, stereotype and identification for children (especially for girls). For many adults, it is a symbol of nostalgia for childhood, a great desire to return to the world of childhood, full of care, love, at that period of life when they play with dolls. The image of a doll can also indicate a person’s puppet behavior, when the super-ego, as it were, controls all human behavior , making the subject a robot. Seeing a doll indicates the presence of a negative regressive reaction to aggression from the outside, which is often a child's emotional reaction to a situation of frustration.

    The meaning of sleep according to the Children's dream book

    The doll that you see turns out to be a signal that you are under strong foreign influence. And you don’t want to or you don’t have enough willpower to resist him. Someone from your environment plays with you like a doll that you dreamed of, but you are not a toy, not a doll, a living person, with your own character and your own desires. You need to focus, gain strength and try to oust people who put pressure on you from your life.

    The meaning of sleep about Baby Dolls (Gypsy dream book)

    If an ordinary children's doll is dreaming at night, it means that a person is not too serious about what he is currently doing. The doll is a symbol of innocent frivolous fun and momentary pleasure. It is possible that it symbolizes the attitude of the chosen one towards you. Most likely, he does not have true feelings for you, but is only amused, like a child's toy. As soon as he gets tired of this occupation, he will leave you without any regret. Just like you forgot your annoying doll on a bench in the garden as a child.

    Why the Doll is dreaming (Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

    According to the dream book, if you see a doll, she says that some event will soon happen in your life that will cause you great surprise. They also say that the doll dreams of temptations and temptations in reality. For a young guy, a dream predicts a quick acquaintance and communication with a beautiful, but empty and windy girl - you should not take her too seriously. A richly dressed, elegant doll is a symbol of improving the financial situation and a prosperous life.

    Interpretation of the Doll from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    The doll is a symbol of everything artificial, frivolous and frivolous. So, when a doll is dreaming, we can talk about the artificiality and frivolity of your relationship with your current partner, you will win with him, as if with a doll, not caring a lot about what will happen tomorrow. And will there be anything at all. Or the doll personifies some frivolous and meaningless business to which you devote too much time. When a man is a dreamer, the doll predicts that he will soon meet an extremely frivolous, and possibly frankly stupid girl. A particularly beautiful doll promises temporary success in a small enterprise.

    Doll (rubber) - Deception, protracted business, attitude.

    See Doll (living, speaking) - Some kind of mechanical, behavioral (or sensual) part of the sleeping person, which is trying to integrate in consciousness, to show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.

    Voodoo doll with needles stuck in it - Someone is manipulating you, using your connections to their advantage.

    To dream about a Doll, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

    In most cases, when a person dreams of a doll, this indicates an insincere and fake love relationship. It is difficult to say from whose side this falsehood will turn out. It is possible that you sincerely love your partner and may become a victim of a love scam. Or, on the contrary, you play with the feelings of a person who is sincerely in love with you, which, in general, is also very bad. Sometimes the doll personifies some kind of fake, and very unpleasant person with whom you have to communicate. Be careful not to fall for his sweet promises. And finally, a doll in a dream is just a sign that you miss your children very much. Or - on their own childhood.

    What did the Doll dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

    According to spiritual sources, if in a dream you see a small elegant porcelain doll, one of those dolls that are usually used to decorate a house, this is a good sign. The dream says that you will have a prosperous life, well-being, health and happiness. When you dreamed of an ordinary baby doll, the dream toy was sent to warn you of the futility of your efforts. Whatever you do in the matter that interests you, all your labors will be in vain. In the end, you will be greatly disappointed.

    Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

    When a person dreams of a doll, this often indicates that he is engaged in an empty business and is only wasting money in vain. If you do not change your behavior, you may soon be completely broke. But if a woman sees that she is playing with dolls, this is a good sign that predicts her a happy housekeeping, a calm and joyful married life. Peace and tranquility at home. The dream turns out to be a very good sign.

    The meaning of sleep about Dolls (Modern dream book)

    What does the dream in which you dreamed of a doll mean? To understand this dream, try to imagine that you are playing with dolls, as if in childhood. How much benefit for you will be in this lesson? So the dream in which you see the doll tells you that now you are doing some completely pointless and useless business. It will not bring you any profit, or practical benefit, or just satisfaction. All your labors will be in vain. Forget about it and do something more meaningful.

    Doll in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

    Seeing a doll is a sign of various real estate transactions. You would like to buy a house or land, buy an apartment. Just move to a new location. When a doll dreams, it represents everything related to these issues that you will have to deal with. But if in a dream it was about the fact that you yourself became a doll, this is already an alarming sign warning that you can lose your real estate. Be careful and careful in all related operations.

    Why dream and how to interpret the Doll according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

    When a person dreams of a doll, this often indicates that he is engaged in an empty business and is only wasting money in vain. If you do not change your behavior, you may soon be completely broke. But if a woman sees that she is playing with dolls, this is a good sign that predicts her a happy housekeeping, a calm and joyful married life. Peace and tranquility at home. This is the meaning of the dream that you saw tonight.

    The meaning of the dream about Materska (Creative dream book)

    I dreamed of a Doll what it is for. 1. A doll means that the dreamer feels like a child, or he feels the need for comfort. The doll may also express an undeveloped part of the dreamer's personality. 2. We all want to explore and learn through play, which is why the doll that appears expresses our need to relearn some lessons from childhood that have been forgotten. 3. The doll represents the soul of a particular person who can be helped or harmed with the help of white or black magic.

    Why is the Doll dreaming in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

    If you dream of a doll carved from wood - this often signals that your thoughts have recently been occupied exclusively with trivial entertainment, laziness has swallowed you. You are not doing anything really serious and purposeful at all. I dreamed of a children's doll, an ordinary toy - it is a symbol of manipulation. You treat the people around you without due respect for their own desires, you try to control everything and everyone, which is what the doll that appeared in the dream says. When a woman is a dreamer and she dreams of a doll, this is a prediction of an imminent marriage with a frivolous and windy person.

    The meaning of the dream about the Mannequin (Jewish dream book)

    Doll - Warning: you are ready to be overly gullible towards your new acquaintance.

    Why does the Doll dream in a dream (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

    If a person dreams of a doll, this is a sad sign. She says that all the thoughts of this person are occupied exclusively by laziness and craving for stupid entertainment. He absolutely does not devote time to really serious studies, leads a windy and frivolous lifestyle. The doll is a warning that if you do not take up your mind, then sooner or later you will find yourself in the place of a dragonfly from a famous fable. No one is interested in feeding a loafer and a loafer.

    Doll according to the dream book of O. Adaskina

    When a puppet appears in a dream, the dream characterizes you as a frivolous person. You absolutely do not want to do anything really serious in this life, you just sail at the behest of the wind and waves. Laziness and frivolity will not bring you to good. In the end, you can be left completely alone and without a livelihood. What the doll that you dream of warns about.

    How to understand why the Doll was dreaming in a dream? (according to the collection of interpretations of Simeon Prozorov)

    I dreamed of a Doll - childhood; desire to be loved.

    What is the dream of the Doll according to the signs (Slavic dream book)

    A doll is an unsatisfied sexual desire. Passion in disguise. Sometimes it's cold. Venus in 12th house.