Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology: application will cure infertility. Vishnevsky's ointment, its use in modern gynecology Treatment of gynecological diseases with Vishnevsky's ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment is an antiseptic preparation made by Professor A.V. Vishnevsky. The tool has been known to mankind for more than a century and is widely used in various inflammatory diseases, including in gynecology. But each patient is interested in how effective the prescribed drug is and what contraindications it has.


The composition of the drug includes xeroform, castor oil and tar, these substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and an irritant effect, stretching the abscess and accelerating the healing of the ovaries and appendages. All components perfectly complement and enhance each other's action.

Consider the action of each substance in detail:

  • Castor oil is considered an excellent wound healing agent. It is made from the seeds of the castor bean, which grows in warm countries and is poisonous. In addition, castor oil has a detrimental effect on the cells of fungi and bacteria.
  • Tar is a natural broad-spectrum antiseptic. It is obtained by distillation of birch resin. It is this component that gives the drug such an unpleasant odor.
  • Xeroform is also an antiseptic, but synthetic. It causes the death of pathogenic microbes, thus sterilizing wounds.

What is treated with ointment in gynecology?

Vishnevsky's ointment is often used to treat skin conditions such as boils, abscesses, bedsores, but doctors often prescribe this drug to treat gynecological diseases.

Ointment Vishnevsky in gynecology is used to treat diseases such as:

  • Inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, uterus
  • Cervical erosion
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Candidiasis (thrush)
  • Infertility associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • Adhesive processes in the small pelvis.

Often, tampons with Vishnevsky ointment are prescribed to prepare for surgery on the ovaries, tubes and uterus, and after it, for disinfection and rapid healing. With candidiasis, Vishnevsky's liniment is prescribed in combination with other drugs, since the ointment enhances their effect and quickly improves the patient's condition. A complete list of diseases can be found in the instructions.

What effect does liniment have

Most often, the ointment is prescribed with other drugs or douching. Antibiotics and liniment perfectly complement and enhance each other's action, and douching with chamomile helps relieve discomfort.

A swab with Vishnevsky ointment has many positive effects:

  • Cleanses and heals the vaginal mucosa
  • Eliminates obstruction of the fallopian tubes, resolves adhesions
  • Heals erosion of the cervix
  • Helps ovarian cysts dissolve faster
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration after surgery
  • Restores the balance of microflora
  • It has an antiseptic effect.

How to make tampons

First of all, it is worth noting that for the treatment of the vagina, ovaries, appendages and cervix, tampons must be made independently, and not bought in a store. The fact is that hygienic tampons are designed to absorb, it is completely unsuitable for treatment.

It is not difficult to make tampons with your own hands, for this you will need a sterile bandage, cotton wool, scissors treated with alcohol. It is necessary to cut off a strip of bandage equal to 15 cm, and roll a small ball out of cotton wool. Then wrap the cotton ball in a bandage and tie it so that you get a head with a long tail. The finished tampon must be soaked with Vishnevsky's ointment and put in the vagina at night, and removed in the morning.


There are few contraindications for the drug - this is individual intolerance and the presence of abscesses in dangerous areas. Also, the ointment should be used only externally, oral use is unacceptable. Be sure to follow the instructions. The period of pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Why are tampons prescribed with dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment?

Often gynecologists recommend putting tampons with ointment and dimexide solution. This substance has an excellent antiseptic and analgesic effect and enhances the effect of the ointment. Dimexide and Vishnevsky liniment are used for inflammatory processes in the vagina, ovaries and cervix and for the treatment of appendages.

Unlike Vishnevsky's ointment, dimexide has many contraindications:

  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Severe liver and kidney disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Ophthalmic diseases
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Children's age up to 16 years.

Only a doctor should prescribe tampons with dimexide.

With infertility

Liniment Vishnevsky is effective only in tubal infertility, which is usually provoked by chronic endometriosis. This drug has already repeatedly proven itself. Tampons with Vishnevsky ointment are recommended to be placed after cleaning the fallopian tubes in order to exclude infection and inflammation.

Often liniment is used for douching the vagina and uterus, for this it is mixed with chamomile infusion. Such a solution perfectly disinfects and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is important to note that for conception, treatment with balsamic liniment cannot be quick. The fact that the drug really helps is indicated by a large number of positive reviews from patients and gynecologists.

It is also worth understanding that one ointment cannot be healed, the treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at all gynecological problems. If there are inflammatory processes, then antibiotics are indispensable.

What to choose, Vishnevsky's ointment or a drug of similar action?

In the modern world, there are a large number of antiseptic drugs used to treat diseases of the ovaries, appendages, uterus. In addition, new drugs do not have such a pungent odor as Vishnevsky's ointment.

Any antiseptic drug used for gynecological purposes is more expensive than Vishnevsky's ointment, but is not always more effective than it.

One of the effective and safe drugs for thrush is Vishnevsky's ointment. It has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiseptic effects. The use of Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is common, since it does not have a side effect on the body and promotes rapid regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

Composition and medicinal properties

In 1927, the drug was developed by the surgeon Vishnevsky A.V. and was called "Liniment balsamic".

The composition of Vishnevsky's ointment and the main properties of the components are presented in the table:

In the treatment of thrush, Vishnevsky's unique ointment helps:

  • restoration of microflora in the organs of the reproductive system in women;
  • disinfection of mucous genital organs;
  • restoration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • removal of unpleasant painful symptoms;
  • destruction of the fungus Candida.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure will help eliminate suppuration on the mucous membrane.

Vishnevsky's ointment is used for diseases of the female reproductive system. The disinfectant property of the drug is widely used in gynecological operations and in the postoperative period. The drug is also prescribed for sexually transmitted infections. The exceptional composition of the drug alleviates the symptoms and manifestations of thrush, fights the causes of its occurrence. With inflammation and suppuration of the mucous membranes, a combination of chamomile infusion with Vishnevsky ointment is used. Douching the vagina with such a remedy has a quick antifungal and healing effect.

Among the contraindications:

  • open wounds, abscesses in the affected areas;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

How is Vishnevsky's ointment used for thrush?

You can treat thrush at home with vaginal suppositories from cocoa butter and Vishnevsky ointment. Such a tool does not cause allergic reactions and has an antifungal, wound healing and disinfecting effect. To prepare it you need:

  1. Melt 50 g of cocoa butter in a water bath.
  2. Add 15 g of the drug.
  3. Stir the treatment mixture to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Make shapes out of foil that look like pharmacy candles.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds.
  6. Place in the refrigerator to solidify completely.
  7. Daily insert 1 suppository into the depth of the vagina at night.

Using tampons

The tool enhances the healing properties of the ointment.

To obtain the greatest therapeutic effect in the fight against candidiasis, hygienic tampons are used. Treatment of thrush consists of the following steps:

  • Buy 2 packs of tampons and a bottle of Vishnevsky's ointment.
  • Saturate the hygiene product with 12-15 g of the preparation.
  • Insert 1 tampon into the vagina daily at bedtime.
  • The course of treatment is 14 days.

In the fight against the disease, a combination of Vishnevsky ointment and Dimexide is used. "Dimexide" enhances the effectiveness of the drug and reduces the resistance of pathogens to therapeutic therapy. For the treatment of candidiasis you need:

  1. Apply 10-14 drops of medicine to the swab.
  2. Apply 15 g of ointment on top.
  3. Daily insert 1 piece into the vagina at night.
  4. The procedure is carried out until complete recovery.

Ointment Vishnevsky in gynecology is used in the treatment of adnexitis, erosion, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis. It is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous effect. The natural ingredients of the ointment (balsamic liniment) contribute to the rapid regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. Often gynecologists, when compiling a therapeutic regimen, prefer this time-tested remedy.

Unlike modern drugs, Vishnevsky's liniment does not have a toxic effect on the human body. It is cheap, available, does not have a wide list of contraindications. The ointment can be used at any stage of the pathology of the female reproductive system.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky is used to relieve inflammation in the ovaries, uterus, vagina. Its components of natural origin successfully cope with pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi. It is these microorganisms that most often provoke gynecological diseases. After applying the ointment to the vaginal mucosa or intravaginal administration of a tampon, recovery processes are launched:

  • the genitals are cleansed of infectious pathogens and toxic products of their vital activity;
  • wounds, erosion, cracks, ulcerations on the mucous membranes are healed;
  • gradually decrease in size benign neoplasms - cysts and polyps;
  • the patency of the fallopian tubes is normalized.

Vaginal application of Vishnevsky's ointment allows you to accelerate epithelization and by restoring the biocenosis of the vagina. In place of the dead yeast-like fungi and E. coli, useful lacto- and bifidobacteria begin to grow. They produce lactic acid, protecting the reproductive organs from pathogenic microorganisms.

How to make tampons with Vishnevsky ointment

In gynecology, the use of tampons from Vishnevsky's ointment is practiced, but its simple application to mucous membranes is also possible. The latter method is used to treat pathologies such as uncomplicated thrush or vaginitis in women. Tampons for vaginal administration are indicated for patients with fibroids and other benign neoplasms. For their manufacture, sterile dressings should be purchased - bandages, cotton wool or napkins. You can also use hygienic tampons, but they do not absorb balsamic liniment so well. Making a medical tampon at home is quite simple:

  • with scissors treated with any alcohol solution, cut off pieces of bandage about 20 cm long;
  • cotton wool is tamped as much as possible and rolled into balls with a diameter of 3.0-3.5 cm;
  • the ball is placed on the edge of the bandage, the edges are wrapped inside and a tampon is formed;
  • for subsequent extraction, the tampon is tied with a strong thread or a thin piece of bandage.

Now it remains to soak the tampon with balsamic liniment and insert it into the vagina. When making it, you need to try so that all the threads of the dressings remain inside. Getting them on the inflamed areas of the mucous membranes can cause an increase in the pathological process.

Description of the drug

A topical preparation with a pronounced antiseptic effect. It contains three ingredients - birch tar, high bismuth xeroform and castor oil. All components of the drug have a therapeutic effect. In combination, they enhance and prolong the clinical effectiveness of each other. The composition of the product does not contain substances for the formation of an ointment base - petroleum jelly, paraffin or lanolin. Therefore, the liniment has a liquid, syrupy consistency. It also has the following physical properties:

  • brown, grayish-brown on the cut;
  • intense specific smell of tar and xeroform.

The drug is used both in the form of monotherapy, and in conjunction with other medicines. In gynecology, tampons with Dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment are often used. The combination of two antiseptics helps to quickly stop inflammation, significantly speed up recovery.

pharmachologic effect

Ointment-balm according to Vishnevsky is used in gynecology due to its multifaceted therapeutic effect. In the process of using the drug, pulling pains in the lower abdomen disappear, the menstrual cycle normalizes. Thanks to its antimicrobial activity, the discharge of thick greenish-yellow mucus from the vagina stops.

The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment is based on components that have the following therapeutic effects:

  • birch tar irritates sensitive nerve endings of epithelial tissues. This leads to a decrease in pain, burning and cramps during urination. In the tissues affected by inflammation, blood circulation is restored and microcirculation is normalized. Due to the intake of nutrients and biologically active substances in them, regeneration is accelerated;
  • xeroform coagulates proteins, eliminating purulent processes, drying wounds and erosion. It sanitizes inflammatory foci, removes toxic compounds from them. Xeroform denatures proteins, accelerating the recovery of damaged tissues;
  • castor oil eliminates irritation on the skin and mucous membranes. It nourishes the cells, saturates them with moisture, provides the penetration of vitamins and trace elements. Oil forms a dense shell on the surface of the epithelium. It protects them from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The use of high doses of liniment has a bactericidal effect. In the cells of bacteria and fungi, the biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids is disrupted, accelerating their destruction.

Release form and composition

Balsamic liniment is produced by Russian pharmaceutical factories. The primary packaging of the drug is dark glass bottles or aluminum tubes. Each of them contains 25, 30 or 40 g of Vishnevsky's ointment. The secondary packaging is a cardboard box with an annotation inside. The composition of the drug includes the following ingredients:

  • tar - a product of dry distillation of birch bark;
  • castor oil obtained from castor beans;
  • xeroform - bismuth tribromophenolate.

The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 15°C. Shelf life - 5 years, after opening the package - 2-3 months. The cost of liniment is about 50 rubles.

For vaginal administration, candles with Vishnevsky ointment are used.

They are not manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. Suppositories are made to order in the prescription and production departments of pharmacies by rolling out or pouring. Usually they include balsamic liniment, lanolin, vaseline oil and cocoa butter. You can make candles at home according to this recipe:

  • 100 g of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath and 30 g of ointment is injected in parts;
  • cool slightly and pour into molds made of thick foil.

To solidify the suppositories are placed in the refrigerator. Cocoa butter melts at body temperature, so the suppository should be inserted into the vagina quickly.

Instructions for use

The use of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology is based on its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. In some cases, they are not enough, so liniment is combined with other drugs. It can be:

  • infusions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, oak bark, St. John's wort, succession, elecampane;
  • pharmacological preparations - Dimexide, Ichthyol ointment, Levomekol, Levosin.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. He necessarily takes into account the results of laboratory tests and the degree of tissue damage.

Indications and contraindications

Balsamic liniment stops inflammation in the ovaries, cervix, vagina, destroying infectious agents. Its active ingredients inhibit the growth and reproduction of fungi and pathogenic bacteria. Balsamic liniment and suppositories with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology are used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • cervical endometriosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • bacterial and fungal vaginitis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • vulvovaginitis.

The drug is prescribed to women after surgery.

One of the indications for the use of balsamic liniment is infertility.

Problems with conception usually arise due to the presence of chronic gynecological pathologies. Doctors diagnose infertility with adhesive processes, endometriosis, cervicitis. After their cure, the integrity of the endometrium is restored and pregnancy occurs. If the pathologies are provoked by a changed hormonal background, then the patients undergo replacement therapy.

Vishnevsky's ointment is not prescribed to patients in case of revealing individual sensitivity to the ingredients.

Method of administration and dosage

Tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment are the most effective remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive organs. They are prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and cervix. Vishnevsky ointment is recommended to be injected into the vagina and applied to mucous membranes for bacterial and fungal infections. To treat inflammation of the Bartholin gland, the use of baths or compresses is practiced. Liniment is applied to a sterile napkin and applied to damaged areas overnight.

The average duration of the therapeutic course is 10 days. For a single use, the doctor prescribes from 5 g to 15 g of the drug. If there is no improvement after 5 days of use, then the liniment is replaced with the current analogue.

Side effects and special instructions

In rare cases, a local allergic reaction may develop during treatment.

When using tampons with Dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment, the likelihood of systemic side effects increases. If headaches, dizziness or nausea occur, treatment procedures must be canceled.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Tampons with Vishnevskaya ointment in gynecology are rarely prescribed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is advisable to use the drug in the form of bandages and only as directed by a doctor.


The current analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment are Ichthyol ointment, Levomekol, Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, Solcoseryl gel.

What gynecological diseases does balsamic liniment treat. How to make medicated tampons. Side effects and contraindications. Analogues and price. Reviews of women.

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment was invented by a Soviet surgeon in 1927. In international medicine, the ointment is known as tribromophenolate plus tar. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Its composition is simple and unique:

  • Birch tar - fights microbes, increases blood flow.
  • Xeroform - exhibits powerful antiseptic properties.
  • Castor oil - softens the affected tissues and increases their permeability to other components.

According to indications, women use tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology. Uncontrolled treatment can increase inflammation. Subject to medical recommendations, the remedy heals minor erosion and damage well. The only unpleasant moment is the pungent smell of the ointment, which lingers on the genitals for a week.

What gynecological diseases does balsamic liniment treat?

The use of Vishnevsky ointment in the presence of female diseases is allowed in the absence of acute inflammation, swelling and redness of the external genitalia and vagina. Gynecologists prescribe a drug for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Inflammation of the ovaries.
  3. Bartholinitis.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Urogenital candidiasis.
  6. Tubal infertility.
  7. Inflammatory processes affecting the pelvic organs.

In addition, liniment is used in the postoperative period, if polyps were surgically removed and problems of obstruction of the fallopian tubes were solved. To enhance the therapeutic effect, Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is used in a complex manner. For example, tamponade may alternate with douching with infusion of chamomile or the use of antibiotics.

As an adjunct treatment, the ointment can be prescribed to a woman with an STD. The drug does not affect the sexual infection. Its task is to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

How to make therapeutic tampons with Vishnevsky ointment

It is convenient to introduce Vishnevsky ointment into the vagina with the help of. The drug-impregnated product retains its therapeutic effect longer.

But before you put tampons, you need to learn a few rules for successful therapy:

  • Wash before each procedure, using soap and warm boiled water (the procedure is needed to clean the intimate organs from physiological secretions and ointment residues).
  • Put tampons in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. In the absence of obvious signs of improvement, consult a doctor after 3 days from the start of therapy.
  • Protect laundry with a pad, otherwise the foul-smelling liniment will stain the clothes.
  • Soak the swab with ointment immediately before insertion into the genital tract.
  • Do not use alcohol antiseptics during the period of treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. They irritate the perineum and increase inflammation.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, you can buy a package of hygiene products in the store and soak them with ointment. You can make a remedy at home with your own hands, and now we will describe in detail how to make tampons for the subsequent use of Vishnevsky ointment.

  1. Take an arbitrary segment of a sterile bandage.
  2. Wrap the tape around your finger or pencil.
  3. Wrap the gauze tip into the resulting cylinder.
  4. Cover the surface of the product with medicine.

Put as a normal hygienic product. After extraction, it is disposed of. For the next procedure, a new turunda is made.

Ready-made tampons designed to absorb menstrual flow should not be used for therapeutic purposes. They actively absorb moisture and can absorb a significant part of the liniment (its consistency is semi-liquid).

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the benefits of Vishnevsky's ointment, it is impossible to use it without first studying the contraindications.

Tampons impregnated with liniment should not be used for acute infections of the genital tract, inflammation of the vagina, the presence of purulent elements on the mucous membranes or fistulous passages prone to suppuration. Tamponade is not suitable for patients with allergies to the constituent components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to put tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in the vagina. The drug contains phenol and bismuth - toxic substances. In small quantities, they enter the bloodstream, from where they enter the uterus or breast milk. It should also be borne in mind that the unpleasant smell of tar spreads to milk and forces the baby to refuse breastfeeding.

If Vishnevsky's liniment was used for dermatological purposes and turned out to be ineffective, it should not be used in gynecology. You should tell your doctor about your experience and choose another remedy that can destroy germs.

The medicine rarely gives side effects. Negative reactions are manifested by a mild form of urticaria, itching and burning when a tampon is inserted, irritation of the perineum, cutting or pulling pains in the lower back or lower abdomen. If, in addition to liniment, another remedy was prescribed, the interval between procedures should be 1 to 2 hours.

Analogues and price

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment has analogues, but they are not gynecological preparations. Doctors add an agent with similar pharmacological properties to complex therapy when it becomes necessary to stop the inflammatory process or destroy bacteria.

What analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment are found in the pharmacy:

  • Levomekol with methyluracil (price from 130 rubles and above).
  • Ichthyol ointment, the active component of which is ichthyol (costs 70 - 100 rubles).
  • Levomethyl with chloramphenicol (cheap medicine costing from 35 rubles).

How much does Vishnevsky's ointment cost? In Moscow pharmacies, the average price of the drug is 20 rubles per 30 g tube.

In polymer jars with a volume of 200 ml, liniment costs more - about 100 rubles. In a half-liter jar, the drug can be bought for 180 rubles.

Opinion of doctors

Modern gynecologists define in reviews tampons with Vishnevsky ointment as an outdated method of treatment and prescribe innovative fast-acting remedies to patients. But older specialists continue to treat women's diseases with balsamic liniment.

Why do some doctors see the point in practicing this? The fact is that the ointment consists of three active components. Two of them are natural substances that cause harm only with hypersensitivity. Still, as an option, the body may react negatively to poor-quality removal of liniment residues.

Since the 30s of the last century, women have been using tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology and have no problems. A tool that costs a penny, does not cause difficulties in use and heals the reproductive system. Following all medical recommendations, scrupulous patients get rid of serious pathologies in a short time.

What do women say

Those women who trusted the doctor and underwent a course of treatment with tampons with Vishnevsky ointment leave laudatory reviews and rejoice that they were able to get rid of diseases without extra costs. The property of the components to draw pus from wounds has allowed many patients to cure advanced endometritis.

With infertility associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, liniment also finds its application. First, a woman undergoes an operation to clean the pipes. In the rehabilitation period, Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed to accelerate wound healing.

Lilia, 39 years old: I make tampons from a bandage and cotton wool and apply Vishnevsky ointment. On the advice of a gynecologist, I put a tampon in the vagina for 3 hours, after which I remove and douche with a decoction of chamomile. By this method I have treated thrush several times. The effect lasts for a long time.

Tatyana, 27 years old: For 3 years I could not get pregnant and went to the doctor. Severe inflammation was diagnosed, which made it difficult to conceive. The gynecologist prescribed me tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment. I was treated for only 2 weeks, but after 2 months the test showed the long-awaited two stripes. The pregnancy proceeded normally. Now my son goes to kindergarten.

Alla, 44 years old: I used to often suffer from inflammatory diseases in the female part. Once the doctor suggested that I do at night with Vishnevsky's ointment. Dimexide must first be diluted with water 1: 1. The treatment passed without side effects and relapses.

Treatment with levomikol is the most effective remedy, because it fights the cause of acne.

As mentioned above, Levomekol is a drug that must be used according to the rules.

  1. Do a sensitivity test before use. Apply a small amount of ointment on the wrist, leave for a few minutes. If the skin remains unchanged - apply to problem areas.
  2. Apply to the skin, fixing with a cotton swab or gauze for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Do not apply all over the face.
  4. Use pointwise.
  5. Treat pimples as they appear.

Ointment Levomekol - what helps (indications for use)

This applies to situations where the patient has:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • eczema;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • psoriasis.

Sometimes after using Levomekol, a rash on the skin may appear.

An effective drug is applied to the skin and covered with a cloth or gauze. Treatment of the damaged area is performed until the wound is completely cleansed of pus. Levomekol ointment is recommended to be applied 1-2 times a day, the course lasts 5-10 days.

  • It is advisable to treat purulent acne at night and cover it with a band-aid. After removing the boil, the problem area must be treated with ointment, if necessary, the composition can be placed in the hole that appears. After removing the pus, the medicine has a bactericidal and healing effect.
  • To treat inflammation of the ear, it is necessary to make a thin tourniquet of gauze or bandage and lubricate it with Levomekol. The resulting tampon should be inserted into the ear canal for 12 hours. With sinusitis, the tourniquet is placed in the sinuses.
  • For bedsores, stab wounds, cuts, eczema and torn calluses, the ointment is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer.
  • Extensive wounds should be filled with napkins impregnated with the composition and fixed with a bandage. The tampon changes as pus and necrotic masses accumulate.
  • In narrow and deep wounds into which it is impossible to insert a napkin, the ointment is applied using a catheter. For this, a syringe filled with the composition and connected to a drainage tube is used. The ointment goes to the very bottom of the wound.
  • The composition is not recommended for use simultaneously with other topical drugs.
  • It is necessary to treat the damaged areas daily, until the complete removal of necrotic and purulent masses. If the procedure was skipped, further dressings are performed according to the schedule.
  • It is necessary to avoid getting the composition into the eyes and inside the body. If the ointment is swallowed, it is necessary to wash the stomach with water with activated charcoal. Pure running water is used to remove the ointment from the eyes and mucous membranes.

On average, the duration of treatment with Levomekol ointment is 5-10 days. With severe damage to the skin or mucous membrane, the duration of the course increases.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the disease.

The annotation contains no indications regarding the use of the drug for the treatment of colds, therefore, its use in case of a cold is possible only with the approval of the attending physician.

Ointment in the nose from a runny nose and sinusitis is used in cases where the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. Since at home it is possible to determine what exactly provoked the disease, the appointment of an antibiotic is possible only on the basis of the results of the relevant tests.

In surgical dentistry, it is used during implantation and extraction of teeth as a tool to help relieve painful symptoms and reduce tissue swelling.

In gynecology, the drug is used as a local wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent after childbirth and operations.

Some doctors consider it appropriate to prescribe Levomekol to suppress pathogenic microflora in colpitis.

This question is often asked by people who have recently got a tattoo. Experts say that drugs that have a wound-healing effect (especially if they include an antibiotic) stimulate the skin's immunity, which is why the pigment is perceived by the body as a foreign body and is more actively rejected by the skin.

If there is no inflammation, it is optimal to use D-Panthenol, Bepanthen Plus ointment or a special healing ointment Tat Wax for tattoo treatment. The use of Levomekol is allowed only for inflammation and suppuration.

topical antibiotics for acne

The composition of the ointment includes a tissue regeneration stimulant dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine) at a concentration of 4.0 g per 100 g and the antibiotic chloramphenicol (Chloramphenicolum) at a concentration of 0.75 g per 100 g.

Excipients: polyethylene oxides 400 and 1500.

Release form

Ointment. Means of external therapy. It is a white (slightly yellowish) substance. It is packaged in 40 g tubes, as well as 100 or 1000 g in dark glass jars.

Dehydrating, antimicrobial.

The tool is a combined composition for topical use. Relieves inflammation, is active against Gram () and Gram (-) bacteria: Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Without damaging cell membranes, chloramphenicol easily and to a great depth penetrates into tissues, while stimulating their regeneration.

The antimicrobial effect is preserved, including in the presence of necrotic masses and purulent discharge.

The drug perfectly relieves inflammation and draws out pus. Indication for the use of Levomekol - purulent (including those infected with mixed microflora) wounds in the first phase (phase of inflammation) of the wound process.

Levomekol is used as an ointment for healing wounds and bedsores, as an ointment for boils, is used for advanced forms of hemorrhoids, for calluses, for herpes (for herpes, the remedy is prescribed for suppuration of sores - the drug helps to cleanse them and heal faster), with purulent inflammation in the outer part of the ear canal, as well as for the treatment of purulent acne.

The ointment is also prescribed as a local treatment for lymph nodes with their inflammation (with acute and chronic lymphadenitis). The main treatment is aimed at eliminating lymphadenopathy.

The patient is prescribed anti-allergic and restorative drugs, vitamins, calcium gluconate. In some cases, an operation to open the abscess, antibiotic and detoxification therapy may be required.

Modern antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, which include antibiotics, have one important advantage: they perfectly cope with various kinds of inflammation without violating the integrity of the entire microbial flora of the body. After all, in addition to harmful bacteria, beneficial ones also live on the mucous membranes and skin of a person.

Ointment for external use - levomekol - an effective remedy with antimicrobial and healing properties. It contains two main active components: the antibiotic levomycetin and the immunostimulant methyluracil.

An auxiliary agent that enhances their action is ethylene glycol. Its presence helps the ointment to maintain antibacterial resistance even in the presence of purulent and necrotic (necrosis - the process of tissue necrosis) formations.

The antibiotic levomycetin, widely used in medicine, is capable of destroying a number of pathogens - such as streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, and various viruses. Levomycetin must be used with caution, as it can have a toxic effect on the process of hematopoiesis (violate the ratio of white and red blood cells).

An overdose of the drug can also cause various mental disorders - for example, hallucinations and delusions. Therefore, this antibiotic, and therefore levomekol, is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.

The second drug in the pharmacological complex of levomecol - mitiluracil - activates metabolic processes in cell membranes, enhances tissue regeneration and protects them from decay. In addition, the substance stimulates the body to intensively produce leukocytes - blood cells that have barrier functions against pathogenic bacteria, and interferon - a biologically active protein responsible for the state of immunity.

Levomekol is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, including those complicated by bacterial and viral infections. The ointment perfectly disinfects and restores damaged tissues, draws out purulent masses, and reduces swelling.

Numerous reviews also testify to the widespread use and effectiveness of the ointment: levomekol is good for the prevention and treatment of bedsores, they are lubricated with purulent acne, cuts, stab wounds, weeping eczema, bursting calluses.

If the wound area is large enough, Levomekol is applied to gauze (necessarily sterile!) napkins and the wound is filled with them, bandaged. Change of napkins is carried out daily, and sometimes several times a day, depending on the amount of accumulated pus.