The most ancient languages ​​on earth. Russian language is the oldest on Earth

There are many theories, or rather hypotheses. Ancient people, as a rule, believed that language was created by a higher mind, that is, God. Until some time, this opinion was considered true and was not disputed. For the first time, ancient philosophers (1st century BC) began to talk about the non-divine origin of language: some of them believed that language was inherent in man from the very beginning - “by nature,” as Heraclitus argued, the name of an object is its essence and vice versa; others - like, for example, Democritus, Plato - insisted on the origin of language "by agreement", they supported their point of view by the fact that the same thing is called differently in different languages, or in one language it can have several names . In the Middle Ages, with the strengthening of Christianity, the idea of ​​​​the divine origin of language again became paramount, but from the 17th century it began to be questioned; At this time, the hypotheses of the origin of language that exist today begin to take shape. I will list the main ones in chronological order.

1) Onomatopoeic (onomatopoeic) d. Proponents of this hypothesis believe that language appeared as a) imitation of the sounds of nature or b) imitation of impressions about things. From the perspective of such an idea, every sound has meaning (the theory of sound symbolism, the language of children and savages). Naturally, not all words arose in this way, but some of the fundamental principles of language; later words were created by associative means.

2) Interjective g. It is based on the idea that words are an expression of a person’s mental state, his emotions, feelings. First, first words arose, then - according to their models - derivative words.

3) G. public (social) contract. Proponents of this hypothesis believed that unconscious and primitive cries and gestures initially appeared, and then people agreed among themselves about their meaning; the first were proper names; Specific names appeared earlier than generic names.

4) G. labor cries. From her position, the genesis of language is associated with the cries of people accompanying collective work; Some signals rhythmized the activity (like counting “left-right” in a formation), others regulated it (a call for the beginning of an action, for its completion, etc.). This hypothesis is considered inconclusive.

5) G. about sign language as the primary form of communication. Gestures preceded verbal language, and gradually shouts began to supplant them (but not completely: today gestures, facial expressions, and body movements play an important role in communication between communicants).

6) “Japhetic” by N. Ya. Marr. The latter was convinced that the origin of language was of a class nature, and all modern languages ​​descended from Caucasian (Japhetic); The sound structure of all languages ​​has developed from 4 primary elements - sal, ber, roš, yon. Now this hypothesis is viewed as a manifestation of vulgar materialism.

7) Materialistic. Language arose as a result of a combination of certain factors and is closely related to human evolution. a) Natural factor: the presence of a near-earth atmospheric layer necessary for breathing and for the formation of sound. b) Biological function: upright posture, development of the respiratory organs and articulatory apparatus, expansion of horizons, increase in brain volume, complication of its structure, differentiation of the functions of the right and left hemispheres, development of the frontal lobes, development of thinking, freeing of the upper limbs for work activities, change in quality food, the ability to use fire, the use of hands to give signals, etc. c) Social function: primitive man lived in a herd, there was a need for division of labor, management of the entire structure of the herd, and for this we needed language. d) Mental f.: the community of psychological laws of preverbal and verbal thinking of a person.
Here, in fact, are the main and most adequate hypotheses. In any case, the language is complex and mysterious, and, alas, it is impossible to prove or disprove any of them.

Stories about the emergence of the primary proto-language on Earth.

For a long time, scientists, ethnographers, linguists and historians have been trying to find (recreate) the very first language on Earth, from which all other languages ​​of the peoples of the world originated.

There are now more than 5,000 languages ​​on Earth.
The first researchers believed that all languages ​​originated from the ancient Egyptian language, since the Egyptians have long been considered the most ancient people in the world. Now even academic historians believe that the Sumerians and Elamites were older than the Egyptians.
For a long time, scientists tried to consider the Hebrew language to be the most ancient language.
But these attempts were also unsuccessful.
The most detailed research into the reconstruction of the primary language was carried out by Hermann Wirth, a Dutch-German historian. Herman Wirth, in his theory, believed that the initial first language of all the peoples of the world originated from the people who lived in the north of Europe, on the continent of Arctida (in the Arctic Ocean) approximately 20 thousand years ago. It was the language of the Hyperboreans. Wirth considered the American Indians to be the first immigrants from Hyperborea. He wrote his theory in the book “Hyperborean Theory”. There he made attempts to depict the first hieroglyphs of the primary language. He believed that modern types of writing arose from proto-runic signs. He also considered the Indo-Europeans to be the descendants of the Hyperboreans, who 6 thousand years ago, cheerful, wise, blue-eyed, came to Europe from the last flooded Hyperborean lands. Wirth believed that Hyperborean women and men were of the same height, and they were tall. Later, mixing with more southern peoples, their growth decreased.
Much later, more realistic research and theories about the first language of earthlings began to appear. In 1935, the Gurunsi-Nankanse tribes, nomadic in the savannas of Western Sudan, used a whistling language in addition to their regular language.
The whistling language is used in Gascony, Nepal, Mexico, and in the northeast of Asia Minor in the Turkish village of Kushkoy. The most studied whistling language is the one in which the inhabitants of Homer, one of the Canary Islands, whistle. They whistle in Spanish. Back in 1878, this language was called Silbo.
500 years ago, before Spanish colonization, people in La Gomera whistled not in Spanish, but in the language of the Guanche people. They were tall, white-skinned and red-haired / this is how the first Europeans who appeared there - the Genoese - saw them in the 13th century.
The Guanche skulls and the Cro-Magnon skulls are completely identical.
Cro-Magnons are the first modern people (Homo sapiens) who appeared in Europe during the Ice Age, about 40 thousand years ago, replacing the Neanderthals. Where did you go then?? One of their branches was pushed south, the exiles lived in the territory of modern Spain, and then in North Africa, then moved to the Canary Islands.
Where did Cro-Magnons come from?? There lived short Neanderthals with half-animal thinking, and suddenly tall ones, more than 190 cm tall, settled next to them. They came to Europe from Atlantis. Atlanteans migrated to both sides of the Atlantic. The first wave hit Europe about 40 thousand years ago. About 15 thousand years ago - the second wave, from which the Aurignac culture remained. And finally, 10 thousand years ago / when Atlantis perished / the third wave brought an equally high Azilian culture.
Before the man spoke, he first whistled, then sang. Australopithecines could whistle. Pithecanthropus already mastered animal mimicry / imitated animal voices /. Neanderthal performed ritual songs. The whistle of dolphins is difficult to distinguish from silbo. The language of whistling, birdsong, and the voices of dolphins are branches of one common proto-language that disappeared in ancient times.
God threw Adam and Eve into Ceylon and Arabia, and when they met on Earth, they whistled.
Where is the whistling language spoken? One of the seven main Canary Islands is the almost circular island of La Gomera, in the center of which rises the Garajonay mountain range, dotted with deep gorges and rocky outcrops. Since time immemorial, Gomeran shepherds have learned not only to move along it by jumping with the help of a long stick, but also to communicate with each other over a long distance using the language of whistling, which easily covers several kilometers thanks to the echo reflected from the rocks. The island's natives even invented an entire communication system based on this language, the “vocabulary” of which became quite rich over time. Linguists gave this original language the name “silbo”, which means “whistle”. With the development of civilization, the need for it gradually disappeared, and today's Spanish-speaking islanders forget it, considering it a relic of the past. However, local authorities, concerned about preserving the unique language, which at the end of the last century was even included in the list of cultural achievements of mankind, introduced its teaching in schools. Today, the small island of La Gomera is classified as an eco-tourism site, and, in addition to its unique nature, the whistling language, which Gomeran whistlers willingly demonstrate at certain venues, in cafes and restaurants, even performing small performances, serves as an attraction for tourists here. In the French Pyrenees there is another similar place - a small village of As, lost among the gorges and rocks, whose inhabitants also use a similar language. People who seem to live in sight of each other do not go to visit their neighbors, since this trip is mortally dangerous. They have long satisfied the need for communication without leaving home, thanks to the same language of whistling. The whistle easily covers distances of up to 2 kilometers here and is not so much drowned out by the winds and noise of waterfalls that are usual for these places. Asci deftly press the middle of their tongue with one or two fingers, and with the tip of the tongue, using the articulatory apparatus, they whistle the desired message, while they easily recognize each other by their individual style of whistling.
Currently, there are few places left in the world where they speak the whistling language - in the village of As in the French Pyrenees, on the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands archipelago, in the valleys of Turkey and in Mexico, on the territory of the Mazatec and Zapotec Indians...
Now let me try to expand on this topic. The first people on Earth (the 1st and 2nd races and the beginning of the 3rd race were without physical bodies) were created in the image and likeness of the Almighty and representatives from the Moon, Venus, and the Sun. Therefore, communication between these people took place without the use of sound. Later, people with material bodies began to appear (3rd race - Lemurians (Asuras). With the advent of physical bodies in people, people increasingly began to use sounds when communicating. At first, this sound resembled the rustling of leaves
(natural sound). Later, the person began to use only consonant sounds (note that small children first learn to express their mood only with vowel sounds). And whistling (this is also a natural sound; many animals, especially birds, use whistling) has been used by people for the longest time, right up to the present day.
Gradually, more and more vowel sounds were added to the whistle and vowel sounds; I think this began already in the era of the asura civilization; perhaps the Atlanteans began to use even more consonants. Over time, the language of the Asuras and Atlanteans changed more and more and disintegrated. For example, today's direct descendants of the Asuras - the Bushmen - will already be able to communicate with the Australian aborigines, with the Papuans and Veddoids of Sri Lanka.
And the direct descendants of the Atlanteans, the Basques, are unlikely to understand the Georgians or Chechens. The Hyperboreans (and Indo-Europeans) also descended from the Atlanteans. It is at this stage that Wirth’s research is very important. From the 12th millennium, the Hyperboreans began to move south and reached India and Ceylon, in the west they reached Ireland, in the east they reached China (Tocharians).
Let me remind you that in ancient legends it was the asuras (Lemurians) who began to equate themselves with the gods (their teachers), and began to consider themselves equal to the gods. For this they were punished, and languages ​​began to change and divide (accordingly, new peoples began to appear).

Alexander Dragunkin, a graduate of the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad State University, linguist, author of several sensational books, claims that the Old Russian language was the proto-language of the entire Earth!

Are the British descendants of Russians?

“It all started with the English language, which I taught for many years,” Alexander Dragunkin told MK in St. Petersburg about the background of his discovery.

“The further I went, the more I was dissatisfied with the method of teaching it - and some new ideas appeared latently. In 1998, I sat down to write my first book - a guide to the English language. I stopped going to the office, locked myself at home and on the most primitive computer within a month I tapped out SOMETHING that I was stunned by. In that work, I proposed my own way of quickly memorizing English words - by analogy with Russian ones. And while developing it, I came across the obvious: English words are not just similar to Russian ones - they are of Russian origin !"

Can you prove it?

“Of course. Just first remember three simple basic rules of philology.

First: you can ignore the vowels in a word; the most important thing is the backbone of the consonants.

Second: consonants are very clearly grouped according to the place of formation in the mouth - for example, L, R, N are formed by different movements of the tongue, but in the same part of the palate. Try to pronounce them and see for yourself.

There are several such chains of consonants: v-m-b-p-f, l-r-s-t-d-n, h-ts-k-g-z-zh, v-r-h, s-ts-h (j).

When a word is borrowed, letters can be replaced in accordance with these chains.

And the third rule: when moving from one language to another, a word can only be shortened, and most often the first syllable disappears.”

And now examples

"Please. The English word girl (girl - girl) has no origin in its homeland. But in Old Russian there was a wonderful word that was used to call young people - Gorlitsa! The backbone of the consonants is the same, and the English word is shorter - so who took the word from whom?

Another example is the English REVOLT. Let's say you don't know what this means - now let's see who stole from whom. Any Latinist will tell you that RE is a prefix, VOL is a root and a “mysterious T”.

Western philologists don’t even say where it came from.

But I’m a simple person: let’s assume an idiotic option - that the British took this word from someone and distorted it over time. Then, if RE is a prefix meaning “repetition”, and the English took this prefix from someone, then over a thousand years it could only become shorter (remember the philological law). This means that we can assume that it was originally longer.

So, in the whole world there is only one prefix that meant the same thing, but was longer - the Russian PERE-! L and R are interchangeable consonants from the same chain. We rewrite the word in Russian - PERE-VOR-oT. REVOLT translated means “coup, rebellion” - so who borrowed from whom? And the “mysterious T”, on which all English linguists stumble, turns out to be the most common Russian suffix. There are incredibly many such examples.

And why on earth should the English, living on an island far from our vast homeland, supplement themselves with Russian words - they didn’t have their own?

"The English may well turn out to be the descendants of the ancient Russians. There is completely official data (which, however, is often hushed up) that the Saxons - the ancestors of the English - came not from anywhere, but from the Volga River. In the scientific world this is an axiom. The Saxons are plural of the word "sak". That is, on the Volga they were SAKs. Further, according to the law on shortening a word when moving into another language, we conclude that this word could have originally been longer. I see no other explanation for the origin of the word SAKI, except like from a stripped-down RUSAKI.

It was not the Tatars who invented the mat.

Okay, but what about other languages? You don't claim to know every language in the world, do you?

“I’m not saying. But I know many languages. I can easily communicate in English, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Polish. I know Japanese, but I don’t speak it. I studied ancient Chinese at the university, and seriously studied Hindi in my youth. Therefore, I can compare.

Here's an example. Let's take the Latin word SECRET (secret, something hidden). The whole world is staring at this word, but its origin is unknown. In addition, it is not decomposed into components - there is no prefix or suffix. Some see the same “mysterious suffix T”. The most dashing Western philologists highlight the root CR - this is the Latin CER, “to see.” But why on earth is the “secret”, what is hidden, based on the root “to see”? This is absurd! I do it differently - I get impudent and write the same letters in Old Russian - SъKRYT. And I get complete similarity of meaning, an obvious prefix C, a wonderful root and our native suffix. Remember that vowels are completely unimportant for philology.

Or also the word “harem”. The fact that the Russian princes before the Romanovs had whole crowds of concubines is a historical fact. Now, if I have many beautiful wives, where will I keep them? In the best rooms, which in Rus' were called KhoRoMy - remember the chains of alternating consonants - so where did the word GaReM come from?

So that means they borrowed everything from us, and not we from strangers?

“Naturally! I even refuted the established “Tatar” theory of the origin of Russian obscenities.”

There were no Tatars?

“It wasn’t - it’s just our invention. I can demonstrate it.
We have the word star - this is a star. Zvez is a distorted “light”. That is, a star is something that “lights.” And if you follow this word formation scheme, what will the name of what they “pee” be called? It's one word.
Next, where did the word “stick” come from? Initially it was called “phalka” because it was used to puff and shove. The English word stick (stack, stick) is clearly our poke, “poke”.
Let's return to the word “pkhat” - form the imperative mood, as with the word “poke”: poke - stick, phat - what? And the “p” disappeared over time. The most interesting thing with the verb is that only in Russian you can say: “I fucked her.”
M and B, as you remember, are alternating - replace the letter M in the word “fuck” and see what happens.”

Well, swearing is not proof that Old Russian is the proto-language of the whole world.

“Okay, here’s another thing: the names of all sacred religious books are of Russian origin.”

Even the Koran?

"Yes. In the Arab world, it is believed that this word does not have an etymology. But it does exist. The Koran, as you know, is the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad, collected by the scribe Zeid - and KEPT by him! The Koran is So-kran.
With the Jewish Torah it is even simpler: this is a book about CREATION - the Torah is T (v) ora.

The Bible is a little different - you need to know that it is written on paper, and paper is made from cotton. Cotton in Slavic is called BaVeLna - BiBLe. The Bible is just a stack of paper!
I’m not talking about the Indian “Vedas” at all: here the origin is obvious from the word to know. Each of these explanations can be disputed separately, but the interesting thing is that all the names have a correct interpretation only through the Russian language."

Well, what about the names of gods and servants?

"Allah... If we assume that this word is not Arabic and has lost its first consonant over time, then only one word remains, which also corresponds to the meaning - WALLAH - Magi, and the Magi were priests. There is also the Russian root MOL, from which came the word “pray.” MoL is the same as MuL - MULLA who asks God.

In English, priest PRieST - in Russian letters ASK.
I don't believe there can be that many coincidences. The fact that the words are similar and have the same meaning is half the battle. But pay attention: in all cases when a word cannot find an origin in its “native” language, in Russian it acquires a completely logical etymology - and all its mysteries, suffixes that come from incomprehensibly, which traditional philology cannot explain, become completely normal parts the words are in Russian! Our language is amazing. It brings us to the bottom of the world - I am sure that it was created artificially and the matrix of the universe is encrypted in it."

What is hell and heaven

Were you able to decipher anything?

"Very interesting things.
For example, only in Russian the entire world around a person was described using one syllable with the root BL (taking into account the chain of alternating consonants). What was around ancient man? BoR, MoRe, Pole, SwampLoto, PaR (as air used to be called) and so on.

The entire animal world is described on a geometric basis only in the Russian language: in other languages ​​these are words taken out of context, but in ours they form a system. Living things were described using three roots, which are the shapes of the body.
For example, everything ROUND is described using the root KR/GL and its derivatives - Head, Eye, Throat, Knee, Shin.

Further, only in the Russian language was man distinguished from the rest of the animal world by the main characteristic - reason. The mind is located in the head, which used to have another name - MAN. How we were singled out from the world - we were called MAN!”

So, did our ancestors receive knowledge about the world from language itself?

“Our ancestors knew everything, because everything was described in language simply.
Paradise is nothing more than a stripped-down EDGE, where everything is healthy and cool.
Hell is simply what is BELOW us.
Let’s remember the word “star” - light, yes - long before telescopes, people who spoke Russian knew that stars are not just holes in the sky, but that what shines emits light!

You said that the language was created artificially. Why was it created at all?

Love could well be expressed in the number of killed mammoths.

"The Russian language also answers this question. Remember Tyutchev’s famous phrase: “A thought expressed is a lie”? What did the poet want to say? I’ll show you.
In the Russian language there are three verbs that mean the process of speech - to speak, to say, to utter (or to expound).

But what’s interesting is that only in the Russian language three verbs meaning lies have the same roots: to speak - to lie, to lay out / lay out - to lie / LIE, to say - to distort.
Language was initially created not for the exchange of information, but as a tool for its distortion, a method of influence.
Now, of course, we already use it for communication. However, rest assured, of all the peoples of the world, only we speak the most direct descendant of the proto-language."

And who created it?

"Those who created humanity."

These words are considered borrowed from the Russian language in recent centuries. However, Alexander Dragunkin is convinced of their Russian “origin”:

Galaktika - from the Russian dialect "GaLaGa" (fog)
Dollar - from DoL
Laboratory - from RaBot (L and R alternate)
Lady - from LaDa (ancient Russian goddess)
HoTel (hotel) - from HaTa
NeGR - from NeKrasivy
ELEMENT - from unbroken
sMoG - from MGla
GloBus - from KoLoBok (G and K alternate)


Presumably, the mystery of the origin of the first language is in Iraq. About a couple of thousand years ago, a tribe of Sumerians lived on its territory. But this is only one of the versions. Some linguists believe that the first language originates much earlier: more than 15 thousand years ago. It is impossible to determine exactly which language was the progenitor of all language families, and linguists speak about it only in general phrases.

What do we know about the proto-language?

Whether he was of Arabic or Latin origin is unknown to anyone. However, most likely of Latin origin, since many world languages ​​have some similarities with it, and artificial ones were even based on its basic part. There is another version that the parent of all world languages ​​began its existence in South Africa.

The difficulty in determining the first language lies in the fact that many dialects have words with common roots, such as “mom”, “dad”, items of clothing and household items, and many others. As mentioned at the beginning, Sumerian may have been the first language, but in addition to it, they are also considered "Phrygian" and "Egyptian".

The world's first language - an unsolved mystery?

The first language was not unique and universal; it could even be mixed. Today they continue to actively search for the roots of the proto-language and draw up detailed linguistic maps to search for it. There is hope that his mystery will someday be solved. But the good thing is that the supposed versions for linguists are not in vain. Thus, whether its exact origin will be revealed after the same millennia remains to be seen, but linguistic scientists believe that the truth is somewhere not too far away.

In 2015, linguists and biologists had two theories that concerned the emergence of human language, supposedly descended from an “animal”. Shigeru Miyagawa associates the emergence of human language with the merging of two systems, the first - expressive (similar to the singing of birds), the second - lexical (the cries of monkeys that warned of danger). Other authors have a different assumption, even though constructing sentences is quite difficult (syntax), this skill appeared much earlier than phonology, that is, the ability to compose meaningful phrases from sounds.

Language is considered one of the important tools that distinguish the species Homo sapiens. How did the language appear? The issue of glottogony constantly excites the minds of scientists; debate has been going on since ancient times. There were so many versions that the Paris Linguistic Society in 1866 banned any debate on this topic. Because scientists could not prove a single hypothesis, and a lot of time was spent discussing them.

Consequence of evolution or macromutation?

In the last century, the debate between scientists resumed. Scientists have debated whether syntax and grammar are built into the human brain; maybe all this is encoded at the gene level? Maybe speech arose due to macromutation? Or is language a phenomenon of evolution that developed as a result of the complication of labor? Were there gestures first or did sounds appear immediately? Archaeological finds cannot yet prove anything. The soft tissues of the oral cavity, using which a person makes sounds, and the larynx, which is lower than in primates, allows a person to pronounce several sounds at a time. The only thing that is clear so far is that human speech appeared approximately 200-40 thousand years ago.

But anthropologists, linguists and archaeologists continue to put the puzzle together; we should no longer expect the emergence of a new theory that would allow us to look at this issue from a different point of view. Svetlana Burlak, a Russian linguist, shares precisely this opinion.

The main factors that influenced the formation of speech are:

  • Co-evolution of the brain, hearing and larynx, which became capable of tuning into articulate speech;
  • Movement of human ancestors from the tropics to the savannah;
  • The transition to an omnivorous diet, which entailed the need to quickly exchange information.

But scientists continue to build new theories; the food for research is the “language” of animals, which is also complex. There are paradoxical similarities between human and animal languages.

Language is a symbiosis of information content and self-expression

Professor of linguistics and Japanese studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shigeru Miyagawa put forward an assumption that corresponds to Darwin's theory. He believes that the “mysterious” origin of language occurred about 100 thousand years ago. Glottogony is the meeting of two means of communication that were already present in the animal world.

These were an expressive trait and a lexical one. A vivid idea of ​​the expressive trait is given to us by the singing of birds and their trills, which convey the internal state of the animal. Sounds do not make any sense if taken separately. Bees use the lexical system, using “dances” to indicate the path to the required object. Primates have signs that can be considered analogues of our words; for example, monkeys can describe other animals with gestures.

The symbiosis of systems together with grammar most likely became the “parent” of human language. Man was able to express himself about the world and about speech itself, gradually generating new meanings. It is the ability to create new meanings that distinguishes humans from animals.

Miyagawa and his colleagues cannot pinpoint the exact time when the symbiosis appeared. There was no way humans could become heirs to the expressive language of birds, because the first and last are separated by at least 300 million years of evolution. Perhaps convergent evolution occurred because the ability to produce trills disappeared and reappeared in songbirds.

It is worth noting one unusual phenomenon that occurs among primates - the songs of gibbons. Monkeys make complex sounds to attract a mate; gibbons use these same “songs” to announce that the territory is already occupied, and also use “songs” to maintain communication between each other.

The most interesting thing is that gibbon songs are very similar in structure to the trills of birds. Miyagawa is inclined to believe that the ability to “sing” is a latent communication, it is contained in the genes, and is required in rare cases.

The theory of the Japanese scientist was greeted rather coolly by colleagues from other countries. Scientists found the theory too simple. Miyagawa does not deviate from his version and argues that sometimes evolution can accelerate sharply. For example, humans developed the ability to consume milk in just a few thousand years. Some scholars disagree with Miyagawa because he misses the psychological and social aspects of human language. However, the theory of the Japanese scientist has its value.

Krak and hok

There are other studies, for example, Katie Collier and her fellow scientists ask the scientific world to look for the origins of human language not only in genetics, fossil anatomy, psychology, but also to compare human communications with the communication systems of animals.

It is believed that making words (phonology) is much easier than putting them together into sentences. Phonology is also found in the animal world. Peter Marler conducted a famous study that described the songs of Japanese wrens. These songs became an example for phonological synthesis in the animal world. Birds of this species can reproduce approximately 6-7 songs; the song is composed of syllables that change order. But for songs to be real, phonologically speaking, combinations of sounds must have different meanings. That is why whale songs and bird trills should be perceived only as phonetics.

But syntax matters in the animal world. For example, Campbell's monkeys, when they see a leopard, they cry “krak”, and when they see an eagle, they cry “hawk”. In this case, the affix “krak-u” is added to the two screams, meaning any noise, “hok-u” - danger in the forest. “-U”, in this case, is a full-fledged grammatical element that changes the meaning of the root. For example, monkeys can tell each other information that one of them noticed not a leopard, but something very similar to a predator.

White-nosed monkeys respond to a leopard by shouting “pyow”, and to an eagle – “hack”. They also use a combination of these sounds that means "forward, let's go." Sometimes "pyow-pyow-hak-hak" can mean a leopard, sometimes a message of danger, and sometimes just an invitation to move. All these are examples of the manifestation of syntax among monkeys, Marler believes.

It's not just monkeys that use syntax; for example, banded mongooses can make sounds when they search for food. A noisy sound is a specific individual, a noisy and long sound is an animal digging in the ground, a long tone is a mongoose running, a short tone is looking for prey. Mongoose is difficult to attribute to either phonetics or syntax. The noisy sound is a “one-syllable” morpheme, the other mongoose activities create phonemes, the other two create two-syllable phonemes.

One thing becomes clear: animals often use syntax, phonology is less common. People also have a language when the second part is missing, for example, the language of the deaf and dumb. Despite criticism from other scientists, Collier and her colleagues suggested that humans first developed the syntax to express themselves in a small set of words and describe many phenomena with them. Over time, a person began to need to distinguish sounds by meaning, for example, “knife” and “nose”, “current” and “so”.

Humans, like other animals, constantly learn to produce sounds, but only humans can use phonological sounds to distinguish their sequence. It follows that photonology is a consequence of the cognitive level and develops in conditions of cultural evolution, not biological.