Dog on a chain in a private house. Breeds of dogs for the protection of a private house

There are many breeds of dogs. To make the right choice, before you go to the store or nursery, weigh all the arguments and take a sober look at the situation. Decide for what purpose you need a pet. Many people believe that when purchasing an animal, they can later adapt it to their own needs, this is the most common mistake.

Each breed was bred for a specific purpose. Guide, companion, nanny, hunter, guard. At the genetic level, the animal has propensities for certain actions, and if you are looking for a dog to play with your children, then fighting breed animals are unlikely to be suitable for these purposes. And yet, in most cases, people acquire four-legged friends primarily for protection.

Selection criteria

So, the goal is set, we need a guard. Now more questions arise. Male or female? An adult or a small puppy? What is the best breed to have? Do the training yourself or entrust this business to professionals?

So, a boy or a girl?

  1. Males are curious and more imposing. They often show interest outside the home. They are stronger, more active, more explosive than knots. During the period of "falling in love" it is difficult to control them, as their actions become unpredictable.
  2. As a rule, only one owner is recognized, the rest of the family members are simply tolerated. Therefore, if you are looking for a watchman for the whole family, think carefully, males will not become a friend to everyone.
  3. Girls are more obedient and accommodating, easier to train, have practically no interests outside the apartment or suburban area. Even taking into account such physiological features as "estrus", having passed the correct training, they can fight with instincts and always remain close to the owner. All that is required of the breeder in such a delicate period is to drive away suitors on a walk.

This is a general classification, but no one guarantees that it will actually turn out that way. In addition to natural instincts, animals also have a character. And sometimes it can be quite tough.

Being well aware of all the risks associated with the temperament of the animal, many are wondering: isn’t it better to take an adult individual, where it will be clear at the time of purchase what kind of character you have to deal with?

An adult pet is essentially a ready-made guard. You do not need to monitor the baby and treat for all existing canine diseases in the world.

In general, the period "baby diapers" behind. But, if you look, you are a complete stranger to the animal, just like he is to you. Therefore, you can hardly count on unconditional devotion from a dog that came into your life already in adulthood.

A small puppy is worries and indescribable spiritual awe. Without exception, all baby animals are unusually cute.

These paws tangled when walking, an incredibly touching cry if the baby was left alone and he got bored. Yes, undoubtedly, a small fluffy lump will bring trouble and excitement to your home, but this period passes very quickly. In a few months, you will receive a sincerely devoted friend and a full-fledged member of your family. If you have children, then with the help of a little fidget, you can train in them a sense of responsibility and care for the weak.

For dogs, protecting the home and family is a priority. What should I pay attention to, giving preference to a particular breed?

Which dogs are suitable for guarding a private house, and which for an apartment

If you live in a city apartment, the following breeds will suit you:

Dogs for the protection of country houses

For these purposes, you need to choose a dog that would be able to solve the problem not only with the protection of the house, but also the territory adjacent to it.

The following breeds will ideally cope with this task:

  • Choosing a German Shepherd you won't go wrong either way. Smart, smart, hardy, loyal. A whole gang of hooligans will not be saved from their anger, and affection will be enough for all members of even the largest family;
  • Giant Schnauzers. They have the same qualities as German Shepherds, the only drawback is the constantly demanding coat;
  • Alabai. An ideal hunter and devoted friend. The breed is quite ferocious, therefore, it needs high-quality training;
  • Moscow watchdog. Patient, smart, resilient.

But no matter what breed you choose and how well trained it is, most dogs can't do their job well as a protector. And the blame for this largely lies with the owners themselves.

Common Host Mistakes

The most common errors:

Standard household situation. Before opening the door, the owner locks his animal in the back room and only then lets the guest into the room.

In a moment of danger, all she can do is bark through the keyhole. Place the dog in the hallway. It should always be near the front door. Even if you plan to go out for 5 minutes to take out the trash, always bring your dog. Most attacks in urban apartments occur during this short period of time.

Regarding guard rocks that guard suburban facilities. The guard must always patrol his territory! Try not to lock up the animal unless absolutely necessary. Think in advance of how the dog can freely enter the house if necessary. Remember, guard animals must have complete freedom of movement, otherwise, what's the use of them?

And finally, in order for your pet to be able to perform its duties with high quality and in good faith, love and respect it. Only having earned the love of a dog, you will receive not only a guard, but also a devoted friend for the whole family.

Many people have four-legged pets as a guard of the yard or apartment from ill-wishers. Having a guard dog, you can not worry about your accommodation on vacation or on a business trip.

But what kind of dog to choose for protection? After all, there are so many breeds of dogs in the world.

Our article contains ten of the best dog breeds that do an excellent job of guard duties, let's look at them.

Tenth place - Giant Schnauzer

Dogs of this breed are easily trained and quickly remember all commands. Despite the good-natured appearance of the pet, the Giant Schnauzers perfectly guard their owner and his home. Having such a dog, not a single thief will get into the yard or apartment.

Giant Schnauzers easily get along with other animals and small children.

Ninth place - Moscow watchdog

Despite the fact that this breed of dog was bred relatively recently, it has already won the trust of many people. The main feature of the Moscow guard dogs is their size - these dogs are huge and look intimidating. The Moscow watchdog is not just an excellent guard, but also a devoted friend. There are never any problems with dogs of this breed.

Eighth place - Alabai

This breed of dogs are good guards, but difficult "students". Alabai is difficult to train and rarely listens to the owner. In order to never have problems with a dog of this breed, it should be started only by the person who easily finds a common language with each dog.

Seventh place - Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasians are unpretentious, it is very easy to keep a dog of this breed. The look of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is not just awesome, at the sight of this dog - not a single thief will even try to get into the yard or apartment. However, despite their formidable appearance, Caucasians are very friendly and loyal to their owners. Naturally, like any dog, the Caucasian Shepherd needs to be trained and taught, otherwise problems may arise with it.

Sixth place - Doberman

The Doberman is a great house guard dog. This breed belongs to the office, so these pets are very smart and quick-witted. The house is supervised by a Doberman and never receives unwanted guests. Having such a dog, you can not worry about the safety of money and other valuables. In addition to guarding abilities, the Doberman is an excellent companion and true friend.

Fifth place - Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed of dog. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, the Cane Corso turns into a ferocious beast that can tear anyone apart. That is why this breed of dog is suitable for guarding an apartment and a private house.

Fourth place - Boxer

Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all the commands and always obeys the owner. This breed of dog is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are started as a guard.

The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always be a true friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Third place - Rottweiler

Dogs of this breed are very kind and attentive to children and the rest of the household. Rottweilers are easy to train and quickly learn new information. Due to the calm nature, the Rottweiler can be kept both in the apartment and in the house. This breed of dog is very easy to care for.

Second place - Staffordshire Terrier

Some people believe that Staffords are evil and unbalanced dogs. However, this is not entirely true, or rather, not at all. The nature of the Staffordshire Terrier depends directly on education. If you properly raise a dog, then it will be a good friend and even a "nanny" for children. As a guard dog, the Staffordshire Terrier is ideal. Dogs of this breed do not like and do not perceive strangers.

1st place - German Shepherd

This dog breed is one of the most popular and widespread. German Shepherds live both in a private house and in apartments. For protection, such a pet is perfect. Germans are very smart and quick-witted, they are easy to train and quickly remember commands. The German Shepherd is not just an excellent guard dog, but also a true friend for many years.

Choosing a good guard dog is not difficult, the most important thing is to choose the pet that you like.

To protect a private house, dogs that will feel comfortable in the cold are more suitable. Dogs of this category can also be taken to protect the apartment, but here you have to put up with the pet's shedding coat.

So, a German Shepherd is perfect for guarding a private house. This is a versatile option that is equally good for outdoor and indoor protection. It lends itself well to training, remembers learned commands for a long time, and is moderately tolerant of. Is an excellent defender. Able to single-handedly deal with a gang of robbers. The dog is very active, so it requires constant physical activity.

Fearless and formidable guards are Giant Schnauzers. Well trained, affectionate to the owners, love. Active, like to frolic with the owner. In order for the dog to direct its energy in a positive direction, it must be physically exhausted to the maximum.

The largest breed is the sheepdog. These are physically very strong individuals. They are distinguished by loyalty to their master and patience with children's antics. Do not require long walks. To keep your pet in shape, 1 hour of walking per day is enough.

The Moscow watchdog can be described as a fearless, strong, loyal dog. Training is difficult. But as a result, it is possible to get an obedient and reliable defender. Like Caucasians, they do not require long walks.

The best dog breeds for guarding an apartment

To protect the apartment, it is better to have dogs of other breeds. Of course, you can also take them to a private courtyard, but in winter you will have to bring them into the room.

In a family with children, you can get a boxer. He is extremely kind to children. The dog is well trained, active, is an excellent defender. Requires constant physical activity.

He loves children and Cane Corso dogs. These are a little stubborn, but very smart and insightful animals. They become attached to one person, but protect the whole family.

Rottweilers become fearless and ferocious defenders. Puppies do not increase in height for a long time, but over time, with proper nutrition and physical activity, they take their toll. In order for a puppy to become an obedient dog, he needs serious training.

A fearless bodyguard with an instant reaction and amazing strength can become a Doberman. The training of a representative of this breed must be dealt with in a timely manner and seriously. With proper upbringing, an excellent guard is obtained, obeying the will of his master.

Thus, no matter what breed of dog is chosen as a bodyguard, the process of education and training should be approached with responsibility. In order for the animal to follow the commands of the owner and do an excellent job with its duties, it must undergo obedience courses and protection courses.

Dogs can serve as a means of protecting territories and apartments no less reliable than modern technical devices. Their work does not depend on the availability of electricity, and these animals can not only guard the house or garden plot, but also protect the owner and his family members from intruders.

When choosing a four-legged applicant for the “position” of a security guard, they are guided by the characteristics of the dog breed. So, a large dog is not suitable for a small apartment, and a dog with short hair and a poorly developed undercoat will find it difficult to survive in extreme cold conditions when kept in an aviary. For the role of watchmen and guards, for example, hunting, fighting or representatives of the canine family intended to save people are not suitable. We offer an overview of the best guard dog breeds.

There is no clear division of guard dog breeds into “yard” and “apartment” breeds. A territory guard dog is usually a large or medium-sized dog, strong enough, with thick hair, trusting only the owner and aggressive towards outsiders who violate the boundaries of the protected area.

The size of this breed allows it to be used both as a yard watchman and as a guard of a private house or apartment. While on duty, he selflessly protects property and territory. In "non-working" hours, this is a good-natured creature, non-conflict with other animals living in the house. Keeping a Muscovite on a short chain is undesirable, she needs movement and constant physical activity.

A calm animal, self-confident and ready for action at any moment. He is wary of strangers, but gets along well with children and peacefully coexists with cats and other "master" living creatures. Like the Moscow Shepherd Dog, it needs physical activity.

An all-purpose guard dog breed: An excellent choice for guarding a home or apartment, the German Shepherd is often used as a personal guard as well. It has high intelligence, is balanced, but at the moment of danger it makes a decision and acts instantly. Friendly to family members, aggressive to all strangers. Obedient and executive, but requires daily walks and constant training.

One of the largest guard breeds, it is distinguished by its enormous strength and innate territorial instinct, therefore it is easily trained to guard. Thanks to its long thick coat, it tolerates low temperatures well, and is not demanding in terms of walking. Somewhat prone to self-will, but it is better to achieve obedience without the use of physical force, since the "Caucasian" can remember the insult for a long time and eventually repay it.

Alabai are formidable dogs of impressive size, capable of reliably guarding the territory of a private house. However, their maintenance requires quite a lot of time and effort from the owner: these animals are not inclined to submission, and so that relations with the owner do not become uncontrolled, they need constant training. Alabai needs daily long walks for energy discharge.

This is a smooth-haired dog breed, but their undercoat is quite thick, so the Rottweiler is not afraid of the cold and can be suitable for the role of a territory guard. These dogs perform excellent watchdog functions, however, the puppy must be trained and educated from childhood, as Rottweilers are prone to leadership. Rottweilers usually have an excellent appetite, and in order to maintain the relief muscles characteristic of the breed, it is impossible to overfeed the animal.

The main qualities of this breed are intelligence, devotion, incorruptibility, endurance. The Giant Schnauzer is energetic, mobile, has a proportional stocky figure and powerful muscles. Thick, like a bear, Schnauzer coat requires periodic shearing. Using such a dog as a guard, you can not worry about the safety of property and the safety of households. However, Giant Schnauzers are more suitable for experienced dog breeders, as they are capable of aggression, and from an early age must be taught obedience and peaceful coexistence with family members and animals living in the house.

Dogs to guard the apartment

To protect the owner and his home, dogs are usually chosen not to be too large. The necessary qualities of home guards include devotion to the owner, contact, complaisant character, the ability not to show aggression towards strangers without reason or command.

This dog is endowed with excellent guarding abilities and lends itself well to training. Mobile, physically active, has a proportional stocky figure and powerful muscles. He clearly divides people into “us” and “them”, treats the latter with suspicion, controls their every movement on the territory of the owner. Boxer has a special affection for children, so it is often chosen by families with kids.

One of the breeds of dogs in which high intelligence is combined with courage and quick reaction. Very attached to the owner, easily gets along with any animals. It lends itself well to training, hardy, good-natured, playful, unpretentious in food. Despite the friendly disposition, the Sheltie is a brave and sensitive watchman, whose ancestors helped the shepherds guard the flocks of sheep.

These descendants of the Etruscan fighting dogs are distinguished by fearlessness, intelligence, loyalty to the owner and the ability to perform an exemplary guard service. The presence of a muscular handsome Canne Corso as a personal guard is a sign of prestige among public people and magnates.

The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, intelligent and courageous. The Doberman is extremely sensitive, he even sleeps "with half an eye." For the protection of private property or apartments, this is a great option. However, in order to teach this dog to obedience, its upbringing should be dealt with from infancy.

The average size of the staff will allow you to keep it in a small city apartment. Dogs of this breed are easily and with pleasure trained, and are able to become an excellent guard of a person: a devoted friend of the owner and a gentle nanny of a child, Staffordshire will not allow anyone to harm them.

Temperamental, strong and tireless, this dog was called "black lightning". The pride of Russian cynologists, he combined the best qualities of other guard breeds. "Blackie" can be both a family guard and a reliable watchman. A feature of the breed is a thick coat, which needs to be trimmed and trimmed at least 2 times a year.

Whatever abilities nature has endowed a dog with, the owner should not forget about the correct training of the pet. It is best to contact the services of a certified specialist - training instructor. He will teach your dog all the intricacies of the security service, and suggest methods for further work on “training”.

Many people living in country cottages try by all available methods to protect their family from the visits of uninvited guests. And each of them solves this problem in different ways. Some install alarms, others buy weapons, others get large watchdogs. In today's article, we will tell you which dogs are suitable for guarding a private home.

Central asian shepherd dog

Alabai is one of the oldest breeds, the formation of which stretched for several millennia. These huge animals were distributed over a vast territory stretching from Tatarstan to China. Their ancestors are considered to be shepherd dogs that lived in the same area and accompanied people everywhere. Since the development of the population took place in difficult conditions of lack of water and a hot climate, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs became very hardy and strong. Interestingly, the Kazakhs considered Alabaev one of the seven vital wealth.

For those who are looking for a dog breed to guard a private home, we advise you to pay attention to these massive majestic animals. Already one kind of alabai can scare away uninvited guests. The height of an adult is about 65-70 cm, and the weight varies from 40 to 80 kg. As for the nature of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, it is quite controversial. On the one hand, these are phlegmatic and easily trained dogs with well-defined protective qualities. On the other hand, Alabai are very independent and proud creatures that pose a real threat to strangers and other dogs.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

People who choose a dog to guard a private home can be advised to pay attention to these mighty shaggy animals with a serious character. These aboriginal dogs, descended from the Tibetan Great Danes, have a long history dating back three millennia. Initially, they were used to accompany flocks and protect human habitation. It is noteworthy that the muzzles of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are depicted on the coats of arms of several famous Georgian princes, and in the 18th century these dogs served in the Turkish army.

Representatives of this breed have long been recognized as one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. They have a frightening appearance and impressive size that can scare an intruder. The height of an adult Caucasian is 64-75 cm, and the weight should not be less than 45-50 kg.

These powerful dogs are endowed with a complex independent disposition. They have a pronounced protective instinct, which turns them into fierce and fearless defenders. Caucasians are very distrustful of strangers and need serious training.

Slovak dude

People who are thinking about acquiring a dog to protect a private home and children can pay attention to these snow-white beautiful animals. Representatives of this breed were bred in the XVII century. According to one version, their ancestor is a shepherd dog, according to another, they descended from the Arctic wolf.

The Slovak Chuvach is a powerful, beautiful animal with well-developed muscles and an elongated head. The height of an adult is 59-70 cm with a weight of 31-44 kg. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this breed is the uneven coat of white color.

Like any other dog for guarding a private home, the Slovak Chuvach is very attached to his owner and his family members. He will never let strangers into the territory entrusted to him. Interestingly, this dog is prone to independence. He can make his own decisions and is sometimes stubborn.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Those who have yet to decide which dog to get to guard a private home can be advised to pay special attention to these large animals, which have proven themselves as defenders.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large dog, whose height is 72-77 cm, and its weight ranges from 55-80 kg. Under a strong stretched body with a powerful back and a wide croup, there are even muscular limbs with rounded paws and arched fingers. On a massive head with a weakly pronounced stop, there are dark almond-shaped eyes and triangular hanging ears. The whole body of the animal is covered with dense hard white hair with dark spots.

When you first look at the Pyrenean Mastiff, it immediately becomes clear that this is one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. In addition to their impressive size, representatives of this breed are endowed with an appropriate character. They are very affectionate towards the owner and members of his family, but distrustful of strangers. These animals are smart enough and easy to train. With proper upbringing, they make not only excellent defenders, but also good companions.

East European Shepherd

Those who are trying to find out which breed of dogs for the protection of a private home best adapts to the Russian climate can be advised to opt for these service dogs, which are highly efficient and adaptable to any conditions of detention. The Easterners were bred in the USSR on the basis of the German Shepherd.

Unlike their ancestors, they differ in impressive size. The height of an adult is 62-76 cm, and the weight reaches 30-60 kg.

Like any other breed of dog for the protection of a private home, these animals have a balanced character. They are very confident and distrustful of strangers. Easterners have a well-developed active-defensive reaction and a stable nervous system. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, love children and need regular physical activity.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

These deceptive-looking animals will not go unnoticed by those who are trying to figure out which dog for the protection of a private house is suitable for keeping in an aviary. The exact origin of the representatives of this breed is still unknown. But their exterior suggests that they were bred specifically for outdoor work. Interestingly, the South Russian Shepherd Dogs were on the verge of extinction. And to restore the livestock, they were crossed with Bobtails, Komondors and Caucasians.

Even a cursory glance at the South Russian Shepherd Dog is enough to understand that you have a dog in front of you to guard a private house. The height of an adult is 62-66 cm with a weight of 48-50 kg. A kind of business card of representatives of this breed is a luxurious long coat.

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are characterized by self-will and territorial aggression. Therefore, they cannot be started by people who do not have experience. These animals from an early age are prone to dominance and need solid education and serious training. They are very distrustful of strangers and are capable of injuring.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Representatives of this breed are considered ideal dogs for guarding a private home. They have long been used by nomads to accompany sheep flocks and to protect human habitation. It is interesting that the second name of the wolfhound, which sounds like “hotosho”, in translation from Buryat means “dog guarding the farmstead” or “yard wolf”.

These large and very beautiful animals are impressive in size. The height of an adult male should not be less than 74 cm. Long muscular limbs are located under the strong body of a typical Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound with a wide chest and strong bones. On a voluminous head with well-developed jaws, there are dark eyes and hanging triangular ears.

In general, these are very balanced dogs, selflessly devoted to their owner and members of his family. They are wary of strangers and will never let them into a protected area. Despite their impressive size, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds are very collected and able to instantly move on to active actions.

Moscow watchdog

Already by the name alone it becomes quite clear that representatives of this breed are considered one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. Interestingly, they were bred in the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery under a special state order. Among their ancestors are German shepherds, Newfoundlands, Russian foot hounds, Caucasians and St. Bernards.

As a result, breeders managed to get a large animal, whose height in some cases reaches 80 cm, and its weight varies from 60 to 80 kg. In addition to their impressive size, these dogs are endowed with excellent security qualities and great physical strength. They are easy to train and rely on their guide for everything. They are great with children and often make good nannies. Moscow watchdogs are reserved, independent and self-confident dogs that do not show unreasonable aggression.

Tibetan mastiff

Those who are interested in which dog is better for guarding a private home can be advised to learn more about these shaggy beauties, whose history dates back more than one millennium. They have been accompanying herds and guarding the dwellings of Buddhist monks for a long time. Interestingly, the first mention of the Tibetan Mastiff dates back to the ancient era. Aristotle himself admired their power and intelligence.

The weight of these giants varies from 60 to 80 kg, and the average height of an adult male is 70 cm. The intimidating appearance of these animals is complemented by the corresponding character. If in the presence of the owners they behave very quietly, then, remaining alone, the Tibetan mastiffs turn into ferocious guards. They are smart, stubborn and dominating. Therefore, it is extremely important from puppyhood to convey to the dog who is the boss in the house.

Russian black terrier

For those who have not yet decided for themselves which dog is better for protecting a private home, it does not hurt to learn about the existence of another unique breed. The Russian Black Terrier is not in vain considered the pride of Russian cynology.

These strong animals perfectly combine high adaptability, fearlessness, reliability, excellent learning ability and unpretentiousness. They are very smart, cunning, agile and balanced. Representatives of this breed are able to instantly assimilate new information and clearly perform assigned tasks.

German Shepherd

These versatile noble animals are deservedly considered one of the best dog breeds for guarding a private home. They are an extremely successful combination of external beauty and excellent working qualities.

The Germans are very devoted to their owner and his family members. They are wary of strangers and always rely on well-developed intuition. These animals are quite restrained and patient. They are easy to train and need regular exercise.