We instill in the kitten independence and good upbringing. How to wean a kitten from a cat? Why does an adult cat look for the mother cat's nipples?

Ginger cat Published 03/25/2013 admin 09.03.2019

The cat is marking its territory, what to do?, if this territory is an apartment? Having got a cat in the house, many are faced with the problem that these animals begin to mark the territory in the house or apartment, but Why do cats mark territory? The answer is simple: in this way they demonstrate their rights to this territory.

And no matter how much you wash all these “marks”, your beloved pet will mark the territory again and again, since such behavior is inherent in nature at the genetic level. Poking the cat's nose into the marks formed is pointless, because... The mark is a source of pride for him and he will understand for himself that you understood it too. But there is still a solution to this problem. You need to play according to nature's rules.

How we rejoiced and were touched by the kitten - a fluffy little ball that amusingly lifted its tail and moved its paws, taking its first steps. Each of his new achievements - jumping on the sofa, playing with a ball, eating a piece of meat - as if these were achievements own child. But the cat grew up and... That's where it all began!

The cat began to mark his territory! Why does he do this if he is litter trained? It's all about the instinct of protecting one's territory. And even if there are no other cats nearby, they will not appear in the marked territory. Every cat thinks so. Therefore, no matter how strange it may sound, the owner himself must “mark” the territory and show the cat that he is not in charge here at all.

It’s worth saying right away that screaming and poking the cat’s nose into a puddle is useless. He will understand that this is his scent, and will continue to mark this place. You need to follow the pet and catch it at the moment of the “crime” and take it by the collar so that it assumes the pose of a kitten in its mother’s teeth.

Now you need to “become a cat” yourself. Firstly, the owner should make the sound of a hissing cat, then hit the cat on the nose several times with your fingertips, as cats do in a fight. All this must be done in a state of anger so that the cat feels it. Of course, you need to balance your strength and hit the cat lightly. The cat will definitely squeak, now you can let him out of your hands.

You need to prove to the cat that this is the best place. main cat in the house - it’s you! You are the most important, strongest, strict, but fair Cat in this territory and he will have to obey and play by your rules.

Now the most important thing is to re-mark the territory. Don't be afraid, not in a cat way. You just need to take an item of clothing that was on your body, preferably socks. After wiping the puddle, place a mark on this place. You can repeat the procedure until the cat understands who is in charge in the house.

or so...

Since only the leader has the right to mark the territory under his control, the cat needs to be shown that you are in charge. Therefore, after seeing how cat marks territory, what do you need to do first?

You need to lift him by the scruff of the neck and look menacingly into his eyes, while you need to growl angrily and lightly slap him in the face. At the same time, the cat should look away and meow pitifully. This is a sign that he has recognized you as the owner of the territory. And you, as the owner, must wash away the old marks and put your own in their place, using, for example, perfume or eau de toilette.

If you punish a prankish cat in the old-fashioned way - by simply spanking him with a slipper, then the little kitty may not understand you, simply be offended and not come to you anymore to sing her cat songs, delight you with sweet purrs, and make a foul-smelling puddle in the slippers, then in this way everything will be according to cat justice.

Understanding a cat can be difficult, but with some effort you can still do it!

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Look what original way This lady suggests wean the cat from shitting anywhere:

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Place a bowl of food in a place where the kitten is not allowed to go to the toilet, you can spray pungent odor so that the kitten doesn’t go to the toilet there anymore.

How to stop a cat from stealing food?

The same should be done when it is necessary to wean a cat from stealing food from the table.

For some, stopping a cat from stealing food from the table is as easy as identifying tits and pr, but for others this can be a real problem. When your pet understands that all the food on the table is the owner’s “prey”, he will be afraid to take it from the table. After all, you are the boss in the house, its owner!

You should also accustom your cat to the concept of “no”. To do this, you can use the words: “damn”, “you can’t” or “fu”. The main thing is not the word itself, but the intonation in which this word is pronounced. Therefore, these words should be pronounced in a strict and prohibitive tone. Here it should be taken into account that a ban on something should always be a ban without exception. It makes no sense to scold your pet for an unraveled and torn ball if you previously gave him the same ball to play with.

Whenever you find a cat doing something forbidden and unacceptable, scare it, because... they really don't like harsh and loud sounds. Let the cat always associate every inappropriate activity with this frightening sound.

And she will be afraid to do dirty tricks, even in your absence.

Now that the cat is marking its territory, you know what to do and how to do it right. Certainly, Whiskered cat - best friend , but order in the house is also important and you need to teach your furry pet to play according to the necessary rules.

If you have just brought a nice kitten into your home and are wondering what is the best name for it, then the article “What to name a ginger kitten?” will be useful to you.

Tell us what you do when a cat begins to mark its territory, how you raise it and find it purring mutual language so that everyone has a good time and everyone is happy.

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Look how the red king of beasts, His Majesty the Lion, marks his territory!

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The sucking reflex in a cat is formed in the neonatal period - in the first 7-10 days of life. Together with milk, he receives nutrition and immune protection. Soon they themselves begin to look for the nipple, focusing on the smell and warmth. Cats stop feeding their kittens around 8-12 weeks. They decide when to finish breast-feeding, before this there is no need to wean your cat off sucking. As long as they get the required portion nutrients to grow and get stronger.

How to wean

12 weeks is the optimal age to adopt a kitten. But he may still have a sucking reflex, he will try to suck the cat or pick at your earlobe, shirt, finger, etc. This will cause inconvenience to you, and the cat’s nipples may be injured. Therefore, it is important to ask the question in time - how to wean a kitten from sucking. Important point– this is done gradually, and not at one moment. Here are a few ways to wean a kitten from sucking a cat, clothes and everything else:

How to stop kittens from sucking your cat's milk

Place them in different rooms for 3-5 days. During this time, distract the kitten with toys. Also teach him to adult food giving milk to drink from a bowl. Milk must come from goats; a cat's stomach does not digest cow's milk well.
Close access to nipples. To do this, you can buy or sew a special blanket for the cat.

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Can't do

It is not recommended to smear anything on your cat's nipples, as this can be harmful to its health. Some recommend splashing the kitten with water, supposedly a reflex is developed and the kitten learns to wean itself from sucking. You really shouldn't do this, as it could lead to problems later. psychological trauma, which will be reflected in adulthood.


Not all kittens stop sucking when they grow up. There are times when people take already adult cat, and she starts sucking on their clothes, nose, hands, etc. This is touching, but you need to find ways to wean your cat from sucking. There is a risk that she may become too dependent on her owner, timid and unable to communicate with other cats. This doesn't always happen, but there is a possibility. Here are some options on how to do this:

It happens that a cat sucks on one part of the body or an item of clothing. If it's clothing, hide it. Or coat the selected area with mustard, citrus juice or garlic. After a few times, the cat will lose the desire to suck on this place.

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Start playing with her. As in the case of kittens, an adult cat can be weaned from sucking by distracting it with something. Take out her favorite toy, shake it in front of the cat, and throw it on the floor. Most likely, she will run after her and will no longer show interest in sucking.
If it doesn't bother you too much, you don't have to do anything. Sucking may be an indication that the kitten has been weaned early and wants to compensate. He seeks warmth and affection from his owners, do not deny him this.

You need to gradually wean your kitten or cat off suckling. Do not use cruel methods under any circumstances: splashing water, loud screams, physical punishment. This can affect the cat’s health and traumatize its psyche.

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The sucking reflex in representatives of the cat family is formed in the neonatal period, in the first three to five days after birth. Newborn kittens with colostrum and milk receive basic nutrition and protective antibodies.

Normally, after three to six days they find the nipples on their own, relying on the warmth and smells coming from the mother. Cats stop feeding their cubs when they are two to two and a half months old. But sometimes, after the end of the lactation period, the kitten continues to suck on the nipples out of habit. You can also notice that cats love to suck on things and do this with enviable regularity. Therefore, if you are interested in how to wean a kitten from the sucking reflex, read the tips given in this article.

If your cat likes to chew, suck various objects, for example, toys, woolen items, clothes, or sticks to hair or fingers. other parts of the owners' body, such behavior of mustachioed pets can be caused by various factors. Although the exact reasons explaining the prolonged sucking reflex have not been established.

As a rule, kittens like to suck and chew objects in the first few months after their mother cat has been weaned. Normally, the reflex should weaken over time or become completely dull by five to six months.

Among possible reasons you can note:

  • early weaning from the mother cat;
  • lack of attention;
  • banal boredom;
  • genetic, breed feature;
  • frequent, severe emotional shock;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • underfeeding if the kitten is bottle-fed;
  • systemic functional failures in the body:
  • congenital, acquired more nervous than disorder, pathologies.

Siamese, Persians and their crosses, cats of Thai and Asian breeds are very fond of chewing, sucking, things. This behavior is genetically determined.

One of the possible reasons for this behavior in kittens may be unbalanced poor diet. By clinging to things, the kitten thus compensates for the deficiency useful substances. For example, if a cat has taken a liking to woolen items or blankets, the wool contains lanolin. The smell of this substance reminds the baby of the cat's mother and intensifies if the fur gets wet.

But remember that such a habit can have a detrimental effect on your health. small pet. Hairballs clog the stomach and intestinal lumen, causing digestive problems.

If the kitten is constantly latching, Perhaps the baby lacks your attention. This behavior can be especially noticeable during the period of adaptation and socialization. So create optimal conditions maintenance, protect from stress, surround the kitten with attention, affection, and care. Involve him in active games, buy interactive toys so that your pet doesn’t get bored in your absence.

Often, sucking on various objects and things signals problems with teeth., indicates the development of endocrinological pathologies. If the baby has a genuine interest in things, he eats inedible items(geophagy), consult your veterinarian.

In any case, you can find a solution to the problem only by installing exact reason prolonged sucking reflex.

When and how to wean correctly

If babies continue to suck on the cat's nipples even after the end of lactation, wean them off this bad habit it needs to be done gradually.

Even if a caring cat does not drive away the cubs, the sucking reflex turns into a bad habit, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

An older cat will happily suck on your clothes, things, hands, and hair. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the chewing reflex and other useful skills in animals in a timely manner, but gradually.

Kittens can be separated from a cat after two months. At this age, babies can feed themselves, consume solid food and quickly adapt to new conditions.

You can dull the sucking reflex quite simply:

  • Isolate the kittens from the cat for several hours every day by locking them in another room.
  • Provide your pets with bowls of milk and food.
  • Soak your finger in the milk, let the kitten lick it, then lightly poke his nose into the bowl. Don't poke your kitten's face too deeply into the bowl. The kitten will get scared and may choke.
  • Repeat the procedure several times in a row.

If kittens refuse to go to the bowls, give them milk from a baby bottle. Well-fed pets will nurse less from their mother cat. The mixtures must be fresh, warmed to room temperature.

To help kittens adapt faster, do not test severe stress, give them toys, talk to your pets in a gentle, gentle tone. Gradually increase the isolation time, teaching you independence. Over time, small pets will get used to the fact that there are other, equally tasty food sources.

If an older kitten continues to suck on the cat’s nipples, although the female does not have milk, wrap the nipples with gauze and put on a blanket made of soft, sterile fabric. But never treat your nipples with ointments, camphor alcohol, oil. This can cause poisoning and severe intoxication in kittens.

The nipples of lactating cats are treated with products for external use only for pathologies of the mammary glands, false pregnancy, excessive secretion of milk, for example, with early weaning of kittens or the birth of non-viable offspring.

We wean kittens from gnawing and sucking objects

If your kitten likes to cling to things, various subjects, analyze what could provoke such behavior. Review your kitten's diet. Perhaps your pet is not getting the necessary nutrients from food. For feeding and artificial complementary feeding, use high-quality industrial feed“premium”, “super-premium” class marked “for kittens”, milk mixtures. Consider age more individual features body.

Do not hit or scold the kitten for its addiction under any circumstances. You can not only scare him, but also provoke severe stress.

It is possible that the pet will begin to do things out of spite and the addiction will worsen even more. Talk calmly to your pet, switch his attention to something else, for example, interest him in toys.

Analyze what objects attract your pet the most. As soon as the kitten starts gnawing and sucking on its favorite objects, the effect of surprise may work.

  • Spray the kitten with water from a spray bottle, clap your hands, hit a rolled newspaper on a hard surface. Sucking should be associated in animals with unpleasant sensations. In this case, the unpleasant effect should end immediately as soon as the sucking reflex stops.
  • If the pet shows interest in clothes, some things can be handle essential oils with the smell of menthol, pine, citrus. Lubricate wires and other hard objects hot pepper, onion, garlic water, lemon juice. Hide clothes in closets and chests of drawers. You can put mint, lavender, and citrus zest on the shelves.
  • Give your kitten more attention, interest your pet in active games, set up a play complex. As already noted, a pet may experience a passion for objects due to lack of attention.

If an adult kitten does not want to wean off the sucking reflex, and you cannot determine the reason for this addiction, consult with a veterinarian or zoopsychologist.

Many people are sure that there is nothing difficult about caring for a cat. It is enough to pour food from a bag into her bowl. What could be simpler?

But such owners do not think about the fact that such food can cause harm to the animal. If you already have a cat accustomed to food in your hands, it is absolutely not necessary to poison the fluffy further. With a little persistence and patience, you can wean your cat off food. We will tell you how to do this in today’s article.

Why is it difficult to wean a cat from drying?

This task can indeed be quite difficult. When looking for a way to wean a cat off dry food, many pet owners may encounter surprising stubbornness of the animal. Cat habits are much more stable than human ones, and therefore more difficult to fight. In addition, many people who have never dealt with these furry animals often simply do not know what to feed domestic cat. What does she like? Can I give her soup, candy or milk?

Another difficulty is that most manufacturers add a variety of flavor enhancers, flavorings and nutritional supplements. Cats get so used to this “chemistry” that it is sometimes simply impossible to change their preferences. Compared to store-bought crackers, homemade food seems simply tasteless to them.

If you want to save money and buy cheap food for your animal, get ready to become a regular client of the veterinarian. Budget “drying” contains a record amount of carcinogens, which a priori will not add health to your pet.

Why is it worth weaning your cat off dry food?

If you are ready to think about how to wean your cat off food, then you already understand the disadvantages of canned food:

  • Manufacturers add stimulants to the vast majority of feeds. The cat eats a lot, but does not become full.
  • With this method of feeding, the animal’s stomach loses its ability to stretch. As a result, it becomes physically difficult for the cat to eat regular food.
  • Even the most expensive brands of dry food are very far from ideal. They contain only chemical elements, nothing natural.
  • Cat food of more or less passable quality costs a lot of money. If you are trying to feed your animal budget food, get ready to visit the veterinary clinic.
  • Prepared cat food most often comes in the form of small pellets, pates, purees, or small pieces. The animal has absolutely no need to load its teeth. It just swallows the food. This is fraught with the appearance of tartar, plaque and other troubles.
  • The cat eats the same food. The composition of the granules is almost the same. Only the smell is different, and even then not always. You can easily verify this by opening two or three packs of food with different tastes simultaneously and comparing their contents.

If you are still not sure whether cats can eat raw meat, and prefer to make do with granules, study the list of troubles that store-bought “crackers” can cause your pet:

  • vitamin deficiency - in the vast majority of dry food, the amount of vitamins stated on the pack does not correspond to the internal contents;
  • kidney failure - “crackers” are terribly salty, so the kidneys of many animals simply cannot cope with excreting such an amount of salt;
  • dysbacteriosis - beneficial bacteria in the stomach of the animal they die over time, diarrhea may develop;
  • allergies - if the cat’s food is not suitable, ulcers may appear and hair may fall out;
  • poisoning - cheap food contains a lot of dyes that are not at all beneficial for the animal;
  • oncology - most dry food contains monosodium glutamate (a very dangerous substance that can cause cancer).

What should be included in the diet?

So that your pet lives a long and healthy life, it must be fed properly. What do cats like to eat and what should be included in their weekly diet?

Try to regularly give your cat the following foods:

  • Raw lean meat. Chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef are great.
  • Fish. It also should not be greasy and must undergo heat treatment.
  • Egg yolk. One piece per week is enough.

  • A variety of dairy products. Here, too, you need to remember about fat content.
  • Broths and soups. Diversity is allowed here. The main thing is that the pet likes it.
  • Boiled liver and offal.
  • Raw and stewed vegetables. It all depends on the individual preferences of the animal. Some people like melon, others like cucumbers.
  • Cereals in the form of porridges and casseroles.

Not too many experienced owners I wonder if cats can have cheese? On the one hand, it seems milk product, on the other hand, it is quite fatty and can cause harm to the animal. The answer in this case is quite simple. If you occasionally pamper your pet with a small piece, nothing bad will happen. But you shouldn't feed your cat cheese regularly.

How to accustom a cat to natural products?

If you don't know how to wean your cat off food, take a look at one of the two options below.

Method No. 1

The cat needs to be fed 3-4 times a day. Therefore, try to alternate “crackers” with regular food. Give the usual food in the first half of the day. At this time of day, digestion is just “waking up”. To reduce the saltiness of dry food, pour a portion big amount water. When the “crackers” are soaked, drain the liquid and give the wet lumps to the cat.

Make sure your pet always has sufficient quantity clean water.

Offer your animal natural food for lunch and dinner. Do not give in to the indignant cries of your pet demanding canned food. If the cat has not eaten, remove the bowl after 20-25 minutes until the next feeding.

Method No. 2

This option is to mix canned food with regular food. On the first day, soak the crackers, drain excess water and dilute with homemade food. The proportion is approximately this: 5 parts canned food, 1 part natural food. Repeat the procedure for lunch and dinner. Feed the animal this way for 3 to 5 days.

After this, start diluting the feed in a ratio of 4:2, and after a week switch to the 3:3 option. Every week, reduce the portion of dry food by 1 part, and gradually increase the portion of homemade food.

If you found suitable way, how to wean a cat off dry food, complete the action. Do not succumb to cat provocations and expressive “hungry” looks. Act confidently and persistently. Stick to your plan.

If an animal has declared a boycott, do not starve it for weeks. It may be dangerous. Try to generate interest in homemade food by treating you to some delicacy. Offer a little different food: a piece of meat, sausage, a slice of bread, a slice of cucumber, a slice of potato. A hungry animal will definitely be interested in something.

What not to do

Have you already chosen a way to wean your cat off food? Then remember a few rules:

  1. Take your time. Sometimes it can take months to relearn. Abrupt change the usual diet will ruin your relationship, lead to a boycott and changes in the animal’s well-being.
  2. Don't spoil your pet. Of course, sometimes it’s not only possible, but also necessary to treat you to something tasty. But you should not “put” food into the animal’s mouth. You're not going to indulge all his whims for the rest of your life, are you? This is not the way to start. The attitude towards the animal should remain equal and friendly, as always.

Important points

In the process of retraining an animal, it is important to be persistent and consistent. If you do not live alone, agree with all household members to act rationally. Keep an especially close eye on children. Protecting their furry pet from the “monster and tyrant”, they can feed him the usual and favorite crackers. Such “concern” will nullify all efforts and fruitful work on retraining.

Explain to your children that you are doing this not because you don’t love Barsik or Murka. But because you don’t want the fluffy to get sick. Ask for help and assign your child to make sure there is always plenty of fresh water near the pussy. More often than not, this tactic works flawlessly.

What should

We have already told you what can be included in the diet of an adult animal. Now let's talk about proportions. Proper nutrition, providing the cat with everything necessary elements, should look something like this:

  • 45% - meat and other protein food(dairy products, eggs, sometimes fish);
  • 20% - offal (offal, lungs, liver, heart);
  • 20% - vegetables, cereals, various sources of fiber and microelements;
  • 5% - vitamin complexes, butter, bone meal.


Weaning pet Not very healthy store-bought food can take up a lot of your time and effort. But in return you will receive a beautiful and healthy animal. If something doesn't bother you, you should consult a veterinarian or cat nutrition specialist. He will be able to choose an individual diet for your pet and tell you how else you can wean your cat off dry food.

If your cat has given birth to kittens and you are going to give them to new owners, or if you want to get a kitten yourself, you need to take special measures so that all parties involved in the process of weaning the kitten (the kitten itself, the cat, the new owner and you) are satisfied. The most important thing is to wait for the kitten to fulfill suitable age– preferably 12-13 weeks. If you do this, the mother cat will more easily tolerate separation from her kittens. On the other hand, kittens will not have it as easy and will take longer to get used to being weaned. To ensure that the adoption process goes as smoothly as possible for each kitten, you will need to start preparing the kittens early, wean them properly and ensure a gradual introduction to their new home, taking special precautions if there is another adult cat in the same home.


Preparing kittens for weaning

Train kittens to use the litter box before weaning them from their mother. Kittens learn to use the litter box with varying degrees of success, but most become fully trained by 12 weeks. Be sure to ensure your kitten has learned this critical skill before handing it over.

Separating kittens from cats

    Start weaning kittens off mother's milk at about 4 weeks. Kittens need to be introduced to solid food before you hand them over, this will be beneficial for their health and will prevent them from developing bad habits, for example, “sucking on woolen things,” when the kitten begins to chew and gnaw on things made of woolen fabrics. The cat herself will be able to wean her kittens off milk by about 8-10 weeks. If you need to give the kitten away before this time, then you will need to speed up the process of weaning it off milk.

    Start periodically separating the kittens from their mother. At 4 weeks you can start taking the kitten away from its mother for a few hours. At the same time, place the kitten in a place where he will have his own litter tray, bowls of food and water.

    Teach your kitten to lap up milk on his own by pouring cat milk replacer into a shallow bowl. First, place your finger under the surface of the milk. The kitten will first try to suck your finger, but will instinctively understand that it is easier to lick your finger than to suck.

    • Don't give it to the kitten cow's milk, as it can lead to digestive upset.
  1. Introduce solid foods. Once your kitten learns to lap up milk, it's time to introduce him to solids. wet food. You need to start with a liquid porridge consistency and gradually reduce the amount of moisture in the food until the kitten is 8-10 weeks old, when he can safely eat dry food.

    • To prepare the gruel, mix dry or canned cat food with cat milk replacer until you get the consistency of liquid porridge.
    • Gradually reduce the amount of milk replacer added daily until the kitten's food is only slightly moist by 6 weeks.
    • By about 8-10 weeks, the kitten should be able to eat dry food.

Making kitten weaning easier for the cat herself

  1. Do not separate a cat from all her kittens at once. It is healthier for the cat if milk production decreases gradually. If you take all her kittens away at once, she will feel painful sensations due to overflow of milk.

    Remove anything that smells like kittens from your cat. The lingering scent of kittens may remind your cat to check on them, and she may wander around the house looking for them. When all the kittens have found new homes, it will be best for you to remove all things with their smell and provide the cat with clean bedding. Along with the gradual disappearance of the smell of kittens from the environment, the cat's instinctive desire to find kittens will fade away, and she will again be able to return to normal life.

    Know that your cat will recover fairly quickly from separation from her kittens. Nature itself has given the cat the understanding that kittens must become independent in order to survive. As part of this process, she will begin to distance herself from the kittens so that they can be their own support. Transferring kittens to new owners only speeds up this process.

The procedure for introducing a kitten to a new home

    Provide the kitten with bedding from an old house. Prepare in advance for the kitten a towel or blanket on which he slept in the old house. Having a familiar smell will make it easier for the kitten to adapt. Place this blanket or towel in the carrier when the kitten is being transported. new house and leave it to him so that he can continue to sleep on it.

    Bring your kitten to your new home in a carrier. The carrier will make the kitten feel safe and protected. For warmth and to absorb urine in case of a mistake, place a towel in the carrier.

    • Do not use a carrier from another pet, as the smell of another animal will put unnecessary stress on the kitten.
  1. Provide the kitten with a secure enclosure. Give your kitten some limited personal space. This place should be quiet and peaceful. In this case, the kitten must have bedding, food, water and a litter tray, as well as a scratching post and toys that are safe for it.

    • Will you use a cardboard box for the bedding or buy one from finished form at the pet store, consider covering her with your old sweater to help the kitten become more accustomed to the scent of her new owner.
    • Make sure that the space provided for the kitten has a place where it can hide. If there is no furniture in the area to hide behind, provide boxes with holes cut in them for your kitten to crawl into.
  2. Allow the kitten to explore the space provided to him at his own speed. Bring the carrier to this place, open the door and let the kitten come out when he is ready. Leave the carrier for the kitten as another hiding spot.

    In the first week, limit contact with the kitten. You will most likely want to pick it up and for a long time iron. This should not be done. It takes time for a kitten to get used to new surroundings, including people. Introduce the kitten to family members one at a time, take your time, and allow the kitten to approach the person on its own.

    • Be sure to teach children proper handling of the kitten, including how to handle it correctly.
    • Do not allow children under 5 years of age to play with the kitten. It's not safe for him.
  3. Introduce your kitten to the rest of the house once he has become comfortable in his pen. Once your kitten is good at eating, drinking, and using the litter box regularly, begin introducing him to the other rooms of your house one at a time. Place the kitten in the carrier and bring it into another room, leaving the carrier open so the kitten can look around. After your kitten has explored the room, take him back to his pen, at least, for several hours before letting him explore the next room.

    • If the kitten climbs on something (a shelf, a bed, etc.) that it is not supposed to climb on, carefully remove it and place it on the floor. If you do this from day one, it will be much easier for you to set the boundaries of acceptable behavior for your kitten.
  4. Continue to feed your kitten the same food you used when weaned to prevent problems. Providing your kitten with his usual food will make him more comfortable and will help him avoid digestive upset caused by the need for intestinal bacteria to adapt to new food.

    • Prepare in advance and ask the person you are purchasing the kitten from what food they feed it so you can stock up ready-made food by the time the kitten arrives at your home.
  5. Consider using an electric fumigator with cat pheromones to reduce your kitten's anxiety. A cat's facial glands are capable of producing pheromones (chemical signals) that they transfer to objects that seem safe to them; for example, they can apply them to the bed, chair and even your feet. There are special electrofumigators with synthetic analogues of these pheromones, which allow the cat to feel safe in a new place. One bottle of pheromones for a fumigator is usually enough for about 30 days, which is quite enough for the kitten to fully adapt to the new environment.

    • The most common pheromone product is feliway. It is sold both as a liquid for an electric fumigator, which is inserted into an outlet and automatically distributes pheromones, and as a regular spray.

Organizing the introduction of a new kitten to an old cat

  1. Introduce the new kitten to the old cat gradually. If the kitten has been properly socialized and placed in a new home around 12-13 weeks of age, it should be easy to adjust to its new home. However, if there is already another cat living in the same house, then you should introduce them gradually.

    Set up a pen for the kitten in a place that is rarely used by the older cat. This will unobtrusively let the cat know that a kitten has appeared on her territory, but he does not compete with her for food and favorite resting places (which belong only to her).

    First introduce old cat only with the smell of a kitten. Your cats can sniff each other through the gap under the door of the room where the kitten lives. You can swap your pets' bedding to get them used to each other's scent. It also helps to stroke one pet and then the other to mix their scents.

    Feed cats on either side of the door separating them. This will allow them to develop an association of the new smell with something good, namely food.

    When the kitten gets used to its pen, switch places with the cat. While your new kitten gets to know the rest of your house, place your old cat in his place. This will allow pets to explore each other's smells in new places.