What does it mean when a cat is sick of acorns. The main reasons why a cat vomits, and the owner's actions to alleviate the condition

Vomiting is a complex physiological or protective reflex process in which the stomach is emptied through the mouth, sometimes through the nose, as a result of anti-peristaltic movements of the esophagus. So the cat's body is freed from harmful and life-threatening substances. Vomiting can be of reflex origin, when mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the palate or pharynx occurs, as well as central - as a result of irritation of the vomiting center in the brain with poisons and toxins entering the blood as a result of poisoning or with some infectious diseases. Let's talk about what to do if a cat vomits, about the causes, symptoms and treatment.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

Worm infestation can cause vomiting in cats.

The main reasons that can cause a cat to vomit and vomit itself are the following:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and stomach with mechanical objects can occur due to accidentally swallowed inedible objects, such as children's hair ties, small toys, some cats do not disdain to “dig deeper” in the bin, managing to inadvertently swallow something;
  • an important factor for the occurrence of vomiting is swallowed wool, which enters the stomach during licking - this is especially true for cats of long-haired breeds;
  • improper abundant feeding or overfeeding of the cat;
  • low-quality feed;
  • the presence of an infectious disease;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver of a non-infectious nature (gastritis, blockage of the intestine with foreign objects, twisting, etc.);
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • trauma;
  • load on vestibular apparatus(the so-called "seasickness");
  • poisoning chemicals.


Usually vomiting is preceded by nausea, which can be expressed in the anxiety of the animal, erratic movement from place to place. Often observed:

  • profuse salivation;
  • licking;
  • the cat constantly makes swallowing movements;
  • sometimes meows.

After a while, the animal begins to cough sharply, then stretches and tilts its head forward, breathing becomes deep and rapid. After that, contractions begin in the abdomen and pharynx - vomiting occurs.


by the most important point with vomiting, it is not the fact of emptying the stomach itself, but the determination of the cause that provoked it. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider what recent times something new and unusual happened to the cat:

  • giving medicines;
  • overfeeding;
  • perhaps there was a sharp transition from one type of food to another;
  • contact with other animals;
  • perhaps the cat could accidentally swallow something from household chemicals or inedible item.

If vomiting occurs too often, accompanied by fever and significant depression, then a trip to veterinarian postponement is not recommended.

Treatment of vomiting in cats

If the act of vomiting occurred once and the cat feels normal, then it is not necessary to consult a doctor. In this case, no special treatment is required. If vomiting occurs more than 3 times a day, and the animal looks sick and depressed, then the owner of the cat should think about what could cause vomiting and try to eliminate it, as well as visit a veterinary clinic for consultation with a specialist.

  1. The cat is limited in food for 1-2 days.
  2. To prevent dehydration (which is a fairly common occurrence with prolonged and frequent vomiting), instead of water, you can give a solution of Regidron, according to the instructions, or salted water - 9 g table salt(about 1 teaspoon) to 1 liter of water.
  3. In especially severe cases, the animal may refuse water, in which case it is necessary to inject Ringer's solution.
  4. If vomiting occurs too frequently, then giving antiemetics(Phenotiazine, Torekan, Paspertine).
  5. Can be applied medicines that protect the mucosa from annoying factors- bismuth preparations.
  6. In the event that the cause of vomiting was poisoning, then it is shown to serve the cat Activated carbon, which is an excellent adsorbent, as well as put a dropper with glucose and ascorbic acid, which perfectly remove signs of intoxication of the body.
  7. Antibiotics or sulfa drugs prescribed only in case of infections and severe damage mucous membrane of the stomach.

During treatment and a few days after it, in cases where vomiting was the result of problems with digestive tract or poisoning, it is advisable to put the cat on therapeutic diet adhering to simple rules:

  • feed in small portions several times a day;
  • food should be soft, preferably in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • introduce meat feed into the diet gradually.


It is an undeniable fact that the disease is better to prevent than to cure, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of vomiting, it is necessary to follow simple rules.

The cat begins to vomit if the body contains foreign substance, and vomiting is defensive reaction normally functioning organism of any animal. However, do not think that the cat's body will remove the foreign substance on its own, as this may not happen, because the presence of something foreign in the stomach or intestines of your pet is not the only reason for vomiting with secretions. yellow color. If your pet is unwell, you need to urgently apply for veterinary care to the clinic. Many diseases can be cured with initial stage no harm to your pet's health.

Causes of this problem in fluffy pets

First, it is a violation of digestion. If your cat is undernourished or overeating, they may develop indigestion. If she fell asleep hungry, on an empty stomach, then it is likely that she will vomit in the morning. Overeating also often leads to poisoning.

If you notice in the cat's vomit yellow discharge It means she has stomach issues. At healthy cats bile acids should not be present in the stomach, which provoke severe irritation mucous surface of the stomach, which can lead to inflammation.

Cause of Bile Acid Vomiting and Why It Happened to Your Pet

  1. The first and most common reason that a cat vomits yellow liquid, is, as already mentioned earlier, the presence foreign object in the stomach. Your cat may have just picked up something on the floor or in the grass, believing it to be food.

If the object is small, then most likely the body will get rid of it on its own, removing it through the intestines with the rest of the waste. If the object is larger than the size of the stomach of the animal, then the body begins to produce great amount bile acids that promote rapid digestion in the stomach. Excess acid, respectively, can go along with vomiting.

  1. Too much abrupt change A cat's diet can lead not only to vomiting of a yellow liquid, but also to vomiting with foam, in which incompletely digested pieces of food are often observed. This means that the liver simply did not have time to tune in to the new diet, and, most likely, you should return to the previous version, changing it gradually. It is worth adding that in this case it is better to keep the cat hungry for about twenty-four hours, so that all the food not accepted by her stomach and liver is excreted from the body with excrement or vomiting. For a while, you need to give your pet water every half an hour in order, firstly, to wash the stomach, and secondly, to replenish the amount of lost fluid.
  2. The presence of helminths in the body, from which he tries to get rid of through vomiting and bile.
  3. Problems directly with the gallbladder.
  4. Chronic diseases of the liver or intestines.
  5. Infectious diseases and viruses, in which active cleaning of the blood from toxic substances is launched.
  6. Hepatitis. With it, there is an increase in body temperature in the animal, loss of appetite, darkening of urine, the cat begins to constantly vilify.
  7. Liver failure. With this disease, vomiting of a yellow liquid has an acute bad smell, the cat may have regular fainting.
  8. Lipidosis leads not only to vomiting of a yellow liquid, but also to instantaneous exhaustion of the cat, complete loss of appetite and accumulation of toxic elements in the liver.
  9. The most dangerous and most serious problem is cat distemper. It is accompanied by a temperature of up to forty-one degrees Celsius, apathy of the animal, frequent vomiting and diarrhea.

Bloody, yellowish, with particles of food, vomiting in a cat with bile or mucus - clear sign the fact that something is wrong with the body of the pet. On the other hand, cats can easily induce vomiting themselves in order to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum. The task of the owner is to be able to distinguish the pathology from the natural desire to clear the stomach and know possible reasons vomiting in cats to seek help in time.

Vomiting is often a symptom of some disease. It is hardly possible to list them all, since the urge to vomit in a cat can occur, for example,. Vomiting accompanies most viral infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, (food, medicines, pesticides, etc.). Typically, in such cases frequent vomiting the cat is associated with other symptoms: cough, apathy, atypical discharge,. The pet must be shown to the veterinarian in as soon as possible.

Excessive vomiting in a cat after eating, when the food has not even had time to be digested, may indicate too rapid ingestion of food, followed by deliberate regurgitation. This is usually what cats living in a crowded place do: they eat quickly (until others have taken them away), hide, burp and eat food already in a calm environment. Such pets should be fed in modest portions several times a day, the food should be crushed. However, the causes of vomiting in cats immediately after eating can be much more serious: intestinal obstruction, digestive dysfunction,. Therefore, if other symptoms are observed or the cat vomits more than once, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

A single vomiting of hair in a cat is normal. In the process of caring for a fur coat, a pet swallows a certain amount of hairs, which are then collected in a lump that can irritate the gastric mucosa and even clog the intestinal lumen. Therefore, a smart cat itself gets rid of dangerous contents by spitting up hair. In this case, the reason why the cat is vomiting is insufficient care. In order not to harm the health of the pet, you should comb out the fur coat more often, especially during the molting period. To make it easier for the cat to get rid of the lump, you need to give her a spoon vaseline oil.

Some cats are prone to vomiting. Many pets do not tolerate long trips- then motion sickness provokes vomiting. How to treat vomiting in a cat in such cases, the veterinarian will tell you. Typically, mild sedatives are used plant-based. If the trip is planned, feeding is stopped eight hours in advance. The same applies to stressful situations, for example, or rearranging furniture - it is wiser to arrange a fasting day for the cat.

Vomit with various impurities

Often, vomit is not just food, but something of an indefinite color and consistency. In most cases, such vomiting signals a serious problem, so a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible. In order for the doctor to quickly understand why the cat is vomiting, the owner must provide him with accurate information:

  • time of first urge and first vomiting;
  • frequency, number of masses;
  • consistency;
  • whether the appetite is preserved, whether the cat drinks water;
  • When did your pet last eat?
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • could the cat have swallowed something spoiled or inedible;
  • whether the cat suffers from a chronic disease;
  • have been vaccinated.

CAT YELLOW VOMITING- a sign that bile has entered the stomach, which normally should not be there. The delicate walls of the stomach are instantly irritated due to bile getting on the mucous membrane, which leads to vomiting. Sometimes the vomit is colored yellowish when fed with industrial rations, but there is a difference - if there is bile in the vomit, the color is bright, saturated, and when stained with one of the components of the feed, the vomit is grayish-yellow. Repeated vomiting in a cat with bile most likely signals chronic disease gallbladder, liver, or intestines. The reason may be digestive difficulties - fatty or stale food, overfeeding eggs, quickly swallowing large pieces.

If a CAT GREEN VOMIT, got into the stomach a large number of bile or intestinal contents. Sometimes green vomit is a symptom of a severe infection. In any case, the pet needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian. However, if the pet has recently eaten even a small amount of dried or fresh grass, greenish vomit is normal.

CAT vomit is an alarm symptom. Mucus is present in vomit with intestinal diseases, some viruses. The reason may be, then, as a rule, mucus is also contained in the feces.

Constant CAT VOMITING AFTER FOOD maybe gastrointestinal diseases, infections. You can ignore only a single vomiting, and only if there are no other symptoms of malaise. If the vomiting recurs regularly and/or the owner notices that the cat is losing appetite, is less active, and generally feels unwell, see your veterinarian.

Every cat owner from time to time noticed an eating disorder in a pet, which manifested itself in the form of belching, nausea or vomiting. All these reflexes are natural and have protective function. Therefore, if a cat vomits after eating undigested food, this may be commonplace sign overeating. In this case, the pet tries to get rid of excess food with the help of vomiting. Also, the cat vomits after eating with undigested residues if she has not eaten for a long time.

But in some cases, if the cat is sick after eating food, then the cause of vomiting may be the presence of serious chronic diseases. Install real reasons vomiting and prescribe a complex of treatment for the pet will be able to specialists veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will determine what caused vomiting - hit foreign body, overeating, poisoning, the presence of systemic disorders in the body, and will tell the owner of the cat about the features of caring for a sick animal.

Sometimes vomiting in a cat after eating is not caused by a sudden gastrointestinal disorder as a result of overeating or changing the diet, and the presence of chronic illness. In such cases, vomiting is only one of the anxiety symptoms, which the owner should take as a signal to visit the veterinarian.

In addition to eating disorders, the pet may have other symptoms, when fixing which the owner should be wary, these are:

  • weakness;
  • dehydration;
  • poor appetite;
  • apathy.

But if the pet loses before our eyes vitality and the owner has no idea why the cat is vomiting, then you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

Poor diet is one of the causes of vomiting

If the owner of the animal is trying to find the answer to the question: why does the cat vomit after eating, then he should pay attention to the diet of the animal. The cat has a special structure of enzymatic pathways, therefore, its nutrition should be based on a complete quality protein. But if a cat eats poor quality food, it means that nutrients from it are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and with the help of vomiting, the pet tries to get rid of food.

To avoid such phenomena, you need to feed the cat with good food. natural food or choose commercial or super-premium. If the advertised cheap food is added to the diet cat's food, which contains only 2-3 percent of meat, and the rest of the protein deficiency is made up for by-products (feathers, beaks, veins, skin, animal heads), then this food may not be absorbed in the cat's body and cause vomiting.

It is important to understand that the mechanism of vomiting can be natural and safe, in such cases the cat is not prescribed treatment, and her body copes with the disease on its own.

Each time, when buying food in a store, the owner of the animal must pay attention to the label. It contains information about additives used as preservatives and colorants. If propylene glycol, ethoxyquin, chemical dyes or emulsifiers are present in the feed, then this is a real do-it-yourself poison for cats that the owner introduces into the diet. All these additives, preservatives, and simply useless fillers can cause inflammation and provoke vomiting.

It is important to know how you can poison a cat and not use cheap food and low-quality products to feed fluffy pets.

If, despite the efforts of the owner, the cat was poisoned, what to do at home will tell the veterinarian. He will determine what caused the poisoning of the cat, the symptoms and treatment of which may differ for different animals and prescribe treatment with veterinary drugs.

But even at high quality natural nutrition the cat may vomit undigested food. In this case, an analysis of the products included in the diet will help to find out why the cat often vomits. If in the cat's food, in addition to useful fermented milk products whole fat milk is present, it can provoke secondary symptoms disorders of the digestive tract, among which vomiting also occurs.

Cats do not have the enzymes needed to digest lactose, and as a result, the pet after each dose cow's milk may experience discomfort, indigestion, vomiting, and nausea. To enable you to lead normal life For cats that have problems with digestion and assimilation of food, it is worth including food such as Gastro Intestinal for cats from Royal Canin in their diet. It is designed for animals as diet food with problems with the digestive tract. Read more about the Royal Canin veterinary diet.

Food intolerance

If the cat has an intolerance feed products, then individual components of food become the causes of allergic reactions. In this case, vomiting in cats, the cause and treatment of which is discussed with the veterinarian, is not accompanied by other symptoms. The cat has a healthy appearance, normal body weight and is active and playful. Vomiting as a result food allergies observed only when the pet eats a certain product.

As a preventive method, you can use special veterinary foods designed for pets with food allergies. The ingredients are carefully selected in their composition, and the recipe implies a complete rejection of allergens and controversial components. It is important to identify which food or nutrient is causing the cat to vomit in order to avoid using it in the diet in the future.

Overeating and fast food intake

Quite often, a cat may vomit after eating due to overeating or eating food too quickly. In a kitten, the esophagus has a horizontal arrangement, and when large portions are received, the body can close the sphincter located in lower section esophagus and cause regurgitation undigested food. Such vomiting occurs a few minutes after the pet has eaten.

This behavior is often observed in cats living in the same area with other animals. The pet is trying to survive in the competition and because of this, he tries to eat as much food as possible at one time. If the owner of cats is faced with such a situation, then he should change the rules of feeding.

It is recommended to give the cat a normalized portion at a time, in which the components are cut not very finely, but not very large. If several cats live in the same house, they should be fed in separate rooms so as not to provoke competition between pets. If the cat feels safe during the meal and does not feel threatened by other pets, she will be able to eat slowly and naturally, and not greedily swallow the entire portion in a few minutes.

Violation of the internal organs

If the cat is sick, then the cause of this may be the presence of diseases. For example, if not implemented necessary treatment pancreatitis in cats, then the animal's body does not produce enough enzymes necessary for digestion. Lipase, protease and amylase deficiencies can cause eating disorders, secondary manifestation which is vomiting. If the owner cannot understand why the cat drinks a lot of water and does not have an appetite, then acute pancreatitis may be bothering her.

To help a sick animal, the veterinarian prescribes special diet and recommends adding essential enzymes to the diet. Also, vomiting can provoke gastritis in a cat, the symptoms of which should be checked with a veterinarian.

A cat can often feel sick due to a number of other diseases, among them:

  1. intestinal inflammation;
  2. irritable bowel syndrome;
  3. enteritis;
  4. colitis;
  5. hyperthyroidism.

The causes of vomiting can vary, so a cat owner should consult a veterinarian before taking any action. Specialist veterinary medicine will hold necessary diagnostics and assign a number laboratory tests, on the basis of which he will draw a conclusion about the causes of digestive disorders in the animal. After that, the sick animal will be prescribed a diet and a complex veterinary drugs, which will not only eliminate vomiting, but will fight the causes of its occurrence.

Diagnose cat diseases not easy, because not a single pet can humanly explain that it hurts. The symptoms are mixed, but if the cat vomited, then there is no doubt that her health is not in order. It remains to find out why the cat is sick and how to treat vomiting in cats - and this is the most difficult thing. Because there are several reasons for vomiting in cats, and each of them can touch your pet. And before you treat vomiting in a cat, you need to find out the nature of the disease. Or, to your relief, make sure that the animal is healthy and simply clears the stomach.

Even if you find that your cat is vomiting because of something harmless, such as a ball of his own hair or simply overeating, keep an eye on his behavior. And just in case, remember how to properly treat vomiting in cats at home, and under what circumstances it is time to stop self-medication and contact a veterinarian. It is hoped that natural mechanisms will help your four-legged friend recover on your own, but you must be there to help him in time and cure the cat’s vomiting, or rather, the reason it is caused.

How to treat and cure vomiting in a cat at home?
The sooner the cat is in the vet's office, the more likely cure vomiting quickly and without consequences. But until you get to see a doctor, it is in your power to alleviate the suffering of a pet at home. First aid for a cat with vomiting consists of such simple measures:

  1. Stop feeding the cat and make sure that he does not steal food from the table. However, he most likely will not show interest in food himself.
  2. If during the day the cat's condition returns to normal, the urge to vomit will pass and appetite will appear, start feeding him small portions of soft food, and observe the behavior between meals.
  3. Leave water for the cat to drink in the public domain - vomiting dehydrates the body, and the animal will want to drink. Except in those cases when drinking also provokes belching, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.
  4. When poisoned by chemicals such as acidic or alkaline nature, household chemicals or other toxic liquids, make the cat swallow 1-2 teaspoons of enterosgel, atoxil or other absorbent and try to get to the clinic before the next burp.
  5. If the cat has swallowed a hard and/or sharp object, is experiencing stomach pain and nausea, pour 1-2 tablespoons of paraffin oil into the esophagus and show it to the veterinary surgeon as soon as possible.
Do not try to prescribe and give the cat drugs for vomiting on your own - only a qualified doctor can do this. Human medicines are categorically not suitable for animals and not only will not help, but will also aggravate the situation. If the animal feels very unwell and may not be able to tolerate transportation to the clinic, it would be wise to call the veterinarian at home.

How is vomiting in cats treated?
Turning to the veterinarian, be prepared to answer all his questions about the behavior and nutrition of the cat, try to remember in detail what and when the pet ate at the last meal, when the vomiting began, how often and how many times the cat vomited, what the vomit looked like and whether the vomiting was accompanied by other painful symptoms. Be sure to tell us the earlier the cat was ill and whether he has chronic diseases when and what kind of vaccinations were given to him. All this is necessary for the doctor to collect an anamnesis and staging correct diagnosis. For diagnosis and treatment, the following procedures may also be required:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • x-ray, incl. contrast;
  • blood test;
  • laparotomy (an incision in the peritoneum to access internal organs).
If vomiting is profuse and prolonged, then it is very likely that the doctor will prescribe the introduction physiological saline or Ringer's solution to protect against dehydration. To reduce acidity and restore Ph-balance in the stomach, Famotidine is often prescribed. Do not be surprised if you have to give a No-Shpa injection or put a dropper - all this is available and allowed only to the doctor in the clinic, but not to you at home.

In some rare cases, before treating vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to provoke it to cleanse the stomach of a foreign and / or poisonous substance. You can do this in the same way that people use: press on the root of the tongue. Another option is to make the cat drink a lot of water or aqueous solution table salt, but not hydrogen peroxide, which causes mucosal burns in cats, although this method can often be found among folk recipes from vomiting in cats. After the cat has recovered, continue to monitor his habits and eating behavior. Only with such a careful approach can vomiting be cured in a cat and prevent its recurrence.