What makes a cat sick. Food intolerance

According to statistics, cat owners face the problem of vomiting in pets more often than the owners of other animals, so the causes and treatment of vomiting in cats is information that you need to have in order to be able to help the animal correctly (and most importantly, on time).

What is vomiting

Vomiting is a protective process of "liberation" of the stomach, the removal of its contents, which occurs reflexively. The mechanism of vomiting is aimed at removing toxic substances, various foreign bodies from the stomach, as well as too much food eaten that simply cannot be digested. Nausea in a cat is a defensive reaction of his body, which can mean both simple overeating, and poisoning, and a very serious illness, so the decision to treat the ailment should be made by a veterinarian.

The vomit is most often distinguished by a yellowish color due to the presence of gastric juice in them, and sometimes bile, and a slightly sour smell. Most often they are partially digested food, often - foreign bodies, hairballs or grass. This is not the most pleasant, but in general a completely natural process occurs with the simultaneous contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles and in some cases does not require treatment.

The main causes of vomiting

Causes of vomiting in cats can be very different. The most common of them are the following:

  1. Swallowing foreign objects - small toys, bones, etc. As a result, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs.
  2. Swallowing large amounts of wool is especially common for long-haired cats. In this case, the hairballs cannot be digested and cause vomiting.
  3. Too much feeding, overeating of the animal.
  4. Poor quality of food consumed (primarily low-quality dry food).
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Worm invasion.
  7. Diseases of the liver.
  8. Gastritis.
  9. Increased intracranial pressure.
  10. Poisoning.
  11. Injuries.
  12. Increased load on the vestibular apparatus (a kind of analogue of seasickness in people, which often manifests itself after traveling in a car, train, etc.).

When vomiting occurs, the most important thing is to understand when a pet needs urgent medical attention, and when cats do not need treatment.

When vomiting is not dangerous

In some cases, nausea in cats is not a reason to visit a veterinarian. This is vomiting that occurs 1-2 times during the day and does not recur, the pet has an appetite, he is active, goes to the toilet normally, and his behavior has not changed. Such vomiting has various causes that are not dangerous to the health of the pet - for example, swallowing wool or overeating.

It is important to provide the cat with constant access to clean drinking water and monitor the condition of the animal. Most often, this "normal" vomiting occurs due to overeating, swallowing wool, and even, surprisingly, during pregnancy. In the latter case, nausea is caused by changes in the cat's body, in particular, an increase in the uterus and its pressure on the stomach, but the body quickly adapts and vomiting does not recur.

Vomiting in a kitten, even if it happened once, requires a mandatory visit to the veterinarian, since kittens have a very small supply of vitality, which can lead to serious problems.

"Anxious" nausea

If vomiting is repeated more than 3 times, the pet becomes less active, refuses food, and sometimes water, then it is urgent to take him to the veterinarian. Repetitive vomiting can be caused by a variety of reasons - from poisoning to serious diseases that can lead to the death of the animal! That is why you should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian!

Vomiting is dangerous primarily because it reduces the animal's immunity, reduces its vitality, and can also lead to dehydration, which is especially dangerous for cats, as it often leads to death.

To help the doctor, as well as independently conduct an independent preliminary diagnosis, it is worth examining the erupted masses and understanding the possible causes of vomiting.

What is vomiting

Masses can have different content, structure and color. Often this becomes the key to identifying the causes that caused the cat to vomit.

The most common types of vomiting:

  • Vomiting of partially digested food (usually caused by overeating, ingestion of wool, and pregnancy, but often long-term nausea in a cat begins with this);
  • Yellow color. This is a clear sign of bile entering the stomach, which irritates the walls and causes nausea. The cause of such vomiting can be both the consumption of fatty foods, and diseases of the liver or gallbladder.
  • Green vomit, if the cat was not able to eat even a small amount of grass (in this case, this is normal), usually indicates a very serious infection, and therefore you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.
  • If a cat vomits white foam once, then hunger may be the cause, but repeated nausea indicates stomach diseases.
  • Fecal vomiting (i.e., resembling feces in appearance and smell) manifests itself with intestinal obstruction - this causes malaise.
  • Masses with mucus. Mucus is most often gastric juice. The cause of vomiting with mucus is helminthic invasion, erosion of the stomach, chronic gastritis and some viral diseases.
  • With blood impurities. This is a very alarming signal, and even a single vomiting of blood should be a reason for a visit to the doctor! If the blood is bright scarlet, then this indicates bleeding in the mouth or esophagus, but brownish clots are signs of internal bleeding, ulcers, tumors, kidney problems; serious injury to the stomach or intestines can also be the cause.

It is important to try to see a doctor as soon as possible, because often a delay in treatment causes the death of the animal!

First aid for a pet

Before a visit to the doctor, you can alleviate the condition of the pet yourself. To do this, you can apply the following methods of treatment:

  • Limit cat feeding for a day, allow water (very little) if it does not cause new attacks.
  • If the pet could eat something stale, then you should induce vomiting: you can press your finger on the root of the tongue (the cat must lie on its side or stand, otherwise it may choke on vomit) or drink it with a mixture of a glass of lukewarm water and a tablespoon of salt before the call comes.
  • If the cat has swallowed something spicy, you need to give her 1 tsp. vaseline oil to protect the walls of the esophagus.
  • If the cat is drunk on chemicals, for example, alkali, turpentine, etc., then you need to give her 1 tbsp. l. Enterosgel.

After alleviating the condition of the animal, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, providing the necessary treatment for the cat.

How is cat vomiting treated?

It is best to contact a veterinarian who will give the necessary recommendations and be able to prescribe treatment for vomiting in a cat. It should be borne in mind that in some cases surgery or a traumatic method of treatment using an endoscope may be required (usually this occurs in cases of intestinal obstruction or ingestion of foreign objects or the accumulation of large hairballs in the stomach). At home, most often the owner uses the following treatments:

  • Restriction of the pet in food and water (if it provokes urges) for 1-2 days.
  • Instead of water with prolonged vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to give a solution of Regidron according to the instructions (in case of dehydration, inject Ringer's solution) or slightly salty water - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water.
  • If the cat vomits often, bismuth preparations can be given to reduce irritation of the stomach walls, as well as antiemetic drugs (in particular, Cerucal can be injected).
  • If vomiting is caused by poisoning, then the cat's condition can be alleviated with Enterosgel or activated charcoal.

During treatment, it is also necessary to feed the pet in tiny portions, but very often, 7-8 times a day - and always with soft food. Best in puree form.

In the process of treatment, the most important thing is to prevent dehydration of the pet's body! It is very simple to do this: you need to collect the skin at the withers and pull it back slightly - if the skin maintains a “pulled” position or straightens slowly, it means that dehydration has occurred. If she immediately straightened out, then everything is in order.

Prevention of vomiting

This unpleasant phenomenon in many cases can be prevented by following simple rules for caring for a cat - and then the cat will never need vomiting treatment! It is important to feed her with a balanced natural food or quality feed, do not forget about annual vaccinations, and also regularly give antihelminthic drugs that will prevent invasion.

Do not leave household chemicals within reach of cats, as well as small items that she can accidentally swallow. Also be sure to keep clean bowls, bedding, tray and other things with which the cat interacts. For long-haired cats, regular combing is especially important - one should not neglect special preparations that help to gently remove hair from the cat's stomach.

You've probably seen a cat yourself, which at times throws up without much concern. In most cases, vomiting is caused by licking the cat's fur to the point where it forms a ball and the cat begins to vomit. Vomiting can also be caused by a minor cause, such as if the cat has eaten its food too quickly, or it can be a sign of a more serious disorder that requires medical attention. Often the reason that the cat is vomiting is provoked by the consumption of indigestible food or overeating of the cat. Consider the main cases and methods of their treatment:

Are you worried because your beloved cat just threw up white foam? Don't know why it happened? Maybe he got sick? Stop panicking. Vomiting white foam is a common occurrence among cats, but it's worth finding out if you need to take any action or the problem will resolve itself.

Reasons for Vomiting White Foam

  1. Binge eating. Kittens can sometimes overeat, which leads to certain problems. If you have a small kitten in the house that doesn't know when to stop, chances are you'll soon be watching him vomit white foam.
  2. Food changes. If you suddenly change the type of food you gave your kitten, this can also lead to vomiting. That's why it's so important to introduce changes to your diet gradually to make sure your kitten doesn't experience digestion problems.
  3. Skip a meal. One of the many reasons why a cat vomits white foam can be a lack of food or skipping meals. The pet's stomach will secrete gastric juice, bile and hydrochloric acid to digest food. If you don't feed your cat for a long time, the buildup of hydrochloric acid can irritate the stomach. This will result in vomiting of white foam or a combination of white foam with yellowish bile.
  4. Licking wool. Your cat may vomit due to ingested fur. Many cats ingest fur while grooming themselves, resulting in white foam vomiting. Such vomiting will be accompanied by loud choking sounds. Sometimes the fur inside the stomach forms a lump that absorbs liquid and looks like white foam when vomited. Other common signs of ingested wool are decreased appetite and constipation.
  5. Enteritis. Enteritis is an inflammatory bowel disease. A cat can suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, which leads to various digestive problems. If foreign cells have invaded the animal's digestive tract, then you will see vomit in the form of white foam. Vomit may also include bile, blood, and food particles, but is usually frothy. Other symptoms of an inflammatory disease are lethargy, weight loss, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.
  6. Disease of the adrenal glands. Some cats suffer from a disease of the adrenal glands, which are unable to produce enough cortisol. This often results in severe nausea and vomiting in the form of white foam. Both mature animals and kittens are susceptible to diseases, females are at greater risk. Some of the most common symptoms of adrenal disease are low blood sugar, diarrhea, muscle weakness, lethargy, and depression.

Methods of treatment

  1. Starvation. When vomiting, you can consider fasting as a way to solve the problem. Most often, one day of fasting is enough to eliminate nausea. The idea is to give your cat's stomach a rest to reduce inflammation. Just make sure your pet is provided with enough water throughout the day. After 24 hours, start feeding soft foods like cooked white rice. After 48 hours, you can return to your normal food and feeding schedule. Stick to a light diet if the cat's condition does not improve significantly after 72 hours.
  2. Mint tea. Peppermint tea helps to cure an upset stomach - it works great for humans and is equally effective for cats. Simply brew a cup of mint tea and let it cool for some time. Give your pet a tablespoon of tea at regular intervals to soothe the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion.
  3. Getting rid of hairballs. Since it is impossible to get cats to stop grooming themselves, it is quite common to see them suffer from ingested hairballs. It is important to do something to relieve the situation, because if the hair is digested, the cat will suffer from vomiting or constipation. The best solution is to give your pet a tablespoon of mineral oil three times a week. You can add it to your regular food. The oil works as a laxative and prevents constipation and vomiting due to hairballs.

If you have tried all other methods of solving the problem and periodic vomiting continues, then you need to think about a visit to the veterinary clinic. Here are some tips to help you decide whether to take your pet to the vet or not:

  1. Pay attention to your cat's appetite. If he is not interested in food, this is usually a sign that something is bothering him. Loss of appetite can also be associated with a serious disease - fatty liver.
  2. Note the frequency of vomiting. If your cat vomits a couple of times a day, there is no need to worry about it. The cause for concern is repeated vomiting several times an hour.
  3. Watch how your cat drinks. If you notice a significant increase in thirst in a cat after vomiting, this may be due to kidney failure and associated toxicity.
  4. Watch your cat urinate. This is especially important if you have a cat that is throwing up and has other problems with urination. This may be due to a blockage in the urinary tract.

The cat vomits yellow liquid (bile)

Vomiting of bile in cats in most cases is caused by the same reasons as vomiting of white foam. Check the above reasons, one of them may apply to your situation.

Cats usually digest food within 8 hours. If the cat is sick after eating, then most likely you will find pieces of undigested food and mucus in the vomit. If your cat vomits up a yellow liquid, it means that the pet's stomach is empty and the detected liquid is bile.

What causes vomiting with bile

The cat always vomits bile on an empty stomach. Acidic bile irritates the lining of the stomach, leading to vomiting. Most often, this problem can occur in cats with strictly established feeding times. If your cat is throwing up bile, try giving him small amounts of food four or five times a day, or filling his pet's bowl completely, allowing him to freely eat from it throughout the day.
For some cat owners, free feeding doesn't work, as the cat will completely empty a full bowl in one sitting. Those who leave for work do not have the opportunity to be near the pet to feed him during the day. For such cases, there is a solution - there are special devices on sale that give out certain portions of food at a set time. Such mechanisms are ideal for people with a busy work schedule.

Methods of treatment if the cat vomits a yellow liquid

  1. Mint tea. If your cat is just having an upset stomach, peppermint tea can help soothe any nausea.
  2. Feeding baby food. Meat puree for baby food will help the cat cope with vomiting.
  3. Make sure the product is a first step food, which means it has not been seasoned or salted - avoid any irritating ingredients.

When to Go to the Vet

If you notice blood mixed with yellow bile, then call your veterinarian. This is a sign of a more serious problem, such as a blockage in the stomach, an ulcer, or a tumor. You should also see a doctor if your cat is constantly vomiting for short periods of time, the vomiting persists for two or more days, the vomiting smells bad and looks like feces, or you can't see your cat drinking water.

Dehydration is a serious risk with persistent vomiting.

Finally, you should contact your veterinarian if your pet shows other symptoms such as:

  • breathing problems;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever (increased body temperature);
  • lethargy;
  • obstruction of the stomach;
  • weight loss.

cat vomits blood

If your cat is vomiting blood, then he is probably in a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. Given that there are many causes for vomiting blood, your veterinarian should be able to help you determine the source of the problem and develop a treatment plan.

The vomit may contain bright red (fresh) blood, which indicates its source is in the cat's upper digestive tract (mouth, throat, or esophagus), or dark red, clotted blood that has been partially digested.

What causes vomiting of blood

  1. A sharp foreign body, such as bone, can lead to internal wounds of the stomach or intestines;
  2. Inflammation of the esophagus or stomach;
  3. Ulcer of the esophagus or stomach;
  4. Poisoning with medicines that treat a pet, as a result of inflammation or stomach ulcers;
  5. Blood clotting disorders as a result of liver failure or ingestion of certain toxins (for example, rat poison);
  6. infections;
  7. Tumors of the esophagus or stomach;
  8. Reaction to certain medications;
  9. intestinal worms;
  10. Blood that has entered from various organs: the mouth, nose, esophagus, or swallowed from the lungs when sneezing.

How to determine the cause

Your veterinarian should conduct a physical examination of your cat and ask you about your pet's medical history, including any associated symptoms you may have noticed, in order to determine the exact reason why the cat is vomiting blood. A description of the symptoms, along with an indication of the type of blood (fresh or old) will help the veterinarian narrow down the possible causes. You will probably need to take some medical tests to determine the cause of the disease:

Your cat may need hospitalization and supportive care. It is also likely to use an IV to treat dehydration, and diet so that the stomach can rest. After the pet is able to eat, you need to feed it with easily digestible, but nutritious food until complete recovery. Severe blood loss can lead to anemia, in which case a blood transfusion may be necessary.

Cat vomits fur

Lumps of wool cause a lot of inconvenience - not only when cleaning the house, but also when it enters the cat's stomach. Wool in the digestive tract can lead to serious health problems. The pet will still continue to lick its fur, so it’s worth sorting out ways to solve this problem.

During licking, particles of hair linger on the tongue of cats and are swallowed with saliva. Most of it normally passes through the digestive tract, but some hairs linger in the stomach and form lumps. As a result, the cat vomits hair and the lumps return to the outside.

When a pet is sick, a characteristic loud sound is made, as if someone was choking.
If the cat is vomiting fur, then there is nothing to worry about. However, there are exceptions that you should pay close attention to, as they can lead to serious consequences:

  • incessant nausea, pressure with hair, in which the lump does not come out;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

Methods of treatment if the cat is vomiting hair

It is impossible to stop the formation of hairballs, but there are measures that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of vomiting or reduce its frequency:

  1. Regular brushing of the pet. The more hair you remove from a cat, the fewer lumps will form in her stomach in the end. Brushing your cat every day will minimize the amount of hairballs and will bring you closer to her. If your pet resists the procedure, then there are professional salons that provide such services (especially for long-haired cats).
  2. The use of special feeds that help digest hairballs. Some cat food manufacturers make special formulas with a high fiber content. This composition improves the health of pets, reduces hair loss and facilitates the passage of lumps through the digestive tract.
  3. Laxative. There are also a number of mild cat laxatives available at pet stores that help cat hairballs pass through the cat's gastrointestinal tract if they vomit frequently.
  4. Prevent excessive licking of the cat. If you notice that your cat is over-licking itself, then try to engage it in another interesting activity. Offer a fun toy or play with the pet yourself.

Cat vomiting undigested food

If your pet vomits undigested food, it means that the normal digestive process is disturbed. The cause could be any of the ones mentioned above in this article. Take a close look at the contents of the vomit: does it contain white foam, bile or blood? If yes, then take appropriate action. In addition to these substances, vomit may contain fresh grass, worms (worms), or only pieces of food.

In the first case, there is no particular cause for concern. Cats will sometimes deliberately eat grass if they are not feeling well, in order to vomit. If the cat vomited clear mucus with pieces of grass and the animal feels good, then everything is in order.

Only pieces of food contained in the vomit indicate overeating. There is nothing to worry about, but in the event of an increase in vomiting, it is still worth contacting a veterinarian to identify the underlying cause of the disorder.

Often the cause of cat vomiting is poisoning. Information from this article will help to diagnose intoxication in time and provide first aid -

If your cat is vomiting, then try to resolve the problem yourself. Most cases have a simple solution. In addition to all of the above, you must trust your inner feelings. If your pet is behaving differently than usual, it's a good idea to take him to the vet.

Vomiting is a complex protective or reflex process during which the stomach is cleansed as a result of its anti-peristaltic contractions.

The movement of vomit outward occurs mainly through the mouth, although it happens that the contents of the stomach can also exit through the nose. The body of a cat through vomiting is released from dangerous and harmful substances.

Vomiting can occur reflexively, due to a mechanical effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx or palate. Gagging also occurs as a result of damage to the vomiting center in the brain by toxins and toxic substances that enter the animal's blood when poisoned or infected with certain infectious diseases.

In this article, we will talk about the causes of vomiting, its symptoms and treatment, as well as what to do if your beloved cat is vomiting.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

The main causes that cause vomiting or gagging in cats are:

  • mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat or stomach. This happens if the pet accidentally swallowed any non-edible object, for example, a small toy, hair tie. Some cats, if not many, love to "manage" in the trash can and chew and swallow something from there;
  • very often the cause of vomiting in cats is very simple - wool that has entered the stomach when licked, especially long-haired cats suffer from this;
  • excessive feeding of a pet or, in other words, overfeeding;
  • feeding a cat with low-quality food;
  • infection with an infectious disease;
  • worm infection;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as non-infectious diseases of the liver. The cause of vomiting may be gastritis, intestinal torsion or blockage by a foreign object;
  • trauma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cases of chemical poisoning;
  • load on the vestibular apparatus, for example, "seasickness".


Gagging is usually preceded by nausea. In this case, the animal can move chaotically, moving from place to place and express anxiety. In this case, there is increased salivation, frequent licking.

The pet can make frequent swallowing movements and meow plaintively.

After some time, the cat begins to cough, stretches its head forward and tilts it, breathing rapidly and deeply.

Then there are contractions in the stomach and in the pharynx - the animal vomits.


The cleansing of the stomach or the vomiting itself is not so important, it is important to determine the cause that provoked vomiting. It is necessary to remember if something unusual has happened to the cat recently. Maybe she was overfed or there was a sharp transition from one food to another, whether there was a medication or contact with another animal. Perhaps the cat could swallow a foreign object during the game or found and ate something from household chemicals.

The animal must be urgently taken to the veterinarian if vomiting occurs too often and the cat has an increase in body temperature and is very depressed.

Treatment of vomiting in cats

If the pet has only vomited once and feels fine, there is no need to see a doctor. Vomiting does not require any special treatment. However, if vomiting has already occurred more than three times a day and the cat looks depressed and sick, then it is best to take the animal to a specialist and think about what could cause such a condition.

With frequent or prolonged vomiting, there is a risk of dehydration. To combat this, instead of water, you can give your pet a solution of Regidron to drink or give salted water in a proportion of 9 grams of salt (a teaspoon) per 1 liter of water.

In advanced and very severe cases, the cat may refuse to drink water. To save her from dehydration, Ringer's solution must be administered by injection.

If vomiting has become more frequent, you need to give the cat an antiemetic - Torekan, Paspertine, Phenothiazine. It is recommended to water a sick pet with bismuth preparations.

These are drugs that protect the mucous membrane from irritation. You can give your pet decoctions of herbs: chamomile, flax seed 3-6 times a day.

If the cause of vomiting is poisoning, it is necessary to give the cat activated charcoal, which is an excellent adsorbent.

In such conditions, a dropper with ascorbic acid and glucose is shown, which relieves the intoxication of the animal's body.

In case of severe damage to the gastric mucosa, as well as in case of infection, the pet is prescribed sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

In cases where it was caused by poisoning or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to put the animal on a special diet for the duration of treatment and in the next few days.

Such therapeutic nutrition consists of simple rules:

  • fractional feeding of the animal in small portions;
  • the consistency of food should be puree or soft;
  • start giving meat food to the cat gradually.


Everyone knows the rule that the disease is better to prevent than to cure. To prevent vomiting, the following must be observed:

  1. annually vaccinate a cat against infectious diseases;
  2. select such feeds that are balanced in terms of the composition of vitamins and minerals, and also have the proper quality;
  3. give your pet anthelmintic drugs every quarter;

Diagnosing cat diseases is not easy, because not a single pet can humanly explain that it hurts. The symptoms are mixed, but if the cat vomited, then there is no doubt that her health is not in order. It remains to find out why the cat is sick and how to treat vomiting in cats - and this is the most difficult thing. Because there are several reasons for vomiting in cats, and each of them can touch your pet. And before you treat vomiting in a cat, you need to find out the nature of the disease. Or, to your relief, make sure that the animal is healthy and simply clears the stomach.

Even if you find that your cat is vomiting because of something harmless, such as a ball of his own hair or simply overeating, keep an eye on his behavior. And just in case, remember how to properly treat vomiting in cats at home, and under what circumstances it is time to stop self-medication and contact a veterinarian. It is hoped that natural mechanisms will help your four-legged friend recover on his own, but you must be there to help him in time and cure the cat's vomiting, or rather, the reason it is caused.

How to treat and cure vomiting in a cat at home?
The sooner the cat is in the veterinarian's office, the more likely it is to cure vomiting quickly and without consequences. But until you get to see a doctor, it is in your power to alleviate the suffering of a pet at home. First aid for a cat with vomiting consists of such simple measures:

  1. Stop feeding the cat and make sure that he does not steal food from the table. However, he most likely will not show interest in food himself.
  2. If during the day the cat's condition returns to normal, the urge to vomit will pass and appetite will appear, start feeding him small portions of soft food, and observe the behavior between meals.
  3. Leave water for the cat to drink in the public domain - vomiting dehydrates the body, and the animal will want to drink. Except in those cases when drinking also provokes belching, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.
  4. When poisoned by chemicals like acidic or alkaline nature, household chemicals or other toxic liquids, make the cat swallow 1-2 teaspoons of enterosgel, atoxyl or other absorbent and try to get to the clinic before the next burp.
  5. If the cat has swallowed a hard and/or sharp object, is experiencing stomach pain and nausea, pour 1-2 tablespoons of paraffin oil into the esophagus and show it to the veterinary surgeon as soon as possible.
Do not try to prescribe and give the cat drugs for vomiting - this can only be done by a qualified doctor. Human medicines are categorically not suitable for animals and not only will not help, but will also aggravate the situation. If the animal feels very unwell and may not tolerate transportation to the clinic, it would be wise to call the veterinarian at home.

How is vomiting in cats treated?
Turning to the veterinarian, be prepared to answer all his questions about the behavior and nutrition of the cat, try to remember in detail what and when the pet ate at the last meal, when the vomiting began, how often and how many times the cat vomited, what the vomit looked like and whether vomiting was accompanied by other painful symptoms. Be sure to tell us how the cat got sick before and whether he has chronic diseases, when and what kind of vaccinations he received. All this is necessary for the doctor to collect an anamnesis and make the correct diagnosis. For diagnosis and treatment, the following procedures may also be required:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • x-ray, incl. contrast;
  • blood test;
  • laparotomy (an incision in the peritoneum to access internal organs).
If the vomiting is profuse and prolonged, then it is very likely that the doctor will prescribe the introduction of saline or Ringer's solution to protect against dehydration. To reduce acidity and restore Ph-balance in the stomach, Famotidine is often prescribed. Do not be surprised if you have to give a No-Shpa injection or put a dropper - all this is available and allowed only to the doctor in the clinic, but not to you at home.

In some rare cases, before treating vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to provoke it to cleanse the stomach of a foreign and / or poisonous substance. You can do this in the same way that people use: press on the root of the tongue. Another option is to force the cat to drink plenty of water or an aqueous solution of table salt, but not hydrogen peroxide, which causes cat mucosal burns, although this method can often be found among folk recipes for vomiting in cats. After the cat has recovered, continue to monitor his habits and eating behavior. Only with such a careful approach can vomiting be cured in a cat and prevent its recurrence.

Vomiting is a complex physiological or protective reflex process in which the stomach is emptied through the mouth, sometimes through the nose, as a result of anti-peristaltic movements of the esophagus. So the cat's body is freed from harmful and life-threatening substances. Vomiting can be of reflex origin, when mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the palate or pharynx occurs, as well as central - as a result of irritation of the vomiting center in the brain with poisons and toxins entering the bloodstream as a result of poisoning or in some infectious diseases. Let's talk about what to do if a cat vomits, about the causes, symptoms and treatment.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

Worm infestation can cause vomiting in cats.

The main reasons that can cause a cat to vomit and vomit itself are the following:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and stomach with mechanical objects can occur due to accidentally swallowed inedible objects, such as children's hair ties, small toys, some cats do not disdain to “dig deeper” in the bin, managing to inadvertently swallow something;
  • an important factor for the occurrence of vomiting is swallowed wool, which enters the stomach during licking - this is especially true for cats of long-haired breeds;
  • improper abundant feeding or overfeeding of the cat;
  • low-quality feed;
  • the presence of an infectious disease;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver of a non-infectious nature (gastritis, blockage of the intestine with foreign objects, twisting, etc.);
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • trauma;
  • load on the vestibular apparatus (the so-called "seasickness");
  • chemical poisoning.


Usually vomiting is preceded by nausea, which can be expressed in the anxiety of the animal, erratic movement from place to place. Often observed:

  • profuse salivation;
  • licking;
  • the cat constantly makes swallowing movements;
  • sometimes meows.

After a while, the animal begins to cough sharply, then stretches and tilts its head forward, breathing becomes deep and rapid. After that, contractions begin in the abdomen and pharynx - vomiting occurs.


The most important point in vomiting is not the fact of emptying the stomach, but the determination of the cause that provoked it. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider what has recently happened new and unusual with the cat:

  • giving medicines;
  • overfeeding;
  • perhaps there was a sharp transition from one type of food to another;
  • contact with other animals;
  • perhaps the cat could have accidentally swallowed something from household chemicals or an inedible object.

If vomiting occurs too often, accompanied by fever and significant depression, then it is not recommended to postpone a trip to the veterinarian until later.

Treatment of vomiting in cats

If the act of vomiting occurred once and the cat feels normal, then it is not necessary to consult a doctor. In this case, no special treatment is required. If vomiting occurs more than 3 times a day, and the animal looks sick and depressed, then the owner of the cat should think about what could cause vomiting and try to eliminate it, as well as visit a veterinary clinic for consultation with a specialist.

  1. The cat is limited in food for 1-2 days.
  2. To prevent dehydration (which is a fairly common occurrence with prolonged and frequent vomiting), instead of water, you can give a solution of Regidron, according to the instructions, or salted water - 9 g of table salt (about 1 teaspoon) per 1 liter of water.
  3. In especially severe cases, the animal may refuse water, in which case it is necessary to inject Ringer's solution.
  4. If vomiting occurs too often, then giving antiemetic drugs (Phenothiazine, Torekan, Paspertine) is recommended.
  5. You can use drugs that protect the mucous membrane from irritating factors - bismuth preparations.
  6. In the event that poisoning has become the cause of vomiting, it is shown to give the cat activated charcoal, which is an excellent adsorbent, and also put a dropper with glucose and ascorbic acid, which perfectly remove signs of intoxication in the body.
  7. Antibiotics or sulfa drugs are prescribed only in case of infections and severe damage to the gastric mucosa.

During treatment and a few days after it, in cases where vomiting was the result of problems with the digestive tract or poisoning, it is advisable to put the cat on a therapeutic diet, adhering to simple rules:

  • feed in small portions several times a day;
  • food should be soft, preferably in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • introduce meat feed into the diet gradually.


It is an undeniable fact that the disease is better to prevent than to cure, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of vomiting, it is necessary to follow simple rules.