Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs and cats. Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs

Which is located in abdominal cavity, near the stomach and duodenum. The gland has two main purposes - the production of digestive enzymes, which then enter the duodenum, as well as the production of a chain of hormones and insulin that enter directly into the blood.

Causes of pancreatitis in dogs

Circumstances that can lead to the onset of the disease:

  • excess weight and too fatty foods;
  • a sudden change in diet in a more mature pet;
  • a condition that is accompanied increased amount fats in the blood (hyperlipidemia, Cushing's syndrome, diabetes mellitus, idiopathic hyperlipidemia of miniature schnauzers, hyperthyroidism);
  • increased amount of calcium in the blood (vitamin D intoxication, malignant tumors and hyperparathyroidism).

A direct factor in pancreatitis may be the use of certain medications, such as:

  • "Novocainamide";
  • loop and thiazide diuretics;
  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • estrogens;
  • sulfonamides;
  • "Ranitidine";
  • "Cimetidine";
  • "Azathioprine";
  • "Tetracycline";
  • L-asparaginase.

Other reasons:

  • diseases of the bile ducts, thin section intestines and liver;
  • damage to the pancreas;
  • poisoning with organophosphorus mixtures;
  • shock state (significant and prolonged decrease in blood pressure).

In most cases it remains unknown reason a disease such as pancreatitis in a dog.


Animals with pancreatitis exhibit the following symptoms:

  • stooping and hunchback, as pain appears in the abdominal wall;
  • bloating of the intestines (the abdomen itself);
  • vomiting after eating;
  • loud rumbling of the intestinal tract;
  • tachycardia;
  • acute pancreatitis in dogs is characterized skin itching, refusal to eat, lack of stool and a sudden increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of liquid, foamy and thick feces with a sour odor.

It should be noted that the initial period of the disease occurs with normal temperature and the pet's appetite.

Acute pancreatitis is primarily diagnosed by drip administration of drugs such as Sandostatin in combination with Hartmann's solution and Gordox. As a result of their use, the animal's health status quickly improves. This way you can prevent pancreatitis in dogs.

Symptoms and treatment for chronic illness pets can be like this:

  • the animal eats as usual, but loses weight;
  • the dog sheds all the time, its fur looks unhealthy;
  • Therapy for persistent pancreatitis should take place while maintaining the pet’s lifelong diet.

However, such signs can also appear with other ailments. That is why, to determine chronic pancreatitis in dogs, it is required special diagnostics: Ultrasound of the pancreas, blood and urine tests, and an x-ray.


Therapy consists of proper diet animal. Necessary Requirement- fasting for at least a day, then you should give your pet food in small doses. Moreover, you should feed only dietary foods with a reduced fat content. If you give food and treat your dog correctly, then it should not get sick again (provided that the nature of the disease is not chronic).

In order for the treatment of pancreatitis in dogs to be quick and effective, it is very important:

  • identify the disease in time;
  • stick to a strict diet;
  • treat your pet with medications.

Drug therapy

Pancreatitis without complications is usually treated conservatively. To date, there are no drugs whose effects are aimed only at eliminating inflammation in the pancreas. Drugs such as Aprotinin, Dopamine (in minimal dosages) and many others have shown their effectiveness only in the laboratory. When testing these medications on animals, they showed ineffectiveness.

What means should I give?

primary goal drug therapy is to ensure that pancreatitis in dogs goes away without complications. Symptoms and treatment must be interrelated, that is, therapy is symptomatic. How to fight the disease?

  1. Performed to relieve dehydration and electrolyte disorders. For these tasks, droppers with colloidal and crystalloid liquid are used. If infusion treatment is carried out incorrectly, this can lead to the opposite result and a deterioration in the animal’s condition. The use of colloidal mixtures (plasma, solutions of polysaccharides and Dextran 70) to restore fluid volume is the main point in the treatment of the disease.
  2. Analgesics. Anesthesia is needed to relieve abdominal pain. The most effective analgesic for animals is Butorphanol, which is injected intramuscularly every 8 hours.
  3. Inhibitors proton pump and H2-histamine blockers. Medicines in this series (Omeprazole and Famotidine) are used to reduce the production of of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  4. Antispasmodics. Drugs of this type are used to eliminate contraction of the muscle of the main pancreatic duct. This makes it possible to reduce pressure in the pancreatic channels. To do this, a 2% solution of papaverine hydrochloride, No-shpa and a 24% solution of Eufillin are administered.
  5. Corticosteroid drugs. They are used if pancreatitis in dogs is accompanied by a state of shock.
  6. Antiemetic medications (Cerucal, Serenia, and Ondansetron) are prescribed for pets with uncontrollable vomiting.
  7. Antibiotics. They are prescribed if there is danger bacterial infection. If the animal has clinical and laboratory indications of sepsis, then aminoglycosides are used, Ampicillin every 8 hours and Penicillin G every 6 hours.

In addition, with pancreatitis it is necessary to monitor blood glucose levels.


To treat pancreatitis in dogs surgical intervention, the following indications are required:

  • formation of pseudocysts and ulcers in the pancreas.

To determine such anomalies, in most cases an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed. In addition, surgery may be performed when intensive therapy for pancreatitis is carried out, and the pet’s condition continues to become more complicated.

Acute pancreatitis is usually completely reversible, and further treatment not required.

What to feed a dog with pancreatitis?

Exist special rules foods that should be followed when treating a disease in a pet:

  1. Small portions of food.
  2. Frequent feeding (the animal needs to be given food every 3-4 hours).
  3. All products must be crushed to prevent spontaneous injury to the gastric mucosa.
  4. The volume of carbohydrate-containing and fat-containing foods in the diet should be reduced.
  5. Should dominate the menu protein food(fish, cottage cheese and meat).
  6. It is forbidden to feed a sick pet fish and rich meat broths.
  7. All sour food excluded from the diet.
  8. Fried food is also unacceptable.
  9. Ready-made meals should be served not very hot or not very cold.
  10. With enhanced pain appointed therapeutic fasting(no more than 2 days).

The main rule for pancreatitis is to reduce fatty foods in the diet. This is due to the fact that fats put a considerable burden on the work of the pancreas, and during the period of its inflammation, pain begins.

It must be taken into account that even after completion of treatment, the animal may feel discomfort when eating fatty foods.

What foods can you give when you are sick?

Nutrition for dogs with pancreatitis can be carried out special feeds created specifically for them. The feed includes everything necessary elements required for an unhealthy pet.

It often happens that an animal, accustomed to tasty and different, but at the same time harmful products, does not want to eat diet food. In such a situation, you need to be persistent and not adapt to the dog. In any case, hunger will make itself felt, and the pet will be forced to eat what is given.

In addition to feed, the animal is allowed to be given dietary meat (chicken, turkey or rabbit). It can be boiled, ground using a blender or meat grinder and mixed with rice or millet porridge. In very small doses, you can feed your dog chopped vegetables in the form of puree. It is allowed to include low-fat in the diet fermented milk products(milk and cottage cheese).

We must not forget that small portions should be given to the pet, so as not to place an increased load on the pancreas, and also not to provoke another attack of the disease.

What products are prohibited?

Pancreatitis in dogs involves avoiding certain foods, namely:

  • smoked meats, sharp cheeses, sausages;
  • fresh rye bread;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • beef and lamb fat;
  • vegetables (corn, radish, spinach, cabbage, sorrel, greens), grains and legumes.

The body of any pet is individual; the development of pancreatitis can also be varied. In this regard, it should be taken into account that rational diet, its duration and composition can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate.

Our smaller friends suffer from the same inflammatory processes in the body as humans. One of them is pancreatitis. What kind of disease is this, by what symptoms can it be recognized and, most importantly, what treatment for pancreatitis in dogs will give a positive result?

Definition of disease

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, causing the gland to stop working normally. After dysfunction occurs, digestive problems occur.

However, the danger lies not only in the inflammatory process, but also in the fact that the release of digestive enzymes into the lumen of the duodenum stops, and digestion of food becomes difficult. As a result, undigested food remains move through the intestines, nutrients are not absorbed.

But the iron itself, under the influence of produced but secreted enzymes, begins to self-digest and destroy.

But the most dangerous thing in pancreatitis is the development diabetes mellitus, as well as the defeat of others internal organs due to the release of toxins due to the destruction of the pancreas. However this Long procces, an attentive owner notices his dog's symptoms of pancreatitis. Why does this disease develop?

Causes of pancreatitis

You should understand why a dog needs a pancreas. This is a gland internal secretion, which “produces” and secretes enzymes that help break down and break down raw meat better.

Initially, a dog was a predator that for many millennia ate raw game, so the process of digesting just such (thermally untreated) meat was improved. Nowadays, domesticated dogs eat dry food, canned food and pates, so the amount of enzymes produced is not completely “used”. And as stated above, these enzymes destroy the pancreas itself, irritate it, leading to its inflammation.

Here are the main reasons for the development of pancreatitis:

  • Incorrect diet or sudden change (sudden transition from one type to another).
  • Genetic predisposition. Some breeds are prone to pancreatic inflammation. These are boxers, toy terriers, spaniels, miniature poodles, miniature schnauzers, border collies, and Yorkshire terriers.
  • Uncontrolled use medicines. Self-medication is dangerous, since many drugs negatively affect the digestive organs. Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment for your pet yourself. Only a veterinarian should decide what medicine your pet needs.
  • Infectious diseases. Especially if the causative agent of the disease affects the digestive organs.

Types of pancreatitis

Inflammation is classified according to its course - acute or chronic.

There are also primary and secondary pancreatitis. Primary is when inflammation is the underlying disease. Secondary develops as a consequence of another disease, and pancreatitis is already a symptom. Most often, secondary develops against the background of an infectious disease or inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. The most noticeable sign of pancreatitis in a dog is food refusal and depression. Less often, the animal exhibits excessive arousal.
  2. When you feel the abdomen (but the pet must be placed on its back) to the left of the navel, the four-legged family member will experience severe pain.
  3. Vomiting is observed, especially after eating. Therefore, even if the dog wants to eat, it simply cannot eat anything because of the immediate vomiting that occurs. This symptom needs to be addressed Special attention and immediately contact a veterinarian, because vomiting is a sign of another serious illness -.
  4. Painful stomach, its bloating, the peritoneum is very tense (hard tummy).
  5. Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. In one case, the feces are like ointment, in the other it is too dense with an excess of starch.
  6. A dog's inflamed pancreas can no longer produce insulin, causing his blood sugar to rise. If you do not take into account the symptoms of pancreatitis, an inexperienced doctor may decide that your pet has diabetes.


In advanced cases, the dog may develop necrosis of the pancreas, which can lead to peritonitis. Without surgical intervention, the animal may die.

Sometimes sepsis (blood poisoning) does occur. In some cases, there is constriction of the bile ducts.

With chronic pancreatitis, a dog may develop diabetes mellitus.

Dog treatment

Treatment of pancreatitis in a dog begins after confirmation of the diagnosis with mandatory clarification of the cause. Otherwise, it is impossible to eliminate the disease: it will constantly return and worsen, thereby “killing” the pancreas.

Therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis (at the owner’s home). It is extremely rare that surgical intervention or hospital treatment of a sick animal is required.

  1. The first day you will have to keep your pet on a starvation diet. Only clean water at room temperature in very small quantities, but often (once an hour). Otherwise, there is a high risk of stretching the stomach, thereby triggering activation of the pancreas.
  2. If the dog is dehydrated, the veterinarian will administer saline solutions intravenously or subcutaneously. To restore water-salt balance.
  3. In acute cases, antiemetics, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  4. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed (to prevent bacteria from aggravating the disease) and probiotics to restore intestinal microflora.

Feeding a dog with pancreatitis

The diet must change. It should be rich in vitamins and microelements and be easily digestible. If your pet eats dry food, then give preference to those that are intended specifically for feeding dogs with a diseased pancreas or gastrointestinal tract. You will have to feed often, but in very small portions (the so-called fractional meals).

It is preferable to give low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese (without any additives, flavorings or dyes), and white meat (boiled). A few days after the start of treatment, if there is relief, you can add a little boiled rice or oatmeal.


  • The best prevention is correct and healthy eating. No prohibited foods (fried, smoked, salted, spicy, etc.).
  • Don't forget about infectious diseases– be sure to vaccinate your pets.
  • Visit veterinarian to examine your beloved dog and rule out inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.
  • No self-medication. Some medications can speed up the process of destruction of the pancreas.
  • If the pet genetic predisposition to pancreatitis, then you need to visit a veterinarian for preventive examinations.
/ Science articles
D.I.Esina, S.B.Seleznev

Various diseases of the pancreas and other organs (for example, blockage of the ductal system by gallstones, tumors, or such surgical interventions, as gastrectomy) lead to a decrease or cessation of the release of endogenous pancreatic enzymes into the proximal small intestine.
Most common cause development of insufficiency exocrine function pancreatic disease (NEPP) in dogs is atrophy of the secretory acini in the pancreas. Most often this pathology is detected in German shepherds, but the disease can develop in dogs of other breeds, including mixed breeds. It is known that german shepherds have a genetic predisposition to NEFP, but the etiology of this phenomenon is unknown.
Clinical signs NEFP usually appears when the secretory activity of this organ is reduced by approximately 90%. Insufficiency of digestive enzymes leads to disruption of the processes of digestion and absorption in the intestines. In addition, abnormal activity of digestive enzymes in small intestine, impaired transport of nutrients, atrophy of intestinal villi, infiltration of intestinal mucosa with inflammatory mediator cells were established in all cases of NEFP. A common complication accompanying the disease is a disturbance of the intestinal microflora, which often leads to antibiotic-induced enteropathy (EAE).
Three classic signs of NEFP - chronic diarrhea unknown origin, weight loss and polyphagia. In this case, feces are poorly formed and are excreted in large quantities and have signs of steatorrhea. Often observed loose stool. Sick animals often have a tendency to coprophagia, and vomiting is rare. Dog owners celebrate their pets severe flatulence and rumbling in the stomach. Externally, dogs with NEFP appear emaciated, muscle mass their hair is reduced, their coat loses its shine and becomes unpleasant and greasy to the touch. However, animals are physically active and mobile. If your dog is lethargic, refuses food, and has a fever, another medical condition is likely causing the diarrhea.
Many laboratory tests are used to diagnose NEFP, with the most effective method being the determination of trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TPIR) in the blood. Kits for determining TPIR are strictly species-specific, so only special kits should be used for dogs and cats (for example, the FTLI kit from GI-Lab, USA is used for cats). Other laboratory research(biochemical or hematological) do not give a specific result, but they are necessary to identify concomitant diseases. If helminth infestation or bacterial contamination is suspected, feces are examined (for the presence of helminth eggs and for bacteriological cultivation).
Most dogs and cats with NEFP have a good clinical response to enzyme replacement therapy. It is most convenient to use powdered enzyme substitutes without special coatings. The initial dosage is 2 teaspoons of powder for every 20 kg of animal body weight with each portion of food. It must be emphasized that enzyme substitutes must enter the animal’s body with every portion of food, even with treats. Otherwise, diarrhea may return. Please be aware that different batches of replacement enzymes may have different enzymatic activity. When treating NEFP, enzyme replacement therapy should not be supplemented by pre-treating the feed with enzyme preparations for 30 minutes or administering drugs that reduce acidity gastric juice(for example, histamine receptor antagonists type 2) and enrich the animal’s food with bile salts or soda. Very good substitutes for pancreatic enzymes are fresh frozen pig pancreas.
Dogs with NEFP should be fed a diet containing low content fat, since it is the digestion and assimilation of fats that is particularly impaired in this pathology. The ideal diet should be complete, and if the animal continues to lose weight during enzyme replacement therapy, it should be switched to a dietary diet, such as the WALTHAM® Digestive Tract Support Diet.
For cats with NEFP, enzyme replacement therapy can be supplemented with parenteral administration of cobalamin, since this pathology impairs the absorption of vitamin B12 in the digestive tract.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs and cats.
Esina D.I., Seleznev S.B.
The functioning of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas is strictly co-ordinated through an interdependent array of neural and endocrine, paracrine and autocrine hormonal factors. The responses of the exocrine pancreas to food are primarily initiated via hormones secreted by neuroendocrine cells in the gut. No role for the pancreatic renin-angiotensin system in these mechanisms has so far been established. However, because of its distribution throughout the pancreas, the renin-angiotensin system could have a function in fine-tuning of secretory responses or in integrating some of the actions of the endocrine and exocrine pancreas. In the normal diet, we are exposed to an array of bioactive (lectins, protease inhibitors, hormone-mimics, tannins, etc). Some can profoundly alter pancreas metabolism both in a beneficial or detrimental manner. Others could have beneficial effects on the pancreas renin-angiotensin system. The effects of these compounds need to be evaluated.

> Pancreatin (tablets)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: this drug compensates for the deficiency of enzymes involved in digestive process. It contains lipase, alpha-amylase and proteases (chymotrypsin and trypsin). The function of lipase is to break down fats and fatty acids, the function of amylase is to break down starch, the function of proteases is to break down proteins. In addition, Pancreatin has a stimulating effect on the activity of the pancreas and has a moderate analgesic effect. The tablets of this product have a special protective coating that protects them from the destructive effects of gastric juice. Thus, all enzymes included in this drug are released only in the small intestine of mammals, where they exert their effect. therapeutic effect. These enzymes are not absorbed into the bloodstream of animals - they are hydrolyzed and digested directly in the intestines.

Veterinarians prescribe pancreatin to animals suffering from chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, flatulence, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, obstruction of the pancreatic ducts. It is indicated for mammals with pathology of the biliary tract. This medicine is prescribed for correction various forms disorders of digestion and absorption of food, including errors in nutrition (consumption of indigestible, unusual or fatty foods).

For whom: for mammals.

Leave form: The medicine is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets. Each tablet contains 250 mg of pancreatin.

Dosage: tablets must be given to animals before, during and immediately after meals 3-4 times a day. A single dosage of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight for cows and horses is 2-5 mg, for goats, pigs and sheep - 5-10 mg, for rabbits, dogs - 20-50 mg, for fur-bearing animals - 10-20 mg . The veterinarian must select the dosage and duration of use of this digestion-improving drug for each animal individually.

Restrictions: contraindication for use of this medicine is increased sensitivity animal to pancreatin of porcine origin, acute or chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage. It should not be used if the animal has intestinal obstruction. Sometimes taking this drug is accompanied by the appearance of such side effects such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region, allergic reactions. Taking this enzyme preparation reduces absorption folic acid and iron.

Diarrhea can be caused by many factors. For example, stress, illness, ingestion of substances that negatively affect gastrointestinal tract. To others serious illness, which can lead to diarrhea is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, your dog's body is unable to produce sufficient quantity digestive enzymes that break down food. In addition, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency causes intestinal inflammation. The dog's stool becomes loose and pale in color. The animal has an excessive appetite and periods of sudden weight loss. Since food is not broken down, the dog is unable to obtain nutrients and actually dies from starvation.

Your veterinarian will take blood tests to evaluate your digestive enzyme levels. These studies, as well as information on weight loss, diarrhea and increased appetite, will help the doctor accurately diagnose exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Dietary supplements and other treatments to improve digestion

Treatment this state may include (switching to easily digestible foods). For example, a dog suffering from chronic diarrhea, can be put on a low-fat, high-fiber diet to help her stool become firmer. Digestive enzyme supplements also help. If your veterinarian recommends this course of treatment, he or she may advise feeding your dog a diet with moderate amounts of fat, since carbohydrates are easily digestible.

If the dog is diagnosed with enzyme deficiency pancreas", you will need to feed your animal digestive enzyme supplements throughout its life. These special enzymes break down the food so the animal can absorb the nutrients. Others that may relieve diarrhea include probiotics, prebiotics, and plant-derived enzymes.

Therapy to replace enzyme deficiency

Dogs suffering from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency may also develop vitamin B12 deficiency, since this vitamin is not absorbed from food. This type deficiency occurs in more than half of dogs with exocrine insufficiency pancreas. If there is a lack of vitamin B12, the dog may have difficulty gaining (or maintaining) weight, even with therapy to replace the enzyme deficiency.

Therefore, if the dog's condition does not improve with therapy, it is necessary to check whether he is experiencing vitamin B12 deficiency. Most effective method vitamin injections are injections. They will need to be done until the levels of the desired substance are sufficient and any secondary intestinal problems are corrected.