Why does a dog have diarrhea. Diarrhea with mucus: how to help a dog

Diarrhea in a dog is always a big nuisance for the owner. What to do in such a situation, how to determine the cause of diarrhea, help your beloved friend? The first step is to understand where the legs grow from, to establish the source of the problem. Then visually assess the condition of the dog, rapid dehydration is fraught with a number of complications. If at home it is impossible to organize the replenishment of fluid loss, it is worth taking the dog to the veterinarian.

Reference: diarrhea is considered to be a bowel movement more than three times a day. Such a condition is dangerous due to dehydration, loss of water by tissues, organs, and the body. It is recommended to forcibly give the dog water.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

The vast majority of possible causes of diarrhea in a healthy dog ​​come down to existing nutritional problems. Overfeeding, systematic excess of the reasonable limits of the daily portion of food provokes the accumulation of undigested residues in the intestines of the dog. The wrong composition of the feed, containing a number of difficult-to-digest components, often of poor quality, leads to diarrhea.

Allergic manifestations also cause diarrhea. Often, feeds contain animal products, by-products, which, accumulating in the dog's body, cause natural rejection. Food allergies are fraught with internal inflammation, the formation of ulcers. Then the diarrhea acquires a bloody hue, internal pains begin.

A sharp transition from one type of food to another interferes with the normal restructuring of the dog's body. Enzymes in the digestive tract of dogs can digest a lot, however, giving non-traditional foods leads to the inability to satisfy the nutritional need, the food passes through. Many owners practice giving human food - salty, fatty, sweet - food is detrimental to the dog's sensitive stomach.

Diarrhea can occur periodically, then they talk about a chronic course. Or wear an episodic role, after giving a treat, an inappropriate product. Fecal masses will contain undigested food, light in color. The dog may experience temporary difficulties in defecation, feel a slight bloating, seething, flatulence will be heard.

The second common cause of diarrhea is food poisoning. It comes after swallowing spoiled food, picking up a pleasant smelling piece on the street. The stomach suffers first, instinctively vomits up what is swallowed. Then a yellowish diarrhea appears. The content of bowel movements directly depends on the amount of spoiled food and poisons received. Severe intoxication causes diarrhea with blood, contains tissue particles.

By the way, the appearance of diarrhea with various impurities other than food residues is a signal of the presence of an internal problem, and therefore immediate treatment is required. Consider the main options for the unhealthy composition of feces.

Symptoms and possible diseases

Presence of blood

It indicates the presence of a foreign body in the intestine, the occurrence of inflammatory processes, the formation of tumors. Many objects, broken toys, stick stubs, ropes can reach the lower parts of the digestive tract. Stuck there, cause bleeding, perforation of the walls of organs. Inflammatory processes of the internal walls of the intestine, enteritis, colitis, cause the appearance of purulent wounds, the opening of bleeding. Extensive tumors that compress the large intestine, rupture of the membranes causes decomposition of tissues and cells. The use of potent drugs provokes the development of local edema, tissue necrosis. It is worth remembering that giving some red, purple vegetables can stain the stool.

Black color

Signals about heavy bleeding in the stomach, small intestine. The black color of the blood is obtained due to the partial digestion of the leaked fluid. Usually diarrhea is echoed by diseases of the stomach. Which, what caused the appearance of black diarrhea, the doctor can determine with the help of laboratory equipment.

Green color

It becomes a signal of the presence of putrefactive processes inside the intestines. It is observed in parallel with the general weakness of the dog, temperature, lack of appetite. Determining the cause of decomposition is possible with the help of appropriate analyzes, diagnosis.


He talks about problems with the gallbladder, liver. It can also indicate a viral, bacterial lesion.


The listed causes of diarrhea can be treated at home only if there are no associated symptoms. Many diseases begin with problematic stools. For example, parvovirus enteritis of puppies is a mortal danger. Prolonged diarrhea becomes just an additional symptom. In general, diarrhea in such small dogs rarely lasts for days. An undeveloped organism, weakened by infection, starvation, dehydration, quickly gets tired of fighting. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, the affected puppy should be immediately delivered to a therapist.

What to do next?

Once a possible cause of diarrhea has been identified, appropriate relief measures should be taken. If the diarrhea is an atypical color, smells unpleasant, contains strange elements, you should immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic. Ideally, you should collect the bowel movements in a separate container. If this is not possible, remember the main important indicators: composition, availability of food, color, amount of excreted masses, daily bowel movements.

Treatment for dog diarrhea at home depends on the cause of the diarrhea. Food allergies are treated by switching to another food. Wrong food, sweets, overdose of food by daily fasting. Water is allowed to drink enough. Then it is recommended to use the help of rice water, given three times a day.

Poisoning is eliminated by giving a chemical-binding drug, enterosgel, activated charcoal. The exception is poisoning with deadly poisons, which will require urgent medical attention. The loss of fluid is restored by giving a special drug, rehydron. After successfully stopping diarrhea, it is necessary to carefully restore the natural intestinal microflora.

The reason for the change in the color of the feces should begin with the clarification of the previously eaten food: perhaps redness, greening is associated with giving beets, grass.

Diarrhea prevention

First of all, human food should be excluded from the diet of pets. No more fried pieces of meat, salads, dumplings! Take care of the health of the fourth friend. Provide regular proper nutrition, strictly defined portions.

Modern veterinary medicine allows for sensitivity tests to certain feed components. Therefore, predisposed dog breeds should be additionally checked. By establishing the exact relationship between the allergen and the dog's well-being, many problems can be avoided.

Vaccinate your dog on time, preventive vaccinations are done annually. Periodically carry out treatment against worms. Organize the proper education of a domestic dog: the prohibition of picking up edible pieces from the street will almost certainly save the pet's health one day.

Do not self-medicate diarrhea, many antibiotics are prescribed exclusively for point effects. Uncontrolled use will lead to disastrous results.

A good and caring owner is always responsible for the health of his four-legged pet: he feeds the dog only high-quality food, regularly cares for the animal. An attentive owner will immediately pay attention if something is wrong with the health of his pet.

Unfortunately, indigestion, or scientifically called diarrhea, is a very common occurrence among pets. As a rule, diarrhea that lasts a few hours or a day and is not accompanied by alarming symptoms is completely safe for a dog. Another thing is if diarrhea continues for several days or a week, and proceeds with fever, mucus or blood in the feces - this is a very alarming condition, often threatening the life of the animal.

What is diarrhea

With a normal balanced diet, the animal's stool occurs 2 to 4 times a day. Normally, the feces are well formed, moist, strong, light brown to dark in color.

If the dog's digestion is disturbed for any reason, the feces acquire a liquid (watery) consistency, mucus, an admixture of blood, and undigested pieces of food may be present in the feces.

The color of excrement is different: from light (almost white) to green and even black. The smell of bowel movements can also vary: from sour to unpleasant putrid.

With diarrhea, the animal begins to behave restlessly, often asking to go outside. The frequency of bowel movements reaches 8-15 times a day. The dog looks lethargic, depressed, refuses food and even water. If diarrhea persists for a long time, the animal develops dehydration, which is a very dangerous condition for the pet's life.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea can be a serious symptom of a serious illness in an animal, so it is important for the dog owner to find out the cause of diarrhea in a four-legged pet.

Some factors that provoke the appearance of diarrhea are extremely dangerous for the health of the animal. For example, such a reason as, in puppies, causes rapid dehydration and death, therefore, at the first sign of diarrhea, it is recommended that the animal be shown to an experienced specialist.

Varieties of diarrhea

An attentive owner will immediately pay attention if, during a dog walk, the pet's feces have taken on a strange, unnatural color and an unpleasant smell. The most important thing for the owner is to recognize the symptoms of diarrhea in time and seek help from a veterinarian.

The nature of diarrhea and possible causes are presented in the table:

Color and nature of bowel movements (diarrhea) Possible reasons
White diarrheaIndicates the absence of bilirubin (a breakdown product of red blood cells) in the feces. Occurs when the bile ducts are blocked.
Bright yellow diarrheaThe causes of this color of feces can be helminths, viral infections, and liver disorders.
Diarrhea redIt is characterized by the admixture of blood in the feces of the animal. The causes of bloody diarrhea can be dangerous infectious and viral diseases, intestinal injuries.
Black diarrheaOccurs as a result of intragastric or intestinal bleeding. After taking enterosorbents, such as activated charcoal, dog feces also take on a dark shade.
green diarrheaIt occurs due to eating spoiled food (as a result of rotting food in the stomach and intestines). In some cases, green diarrhea indicates the presence of certain diseases (infectious and viral diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis.)
Diarrhea and bouts of vomitingIndicate severe food poisoning. If vomiting with foam joins the diarrhea, then most likely the animal has swallowed a foreign object.
Diarrhea with mucusThe causes of diarrhea with mucus can be diseases of the digestive system, the presence of helminths in the body, neoplasms of the intestine, poisoning, and trauma to the intestine.
chronic diarrheaIndicates any of the above signs that caused profound changes in the internal digestive organs.

Treatment at home

Therapy depends entirely on the factors that caused the digestive disorder. If the pet's diarrhea lasts only 1-2 days and is not complicated by additional symptoms, it is important to reconsider the dog's diet.

It is better to keep the animal on a hungry daily diet (water is allowed in unlimited quantities). After a fasting day, the pet should be fed with easily digestible food (poultry meat, boiled egg, rice cooked in broth).

For the treatment of diarrhea, not complicated by additional symptoms, apply:

  1. Adsorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel). Means are absolutely safe for animals, remove toxins from the body well. Before using adsorbents, it is necessary to calculate the exact dosage based on the weight of the sick dog, usually 1 tablet of coal per 10 kg of animal weight.
  2. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs (oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort). Drink with a syringe without a needle.
  3. Weak sweet tea.
  4. Smekta. Removes signs of intoxication and fights diarrhea. Before use, the powder is diluted with warm water and fed to a sick dog.
  5. Loperamide. An effective remedy for diarrhea. Before giving the drug to the animal, you need to consult with a specialist.

Important! Any anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents are prescribed only by a veterinarian; they cannot be used independently, without knowing the dosage.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea

If the animal has diarrhea, it is necessary to exclude the use of any food for at least a day.

Water should be in unlimited quantities. The next day, the dog is given infusions of medicinal herbs, rice water (it has an enveloping effect). As soon as the diarrhea stops, the animal is given rice cereal boiled in chicken or beef broth. Any heavy and protein food in the first days of treatment is completely excluded.

On the third day, fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir) are introduced into the diet, helping to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. In addition, the dog is shown light protein foods (boiled chicken, chicken eggs, rabbit meat, turkey, sea fish).

In some cases, to rid the animal of diarrhea, it is enough to simply review the dog's diet. If the owner likes to pamper his pet with food from the table, then he will have to replace such food with a more dietary one or even transfer the dog to a special therapeutic animal food.

When Doctor's Help Is Needed

Usually, diarrhea in dogs passes quickly, but only if this phenomenon is not associated with dangerous diseases or injuries of the stomach and intestines.

You should immediately contact a specialist if your pet shows the following signs:

  • the dog is lethargic, practically does not get up from his seat;
  • the pet refuses food and even water;
  • the animal's body temperature rises;
  • there is a strong weight loss;
  • the dog suffers from frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea does not stop on the 2nd day;
  • feces are black or bloody.

The listed symptoms indicate dangerous inflammatory processes in the animal's body or serious injuries to the digestive organs. If the dog is not provided with qualified assistance in the near future, the animal will die.

Diarrhea is very dangerous for puppies and young dogs, as it is the first sign of an infectious disease. Lack of timely veterinary care can result in death for the animal, as diarrhea causes severe dehydration.

Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

Avoiding diarrhea is very simple, you just need to follow the rules of feeding the dog, in a timely manner and deworming. Portions of food intended for the animal should be small, it is better to divide the feeding into 2-3 times a day.

Dogs are fed only with balanced food; it is impossible to give spicy, fatty, sweet and smoked food that is not intended for animals.

If the dog has a habit of picking up food on a walk, the pet should be taken out in a muzzle. Such a measure will prevent the animals from eating spoiled foods and prevent the occurrence of poisoning and diarrhea.

Digestive disorders in dogs are not only common, but even commonplace. This is largely due to the specific features of the gastrointestinal tract of these animals (short length and poor symbiotic microflora). But still, you should not take diarrhea in a dog as something completely harmless: sometimes it indicates severe and very dangerous pathologies.

It's all about the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs:

  • The length of the intestines in dogs is relatively small. Enough of any "indignation" for the process of digestion to be disturbed.
  • For the same reason, a very meager set of symbiotic microflora has been collected in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. It dies quickly, which is why the digestion process is instantly disrupted.

In addition, there is another nuance that many breeders forget about. The point is that dogs are not the most sophisticated gourmets.

Firstly, they often pick up rotten and even frankly rotten food on the street, and this must be monitored (not only banal diarrhea is possible, but also).

Secondly, dogs especially do not need a very varied diet. Moreover, even a single abrupt change in diet practically guarantees a dog severe and prolonged diarrhea, since its gastrointestinal tract is not at all different in quick adaptability.

Thus, when feeding a pet, you need to follow a couple of simple, but extremely important rules:

  • The less often it changes, the better. Dogs aged five years and older are advised to feed a high-quality, balanced diet. If this is not possible, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and make a normal, high-quality and balanced diet. Practice shows that dogs in this case not only vilify much less often, but also live an average of three years longer.
  • From time to time it is useful to give probiotics to dogs. We advise you to use preparations in liquid form, as they have a more pronounced effect. Many experienced breeders recommend ordinary kefir and other fermented milk products in small quantities for these purposes. Practice shows that they are not much inferior in efficiency to "eminent" commercial means.

The main causes of diarrhea in dogs

In fact, it is hardly possible to fit all the reasons within the framework of one article, since there are a lot of them. But still we will try to describe the main predisposing factors.

Diarrhea from poor quality food

Simply put, this happens from food. But not from everyone and not always:

  • Abrupt change in diet- We have already written about this.
  • long-term nutrition does not lead to good either. Such food in the intestines often stagnates, begins to rot, there is a strong dysbacteriosis, as a result of which diarrhea appears.
  • Poor quality, spoiled food. Owners who prefer to feed their pets with stale leftovers from the refrigerator have dogs constantly vilifying.
  • Diarrhea leads to excess meat trimmings and offal when feeding dogs older than five years. At this age, the digestive system of animals can no longer cope with such a volume of proteins, and therefore putrefactive processes begin in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the same diarrhea.
  • Food intolerance to food ingredients(i.e. ). You should immediately find out exactly which foods cause such a reaction, and then immediately and completely eliminate them from the pet's diet. Ignoring the problem sometimes leads to the development of deadly autoimmune pathologies.

Diarrhea before and after childbirth

The period before and after childbirth for the body of a dog is a very difficult time. Not surprisingly, the likelihood of developing digestive disorders increases several times.

Immediately before childbirth, diarrhea can be triggered by irregular feeding of the dog. In females, in the last days or hours before the puppies are born, the appetite is "floating" and irregular, the body's resources are diverted to other needs.

In addition, the uterus, which has greatly increased in volume, strongly compresses other organs of the abdominal cavity, including intestinal loops. Because of this, peristalsis suffers greatly. Accordingly, if the expectant mother suddenly eats tightly, nothing good should be expected. The food will not be properly digested, it will begin to rot, which will develop diarrhea.

Postpartum diarrhea. There is a possibility that diarrhea is also due to some relatively "harmless" reasons, such as:

  • Eating the afterbirth. This behavior is absolutely natural and normal for these animals, but it also leads to digestive disorders from time to time.
  • Overfeeding. Many owners spoil a pet who has given birth unnecessarily, but this is not worth doing: her digestive system has not yet “developed”, peristalsis is still slowed down.

But often diarrhea that appears a few days after birth is a good sign of the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus of the animal. So in this case, we would recommend taking the dog to the vet right away.

We must not forget that all the harmful and toxic substances that inevitably appear in the body of a dog during diarrhea will sooner or later get into milk first, and with it into the delicate digestive system of newborn puppies. And this will certainly lead to dire consequences, up to the death of the entire litter!

dog diarrhea after vaccination

It is not at all uncommon for a dog to have an attack of diarrhea after vaccination. Owners, as a rule, in such cases immediately panic. But how justified is this excitement? Most likely, there are no serious reasons for concern, since this is often associated with individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine.

The need for a visit to the veterinarian arises when the following signs appear:

  • Enhance overall body.
  • Great weakness, lethargy and indifference of the animal.
  • Or, more seriously, water.

In such cases, we are talking about either an exacerbation of some kind of chronic infection, or a disease of the animal. Immediate veterinary attention required. Every year, veterinary vaccines are being improved, and therefore complications are less common. However, this does not mean that the probability of their occurrence is reduced to zero. After each, you need to carefully monitor your pet in order to notice signs of something wrong in time.

Signs of diarrhea after anthelmintic

Often bouts of diarrhea occur and. This is a fairly typical situation that all experienced breeders have encountered from time to time. There is nothing wrong with such diarrhea. The reason lies in the composition of modern anthelmintic drugs: there are always agents that enhance peristalsis.

Read also: Polycystic Kidney Disease in Dogs: Signs, Diagnosis and Care

In general, diarrhea often occurs not from anthelmintic drugs, but from the action of the worms themselves. There are several important reasons for this:

A strong helminthic invasion can manifest itself not only in the form of diarrhea. A little less often, it also leads to chronic constipation, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, and other serious problems.

Causes of diarrhea by impurities in feces

Often, the presence and characteristics of impurities in the feces can determine the cause and / or severity of the pathology that caused diarrhea. So the owners of sick pets should abandon their disgust and take a closer look at the contents of the toilet tray.

Diarrhea with blood

Perhaps, diarrhea with blood occurs in the practice of veterinarians most often. And there are many reasons that can lead to bloody diarrhea:

  • Neoplasms. The older the dog, the more likely cancer is. grows and destroys nearby tissues, which provokes chronic indigestion.
  • Poisoning. If the dog ate something especially caustic, diarrhea is possible not only with blood impurities, but even with lumps of mucous membranes.

Diarrhea with mucus

It is also quite typical for dogs. As in the previous case, such diarrhea can be due to many reasons:

Another way to determine the source of the problem is to study the color characteristics of feces. In addition, it is much easier and more "pleasant" for the owner, since you do not have to delve into the feces themselves.

Yellow diarrhea

What does it indicate? Most likely, on significant problems with the liver, as well as on the pathology of the small intestine. In addition to diarrhea, liver diseases are indicated by the following signs:

  • The appetite is weakened, in the feces there are often pieces of semi-digested food.
  • Diarrhea of ​​this color (in cases of liver disease) often occurs when the dog eats something fatty.
  • As a rule, such diseases progress gradually, due to which, over time, the animal becomes more and more skinny, the skin and all visible mucous membranes acquire a visible icteric tint.

In addition to the liver, yellowing of the feces and their liquefaction is a sure sign of a pancreatic problem. In such cases, the dog should definitely be shown to the veterinarian, without too much delay in contacting the clinic.

black diarrhea in dogs

If a dog has black diarrhea, then the animal’s affairs are most likely very, very bad. The reason is simple - this color of stool indicates heavy bleeding in the upper intestines.

The secreted blood is partially digested, acquiring such a shade. It is called at the same time "melena". Also, the following signs that develop simultaneously with diarrhea can indicate intestinal bleeding:

  • Progressive weakness.
  • If the bleeding is not too severe but chronic, the dog's condition will slowly but steadily worsen over several days. To make the owner alert should not only be diarrhea of ​​​​a strange color, but also a visible blanching of all mucous membranes and the skin of the animal.
  • In addition, dogs with such pathologies will most likely have a complete or partial lack of appetite against the background of very pronounced thirst (their body seeks to compensate for the loss of large volumes of fluid).

Directly, the causes of intestinal bleeding are very diverse, but in practice one often has to deal with the consequences of the following factors:

  • Poisoning by some caustic substances that have corroded the walls of the stomach and small intestines.
  • stomach or small intestines in the stage of perforation.
  • Sharp foreign bodies (bone fragments are especially dangerous).
  • Oncology.

green diarrhea

This color of feces, as a rule, also does not bode well for the dog. The fact is that it usually appears in cases where putrefactive processes actively proceed in the lumen of the intestines, accompanied by the release of huge volumes of gas and toxic decay products.

Accordingly, the state of the animal at this time cannot be called good:

  • Appetite is completely or partially absent, but thirst, as a rule, is noticeably increased. This is due to the desire of the dog's body to cope with severe intoxication. As a rule, severe flatulence is observed in sick animals, in some cases the stomachs of dogs become like inflated balloons. On palpation, a strongly tense abdominal wall is revealed. With a slightly stronger pressure, the dog begins to squeal in pain.
  • Feces are excreted in large portions, often. Diarrhea is accompanied by a profuse and violent release of intestinal gases, which makes it difficult to be close to the animal.
  • With such pathologies in the feces, you can often see whole pieces of mucous membranes. If it comes to this, you should expect a quick and serious deterioration in the dog's health.

Read also: Hemorrhoids in dogs - deal with a delicate ailment

Gray feces

Diarrhea of ​​this color is found in practice much less frequently than all of the above options. As a rule, there is only one reason - problems with the pancreas or the biliary system of the liver. In all these cases, the gray color of the feces is due to the large amount of fat in them.

Everything is simple. If the pancreas does not secrete enough of its secretions, or in cases where little bile is synthesized in the liver (or it does not enter the intestinal lumen for other reasons), lipids are not digested.

And the consequences of this are quite severe:

  • Not only the process of digestion of food is disturbed, but also peristalsis, which is why periods of profuse diarrhea begin to alternate with severe constipation.
  • Due to the lack or absence of bile, which, among other things, is a powerful bactericidal compound, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora quickly begins to develop in the intestinal lumen. Because of this, there is an increase in diarrhea and an increase in its attacks.
  • At the same time, the general condition of the animal begins to deteriorate rapidly. Appetite disappears, thirst remains at the same level, exhaustion develops.


In the vast majority of cases, brown diarrhea is an ordinary phenomenon and, one might say, “natural”. And all because it is this color that dog feces are normal. The natural dye is the products formed in the digestive tract of the animal during the breakdown of bile acids.

Thus, brownish liquid feces indicate a mild indigestion. It is quite possible that in such cases we are talking about "physiological" diarrhea, which we considered at the very beginning of the article.

Most likely, the acquisition of a liquidish consistency and brown color by feces is simply a consequence of a minor indigestion. However, the owner in any case does not hurt to show his pet to the veterinarian. It is possible that the causes of indigestion are much more serious (but unlikely).

dog diarrhea treatment at home

Yes, it is quite real. Moreover, in cases of minor digestive disorders, when the dog does not defecate every minute, experienced owners are advised to cope on their own. In many cases, it is enough to put a pet on a daily starvation diet (water should be given without restrictions) for its digestive system to return to normal.

But no one forbids the use of medicines at home. True, this must be done wisely, because otherwise you can harm the health of the dog.


It has a sea of ​​​​analogs, but in fact it is the same Loperamide, but from different manufacturers. The medicine is bitter, and therefore, when serving, it has to be ground into powder (available in the form of tablets), diluted with water and drunk by force.

It should be given at a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg per 0.5 kg of body weight. You can give three times a day (i.e., the intervals between servings are eight hours). Do not give this medicine to a dog for more than two days, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

In case of an overdose, the following "side effects" are possible:

  • The most common nuisance is persistent, "impenetrable". Sometimes (but infrequently) apathy or, on the contrary, a strong overexcitation of the animal is possible.
  • Quite rare cases are described when, as a result of an overdose, severe flatulence developed.
  • There is a far from zero chance of inflammation of the pancreas.


An extremely widespread remedy for digestive disorders, based on purified clay. deservedly considered one of the most effective sorbents (i.e. agents that absorb toxins). Since the product is available in the form of a powder, it is more advisable to mix it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 before serving it to the dog.

One sachet of the drug is taken per animal. You can give it up to three times a day. If the animal resists and you have to give him the medicine by force, it is better to do this using an ordinary syringe. With its help, the agent is carefully, in a thin stream, poured into the mouth of the animal.

With such drinking, you should try to make sure that the medicine flows in a thin stream directly into the animal's throat. To prevent the dog from coughing and choking, we advise you to lightly massage his throat, stimulating the occurrence of swallowing movements.

This method is particularly well suited for the delivery of products with a particularly bitter and unpleasant taste, which causes strong rejection in animals.


Enterofuril is an antibacterial agent that helps well against gram positive and negative bacteria, most often causing digestive disorders in dogs. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans. They were used to treat bacterial pathologies even when there were no antibiotics yet.

The medicine is given only inside, it is advisable to give the animal a small amount of food before or after it so that there is something in its stomach. The drug is given in a dose of 2.5 ml per kilogram of live weight.

For an adult dog of medium breed, you will need to spend about ten milliliters of the drug. As a rule, there are no problems with the supply of funds, since it has a mild, sweetish taste. Dogs like it, so the owner will most likely not have to drink the product by force.

Activated carbon

Perhaps one of the most well-known remedies for digestive disorders is precisely. It is obtained by special processing of hardwood trees (with the exception of birch). In veterinary medicine, it is used for concomitant therapy (i.e., in addition to other drugs), as well as for the elimination of mild digestive disorders in animals.

Dosing the medicine is extremely simple: for every kilogram of the dog's live weight, you need to take one tablet. To make it more convenient to give the drug, the pills are ground to a powder, diluted with water so that a semi-liquid slurry is obtained, which is convenient to give with a syringe. Multiplicity of supply - up to three or four times a day.

This tool with equal efficiency can absorb not only toxins, but also drug components. If you "go too far" with coal, the effectiveness of treatment may be zero.


The medicine is available in four forms:

  • "Classic" Levomycetin tablets.
  • Levomycetin stearate. It is this form that is especially recommended by veterinarians for the treatment of intestinal disorders of bacterial etiology (due to the long action of the drug).
  • sodium succinate. It is used for parenteral administration (in other words, for injections).
  • Synthomycin. Form intended for external use only. It should not be given inside, as this leads to serious poisoning and toxic damage to the liver and kidneys.

A dog can be given no more than one and a half tablets per day. Duration of treatment - no more than two days (maximum - three).

Otherwise, you can easily poison the animal. Note that the drug is very bitter, when it is served, the dog may foam from the mouth. It is necessary to thoroughly crush the tablet and, having diluted the resulting dusty powder with 10-15 ml of water, carefully pour the resulting mixture directly into the animal's throat. This is done, as in all previous cases, with a syringe.

Diarrhea is a major problem in veterinary practice. Often the appearance of diarrhea occurs suddenly, without obvious prerequisites for such a phenomenon. Loose stool does not mean an independent pathology, but only acts as a symptom, there is always an explanation for such a symptom.

Acute leakage is characterized by suddenness and a rather short duration - up to three weeks.

Stools are watery, often streaked with mucus or blood. But there can also be a chronic course, when the symptom lasts more than three weeks, often for several months. Occurs often or from time to time.

Diarrhea in a dog can last more than three weeks.

If there is an isolated case, you should not worry too much. Most often, this phenomenon occurs due to a change in food, overeating,.

The persistence of the symptom throughout the day is fraught with dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, metabolic failure, acid-base imbalance. In such cases, you need to contact your veterinarian.

Main reasons

Poor quality food can cause diarrhea.

There are many factors that cause diarrhea in dogs. The main reasons include:

Often, in an effort to please their pet, owners buy food from an unknown manufacturer.

A possible cause of diarrhea can be stale meat.

Often this leads to a violation of the diet and is manifested by a similar reaction of the animal's body.

A possible problem can also be stale foods - meat, canned food, milk.


Dogs need bones, but often the owner does not follow the recommendations of experts and gives the pet the “wrong” bones.

The use of tubular bones can lead to stomach injuries.

The use of tubular and fragile bones in the process of chewing crumble into many sharp fragments, which leads to injuries to the stomach and esophagus of the animal. It is also possible for a dog to swallow a foreign object, which will serve as a provocateur for the development of pathology.

Individual intolerance

Dogs have individual intolerance to certain foods.

Many pets have individual intolerance to certain substances included in a particular product. The use of such food will most often serve as a provoking factor for intestinal upset.

Helminthiases may not manifest themselves for a long time, but diarrhea will be the most striking symptom. To determine the specific cause and type of helminth, you should undergo a special examination.

As a result of eating dirty food or water, bacterial pathologies such as salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, clostridium, E. coli, may develop.


The cause of the phenomenon may be the development of parvovirus, coranovirus, rotavirus,.

The cause of the phenomenon of diarrhea can be coranovirus.

Such pathologies cause serious complications, and the presence of these diseases in the dog's body is accompanied by parallel signs.

Fungal lesions

The presence of protozoal diseases and fungal infections -, trichomoniasis, histoplasmosis.

The presence of fungal infections causes diarrhea in the dog.

Some of these diseases require serious and long-term treatment, an integrated approach.

Mucosal irritation

Aspirin can be considered an irritant drug.

Some medicines provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system,.

Irritants include aspirin, corticosteroids, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and cancer drugs. And also this group includes medicines that are used to treat cardiovascular ailments.

The factor of occurrence can serve as toxic substances used to exterminate rodents, field fertilizers, household chemicals. A pet can eat them, or inhale poisonous fumes.

Failure of metabolic processes

Failure of metabolic processes occurs most often with the development of renal and hepatic diseases.

Violation of the kidneys leads to severe intoxication.

Intestinal blockage in a dog is accompanied by liquid stools.

  1. Against the backdrop of progression disorders in the pancreas and, as a result, loose stools may appear as one of the symptoms.
  2. Intestinal blockage accompanied by liquid stools, mainly at the beginning of the pathology or with partial obstruction. In any case, it will be accompanied by vomiting.
  3. At hemorrhagic enteritis bloody diarrhea occurs. The disease is severe and the etiology has not yet been fully elucidated. At the slightest suspicion of such an ailment, an urgent appeal to the clinic.
  4. volvulus are usually accompanied by this symptom in an acute form. There is no general characteristic for the occurrence of intussusception; an individual course of the disease is inherent in each animal.
  5. Oncological ailments digestive system are manifested by a similar sign in the last stages of development. There is no specific system.
  6. Allergic reactions and stress , as a rule, are expressed in a short-term and single case of diarrhea. Eliminating the allergen and stress factor will help get rid of the problem.

Diarrhea can be fraught with increased danger.

Associated symptoms

With diarrhea, the dog becomes lethargic and drowsy.

A number of common signs include behavioral changes in the dog. These include:

  • or excessive nervousness;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • refusal to feed;
  • increased appetite;
  • avoiding any contact with the owner;
  • increased thirst or refusal of water.


Clostridium is expressed in constant vomiting in a dog.

  1. In addition, common signs include stool frequency, change in stool color, odor, consistency, volume. If the cause is helminthic invasion, the animal may consume an excessive amount of food, suffer from increased thirst. The presence of helminths in puppies is characterized by a developmental delay, inactivity, and poor growth. In the dog's feces, you can see adult worms, blood, mucus. The pet loses weight sharply with increased appetite. In the stomach all the time.
  2. Clinical picture salmonellosis depends on the degree of damage, the natural immunity of the pet and age. The acute course is accompanied by progressive vomiting, hyperthermia of the body,.
  3. Clostridium expressed in constant hyperthermia, anorexia, vomiting, bloody feces of a liquid consistency with an unpleasant odor. Oppression, depression develops, it can end in lethargy and death.
  4. Campylobacteriosis puppies around six months of age are most commonly affected. The stool is watery, slimy, interspersed with blood. Abdominal pain, spasms, lethargy and apathy are noted. In rare cases, nausea and fever. In pregnant females, in case of infection, an abortion occurs.
  5. At colibacillosis there is a slight increase in temperature, nervousness, pronounced pain in the abdominal cavity. Fecal masses are liquid, saturated yellow or whitish in color, possible blood-mucous impurities. Severe exhaustion, dehydration. Less often, symptoms of nervous diseases occur.
  6. lasts up to four weeks. There is a refusal to feed, depression, fever. Further, reflexes are lost, fear of sharp sounds and light, cracks in the nose, sometimes. The dog is very thirsty, fainting begins. Yellow feces with blood clots, tongue coated with white coating.

Diagnostics and first aid

Clinical examination is necessary to establish the exact cause.

To establish the exact cause, a full range of diagnostic measures is needed. These include:

Particular attention should be paid to the occurrence of diarrhea in puppies. This state of affairs may indicate the presence.

Whatever pathology acts as a provoking factor, the first thing to do is to restrict the animal in food, that is, apply a starvation diet lasting a day.

  1. At the same time, provide continuous access to fresh water .
  2. If the dog refuses to drink - force drink to avoid dehydration.
  3. Treatment is based on the cause , but there is a general principle.
  4. After the completion of the starvation diet, it is recommended feed your pet only light meals - boiled chicken meat, young boiled beef, low-fat cottage cheese, rice or potatoes.
  5. Maintain this regimen for three days , followed by a gradual transition to regular food.
  6. Appointed infusion treatment - intravenous infusion of physiological solutions to replenish fluid in the body, restore electrolyte balance, acid-base level.
  7. The use of antibiotics is recommended.
  8. Adsorbents are assigned in the form of activated carbon, enterosgel, atoxyl, smecta.
  9. Worm infestation requires the use of anthelmintics.
  10. It would be appropriate to use rehydron in case of intoxication .
  11. Eliminate inflammation carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs.

dog diarrhea video

Diarrhea in a dog or diarrhea is mostly associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract and is accompanied by liquid feces in a dog.

With the normal functioning of the digestive system, the dog goes to the toilet 2-4 times a day, usually after feeding, in the morning and in the evening.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Most of the cause of diarrhea in dogs is improper feeding. Diarrhea with improper feeding can lead to:

  • Use when feeding stale and low-quality products.
  • A sharp change in diet, without a smooth transition, for example, from natural feed to dry industrial production.
  • Ingestion of foreign objects.
  • Overfeeding the dog.
  • Feeding the dog fatty, smoked, salty foods, sweets and other foods that are tasty for dogs.

The cause of diarrhea in dogs can be coccidiosis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis.

Such infectious diseases as coronavirus, rotovirus, salmonellosis, can lead to diarrhea in dogs.

The use of drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-cancer drugs can also cause the dog to develop diarrhea.

Diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders (mainly diseases of the liver and kidneys) lead to the appearance of a symptom of diarrhea in the dog.

Oncological diseases in the gastrointestinal tract (adenocarcinoma, lymphoma).

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) can also cause diarrhea in a dog.

Intestinal intussusception, intestinal obstruction can lead to the appearance of diarrhea in a dog.

In delicate breeds, any stressful condition can lead to diarrhea.

Dog owners are especially concerned about bloody diarrhoea.

Bloody diarrhea in a dog

Bloody diarrhea or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is especially severe in dogs.

Causes of bloody diarrhea:

  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with sharp hard objects (bones, chips, etc.).
  • Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract with.
  • Infectious diseases of dogs (,).
  • Sarcosporidosis ().
  • Intussusception ().
  • Tumors of the intestine.

Symptoms of the disease with bloody (hemorrhagic) diarrhea.

A dog with bloody diarrhea is sharply depressed, her body temperature rises by 1-2 ° C, her appetite is completely absent, the dog has a syndrome - colic. The dog appears to vomit frequently, which may contain food particles, mucus, bile and blood. There is frequent defecation with mucus and blood, which stains the feces red and brown. The wall of the abdomen in a sick dog is painful and sharply tense on palpation. As a result of diarrhea, dehydration occurs, the dog's eyes sink. The skin loses its elasticity, the hair becomes dull and dry. The paws, ears, nose and root of the tail of a sick dog are cold. Visible mucous membranes are pale (). The dog develops signs of cardiovascular insufficiency, the pulse is arrhythmic, weak.

Treatment for bloody diarrhea

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of bloody diarrhea. Initially, the sick dog is given a fasting 12-hour regimen, while the sick dog should have free access to water or rehydration solutions. In addition to water, pour the chicken or beef broth of the second cooking into another bowl. In a bowl of water, you can add a decoction or infusion of medicinal plants of low concentration (string, marshmallow root, chamomile, St. John's wort, blueberries, bird cherry, etc.).

On the 2nd day the dog is fed raw and boiled eggs, it is advisable to buy from the owners of household plots.

For 3-4 days treatment, a small amount of liquid rice or oatmeal porridge, decoctions of rice, oats or flax seeds are introduced into the diet of a sick dog.

From 4-5 days we add lactic acid products (kefir, bividok, baby milk formula) to the diet of a sick dog.

From 9-10 day, the dog is transferred to its usual feeding ration.

With severe exhaustion and dehydration, the dog will benefit from artificial feeding through the rectum with nutritious and therapeutic fluids. As nutrient solutions for diarrhea, 5-20% glucose solutions, 0.9-1% sodium chloride solutions, as well as Ringer and Ringer-Locke solutions are used. These solutions are injected into the rectum 3-4 times a day in the amount of 100-1000 ml. after the dog was given a cleansing enema. Similarly, rice, oatmeal broths, meat chicken or beef broth, rehydron are injected into the rectum of a sick dog.

With severe dehydration, parenteral intravenous and subcutaneous injections are effective. For this purpose, veterinary specialists use saline solutions by jet, and intravenous drip method using droppers.

The most commonly used: 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer's or Ringer-Locke solutions with the addition or separately of 5-40% glucose solutions. To these solutions we add ascorbic acid and vikasol. Hypertonic solutions (5-10%) solutions of sodium and calcium chloride can be used intravenously.

Subcutaneous injections of large volumes are more conveniently administered in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blade or withers, preferably at several points. A sick dog is injected with 10 to 500 ml of liquid. It is advisable to repeat the injections 2-4 times a day, if necessary, several days in a row.

Of the means for parenteral nutrition of sick dogs, plasma substitutes are used, which are administered intravenously. Hemodez and Hemodez "N" are administered by drip method at 5-10 ml/kg, polyglucin and reopoliglyukin are dripped up to 100-400 ml per day. A good therapeutic effect is exerted by: hydrolysin, which is administered intravenously by drip (daily dose up to 200 ml); polyamine intravenously drip (daily dose up to 500 ml); casein hydrolyzate; polyfer intravenous drip, etc.

In the presence of pain, the dog is prescribed painkillers and sedatives - preparations of belladonna (belladonna): belladonna tincture (1-5 drops per dose), belladonna dry extract, 0.015-0.02 g per dose; complex tablets, which include belladonna extract, papaverine hydrochloride, as well as tablets of becarbon, bellalgin, bellastezin (1 tab. 2-3 times a day), besalol, etc.

For the same purpose, sick dogs are given almagel or almagel A inside 1-2 teaspoons 4 times a day, gastrofarm ½ tab. 3 times a day, gastrocepin, calmagin, anesthetic, no-shpu or 0.5% solution of novocaine (1-2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day), etc. Alcohol has a good calming and analgesic property.

To suppress pathogenic microflora in the cavity of the stomach and intestines, a variety of antimicrobial drugs are used: Imodium 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day; Levomycetin ½ -1 tab, 3-4 times a day for a week; baytril - 1-2 times a day at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of live weight; tsifran 2 times a day at the rate of 250-200 mg per dog, as well as antibiotics from the group of penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines and amidoglucosides, which are administered orally or parenterally.

Instead of antibiotics, a sick dog can be prescribed sulfanilamide preparations: biseptol, norsulfazol, sulfadimethoxine, fthalazol, etazol, etc.

The course of treatment with these drugs is usually 5-7 days. Apply them according to the instructions for their use.

Simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs, sick dogs must additionally be prescribed vitamin preparations in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, dragees and solutions. With bloody diarrhea, it is necessary to use vitamin U 0.05 g 4-5 times a day after feeding for 30 consecutive days, ascorbic acid 2-3 times a day, vitamins B, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E). Multivitamins and their analogues are very convenient. The course of treatment with them usually ranges from 14 to 30 days.

With hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, which is a consequence of one or another infectious disease, it is necessary to use immunomodulatory drugs: gamma and immunoglobulins, thymalin and thymogen, interferon and cycloferon, comedon idekaris, anandine and dibazol, lactoglobulin, etc.

To prevent and remove the possibility of an allergic reaction to the drugs used, antihistamines are prescribed: 10% solutions of gluconate and calcium chloride, 1-5 ml per injection, diphenhydramine orally or parenterally 2-3 times a day, tavegil orally or intramuscularly, suprastin, pipolfen, diazolin, fencarol, trexil, etc. according to the instructions for their use.

Dog diarrhea symptoms

The most characteristic for the owner of a dog that suffers from diarrhea will be frequent loose stools, from which a putrid, rotten, pungent and other smell comes. At the same time, flatulence is additionally encountered in a sick dog, when examining feces, we find the presence of mucus or blood, feces become liquid and frequent. If the color of the feces themselves turns black, then this may be a sign of internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines.

With diarrhea, the dog becomes lethargic, her appetite decreases, body temperature rises (fever), we note dehydration of the animal, and weight loss occurs.

When should you immediately contact a veterinarian if your dog has diarrhea?

The owner of the dog should contact the veterinary clinic if your dog has diarrhea for more than a day. At the same time, you notice vomiting in the dog, fever, feces become black or blood appears in them. If you have diarrhea in a puppy or a young dog with a high temperature, you should contact your local veterinary clinic as soon as possible. many dangerous infectious diseases occur with such a clinic.

Diagnostic measures for diarrhea in a dog, carried out in a veterinary clinic.

In the veterinary clinic, depending on the general condition of your dog, specialists will conduct a complete clinical examination with anamnesis. You will be asked a series of questions regarding your pet's illness - the duration of diarrhea, whether there was an increase in body temperature, what the dog was fed in the last 2-3 days, when the dog was last treated for worms, what infectious diseases were vaccinated against and when.

To exclude helminthic diseases, they will conduct a study of feces in a veterinary laboratory. At the same time, a general blood test will be carried out - anemia in the dog, the degree of inflammation, the presence of an infectious disease are excluded.

A biochemical blood test will determine the functional capacity of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

A urinalysis will allow the veterinarian to judge the functional capacity of the kidneys.

An abdominal x-ray will give an idea of ​​the presence of fluid, gases, and foreign bodies in the intestine.

In the future, depending on the results of the examination of the dog and the above tests, in order to optimally treat your dog, it will be recommended to determine the sensitivity of the isolated bacterial culture to a number of antibiotics. If necessary, an abdominal ultrasound will be performed.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

Treatment of a dog with mild diarrhea begins with the appointment of a diet for a day, in which the dog is not given food, while drinking is not limited. When treating diarrhea in a dog at home, owners can use such widespread, harmless and gentle remedies as:

  • Rice broth. To do this, it is necessary to boil rice groats in a small amount of water, after which we remove the porridge itself, and feed the dog with the remaining broth.
  • Herbal decoctions. St. John's wort, horse sorrel, blueberries, alder fruits, bird cherry, etc. are used as medicinal plants. with astringent properties. An infusion is prepared from them.

On the second day, the dog must be given fermented milk products to normalize digestion.

And if the dog's condition has improved, then from the third day we give low-fat foods: chicken or fish meat, boiled eggs (preferably from private farms or peasant farms).

If your dog belongs to a valuable breed, then there is nothing to do with self-treatment, but go to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible, where a veterinarian will prescribe rehydron to restore the acid-base balance.

In case of severe dehydration of the dog and in order to regulate the acid-base balance and compensate for the loss of electrolytes, infusion therapy will be carried out in the clinic (intravenous glucose with sodium chloride, etc.).

With tenesmus, the dog is given antispasmodic therapy (no-shpa, baralgin, atropine).

When a sick dog vomits, we inject Cerucal intramuscularly.

In the presence of blood in the stool - vikasol, dicinone, ascorutin.

To restore the normal intestinal microflora, a sick dog is used - bifidumbacterin, colibacterin 1-5 doses 2 times a day.

As a desensitizing agent (diphenhydramine, suprastin 5-25 mg 3 times a day).

With diarrhea with an infectious etiology, you cannot do without the use of hyperimmune serum against this disease, antibiotic therapy with a titrated antibiotic.

Additionally, it is good for a sick dog to use non-specific antiviral drugs: fosprinil or enterostat. Immunomodulators are used to stimulate the immune system: ribotan, cycloferon, katazol, etc. It is not bad for a dog with diarrhea to drink chickens with gamavit.

In the presence of worms in dogs, certain anthelmintic drugs are prescribed.


In order to prevent diarrhea in dogs, their owners should observe the following rules:

  • Do not overfeed your dog.
  • When feeding, use fresh and high-quality products.
  • Do not feed the dog from the "table" because. human food will be harmful to her.
  • Twice a year, treat your dog for worms with antihelminthic drugs. See the article on our website -.
  • In order to prevent diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology, vaccinates against infectious diseases of dogs common in your region.
  • During a walk, do not allow your dog to pick up food and objects from the ground, wean them to accept food from other people's hands.
  • Additionally, read the article on our website "".