The cat burps with a yellow liquid what to do. The cat vomits white foam

Vomiting as such is a rather unpleasant thing, and when it happens to your beloved pet, it is doubly so. When the cat begins to vomit yellow liquid, it's time for the owner to sound the alarm.
Let's look at the reasons that lead the cat's body to such an unsightly way to empty the stomach.

Causes of vomiting

The first thing the owner of a cat should remember is that vomiting is never an independent disease. Nausea is always a symptom that the cat has problems. Causes of occurrence: poor-quality food, stress, inflammation in the stomach, overeating, swallowing a foreign object, trauma to the gastrointestinal tract, worms.

The most remarkable thing is that cats always try to empty their stomachs at the first sign of deterioration in health. In most cases, such an ambulance is timely. Swallowed wool, an inedible object, spoiled food in record time can clog the intestines and cause sepsis or peritonitis. Therefore, always carefully examine the vomit, knowing about the possible cause of vomiting will help save the cat.

Cat vomiting bile

Nothing scares the owner more than vomiting with a yellow tinge. The autopilot is triggered by the knowledge that this is very bad and dangerous. Let's look at the possible reasons for such a reaction of the cat's body.

First and most dangerous, your furry friend has contracted cat distemper. Constant, frequent vomiting without admixture of hairballs and food, requiring tremendous tension in the muscles of the body, the release of yellow vomit. If this is already happening, do not waste time, contact a specialist. In the conditions of the hospital, doctors can put a dropper, which will make up for the loss of fluid.

The second reason may be a change in food to a more high-calorie one. In this case, the liver of the animal does not have time to adapt to a new mode of operation. The cat begins to vomit undigested pieces of food. Gradually, bile appears in the vomit. If you know for sure that the food was the cause of the disease, replace it.

The third very common cause of vomiting of bile is the ingestion of small inedible objects. In the best case, the foreign body will naturally leave the body. But it can also get stuck in the stomach, then an increased amount of bile begins to be produced.

Also, the cause of regurgitation of yellow masses may be the presence of a chronic disease of the liver, gallbladder or intestines. Don't skimp on your pet's health! Get regular check-ups with your doctor.

Gallbladder problems are fortunately rare in the feline tribe. And the evidence of this sad event will be the release of vomit either completely consisting of foam, or foam with a yellow liquid. It is worth sounding the alarm if the urge is frequent.

Diseases in which vomiting bile

Let's name the most frequent of them:

  • Hepatitis. Fever, refusal to feed, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes, loose stools and, in addition, yellow vomit are the main signs of this disease. Do not wait for the condition to worsen, go to the doctor.
  • Liver failure. Unpleasant breath, pungent odor during vomiting, loss of consciousness, constant nausea, yellow tint of the sclera. It can manifest itself in acute and chronic form. Don't delay your visit to the vet.
  • Lipidosis. The cat is rapidly losing weight, refuses to feed, inflammatory processes begin in the liver, and toxic substances accumulate. As a result of a violation of the normal functioning of the liver, the cat vomits yellow masses.

First aid at home

First of all, it is necessary to remove food, leave plenty of water. If you notice that after quenching your thirst, the cat vomits again, try drinking a teaspoon every half hour. Usually, the intake of such a small amount of fluid does not provoke continued vomiting.

It is strictly forbidden to give a cat human drugs, unless otherwise recommended by a specialist. If it is not possible to stop vomiting within a day, urgently take the cat to the doctor. The delay in death is similar - the cat will die from dehydration within two days from the moment the condition worsens.

How to make a cat vomit

There are times when you know for sure that the cat was poisoned, but you don’t have time to get to the veterinarian quickly. In these situations, it is helpful to know how to induce vomiting yourself. Remember that help must be provided immediately - within the first two hours.

  • Give the animal plenty of water or water with salt to drink. Make a weak saline solution - 2-3 teaspoons per glass of water.
  • Press your finger on the root of the tongue. The cat should stand or lie on its side.
  • In extreme conditions, you can simply pour a little salt or mustard on the root of the tongue. Any irritation of this area will cause vomiting.

What substances are swallowed? can induce vomiting: arsenic, antifreeze, drugs, poisonous plants.

It is forbidden induce vomiting if the cat has swallowed a sharp inedible object, solvent, detergent, acid or alkali.

Cat owners face such a problem as pet vomiting quite often, because felines have a very sensitive vomiting center. Vomiting in cats can be both a completely safe physiological process associated with the removal of harmful substances from the body, and a sign of many life-threatening diseases. Therefore, it will be useful for all owners of cats and cats to study information about the causes and types of vomiting, as well as those cases when it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Vomiting, its causes and danger

Vomiting is a complex defensive process based on reflexes, with the help of which the cat's body gets rid of dangerous and harmful substances. Vomiting is usually the main symptom of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Immediately, we note that an attack of vomiting that occurs once every 3-4 days is the norm, especially in cats. However, there are still specific reasons. To understand them, you need to analyze the cat's nutrition, and possibly make it starve for a while. Most often, cats vomit from overeating - they just eat too much and too quickly. This applies to both dry food and natural food, but it is dry pieces that are very easy to regurgitate, especially if they are badly chewed. Most often those animals regurgitate that live in conditions of competition for food and therefore absorb food quickly and greedily. By the way, some of them do not disdain to eat the food removed from the body again.

Animals living together usually eat quickly and chew food poorly, so regurgitation is common for them.

If a domestic cat often regurgitates food, barely moving away from her bowl, then she overeats or this type of food is of poor quality. Economy class feeds, such as Felix, Whiskas, Sheba and the like, are poor in composition and contain many harmful additives, so such food is clearly not beneficial for the pet.

It is advisable to purchase premium and super-premium food for your pet, and for chronic diseases - specialized lines of such food.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats

The main causes of vomiting can be divided into two large groups: reflex irritation of the digestive organs and poisoning.

In the second case, poisoning occurs with toxic substances that enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, irritate the vomiting center in the brain and cause vomiting. Intoxication can have the following origin:

A dangerous consequence of vomiting is dehydration of the body, which quickly sets in with persistent and prolonged vomiting. It is especially bad for small kittens. An animal can die quickly from dehydration, so if vomiting does not stop, you must immediately take the animal to a doctor.

With persistent vomiting, even water does not linger in the cat's body: as soon as the cat has a drink, it starts to vomit again

It is also necessary to measure the cat's temperature: with infectious and inflammatory diseases, it rises, with poisoning and shock, it decreases. In both cases, you need to go to the doctor or call him at home.

The temperature in cats is measured in the anus for 2-3 minutes, the norm is a temperature of 38 to 39 degrees

Vomit should not contain blood, mucus, have a strange color or fetid smell - in this case, you should also contact your veterinarian immediately.

Symptoms of vomiting

Many owners confuse the symptoms of vomiting with coughing, thinking that the pet vomited due to a strong cough. But it is coughing that is a symptom of vomiting, and not vice versa. A typical attack of vomiting has several stages:

  1. The cat is sick, she shows anxiety, moves from place to place, licks her lips, makes swallowing movements, she salivates profusely.
  2. The animal begins to cough, stretches its head forward, breathes deeply and often.
  3. There are contractions in the abdomen and pharynx, vomiting, often at first fruitless, and then with contents.

At first, the cat is sick, she worries and licks her lips, and an attentive owner may already notice at this stage that the pet will soon vomit

Types of vomiting in cats

To begin with, let's talk about physiological vomiting, which is not dangerous to the health of the pet. It could be:

Similar products can be used for cats of any, and especially long-haired breeds, which are often torn by wool.

Non-dangerous vomiting is most often transparent, with visible and understandable contents: wool, grass, threads, pieces of food.

Vomiting after eating undigested food, dry food

This is a typical form of vomiting in domestic cats. The fast rate of absorption of food, large volumes and poor chewing lead to the fact that the stomach does not have time to stretch and throws the contents back. The cat may vomit right next to the bowl or after a few minutes or even half an hour after eating. The animal can then return to the bowl and ask for food again. There is only one way out - to limit portions of food. Dry food must be chewed so that you can hear how its pieces crunch. If the animal swallows them whole, then the likelihood of vomiting processes greatly increases. In addition, when drinking water, the food actively swells in the stomach, so initially the cat needs to eat much less.

Greedy and fast eating is the most common cause of vomiting in cats.

The author of the article has a favorite old cat of the Thai breed, which is already 17 years old. In the last 3-4 years, she has been vomiting quite often, and this problem is well known to us. About 1-2 times a week she regurgitates dry food, which she swallows before without chewing. Her food is special, premium, designed for good digestion, the pieces are not very hard, they are easy to chew. But the cat already has very bad teeth, so from time to time, when she is too lazy or has no time to grind the pieces, she absorbs them quietly, quickly and without any crunch. This process is also influenced by the presence in our house of a second animal, a young and healthy cat, which eats a completely different food nearby from its bowl (for young castrated males), but looks towards the cat in order to move it away from the feeder and eat everything that lies there. Usually we follow this process and do not allow the cat to encroach on someone else's food, but sometimes we get distracted and see the final scene: the cat leaving its bowl and the cat eating up the food behind it. Therefore, the cat periodically eats greedily, quickly, without chewing, after which, after 10–15 minutes, a maximum of half an hour, it begins to slurp and lick, then runs to the floor, coughs there and it is on the carpet (favorite place) that all the contents of breakfast or dinner are thrown. It looks like slightly overcooked (rarely) or not chewed at all (more often) food. The cat feels guilty and immediately hides. Sometimes she does not have time to reach the floor and she vomits right on the couch where she sleeps. We have to clean up after her heaps of food and wash the beds. It's not scary, but annoying. This happens about once a week. If you feed a cat with wet food of the same line, then vomiting does not happen, because it is soft and well crushed. Usually after a bout of vomiting I feed her a little less than usual. But we must give the cat its due, it never returns to the bowl after spitting up and asks for more food. She arranges a diet for herself for 3-4 hours, and only then strongly asks for food. Sometimes, after a bout of vomiting, he goes to a bowl of water and drinks a lot. The funny thing is that the cat, in his youth, tried to eat the food that she regurgitated. Now he's wiser and doesn't do it anymore. Sometimes a cat vomits fur, but this happens very rarely, about once every 2-3 months, during periods of active molting. A young cat also vomits, but very rarely and never - food. He has two problems - vomiting grass when he overeats it, and vomiting foam with wool during active molting. But since a cat licks much less than a cat, it literally tears its hair a couple of times a year and little by little. And the pet spits up grass in the warm season, when we walk with him on a harness, and he absorbs the grass in the quantities his body needs. It can be concluded that at a young age, cats have much less problems accompanied by vomiting than in the elderly. And it is better to transfer old cats to wet food, this will serve as a preventive measure against vomiting.

Vomiting yellow liquid (bile)

Vomiting bile means that the animal has not taken food for more than 24 hours or the contents of the stomach were completely thrown into the environment before that. Bile is ejected from the small intestine, liver, duodenum. This is usually a sign of starvation and poor health of the cat, often accompanied by lethargy and lack of appetite. In this case, it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian.

If, in addition to vomiting, the animal has a lack of appetite and a lethargic state, then you need to take it to the veterinarian for examination as soon as possible.

Persistent repeated vomiting of bile in a pet may indicate chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver or intestines. Fatty or stale food, overeating and swallowing large pieces of food can provoke an exacerbation.

Vomiting white foam

The appearance of white foam means hungry vomiting, which is formed due to the secretion of juice in an empty stomach. To protect the mucous membrane from an aggressive environment, a special protein is produced in the stomach, which comes out in the form of a white foam.

Vomiting in kittens is very dangerous, and the younger the baby, the less likely it is to save him, even with the provision of qualified medical care. Dehydration is detrimental to kittens and can quickly lead to death. Most often, vomiting at an early age indicates congenital disorders of the digestive system or poor-quality mother's milk. Difficulties in the treatment of cubs are associated with the unpredictable effects of drugs on the young organism.

Kittens from the age of 3 months are already considered as adult animals and the same treatment methods are applied to them.

Other types of vomiting

Vomiting blood is considered the most dangerous and always requires the intervention of a doctor. Most often, it indicates a viral infection or an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Also, from persistent prolonged vomiting, small vessels of the digestive tract can burst. Undigested blood is brown, which means liver dysfunction or other dangerous diseases, so the owner of the animal will need to take urgent measures so as not to lose the pet - it must be delivered to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Green vomit means problems with the pancreas, blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, which is often observed in infectious and viral diseases.

Treating vomiting at home

The simplest thing an owner can do to treat vomiting in a cat is to limit her food intake for 1-2 days. You can drink, but little by little, so as not to provoke new attacks. In case of dehydration, you can dilute the drug Regidron according to the instructions, which replenishes the loss of fluid in the body, and give the cat small portions to drink.

You can make your own saline solution to help with dehydration: dissolve 9 grams of salt in 1 liter of water and give the cat a teaspoon of the solution every hour

At home, as prescribed by a veterinarian, you can use the following drugs:

  • If the cat refuses to drink, as well as take medication for dehydration, then an injection of Ringer-Locke solution helps well.
  • With persistent incessant vomiting, antiemetic drugs will help: phenothiazine, paspertine.
  • Bismuth preparations will help protect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from irritating factors.
  • If the cat is poisoned, then activated charcoal, enterosgel and a dropper with glucose and ascorbic acid help perfectly. Coal and enterosgel can be used independently, and it is better to make a dropper in a veterinary clinic.
  • In the most severe cases, caused by infection or damage to the stomach lining, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics for the animal.

After solving problems with intoxication of the body or disruption of the digestive system, you need to keep the cat on a special diet for several days or even weeks: feed it in small portions, but often, several times a day. Food should be light, chopped (in the form of mashed potatoes), and meat or feed based on it is introduced into the diet gradually. Sometimes an animal needs a diet for a few years or the rest of its life.

How to induce vomiting in a cat

Sometimes it becomes necessary to induce vomiting in a cat. For example, if an animal has swallowed something inedible or toxic, then in this way you can quickly remove the harmful substance from the body. To do this, you can use a home recipe: dissolve one tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Drink this solution until the cat vomits. You can also add a mechanical effect - press a little deeper than the root of the pet's tongue, while the cat should stand or lie on its side. It is important not to forget that vomiting is dangerous due to dehydration of the body, and if the vomiting process caused by the owner drags on, then you need to take the cat to the veterinarian. Two days of dehydration can lead to the death of a cat.

It is forbidden to use hydrogen peroxide to provoke vomiting, it aggressively affects the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and causes a chemical burn!

Do not induce vomiting in an animal in the following cases:

  • The cat has drunk a toxic liquid such as a solvent, an alkaline or acid solution, a detergent. In this case, it is necessary to feed the pet with a tablespoon of enterosgel or a couple of tablets of activated charcoal mixed in water and quickly take it to the veterinary clinic.
  • The pet swallowed an object with sharp edges that could injure the walls of the digestive tract. A tablespoon of vaseline oil and an immediate visit to the veterinarian will help here.

When to See a Veterinarian

If the animal vomits more than 3 times a day and at the same time it looks weak, sick, depressed, then you need to call a veterinarian at home or take the pet to the clinic.

Other signs indicating the need for medical attention:

  • vomiting continues for several days;
  • vomit contains impurities that do not look like food debris, especially blood;
  • attacks of vomiting occur regardless of food intake or on an empty stomach;
  • vomiting is accompanied by additional symptoms of trouble: diarrhea, changes in body temperature, lacrimation, weakness, tremor of the limbs, etc.

In a veterinary clinic, to diagnose the causes of what is happening, the pet will be prescribed an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, an x-ray, a urine, blood and feces test.

In a veterinary clinic, to diagnose the causes of what is happening, the pet will be prescribed an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, an x-ray, a urine, blood and feces test.

To treat a cat or a cat in the clinic will be the following methods and means:

  • getting rid of dehydration with a dropper;
  • special diet;
  • in case of animal poisoning - taking sorbents;
  • with persistent vomiting - taking antispasmodic and antiemetic drugs;
  • taking drugs that protect the liver and stomach;
  • diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

Preventive measures

As you know, it is much better to prevent a disease than to cure it. To prevent vomiting attacks in a pet, the following simple rules will serve:

  • the cat's diet should consist of high-quality feed or natural products, balanced in terms of vitamin and mineral composition;
  • vaccinate your pet once a year;
  • conduct deworming once a quarter, especially if the cat walks on the street or eats raw meat;
  • brushing the cat regularly, helping to get rid of the hair that he would otherwise swallow when licked;
  • keep clean bedding, beds, bowls and other accessories of animals;
  • hide from cats small objects that are attractive to them and can be swallowed;
  • regularly conduct preventive examinations of the animal at the veterinarian.

Prevention of stealing and eating unsuitable food from the human table can also be considered as vomiting.

When a cat vomits, the owner is required to pay attention to their pet and try to distinguish between harmless vomiting and a symptom of a serious illness. Remember that the best way to deal with a problem is to prevent it. In this case, it will be easiest not to overfeed the cat, provide her with psychological comfort, and also eliminate all substances and small objects that are potentially dangerous for the pet from the environment.

Bloody, yellowish, with particles of food, vomiting in a cat with bile or mucus is a clear sign that something is wrong with the pet's body. On the other hand, cats can easily induce vomiting themselves in order to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum. The task of the owner is to be able to distinguish the pathology from the natural desire to empty the stomach and to know the possible causes of vomiting in cats in order to seek help in time.

Vomiting is often a symptom of some disease. It is hardly possible to list them all, since the urge to vomit in a cat can occur, for example,. Vomiting accompanies most viral infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, (food, medicines, pesticides, etc.). As a rule, in such cases, frequent vomiting in a cat is associated with other symptoms: cough, apathy, atypical discharge,. The pet must be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Excessive vomiting in a cat after eating, when the food has not even had time to be digested, may indicate too rapid ingestion of food, followed by deliberate regurgitation. This is usually what cats living in a crowded place do: they eat quickly (until others have taken them away), hide, burp and eat food already in a calm environment. Such pets should be fed in modest portions several times a day, the food should be crushed. However, the causes of vomiting in cats immediately after eating can be much more serious: intestinal obstruction, digestive dysfunction,. Therefore, if other symptoms are observed or the cat vomits more than once, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

A single vomiting of hair in a cat is normal. In the process of caring for a fur coat, a pet swallows a certain amount of hairs, which are then collected in a lump that can irritate the gastric mucosa and even clog the intestinal lumen. Therefore, a smart cat itself gets rid of dangerous contents by spitting up hair. In this case, the reason why the cat is vomiting is insufficient care. In order not to harm the health of the pet, you should comb out the fur coat more often, especially during the molting period. To make it easier for the cat to get rid of the lump, you need to give her a spoonful of vaseline oil.

Some cats are prone to vomiting. Many pets do not tolerate long trips - then motion sickness provokes vomiting. How to treat vomiting in a cat in such cases, the veterinarian will tell you. As a rule, mild herbal sedatives are used. If the trip is planned, feeding is stopped eight hours in advance. The same applies to stressful situations, for example, or rearranging furniture - it is wiser to arrange a fasting day for the cat.

Vomit with various impurities

Often, vomit is not just food, but something of an indefinite color and consistency. In most cases, such vomiting signals a serious problem, so a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible. In order for the doctor to quickly understand why the cat is vomiting, the owner must provide him with accurate information:

  • time of first urge and first vomiting;
  • frequency, number of masses;
  • consistency;
  • whether the appetite is preserved, whether the cat drinks water;
  • When did your pet last eat?
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • could the cat have swallowed something spoiled or inedible;
  • whether the cat suffers from a chronic disease;
  • have been vaccinated.

CAT YELLOW VOMITING- a sign that bile has entered the stomach, which normally should not be there. The delicate walls of the stomach are instantly irritated due to bile getting on the mucous membrane, which leads to vomiting. Sometimes the vomit is colored yellowish when fed with industrial rations, but there is a difference - if there is bile in the vomit, the color is bright, saturated, and when stained with one of the components of the feed, the vomit is grayish-yellow. Repeated vomiting of bile in a cat most likely signals a chronic disease of the gallbladder, liver, or intestines. The reason may be digestive difficulties - fatty or stale food, overfeeding eggs, quickly swallowing large pieces.

If a CAT GREEN VOMIT, a large amount of bile or intestinal contents has entered the stomach. Sometimes green vomit is a symptom of a severe infection. In any case, the pet needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian. However, if the pet has recently eaten even a small amount of dried or fresh grass, greenish vomit is normal.

CAT vomit is an alarm symptom. Mucus is present in vomit with intestinal diseases, some viruses. The reason may be, then, as a rule, mucus is also contained in the feces.

Constant CAT VOMITING AFTER FOOD maybe gastrointestinal diseases, infections. You can ignore only a single vomiting, and only if there are no other symptoms of malaise. If the vomiting recurs regularly and/or the owner notices that the cat is losing appetite, is less active, and generally feels unwell, see your veterinarian.

Vomiting in cats is a common situation when the body tries to get rid of the contents of the stomach, which is a symptom of an infectious disease or a serious organ pathology.


Before the onset of vomiting, the pet is tormented by nausea. Outwardly, this is manifested by restless behavior in a cat, she walks around the room or tries to retire. Abundant salivation often begins, the animal makes swallowing movements, meows, coughs and stretches its head. In the process of defecation of the stomach, there is also a contraction of the muscles in the region of the pharynx and abdomen.

Types and causes

There are three main types of vomit, which determine the cause of their occurrence. Before going to the doctor, it is recommended to determine the color in order to provide accurate data.


If the pet vomits with a yellow liquid, this indicates the presence of bile in the masses, which is atypical, during the normal digestive process it enters the stomach immediately. When the duration of the ailments lasts more than one day, the stomach is filled with bile, which corrodes the walls.

Problems with the liver or gallbladder cause this color, characteristic odor. After vomiting, cats rarely eat anything. Diarrhea may appear, in which bile will be present. Usually, pets with liver problems vomit bile after eating fatty foods or dry food.

Also, the masses can be colored with a dye that is present in the feed and has a gray-yellow tint.


Sometimes this color is a consequence of the fact that the animal deliberately ate grass in order to clear the stomach and the vomit will take the form of a clear liquid with green patches.

The reason is more serious, if the functioning of the gallbladder fails, concentrated bile enters the stomach. It may also contain the contents of the duodenum, possibly an infectious disease. Repeated green vomit poses a health hazard to your pet.


The appearance of brown clots in the vomit indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The blood, while in the stomach, was treated with gastric juice. This is due to an ulcer, trauma from a swallowed object, or tumor decay.

When bleeding occurs in the stomach itself, the masses have a rich dark color, which indicates the presence of a foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract, a tumor or an ulcer. Dangerous is the vomiting of “coffee grounds”, a thick brown mass, which means the presence of bleeding in the stomach or duodenum, as a result of which red blood cells are destroyed after interacting with gastric juice.

In case of detection, it is forbidden to feed, you should promptly contact your veterinarian for examination and appropriate treatment.

First aid

The main thing is to prevent dehydration in your pet. You should regularly give the cat clean water to drink, add a glucose solution to prevent exhaustion. In the first day, food intake is completely excluded. When the cause of vomiting is in stale foods, then to completely cleanse the animal's body, it is worth drinking salted water. This will cause him to vomit again and empty his stomach.

But when the reason is to take chemicals with irritating properties, this should not be done. It is required to give the pet Enterogel and deliver it to the veterinarian. It is impossible to provoke vomiting also in the presence of foreign objects in the stomach, to give antiemetic drugs. If necessary, this will be done by a veterinarian.

The owner should carefully monitor the pet after the onset of vomiting in order to provide the doctor with complete information:

  • frequency and duration of seizures;
  • What is the relationship of vomiting with food, what, how much, when;
  • The parameter of vomit, color, density, the presence of undigested food, wool or blood in it.

In the clinic, tell everything about the behavior and condition of the cat, the presence of anxiety, salivation and behavioral characteristics.


To prevent your pet from vomiting, you need to feed fresh and good-quality food. It is not recommended to eat raw fish or meat. Vaccination procedures, anthelmintic therapy should be carried out in a timely manner. Comb out the long hair of the pet to avoid getting into the stomach. For early detection of diseases, it is worth regularly examining the animal at the veterinarian.


Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose the cause, in this example, the cat initially vomited white foam, then a yellow-green mass. The reason turned out to be a foreign object that she swallowed.

It is possible to determine the nature and cause of vomiting, by color, by the erupted masses. This will allow treatment to begin before a visit to the veterinarian and delivery of an accurate diagnosis.


Vomiting is a tool for protecting the body from substances perceived as foreign. It is the execution of a brain command. Vomiting is not a disease. This is a sign that the cat has a health problem. If the animal feels a deterioration in well-being, he tries to clear his stomach as soon as possible. Such urgent help to oneself turns out to be effective. The expelled mass must be carefully examined, paying attention to color and texture.

The yellow color of the vomit is due to the presence of bile. This is a worrying symptom. It is difficult for a cat owner who does not have a special education to establish the cause of the oral expulsion of yellow food masses, so you need to contact a veterinary clinic.


The penetration of bile into the stomach is caused by antiperistaltic contractions of the duodenum. The occurrence of vomiting of a liquid consistency with a yellow color occurs for the following reasons:

  • Panleukopenia (cat distemper). The most dangerous viral disease.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Change feed to energy-rich. The cat vomits contents with undigested lumps of food. Over time, bile is added. Consultation with a fellinologist or veterinary specialist helps to choose a sparing diet and solve the problem.
  • Swallowing an inedible object. If a foreign body gets stuck in the stomach, bile secretion increases reflexively.
  • chronic hepatitis.
  • Intestinal pathologies.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder. Causes of the disease:
  1. Blockage of the canal by a stone or neoplasm.
  2. bacterial infections.
  3. Trematodes, lamblia.
  4. Traumatic rupture of the bladder.
  • Complications after surgery.


Vomiting yellow liquid is a sign of the following diseases:


If the cat's health remains bad, you need to make her drink. With incessant urge, water is poured in forcibly every half hour. Instead of water, it is allowed to use saline solutions - Regidron, etc. Feeding is stopped. Self-treatment with medications can be harmful. If the vomiting does not stop in the morning, the cat is taken to a veterinary facility.

It must be remembered that vomiting is a symptom, not an independent disease. The cure for the underlying disease will stop the vomiting.


To prevent vomiting, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Regular vaccination.
  • Balanced diet. Food is selected according to age, sex, physiological state.
  • Quarterly deworming.
  • Annual visit to the veterinary clinic for preventive examination.
  • Combing. Releasing a cat from excess hair.
  • Prevention of excessive licking.
  • Feeding cat herbs that cleanse the intestines.
  • Using quality cat toys.
  • Regular cleaning of cat houses and apartments: small items should not be within reach of the cat.
  • Keeping the cat out of the bin.
  • Do not feed your pet before the trip.