Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester. How not to miss an infection: what do yellow discharge during pregnancy signal? Yellow-green discharge, odorless

Women and and are the result of hormonal changes, stress or. The nature of their appearance is different, as well as their number and consistency. A woman in a position needs to be attentive to her body, to know the norms and pathologies of secretion, the reasons for immediately contacting a doctor, as well as possible preventive measures.

Reasons for the appearance

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy does not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the baby. The reason for the appearance of a yellowish secretion during this period is the formation of a mucous plug in the neck, which protects the fetus from the effects of negative factors. You should not worry about these excesses, because it is thanks to them that the body is able to maintain pregnancy.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy, which can appear in the second trimester, is characteristic of so many of the fairer sex. This is due to the active growth and development of the baby and changes in the body of the expectant mother. Intense secretion, or a rash, can even be caused by the usual hygiene products or sanitary pads. In this case, it is necessary to replace these funds and follow the further reaction of the body.

Abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy during the 1st and 2nd trimester can also be witnesses:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes;
  • pathogenic microflora in a woman's body;
  • unprotected sex;
  • disregard for personal hygiene.

Important! The inclusion of urine can be the cause of yellowing of the secretion in the second trimester of pregnancy, associated with the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the bladder.

Mucus yellow discharge a few weeks before the start of the process indicates the release of the cork and is the first sign of the approach of childbirth. It is imperative to notify your obstetrician-gynecologist about such secretion.
Abundant light yellow clean discharge without a sharp unpleasant odor during pregnancy, which does not cause discomfort, can accompany the entire period of gestation and does not bring any negative consequences. However, in any case, they must be reported to the observing doctor.

Did you know? The first discharge with bloody veins may appear on the day of fertilization, when the egg undergoes the process of implantation into the uterine wall. Not abundant secretion, as a rule, is observed a week before the expected start of the menstrual cycle.

Norm or pathology

Clear or white discharge, called "leucorrhoea", is normal during pregnancy. Slight yellowness in the secretion, which is not accompanied by itching, burning, unpleasant odor, can also be the norm and may indicate, for example, an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone.
An increase in secretion in the cervix to form a mucous plug is also not a pathology and accompanies pregnancy after the embryo is fixed.

The same is the accompaniment of secretions with such unpleasant symptoms as swelling of the labia, itching, burning, an unusual smell and a change in the shade of the secretion.

Important! Allergic reactions to any irritants can also appear in the form of yellow discharge. This may be an allergy to synthetic underwear, hygiene products, panty liners or washing powder.

The presence of an unpleasant odor can be a sign of inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Pathology may be accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman, weakness, fever and pain syndromes below.
Dark yellow, yellow-green, bubbling discharge during pregnancy also indicates the development of certain pathologies.

When to go to the doctor

In the presence of pathological signs, it is necessary to contact the attending doctor:

  • beige discharge may indicate a progesterone deficiency;
  • an abundant white secret of curd consistency, accompanied by itching or burning, indicates the development of candidiasis ();
  • excessive yellow discharge indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD), such as gonorrhea;
  • a green tint of secretion may be a sign of inflammation of the genitourinary system (cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina), STDs, violations of the vaginal microflora and bacterial infections;
  • dark brown discharge can be a sign of serious problems such as:
  • ectopic or missed pregnancy; placental abruption; damage to the cervix; the formation of polyps; risk of miscarriage; attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus; cork discharge;
  • a liquid bloody secret is the most dangerous sign of the manifestation of pathology and can occur with an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, or miscarriage.

Important! Finding brown or bloody discharge, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing pathologies during pregnancy, a woman should take care of rest, reduce physical activity, competent vitamin intake and minimize stressful situations.
As a preventive way to maintain a healthy pregnancy can be noted:

  • washing at least twice a day;
  • use of condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • the use of high-quality personal hygiene products (gels and wipes);
  • preference for comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics (it is advisable not to wear tight thong panties).

Did you know? If a pregnant woman has cervical erosion, bloody secretion may occur after intercourse or a gynecological examination of a woman due to the vulnerability of the mucous membrane.

Only the attending physician can determine the cause of the discharge during pregnancy, therefore, with any signs of the development of secretion, you should consult a gynecologist and talk about the symptoms.

In case of timely detection of pathology, the doctor will prescribe an examination and optimal treatment, which will help preserve the health of the expectant mother and the life of the baby.

During pregnancy, yellow discharge is not always something dangerous. Sometimes this behavior of the body speaks only of a change in the hormonal background - this a priori does not pose any threat to the unborn baby. However, yellow thick discharge during pregnancy is the first sign of a health condition. In this case, it is better to contact your gynecologist, and also read as many articles on this topic as possible, ask your friends if they had something similar. So, yellow discharge during pregnancy - is it normal or not? When should a woman worry?

Light yellow discharge during pregnancy is an absolute norm in the following cases.

  • If the fluid released by the pregnant woman is odorless, and not too yellow in color, more like an admixture with white. The consistency is watery, not causing discomfort, there is no such thing as “itching” due to the large amount of mucus.
  • If there is no pink discharge and no streaks, there are no signs of thrush.

Yellow, odorless discharge can also have a darkish color - and this is also the norm for those who are in position. Many gynecologists argue that the shade of the liquid depends exactly on what kind of lifestyle a woman leads. So, for example, if there is a bad habit of smoking, then dark yellow discharge during pregnancy will not keep you waiting and will come out profusely. But you must understand that you should not quit smoking abruptly, otherwise it will be a shock to the child. Another normal reason for liquid yellow discharge is an individual feature of the body of each girl.

The main causes of yellowish mucus

In the female body, the embryo begins to form very quickly, which entails the production of progesterone, i.e. a special hormone that is necessary for pregnancy to proceed well and easily. But, despite this, progesterone begins to actively influence the body - white discharge appears. By the way, in most cases they help protect the entire reproductive system of a woman from various microbes. The more actively the fetus develops, the more changes in the girl's body. For example, a special plug of mucus is formed, which clogs the opening of the vagina so that no harmful manifestations penetrate inside. All 9 months the girl feels this traffic jam, in which there is nothing to worry about. Such formations are always considered natural and normal.

And now, let's move on to the most important reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant yellow color from the vagina.

  • External circumstances and their influence. There are a lot of intimate hygiene products: gels, soaps, special ointments, creams. If such things are used too often, then this causes profuse mucous discharge. You understand that the intimate area is extremely delicate, it needs special and careful care. If you overdo it with gels and do not listen to the doctor that intimate soap causes itching and even thrush, then you can easily spoil the state of your body. That is why yellow discharge during early pregnancy can very often appear if the doctor's instructions are neglected.
  • Allergy. Quite often there is a situation when a girl in a position experiences discomfort due to daily pads. The skin of pregnant women is extremely delicate and sensitive, so an allergic reaction appears, and there may well be discharge from women of any shade.
  • Organ pathologies. Every future mother needs to know that something can go wrong in the body, you need to be prepared for this. For example, an inflammatory process can suddenly manifest itself. In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact your attending gynecologist, since the problem is in the genitourinary system, which must be dealt with urgently. It can be both viruses and fungal diseases. Accordingly, the shade of the discharge will be yellow.
  • Sexually transmitted infections. Namely - gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia. All this is very scary, because if left untreated, the condition of the body will worsen. In this case, the nature of the appearance of yellow discharge during pregnancy is quite understandable and logical.
  • Violation of the microflora. In other words, white-yellow discharge during pregnancy may appear due to the fact that the state of the genital organs and their environment are disturbed, there is a strong disorder.

The fluid that comes out of the genitals is yellow in most cases. But sometimes you can find additional shades that indicate what exactly is happening with the girl's body.

  • During pregnancy, light yellow discharge may occur during the first three months. It's all about the production of progesterone, as the main natural process. Blood begins to circulate more often, especially in the small pelvis, leucorrhoea begins to appear more and more actively. The limits of the norm are if the woman does not feel reactions accompanied by pain, if there is no odorous discharge, and if there is no itching.
  • Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy. Very often, a brownish secret indicates that there is a slight admixture of blood. In this case, you need to beware, as this is not good. Sometimes such a shade can indicate a miscarriage or that the placenta has exfoliated. As soon as you find a brown color with blood, run to the doctor. In the early stages of pregnancy, this can still be considered a normal sign, because the embryo is just beginning to attach to the uterus. But still, it is necessary to undergo an examination without fail in order to understand the reason for the discharge of blood and prevent the miscarriage of the unborn baby.
  • Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy. This shade already indicates that everything is bad, there is an infection in the body. Greenish discharge during pregnancy is considered alarming - call an ambulance immediately. It can be both gonorrhea and chlamydia, and vaginosis - these are not all infectious diseases that can be listed. Coloring a shade of green, a terrible smell, a structure in the form of foam, excessive density - all this is not normal. Also, when urinating, a strong tingling sensation can be felt. Do you understand that this is a complete imbalance and discomfort? Contact your doctor to find out the main reasons why such a liquid began to stand out.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous changes. They are necessary for its restructuring and preparation for growth, development of the fetus and the upcoming birth. At this time, various secretions of the reproductive system appear, to which the expectant mother should pay close attention. Among them are yellow discharge during early and late pregnancy.

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

  1. External causes. This may be an allergy caused by the use of hygiene products, pads. To eliminate this reason, you need to replace soap or other intimate hygiene product with a hypoallergenic one. It is preferable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, as often as possible to carry out water procedures, especially in the summer.
  2. Physiological features. In the body of a woman during pregnancy, various physiological changes occur. They affect the endocrine glands, in particular the nature of the secretions. In the absence of itching, redness, fever and smell, yellow discharge in a pregnant woman is considered normal.
  3. Internal inflammation. It can be inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system. As a rule, the causative agents of these diseases are various harmful microorganisms.
  4. Infectious diseases. They are characterized by a change in color and smell of secretions. Among these infections, sexually transmitted diseases are especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.
  5. Dysbacteriosis. The nature of the discharge will change with violations of the microflora of the vagina.
  6. Colpitis. The vaginal mucosa primarily reacts to infection of the genital tract. The cause of its inflammation can be such microorganisms as: streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, etc.
  7. Cervicitis. Yellow discharge during pregnancy, itching and burning can also be a symptom of inflammation of the cervix. The causative agents of the disease are the same microorganisms as in colpitis, only they are localized in the cervical canal or uterus. The gynecologist will prescribe treatment after the relevant tests have been passed and a coloscopy has been performed (a detailed examination of the canal with a special device that magnifies the image several times).
  8. Thrush or candidiasis. Heavy yellow discharge during pregnancy with itching, both white and yellow, may be a sign of a fungal infection. can appear for various reasons: due to wearing synthetic underwear, as a reaction to pads or intimate hygiene products, due to the use of antibacterial drugs. But often the disease manifests itself due to reduced immunity. Since bacteria of the genus Candida are opportunistic microorganisms of the vaginal microflora, pregnancy causes their active reproduction.
  9. Bacterial vaginosis. This disease is also called gardnerellosis. It develops against the background of changes in the microflora of the vagina, as a result of which the lactoflora suffers. It is replaced by bacteria and organisms - gardnerella and anaerobes. The main cause of vaginosis is a change in the hormonal background, which occurs, including during pregnancy. The main symptom of the disease is yellow discharge with a specific "fishy smell".
  10. infected abortion. This is a surgical intervention, after which serious complications remain. They can occur due to infection in the uterine cavity, surgery if there are contraindications to it, or the remains of the fetal egg after cleaning.

Types and shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

If yellow discharge during pregnancy changes shade or color, this may be the first reason why you should pay attention and consult a gynecologist. In order to determine the causes of violations and carry out the correct treatment, it is necessary to observe the color, consistency and smell of the discharge.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy and clear in the absence of an unpleasant odor are considered normal. In this case, don't worry.
  • Bright yellow tint. In this case, the body warns of the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Bright yellow discharge during pregnancy can cause a vaginal infection.
  • Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy is a rather alarming sign. Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy indicates the activity of bacteria such as streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci, gonococci. A small number of them may have been present in the body before pregnancy, and the new position led to the growth of unwanted microorganisms.
  • Yellow-green discharge. If yellow-green discharge is present during pregnancy, accompanied by burning, itching and an unpleasant odor, then it can be argued that the cause of this is trichomoniasis, dysbacteriosis or gonorrhea.
  • Yellow-brown discharge. This shade indicates an admixture of blood in the secretions. This is fraught with considerable danger, both for the pregnant woman and for the fetus. Such secretions can be a sign of missed or ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, miscarriage, cervical erosion.

An increase in the abundance of secretions, combined with a sweet smell, indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. You should seek help from a specialist.

If itching is present along with discharge, there is a high probability of an allergic reaction to intimate care products. To eliminate its signs, it is enough to stop using the product containing allergens.

If the yellow discharge during pregnancy is odorless and has a liquid consistency, it causes an increase in certain hormones. This is the effect of estrogen, which manifests itself in the second trimester of pregnancy. But if liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by itching, pain, elevated body temperature, then an inflammatory process has begun in the body.

Thick yellow discharge during pregnancy is typical for the early stages of bearing a baby. This is due to the formation of a mucous plug and the action of the hormone - progesterone.

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the first weeks after fertilization without itching, odor and pain is normal. This shade of discharge is acquired due to the admixture of epithelial cells from the walls of the uterus and vagina, as well as as a result of the formation of a mucous plug.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy with minor blood impurities does not always indicate a possible danger. In the second week of pregnancy, the cause of blood inclusions may be the process of attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. If such discharge is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. The cause may be an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Yellow discharge during early pregnancy usually has a thicker consistency, which is associated with the action of female hormones.

Yellow discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester becomes more abundant with a liquid consistency. As before, yellow discharge should be odorless or interspersed with any color.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester may appear for the same reasons as in all other stages of pregnancy. This period of bearing a child is more favorable for the necessary treatment in case of deviations.

In the second trimester, bloody impurities in the discharge are strictly unacceptable

Yellow discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

From 37-38 weeks, yellow-brown discharge of a liquid consistency is possible. Yellow discharge in late pregnancy indicates the imminent birth of a child. Also, however, an increase in the amount of discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, which indicates an imminent approach to childbirth.

After a successful conception and the joyful news of imminent motherhood, a woman will naturally feel in the near future. From now on, all the forces of her strong body will be focused on maintaining pregnancy, and major changes will affect all body systems. Hormonal restructuring becomes a common phenomenon - the first months of pregnancy in the body of a woman there is an accumulation. It is to him that the expectant mother owes the preservation of pregnancy, it is progesterone that provides the necessary protection for the baby, the opportunity for the fetus to successfully form and develop later. And it is progesterone that causes changes in the discharge during pregnancy: the discharge acquires a certain viscosity, and their number increases somewhat.

The topic of discharge during pregnancy for expectant mothers is quite understandably “hot”: in many ways, the nature of the discharge can indicate health problems and become a certain “signal” for action. Such a "signal" is also yellow discharge during pregnancy - discharge, for an "interesting situation" is not characteristic and even dangerous. Why? Because yellow discharge during pregnancy is likely to indicate the development of an infection or an inflammatory process occurring in an acute form, as a result of the same infection.

As a rule, if yellow discharge during pregnancy is due to any of these factors, then, in addition to changing the color of the discharge, a woman also notices an unpleasant odor or a noticeable discomfort in the genital area in the form. So, the cause of the appearance of dark yellow discharge during pregnancy can be gonococci, staphylococci, E. coli. In this case, dark yellow discharge is nothing more than pus, therefore, they have a specific, very unpleasant odor.

By the way, purulent yellow discharge is also characteristic of a very dangerous disease during pregnancy - gonorrhea. In addition to the fact that with gonorrhea the color and consistency of the discharge changes, there is also an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area, and painful sensations during urination. With gonorrhea, the discharge is often bubbling, and may change color towards yellow with a green tint. The same symptoms are accompanied by trichomoniasis.

Bright yellow discharge during pregnancy is also abnormal, which may be a symptom of inflammation of the ovaries or inflammation occurring in the fallopian tubes, a vaginal bacterial infection.

Moreover, it is not necessary that the expectant mother "acquires" such "gifts" during pregnancy - even though the body now reacts very sensitively to any irritant (the infection can be brought even from dirty hands). It happens that even before pregnancy, a woman was a carrier of an infection, which either did not manifest itself, or was healed, but not completely cured by. During pregnancy, as you know, the woman's body is much more weakened and vulnerable, against this background, the infection makes itself felt, "activating". And therefore, too, doctors always advocate a clearly planned pregnancy - with all the necessary medical examinations to exclude the possible presence of an infection.

But it is also not advised to panic when a change in the color of the discharge is detected during the bearing of the baby: the doctor and only the doctor after an appropriate examination can name the exact cause. It happens that a change in the color of the discharge becomes a reaction of the body to uncomfortable underwear, the use of inappropriate intimate hygiene products. In this case, the corresponding signs go "into oblivion" almost immediately after the elimination of the stimulus.

And yet, even if yellow discharge during pregnancy is explained by the manifestation of an infection, it is always possible and even necessary to resort to its elimination through competent treatment. Fortunately, today there are many drugs that can be used during pregnancy, and which do not harm the fetus. And it is necessary to be treated when an infection is detected, especially in the early stages of pregnancy - during this period, the probability due to the development of an infection is very, very high.

Be that as it may, the most correct step in the event of the appearance of yellow discharge during pregnancy is the timely consultation of a doctor. and examinations will always show if there is a cause for serious concern and if there is an infection requiring treatment.

Specially for- Tatyana Argamakova