Renal failure in an old cat. Consequences and prognosis

Kidney disease in cats can be acute or chronic. The acute form is dangerous because of its rapidly growing dynamics, when every minute is precious. The chronic form is dangerous with mild symptoms: the disease is often noticed when it is already difficult to find an effective treatment.

Kidney failure in cats can be either primary or secondary, but it is difficult to save the animal in both cases. The primary form occurs as a result of direct pathology of the kidneys under the influence of nephrotoxic poisons. The secondary form develops against the background of circulatory disorders, severe dehydration, urolithiasis, chronic diseases requiring intensive drug treatment, infectious diseases, accompanied by severe intoxication. The risk factor for the development of the disease is the use of prolonged anesthesia.

Special attention deserves congenital kidney failure that develops in the neonatal period. Sometimes it is caused by pathologies of pregnancy or labor activity including asphyxia.

The causes of failure are very diverse. In addition to those listed above, these can be systemic diseases(or gout), tumors and cysts of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Acute and chronic forms: differences?

The acute form can develop as a complication of kidney infections. For example, pyelonephritis in cats often provokes an acute form, the main symptoms of which are complete absence urine, even with timely treatment.

Acute renal failure is characterized by the absence of stages of the disease. The main factor in diagnosis and treatment is the degree of damage to the diseased organ, which is calculated using a special formula for the concentrating function of the kidneys. But, despite the pronounced dynamics of the disease, the prognosis of acute renal failure is not as unfavorable as in chronic: the animal can survive even after complete kidney failure. As a rule, the acute form is primary and develops as a result of simultaneous exposure to provoking factors (poisoning, prolonged anesthesia, severe infectious toxicosis).

Chronic renal failure in cats is more insidious, since even with functioning organs, it is often not possible to save the animal if the concentrating function is below 5%. But owners and doctors have more time to plan medical measures- this gives the sick animal a chance to live longer.

In other words, in the acute form of the disease, everything depends on the speed, in the chronic form, on attention to the condition of the animal.

Stages of development of chronic pathology

  • Latent or hidden stage is asymptomatic. Moreover, the results of many analyzes and tests may be within the normal range. It is possible to determine violations only by an extended urinalysis and a test of concentrating function, which will not be one hundred percent.
  • The compensated stage is also asymptomatic. However, the disease can already be detected through tests and examinations. In addition, at the end of the stage, the sick animal has a strong constant thirst and weight loss.
  • The decompensated stage is characterized by an increase in the dynamics of the main symptoms and clinical indicators. The main danger represents refusal to eat, general exhaustion and intoxication, although sick animals are still thirsty and urine does not stop.
  • The terminal stage is characterized by a complete rejection of water. Due to dehydration, exhaustion and intoxication, a deep coma develops with convulsions.

Symptoms of the disease

Unfortunately, clinical picture chronic renal failure in cats does not have pronounced and characteristic symptoms.

The first signs allow only to suspect the disease. As a rule, at the end of the compensation stage and at the stage of decompensation, there is a decrease in activity and lethargy, lack of appetite up to a complete refusal to eat, constant thirst and profuse urination, rapid weight loss, pallor skin and mucous membranes. Sometimes concomitant symptom are dental problems: rapid formation of tartar, stomatitis and gingivitis. More severe symptoms appear at the end of decompensation and on terminal stage. Therefore, at the first suspicion of renal failure in cats, a complete examination should be carried out as soon as possible, since the animal can be saved only by starting treatment at an early stage.

The clinical picture of acute renal failure is also not typical. But the dynamics of symptoms cannot go unnoticed, which allows us to assume the disease in time, examine and begin treatment. In the acute form of the disease, not a minute can be lost.


Renal failure in a cat requires not only timely, but also qualified treatment, and only after accurate diagnosis. Therefore, no advice from pharmacists, folk methods and other home remedies are unacceptable. And most often, in the acute course of the disease, treatment in a hospital is required. Therefore, the owners should know only one thing: an urgent consultation and medical assistance is needed. If you are lucky, and the animal will be left to be treated at home, then both medicines and procedures must be fully coordinated with the doctor.

Principles of therapy for acute and exacerbation of the chronic form

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate it. At infectious diseases antibiotic therapy is required, in case of poisoning - the use of antidotes.

Simultaneously with the determination of the causes of the pathology, emergency detoxification is carried out: forced diuresis, hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, hemosorption, peritoneal or intestinal dialysis. All these procedures are possible only in a hospital and under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

In the process of emergency therapy, measures are taken to maintain or normalize all body functions: special diets, prevention of dehydration and bleeding digestive tract, control and prevention of violations of activity of cardio-vascular system. It is important to pay great attention to the feeding schedule: in small portions (no more than 5 ml) every hour, sometimes even every 10 minutes. Clinical monitoring of the condition of a sick animal should be daily, sometimes even twice a day.

The list of drugs for basic therapy is quite extensive and depends on each specific case, its causes and the severity of the disease. In the treatment of the disease, glucocorticoids are used to stabilize the water-salt balance, diuretics and laxatives as part of detoxification therapy, and potassium preparations to normalize the hemolytic balance.

Forecast for the future

This disease in cats is incurable, since even at the latent stage, kidney cells die, and it is no longer possible to restore them. The only way- support the normal functioning of the remaining cells. In rare cases, when treatment was started at the stage of compensation, it is possible to return the animal's condition to a latent form, but lifelong maintenance therapy will still be required. And here it all depends on the dedication of the owner.


First of all, it is necessary balanced diet with a minimum content of protein and phosphorus, which will have to be observed very accurately - the slightest deviation will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the animal. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how and what to feed a cat with kidney failure. It is quite difficult to make a correct diet on your own, most likely, you will have to transfer a sick cat to specialized and expensive feeds. Dry food is contraindicated.

It will be especially difficult to accustom a cat to a new type of food - this will require a lot of patience and time, but will help prolong pet a life. In addition, you may need drugs that stimulate appetite, regulate the processes of digestion.

Medication support

A sick cat will need constant medical support: not just pills or injections, but regular droppers that will restore the water-mineral balance and reduce the toxic load on the kidneys, which will keep the remaining cells in a normal state. All drugs must be prescribed by a veterinarian after the next examination: constant adjustment of the treatment regimen is important. The owner will need to be extremely careful about doses and timing of medication.

With the development of renal failure, it is also necessary to constantly monitor the weight of the animal. In case of sudden weight loss, special assignments anabolic steroids and vitamin complexes.

Regular examinations for this disease

It is also the responsibility of the owner of a sick animal to regularly monitor its condition. Simply observing external signs will not help: clinical tests are required and objective examinations. This is important not only for determining the degree of kidney damage: it is necessary to constantly monitor the function of hematopoiesis and blood balance in order to prevent the development of anemia. Clinical Tests often needed every other day, with stabilization of the animal's condition - every three months. You will have to constantly monitor the level of blood pressure - special devices for measuring are on sale.

Acute renal failure in cats (CRF - Chronic renal failure in cats) is a pathology in which dysfunction of the excretory apparatus occurs, accompanied by pain and unpleasant symptoms. When this disease occurs, the activity of the most important organs is upset. The disorder also suffers from the water-salt balance of the body.

This disease most often appears as a result of previous diseases of the urinary system. Also, it can occur due to infections, injuries and diseases of a somatic nature. It is important to understand that this can lead to lethal outcome or develop into CRF in cats.

The kidneys do the job of cleaning the body. If the kidney work fails, then the cat will receive a complex intoxication, which can subsequently become fatal.

Such a disorder is considered the most dangerous. As a result, the kidneys decrease in size, which leads to their dysfunction. Self-diagnosis this disease practically impossible.

The disease almost does not affect the behavior of the animal, therefore, at the slightest suspicion, it is worth taking the pet to the clinic. On the early stages you can improve the condition of the body of a pet with kidney failure with the help of diets and simple treatment, so you should not postpone therapy until later.

Forms of the disease

Kidney failure in a cat is divided into two types:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic.

Such problems are caused by such reasons:

  • Damage to the kidney tissue;
  • Urine diversion dysfunction;
  • Blockage of blood flow in the kidney tissues;
  • Ingestion of toxic substances.

The peculiarity of the acute form is that timely treatment can completely cure and restore functional features healthy kidneys cat. However, with frequent repetition acute insufficiency, it can become chronic.

Kidney failure in cats is severe and poorly curable disease. It occurs in older and older animals. Often the chronic type of the disease occurs due to obstruction of the kidneys and other concomitant ailments. At correct diagnosis and timely intervention, it is possible to alleviate the course of the disease and associated symptoms.


Most often, they begin to appear almost immediately. These include the following signs:

  1. Lethargy. The animal may become non-playful, sleepy and lethargic. Appetite disappears. Sudden weight loss (anorexia) is possible;
  2. Vomit. This symptom can be repeated. Relief in the animal does not occur, and the general condition, on the contrary, is significantly weakened. Vomiting can also be accompanied by indigestion, accompanied by pain in the pet;
  3. Thirst. The animal often drinks a lot. This can worsen the general condition of the pet;
  4. Blood in the urine. She's talking about a blockage in the urinary tract. Also, the cat may experience frequent ineffectual urge to urinate. It is necessary to focus on the amount of urine of a cat. It can be either critically small or too abundant;
  5. Seizures. It is expressed in involuntary contraction of muscle tissue. It is possible to fall into a coma and disorder of consciousness due to intoxication of the body;
  6. Smell from the mouth. Owners may notice the smell of acetone or urine from their pet's mouth. This indicates severe intoxication and the need for urgent therapy.

It is important to understand that none of the above symptoms is characteristic of kidney failure, since this disease does not have specific and unique signs.

Thus, if the cat behaves restlessly or too apathetically, he has a poor appetite and high thirst, you should contact veterinary clinic for examination by a doctor and further diagnosis of a possible disorder.


Doctors distinguish several main stages of kidney failure in a cat of a chronic type:

  1. early or latent stage.
    At this stage, the amount of creatine in the body of the animal does not change. The pet itself practically does not feel changes in the work of the kidneys and on well-being.
  2. Initial stage.
    Its characteristic features are changes in the well-being of the pet. Cats become more lethargic, lose weight dramatically and have little or no appetite. The animal may occasionally vomit. This stage usually lasts for several months.
  3. Conservative stage of chronic renal failure.
    The normal filtration function of the kidneys is rapidly declining. Cats may experience symptoms such as: dehydration, gastrointestinal disturbances, anemia.
  4. Terminal stage.
    In this case, the animal's blood contains increased concentration urea and creatine. The cat may have seizures and have bad smell urine or acetone from the mouth. With a long progression of this stage, the life support of the animal is impossible without transplantation of a healthy organ.

Also, the symptoms of the disease include:

  • Bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • Ulcers in the mouth and on the tip of the tongue;
  • Softening of the bones of the skull (facial part);
  • Change in the size of the kidneys;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Coma;
  • Tremor;
  • epileptiform seizures;
  • Lethargy;
  • Poor coat structure;
  • immune depression;
  • Poor blood clotting, etc.

All of these symptoms and more are characteristic of chronic renal failure in cats.


This disorder begins to progress against the background of existing pathologies of the urinary tract, as well as due to somatic feline diseases. The main reasons identified by veterinarians are as follows:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Tumors of the kidney tissue;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases;
  • Pathology;
  • Underdevelopment of renal tissues.

A frequent case is that it is not possible to detect the cause of the disease even after tests and different types diagnostics.

Most effective treatment a pet is considered when the veterinarian has identified the cause of the disease. If the etymology of the onset of the disease is not clear, then it is not possible to create the correct course of therapy. The maximum available in such a situation is to maintain the general condition of the animal's body for several years, without eliminating the source of the disease.

For maximum effectiveness of treatment, monitoring of the animal's tests and regular laboratory checks of new blood and urine tests are required. According to the obtained indicators, the doctor makes adjustments to the therapy.

When a cause is identified, doctors most often prescribe infusions of electrolyte solutions. Also, cats are prescribed additional medicines for removal unpleasant symptoms nausea, dehydration, high blood pressure and anemia. If all these measures do not help the pet in any way, then doctors use surgical treatment or an artificial kidney device.

Medicinal herbs also often become one of the additions to the main treatment and prevention. Herbal teas, mineral and vitamin supplements for a cat also perfectly relieve obsessive symptoms.

Unfortunately, a successful outcome in the fight against this complex illness possible only in the first two stages described above. The conservative and terminal stages are practically incurable and will most likely lead to the death of the pet if not taken care of. good treatment kidneys in cats.


Diet is one of essential elements management of renal failure in cats. Doctors recommend paying attention to three main points when changing a pet's diet.



Cats with kidney failure often suffer from dehydration. This is due to the fact that the kidney tissue poorly retains fluid in the body. The required amount of water in the animal's body can delay the development of the disease. It is important for the owners to maintain the necessary fluid balance and closely monitor this. Oddly enough, but most of the liquid enters the body of cats through the food they consume. In this case, it is better to replace dry food with canned and wet analogues.


Restriction of protein food helps the animal feel healthy, but reducing the intake of phosphates can significantly extend the life of the cat. This diet is also excellent at protecting cats from progressive kidney failure and tissue damage.

Medical food

Medicinal feeds have enough high performance quality. Don't be alarmed if your veterinarian suggests trying food for a cat with kidney failure. The composition of such pet food has an excellent balance of all the most essential substances and able to provide positive influence on the course of the disease.

Some owners have problems with their pets when it comes to changing food to medicated. Veterinarians recommend making the transition smooth by gradually mixing medicinal food in the usual for a cat dry.

Also, if the cat flatly refuses a new food, then the veterinarian may attribute additional drugs, which can improve the appetite of the animal.


Care has several important rules that should be followed to improve the general condition of the pet:

  1. Follow the right diet;
  2. Try to timely take your pet for regular check-ups;
  3. Do not interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor;
  4. Provide enough water in the diet;
  5. Support your pet vitamin complexes and minerals;
  6. Monitor your pet for any deterioration in his condition. Pay attention to coat, appetite and behavioral features.

These rules for caring for a sick pet will help relieve him of pain, poor health and significantly extend his life. Remember that your cat's health depends only on your love and care.

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Renal failure in a cat is so serious illness that delay in diagnosis and treatment can lead to death. In order to save the animal and prolong its life for several years, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as the first manifestations of this disease are noticed.

What is kidney failure and why is it dangerous?

The kidneys are multifunctional and work in interaction with the whole body:

  • cleanse the blood of toxins, decay products, toxins;
  • retain water or remove its excess;
  • participate in the production of hormones, minerals, vitamins and enzymes;
  • regulate blood pressure by decreasing or increasing sodium production.

If the kidney function is impaired, any of these functions slow down or stop. This leads to a metabolic disorder, to a malfunction in the work of other organs and to intoxication of the whole organism.

Treatment of kidney failure in all cats is effective only on the very initial stage. The more advanced the disease, the worse the prognosis for recovery. Noticing any, even minor signs, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Renal failure in cats is accompanied by symptoms similar to other diseases, so the veterinarian can prescribe treatment only after a complete examination and diagnosis.

No medicines can be given to a pet on their own, just as you can carry out medical procedures yourself. Only a qualified specialist can treat a cat with kidney failure.

Types of kidney failure

There are two types of kidney failure in cats: acute and chronic. They have similar characteristics, but develop differently.

Acute deficiency

Acute renal failure in cats occurs instantly and develops rapidly. The signs are pronounced, and this makes it possible to start treating the disease at an early stage, which is important for a full recovery and restoration of kidney function. It is divided into three types of the disease:

  1. prerenal insufficiency, in which the tissues of the kidneys are not changed, but the blood flow through them is reduced;
  2. renal - damaged tissues and structures of the kidneys;
  3. the kidney tissues do not have changes, but the urinary system is damaged (mechanical compression or blockage).

If acute renal failure recurs periodically, then the cat may enter the chronic stage of the disease, which cannot be treated.

chronic insufficiency

In chronic insufficiency, cells in the kidneys die or age. The number of working cells is reduced, and a large load falls on the remaining ones. The process of death is irreversible, and there are fewer and fewer working cells, and the load is increasing.

Chronic renal failure in cats (CKD) is dangerous because initial stage When the pet can still be helped, the disease is asymptomatic. Symptoms begin to appear when the disease progresses and more than 2/3 of the kidneys are damaged.

Chronic renal failure in cats has four stages of development:

  1. an early stage, when no symptoms are noticeable and treatment is usually not started during this period due to ignorance of the pet's illness;
  2. the initial stage of chronic renal failure - the pet feels a slight malaise, appetite decreases, there is a slight weight loss, the coat grows dull;
  3. conservative stage - the animal's well-being noticeably worsens, appears great weakness, constant thirst, abundant and frequent urination, high blood pressure may be vomiting and diarrhea;
  4. the terminal stage is a severe form of the disease. Feeling unwell is progressing, from the cat's mouth there may be strong smell acetone. At ultrasound examination a change in structure is noticeable - tubercles are visible on the kidney, the layers are fuzzy, the size of the kidneys is reduced. Terminal is last stage chpn in cats.

Treatment of CKD in affected cats, regardless of the stage of disease progression, is supportive. It is impossible to completely stop the disease, but it can be slowed down. How long cats with CKD live depends on many factors - at what point treatment is started, how responsibly the owner treats the health of his pet, on the general immunity of the animal. Age also plays a special role - small kittens and old cats endure the disease very hard.


Kidney failure occurs for a variety of reasons:

  • frequent renal inflammatory processes;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • some immune diseases;
  • any kind of poisoning;
  • congenital malformations and disorders in the activity of the kidneys;
  • stones or neoplasms in the kidneys or urinary system;
  • injury.

Most often, renal failure occurs in older pets, aged 8-9 years. The aging process begins, and the kidneys cease to fulfill their filtering role. In small kittens, the disease may be due to heredity or genetic disorders. Sometimes deficiency can be the fault of the owner: poor-quality food is included in the diet, the pet does not have access to water, an infectious disease has not been cured in time.

Persian and abyssinian cats suffer from kidney failure more often than representatives of other breeds.

Symptoms of kidney failure

Symptoms of kidney failure are inherent in many other diseases. There are no specific signs. But if you notice at least one of the following symptoms, you should contact the veterinarian to find out the cause:

  • loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss;
  • rare or vice versa, too frequent urination;
  • sudden urination in an unintended place;
  • pain when urinating;
  • too much dark urine or, conversely, too light, transparent;
  • refusal of water or excessive thirst - it is worth considering if a pet drinks more than 100 grams of water per 1 kg of weight per day, especially without active games and with normal temperature air;
  • inactivity, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia, which can be seen in the pale mucous membranes;
  • the smell of ammonia from the mouth;
  • visual impairment, which can be understood by the fact that when moving, the cat does not notice obstacles in its path;
  • dehydration of the body, which can be judged by too viscous saliva, dry and dull gums, dull and disheveled hair.

If similar symptoms indicate kidney failure in a cat, then treatment is prescribed after complete diagnostic examination in the vet clinic.

Diagnostic studies

Diagnosis of renal failure includes a number of examinations:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood, which determines whether there is an inflammatory process in the body, anemia, how much the level of urea and creatinine is exceeded, whether the trace elements contained in the blood - phosphorus, calcium, potassium correspond to the norm;
  • general urine test to detect renal epithelium, bacteria, for the compliance of the number of leukocytes with the norm, for the ratio between protein and creatinine;
  • on x-ray examination determine the change in the size of the kidneys, the presence of tumors or stones in them;
  • ultrasound examination shows the structure of kidney tissues, their modification, pathologies and other inconsistencies with the norm.

If the results of these studies are insufficient to determine accurate diagnosis may require additional testing.


Once the diagnosis of renal failure in cats is established, treatment is prescribed according to the type of disease. Acute and chronic insufficiency require a different approach. In each case, individual therapy is prescribed.

In acute deficiency it is important:

  • remove toxins from the blood;
  • prevent anemia;
  • eliminate side symptoms(vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure);
  • normalize blood pressure.

To solve these problems, the veterinarian will prescribe medications, draw up a schedule for taking medications and calculate the dosage based on the weight and age of the animal.

Therapy is effective when it is started on time and the cause of the disease is identified. If the cause of kidney failure is difficult to identify, then there is a possibility that the disease will recur repeatedly and after a while it will turn into chronic insufficiency.

With chronic renal failure, therapy should be carried out for life. It is impossible to stop this type of disease, and the goal of the measures is to ensure that the cat lives as long as possible. The complex of measures is aimed at slowing down the process of death of the body's cells, eliminating symptoms, normalizing metabolism and improving the general condition of the animal. The cat will have to live under the constant supervision of a veterinarian who will prescribe regular additional examinations and adjust the medications used and their dosage.


Feeding a cat with kidney failure is quite difficult. If the cat has been on natural food, and feeding him was not a problem due to the variety of foods that he can, and he loves, now the food should consist of diet meals. The diet completely eliminates many foods.

What not to feed:

  • animal fats;
  • any dairy products;
  • liver;
  • fish fat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • caviar of any fish.

Nutrition should include a minimum of phosphorus and protein. You can feed your cat white meat chicken or turkey, but in a minimal amount.

Nutrition should exclude carbohydrates - cereals, flour products. During feeding, you can give mashed vegetables to a state of puree, diluting them with low-fat chicken broth. Vegetables can be given in any quantity, but rarely can a cat be forced to eat them all the time.

The best option is to buy ready-made special feed for cats or kittens with kidney failure. Renal medicated food not only helps to feed your pet in a balanced way, but also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

Except right food it is necessary to take care that the bowl of water always stands in the place familiar to the cat.

With the help of the kidneys, toxins that have got inside from the body are removed from the body external environment or harmful substances produced by internal organs. In case of violation of their work and absence timely treatment the consequences can be the saddest and irreversible, even death.

Clinical picture, types

Renal insufficiency is a pathology characterized by malfunction of the kidneys, accompanied by an inability to produce urine and maintain normal condition internal environment. As a result, other serious problems that lead to damage to other organs and systems.

The particular danger of the disease lies in the fact that in the early stages it is often almost asymptomatic. This stage can take years. It is difficult for owners to notice that something is wrong with the pet. The disease gradually develops, and passes from an acute form to a chronic one. The consequences of the latter are often irreversible. Treatment takes a lot of time and effort.

The first symptoms are:

  • periodic refusal of food;
  • the depressed state of the animal;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • copious or, conversely, scanty urination.

When the disease becomes severe form symptoms become more pronounced. The cat gets tired quickly, sleeps a lot, refuses to play, loses weight dramatically. The appearance of the pet clearly speaks of the pathology - atrophied muscles, skin hanging in folds, complete apathy.

  • Increased thirst and urination. Urine is colorless, odorless.
  • Reduced activity.
  • Diarrhea, sometimes vomiting (with an increase in signs of intoxication and a decrease in kidney function).
  • Decreased appetite, in the flesh to anorexia. And, as a result, weight loss and the development of exhaustion and dehydration.
  • A characteristic unpleasant smell of ammonia appears from the mouth.
  • The cat begins to look shabby, the coat becomes sparse, brittle.
  • When examining the mouth, pale mucous membranes with small ulcers are noted. Perhaps the appearance of ekterichnosti ( yellow color) mucous
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Eating filler from the tray.

When kidney failure affects other organs, cats practically refuse to eat, their stool is disturbed. If nothing is done at this stage, the death of the pet is inevitable.

Very often, clinical manifestations are similar to other ailments:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid disease;
  • liver dysfunction and others.

The disease can be inherited. At risk are breeds prone to kidney problems - Persians or Abyssinian cats. As well as animals older than 7 years, regardless of breed. According to statistics, 30 out of 100 cats in this age group suffer from chronic renal failure.


There are many causes of the disease. Depending on the pathogen, several types of pathology are distinguished, for each of which certain methods of treatment have been developed.

Most often, the disease develops due to:

  • poisoning with drugs, food and other substances;
  • autointoxication - poisoning by substances produced by one's own body;
  • kidney disease (eg, nephritis), polycystic, etc.;
  • viral diseases;
  • improper anesthesia during surgery;
  • vascular pathologies
  • violation of the patency of the urinary tract.

Often the factor influencing the development of the disease is not one of the above reasons, but a combination of several.

Many cats have a genetic predisposition to kidney failure. Therefore, when buying a kitten, you should always pay attention to the pedigree. If in young animals the disease proceeds imperceptibly, then in aged pets it will manifest itself in full force. It is almost impossible to cure the animal in this case.

Consequences and prognosis for recovery

The consequences of the disease first lead to the fact that the kidneys do not cope with their main function. They do not produce the proper amount of urine. Harmful substances accumulate in the body. In the most severe cases, this leads to general intoxication of the body.

The main consequences also include:

  • water-salt and acid-base imbalance;
  • retention of toxic substances in the body;
  • deterioration in general well-being due to the inability to absorb vitamins and trace elements.

The combination of the above factors leads to an even greater deterioration in the health of the cat. In the last stages of the development of the disease leads to severe kidney damage and internal organs, work failure endocrine system, the development of other diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).

Acute renal failure is most often reversible. With timely treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable. Chronic is almost incurable. Treatment is aimed only at improving the well-being of the pet, removing severe symptoms, maintaining vitality important organs and systems. In order to avoid sad consequences, you should not engage in self-restoration of the health of a cat.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is a pathology that develops suddenly and is a consequence of acute lesion kidneys due to other diseases or external factors. This form is characterized by a decrease in the amount of urine or its absence. If you notice the first symptoms in time, the prognosis for recovery will be favorable. Negative processes occurring in the body can be stopped and prevent the development of complications.

Causes of OPN:

  • systemic diseases;
  • trauma;
  • internal intoxication;
  • dehydration.

The development of the disease goes through 4 stages. At the first, urination decreases, blood pressure decreases. After the amount of urine produced decreases to critical level or stops altogether. During the course of the disease, the animal exhibits:

  • general depression;
  • an increase in toxic substances in the blood;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • stool changes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • discoloration of the mucous membranes - severe redness or, conversely, pallor (typical for severe stages).

The complexity of diagnosis lies in the fact that acute renal failure often develops without pronounced symptoms. To prevent the development of the disease, you can make a balanced diet. You should also be alert to any changes in behavior and appearance pet. At the slightest suspicion of any ailment, it is better not to postpone the visit to the veterinarian until later.

Diagnosis and treatment

At timely handling to the veterinary clinic and the right treatment regimen for acute renal failure is cured. First, the urinary function is restored. Then, the work of the kidneys. The course of treatment lasts approximately 2-3 months.

To make a diagnosis, laboratory tests of blood and urine are prescribed. During a direct examination, the doctor pays attention to the color of the mucous membranes, measures body temperature, and performs palpation. If pain is felt, accompanied by an increase in temperature and a decrease in the amount of urine produced, we can talk about the development of acute renal failure.

Data laboratory research that confirm the diagnosis are as follows. In the urine there is an increased amount of:

  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • phosphorus.

Since diseases of the urinary tract can be the cause of the development of acute renal failure, instrumental research methods are prescribed. For example, X-ray diagnostics, which allows to identify kidney stones. As well as ultrasound, which determines the size of the kidneys and their condition. Tissue biopsy is sometimes performed to clarify the diagnosis.

The treatment regimen and the selection of medications are based on the data obtained. In most cases, everything ends happily. Not only medications, but a specially selected diet with a reduced content of phosphorus and protein. Diet planning depends on individual features and general condition cat health.

In some cases, it is advisable to take a course intensive care. With the help of a dropper, toxic substances are removed from the body, helping the animal cope with dehydration. A complex approach increases efficiency and facilitates the treatment process. The selection of medications depends on the cause that caused the development of acute renal failure. Therapy will be aimed at eliminating them and restoring the function of internal organs (kidneys) and urinary tract.

  • To establish the outflow of urine, the introduction of droppers with saline solutions This is especially important when dehydrated. To improve the patency of the kidney vessels and reduce pressure, antispasmodics are used ( papaverine, no-shpa). Regardless of the presence of infection, antibiotics (amoxicillin) are used.
  • Analgesics are used to relieve pain baralgin) or novocaine blockade (with severe persistent pain).
  • Antiemetics are also prescribed cirucal). It is important to monitor the indications of the state of the cardiovascular system, very often rhythm disturbances can occur.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure is a consequence of many ailments:

  • kidney disease in a chronic form;
  • systemic diseases;
  • polycystic;
  • poisoning.

The development of chronic renal failure occurs slowly and gradually leads not only to impaired renal function, but also to damage to all organs and systems of the body. In the blood, the level of protein breakdown products - urea and creatinine - rises.

Due to malfunctions in the urinary tract, harmful substances cannot be excreted naturally from the body. They start out in other ways. For example, through the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and lungs. This inevitably entails general intoxication.

External signs of the disease appear:

  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • muscle cramps;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • distinct smell of ammonia from the mouth.

Associated symptoms- violation of urination, fever, anemia, decreased immunity, mental disorders, pain in the lumbar region, frequent urges to urination, frequent licking of the pet's genitals. When these symptoms appear, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination. As a rule, CKD is accompanied by other diseases.

Usually, chronic renal failure is diagnosed in animals older than 8 years, since the disease develops slowly without obvious clinical manifestations, gradually affecting the kidneys and surrounding organs. With such a diagnosis, a complete cure, unfortunately, is impossible. In most cases, when contacting a veterinary clinic, 50% of the tissues of the kidneys and adjacent organs are affected.

Figure 1 - Ultrasound in chronic renal failure


Put correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment for suspected chronic renal failure can only be a doctor after comprehensive examination, including:

  • examination by a veterinarian
  • complete blood count;
  • detailed urinalysis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • x-ray study.

Stages of CRF according to the level of creatinine:

  1. Less than 140 ml / mol is normal, only urine analysis is indicative.
  2. Up to 250 ml/mol - weak stage
  3. Up to 440 ml / mol - moderate.
  4. The strong stage has creatinine values ​​above 440 ml/mol.

AT general analysis blood will show the development of anemia and increased amount leukocytes.

Ultrasound helps determine the cause of kidney damage, the presence of stones, tumors, as well as the presence of complications and differentiation of insufficiency from other diseases. For the same purpose, radiography is used.


Priority direction complex treatment with chronic renal failure, the maintenance of kidney function at a compensatory level becomes. A special diet is prescribed. Often, experts recommend transferring a pet to prepared feed premium. In the product line famous brands mixtures designed for animals suffering from various diseases are often presented.

When fed naturally with food in the diet phosphorus content should be reduced. And the number of products high content iron, on the contrary, is increased. After all, often CKD is accompanied by anemia.

Often, cats with kidney failure lose their appetite, which means they lose weight dramatically. In these cases, drugs are prescribed that restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines, causing appetite. Anabolic steroid and B vitamins help to gain weight. In extreme cases, the animal requires hospitalization and intravenous infusion through a drip.

Veterinary drugs

  • intravenous drips to remove toxins from the blood;
  • drugs to increase urine production;
  • medicines to control anemia;
  • medicines for the elimination of electrolyte disorders;
  • drugs for high blood pressure, vomiting and disorders of the digestive tract.

It can sometimes be prescribed for cats - a catabolic drug with immunosuppressive properties. For the treatment of metabolic disorders, a pet may be prescribed Ketosteril for cats, which must be taken in accordance with the instructions. This drug contains artificial analogues of essential amino acids and helps in the fight against CKD.

In addition to the veterinary medicines listed above, CKD treatment can be used Ipaquetine for cats, which you can buy at a veterinary pharmacy. The drug Ipaketine for cats, the price of which is about 300 rubles per 50 grams, is a nutraceutical drug. It improves functional state kidneys and allows to achieve long-term remission.

With a significant weight loss, steroid anabolics are used and vitamin B. An ACE inhibitor is used to lower blood pressure captopril, enalapril. Anemia is corrected with erythropoietin.

Herbal kidney collections and homeopathic preparations are used.

In a chronic process, mandatory preventive hospitalization and examination every 2-6 months are carried out.


  • Timely treatment overweight body and obesity.
  • Mandatory use of drugs diabetes in cats.
  • Proper feeding and sufficient fluid intake by the pet.
  • Prevention of kidney diseases and their treatment.
  • Therapy of infectious diseases.
  • Competent care and ensuring the safety of the life of a pet.

*Based on the results of their own developments and colleagues from

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a nightmare for many cat owners, especially thoroughbreds, because scientists have already established that this disease is hereditary. Even breeds are named, in whose representatives CRF is more common than in others. These are British persian cats and Maine Coons.

The only way to prevent the occurrence of pathology is to prevent sick cats from breeding. But not all breeders care about conducting a survey of producers, and therefore chronic renal failure continues to be dreamed of by owners in nightmares. But forewarned is forearmed.

What is chronic renal failure?

So what is chronic kidney disease in cats? We will try to reveal the causes of this disease and the secrets of dealing with it.

Chronic renal failure is a pathology in which the kidneys cease to cope with their work. And we are not talking about a temporary breakdown, but about a "factory defect" - a kind of time bomb.

An explosion, that is, the beginning of the development of a disease, can occur at any moment and according to the most different reasons. Inflammatory process in the body, malnutrition, hypothermia, infection, metabolic disorders - any of these factors can become a pebble that brings down an avalanche.

Chronic renal failure in cats is incurable. All that can be done is to carry out maintenance therapy, strictly monitoring the condition of the animal and applying special diet. If you manage to contain the onset of the disease, then the cat will be able to live for many years and even feel good, delighting the owners.

Stages of Renal Failure in Cats

But here is the main difficulty. Symptoms of chronic renal failure in the early stages in cats are not expressed in any way, so it is so rare to diagnose the disease in time that these cases can be counted on the fingers.

In the first and second stages, the disease does not manifest itself externally, and only a very attentive owner will notice that the cat has begun to drink more. But you must admit, how many of us will consider this a reason to immediately run to the doctor?

Meanwhile, checking the level of creatinine and ultrasound can give an answer quite quickly and accurately even when clear signs renal failure in cats is still absent.

The International Society for the Study of the Kidney (IRIS - The International Renal Interest Society) proposed four stages of renal failure in cats. See how the level of creatinine in the urine differs on each of them (the unit of measurement is µmol / l).

And now let's talk a little about what happens in the body of a cat suffering from chronic and, moreover, acute renal failure - the symptoms of this disease should become SOS signals for the owner of the animal.

Your pet's body produces a certain amount of toxins every day - the waste products of the muscles and internal organs. All of these toxins enter the bloodstream and travel through the bloodstream until they reach the kidneys, which filter the blood and produce urine, which unnecessary to the body substances and leave it forever.

Signs of early renal failure in cats

Healthy kidneys can cope even with very large quantity toxins, increasing their concentration in the urine to significant limits. If the process of kidney failure has already begun, then the filtering ability of the kidneys is weakened, and in order to remove all the toxins, they have to produce more and more urine. And for this you need water - the cat begins to experience constant thirst and drink more.

This is one of the first signs of chronic renal failure of the initial stage. Cats at this time, mostly feel good. However, if the doctor does not intervene at this stage, the process will continue inexorably, and soon no volume of fluid will be able to compensate for the insufficiency of the kidneys.

It is like a clogged filter, through which no matter how much water is poured, only a thin trickle will come out.

Signs of advanced renal failure

At the next stage of the disease, the purr becomes lethargic, apathetic, loses appetite, loses weight and suffers frequent vomiting- so the body tries to get rid of toxins accumulated in the blood.

In the last stage of kidney failure, the cat's hair falls out, and there is also a strong smell of acetone from the mouth.

Alas, very often sick animals come for examination already with many, if not all of these symptoms, when it is no longer possible to help the animal.

Therefore, if your cat is at risk, get tested by your veterinarian and check if your pet is at risk of chronic kidney failure - in cats, the last stage can come much faster than you think, so if you have any doubts, you should not delay the diagnosis.

As we said, if timely measures are taken, a cat with kidney failure can survive. long life. It is only necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and provide the animal with special nutrition. How to feed a cat with kidney failure, and about proper treatment we will talk about pets in the next article. Follow our publications.

We suggest leaving your comments below on the topic - the forum, unfortunately, is not provided within the framework of the article, but we will try to answer all your questions. We hope that the discussion of such a disaster as kidney failure in cats, the symptoms and prognosis of the disease will be useful to everyone.

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