Childhood cancer: how not to miss stage I of the disease? Hidden risks and features of the course of cancer in children.

Oncology is the second leading cause of death in children and adolescents after accidents. According to statistics, every year in the world more than 200 thousand children under 18 years of age are diagnosed with terrible diagnosis. The number of young patients seen by oncologists is inexorably increasing. Scientists cannot give a specific answer why children get cancer, but note that the manifestation of the disease in early age has features.

A malignant tumor is the result of a disruption in the production of special proteins individual cells or their change at the genetic level. In a growing body, pathogenic cells develop faster, and it is not easy to stop their division. In rare cases, spontaneous regression of a malignant tumor into a benign one was observed at an early age. According to doctors, one factor or several at once can lead to the appearance of the disease. Let's take a look at the most common theories.

Are the parents to blame?

First on the list of answers is genetic predisposition. The likelihood of cancer transmission from a sick mother to the fetus is also considered. This explains the appearance of cancer in infants. Children come into the world with a set of genes from their father and mother. Abnormalities in the parents' genomes affect the baby's condition.

In some cases, deviations do not affect health. In others, they trigger the mechanism of cell degeneration in the first years of life. To reduce the risk, before planning a pregnancy, young people are advised to avoid bad habits, and strengthen the immune system. In addition to smoking, alcohol and chronic diseases adults note the following reasons:

  1. mother's work in hazardous work;
  2. low-quality products;
  3. environmental pollution;
  4. taking medications;
  5. radioactive radiation.

All these factors in the lives of parents have direct influence for children. The list can be supplemented with previous abortions, difficult pregnancy (toxicosis, anemia, threat of miscarriage) and premature birth. The cause of the tumor is the presence of infections in a woman: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus. The age of the mother also matters. The older future mom, the higher the likelihood of your baby developing cancer.

Foods, diseases, medicines: danger is nearby

The question is why children get cancer more than a year from a year old can be asked to careless parents who do not care about their proper nutrition. The quality and composition of products plays a huge role for a growing body. A lack of fresh vegetables and fruits leads to vitamin deficiency. The predominance of fried, fatty, sweet and salty foods in the menu results in accumulation harmful substances in the body and failure of its functions. TO dangerous products include chips, sweet bars and other semi-finished products that contain group E additives.

Hepatitis and herpes viruses have a negative effect on the immune system. Babies with Costman and Down syndrome are also at risk. Frequent colds, allergies and other “minor” diseases that weaken the immune system can cause trouble. Some medications also have adverse health effects. TO dangerous drugs include diuretics, barbiturates, androgens and phenytonin-based drugs.

During adolescence, the process of cell mutation is triggered by hormonal surges and psychological factors. Growing up, a child becomes dependent on living conditions and their influence does not pass without leaving a trace. Unfavorable atmosphere in the family, problems communicating with peers, nervous tension and mental stress affects health. Negative emotions also have destructive power.

Features of pediatric oncology

The nature of cancer has not been studied. Researchers put forward theories, but practice does not confirm them. Malignant tumors in children are half as common as in adults. Most often it is lymphoblastic leukemia in acute form and tumors affecting:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • bones;
  • thyroid gland;
  • brain and spinal cord.

Recognizing the disease at an early stage increases the chances of successfully combating it and makes it possible to use gentle treatment methods. If your child is exhausted, complains of malaise and pain, loses weight, is irritable or becomes lethargic, you should consult a doctor. A special approach is used in the treatment of pediatric oncology.

The pharmaceutical industry is capable of producing effective drugs for chemotherapy, which do not cause significant harm to the body. Surgery and radiation therapy are used only in extreme cases. Taking good care of your baby's health will help protect him from dangerous illnesses.

One of the most terrible trials for parents is a serious illness of a child. Our children are in such need of support, they are so defenseless, and who, if not us, should protect them from all troubles, misfortunes and diseases. Even common cold causes us anxiety and concern, and when it comes to dangerous disease, where there is no guarantee of a favorable outcome, panic and shock intensify. When a child gets cancer, their parents go through the same stages of grief as an adult who receives a cancer diagnosis. The child is our continuation, and his illness is perceived as our own. Therefore, parents of a sick child also need support, first of all, from a professional psychologist.

Having learned that our child was diagnosed with cancer tumor, we experience shock and disbelief. Consciousness refuses to accept the very thought of cancer. We think that this is some kind of mistake, that an incorrect diagnosis has been made, we turn to other specialists and ask them to double-check the examination results. We want to hope that the doctors were wrong, because this happens. We feel horror and fear of loss, many other fears - not being able to cope, not being able to, not finding enough funds, making a mistake in choosing a doctor and hospital. There will be doubts when agreeing on treatment methods, fear of surgery, long and painful therapy, possible appeals to healers, search miracle drugs. It seems to us that life is over!

Anger and rage are almost inevitable. The child is not to blame for anything, it’s unfair, why does he have to suffer so much? In this situation, there is no need to be afraid of aggressive reactions, you need to give vent to anger, because without going through aggression towards fate, it is difficult to come to a real perception of what happened and accept the situation as it is.

We are ready to do anything to ensure that our child recovers; we would change places with him without hesitation, we would give our lives if only he were alive and well. We are trying to come to an agreement with God and fate so that everything ends well.

One of the main psychological problems The problem that parents of children with cancer face is a feeling of guilt. Sometimes it becomes painful and reaches a neurotic state. We begin to blame ourselves - we didn’t protect the child, didn’t pay enough attention, passed on unfavorable genetics, didn’t do everything we could for him. It is important to realize as early as possible that neither you nor anyone else is to blame for what happened, it just happened that way - the child is sick, and he can and should be treated. Therefore, if you feel that you are overwhelmed by depression, it is better to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist - your child needs you and your support now!

Overcoming the feeling of hopelessness and self-pity is necessary in order to help your child overcome the disease. This is not the time to give in to despair, we need to pull ourselves together and provide everything the child needs, we need to act. Remember - our children are very sensitive to our emotions and moods, so let your child understand that the situation is under control, that you are his support, on whom he can always rely, convey to him your confidence that everything will be fine. Believe in your strengths and tune in for the best, support your child’s optimism, faith in a successful outcome and love for life.

If there are other children in the family, you need to explain to them what is happening, tell them at an accessible level about the disease, what needs to be done, how and how you can help the sick person, how to treat him, that you cannot get infected from the sick person. It may happen that healthy children will feel that they are not given enough attention, that they are neglected, that their brother or sister is loved more. It is necessary to involve them in all possible efforts to care for the sick, and also to find time for full communication with them, not to deprive them of the natural joys of childhood and holidays, and to do everything so that there is no oppressive atmosphere in the house.

In the current situation, family unity, mutual understanding and mutual assistance are required. You cannot accumulate fears and tension in yourself without giving vent to your emotions, because sooner or later this overwhelming burden will still break through, but in a destructive form. It is important to combine your efforts and share the responsibilities of caring for the patient, to involve all relatives in helping, in order to give each other the opportunity to be distracted and rest from time to time.

It would be better for the child to avoid excessive guardianship Houses. Of course, you can’t treat him like he’s healthy and pretend that nothing happened, but you shouldn’t elevate the disease to an absolute and subordinate the whole life in the family to it. Let the child do everything that he is able to do, do not isolate him from everyday activities, do not take everything upon yourself, help him when it is really necessary and appropriate. This will make it easier to cope with the disease.

After completing the course of treatment, when the child is strong enough, you need to return to your normal lifestyle. The opportunity to attend school is very important; for the child, this indicates that he has overcome the illness and can live as before. In a gentle manner, you can resume playing sports, having previously discussed this possibility with your doctor and taking all safety measures into account. It promotes physical and mental restoration after a long time and painful treatment, hospitals, procedures. In general, at any stage of treatment it is very important to give positive emotions and joy for the child, maintaining his interest in life, this can serve as a powerful incentive for recovery.

Unfortunately, in Russia the situation with the treatment of childhood cancer is less favorable than in developed countries of the world, because funding for the purchase of drugs and equipment of hospitals, the creation of specialized medical centers and support services, advanced training of oncologists is insufficient. Unfortunately, there are situations when doctors, especially in the regions, refuse to hospitalize a sick child, considering recovery impossible. You can't despair! Fight by all means for the life and recovery of the child, contact charities and organizations created to combat cancer, establish connections with children's oncology centers that have modern equipment and use the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies - Children's Hospital No. 1 and City Hospital No. 31 of St. Petersburg, the Russian Scientific Oncological Center named after. Blokhin and Russian Children's clinical hospital Moscow. Do not be tempted to seek help from witch doctors and healers, to avoid difficult and painful treatment, the sooner you contact professional doctors, the greater the child’s chances of recovery.

Do not despair - now it is very important to break the stereotype that childhood oncology is incurable. Modern methods therapy can cure up to 80% of cases cancer diseases in children. Childhood itself provides more opportunities to fight the disease and recover after treatment. Never lose hope!

is an oncological disease that manifests itself in childhood. According to statistics, this form of the disease occurs in 15 children out of 1000.

Classification of cancer in children

Most often in childhood they encounter cancer of the hematopoietic organs. We are talking about leukemia, malignant lymphomas, lymphogranulomatosis. The probability of this is about 70%. These are called hemoblastoses.

More rarely, formations form in the central nervous system, bone and soft tissues. The rarest types of cancer should be considered “adult” - from 2 to 4% (tumors of the skin, genital organs).

Thus, treatment depends entirely on what type of cancer the child has. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

Causes of cancer in children

The cause of all oncological diseases should be considered a genetic defect in any of the cells. It is this that provokes uncontrolled growth and reproduction of tumor cells. It is also characteristic that while in older people it is possible to determine a number of risk factors that can provoke such mutations, in the case of children, the catalyst for cancer is minor genetic anomalies that were passed on from their parents.

Similar anomalies Many people have them, but not all of them provoke the development of malignant tumors. Risk indicators that affect the child himself (radiation, smoking, negative environmental background) are not really of great importance.

It should be borne in mind that almost all diseases of a genetic nature, namely Down or Klinefelter syndrome, as well as Fanconi syndrome, are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer in children


In children, leukemia manifests itself in:

    significant fatigue and weakness in the muscle area;

    pale skin;

    loss of appetite and body index;

    excessively active degree of bleeding;

    painful sensations in the area of ​​bone tissue and;

    changes in the size of the abdomen, which is a consequence of the fact that some organs become larger;

    changes in the size of lymph nodes in the cervical, inguinal and axillary region;

    the formation of shortness of breath;

    dysfunction of vision and balance while walking;

    hemorrhage or redness on the skin.

What is characteristic of leukemia is that all the signs do not appear simultaneously, but separately. It can begin with all sorts of disorders that form in in different order. In some children, this may be a change in skin color and overall malaise; in others, it may be disturbances in walking and problems with visual functions.

Tumors of the brain and spinal cord

Formations that form in the brain appear most often in children aged five to ten years. The degree of danger of this disease is directly dependent on the area where it is located and the resulting volumes. Unlike older people, in whom cancer forms in the large hemispheres, in children the tissues of the cerebellum, as well as the brain stem, are affected.

Signs that indicate the presence of formations in the brain are as follows:

    very severe migraine, which occurs mainly in morning time and becomes more intense during or when attempting to tilt the head. For those who cannot yet speak, painful sensations appear in a state of anxiety or crying. Small child holds his head and actively rubs his face;

    gagging in the morning;

    dysfunction of coordination of movements, gait, eyes;

    a change in behavior, while the baby refuses to play, withdraws into himself and sits as if stunned, without making any attempts to move;

    state of apathy;

In addition, children experience a change in head size, seizures and all sorts of mental disorders may form, for example, personality changes, manic ideas.

If we talk about formations in spinal cord, then they tend to complain about discomfort in the back area, which become more intense in color when the body is lying down and less intense in a sitting position.

In children, resistance is detected when bending the body, changes when walking, scoliosis is detected, and the degree of sensitivity in the area affected by cancer-type tissues decreases. A positive Babinski sign is also formed (reflexive extension reaction thumb feet in case of skin irritation), dysfunction of the sphincters, Bladder or anus.

Wilms tumor

This formation is also called nephroblastoma and is a malignant tumor of the kidney. This type of cancer is most often encountered by children under the age of three. The disease affects one kidney, and more rarely, both. In most cases there are no complaints of malaise. Nephroblastoma is detected randomly on preventive examination. When palpating in the early stages, there is no pain. If we talk about later stages, then in this case the asymmetry of the peritoneum is obvious due to the tumor, which puts pressure on the organs located in the neighborhood. The baby's weight decreases, appetite disappears, and a fever develops.


This type of cancer can only occur in children. In 85-91% of cases this occurs before the age of five. Cancer may be in abdominal area, chest, in area cervical region and small pelvis, often affecting bone tissue.

Depending on the location, signs that indicate the presence of neuroblastoma should be identified:

    discomfort in the bones, obvious lameness;

    weakness, fluctuations in temperature conditions body, pale skin covering, exceptional sweating;

    disruption of bowel and bladder function;

    swelling in the eyes, face or neck.

The diagnosis can be made based on the results of a special blood test, urine test, puncture and ultrasound results.

This is a malignant formation that appears near the tissues of the retina. Children under six years of age encounter this form of cancer. In a third of cases, both the right and left eyes are affected by malignant cells.

In the baby, it begins to turn red and hurt, and a squint develops. At the same time, a specific glow is obvious in the eye area, which occurs due to an increase in the tumor over time. certain part eyes. As a result, it becomes visible through the pupil. In some patients, this provokes absolute loss of vision.

To detect retinoblastoma, an eye examination is performed under anesthesia. Additional diagnostic measures include X-ray examination, ultrasound, computed tomography, as well as blood tests and spinal puncture.


This malignancy in the area of ​​either muscle or connective tissue. Formed in children in infancy, preschool and school age. Rhabdomyosarcoma affects part of the head and cervical region, more rarely - the urinary organs, upper and lower limbs, and even more rarely - the torso.

Signs of rhabdomyosarcoma:

    the formation of a slight swelling of a high degree of pain;

    visual dysfunction and size changes eyeball;

    urge to vomit, pain in abdominal cavity and constipation (if oncology has affected the peritoneum);

    the appearance of jaundice may be evidence of the presence of a disease in the bile ducts.

According to research, about 60% of patients can be cured.


Most frequent illness oncological nature in the long and humeral bones, as well as the hips in adolescents.

The main manifestation of this type Cancer should be considered pain in the affected bone, which becomes more active at night. On initial stage the pain may appear as shorter. Obvious swelling is revealed only after two to three weeks.

Accurate diagnosis can be placed on the basis x-rays and computed tomography.

Ewing's sarcoma

This formation, like osteosarcoma, affects the tubular-type bones of the baby’s arms and legs. IN certain cases malignant cells affect the area of ​​the shoulder blades, ribs or collarbone. This form of the disease is especially common in children aged 11 to 16 years.

The signs that indicate the presence of a formation are similar to those that appear with osteosarcoma. But in this case, there is a significant increase in body temperature and loss in weight index. In the later stages, sudden pain and absolute pain develop.

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lymphogranulomatosis is a form of lymphatic tissue cancer. It most often forms in adolescents, that is, after 13-14 years.

In this form of oncology, symptoms are mild or not observed at all. With Hodgkin's lymphoma, one or more painless lymph nodes may appear enlarged and may disappear or form again. Some children experience skin, active sweating, an increase in temperature and the rate of fatigue.

Diagnosis of cancer in children

The problem of diagnosis arises due to the fact that the child’s well-being may seem positive even in the later stages of the development of the disease. Formations are very often detected randomly as part of a preventive examination.

In most cases, the final diagnosis can be made only after a biopsy. Based on its results, the variant of malignant formation is determined and the stage of the disease is identified. The choice of treatment method depends on this. When formed in the hematopoietic organs, a bone marrow puncture should be considered a similar biopsy.

Pediatric oncologists and oncohematologists deal with the treatment of malignant tumors in children. Similar treatment carried out in special oncology departments of large children's hospitals and in research institutes.

After he has been discharged from the hospital, the baby must undergo mandatory observation by a specialist in children's department in one of specialized dispensaries. In order to cure cancer of the hematopoietic organs, pediatric specialists use exclusively conservative therapy - chemotherapy and radiation. In the treatment of all other types of childhood cancer (called “solid tumors”), surgery is an additional option.

Current treatment is carried out according to international programs - treatment protocols that are developed separately for each type of illness. Even the slightest deviation from the protocols leads to a deterioration in the results achieved during treatment. The possibility of an absolute cure is guaranteed high degree sensitivity of formations in childhood to specific agents.

After the main course of treatment, patients require long-term therapy and rehabilitation, which is aimed solely at maintaining optimal health. At such moments, the entire responsibility for the baby’s health and care falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents. The results of treatment depend 80% on the thorough implementation of all specialist advice.

Thus, it is extremely important to be aware of all the symptoms that may accompany any form of childhood cancer and follow each of the recommendations given by the specialist. This will be the key to recovery.

Education: completed his residency at the Russian Scientific Oncology Center named after. N. N. Blokhin" and received a diploma in the specialty "Oncologist"

Cancer is a malignant formation that originates from epithelial cells. Unfortunately, oncology in children is becoming common: out of 100 thousand children, 20 get sick every year. Doctors say that in most cases, cancer in children can be cured, since the body and immune system of children are able to cope with many diseases.

Due to frequent examinations, oncology can be diagnosed at initial stages. But based on the statistics of those who applied to early stages is approximately 10%, so the recovery rate is significantly reduced.


Many people ask: “Why do children get cancer?” Many argue that adults themselves are to blame for this. Those mothers who smoked and drank alcohol during pregnancy. Passive smoking next to a child it simply kills him. It is also worth mentioning the frantic technological progress, which has generally increased the number of diseases in both adults and children.

The causes of cancer in children are still not fully understood. Factors that can influence the formation of carcinoma in the body:

  • Violation in intrauterine development. The appearance of anomalies and deformities in children, possible development cancer cells during the embryonic period;
  • Genetic predisposition. Types of cancer are diverse and some of them can be observed in several generations.
  • Ecology. Everyone knows that ecological situation in Russia it is not favorable, the high pollution of our soil, water, air has a huge impact on health, and various viruses can also affect childhood cancer.

Types and symptoms

Early diagnosis of cancer can give a child full life. When the first signs of cancer appear, you should immediately consult a doctor rather than try to treat it yourself. Before answering the question - what are the symptoms of cancer in children, you need to consider each childhood cancer.


Otherwise called leukemia, leukemia or. Ranks third among young children. Initially, cancer cells displace healthy ones, and then they are completely replaced. Hematopoietic function is impaired. The number of immature white blood cells becomes too high. Can be diagnosed on normal clinical analysis blood. Consider the symptoms of cancer in children:

  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Apathetic state.
  • Weight loss, lack of interest in food.
  • Aversion to food, accompanied by vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath due to pulmonary edema.
  • Redness of the skin, unexplained bruising and bruising.
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Large belly due to enlarged internal organs (spleen, liver).
  • The lymph nodes are so enlarged that they can be palpated.
  • Pain in bones (legs, arms, neck).
  • Heat.
  • Bleeding.
  • “Blurry vision”: the baby feels as if he is losing his sight.

Brain and spinal cord.

Diagnosed at the age of 5-10 years. Often occurs due to mutation of remaining embryonic cells in the brain and spinal cord. These cells are very sensitive to external factors: radiation, ecology, chemical influences, etc.

Brain tumor symptoms

  • “Hunger vomiting” occurs when the child has not eaten and is hungry.
  • Visual dysfunction and movement disorders.
  • Severe pain in cranium constantly worsening with head movement and coughing.
  • Cramps.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Abstraction from the outside world.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Cancer

  • Scoliosis;
  • Sensitivity is lost at the site of tumor formation;
  • Relaxation of the sphincters, which leads to fecal and urinary incontinence;
  • Pain throughout the back, subsides when the child takes a sitting position, and intensifies when he lies down;

Kidney cancer is diagnosed before age 3. It is discovered completely by accident, as there are almost no symptoms.


  • Pain syndrome does not appear in the early stages.
  • In the last stages, wild pain appears, as nearby organs are compressed.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Emaciation.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Blood in urine.


This oncology is observed in children under 5 years of age. Affects the sympathetic nervous system. Localization: neck, bones and soft fabrics, abdomen, pelvis.


  • Apathetic state, no desire to do anything.
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Bone pain.
  • Fever.
  • There may be swelling of the throat, face and severe bags and bruises under the eyes.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


The tumor affects the retina of the eye and is found in children after birth and up to 6 years of age. Oncological disease leads to blindness in 5% of cases.


  • Eye hyperemia;
  • Painful sensations in the affected eye;
  • Development of strabismus;
  • “Cat's eye”, the neoplasm protrudes beyond the border of the lens.


Carcinoma of muscle or connective tissue is most often observed in children of all ages, as well as infants. Localization: lower and upper limbs, genitourinary organs, head, neck, less often - body.


  • Yellowness of the skin, sclera and mucous tissues.
  • "Eyes roll out."
  • Inflammatory reaction - swelling in the affected area.
  • Loss of vision.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Pain in the peritoneal area.
  • Rough, hoary voice.

Affects the femoral or humerus V adolescence. The tumor destroys the underlying tissue structure and the bone becomes very fragile in this area.


  • Usually, pain in the bones intensifies in the evening and is short-term in nature; constant pain is gradually observed.
  • At first the pain is not localized.
  • Bumps appear on the bones.
  • A bone may break repeatedly in one place.

Ewing's sarcoma

It is detected in children aged 10-16 years. Tumors are found in the upper and lower limbs, less often - in the ribs, shoulder blades and collarbones.


  • Usually bone pain intensifies in the evening and is short-term.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Heat.
  • In the final stages, paralysis of the affected area is characterized by severe pain.

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lymphogranulomatosis carcinoma, lymph nodes and all lymphatic systems.


  • Lymph nodes may appear enlarged and then disappear.
  • Mild pain.
  • Itching in the affected area.
  • Weakness.
  • Profuse sweating.
  • Low-grade fever.


Babies can feel good even in the last stages of development of malignant tumors.

Cancer during pregnancy is a rare phenomenon, most often occurring in young women aged 15-30 years. In such cases there is special methods treatments, medications that can prevent the development of cancer and preserve the fetus.

Mothers are always sensitive to any changes in the body in relation to the fetus. Pregnant women should always pay attention to symptoms such as: frequent headaches, rectal bleeding, bloating. For diagnosis I use CT, radiography and blood tests for tumor markers.

The following methods are used to detect oncology:

  • MRI allows you to see even the smallest tumor, its shape, and the degree of damage to nearby tissues.
  • Ultrasound carried out in order to give general characteristics internal organs and look for the presence of metastases.
  • CT (computed tomography) allows you to look at the functioning of organs and find the location of the tumor.
  • Blood analysis. In the blood, attention is paid to leukocytes, ESR, red blood cells, as well as the presence of cancer cells. For prevention, you need to take a general and biochemical analysis blood.
  • Analysis of urine. The urine is examined for cancer cells and blood.
  • Biopsy. A piece of the tumor is taken for further examination. The most accurate type of diagnosis based on the biopsy result prescribes treatment, since this method allows you to determine stage, aggressiveness, differentiation, etc.
  • Bone marrow puncture. I use it for carcinoma of the hematopoietic organs.


Chemotherapy is used to remove tumors in children. radiation therapy, in other cases it is removed surgically. After completing one of the above-mentioned therapies, treatment is still continued in order to avoid relapse.

In the final stages, when metastases have already penetrated to distant organs and areas of the body, restraining therapy is used. Surgery is already pointless and chemotherapy and radiotherapy are usually used to contain the beast. At severe pain analgesics and narcotic painkillers are prescribed.


It all depends on when you went to the hospital, on the stage of the disease and on general condition baby. Childhood carcinoma is easier to cure than adult carcinoma, this is justified by the possibility of rehabilitation of a young body. The risk of getting sick is not high. There were cases when they were healed on last stage tumors.

Many people have the question “ Why do people get cancer??. There is no clear answer to this question. Leading scientists around the world are working to determine the true cause of cancer development, which triggers the oncological destruction.

Today it is known that they begin to form on cellular level. Inside every cell human body there is a DNA molecule that controls the processes of cell division. Under the influence of external carcinogenic factors occurs pathological change DNA structure, which causes the onset of atypical and uncontrolled cell division. The accumulation of a significant number of cancerous elements requires intensive intake nutrients. To do this, tumor tissues build their own blood supply system, through which malignant cells receive glucose.

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Why children and adults get cancer: causes and risk factors


The first carcinogen was discovered in the 18th century by Dr. Potto, who, during the treatment process, drew attention to increased amount cancerous lesions in chimney sweeps. They are often diagnosed with a scrotal tumor due to frequent contact skin with biological active substance containing a carcinogen. During scientific research, similar substances were discovered (asbestos, tobacco smoke), which have a detrimental effect on the superficial skin and mucous membrane.


Ionizing radiation plays a key role in the processes of occurrence oncological diseases. This fact is confirmed by the increase in the number of cancer lesions thyroid gland 40 times in people living in the vicinity of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the health status of the population of the Chernobyl zone is even worse.

Viral infection:

Latest Scientific research indicate the viral nature of some types of cancer. In particular, the etiological role of the papilloma virus in the occurrence of cervical tumors, as well as what really exists, has recently been proven.

Genetic predisposition:

Why do children get cancer?, whose close relatives suffered from cancer, is explained by a genetic factor. Persons with a family history of patients with malignant neoplasms have increased risk formation of cancer.

Human lifestyle:

Even in ancient times, healers argued that the nature of nutrition, lifestyle and habits of a person significantly influence the occurrence of diseases.

Each region of the globe is characterized by a specific diet. And it is no coincidence that oncologists observe a certain type distribution of cancer diseases.

Why do people get cancer and what preventive measures are there?

Everyone knows that it is much more effective to prevent a disease than to treat it. This idea is especially relevant in cancer cases. Role cancer prevention is early diagnosis malignant neoplasms. Cancer in the initial stages in almost all clinical cases is considered completely curable or capable of going into stable remission.

In economically developed countries most of budget funds, intended for the needs of the medical industry, is used to finance preventive measures and improve diagnostic equipment. This policy ultimately allows saving significant financial resources on the treatment of cancer patients at late stages diseases.

Why do adults get cancer?

One of the functions immune system Constant cellular monitoring is considered for the timely detection and neutralization of mutated cells. This control is carried out with the help of T-killers, which are special immune cells that analyze surface tissue receptors to detect atypical elements.

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Why do metastases form?

Metastasis is the formation of a secondary focus of cancer tissue that has spread from the primary tumor through the lymphatic and blood vessels. Metastatic lesions predominantly develop in the later stages of pathology. In the process of growing malignant neoplasm intercellular connections are destroyed, which provokes the release and penetration of cancer cells into the lymphatic or bloodstream. It should be noted that distant organs significantly worsen the prognosis of oncology.

Can we cure cancer?

At the present stage of development, medicine has in its arsenal all the necessary means to cure almost all forms of cancer. But to achieve positive therapeutic result a necessary condition is timely diagnosis diseases. For many years now the most effective method anti-cancer treatment remains surgical intervention to remove cancerous tissue. Radiation and radiological therapy are in most cases adjuvant and excellent preventive measure regarding the development of cancer relapses. IN Lately high efficiency show alternative means therapy in the form of “Cyber ​​Knife” and laser surgery.