What grains can you cook for your dog? Modern cereals that should be given to dogs

Many owners of their pets prefer to keep them on natural food, cook your own food. And practically the main dish in such a situation is porridge. It goes well with meat and vegetables. Without a doubt, cereals can be called useful product. However, their entire value largely depends on processing.



You can buy porridge at finished form, or you can cook it yourself. And there is nothing complicated about it. You need to take a pan filled with broth or plain water and pour the cereal into it. At the same time, make sure that there is two fingers of liquid Furthermore the level at which the selected product is located.

About 5 minutes before the product is completely cooked, place a third of the meat into the pan. However, you don’t have to cook it, but add it raw just before feeding. You can do the same with vegetables. Several times a week you should add to your four-legged pet’s diet. egg.

You should not rely on the dog’s taste, nor should you create a diet by eye. Vegetables should make up 20-30% of total number products in the diet. Oatmeal and cereals, due to the characteristics of pancreatic enzymes, are given up to 4-5 one month old, otherwise it is fraught with health problems for the dog.

Semolina contains only carbohydrates. Vitamins and microelements are not included. You can give porridge only if recommended by a doctor. Semolina is strictly contraindicated! It can cause severe metabolic disorders, including death.

The video will talk in detail about how to cook rice porridge for your four-legged pet.

Review of useful products

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to approach the choice of products responsibly. It is necessary to find a kind of balance between mass and energy value. You should look in more detail at what cereals you should give your pet, and which grains are harmful.

Important! You can salt the porridge. But this must be done only after it is ready. Do not forget that animals that are prone to urolithiasis are prescribed a low-salt diet.

Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is an ideal product that can be boiled and given to your four-legged friend. High-grade cereals contain elements such as iron, magnesium, and calcium. There was a place for vitamins B and vegetable proteins. All these substances will not disappear even after cooking.

Well and properly prepared buckwheat porridge will have positive influence on your pet's metabolism. It can be used to stimulate the functioning of of cardio-vascular system, increase immunity. It is recommended to cook buckwheat until it becomes crumbly.

Feeding your pet rice

Rice is a natural absorbent. It helps stimulate metabolism. In addition, cereals are considered an excellent source of vitamins, magnesium, iron and calcium. It is necessary to cook the porridge until the cereal becomes crumbly. After finishing cooking, the product should sit for half an hour.

It is best to give your four-legged friend unprocessed rice. This is due to the fact that the shell contains a significant portion of all nutrients. Boiled cereal can be used in medicinal purposes. It helps in case of poisoning.

Wheat porridge

This product contains large quantities of vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and iodine. It should be understood that the wheat kernel will not be completely digested. However, the remains can act as a kind of “brush” in the intestines.

You should know that the chaff contains quite a lot of starch and flour. For this reason, porridge is suitable only for those four-legged friends who are different increased activity. Otherwise, it is not worth boiling and giving it to the animal.

Barley porridge

Prohibited foods for pets

Not all cereals can benefit your four-legged friend.

And you should consider those that should absolutely not be given to dogs:

  1. Millet. Studies have shown that this cereal is quite difficult to digest. There is a possibility of intestinal volvulus. This product does not have useful properties for a pet, so it can and should be abandoned.
  2. Corn. Cooking porridge from this product and feeding it to your pet is strictly contraindicated. An exception may be the dog’s addiction to pre-cooked or fresh cobs. Taking into account that this product seasonal, you can still pamper your pet with a treat.
  3. Pearl barley. This cereal can cause severe allergic reactions. It is not absorbed by the pet's body. Therefore, you can refuse it.
  4. Semolina. The product contains only carbohydrates. Vitamins and microelements are not included. You can give porridge only if recommended by a doctor. May be required when feeding newborns. Helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Selection of the optimal product

How to make the right choice in favor of a certain cereal? In this matter, it will not be possible to be guided by any standard actions, since two identical dogs can differ in different preferences. And what smaller pet, the more difficult it is to make a choice. After all, it is necessary to create a diet correctly so that it includes everything useful elements in proper quantity.

It should be noted that for decorative dogs, whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, require a diet enhanced with vitamins. This means that you need to think about purchasing feed additives. Based on the reviews of experts, we can safely say that for small breeds Rice and buckwheat porridges are considered ideal for dogs.

In order to raise a puppy, you should seek help balanced diet. Many owners in this situation prefer to buy industrial feed. However, there are such breeds (for example, German Shepherd), which are best kept on natural feeding. Experienced experts recommend feeding a puppy who is not yet a year old with buckwheat and rice porridge. After a year, you can give other products.

Do not suddenly switch from dry food to natural nutrition. But it is not recommended to delay this either. Try to get everything done within two weeks. Be sure to feed your pet probiotics and vitamin supplements.

Video "Happy to Get Food"

After watching the video, you will see how happy the pets become when they receive another portion of food.

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Natural nutrition is something that is as close as possible to the natural diet. certain type feeding. The puppy's diet must certainly be varied, and a significant part of it is rich sources of fiber, vitamins and microelements - cereals.

What cereals can you feed puppies, what grains and how to cook them, as well as everything about additives, portions and cooking options in our article!

Which one is possible?

What dog cereals can, and most importantly, should be given to babies? Buckwheat, oatmeal and rice cereals are most suitable for puppies., they can also be mixed and cooked together.

When considering the question of what cereals can be fed to dogs, do not forget that they all contain phytic acid, which binds calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements, making their absorption in the intestine impossible.

However, there is a simple solution: phytic acid is partially destroyed during cooking and soaking. If you soak the cereal overnight and boil it for about twenty minutes, there won’t be much harm.

IMPORTANT! In any case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the pet’s body: some dogs experience allergic reactions.

How often?

  • 2-3 months: fed six times a day: every three hours, starting at about seven in the morning and ending at nine to ten in the evening.
  • 2-4 months: four to five times a day, increasing the interval between feedings.
  • 4-6 months: three to four times a day, every five to six hours.
  • 6-10 months: three times a day, every six to seven hours.
  • older: twice a day, morning and evening, like adult dogs.

At 1-2 months, meat or fish is given once a day; twice - porridge with water, meat or vegetable broth, with the addition of vegetables and meat; once - milk, cottage cheese or kefir; the remaining two times you can give dairy products or boiled with milk oatmeal.

The time of one feeding is about 15-20 minutes. If there is any food left in the bowl after this, it should be removed.

IMPORTANT! Before giving it to the puppy physical activity, after eating you need to wait 1-2 hours. Excessive activity on full stomach can seriously harm your pet's health.

It is also useful to install a stand for bowls at the level of the puppy's chest: you can make it yourself or buy it. The tripod stand will last a long time because it allows you to adjust the height as the animal grows.

At what age to start?

From 1 to three or three and a half months, approximately half of the puppy’s diet should be dairy products, so porridge can be cooked more often with milk than with water and broth. As they grow older, they should be gradually replaced with meat and vegetable ones. From 10 months, it will be enough to give cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt two to three times a week.

IMPORTANT! Natural food must be fresh.

Is it possible

It is strictly not recommended for both puppies and adult dogs to eat certain grains, as they can cause indigestion, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions and others. serious problems with health.



Let's turn to oatmeal. Oatmeal is high in calories, it has more fiber, protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus than rice and buckwheat. However, it is worth noting that it is only suitable active dogs: castrated and sterilized animals are prohibited from giving oatmeal. But for those who actively run and jump, it is possible.

In some dogs, oatmeal causes intestinal upset - this is individual and, of course, it is better to exclude it from the diet. But for dogs suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers it is very useful oat broth or jelly. Weakened, sick animals, pets “sitting” on dietary nutrition, oatmeal will only benefit growing puppies.

“I’ll cook everything for myself”

Can a dog eat oatmeal? It is possible if this dog eats oatmeal all its life, does not get fat from it, and its intestines cope.

Is it necessary to specifically transfer the dog to rolled oats porridge? No.

In any case, oatmeal, like any other cereal, requires correction and can be given within certain limits, without replacing meat with it.


Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to feed semolina porridge to babies? In fact, semolina is used mainly for those puppies (from newborns to a maximum of 3 months) who need to gain weight.

It is very high in calories, but it contains almost no vitamins and microelements (only a little potassium and iron), small dose fiber (only 0.2%), but a large number of B vitamins.


Millet is too difficult to digest and can even cause intestinal volvulus. In addition, millet can provoke severe allergies! Even mixing with other cereals is undesirable.

Pearl barley

Also contraindicated pearl barley, which is an allergen. And despite the fact that barley contains a lot of vitamins, the body of a dog, especially a puppy, cannot even absorb a third of them. Moreover, the use pearl barley porridge leads to constipation and even allergies in dogs.

Undesirable legumes- often cause bloating. It is strictly forbidden to give porridge from corn grits , it is also practically not absorbed in a dog’s stomach. Corn may be fresh or cooked on the cob.

Wheat and barley porridge can only be consumed by adults and healthy dogs, leading active image life

Depending on the breed

German Shepherd

Porridge should make up 25-35% of the total diet. You can give buckwheat, rice and oatmeal porridge. They are usually supplemented with meat and vegetables.

Mom-Dad, thank you for the delicious porridge!


Steam oatmeal flakes with boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to give oatmeal often, because... it weakens, but can easily be replaced with rice or buckwheat. Add raw yolk, a little raw minced meat and cottage cheese - voila, breakfast is ready!


The following recipe is useful for Labrador puppies: steam finely ground oatmeal with milk, add 1 tsp. fish oil and 2 glucose tablets. You can also cook buckwheat with meat in vegetable broth.
“Can I have some more porridge?”


For Yorkies (as well as Shitzus, toy terriers and pugs), oatmeal and semolina are unacceptable, because... These dogs are prone to obesity. To prepare a delicious porridge for your Yorkie, take a small carrot, a little cauliflower, and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat. Cook everything until done (about 30 minutes), then mix the resulting dish with a blender, add a little unrefined vegetable oil, boiled beef or chicken and serve the porridge to the dog. There should be no salt and pepper!

Calculate a serving of cooked porridge as follows: 500 grams. pet's weight - 1 tablespoon of porridge.

How to cook: recipes

Ready-made porridge with broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. You can also cook cereals, vegetables and meat separately and mix them before giving it to the puppy. In this case, the porridge is cooked in clean water without salt or additives, after cooking it is cooled, transferred to a clean container and stored in the refrigerator.

Any cereal, except oatmeal, should be well cooked, but not paste-like, but crumbly. After cooking, leave the porridge tightly closed and let it brew for half an hour.

Oatmeal is not boiled, but steamed in boiling water. Be sure to wash the grains with running water before cooking.

Boiled fish is cleaned of bones and chopped; the meat is better digested when cut into cubes. Vegetables are also cut into cubes or grated.

Raw vegetables and meat are placed in the porridge 3-5 minutes before readiness; offal is cooked in advance in a separate broth, which is then not used. Ratio of cereal and water: 1 to 2 or 1 to 3.

IMPORTANT! If minced meat is used instead of meat to prepare the broth, it should first be filled with water, stirred and left for a few minutes. Then remove the floating fragments of fat and skin.

Recipes for how to cook porridge for your pet:

Buckwheat in broth

  1. Place the meat in boiling water and cook over low heat until the meat is completely cooked, skimming off the foam regularly. Cooking time depends on the quality of water and meat and can take from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Remove the meat.
  2. Pre-soak the buckwheat in water for 20–30 minutes, drain off the floating husks, and place the grains in a sieve. Add to boiling broth buckwheat in a ratio of 1:3, after boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring.
  3. 3-5 minutes before the cereal is ready, diced raw meat or vegetables.
  4. Bring to readiness, mix thoroughly, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes. You can cover the pan with a towel.
  5. Before eating, add a little butter or vegetable oil to the prepared warm porridge or fish fat.

On the water

  1. Pour the washed cereal with water in a ratio of 1:2 or so that the water level is two fingers higher than the level of the cereal, cover the pan with a lid and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated, 15–20 minutes after boiling.
  2. Cover the pan with a towel and leave to steep for 20–30 minutes. If you use unpolished rice to prepare porridge, you should cook it for 35-40 minutes.
  3. If the cereal is polished, you can add a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil to the water before boiling.

Rice with milk

Pour the washed cereal with milk in a ratio of 1:2, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil. After boiling, cover tightly with a lid and cook for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave on the hot surface for another 5-10 minutes, then open the lid and stir.

IMPORTANT! The food must be warm; you cannot feed the puppy hot or cold!

Possible additives


Dairy are the most important element food for puppies, especially under the age of three and a half months. You can cook cereals in milk, or you can cook them in water, low-fat meat or vegetable broth.

Milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese or yogurt should be added to ready-made porridge with water or milk or fed separately. Also add pieces of vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts to the porridge, and add a teaspoon of honey.


It is possible and healthy to feed a puppy veal, beef, veal, lean lamb, rabbit and turkey meat, horse meat, cook and mix with porridge and vegetables such meat by-products, like the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver.

Chicken should be added to the diet carefully and carefully monitor how your pet’s stomach reacts to it.

The meat must be frozen for two or three days, and defrost to room temperature before feeding.

Instead, you can also pour boiling water over it, put it in the porridge a few minutes before it’s ready and boil it a little, leaving it half-baked. For broth, it is best to use bones rather than meat, which are then removed. Meat by-products can be processed in the same way as meat, but it is preferable to boil them.

IMPORTANT! Poultry meat must be separated from the bones and added to the porridge; giving bones is strictly prohibited.



Vegetables in porridge are placed finely chopped, raw, boiled, steamed, sometimes lightly fried, either one type or several at once. These can be beets, white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, as well as greens in moderation: leaf salads, dill, sorrel, parsley, beet tops, cereal sprouts, etc.

IMPORTANT! Vegetables and fruits should be washed, vegetables should be peeled. Nettle must first be doused with boiling water.


1-2 times a week you should add a hard-boiled chicken egg or a raw yolk without white.

Starting with a few drops and gradually increasing to a teaspoon, you can add vegetable oil, from two months of age - fish oil. Also add crushed chalk or eggshells(it should be crushed especially carefully to prevent the ingress of sharp particles), a little butter.

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to give puppies fatty meat, pork, minced meat, and smoked meats. You should also not add sugar or sweets, since dogs cannot digest glucose and can cause fermentation in the intestines. Hot foods and spices can cause stomach irritation, and sausages contains many harmful substances.

Pasta is allowed, infrequently and in moderation.

You should teach your puppy to eat a variety of foods. If the puppy has a predilection for something specific, this should be taken into account, and for the rejected food, take a break for a week or two. Sometimes you can add salt, but not a lot and not often: salt itself is found in all foods.

Every New Product should be introduced into the diet gradually and monitor the intestinal reaction and possible skin allergic reaction. If necessary, a break is taken.

IMPORTANT! Mix with porridge or other natural products Dry food is not allowed.

The ratio of cereals and additives. How much per day to give?

The portion is calculated according to the age and weight of the puppy, and then it is monitored whether he is full or not. If the pet willingly ate everything and licked the bowl, next time increase the amount of food given. Some animals do not leave anything, even when they are full, you should not allow them to overeat.

The total amount of food per day is 5% of the puppy’s weight; at the age of up to 4 months, another 100 g is added for 1 month of life.

  • 1-2 months: cereals and vegetables should make up 10% of the food volume.
  • 2-3 months: 15-25% cereals and vegetables, 35-50% meat and 40-50% dairy products.
  • from 4 months: meat consumption increases, and other products decreases: the diet consists of 10-15% of cereals and vegetables, 25-50% of dairy products and 50-70% of meat.

Increasing the ratio of one at the expense of the other is inappropriate, including for the purpose of saving.

The amount of meat is calculated based on the requirement of 20-30 g per day per kg of puppy weight. Twice a week, instead of meat, fish should be given, 40-60 g per kg of weight.

Per 1 kg of weight:

  • 1.5 g fiber
  • 9 g protein
  • 13.8 g carbohydrates
  • 2.64 g fatty acids.

A third of the daily meat ration is added to the porridge; the rest should be fed raw.

The cooking ratio is:

  • 30% cereals
  • 40% meat, meat by-products or fish
  • 30% vegetables and feed additives.

If it so happens that a feeding was missed, during the next feeding the usual portion is given, without additives. The same applies to the temporary replacement of some products with others. If at some time your pet is given meat porridge instead of milk, there is no need to then try to make up for the missed meal with additional portions or “replace it the other way around”: you should just continue to feed it as before.

IMPORTANT! The puppy must have fresh water at any time of the day.

Useful video

Develop your culinary skills for the benefit of yourself and your tail:

Summing up

  • Porridge is significant part puppy's diet.
  • Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal cereals are most suitable for puppies.
  • Bowls with food and water should be placed at chest level so that the puppy does not have to bend over while eating and drinking.
  • High physical activity should develop no earlier than after 1-2 hours.
  • The puppy’s diet should be varied and complete; one food cannot be replaced with another to the detriment of nutritional value and vitamins.
  • Food should always be warm and fresh.
  • It is important to know which foods can be consumed by puppies, which by adult dogs, and which should not be included in the diet at all.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not remain hungry and does not overeat.
  • Your puppy should always have access to clean, fresh water.

Your dog is a full member of your family, and you should provide it with the same healthy eating, as well as myself. However, don't make the mistake of trying to feed your dog what you eat yourself. Dogs have different needs from humans nutrients ah, so you need to understand what would constitute a balanced diet for them. After defining balanced diet for your dog, start preparing amazing food for him homemade.


Part 1

Developing a balanced diet

    Understand the difference between your dog's diet and what dogs eat in wildlife. Yes, wolves and wild dogs can live on an unbalanced diet, but their life span becomes significantly shorter. They also eat differently than your dog is used to eating. Although you can feed your dog pure meat, dogs in the wild eat organs such as kidneys, liver, brains and stomach contents of their victims. Therefore, their diet is significantly more complex than simply eating store-bought meat (protein) and rice (carbohydrates).

    Seek professional help when developing a diet. Unfortunately, you can't just choose the recipes you like. Since there is no one-size-fits-all diet for all dogs, you will need to develop a customized diet for your dog with the help of a veterinarian who is an animal nutritionist. For example, a growing puppy needs twice as much more calories than an adult dog, while a senior dog needs to consume 20% fewer calories than an adult dog.

    • Basic diets, even those formulated by veterinarians, are often deficient in certain nutrients. An analysis of 200 veterinary prescriptions was conducted, and the majority were deficient in at least one key nutritional component.
  1. Learn how to prepare food properly. After receiving a recipe specifically for your dog, you must learn how to properly process the food to ensure it retains the vitamins and minerals. Always follow your veterinarian's instructions exactly. If a recipe calls for skin-on chicken, do not remove the skin from the chicken as this may upset the balance of fats in the meat. You should also accurately weigh your ingredients using a kitchen scale rather than using measuring cups, as this may not be accurate enough.

    Supplement your dog's diet with calcium. Dogs have a very high need for calcium, but if you give them bones to replenish it, you will create a risk to their health. Bones can splinter, damage the intestinal lining and cause painful inflammation and blood poisoning. Instead, you can use calcium carbonate, calcium citrate or crushed eggshells. One teaspoon is equivalent to approximately 2200 mg of calcium carbonate, and adult dog If you weigh 15 kg, you need 1 g of calcium per day (about half a teaspoon.

    • Bones can also stick together in the intestines and cause a blockage, requiring surgical intervention. Also, when using bones, it is very difficult to determine whether the dog is getting enough calcium.

Part 2

Feed preparation
  1. Include protein in your food. A dog weighing 15 kg needs at least 25 g pure protein in a day. Sources of protein include eggs (which are rich in amino acids that are good for dogs), chicken, lamb or turkey. You can also supplement your diet with high-quality plant sources of protein in the form of beans and seeds. Try to ensure that at least 10% of your dog's diet consists of quality meat protein.

    • Proteins are made up of small building blocks called amino acids. There are 10 amino acids that dogs cannot produce on their own and must be consumed in their food.
  2. Add fats. A 15kg dog (the size of an average Staffordshire Bull Terrier) needs at least 14g of fat per day. You can provide your dog with fats by feeding it meat or chicken skin. It is recommended that at least 5% of a dog's diet (by weight) be fat.

    • Fats contain fat-soluble vitamins that are beneficial for your dog's health. They also take part in the development of the normal functioning of young cells.
  3. Include carbohydrates in your food. Carbohydrates should be your dog's main source of calories. Namely, approximately half of a dog's diet should consist of carbohydrates. An active 15-pound dog needs approximately 930 calories per day. To provide her with the calories she needs, her diet needs to include wheat, rice, oats and barley.

    • Carbohydrates are sources of energy (even though some of this is also provided by proteins and fats). They also serve as sources of fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion.
  4. Add minerals. Dogs, among other things, need calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron and copper. Mineral deficiencies can create a range of health problems, including weak, fracture-prone bones, anemia, and bad condition nervous system which can lead to seizures. Different foods have different mineral contents, especially fresh vegetables, about which you need to carefully gather all the information to ensure your dog has enough of all minerals. Try to include the following mineral-rich vegetables in your dog's diet:

    • green leafy vegetables (raw and cooked) such as spinach, kale, baby cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and chard;
    • nut butter (cooked);
    • turnips (cooked);
    • parsnips (cooked);
    • beans (cooked);
    • okra (cooked).
  5. Add vitamins. Vitamins are an important part of a dog's diet. Lack of vitamins can lead to blindness, weakening immune system, deterioration of skin condition and susceptibility to infections. Since vitamins are found in varying concentrations in some foods, offer your dog a variety of vegetables. Usually good source Green vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, but some dogs don't like the taste and refuse to eat them. Green vegetables can be fed raw, however, you should be aware of the risk of increased gas formation in this case.

Part 3

Feeding the dog

    Find out what portions you should feed your dog. You will need to know how many calories your dog needs to avoid becoming fat or thin. A dog's caloric needs are not linear. For example, a 20 kg dog does not need twice the calories consumed by a 10 kg dog due to being twice the weight.

    Know foods that are toxic to your dog. Many people know that chocolate is harmful to dogs. However, there are a number of other foods quite suitable for humans that are dangerous for dogs to consume. When using a new food recipe, always double check that the ingredients in it are safe. Never feed your dog the following foods:

    • raisins;
    • grapes;
    • onions (in any form);
    • garlic;
    • tomatoes;
    • chocolate;
    • avocado;
    • yeast dough;
    • caffeine;
    • alcohol;
    • artificial sweeteners;
    • xylitol;
    • macadamia nuts.
  1. Have a backup plan in case you run out of food. If you cook for your dog once every 4-5 days, then you probably won't run into any major problems. But from time to time you may unexpectedly run out of food, or your dog may develop abdominal pain, which will require switching to a more gentle diet. In any case, home-cooked food in the form of boiled chicken and rice will serve as a stomach-friendly short-term solution when you run out of your dog’s usual food. Refrain from feeding your dog boiled chicken and rice for a long time, as such food is poor in vitamins and minerals.

  • For convenience, try to prepare food for your pet for a week. Freeze daily portions in individual bags for easy use later.
  • Don't forget to take the food out to defrost so it's ready to eat. next day. As a reminder, stick a note on the refrigerator door.
  • Warm the food to room temperature in a bowl with hot water. Then add the necessary supplements to it, such as vitamin C, linseed oil, fish oil, vitamin E and so on.

Additional articles


  1. Small animal nutrition. Agar. Publisher: Butterworth Heinemann.
  2. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats, a technical report issued by the National Research Council as part of its Animal Nutrition Series. (Relied upon by the FDA to assess pet food standards)

You need to approach your dog's nutrition responsibly, because balanced food containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals will have a beneficial effect on the body. Dog at proper nutrition will be healthy. So what cereals can you give your dog, let's figure it out.

Diet for every dog

Each dog's diet is different. If small breeds of dogs can only eat dry food, then for big dogs the diet should largely consist of high-quality meat, cereals, and vegetables. Additionally various dairy products and fish. It is important to keep a balance so that the food is rich in vitamins, from foods and additionally use vitamin supplements and nutrients.

Vitamin complexes contain daily norm important vitamins, they should also be selected based on the recommendation of a specialist. In pet stores you can now purchase both dry and ready-made cereals, which are very convenient to place in warm water or broth, and in a few minutes you will have excellent food for your pet. The main thing is that the products are fresh and of high quality.
Despite the variety of cereals and cereals to choose from, you need to have your dog examined in order to determine proper diet nutrition.

Preparing dog food at home

When deciding what cereal to feed your dog, you need to study all the possible information and make a choice. You can try giving different grains mixed or separately. This way you can quickly decide which cereal your pet likes.

It’s very easy to cook any porridge at home:

  • You need to take a large saucepan filled with water or meat broth and put it on fire.
  • When the water boils, add the porridge.
  • Cook until done, adding meat and various vegetables.

Remember that under no circumstances should you salt your animal’s food. Salt is harmful to all animals, and can even be fatal if the animal has urolithiasis or kidney problems.

To do this, you need to do regular blood tests to detect diseases and vitamin deficiencies. This way you can find out which microelements are missing and what needs to be used in the diet. It is important to adhere to the correct consistency when cooking porridge. The consistency should not be too thick or liquid. You can also add a chicken egg to the porridge, and vegetables should be in a ratio of 20-30% of the serving.

If you cook food for your animal at home, you need to take additional care of vitamins and supplements. They come in the form of drops, tablets or impurities that are mixed with food and are invisible to the dog.

What cereals to feed your dog

Very often, pet owners are interested in what cereals to feed their dog. All this depends on the breed of the animal, on the previous diet and on personal preferences. The activity of the pet and its health at the time of drawing up the diet also influences.

Buckwheat is considered the most suitable of all cereals. Even after cooking, it contains vitamins, microelements and nutrients for good stomach function. Buckwheat also has a good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, intestinal, liver and kidney function. Affects the activity and condition of your pet's joints.

Rice. Accelerates the metabolic process, contains magnesium, calcium, vitamins B and E. When preparing rice porridge, you should take unprocessed cereal (not polished). It is in such a mess that the best will be great content useful substances.

Wheat. Wheat porridge is the most popular and loved by dogs. Grains that are not boiled serve as a brush for the dog’s intestines, but such porridge is recommended only for very active animals: Siberian huskies, malamutes, Yorkies, as well as hunting dogs.

Oatmeal. Rolling oats flakes are good for dogs that don't get sick urolithiasis. The porridge contains calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. This porridge should be cooked until fully cooked. The flakes should be well boiled, without lumps. You can add a little milk or low-fat cottage cheese to them.

What cereals should dogs not eat?

It should be remembered that not all cereals are suitable for dogs. Many dog ​​breeders do not know what cereals should not be given to their pets, and among them we can highlight: corn, pearl barley and millet porridge. They are usually poorly digested, too heavy for the stomach, and do not contain the necessary vitamin supplements.
Based on your pet’s individual preferences, you can independently determine your dog’s least favorite porridge.

Corn. When cooked it has no beneficial properties. If your pet likes corn fresh, it is better to give it a little, but monitor the reaction of the stomach. You should not give canned corn, which contains a lot of salt and various chemical additives.

Millet. May cause volvulus in dogs. Difficult for processing by the animal’s body and does not contain useful substances. It takes a very long time to digest. Scientists have found that this type of cereal is not suitable for either people or animals. You need to exclude it from your diet.

Semolina. In semolina, scientists identified only pure carbohydrate, without vitamin supplements. This porridge may only be suitable for small puppies during the period of birth and up to 1.5 - 2 months. Mix a small amount with milk or the prepared mixture with cottage cheese and various vegetables for better work puppy's stomach.

Pearl barley. Often this product is harmful due to the allergic reactions it causes.
When choosing food, it is better to consult a veterinarian. For pets with hypersensitivity This product is not recommended for consumption.

How to select cereals according to your dog's needs

A balanced diet for a dog is very important for the good functioning of the body. You need to select cereals and food products for your dog based on the breed, size and age of the animal. Veterinarians pay attention to the condition, its activity, mobility, and also based on the tests performed. This is the only way to find out the correct diet and its possible betrayal. Usually, when preparing food, you need to adhere to proportions. 70% meat (meat products, as well as liver, chicken hearts, lungs) and 30% porridge.

In addition, you need to add vegetables and dairy products. If your pet is still a puppy, you should definitely consult a doctor who will tell you what cereals can be given depending on age and breed. Usually puppies are given finely ground wheat porridge, it contains all the useful vitamins.

This mixture is given to active dogs that are constantly active, especially those who live in open areas or near the house, because they need a constant supply of energy. Small breeds are often cooked with buckwheat or rice porridge. They are well absorbed, processed and do not harm the stomach.

What to cook cereals with

Typically, when cooking dog food at home, you need to boil it in water and add fresh meat and vegetables at the end. Most suitable meat:

  1. chicken (boneless only);
  2. beef, veal;
  3. turkey;
  4. rabbit.

It must first be removed from the bone and cut into small pieces. Meat can be given either raw or cooked. If you give the product raw, it must first be doused with boiling water.

Pork and lamb are not recommended for dogs. It is poorly processed, has a large amount of fat and negatively affects the animal’s body. Doctors also warn that when frequent use Pork and lamb meat may cause gastric blockage or intestinal volvulus.

The main thing to remember is that meat should not contain bones, this causes many problems, injures the stomach and can cause ulcers or seriously injure the intestines.

Vegetables are also very important, even when boiled they provide useful fiber and vitamins. Of the most healthy vegetables: carrots, beets, cauliflower If the dog likes it, you can add zucchini.

Seasonal ones also include pumpkin and broccoli. If your pet doesn’t like raw vegetables, you can boil them or finely chop them and add them discreetly to the porridge.

Dogs also love offal, for example: chicken liver, stomachs, hearts. Considered very useful beef tongue and rabbit meat. Such products can be used to cook porridge broth and cut raw or cooked.

Summary about dog nutrition

If you want your pet to be healthy and happy, you need to choose the right food. homemade food should be supplemented different vitamins, microelements and additives. Then the food will be useful and the animal will feel good. Cereals and porridges made from them are very important; many people do not know what cereals to feed their dog, and thus can harm it.

From a huge selection of products, you need to choose the one that will be useful for your animal. At proper preparation and if all proportions are observed, the food will be balanced and nutritious. And if you supplement your diet with good, high-quality meat and vegetables, your body will four-legged friend will work without failure. By choosing only fresh foods and following your doctor's recommendations, you will ensure your pet has a happy and healthy life.

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The required amount of cereal is calculated depending on the breed and size of the dog. Porridge should make up 20-40% of the diet.

Beginning dog breeders and those dog owners who have decided to switch their pets to feeding natural products are asking the question “How to cook porridge for a dog?”, because cereals form part of the diet and they need to be prepared correctly.

The most basic ones that do not harm the animal are rice and buckwheat porridge. The diet may include barley, wheat porridge And cereals, however, they can cause gastrointestinal problems in some dogs. It is permissible to cook porridge from several grains, but the most suitable option is selected experimentally, depending on the reaction of the dog’s body to a particular grain. The best option alternation is considered, not mixing of cereals, i.e. Give rice one day, and buckwheat the next. But here it all depends on the dog’s preferences; there are times when it is better for a dog to eat a mixture of several types of cereals. The most successful option is a mix of buckwheat, rice and rolled oats.

When cooking the porridge, you can add a little salt, but this is not at all necessary, because... sodium chloride in sufficient quantity are found in meat, which must be present in the dog’s diet, and in other products. It is strictly forbidden to add other spices.

You should cook porridge for your dog exclusively in water. Many dog ​​breeders, making sure that their pet has a tasty meal, cook porridge in meat broth. However, the broth does not contain anything useful, because... The dog does not need an extra source of fat.

But you can cook porridge with vegetables. For example, chopped carrots are boiled in water for 10 minutes, then cereal is added to the carrots and cooked until tender, or the cereal is cooked first, and at the end grated vegetables and herbs are added. Of course, the benefits of vegetables will be greater if they have not been subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Before cooking, the cereal is washed cold water. Cereals are cooked approximately twice as long as for humans.

Oatmeal, as a rule, is not boiled, but steamed with boiling water.

Just before feeding, the porridge is mixed with meat, vegetables, poured with kefir or milk, or unrefined vegetable oil, corn, olive, or flaxseed oil are added. Many dog ​​breeders do not recommend mixing foods, with the exception of cereals and vegetables, i.e. The meat is given separately in another bowl. The consistency of the porridge should resemble a thick soup. Food should be at room temperature or slightly warm, but not hotter than 40 degrees.

You can simplify the cooking process by purchasing ready-made mixtures. Some manufacturers produce ready-made porridges with vegetables; they do not require much time to prepare; just pour boiling water over the dry product and cover with a lid for 5 minutes. However, the cost of ready-made mixtures is significantly higher than regular cereals.