Bacterial vaginosis or a violation of the microflora is a dangerous complication. Bacterial vaginosis: why is it dangerous?

Women and girls of reproductive age who lead an active intimate life are not immune from sexual infections. A frequently diagnosed pathology is inflammatory infectious vaginitis of bacterial origin. It spreads through sex, progresses rapidly and is associated with threatening complications.

Causes of bacterial vaginitis

The membranes of the vagina are covered with mucus, in which microbes constantly live and multiply. The bulk of a healthy biocenosis consists of Doderlein sticks or lactobacilli. These microorganisms provide the right acidic environment for the primary protection of the reproductive system against disease, including vaginitis. The rest of the flora includes opportunistic microbes: prevotella, gardnerella, mycoplasmas and others. If infectious pathogens (Trichomonas, gonococci, candida, and so on) join them from the outside, bacterial vaginitis occurs.

It is impossible to single out one specific factor that provoked the pathological reproduction of colonies of “bad” microorganisms; a combination of several problems is always found. Microbial vaginitis causes the following:

  • the use of any contraceptives in the production of which 9-nonoxynol was used;
  • change (one or many times) of a sexual partner;
  • frequent douching;
  • long-term use of strong antibacterial or steroid drugs;
  • weakened immunity;
  • moving or changing environmental conditions;
  • too aggressive hygiene;
  • fluctuations in the balance of hormones;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the vagina;
  • bacterial intestinal dysbiosis;
  • irrational diet;
  • rare change of pads or tampons during menstruation;
  • wearing underwear that does not allow air to pass through;
  • sexual intercourse without mechanical protection;
  • disorderly and group sex;
  • diagnostic or therapeutic surgical procedures on the reproductive organs;
  • mechanical damage to the vagina.

Bacterial vaginitis - symptoms

The clinical picture of infectious inflammation is specific, so it is easy to diagnose at any stage of disease progression. Characteristic signs of bacterial vaginitis:

  • discomfort in the vagina;
  • burning, soreness and itching between the labia;
  • swelling and redness of the vagina;
  • foul-smelling and very profuse discharge of an atypical color;
  • feeling of pressure, fullness and irritation in the vulva;
  • soreness with intimacy;
  • contact mild bleeding;
  • discomfort during urination, pain;
  • local hyperthermia.

Acute and subacute bacterial vaginitis is manifested by severe symptoms, and the chronic course of the pathology is less obvious, latently progressing for months, sometimes recurring. Signs of inflammation can further vary depending on the organisms that provoked it, so it is important to quickly get an appointment with a gynecologist and take a vaginal swab to the laboratory.

Why is bacterial vaginitis dangerous?

The pathology under consideration has an ascending path of spread, if it is not treated and allowed to become chronic, deplorable complications arise:

  • endometritis;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • fusion (sinechia) of the labia;
  • hypoxia of the vaginal walls;
  • sexual disorders;
  • increased risk of infection with immunodeficiency.

Bacterial vaginitis interferes with conception because the infection affects the ovaries, uterus, and oviducts (fallopian tubes). The lack of adequate and timely therapy is fraught with the development of infertility. In particularly severe cases of the disease, surgery may be required to completely remove the infected reproductive organs.

Bacterial vaginitis during pregnancy

The presented disease is dangerous both at the planning stage of conception, and during the gestation period, and in the postpartum months. When trying to have a baby, microbial vaginitis increases the risk of incorrect egg implantation (outside the uterus). It can inhibit the normal development of the zygote and the proper formation of life-supporting systems and organs of the fetus.

Bacterial vaginitis in pregnancy sometimes causes:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature discharge of amniotic fluid and early birth;
  • infection of the fetus and newborn;
  • metritis;
  • bacterial sepsis;
  • peritonitis;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora in an infant.

These problems often accompany each other, because acute inflammation of the vagina of an infectious nature quickly spreads upward and damages the mucous surfaces of the cervix. Because of this, bacterial erosion and vaginitis are simultaneously diagnosed - the consequences of this “tandem” are detrimental to the hormonal and reproductive systems. The wound on the neck serves as a way for the penetration of microbes into the blood, their unhindered "travel" throughout the body.

Nonspecific bacterial vaginitis

This form of the disease develops as a result of the multiplication of colonies of its own opportunistic bacilli and a decrease in the number of Doderlein sticks without external intervention. Such bacterial vaginitis can be diagnosed even in young girls and chaste women. It is rarely accompanied by acute inflammation and severe symptoms, the signs are limited only to an increase in the volume of secretions. There are several points that vaginitis is dangerous for:

  • susceptibility to infections;
  • relapse;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • imbalance of hormones.

What is the treatment for bacterial vaginitis?

Therapy of the considered inflammation is carried out exclusively in the conditions of gynecological monitoring. It is not only forbidden on your own, but it is also unsafe to try to eliminate bacterial vaginitis - the treatment is selected strictly individually after receiving the results of bakposev (smear analysis). It indicates the level of sensitivity of identified infectious pathogens to several types of antibiotics, which helps the doctor to prescribe the most effective option.

Treatment regimen for bacterial vaginitis

When the microorganisms that cause inflammation, their susceptibility to a set of antimicrobial drugs are known, the gynecologist draws up a detailed treatment plan. An individual scheme helps to quickly defeat bacterial vaginitis - drugs are prescribed not only taking into account the nature of the infection, but also the characteristics of the patient. The doctor takes into account her lifestyle, age and health indicators.

Drugs for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis

The only way to get rid of germs is with antibiotics. For the most effective treatment of bacterial vaginitis, systemic medicines based on effective antimicrobial components are used:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Wilprafen;
  • doxycycline;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Penicillin and others.

Additionally, local preparations are prescribed to cure bacterial vaginitis - suppositories, douching solutions, vaginal tablets, ointments and creams. An integrated approach ensures the rapid achievement of therapeutic results, the course of drug exposure is from 5 to 10 days. After the main treatment, restorative therapy will be required. It involves the normalization of the acidic environment in the vagina, the return of the concentration of lactobacilli to normal values.

Bacterial vaginitis - treatment with folk remedies

For serious infectious inflammations, you cannot rely on alternative medicine, herbal medicine or homeopathy. There is no alternative way to cure bacterial vaginitis completely. Such recipes can only be used as part of a therapeutic plan developed by a gynecologist. They can relieve the symptoms of the disease, but folk remedies do not kill pathogenic microbes.

) is a dysbacteriosis of the vagina. This is a fairly common disease in women.

The microflora of the vagina is a mobile ecosystem. Normally, the basis of the microflora of the vagina are lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus spp..), playing a protective function. Lactobacilli convert glycogen (the epithelial cells of the vagina of women of reproductive age contain glycogen in large quantities) into lactic acid, reducing the acidity of the vagina. In addition, lactobacilli form hydrogen peroxide. The acidic environment of the vagina and hydrogen peroxide inhibit the growth of opportunistic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, anaerobic bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobiluncus spp..), which are found in small numbers in the vagina of the vast majority of women.

If the proportion of lactobacilli decreases (we will talk about the reasons below), their place in the ecosystem is occupied by opportunistic microbes (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis). The latter emit volatile amines, the smell of which is similar to the smell of rotten fish.

Can bacterial vaginosis be sexually transmitted?

Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease. Gardnerella vaginalis) are transmitted through sexual contact. However, their transmission from one woman to another is not the cause of the disease. After all, these microbes in a small amount are part of the normal microflora of the vagina of most women.

However, unprotected sex plays a role in causing bacterial vaginosis. The point here is not infection, but the fact that a change of sexual partner or many sexual partners contributes to a change in the microflora of the vagina.

What then is the cause of bacterial vaginosis?

The cause of the disease is not just the presence of pathogens of bacterial vaginosis (almost every woman has them in a small amount), but a change in the ratio of the proportion of lactobacilli and opportunistic microbes that cause bacterial vaginosis. In bacterial vaginosis, the proportion of lactobacilli decreases, and the proportion of pathogens of bacterial vaginosis increases. That is why bacterial vaginosis is called vaginal dysbiosis.

Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis:


Contraceptive suppositories and creams containing 9-nonoxynol (Patentex Oval, Nonoxynol)

Condoms treated with 9-nonoxynol

Antibiotic treatment

Change of sexual partner

How does douching contribute to bacterial vaginosis?

The fact is that during douching, the normal microflora of the vagina (lactobacilli) is washed out. Their place is occupied by opportunistic pathogens (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis).

Can bacterial vaginosis pathogens cause any disease in men?

The causative agents of bacterial vaginosis (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis) are not dangerous for men. Men who were identified Gardnerella vaginalis, like the sexual partners of women with bacterial vaginosis, do not need treatment.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in women:

The unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge is characteristic, which is compared with the smell of rotten fish. At the same time, the smell intensifies after sexual contact without a condom, since the alkaline pH of the semen increases the formation of volatile amines.

Aside from the smell, vaginal discharge from bacterial vaginosis does not differ much from normal discharge. They are not abundant, homogeneous in consistency, grayish-white in color, usually do not leave marks on underwear.

Why is bacterial vaginosis dangerous?

Bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, preterm labor, complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?

A doctor can suspect bacterial vaginosis when taking a smear by the characteristic smell of vaginal discharge. Adding a few drops of 10% potassium hydroxide solution to the vaginal discharge on a glass slide enhances this odor.

A general smear for bacterial vaginosis reveals the so-called "key cells" (cells of the vaginal epithelium covered with many coccobacilli ( Gardnerella vaginalis) in the absence of lactobacilli in the smear ( Lactobacillus spp..).

Revealing Gardnerella vaginalis accurate methods that detect single microbes (for example, PCR) does not play a role in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis, since most women have them in small quantities. With bacterial vaginosis, it is important not just the presence, but amountGardnerella vaginalis.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis

The best treatment for bacterial vaginosis is metronidazole(Trichopolum, ...) 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days. The drug is sometimes poorly tolerated (causes nausea). Absolutely incompatible with alcohol. However, systemic treatment reduces the likelihood of complications of bacterial vaginosis.

Reserve drugs:

Gel Metronidazole, 0.75% (Flagyl, Metrogil) is injected into the vagina with the supplied applicator 2 times a day for 5 days. Topical treatment is well tolerated, but worse than systemic treatment reduces the risk of complications of bacterial vaginosis.

Cream Clindamycin, 2% (Dalacin) is injected into the vagina using the supplied applicator 1 time per day (at night) for 5 days. Topical treatment is well tolerated, but worse than systemic treatment reduces the risk of complications of bacterial vaginosis.

Clindamycin(Klimycin, Dalacin) 300 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days. Clindamycin inhibits growth not only Gardnerella vaginalis, but also lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus spp..). Therefore, clindamycin is indicated for intolerance to metronidazole.

Prevention of bacterial vaginosis

It consists in avoiding risk factors for bacterial vaginosis (see above).

sexual partners

Male sexual partners of women with bacterial vaginosis do not need to be tested or treated.

The leading place among gynecological diseases in many countries of the world is occupied by vaginal infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Their symptoms are very similar, especially since in 10-30% of cases, tests detect several pathogens at the same time - a mixed form of infection. One of the most common types of vaginal infections is bacterial vaginosis. Together with him, the top three include vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis. Behind the quite tolerable discomfort caused by vaginal infections, there is a serious danger of infertility, pregnancy complications, endometriosis, cervicitis and other diseases that can develop if treatment is not started on time. Therefore, do everything possible to prevent their development, and if this does happen, consult a doctor at the first sign of illness and complete the treatment prescribed by him. In addition, if the disease is not recognized immediately and the correct treatment is not selected, after a slight improvement, the disease may resume with renewed vigor (recurrence will occur) or re-infection will occur. That is why self-medication is unacceptable: at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to undergo an examination to identify the pathogen and choose exactly those drugs to which it is sensitive.

Risk factors

The natural microflora of the vagina for 95% consists of lactobacilli that produce lactic acid - a natural factor of protection against pathogenic microbes. They begin to actively multiply if the number of lactobacilli decreases. This happens when taking antibiotics, contraceptives and other drugs, when using an intrauterine device, certain infections and diseases, when changing hormone levels (pregnancy and menopause).

Risk factors also include excess weight, frequent douching and vaginal showers, hot baths, alkaline (highly foaming) personal care products, addiction to synthetic, tight-fitting underwear and trousers, under which the body does not "breathe" and oxygen does not penetrate to the tissues. (its presence in the vaginal environment prevents the reproduction of pathogens).

Power imbalance on the microscopic front

With bacterial vaginosis, the total amount of local microflora sharply increases, especially anaerobic (oxygen is not needed for its life), which is normally a little in the vagina (in fact, this is a gynecological variant of dysbacteriosis). Vaginosis accounts for up to 40% of genital diseases in women of reproductive age and 10-25% in pregnant women. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg! It is impossible to establish how many patients actually suffer from it: in 30-50% of them, this disease is asymptomatic. Such patients do not go to the doctor and are not included in the statistical reports.

Invisible "shield" on the way of infection

The vagina of a healthy woman has its own micro-ecosystem, which throughout the entire reproductive period, in the absence of adverse effects that disrupt ovarian function, maintains a balance between the microorganisms inhabiting the vagina. This reliably protects against pathogenic pathogens (viruses, Trichomonas, gonococci). The most numerous detachment of microscopic defenders (up to 98% of the vaginal microflora) are lactobacilli, which produce protective substances, for example, hydrogen peroxide, which limits the reproduction of opportunistic bacteria, which are always present in a small amount in the vagina. With vaginosis, there are fewer lactic acid bacteria, the pH shifts to the alkaline side, and anaerobic microorganisms do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this situation. Violation of the vaginal biocenosis is accompanied by the formation of proteolytic enzymes. Under their influence, proteins break up into smaller fragments. As a result, biologically active substances are formed, for example, polyamines, which acquire an unpleasant odor in an alkaline environment. It intensifies after sexual intercourse - after all, sperm has an alkaline reaction. In addition, polyamines contribute to increased exudation (weeping of fluid from surrounding tissues into the vagina), exfoliation of vaginal epithelium cells and the formation of copious secretions.

2/3 of patients with bacterial vaginosis also suffer from intestinal dysbacteriosis: their body is covered by a single dysbiotic process.

A cup of fish-scented milk

A characteristic sign of bacterial vaginosis is abundant whitish liquid discharge (leucorrhoea) of a homogeneous structure, smelling of fish. There are so many of them (especially after sexual contact), as if a cup of milk was poured into the vagina. Constant discomfort - itching, burning, irritation, a feeling of excess moisture, which bother with most inflammatory diseases of the vagina, lose their severity over time. With bacterial vaginosis “with experience”, a woman gets used to these sensations. And sometimes they are not noticeable from the very beginning: it all depends on individual sensitivity to the irritating effect of alkaline vaginal discharge.

If there are no clear manifestations of the disease, this does not mean that the woman is healthy: this happens with a temporary balance between the pathogenic microflora and the protective mechanisms of the female body. And an asymptomatic infection is no less dangerous than typical forms of the disease that openly declare themselves.

Don't worry, it's not contagious!

Bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted: it is not an infection, but a dysbiotic condition. Microorganisms that contribute to its development (for example, gardnerella) during bacteriological examination (inoculation) are found in 50-60% of healthy women, although in much smaller quantities. This disease is detected with the same frequency in virgins (12%) and their peers who had sexual contacts (15%). If you have been diagnosed with this, do not worry about your partner: he does not need to be treated.

Pregnancy at risk

Bacterial vaginosis seems harmless only at first glance. During pregnancy, it can lead to inflammation of the membranes and intrauterine infection of the unborn baby, contributing to premature birth and the appearance of an underweight baby (fetal hypotrophy).

If you didn’t have anything like this before pregnancy, this does not mean that the disease will bypass you after conception. The optimal time for examination is the first trimester. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will have time to undergo treatment and prevent preterm labor (most drugs for bacterial vaginosis can be used from the second trimester under close medical supervision). Treatment of expectant mothers who have already had miscarriages, but no cause of miscarriage other than laboratory-confirmed vaginosis, results in a significant reduction in miscarriages. After 16 weeks, you can breathe easy - from this period, this disease occurs much less frequently.
“Bunch” of gynecological problems

Bacterial vaginosis:

violates the protective properties of the vagina. If pathogenic pathogens get into it, inflammatory diseases (vaginitis) flare up here as easily as peat bogs in a drought from an accidentally thrown match. And it is much more difficult to put out the fire of inflammation that occurs against the background of vaginosis: as a rule, such vaginitis becomes severe. It is also bad that one infection often overlaps another: in every 3rd case, vaginitis is caused by two or more microorganisms.
increases by 2-4 times the frequency of inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis) after diagnostic hysteroscopy and artificial termination of pregnancy. That is why, in preparation for gynecological operations, as well as before and after the introduction of the IUD, it is necessary to be examined for bacterial vaginosis and, if it is detected, it is imperative to sanitize the vagina
increases the risk of cervical cancer. The waste products of anaerobic microorganisms are a concomitant factor in the development of this oncological disease caused by certain strains of human papillomavirus infection.

Previously, asymptomatic vaginosis, even confirmed by laboratory methods, was not treated. Doctors tightened their therapeutic tactics after the appearance of data on obstetric and gynecological complications of the disease. It is especially important to get rid of it before a planned pregnancy and gynecological surgery.

Collection of evidence

The diagnosis of “bacterial vaginosis” is made by doctors according to clinical (characteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor) and laboratory criteria. The main one is the so-called key cells in smears of vaginal discharge, which have exfoliated from the local epithelium and are surrounded by rod flora tightly attached to them, presented in abundance. Bacteriological research methods (seeding), unfortunately, play a smaller role in collecting medical evidence of the disease: they are more expensive and therefore used in unclear cases to clarify the diagnosis.

Fast and efficient

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the balance of the vaginal microflora should be restored as soon as possible with an effective, reliable and easy-to-use remedy. There are many topical preparations for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, but not all are equally effective. It is important not only to get rid of the multiplied opportunistic microbes, but also to create favorable conditions for the return of lactobacilli and the restoration of the vaginal biocenosis. The most commonly used vaginal suppositories are specially designed for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the vagina, its fungal infections and all kinds of infections - mixed, non-specific, as well as those caused by Trichomonas and gardnerella.

When used correctly, they give a very high percentage of cure, and, importantly, they can be used for a long time - they do not cause addiction and negative consequences.

Find out by the first symptoms

Worried about burning sensation when urinating, during or after sex, itching and irritation in the vagina and external genitalia, unusual discharge (their color and smell change, the amount can increase dramatically). Similar phenomena are intensified before and after menstruation.

course for healing

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication. This information is necessary for him to choose the right drugs - local remedies (vaginal suppositories, creams, solutions) and systemic (capsules and tablets for oral administration). They are used individually or in combination - it all depends on the form and severity of the disease, the result of the tests and the effectiveness of the previous treatment (if this is not the first case of a vaginal infection).

It would seem that in the presence of effective medications, the treatment of bacterial vaginosis should not cause difficulties. But in 30% of patients within 3 months after a successful course, a relapse of the disease occurs. It is provoked by high-dose hormonal contraception or IUD, as well as other factors.

With a recurrent course of vaginosis, a longer treatment is carried out (10-14 days) and after a course of antibiotic therapy, vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli are used to speed up recolonization - filling the vagina with beneficial microflora. Unfortunately, fungi of the genus Candida often take precedence over lactobacilli, and the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is complicated by vulvovaginal candidiasis. To prevent this from happening, experts have developed a single dosage form - special vaginal suppositories that are effective against bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Healed or not?

You will learn about this by visiting a doctor at the end of the course of treatment. He will take a vaginal swab for analysis and tell you the result.

Precautionary measures

Condom and regular sexual partner - the more partners, the higher the risk of vaginal infections.
Rational use of menstrual protection and intimate hygiene.
Spacious clothes and linen made of natural fabrics.
Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: in order not to bring infection from the rectum into the vagina, direct the stream of water or hand movement only from front to back.
Personal always dry towel.
Refusal of self-treatment with antibiotics, and if prescribed by a doctor, the use of local antifungal agents.
A spare swimsuit - change into it immediately after leaving the water: you can’t stay wet for a long time!
Prohibition of hot baths, vaginal showers and douching, especially with soap solutions and cosmetic additives.
Enhanced blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus.

And how to treat it to avoid relapses?


Bacterial vaginosis (also known as nonspecific vaginosis, also known as vaginal dysbiosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis) is a pathological condition of the vagina characterized by a disturbed composition of its microflora. More specifically: with BV, the number of lactobacilli decreases, which create the optimal acidity of the vaginal environment, and opportunistic bacteria “come” in their place: gardnerella, peptostreptococci, mycoplasmas, etc.

The reasons why the microflora of the vagina is disturbed are still not fully understood. However, many well-known reasons :

General decrease in immunity;

Violation of the hormonal balance in the body of a woman with a predominance of progesterone (often during pregnancy - BV is diagnosed in 40% of pregnant women);

intestinal dysbiosis;

Treatment with vaginal preparations containing antibiotics or hormones;

Chronic infections of the genital organs;

Frequent vaginal showers;

Prolonged presence of foreign objects in the vagina (barrier contraception, tampons, pessary);

Lack of attention to personal hygiene.


BV is a non-inflammatory disease. Half of the women are asymptomatic.

Symptoms of BV:

Common: Vaginal discharge that is white or grayish in color and has an unpleasant odor (often referred to as "fishy"). The abundance and smell of secretions are individual, but often their intensity increases after sexual intercourse or menstruation;

Uncommon: soreness during intercourse;

Rarely: itching and burning in the vagina;

Rarely: pain during urination, pain in the suprapubic part of the abdomen.


As minor as the symptoms of BV may sometimes seem, the barrier function of the vaginal environment in this disease is impaired enough to lead to serious consequences.

Bacterial vaginosis can lead to development :

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),

Pelvic abscesses when installing intrauterine contraceptives,


In addition, BV increases susceptibility body to sexually transmitted diseases, including: HIV, genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV). According to a 2011 meta-analysis, women with BV have a 1.5-fold increased relative risk of HPV infection, and, consequently, the risk of developing cervical neoplasia.

Bacterial vaginosis is especially dangerous. in pregnant women - it increases the risks at times:

The risk of miscarriage increases 5 times;

3 times the risk of developing chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the membranes of the fetus), which, in turn, can lead to inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, rupture of the membranes of the fetus and premature termination of pregnancy;

The risk of preterm birth increases by 2.5 times;

The risk of having a child with a low birth weight (less than 2500 g) increases by 2 times.

How to choose a treatment to avoid relapse?

Principle of treatment

As proved by many years of clinical experience of Russian and foreign doctors, effective treatment of BV consists of 2 stages :

1. Antibacterial therapy - the destruction of opportunistic microorganisms associated with bacterial vaginosis. The antibiotic clindamycin and the antimicrobial drug metronidazole are most effective in this phase.

It must be borne in mind that antibacterial drugs, eliminating the pathogenic flora, are not able to replace it with a healthy one. In the absence of the defenders of the female reproductive system - lactobacilli - the likelihood of relapse is high, which means that the treatment process cannot be considered complete. To restore the normal environment of the vagina and recreate its barrier properties, a second stage is necessary.

2. Taking probiotics - the colonization of the vaginal mucosa with living microorganisms that make up the microflora of a healthy person. What is required of a quality probiotic? The speed and persistence of the effect, safety for the fetus during pregnancy, the absence of negative side effects (for example, the development of candidiasis). All these qualities are possessed by the drug Lactoginal®.

Benefits of Laktoginal

Among other probiotics, Lactoginal® stands out for several parameters :

1. The rate of recovery of the vaginal environment. A special strain of lactobacilli Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus Doderleini (LCR 35), which is part of Lactoginal, produces lactic acid immediately after the introduction of the capsule and is 6 times stronger than ordinary lactobacilli. As a result, acidification occurs already in the first hours after application, and by the end of the first day, the pH of the vaginal environment reaches normal values ​​(3.8-4.4).

2. Persistence of the effect. Therapy with Laktoginal ensures the normal content of lactobacilli in 90% of women for at least 6 months after treatment.

3. Ability to use simultaneously with antibiotics. Conventional probiotics are prescribed only 2-3 days after the end of antibiotic therapy, so that trace concentrations of the antibiotic do not reduce the effectiveness of probiotics. And lactobacilli LCR 35 in the composition of Laktoginal are resistant to the most commonly used antibacterial drugs: metronidazole, clindamycin. So the total time of BV treatment is reduced, and the effect of the normalization of the microflora appears faster.

In addition, it has been proven that Lactoginal has the property of potentiating the action of metronidazole and clindamycin. This property is especially relevant in our time, when many bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

4. The ability to use at any time of pregnancy and lactation. The effect of the drug is not only local, but also the most physiological - acidification occurs with the help of lactic acid and lactobacilli.

5. Lactoginal® does not contribute to the development of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Lactobacilli in its composition completely inhibit the growth of fungi of the genus Candida already on the second day of use. By the way, this property of the drug Lactoginal® can also be used to prevent recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis.

6. Easy to use and store. The course of treatment with Laktoginal is very short - only 7 days, 1 capsule 2 times a day, or 14 days, 1 capsule per day. Intravaginal application is also not difficult - after administration, the drug dissolves quickly, does not leave stains on linen and / or smell. In addition, the drug is convenient to store. Due to the resistance of lyophilized lactobacilli, Lactoginal® retains all its properties at a temperature not exceeding 25°C for 3 years.


"Thrush": the view of a specialist

Interview with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Kazan Medical Academy, Chief Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the Volga region Larisa Ivanovna Maltseva.

What do women need to know about chest pain?

The reasons why the microflora of the vagina is disturbed are still not fully understood. And the consequences of bacterial vaginosis can be very serious. How to choose a treatment to avoid relapse?

Despite the sometimes harmless manifestations of the disease, candidiasis in a woman can cause serious problems, especially in the case of a chronic, relapsing form.