Bloating in dogs. Gradual increase in the volume of the abdomen in a dog

Dog owners know that feeding animals off their table is not healthy. The food we eat is unnatural for dogs, especially carbohydrates. But rarely can anyone resist pleading eyes and treat their pets with something tasty in the hope that they will carry it. This is usually what happens. But sweets and pastries, getting into the stomach, cause fermentation there. In animals with good muscle tone and peristalsis, gases pass naturally. And in the unhealthy, lazy, old, they accumulate, causing bloating and discomfort.

If the dog's stomach is swollen, first of all, you need to look for the cause in malnutrition. But if the condition of the animal is deteriorating rapidly, you should think about serious diseases and immediately seek qualified help.

Symptoms of the disease

The course of the disease and the features of treatment depend on the causes that cause it. Sometimes you can understand that a dog has a stomach ache by its behavior: the pet becomes less agile, remains motionless for a long time and, as it were, listens to something. The change in the shape and size of the abdomen becomes noticeable on the 2nd or 3rd day.

In another case, intestinal swelling occurs quickly, the animal's condition deteriorates sharply. This option is more dangerous to the life of the dog and requires immediate assistance.

Common symptoms of the pathological condition are:

  1. Great enlargement and soreness of the abdomen.
  2. Aversion to food, refusal of water.
  3. Rapid breathing.
  4. Belching, nausea, profuse salivation,.

The dog moves with difficulty, mostly lies on its side.

Causes of the pathological condition

The formation of gases always accompanies the process of digestion. But in a healthy animal, the intestine pushes them imperceptibly. If the dog's stomach is very swollen, it means that there are disturbances in the digestive system. You can deal with the problem yourself when the causes of these violations are as follows:

  • rapid ingestion of food with the capture of air;
  • allergic reactions to the proposed products;
  • stale food;
  • dysbacteriosis after taking medications;
  • hair accumulated in the intestines.

Consultation with a specialist will be useful, but there is no danger to life.

Without delay, you should consult a doctor in cases where bloating is accompanied by severe pain and has arisen due to life-threatening factors. These include:

It will not be possible to solve these problems on your own, urgent veterinary care is needed. Unfortunately, in especially severe cases, it is impossible to save the dog.

First aid

Regardless of the severity of the disease, the owner should try to alleviate the condition of the animal.

Having noticed the changed figure and downcast look of your pet, first determine what caused the dog's stomach to swell. There can be two reasons:

  1. The dog swallowed something while playing (for example, a rubber ball);
  2. It is difficult to pass gases for physiological reasons.

A strong accumulation of gases is easily determined by the characteristic sound that occurs when tapping on the swollen belly of the dog with your fingers.

Try to restore the natural discharge of gases and reduce their pressure on the internal organs. Try doing this:

  1. Stroke the dog's belly with light pressure in a clockwise direction for 3 to 5 minutes. Usually this action is enough to deflate the intestines. Next, if there is a suspicion of toxins, put a few tablets of activated charcoal in her mouth, grab her muzzle with both hands and hold until she swallows. To restore the intestinal microflora after a while, start giving probiotics.
  2. If the first method does not work, carefully insert the gas outlet tube into the anus to a depth of 2 - 3 cm (depending on the size of the animal). This procedure will relieve some stress until the doctor arrives.

Therapeutic measures

Treating a dog at home is advisable only when the stomach is swollen due to malnutrition. After the removal of gases, veterinary sorbents and drugs that improve metabolism are used. Then you need to gently clean the intestines. The main condition for getting rid of pathology is to adhere to the rules of nutrition.

Other situations require examination and treatment in a specialized veterinary clinic. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, if surgery is not needed, the dog will be prescribed medication. Staying at home is dangerous, delay can cost your pet life.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure and get rid of its complications. Therefore, if you want to see your four-legged friend healthy and cheerful, do not forget about the following preventive measures:

  1. Follow the rules of feeding (the quality of food should be high, the dishes should be clean, the quantity should be sufficient to saturate, but do not allow overeating).
  2. Timely (at least 2 times a year) carry out the prevention of helminthiasis.
  3. Teach your dog not to take food from other people's hands, not to pick up anything from the ground.
  4. For walks, try to choose places where the dog can be well driven over uneven terrain. This will improve intestinal motility and protect against constipation and gas accumulation.
  5. Choose a good doctor for your pet and seek help immediately if problems arise.

Veterinarians advise against accustoming dogs to the food that we eat. In practice, unfortunately, this is not always the case. So:

  • make sure that spoiled food does not appear in the bowl, do not feed the dog expired foods that are a pity to throw away;
  • do not forget that of all breeds, only German Shepherds can partially digest bones. Make sure that tubular bones do not get into food, because they are poorly excreted, injure the mucous membrane, clog the intestines, causing obstruction.

And then bloating your dog does not threaten.

Bloating in a dog is a symptom of problems in the animal's body. Bloating appears due to too much gas in the stomach, as a result of which it expands and begins to interfere with the normal functioning of other internal organs. Blood pressure drops, blood does not reach the heart. It is important to understand that this is fraught with rupture of the walls or volvulus of the stomach. Noticing that the dog's stomach is swollen or seething, it is advisable to immediately take it to the veterinarian, who will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Bloating in a dog and the main symptoms

Symptoms do not always appear all at once. Even one characteristic sign of swelling is enough to immediately begin to act. Gagging in an animal (every 5-30 minutes), especially with the release of foam, is a bad sign. Instead of urging, a cough may appear.

If the dog whines, squeals, walks restlessly, cannot sit in one place, hunches over, arches its back, then serious problems have arisen with its stomach. The abdomen tenses, spasms form, swells and stretches, the heartbeat quickens, it becomes difficult for the animal to breathe, shortness of breath appears. The dog fails to defecate, loose stools are observed. She swallows stones and other solid objects, refuses to eat partially or completely. Often, a dog's bloating is accompanied by blue gums.

Causes of Flatulence in Dogs

One of the most common causes of bloating is the wrong diet, especially overfeeding. Dogs, like other predators, should not eat flour and sweet foods, as well as vegetables containing fast carbohydrates. Every time you feed your pet with a cookie or a piece of pie, you disrupt his natural metabolism. Fermentation starts. The bacteria that cause this unpleasant process feed on sugar and release gas, which accumulates in bubbles. The longer the process of digestion of food, the more bubbles with gas are formed in the stomach of the animal.

Another reason for bloating is eating too fast. This happens when the owner feeds two dogs at once, and each of them tries to eat as much as possible.

Stress associated with moving, participating in an exhibition, a changed lifestyle, or excessive exercise before meals adversely affect its digestion. Too little physical activity also has a detrimental effect on the stomach of the animal.

Some dogs are genetically predisposed to these problems. Perhaps the pet has a congenital disease of the pancreas. Bloating is observed in males, less often in females. Large dogs suffer from these problems more often than small ones.


If the dog has a swollen stomach, it is breathing heavily and whining, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. The specialist will conduct an analysis of the blood and feces of the animal, make an ultrasound or x-ray of the internal organs.

In emergency cases, operations are performed under anesthesia: the dog’s stomach is pierced with a needle, gases are removed and, if a twist occurs, the stomach is fixed in the correct position. For emptying, a probe is inserted. After the operation, the animal is rehabilitated for 10 days, it is stitched. If the situation is not critical, the veterinarian determines the cause of the swelling and prescribes special drugs, such as adsorbents. Sometimes the treatment does not help, and then the specialist flushes the stomach of the animal.

The veterinarian must prescribe a diet for the dog. After the operation, the animal should not be fed solid food for several days. It is recommended to exclude from the diet and replace dry food with homemade food. An alternative is to soak it in water. The dog is forbidden to give flour food, sweets and spices, this can lead to the fact that she begins to drink a lot of water.

After giving birth, the dog has a different diet

A good way to treat is chamomile infusion. Chamomile should be brewed and given to a pet (if its weight does not exceed 15 kg) half a teaspoon per day. Large animals are given a tablespoon of decoction once a day. If the pet refuses to drink, you can inject the infusion with a syringe (without a needle) into the food or into the oral cavity.

Doctors say that animals that are fed home-cooked food go through the rehabilitation process better than dogs that eat ready-made food.

If the dog has a swollen belly and sides, in no case should you give it activated charcoal, a laxative, or an enema. You can also not put pressure on the stomach: this will only aggravate.


If the pet is prone to bloating and other stomach problems, you need to provide him with the right lifestyle. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Walk your dog at least once a day.
  2. If you've already had bloating problems, get gas medications and those medicines prescribed by your veterinarian. Always have them on hand.
  3. Don't overfeed your dog, even if it begs a lot. An adult dog needs 3 meals a day, a puppy - 4-5.
  4. Feed your dog after a walk.
  5. To prevent air from entering the stomach, do not water the animal immediately after a walk. Before eating, the dog should also not consume liquid.
  6. Include about 30% of meat and other fiber-containing foods in your natural diet.
  7. Purchase special herbs made for dogs at the pet store.
  8. Choose a food that contains a minimum amount of cereals and carbohydrates.
  9. If you are transitioning your dog from one food to another, do it gradually.
  10. Allow the animal to slowly and calmly absorb food.
  11. Isolate your pet from all situations that can provoke stress.

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The formation of gases in the intestines is a natural process for any organism. If any foods are not digested in the pet's stomach, or there is a lack of enzymes, flatulence occurs.

The reasons for its development include:

  • the presence in the diet of foods that are poorly digested (any legumes, fresh white cabbage, potatoes, etc.);
  • lack of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obstruction (blockage) caused by a tumor or foreign body;
  • swallowing a large volume of air while eating food;
  • lack of movement
  • fermentation of food due to malabsorption;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • helminth infection ( a type of helminthiasis in dogs, dipilidiosis);
  • gastrointestinal motility disorder.

Bloating in a dog: causes

The formation of gases always accompanies the process of digestion. But in a healthy animal, the intestine pushes them imperceptibly. If the dog's stomach is very swollen, it means that there are disturbances in the digestive system. You can deal with the problem yourself when the causes of these violations are as follows:

  • rapid ingestion of food with the capture of air;
  • allergic reactions to the proposed products;
  • stale food;
  • dysbacteriosis after taking medications;
  • hair accumulated in the intestines.

Consultation with a specialist will be useful, but there is no danger to life.

It will not be possible to solve these problems on your own, urgent veterinary care is needed. Unfortunately, in especially severe cases, it is impossible to save the dog.

The formation of gases in the intestines always occurs due to a violation of the digestion process, since a normally functioning stomach ensures their expulsion from the body of the animal

Often these disorders occur due to too rapid absorption of food, since such a rush leads to the fact that the dog swallows too much air in the process of eating.

As mentioned earlier, these stomach problems can occur due to intestinal disorders, for example, due to intolerance or the severity of certain foods.

In addition, bloating may be a secondary symptom of an allergy or bowel disease.

There is also a possibility that the swollen belly did not appear due to an excess of gases, but due to the presence of a large number of helminths in the body. In this case, the owners of the animal should immediately consult a doctor.

With any increase in the abdomen or if its shape changes, the dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

Consumption of foods that carry "fast energy", including vegetables, provokes the fermentation process. The bacteria that cause this process feed on sugar and at the same time release gas, which, gathering in bubbles, accumulates in the intestinal cavity and stomach. If the pet is strong, then gases are released through the anus in a natural way.

How to independently help an animal that puffs constantly?

  • To reduce gas pressure, you can give Espumizan and other analogues of children's drugs;
  • To activate the intestinal microflora, we give Hilak Forte at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight;
  • To relieve irritation and swelling, we use Enterosgel and Smecta;
  • Duphalac gently cleanses the intestines.

These "human" drugs can be used when there is no alternative. It is better to use special veterinary products or show the animal to a doctor who, with the help of special veterinary equipment, will be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If the problem is solved - congratulations! Analyze the pet's diet and draw conclusions by elimination.

What to do if the symptoms only get worse:

  • the dog whines, the hind legs are tense, the stomach is even more puffed up;
  • saliva flows profusely;
  • vomiting appeared.

If vomiting starts, give the dog Regidron, which will protect against dehydration. It may happen that, after vomiting 1-2 times, the pet will feel relief. This suggests that the body coped with the problem on its own. If vomiting during the day was repeated more than 4 times, the masses are yellow, with foam and a pungent odor - immediately to the veterinarian!

Leaving an animal with bloating for more than a day without qualified medical care is dangerous. The fact is that swelling displaces the ligaments that fix the internal organs. An awkward movement, jumping off the couch can provoke a twist, and that will be a completely different story.

There are many causes of bloating in dogs. A common reason is that the pet may have eaten food that contains foods that promote the formation and accumulation of gas in the stomach. These products include brewer's yeast, soy, as well as citric acid, which often acts as a preservative.

Bloating can occur as a result of air entering the stomach if the animal absorbs food and water too quickly.

Stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog's lifestyle, as well as physical activity before meals and immediately after meals, can also cause bloating in dogs.

One of the reasons may be hereditary predisposition or diseases of the pancreas.

Bloating in a dog is a dangerous condition in which, if measures are not taken in time, the dog can die in just a couple of hours.

Most often, bloating occurs in older animals, also in dogs of large and giant sizes with a deep chest (Doberman, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Bobtail), but dogs of any size are prone to developing such problems.

A properly functioning stomach ensures the timely release of gases from the animal's body, and if the digestion process is disturbed, this leads to their excessive formation and stagnation.

Causes of bloating

  1. Excessively abundant feeding, in particular, products prone to fermentation;
  2. Lack or lack of physical activity after feeding;
  3. Feeding several animals at the same time, when the dog, trying to eat more, swallows a large amount of air along with the food, which will stop the cause of flatulence.
  4. Stress caused by childbirth, changes of residence, changes in the dog's lifestyle.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas or hereditary predisposition.

Bloating can be of two forms - acute and chronic.

acute form

In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms of the disease develop rapidly and most often in the evening after feeding. The animal becomes restless, whines, walks with an arched back.

There is shortness of breath, unproductive gagging every half hour. Sometimes with such urges, foam can be released. The abdomen becomes enlarged, stretched and painful. The dog may try to go to the toilet, but to no avail.

But sometimes loose stools can be observed.

As a result, due to increased gas formation and, as a result, obstruction of the esophagus, such conditions end with a lock and even displacement of the stomach.

Therefore, as soon as the animal has symptoms of acute bloating, it must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct an examination, take blood and stool tests, and conduct an X-ray examination to rule out other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic form

In the chronic course of the disease, gas formation in the dog's digestive tract is permanent. This condition, although it manifests itself without painful and dangerous symptoms, still requires treatment.

The causes of chronic bloating can be disorders in the functioning of internal organs, such as diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In addition, the cause may be inappropriate food or a lack of enzymes in it for the proper functioning of the stomach.


To provide qualified assistance to a sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations to relieve stomach tension.

To relieve pain and reduce stress, the dog is given special drugs and antibiotics.

This procedure is done using sorbents, or a gas tube, which must be inserted into the dog's esophagus through the throat.

In acute and critical conditions, emergency methods can be used, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases, or restoring and fixing its correct position (gastropexy) if volvulus has occurred.

In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach is necessarily attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity. Then a probe is inserted into the stomach to empty it. Sometimes, a drain or removal of the spleen may be necessary for the operation to be successful.

For the period and after treatment, the dog is shown liquid nutrition. Often, veterinarians advise to abandon dry food for a while or pre-soak it in water, because. it absorbs a large amount of moisture in the stomach, which can lead to sudden bloating.


Prevention of bloating includes:

  1. If the dog is prone to bloating, then the owner should always have medication available for gas formation.
  2. Proper nutrition, excluding the possibility of flatulence. In order not to provoke the formation of gases by improper digestion of food, the dog should not be given water an hour before meals. The diet should include food that is easily digestible. It is recommended to feed the animal three times a day after a walk. After active physical activity, you should not give the dog to immediately drink water to prevent swallowing air.
  3. Transfer to a new diet should be done gradually. It is preferable to feed your dog a low grain diet.
  4. If the diet is natural, then at least 30% of raw meat and fiber should be included in the diet. It will also be helpful to give your dog special herbs for pets, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  5. Provide adequate exercise for the dog
  6. Eliminate stressful situations when eating animals.

Symptoms of the disease

The course of the disease and the features of treatment depend on the causes that cause it. Sometimes you can understand that a dog has a stomach ache by its behavior: the pet becomes less agile, remains motionless for a long time and, as it were, listens to something. The change in the shape and size of the abdomen becomes noticeable on the 2nd or 3rd day.

In another case, intestinal swelling occurs quickly, the animal's condition deteriorates sharply. This option is more dangerous to the life of the dog and requires immediate assistance.

Common symptoms of the pathological condition are:

  1. Great enlargement and soreness of the abdomen.
  2. Aversion to food, refusal of water.
  3. Rapid breathing.
  4. Belching, nausea, profuse salivation, vomiting with foam.

The dog moves with difficulty, mostly lies on its side.

Abdominal distention can be acute, and also have a delayed or chronic form. If this disease is chronic, it may not manifest itself in any way. However, gradually the pet will begin to have problems with the liver and pancreas. The evil irony lies in the fact that violations in the work of the above organs will only exacerbate digestive problems.

As with other diseases, the acute form is the most dangerous. At the same time, the animal behaves extremely restlessly, often whines. The belly of the pet is swollen and extremely tense. Side effects of bloating can also be indigestion and frequent vomiting, complete or partial refusal to eat, blue gums, difficulty breathing, and severe pain in the abdominal region.

Typical symptoms may not necessarily be present at the same time. But even with the appearance of the first symptoms, you need to act quickly.

Characteristic symptoms are expressed in unsuccessful urge to vomit, and every 5-30 minutes, with the possible release of foam. The urge to vomit may be perceived as a frequent cough.

The animal shows anxiety, whines and cannot take a comfortable position, walks hunched over, with an arched back.

The belly of the animal increases in size, becomes stretched like a drum.

The dog has weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations. The animal may make unsuccessful attempts to defecate, as well as try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.

Bloating can be acute as well as chronic. If it is of a chronic type, then it can proceed hidden. But over time, the animal will begin to have difficulties with the pancreas and liver. It is important to remember that, together with the disruption of the described organs, the state of the digestive system and all the processes occurring in it are significantly deteriorating.

As with other diseases, the acute form brings the greatest threat. With such a violation, the pet begins to get very nervous and whine. The dog's belly swells, the muscles tense up. Side effects of bloating include indigestion, nausea, complete or partial denial of nutrition, blue gums, difficulty breathing, and increased pain in the abdomen.

Diagnosis of bloating

If the dog is suffering from pain and bloating after eating, the abdomen can be measured with a measuring tape. This should be done in the widest part of the belly. Such a simple procedure will allow you to track the dynamics of the symptom and determine whether there is a danger to the health of the dog.

If the symptoms cause serious concern, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. There, doctors will conduct special studies, including fecal analysis and a general blood test, x-rays. One of the tasks of specialists is to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, for example, various intestinal diseases, as well as enzyme deficiency.

Among the symptoms that accompany a painful increase in the abdomen, there are:

  • restless condition of the dog;
  • vomiting with mucous secretions;
  • rapid heavy breathing;
  • inflation of the sides of the dog in a short period of time.

Treatment of flatulence in dogs

Basically, all recommendations for relieving bloating in a dog relate to nutritional rules. First of all, the pet should eat in a calm environment. Do not disturb the dog while eating, especially do not let children do it. Such behavior can be fraught with injury, as dogs become extremely sensitive in the process of eating.

If your pet has bloating, switch to a liquid diet. Experts often advise giving animals that are prone to bloat, liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food should be completely eliminated from the diet, as it tends to absorb large amounts of water directly into the dog's stomach, causing bloating.

But still, cooking at home is the most preferred option for preventing any stomach problems in a pet. Researchers have proven that dogs that eat homemade and healthy food recover much faster than pets that continue to eat store-bought food.

You can also normalize the work of the stomach with a decoction of chamomile. This flower is an indispensable ally in the fight against various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile helps not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of bloating in a dog. Small dogs, whose weight does not exceed fifteen kilograms, can be given half a small spoonful of decoction per day.

To normalize the work of the stomach, you will need to carefully monitor the physical activity of the pet, since in some cases the cause of bloating is precisely hypodynamia. It is necessary to arrange an active walk at least once a day for the animal. In this case, such a load should go only before meals.

There are also medical treatments for bloating in dogs. For example, taking certain homeopathic remedies will help immediately eliminate the accumulation of gases in the pet's stomach.

If you suspect that bloating is not provoked by gases, but, for example, by helminths, you should immediately consult a doctor. Bloating, accompanied by vomiting and the formation of white foam, is also treated exclusively in a specialized clinic.

If the results of the so-called home therapy did not bring results, the veterinarian usually flushes the dog's stomach with a special type of probe and introduces sorbents into the stomach. In some, severe cases of bloating, a specialist pierces the belly with a special needle to expel gases as soon as possible. It is also possible to conduct intensive therapy, the purpose of which will be to support the cardiovascular system of the body.

To prevent acute bloating, the dog should be fed in a calm environment, after a walk, with high-quality habitual food.

Peritonitis, pyometra, ascites - these serious diseases of the dog can only be determined by a veterinarian. When neglected, the host is usually offered the option of euthanasia.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the animal's condition. The veterinarian will insert a tube (probe) into the dog's stomach through the throat to relieve the pressure and release the accumulated gases. In severe cases, a veterinarian can make a puncture in the stomach with a hollow needle for the same purpose.

A dog in shock is given special drugs, and the pain is relieved with antibiotics. The veterinary clinic may take x-rays to check the condition of other organs and the absence of gastric volvulus.

Gastric bloating is not uncommon for dogs. However, this is a rather dangerous condition due to the fact that stretching with gases leads to obstruction of the esophagus, and even volvulus of the stomach and its further displacement.

As a result, the work of the lungs and venous outflow is disturbed, cardiovascular insufficiency occurs, the animal experiences a rapid shock and dies literally within one to two hours. Bloating in a dog is called flatulence.

Causes of Bloating in Dogs

  • Gas is always formed in the intestines as a result of digestion. But in a normal situation, they move through the intestines and are pushed out.
  • Often, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs when swallowing air during meals, when the dog eats too quickly, swallowing the food whole.
  • The most common cause of flatulence is a deep violation of the digestive system. They cause the accumulation of a large amount of gas in the stomach, which occurs due to the decay of food debris. This happens when the intestines have difficulty digesting certain foods.
  • Also, flatulence can accompany food allergies and intestinal diseases that disrupt its normal functioning.


Flatulence can be acute, delayed and chronic. In the chronic course of the disease, it does not particularly manifest itself, but over time, the animal has disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which increasingly lead to improper digestion of food.

Veterinarians often blame dry soy foods for this condition.

The acute form of the disease is much more dangerous. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, appetite decreases, its gums become bluish or gray.

As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken, and an X-ray is done to the dog.

The main task in the treatment of flatulence is to relieve bloating of the stomach. To do this, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a mouth-esophageal probe and introduce sorbents into it. Sometimes veterinarians pierce the abdominal wall with a special needle - a trocar, to remove gases.

In severe cases, intensive therapy with peristalsis stimulators is carried out with support for the cardiovascular system.

Preventive measures for flatulence

  • In order to prevent intensive care, it is best to properly feed the animal so that it does not have flatulence. This is especially true of large breeds of dogs, which most often experience bloating of the stomach.
  • The diet of a dog prone to flatulence should consist of easily digestible food, divided into small pieces to avoid swallowing air. It is better to feed three times a day after a walk. Do not give your dog water to drink immediately after active play.
  • It is also better not to experiment with food, but to do any transition to a new food gradually.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. If an excess of gases arose due to any product, it is necessary to review the pet's diet, and then the problem will be solved without treatment.

In other cases, you can follow the following scheme:

  1. Adsorbents and carminative preparations will help get rid of gases and remove them from the body: Enterosgel, Activated Carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Espumizan (Simeticone).
  2. With a lack of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, drugs are prescribed: Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin, Pepsin.
  3. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics are used: Procolin, Bifidum-SHL, Bifitrilak, Embprobio, Laktoferon, etc.
  4. To improve gastrointestinal motility, drugs are prescribed: Motilium, Motilak, Cerucal.
  5. If increased gas formation is caused by a large number of helminths, it is necessary to rid the dog of them with the help of anthelmintic drugs: Kanikvantel, Drontal, Milbemax, etc.

If flatulence is caused by a blockage, surgery may be required to remove the foreign object from the bowel.

What to do if the dog's stomach is swollen? For the most part, therapeutic measures will be related to the nutrition of the pet. To begin with, it is important to provide the animal with proper nutrition in a calm environment. It is not necessary to distract the dog during feeding, and it is also forbidden to allow children to do this. This behavior can end badly, as dogs become especially sensitive when eating food.

The place for feeding should also be separate, as dogs are used to swallowing food in whole pieces without chewing (this is especially true in homes where there are other animals). Eating food too quickly can lead to a buildup of large amounts of gas, which will only make things worse.

If your dog has a bloated belly, it is important to buy liquid food for him. Veterinarians recommend giving a pet that is often bloated from simple food, liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food in this case is prohibited, as it absorbs a large amount of liquid in the stomach itself, leading to bloating.

First aid

Regardless of the severity of the disease, the owner should try to alleviate the condition of the animal.

Having noticed the changed figure and downcast look of your pet, first determine what caused the dog's stomach to swell. There can be two reasons:

  1. The dog swallowed something while playing (for example, a rubber ball);
  2. It is difficult to pass gases for physiological reasons.

A strong accumulation of gases is easily determined by the characteristic sound that occurs when tapping on the swollen belly of the dog with your fingers.

Try to restore the natural discharge of gases and reduce their pressure on the internal organs. Try doing this:

  1. Stroke the dog's belly with light pressure in a clockwise direction for 3 to 5 minutes. Usually this action is enough to deflate the intestines. Next, if there is a suspicion of toxins, put a few tablets of activated charcoal in her mouth, grab her muzzle with both hands and hold until she swallows. To restore the intestinal microflora after a while, start giving probiotics.
  2. If the first method does not work, carefully insert the gas outlet tube into the anus to a depth of 2 - 3 cm (depending on the size of the animal). This procedure will relieve some stress until the doctor arrives.

Consequences of digestive problems

Due to possible digestive disorders, the intestines of the animal begin to fill with a large amount of gases and increase significantly in size. As a result, the dog's stomach swells, pain occurs. Gases begin to be slowly absorbed and lead to intoxication. The negative load on the liver increases significantly.

The expansion of the intestine leads to its enhanced work, which speeds up the movement of digested food. The dog has diarrhea. At the same time, a large amount of gases continues to remain in the intestine, moving closer to the sphincter of the rectum and accumulating in this place. After the accumulation of a certain amount of gases, emission with an unpleasant odor begins.

The mere emission of excess gases through the anus is not enough to empty the intestines. Its walls continue to expand, and pain only increases. In this case, there is a danger that the dog will develop stomach diseases, increased flatulence and impaired liver function.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure and get rid of its complications. Therefore, if you want to see your four-legged friend healthy and cheerful, do not forget about the following preventive measures:

  1. Follow the rules of feeding (the quality of food should be high, the dishes should be clean, the quantity should be sufficient to saturate, but do not allow overeating).
  2. Timely (at least 2 times a year) carry out the prevention of helminthiasis.
  3. Teach your dog not to take food from other people's hands, not to pick up anything from the ground.
  4. For walks, try to choose places where the dog can be well driven over uneven terrain. This will improve intestinal motility and protect against constipation and gas accumulation.
  5. Choose a good doctor for your pet and seek help immediately if problems arise.

Veterinarians advise against accustoming dogs to the food that we eat. In practice, unfortunately, this is not always the case. So:

  • make sure that spoiled food does not appear in the bowl, do not feed the dog expired foods that are a pity to throw away;
  • do not forget that of all breeds, only German Shepherds can partially digest bones. Make sure that tubular bones do not get into food, because they are poorly excreted, injure the mucous membrane, clog the intestines, causing obstruction.

And then bloating your dog does not threaten.

As you might have guessed, based on information about the treatment of bloating, the problem can be prevented by proper nutrition of the dog. All of the above rules can be applied not only for home therapy, but also for disease prevention. They are especially relevant for large dogs, since they have bloating much more often than small breeds.

In the dog's first aid kit, especially knowing about the pet's predisposition to bloating, there should always be drugs against the formation of gases.

Bloating can be avoided by avoiding fast food intake. To do this, you can use labyrinth bowls and feed the daily portion not in one, but in 2-3 doses per day.

The correct feeding regimen will avoid many problems. The dog should not be allowed to drink an hour before and after a meal, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for the proper digestion of food, otherwise gases are formed. Physical activity is allowed only after at least an hour before and after meals.

Transfer from one feed to another should be gradual. Choose a quality dry food that does not include fat in the first four ingredients. It is better to give preference to feeds with a low carbohydrate content, the source of which is cereals. It is known that cereals ferment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of gases.

With natural feeding, the diet must include at least 30% raw meat and a sufficient amount of fiber. Herbs for pets help reduce gas formation.

It is important to avoid stressful situations or minimize stress.

Prevention of flatulence is as follows:

  • exclude legumes, cabbage and other foods that your pet does not digest well from the diet;
  • put the dog bowl higher;
  • dry food can be soaked in water 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • make sure that the animal moves enough (this contributes to a better exit of gases from the intestines);
  • Deworm your pet regularly.

Flatulence does not threaten health, but indicates a problem in the dog's gastrointestinal tract. If your pet passes gas frequently, contact your veterinarian. It will help to identify the root cause and eliminate it.

At the word puppy, the imagination immediately draws a picture of a well-fed four-legged peanut - the sweetest and most funny creature. As a rule, all puppies have a certain “pot-bellied”, but what if the pet’s stomach looks too bloated? A noticeably rounded tummy can signal several things:

First, about overeating. Many dogs tend to be impatient when it comes to food, and even more so for puppies. If you think that overeating is out of the question, just in case, double-check the food supplies that may have been in the puppy's field of vision and only then consider other options. Also, if you are overfeeding a puppy, I advise you to reconsider his diet. Overeating is unacceptable for dogs. What foods should be excluded from the diet of dogs, you will learn by reading .

Secondly, bloating may indicate increased gas formation. Puppies who eat greedily, along with the most delicious meal, swallow a lot of air, which, in turn, gets into the intestines and is responsible for flatulence. In this case, you can give the puppy activated charcoal or enterosgel.

If the swollen belly does not “fall off” for a long time and gives the dog anxiety, it makes sense to take tests for the presence of worms. They can also be detected "by eye" by examining the puppy's morning feces. Currently, there are a huge number of drugs on the animal medicine market that help to cope with such a problem as worms, all that is required of you is to strictly follow the instructions and observe the dosage. How to protect a dog from worms I wrote about it .

Also, a bloated tummy and pain can be signs of food poisoning or constipation. A curious kid can easily pick up a suspicious bone or stale food remains on a walk. In this case, many owners practice gastric lavage, after “treating” the puppy with activated charcoal. You can induce vomiting in a puppy by sprinkling a little salt or a saline solution on the tip of his tongue. If your puppy is constipated, petroleum jelly will help. In any case, if you see several signs of illness in a puppy, such as bloated belly, loose stools, vomiting, pain, whining, seek veterinary help immediately.

In animals suffering from heart disease, fluid often accumulates in the abdominal cavity, which causes bloating. This is an extremely serious condition in which emergency medical care is indispensable. Fortunately, cardiovascular disease is rarely observed in young animals, unless it is a congenital pathology.

If you carry out preventive maintenance with your puppy in time, feed him correctly, you have nothing to fear. By the way, often small puppies hiccup after a hearty meal. Hiccups should not be treated and there is no need to be afraid of this. It's just that puppies eat greedily and swallow air along with food. If you are feeding your puppy dry food, just add some room temperature boiled water from a kettle to the bowl.

And the last. Do not panic for no reason and treat your pet for non-existent diseases. Reasonable attention to the health of your four-legged ward is the key to his long and happy life.

Health to you and your puppies!

All the best, see you soon friends!
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The stomach of dogs is an organ with fairly thick, powerful walls. Smooth muscles are able to remove gases and contents in time in the direction of the small intestine, and the mucous membrane, releasing hydrochloric acid, is able to digest coarse parts of the feed, which the stomach of other animal species is not capable of.

As a result of such feeding, blockages are formed in the stomach - feed masses that linger mainly in the lower part of the stomach and thereby stretch the walls of the organ, thinning and weakening them. Blockages tend to increase in volume, making the stomach heavier and larger. An increase in the organ stimulates even greater appetite in the dog, more and more food enters the stomach, and the volume of blockages increases more and more.

At some point in time, as a rule, this is observed after a sharp movement of the dog - while running, after falling, waking up, a heavy stomach with thin walls twists along its horizontal axis. Such a condition, first of all, causes severe pain in the dog, and in addition, in the organ, resembling a candy wrapped in a candy wrapper, feed masses and gases are tightly sealed.

Over the next hour, the volume of gases only increases, the stomach begins to swell more and more, its walls become thinner, which may end in their rupture. However, this is usually not the case. The huge stomach presses its mass on the diaphragm, limiting the respiratory space of the lungs, preventing the dog from breathing.

Risk factors

There are some predisposing factors that stimulate acute bloating in a dog, but they cannot be called reasons that could certainly provoke this life-threatening condition in a dog:

  • genetic predisposition. Very often, puppies obtained from dogs that have survived gastric volvulus observe a similar condition.
  • Breed anatomical features. Most often, dogs of large breeds with a wide body suffer. The stomach has more free space for twisting.
  • Shy, cautious temperament. Animals of this type often make sudden movements, leaving a state of rest.
  • Stress.
  • Poor feeding with excessive amounts of carbohydrate-rich dry foods, such as cereals, along with small amounts of water.
  • Rapid absorption of food. observed after prolonged fasting.
  • Active physical activity immediately after feeding.


Knowing the risk factors and the general picture of bloating in dogs due to gastric volvulus, some recommendations can be made to help owners avoid this deadly condition for their pet.

The first and best way of prevention will be a preliminary visit to the veterinary clinic in order to examine the stomach for possible volvulus. Veterinary surgeons, knowing the breed characteristics of the dog and evaluating the pattern of the location of the stomach, will be able to accurately predict the possibility of volvulus.

In the case of a positive prognosis, the so-called prophylactic gastropexy in dogs is indicated. It is based on a surgical procedure in which the wall of the stomach is fixed to the inner surface of the abdominal cavity, preventing the organ from moving in any direction.

Of the conservative methods of prevention, the following can be recommended:

  • If it becomes known that the puppy's parents had a history of acute bloating, then it is better to refuse such a dog.
  • Natural foods with a predominance of protein and fatty foods, such as meat and fish, should be a priority for dogs at risk for gastric volvulus.
  • The total amount of food calculated for the day is best divided into 3-4 doses - fractional feeding.
  • Water for drinking should always be plenty.
  • Feeding should be on schedule, and the portion size should not be exceeded.
  • Within an hour after feeding, it is not recommended to allow physical activity for the dog.

Depending on the size of the dog, the length of its intestines is from 5 to 7.5 meters. In a perfectly healthy pet, the small intestine is inhabited by exceptionally friendly bacteria that help extract all the beneficial substances from the food. The large intestine is also inhabited by beneficial bacteria, but their job is to "clean up" - processing undigested food to a soft state.

The vital activity of bacteria is the process of eating carbohydrates and releasing gases that are excreted from the intestines naturally. If gases are not removed, they rise into the small intestine, which causes bloating. Intestinal flatulence in dogs, followed by accumulation of gases, occurs for a number of reasons that may be interrelated:

  • Violation of the intestinal microflora leads to the fact that there are more “cleaning bacteria”, and food, instead of being digested, rots.
  • Eating food that the animal cannot digest.
  • Swallowing air along with food is the wrong position of the feeder, “greedy grasping” of food. In parallel, belching is observed.
  • Feeding a pet food that is supersaturated with carbohydrates or foods that the dog does not absorb.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), weak peristalsis or its absence.

The course of the disease is divided into 4 types, which are combined:

  • Chronic or widespread.

Under the complications understand the presence of heartburn, mucous discharge from the rectum, blood in the feces, overexertion of the abdominal wall, soreness, vomiting, diarrhea. Serious, life-threatening complications are rare, but require urgent care, most often, stimulation of intestinal motility or puncture of the peritoneum.

Causes of Bloating in Dogs

Gases, which are formed as a result of digestion, are excreted from the body of the animal in a natural way. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to accumulate and rise into the small intestine, which causes bloating.

The main causes of flatulence are:

  1. Swallowing air when eating food quickly.
  2. Unbalanced diet: food with a high concentration of fiber, soy products, spoiled, poor quality, hot food, overeating, sudden changes in food.
  3. Allergic reaction to certain types of foods.
  4. Dysfunction of the digestive system, in which food is not completely processed.
  5. Inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Dysbacteriosis.
  7. Infectious diseases.
  8. Problems with defecation.
  9. Malfunctions of the pancreas.
  10. Liver diseases.
  11. Sedentary lifestyle.
  12. The presence of worms.

As a result of the accumulation of gases in the intestine, intoxication of the animal's body occurs. Slags and toxins are assimilated, tk. they are carried throughout the body by the blood stream.

Flatulence in dogs is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, rumbling, cramps and abdominal pain.

  • Gas is always formed in the intestines as a result of digestion. But in a normal situation, they move through the intestines and are pushed out.
  • Often, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs when swallowing air during meals, when the dog eats too quickly, swallowing the food whole.
  • The most common cause of flatulence is a deep violation of the digestive system. They cause the accumulation of a large amount of gas in the stomach, which occurs due to the decay of food debris. This happens when the intestines have difficulty digesting certain foods.
  • Also, flatulence can accompany food allergies and intestinal diseases that disrupt its normal functioning.

With any increase in the abdomen or if its shape changes, the dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

Consumption of foods that carry "fast energy", including vegetables, provokes the fermentation process. The bacteria that cause this process feed on sugar and at the same time release gas, which, gathering in bubbles, accumulates in the intestinal cavity and stomach. If the pet is strong, then gases are released through the anus in a natural way.

How to independently help an animal that puffs constantly?

  • To reduce gas pressure, you can give Espumizan and other analogues of children's drugs;
  • To activate the intestinal microflora, we give Hilak Forte at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight;
  • To relieve irritation and swelling, we use Enterosgel and Smecta;
  • Duphalac gently cleanses the intestines.

These "human" drugs can be used when there is no alternative. It is better to use special veterinary products or show the animal to a doctor who, with the help of special veterinary equipment, will be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If the problem is solved - congratulations! Analyze the pet's diet and draw conclusions by elimination.

What to do if the symptoms only get worse:

  • the dog whines, the hind legs are tense, the stomach is even more puffed up;
  • saliva flows profusely;
  • vomiting appeared.

If vomiting starts, give the dog Regidron, which will protect against dehydration. It may happen that, after vomiting 1-2 times, the pet will feel relief. This suggests that the body coped with the problem on its own. If vomiting during the day was repeated more than 4 times, the masses are yellow, with foam and a pungent odor - immediately to the veterinarian!

Leaving an animal with bloating for more than a day without qualified medical care is dangerous. The fact is that swelling displaces the ligaments that fix the internal organs. An awkward movement, jumping off the couch can provoke a twist, and that will be a completely different story.

Bloating in a dog is a dangerous condition in which, if measures are not taken in time, the dog can die in just a couple of hours.

Most often, bloating occurs in older animals, also in dogs of large and giant sizes with a deep chest (Doberman, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Bobtail), but dogs of any size are prone to developing such problems.

A properly functioning stomach ensures the timely release of gases from the animal's body, and if the digestion process is disturbed, this leads to their excessive formation and stagnation.

Causes of bloating

  1. Excessively abundant feeding, in particular, products prone to fermentation;
  2. Lack or lack of physical activity after feeding;
  3. Feeding several animals at the same time, when the dog, trying to eat more, swallows a large amount of air along with the food, which will stop the cause of flatulence.
  4. Stress caused by childbirth, changes of residence, changes in the dog's lifestyle.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas or hereditary predisposition.

Bloating can be of two forms - acute and chronic.

acute form

In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms of the disease develop rapidly and most often in the evening after feeding. The animal becomes restless, whines, walks with an arched back.

There is shortness of breath, unproductive gagging every half hour. Sometimes with such urges, foam can be released. The abdomen becomes enlarged, stretched and painful. The dog may try to go to the toilet, but to no avail.

But sometimes loose stools can be observed.

As a result, due to increased gas formation and, as a result, obstruction of the esophagus, such conditions end with a lock and even displacement of the stomach.

Therefore, as soon as the animal has symptoms of acute bloating, it must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct an examination, take blood and stool tests, and conduct an X-ray examination to rule out other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic form

In the chronic course of the disease, gas formation in the dog's digestive tract is permanent. This condition, although it manifests itself without painful and dangerous symptoms, still requires treatment.

The causes of chronic bloating can be disorders in the functioning of internal organs, such as diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In addition, the cause may be inappropriate food or a lack of enzymes in it for the proper functioning of the stomach.


To provide qualified assistance to a sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations to relieve stomach tension.

To relieve pain and reduce stress, the dog is given special drugs and antibiotics.

This procedure is done using sorbents, or a gas tube, which must be inserted into the dog's esophagus through the throat.

In acute and critical conditions, emergency methods can be used, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases, or restoring and fixing its correct position (gastropexy) if volvulus has occurred.

In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach is necessarily attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity. Then a probe is inserted into the stomach to empty it. Sometimes, a drain or removal of the spleen may be necessary for the operation to be successful.

For the period and after treatment, the dog is shown liquid nutrition. Often, veterinarians advise to abandon dry food for a while or pre-soak it in water, because. it absorbs a large amount of moisture in the stomach, which can lead to sudden bloating.


Prevention of bloating includes:

  1. If the dog is prone to bloating, then the owner should always have medication available for gas formation.
  2. Proper nutrition, excluding the possibility of flatulence. In order not to provoke the formation of gases by improper digestion of food, the dog should not be given water an hour before meals. The diet should include food that is easily digestible. It is recommended to feed the animal three times a day after a walk. After active physical activity, you should not give the dog to immediately drink water to prevent swallowing air.
  3. Transfer to a new diet should be done gradually. It is preferable to feed your dog a low grain diet.
  4. If the diet is natural, then at least 30% of raw meat and fiber should be included in the diet. It will also be helpful to give your dog special herbs for pets, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  5. Provide adequate exercise for the dog
  6. Eliminate stressful situations when eating animals.

There are many causes of bloating in dogs. A common reason is that the pet may have eaten food that contains foods that promote the formation and accumulation of gas in the stomach. These products include brewer's yeast, soy, as well as citric acid, which often acts as a preservative.

Bloating can occur as a result of air entering the stomach if the animal absorbs food and water too quickly.

Stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog's lifestyle, as well as physical activity before meals and immediately after meals, can also cause bloating in dogs.

One of the reasons may be hereditary predisposition or diseases of the pancreas.


Flatulence can be acute, delayed and chronic. In the chronic course of the disease, it does not particularly manifest itself, but over time, the animal has disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which increasingly lead to improper digestion of food.

Veterinarians often blame dry soy foods for this condition.

The acute form of the disease is much more dangerous. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, appetite decreases, its gums become bluish or gray. An urgent appeal to the veterinarian is required, who will conduct the necessary studies to rule out a deficiency of digestive enzymes and intestinal diseases. As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken, and an X-ray is done to the dog.

Treatment for Bloating in Dogs

In severe cases, intensive therapy with peristalsis stimulators is carried out with support for the cardiovascular system.

Preventive measures for flatulence

  • In order to prevent intensive care, it is best to properly feed the animal so that it does not have flatulence. This is especially true of large breeds of dogs, which most often experience bloating of the stomach.
  • The diet of a dog prone to flatulence should consist of easily digestible food, divided into small pieces to avoid swallowing air. It is better to feed three times a day after a walk. Do not give your dog water to drink immediately after active play.
  • It is also better not to experiment with food, but to do any transition to a new food gradually.

Acute bloating in a dog is always an emergency. Therefore, it is extremely important for owners to recognize the first signs of this condition. These include:

  • The dog's belly is swollen and continues to grow in size.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to vomit.
  • Frequent belching.
  • Excited general state.
  • Severe pain in the abdomen - the dog tries to reach him, whines, does not allow to touch.
  • The dog is breathing heavily.
  • Profuse salivation, often in the form of foam.
  • Paleness and blueness of the mucous membranes of the gums and conjunctiva.
  • Weak pulse.
  • Fast heart rate (tachycardia).
  • Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia).
  • Collapse. Loss of consciousness is usually the final symptom, followed by death.

Breeds at High Risk

Great Dane, Weimaraner, St. Bernard, German Shepherd, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter, Miniature Pinscher, English Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Irish Wolfhound, Boxer, Collie.

In some cases, gastric volvulus occurs in small breed dogs such as the Bloodhound, Poodle, Chinese Shar Pei, Basset Hound, Dachshund, and Pekingese.

Typical symptoms may not necessarily be present at the same time. But even with the appearance of the first symptoms, you need to act quickly.

Characteristic symptoms are expressed in unsuccessful urge to vomit, and every 5-30 minutes, with the possible release of foam. The urge to vomit may be perceived as a frequent cough.

The animal shows anxiety, whines and cannot take a comfortable position, walks hunched over, with an arched back.

The belly of the animal increases in size, becomes stretched like a drum.

The dog has weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations. The animal may make unsuccessful attempts to defecate, as well as try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.

The main task in the treatment of flatulence is to relieve bloating of the stomach. To do this, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a mouth-esophageal probe and introduce sorbents into it. Sometimes veterinarians pierce the abdominal wall with a special needle - a trocar, to remove gases.

Bloating can be acute as well as chronic. If it is of a chronic type, then it can proceed hidden. But over time, the animal will begin to have difficulties with the pancreas and liver. It is important to remember that, together with the disruption of the described organs, the state of the digestive system and all the processes occurring in it are significantly deteriorating.

As with other diseases, the acute form brings the greatest threat. With such a violation, the pet begins to get very nervous and whine. The dog's belly swells, the muscles tense up. Side effects of bloating include indigestion, nausea, complete or partial denial of nutrition, blue gums, difficulty breathing, and increased pain in the abdomen.

Bloating in a dog can manifest itself in an acute or lubricated chronic form. In the first case, the disease develops instantly, causing severe pain and anxiety. The area of ​​​​the peritoneum of the pet is tense and painful, and the mucous membranes take on a grayish or bluish tint.

In parallel, loose stools and incessant vomiting can be observed, the dog has no appetite. In this case, it is important to urgently seek medical help, because bloating in a dog, treatment

To exclude other intestinal pathologies, the doctor takes tests of the animal's feces and blood, and also conducts an X-ray examination.

The chronic form of the disease proceeds sluggishly, expressed in systemic pathologies of the internal organs and the gastrointestinal tract.


The method of treating flatulence in dogs depends on the causes of its formation. The main directions are:

  • normalization of microflora;
  • activation of the digestive tract;
  • elimination of major diseases.

Normalization of the number of intestinal microorganisms is achieved through the use of drugs with a high concentration of probiotics. They are prescribed depending on the condition of the animal, the stage of development of the disease.

To activate the work of the digestive organs, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes that cause their dysfunction. In this case, drug treatment is used. The action of medications is aimed at normalizing the process of enzyme production and improving digestion. After diagnosing a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme medications are prescribed.

Treatment of flatulence is to eliminate bloating. For this purpose, gastric lavage is carried out using a special probe through which sorbents are introduced. In emergency situations, the abdominal cavity of the animal is pierced with a thin needle, through which accumulated gas is removed from the body.

To reduce pressure in the abdominal cavity, carminative drugs are used. If swelling is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, specialists conduct x-rays, as well as a study of blood and feces. These activities will help determine the causes of the disease, notice the possible combination of internal organs or the formation of tumors.

When gases are removed from the digestive system, it is populated with beneficial microflora. To do this, use probiotics, natural yogurt.

Products that envelop the walls of the stomach and create a protective barrier against the effects of negative factors will help improve the digestion process. It is recommended to use rice porridge, flax seeds, herbal decoction. Sorbent substances are capable of reducing the amount of gases and toxic substances in a dog.

A decoction of chamomile will help alleviate the condition of the dog. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, which favorably affects the work of the digestive tract. Medicinal drink must be given to the pet on a spoon per day. If the dog refuses to drink it, it can be added to liquid food or injected with a syringe.

During the recovery period, the correct diet should be compiled for the animal. Feed your pet preferably in small portions, more than 4-6 times a day. You need to make sure that he does not swallow food quickly. Legumes, dry food, milk, sea fish, cereals, food that contains sugar should be excluded from the daily menu.

In the acute form of bloating, it is recommended to feed the dog only boiled chopped rice, boiled in water or low-fat broth. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not take food out of the trash can or eat something spoiled during the walk.

To prevent acute bloating, the dog should be fed in a calm environment, after a walk, with high-quality habitual food.

Peritonitis, pyometra, ascites - these serious diseases of the dog can only be determined by a veterinarian. When neglected, the host is usually offered the option of euthanasia.

Gastric bloating is not uncommon for dogs. However, this is a rather dangerous condition due to the fact that stretching with gases leads to obstruction of the esophagus, and even volvulus of the stomach and its further displacement.

As a result, the work of the lungs and venous outflow is disturbed, cardiovascular insufficiency occurs, the animal experiences a rapid shock and dies literally within one to two hours. Bloating in a dog is called flatulence.


The acute form of the disease is much more dangerous. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, appetite decreases, its gums become bluish or gray.

As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken, and an X-ray is done to the dog.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the animal's condition. The veterinarian will insert a tube (probe) into the dog's stomach through the throat to relieve the pressure and release the accumulated gases. In severe cases, a veterinarian can make a puncture in the stomach with a hollow needle for the same purpose.

A dog in shock is given special drugs, and the pain is relieved with antibiotics. The veterinary clinic may take x-rays to check the condition of other organs and the absence of gastric volvulus.

What to do if the dog's stomach is swollen? For the most part, therapeutic measures will be related to the nutrition of the pet. To begin with, it is important to provide the animal with proper nutrition in a calm environment. It is not necessary to distract the dog during feeding, and it is also forbidden to allow children to do this. This behavior can end badly, as dogs become especially sensitive when eating food.

The place for feeding should also be separate, as dogs are used to swallowing food in whole pieces without chewing (this is especially true in homes where there are other animals). Eating food too quickly can lead to a buildup of large amounts of gas, which will only make things worse.

If your dog has a bloated belly, it is important to buy liquid food for him. Veterinarians recommend giving a pet that is often bloated from simple food, liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food in this case is prohibited, as it absorbs a large amount of liquid in the stomach itself, leading to bloating.

It is important to remember that nothing is better for digestion than home-cooked food to avoid any dog ​​stomach problems. Experts were able to prove that dogs that eat homemade food get better much faster than animals that continue to be given store food.

The method of stopping bloating depends on the clinical picture, more precisely, on whether the dog is in pain. If the discomfort is tolerable, they act with “soft” methods:

  • The source of gas formation is removed from the stomach and intestines - absorbents (Atoxil, Enterosgel, activated carbon), intestinal lavage.
  • Reduce pressure on the abdominal cavity - the so-called carminative drugs, for example, children's Espumizan from colic in the abdomen.
  • Relieve irritation of the mucous membranes - Almagel, Smecta, dissolved in warm water, decoctions of herbs that envelop the intestinal walls.
  • They populate the intestines with new beneficial bacteria - probiotics, live yogurt (subject to the absorption of lactose), veterinary Baikal.

Before “cleansing” the intestines, consider in detail the pet’s diet for the duration of treatment. The best thing to do is to contact your veterinarian, who will help you decide what to do first. Based on the experience of "experienced owners", first of all, doctors recommend excluding the following products from the diet:

  • Dry food containing legumes.
  • Milk, if lactose intolerance is suspected.
  • All cereals except rice and buckwheat.
  • Any food containing sugar, including treats.

If the dog's condition is acute, for the first 2-3 days, a "cleansing" diet is prescribed - boiled rice in water or light broth. As an additional examination, blood and stool tests are performed. With painful swelling, x-rays are performed to identify possible displacement of organs or tumors.

To provide qualified assistance to a sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations to relieve stomach tension. To relieve pain and reduce stress, the dog is given special drugs and antibiotics. This procedure is done using sorbents, or a gas tube, which must be inserted into the dog's esophagus through the throat.

In acute and critical conditions, emergency methods can be used, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases, or restoring and fixing its correct position (gastropexy) if volvulus has occurred. In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach is necessarily attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity.

You can completely abandon feed by replacing dry food with homemade healthy food. It is useful to brew chamomile and give chilled half a teaspoon a day. You can mix chamomile tea with food or pour it in with a syringe.

  1. First of all, the dog must be transferred to a meat diet.. Rather, not on a diet, but on feeding those products that are necessary for the full restoration of microflora. Meat and bones, dairy products, and eggs, this is the diet that does not lead to flatulence.
  2. The frequency of feeding the dog should be at least 2 times a day, but during the period of exacerbation, to normalize the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to feed 3 times in small portions.
  3. Feed should be high in calories. You can not limit yourself to bare bones and skim milk. Fats are also necessary for the body, especially for those dogs that lead an active, mobile lifestyle.
  4. As a first aid, until the cause is clarified, and the animal is not examined by a veterinarian, you can apply activated charcoal ¼ tablet 3 times a day or enterosgel ½ teaspoon one hour before or one hour after feeding the dog. Taking drugs should not be limited to 1-2 days, the course is prescribed for 5-6 days.

Consequences of digestive problems

Due to possible digestive disorders, the intestines of the animal begin to fill with a large amount of gases and increase significantly in size. As a result, the dog's stomach swells, pain occurs. Gases begin to be slowly absorbed and lead to intoxication. The negative load on the liver increases significantly.

The expansion of the intestine leads to its enhanced work, which speeds up the movement of digested food. The dog has diarrhea. At the same time, a large amount of gases continues to remain in the intestine, moving closer to the sphincter of the rectum and accumulating in this place. After the accumulation of a certain amount of gases, emission with an unpleasant odor begins.

The mere emission of excess gases through the anus is not enough to empty the intestines. Its walls continue to expand, and pain only increases. In this case, there is a danger that the dog will develop stomach diseases, increased flatulence and impaired liver function.


The occurrence of flatulence in a dog can be avoided by following certain recommendations and rules for care:

  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • do not give water to drink after physical activity;
  • food should be chopped and easily digestible;
  • the food bowl must be installed at the level of the animal's head;
  • do not make a sudden transition to another type of food.

It is desirable to feed a healthy dog ​​after a street walk, but no more than 3 times a day.

If the dog's health worsens, you should contact a veterinarian who will determine the cause of the swelling, prescribe the appropriate treatment, and make up a diet.

In the dog's first aid kit, especially knowing about the pet's predisposition to bloating, there should always be drugs against the formation of gases.

Bloating can be avoided by avoiding fast food intake. To do this, you can use labyrinth bowls and feed the daily portion not in one, but in 2-3 doses per day.

The correct feeding regimen will avoid many problems. The dog should not be allowed to drink an hour before and after a meal, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for the proper digestion of food, otherwise gases are formed. Physical activity is allowed only after at least an hour before and after meals.

Transfer from one feed to another should be gradual. Choose a quality dry food that does not include fat in the first four ingredients. It is better to give preference to feeds with a low carbohydrate content, the source of which is cereals. It is known that cereals ferment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of gases.

With natural feeding, the diet must include at least 30% raw meat and a sufficient amount of fiber. Herbs for pets help reduce gas formation.

It is important to avoid stressful situations or minimize stress.

  • You should feed the dog 2-3 times a day, strictly the field of walking.
  • Do not give the dog water immediately after exercise, wait until the pet “evens out breathing”.
  • Grind food properly, look at the dog's jaw and the size of his chewing tooth - pieces of food should not be larger.
  • Place bowls of water and food on a stand so your dog doesn't have to "shove" food up his esophagus.
  • Strictly follow the diet - any unnatural food for a wild dog can provoke gas formation.
  • As a preventive measure, feed your pet shredded beef stomach - the smell is not pleasant, but it's worth it.

If you have not yet encountered a beef stomach, the instructions are as follows:

  • Buy the product washed and cut into large layers.
  • Partially freeze the pieces before chopping (a raw stomach is difficult to cut).
  • Do not boil the crushed stomach! Boil if you want to get rid of the rest of the inhabitants of the home - the smell is unforgettable! In addition, almost all beneficial bacteria die during heat treatment.
  • To protect the product, place the portioned stomach in the freezer for 4-5 days.
  • Feed the stomach 1-3 times a week and watch the pet's reaction, with dysbacteriosis, the dog greedily pounces on the treat.

If the situation is critical, invasive methods of treatment are used - a puncture of the gastric wall with a trocar to remove gases or restoring the correct position of the stomach during torsion. If help was provided to the pet in a timely manner, the prognosis of the disease is usually favorable.

Prevention includes balanced exercise, proper nutrition, and a calm environment while the animal is eating.