Allergy to the sun - how to enjoy the warmth safely? Sun allergy: treatment. Sun allergy: what to do How to treat sun allergy

Summer is the most the right time for trips to the sea, trips to exotic countries, or just to the dacha or country house. But not only pleasant moments can await a person who spends a long time in the sun.

Thus, some people, starting from the period of increased solar activity (the month of May), exhibit symptoms of photodermatosis. Children who travel from one climate zone to another (hotter) for the summer are at greatest risk of getting sick. Allergens are not Sun rays, but their excessive accumulation in the body and combination with other substances, which is why people begin to experience various allergic reactions. Most diseases occur in those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands.

It can occur when a person has been in the sun for a short time, and during prolonged exposure to direct rays (in the form of burns). The patient's condition does not worsen under the influence of artificial light (except for a solarium, which includes the ultraviolet spectrum).

The frequency of this problem is not very high. Only about 3 percent of adults with fair skin. Among people with dark skin the disease is even less common.

Causes of sun allergies

The reasons can be very different:

  • taking medications;
  • application aromatic oils citrus or bergamot;
  • liver or kidney diseases;
  • disruptions in pigment metabolism;
  • reduced immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • taking hormonal contraceptive pills;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • very fair, hypersensitive skin;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Depending on the reasons that provoked photodermatitis, it is divided into two types:
1. exogenous. Appears due to the interaction of sunlight with substances applied to the skin. They may be:

  • personal hygiene products – shower gels, liquid soaps;
  • cosmetics – cream, deodorant, perfume;
  • Remnants of washing powders and other cleaning products that remain on clothes when they are not rinsed properly.

When these allergens are removed from the surface of the skin, the problem most often disappears.

Exogenous photodermatitis can develop due to the accumulation of phototoxic substances in the body.
substances. Thus, they will accumulate in the thickness of human skin. As a result, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, allergens are formed due to substances such as:

  • some medications (antibiotics, sulfonamides, griseofulvin), you should consult a doctor before using them;
  • individual representatives of legumes that contain xanthinols in their fruits.

Similar to the first option, it is necessary to eliminate contact with these substances and the allergic reaction will stop.

2. endogenous. It is a congenital human condition that is closely related to disruptions in metabolism and work immune system:

  • impaired metabolism of porphyrin compounds, which leads to the accumulation of porphyrin in the skin, which interacts with ultraviolet rays and provokes the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • a disrupted melanin metabolism process, as a result of which people with very fair skin (albinos) are susceptible to the development of photodermatosis.
  • improper functioning of the immune system, which causes various physical factors can trigger cold and sun allergies.


After a person has been exposed to sunlight, the following local symptoms may begin to appear within a couple of hours:

  • severe itching and redness of the skin;
  • rash in the form of small blisters;
  • swelling of the skin and mucous membranes.

General symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness due to significant decrease blood pressure.

If we're talking about about minor skin lesions, general symptoms photodermatitis may not appear.

Body reaction

Allergy to the sun most often does not need to be treated with any by special means, it goes away on its own after a few days. For the weak and over sensitive people the consequences may be the following: the development of bronchospasm, a significant decrease in blood pressure, fainting.

Preventive measures

People who are allergic to the sun should wear clothing made of thick material, with long sleeves, and not be exposed to open sun, do not use alcohol-containing products: perfumes, deodorants, and aromatic oils. When the symptoms are mild, you can train your skin - go out into the open sun for a short time.

Treatment of photodermatitis

To cure a sun allergy, you need to eliminate its cause. It is definitely worth treating your liver and kidneys. With the help of folk remedies, you can eliminate the signs of the disease: eliminate swelling, itching of the skin, rash. Among traditional methods are very popular cabbage leaves, a compress of grated potatoes, cucumber, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Regarding treatment medical supplies, antihistamines are considered the most effective. They can eliminate itching and swelling. You can even buy them without a prescription at any pharmacy. But it is important to strictly follow the correct dosage.

Having eliminated the trigger, treatment begins according to a specific algorithm in order to achieve the best results:

  1. Wrap with a damp cloth on the first day after the allergic reaction occurs.
  2. They won't accept it for a couple of days sunbathing.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. They wear closed suits, shirts, dresses.
  5. When there are a lot of rashes, a person takes a 30-minute soda bath.
  6. After baths, wipe the body with almond oil and menthol, or freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  7. Lubricate the affected areas with aloe juice.
  8. Make compresses from chamomile.
  9. Lubricate blisters with ointment from salicylic acid and zinc.
  10. Decoctions and infusions of oak and juniper bark are used.
  11. Advantan, Lorinden, Oxycort, Fluorocort, and Flucinar ointments are also very effective.
  12. Filming skin inflammation with aspirin and nidomethacin.
  13. Take B vitamins and vitamin C.
  14. Antihistamines are used: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, claritin, fenkarol.

If a person is predisposed to sun allergies, he is recommended to use creams with a high level of sun protection.

To prevent the appearance of hives, people are recommended to take horseradish juice, which is mixed with bee honey, or 50 ml of tincture peppermint before eating.

I consider an effective hop infusion, which is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of hops into 200 ml of boiling water. Take 70 ml before meals.

It is very important that a person includes fresh parsley and cabbage on the menu, which are very rich in vitamin C and PP. They make the skin less sensitive to solar radiation.

One universal remedy There is no remedy that would cure sun allergies. Therefore it is necessary to comply individual approach, which will depend on the location of the inflammation on skin, intensity of rashes, presence of general symptoms.

Local treatment of allergies involves the use of creams and ointments that have anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Those places where the skin is very sensitive and tender should be rubbed with cream. It can also be applied to prevent photodermatoses.
  • To places where the skin is denser, apply ointments that will be better absorbed.
  • if photodermatitis occurs on the scalp, it is necessary to use an emulsion.

The blisters that have formed at the site of the burns cannot be pierced, since in this way you can introduce an infection into the open wound and contribute to the formation of pustules.

For general treatment antiallergic drugs are used:

  • antihistamines in tablet form are taken for 5 days;
  • when allergic reactions are pronounced, manifested by a rash and swelling, it is necessary to seek the help of antiallergic injections.

When you take antihistamines, it is worth remembering that they reduce the intensity of allergy symptoms and do not eliminate the cause of the disease, so you need to completely limit contact with photosensitizing substances:

  • cosmetics, deodorants;
  • washing powders, detergents;
  • plants;
  • products that include legumes;
  • any medications that can cause photosensitivity.

If we are talking about endogenous photodermatosis and it is not possible to limit contact with allergens, it is necessary to follow the rules for the prevention of allergic diseases:

  • wear a wide-brimmed hat;
  • put on clothes light colors made from light natural fabrics, with long sleeves and small cutouts;
  • apply sun protection creams;
  • wear sunglasses.

The following drugs are most widely used to treat photodermatitis:

  • non-hormonal ointment or cream. They are able to relieve skin inflammation and itching. For example, “Fenistil gel”, “Desitin”, “Dexpanthenol”, “Psilo-balm”.
  • corticosteroid medications. They are used when acute forms allergies to the sun, only as prescribed by a doctor. They have a short course of treatment (up to five days), because an overdose of these drugs can provoke the development of erythema, vasodilation, cosmetic defects skin.
  • other ointments. These are mainly drugs based on zinc, methyluracil, and hydrocortisone. All of them are available for free sale in pharmacies. They help eliminate inflammatory processes, and promote skin restoration.
  • antihistamines. Reduce skin itching, prevent the development of rashes, complications such as swelling of the mucous membranes. These drugs are “Erius”, “Cetrin”, “Tavegil”.
    vitamin therapy, immunotherapy. Since reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins in the body can contribute to the development of allergies, attention should be paid Special attention strengthening the immune system.
  • enterosorbents (Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel). Helps cleanse the body of toxic substances and allergens. Taking them along with sufficient quantity liquid (2-2.5 liters), a person can quickly get rid of allergy symptoms.
  • drugs for the treatment of the liver. These include hepatoprotectors such as “Karsil”, “Glutargin”, “Silibor”, “Gepabene” and other herbal preparations.

The duration of use and dose of any of these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment often lasts from a few days to a couple of weeks. If you pick incorrect treatment, it will not give any results and will contribute to the disease developing into chronic form. And this will complicate the treatment process and worsen the patient’s life.

Folk remedies

Wormwood and celandine

To treat “sun” allergies, wormwood and celandine are used. If, under the influence of the sun's rays, rashes and redness appear on the skin, it is worth wiping the affected areas alcohol tincture wormwood. Plus, take baths with celandine infusion

Oil with celandine

If your skin begins to become blistered and red from overexposure to sunlight, you can use celandine oil. In order to prepare it, fill a liter jar with celandine flowers, then fill them halfway with vegetable oil and leave for 3 weeks. During sleep, the affected areas are wiped with hydrogen peroxide and a napkin soaked in this oil is placed on top. A film is placed on top of it, which is secured with an adhesive plaster. The next morning, remove the compress, wipe the skin with peroxide again, and repeat a similar procedure the next night. Noticeable results appear after three procedures.

Wormwood decoction

A strong, strained decoction of wormwood is used to wipe the affected areas of the skin. It stops itching after a couple of minutes, and after a few procedures the itching and redness completely disappear.

Herbal baths

For very bright and severe symptoms of sun allergy, herbal baths can help. So, if a patient’s skin and eyes begin to swell due to exposure to sunlight, and severe itching appears, it is worth doing special baths several times during the day. They add birch leaves, linden, walnut, viburnum, rosehip, pine needles, spruce, celandine, mint, lemon balm, clover, plantain, chamomile, tansy, yarrow. Dry herbs can be used in spring and fresh herbs in summer.

Hercules flake baths

To prepare such a bath you need to take half a kilogram oatmeal, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave to dissolve for 1 hour, then add the resulting mixture to the bath. You need to take such baths several times a week.

Vegetable juice

Juice from cucumbers, cabbage, and potatoes is very effective for sunburn. It is used both internally and externally, lubricating irritated areas of the skin.

Celery juice

Freshly squeezed celery juice acts as a medicine. You can prepare it by passing the plant root through a meat grinder and squeezing the resulting mass well. You need to take this juice three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Help for fainting

First of all, you need to call very quickly ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • take the person to a shaded place;
  • lay him on a horizontal surface on his back;
  • Elevate your legs slightly to increase blood flow to your head;
  • unbutton clothes around the neck;
  • splash cool water on your face;
  • bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose.

Afterwards it is worth holding events in inpatient conditions, which involve bringing back to normal blood pressure, introduction antihistamines and removal of toxic substances.

An allergic reaction to exposure to sunlight is called photodermatitis. According to statistics, 20% of the world's inhabitants face this type of dermatosis. Most often these are light-skinned people. They are often forced to summer period use sun allergy cream: thin sensitive skin of the so-called Celtic, or first phototype, hardly tans, but easily burns and breaks out in hives. Children, pregnant women and those who frequently visit solariums are also at risk.

Main symptoms sun allergy– redness of the skin and rash, it usually appears on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun. But rashes can also occur in places far from the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Dark pigmentation remains on the affected areas of the skin for a long time.

Sun allergy rash looks like small blisters - papules, filled with serous fluid, which can merge into large foci. The rash is accompanied by a burning sensation, severe itching, the skin may be swollen, as if after a burn, and then begins to peel off. Allergy symptoms can appear either immediately after exposure to the open sun or after several days.

Important! The intensity of the symptoms of photodermatitis can vary, depending on the type of skin and the body’s tendency to allergic reactions. In some cases, with sun allergies, body temperature may rise, weakness, dizziness, headache, in severe cases - a drop in blood pressure, fainting, bronchospasm. Such conditions are life-threatening and serve as an indication for emergency medical care.

Types and causes of sun allergies

The sun's rays do not contain an allergic component; the body's extraordinary reaction is a consequence of the interaction of ultraviolet radiation with any substance located in the body or on the surface of the skin. In this regard, photodermatitis is divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal).

Exogenous type of dermatitis can be caused by:

  • Using lotion, cream, deodorant, soap, lipstick, powder before going out into the sun. Many care products and decorative cosmetics will win essential oils citrus, sandalwood, musk, amber, bergamot, rose, patchouli, combined with ultraviolet irradiation these substances can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Sunscreen if it contains benzophenones or para-aminobenzoic acid.
  • Having a fresh tattoo. As excipient when applying a tattoo, cadmium sulfate is used, which can provoke the development of allergies to the sun.
  • A recent deep peel that made the skin hypersensitive to UV rays.
  • Reception medicines. The sensitivity of the skin to sunlight is increased by sulfonamides (biseptol), antibiotics (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, doxycytline), barbiturates, cardiovascular drugs (trazicor, amiodarone), anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac).
  • Using oral contraceptives With high level estrogens.

The cause of endogenous photodermatitis is diseases associated with metabolic disorders or immunodeficiency. It could be:

  • violation pigment metabolism(porphyria);
  • genetic diseases manifested by increased sensitivity to UV rays (xeroderma pigmentosum, erythroderma);
  • metabolic disease prurigo (polymorphic or summer prurigo);
  • liver pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Treatment methods

If you notice signs of photodermatitis, you should not try to get rid of it yourself; this can only worsen the condition. It is better to consult an allergist who will determine the cause of the disease and tell you how to treat it.

It takes more than one day to completely relieve allergy symptoms. For this, external means are usually used:

  • ointments that have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect (methyluracil, sinaflan);
  • ointments based on glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, deperzolone, fluorocort);
  • Panthenol spray, which relieves irritation and promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • facilities antibacterial action(synthomycin liniment, levomekol).

In addition to medications prescribed by a doctor, folk remedies can be used to reduce itching and inflammation. Apply a juice compress to the affected areas fresh cucumber, solution baking soda, grated raw potatoes, cabbage leaves, wet starch. Baths or wraps with a decoction of chamomile and calendula also help.

If photodermatitis is severe, in addition to medications local action prescribed medications for oral administration:

  • antihistamines that block the production of a mediator of allergic reactions (Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Suprastin, Loratadine, Trexil, Zyrtec); restoratives;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamins C), tocopherol (vitamin E), B vitamins;
  • immunomodulator drugs.

Prevention of photodermatitis

People prone to allergies, in case of voluntary or forced exposure to direct sunlight, are advised to:

  • limit the duration of sunbathing to 20 minutes;
  • Do not apply perfume or decorative cosmetics to your skin before going out in the sun;
  • use sunscreens With high degree protections that do not contain para-aminobenzoic acid or benzophenone;
  • if you need to stay in the sun for a long time, wear clothes that cover your shoulders and arms; a hat;
  • include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants (fruits, berries, green tea, cocoa;
  • drink a large number of clean still water;
  • Avoid spicy foods and unfamiliar exotic foods.

You should not assume that photodermatitis that occurs once will force you to take pills for sun allergies for the rest of your life. Having found and eliminated the cause inadequate reaction body to ultraviolet rays, you can part with the manifestations of solar allergies forever.

Summer time is the best time to relax outdoors. So you can go to the sea, a country house, exotic countries, where you can swim, sunbathe, and warm up under the sun’s rays. Also, exposure to the sun helps strengthen the immune system, nervous system, saturating the body with vitamin D. It would seem, what more could you want? But here too you need to be careful.

IN Lately A large number of people begin to develop hypersensitivity to sunlight. This disease is called sun allergy (photodermatosis, solar dermatitis), the symptoms of which can appear immediately or after a couple of hours, or even days. The reaction caused by exposure to the sun is called photodermatosis, a phototoxic reaction. Approximately one fifth of the world's population is allergic to the sun.

Types of sun allergies

The action of ultraviolet radiation provokes various unnatural reactions in humans - photosensitization. These include:

  • phototraumatic reaction, which manifests itself after a very long exposure to the sun. A completely healthy person can get sunburn due to exposure ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to sunbathe in the morning and evening.
  • phototoxic reaction can be expressed in the form of edema, blisters, erythema. It is caused by ingestion of an allergen or after injection of certain medications, herbs, or other products that contain photosensitizers.
  • a photoallergic reaction develops in individuals whose body rejects ultraviolet radiation, and their skin and mucous membranes perceive solar radiation as a foreign, toxic effect. This reaction is caused by a malfunction of the immune system. Its consequence is the appearance of papules, oozing, vesicles, lichenification of the skin (rashes with a bright pattern that contribute to thickening of the skin, dryness and peeling).

People most susceptible to these sun allergies are those who have:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • immune system disorders.

Symptoms of sun allergy

The first signs of an allergy become noticeable after one to three days after contact with the allergen.

People with sun allergies often experience the following symptoms:

  • redness, rashes, severe itching, abscesses of certain areas of the skin that were most affected by ultraviolet radiation;
  • slight relief of the skin, its roughness, very swollen, itchy lesions that appear on the limbs, torso, face;
  • the appearance of crusts, scales, minor bleeding;
  • hives, eczema, blisters on the skin;
  • eczema also appears not on the affected areas, but on those that were hidden from the sun's rays.

Strong, physically healthy person Allergy to sun rays does not manifest itself; the following are susceptible to it:

  • infants;
  • children who are weakened by illness;
  • older people who have many chronic diseases;
  • pregnant women;
  • those people who have recently undergone cosmetic procedures;
  • light-skinned people.

The main causes of sun allergy are considered to be:

  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • disruptions in pigment metabolism;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • light skin tone;
  • hormone imbalance.

The cause of sun allergy in children is weakened immunity after infectious diseases, which is not able to resist allergens. The sun's rays themselves do not cause the development of allergies; they can only provoke its development.

Factors that cause sun allergies

A photosensitizer or photoreactive agent can provoke an allergy to the sun, the intensity of which will depend only on how much the allergen affected the human body and for how long. The human body, which has been exposed to artificial or natural ultraviolet rays, is susceptible to the influence of photosensitizers.

Photo toxic reactions are caused by certain substances contained in items such as:

  • Hygiene products ( antibacterial soap and gel).
  • Cosmetics and perfumes (lotions, perfumes, Eau de Toilette, cologne, deodorant, lipsticks, creams that contain essential oils of citrus, caraway, bergamot and others).
  • Sun protection products (paradoxically, products intended for protection can be harmful due to the content of benzophenones and para-aminobenzoic acid, which provoke an allergic reaction).
  • Food additives (mainly sweeteners).
  • Tattoos (due to the use of cadmium sulfate as an excipient).
  • Medicines (an allergic reaction can occur even after a long period of time after stopping taking the drug, which during this time has already accumulated in the human body, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation provokes an allergic reaction).

Foods and medications that can trigger allergies

The instructions for use of many medicines contain instructions that side effect Taking these drugs will cause photosensitivity. It occurs very rarely - 1 time in 10,000 cases.

These medicines are:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • tetracycline;
  • macrolide;
  • co-trimoxazole;
  • pipemidic acid;
  • antifungal agents;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are aimed at lowering temperature and pain relief (Ibuprofen, Piroxicam);
  • antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Promethazine);
  • cardiac medications (fibrates, amiodarone, digitoxin, atorvastatins);
  • anti-depression drugs (Doxipin, Melipramine, individual species sleeping pills).

Plants that can cause allergies include:

  • nettle, buckwheat, quinoa, ash, ranunculaceae, hogweed;
  • St. John's wort, clover, tribulus, agrimony;
  • sedge, blue-green algae.

To the products causing allergies in the sun belong to:

  • carrot juice;
  • Bell pepper
  • citrus juices;
  • parsley;
  • alcohol, especially saturated with dyes and preservatives;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts.

Ways to treat sun allergies

As with all types of allergies, at the first stage of treatment it is necessary to determine which allergen provoked this reaction and eliminate it. So, if these are food products, medicines, herbs, you should immediately stop using them. In cases where taking the drug is mandatory, it is worth minimizing your time in the sun as much as possible.

Cream and ointment

Creams and ointments with corticosteroids are very effective for eliminating the symptoms of “sun” allergies. They are used only in severe stages of allergies, with a doctor's prescription. The duration of taking such drugs should also be short, because with very long use, the appearance of skin disorders, erythema, dilated blood vessels on the skin and subsequent atrophy.
TO non-hormonal ointments and creams that can be used if an allergic reaction to the sun occurs include Fenistil gel, Desitin, Gistan, La-Cri, Panthenol and others. Gels and ointments from sunburn are Atovegin, Psilo-balm, Solcoseryl, Livian.


Then, when the patient has undergone a full examination, he was examined by such specialists as a therapist, a dermatologist, an allergist-immunologist, and he was given a final diagnosis and determined what exactly caused the allergy; he may be prescribed antihistamines.

Such drugs include Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil. Third generation antihistamines are Cetrin and Zodak, which are not highly addictive and allow a person to remain active.

Vitamin therapy

Since a decrease in immunity can provoke the appearance of an allergy to the sun, it is very important to increase the protection and resistance of your body various influences. To do this, it is worth replenishing the supply of vitamins in the body. Vitamin C, groups B, E and a nicotinic acid prescribed for systemic treatment.

Enterosorbents and drinking plenty of fluids

It is important to cleanse your body of waste and toxins using enterosorbents (Polysorb MP, Filtrum STI, Polyphepan, Enterosgel) along with drinking plenty of water. Thus, it will be possible for a short time cleanse the body of allergens.

Folk remedies

Then when a person cannot immediately go to see a doctor, remedies can be an excellent option for him traditional medicine, relieving symptoms and eliminating inflammation of the skin. Such preparations include cucumber, potato, and cabbage juices. Juice from potatoes and cabbage softens and quickly heals wounds and skin damage. You can use compresses made from infusion of celandine or calendula to soften the skin.

If you notice that you have pathological hypersensitivity to the sun, you should contact your doctor and tell him when you had this reaction, how it manifested itself, what the rashes and sensations were.

First aid for burns

First aid can be provided using not only medicines, but also folk remedies. You can immediately apply cabbage leaves to the burn areas, lubricate them with cucumber juice or raw potatoes.

Washed cabbage leaves are applied to the reddened areas of the skin.

Peeled cucumber, grated, and the resulting mass is laid out on gauze, which is applied to the inflamed areas. The film that has formed on the skin can protect it from irritation and various infections.

In the same way, you can prepare a compress from raw potatoes. To eliminate severe itching, apply the infusion to the skin. baking soda and take a bath with chamomile, drink large amounts of purified still water.

When a one-time occurrence, sun allergy can occur several times during the season. Therefore, in order to completely eliminate it, you need to undergo a full range of studies, depending on the results of which treatment is prescribed.

Photodermatoses occur due to decreased liver function and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, those people who have completed a course of vitamin therapy and take hepatoprotectors often disappear from the signs of sun allergy.

It also happens that photodermatosis appears hereditary disease, the main manifestations of which are rashes on areas of the body vulnerable to sunlight.

To prevent the development of symptoms of the disease, a person should spend less time in the sun. For severe illnesses, he is credited with using hormonal ointments and antimalarials.

First aid for fainting

If a person has ultraviolet radiation intolerance for a long time stays in the open sun, his blood pressure often drops and faints occur.

Usually this happens suddenly and unexpectedly for him, so only other people can help in this case.

In order to help a person come to his senses, you need to take the following actions:

  • move it to the shade, or create an artificial shelter over it;
  • raise your legs, thereby increasing blood flow to the head;
  • sprinkle cool water on the face, neck, chest;
  • It is advisable to bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to your nose.

Most often, after these events the patient comes to his senses. But if fainting lasts a long time, or it occurs in a child or pregnant woman, you should call an ambulance. There are situations when a person must stay in the hospital for a couple of hours.

Preventive measures

In order to protect yourself from sun allergies, you should follow the following rules:

  • do not forget to use special sunscreens (lotions, creams). Apply them twenty minutes before going outside, and after returning from the beach, be sure to take a shower and apply a cream that moisturizes your skin.
  • After you leave the pond, you don’t need to dry yourself with a towel, you just need to lightly blot your skin. If you start to wipe yourself, the cream is erased from the skin and its effect, of course, stops. It is necessary to blot the skin so that drops of water remaining on the body do not attract the sun's rays, which can burn the skin and increase the manifestations of allergies.
  • After swimming, it is best to dry off in the shade rather than in the sun;
  • In the sun you need to use decorative cosmetics in very small quantities. Since any gel, cream, eau de toilette that contains fragrances can cause pigment spots.
  • people with sensitive skin You should sunbathe only in the shade. Such a gentle tan will not give you a golden skin color, of course, but it will not contribute to the appearance of burns, redness, peeling, increased body temperature, or chills.
  • on initial stage Sun allergies are eliminated with the help of ointments that contain prednisolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone. And, of course, we should not forget about folk remedies. Vegetable oil and sour cream can eliminate skin redness. Best to use special creams and after-sun ointments, which include anti-inflammatory components, extracts medicinal plants. They are able to soothe the skin and cool it.
  • you need to avoid dehydration. Every day (especially in hot weather) drink two and a half liters of fluid. This way, toxins will be eliminated from the body faster.
  • wear loose-fitting clothes that cover the entire body: long skirts, trousers.
  • eat foods that contain many antioxidants, vitamins B and E, which help restore the skin. It is very healthy to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and green tea.
  • do not experiment with exotic dishes, they can contribute to the development of sun allergies.

If you consult a doctor in time, allergy symptoms light medium severity can be eliminated within a week. In the case when the allergy has become more severe form Treatment may take several weeks.

You need to know that an allergy to the sun is not a death sentence. Observing simple rules, You can sunbathe, swim, warm up in the sun without harm to yourself. For many children, allergies disappear with age.

You can get more information from our consultant.

is a specific reaction of the body's immune system to harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

Symptoms of photocrmatitis generally include red spots, unpleasant itching, or blisters. With its unexpected appearance, an allergy can significantly ruin your life.

It must be said that sun allergies do not occur without reason. sunlight It only provokes a reaction from some allergens.

Factors causing photodermatitis:

Types of sun allergies.

In general, sun allergies can be divided into two types: endogenous and exogenous photodermatitis.

Endogenous photodermatitis.

An allergy that appears after the interaction of ultraviolet rays with various substances. These include:

  • Personal care products: creams, oils, etc.
  • Bee bread and flower pollen
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Citrus fruit

Most often, after stopping any contact with the above substances, the allergy disappears.

Important! An allergic reaction to the sun is often caused by the accumulation of various types of medications in the human body that provoke photodermatitis.

Medicines that cause photodermatitis:

  1. Antidepressants
  2. Medicines for the heart and blood vessels
  3. Contraceptives
  4. Aspirin

Exogenous photodermatitis.

A disease that is associated with characteristics of the body, immune system or heredity.

  • Low melanin levels
  • Weak immunity or infectious diseases: tuberculosis, influenza, whooping cough and others

Important! Each type of sun allergy has its own characteristics, so only a dermatologist can decide how to deal with this disease.

What ointments should I use to cure sun allergies?

It should be noted that all antiallergenic ointments and creams can be divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Non-hormonal ointments are absolutely safe and have virtually no contraindications. They are prescribed even to infants and are approved for use for any period of time.. They are often prescribed for food allergies and photodermatitis. The best are: zinc-based ointment, fenistil and gistane.
Hormonal ointments are strong and effective means, which acts instantly. However, they can only be used for a short period of time (up to 5-7 days). They also have a decent list of contraindications. TO hormonal drugs The following drugs include: fluorocor, elocom and others.

Medicines and tablets for photodermatitis

Important! Any self-medication can only worsen the initial condition. In order to take any of the drugs used to treat sun allergies, a thorough examination and strict supervision of the attending physician is necessary.

  1. After you have identified and eliminated the factors that caused photodermatitis in your case, you need to start taking antihistamines. They will help you remove unpleasant feeling, itching and redness. The most common are: Zyrtec, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin and others.
  2. The next step is to use anti-inflammatory drugs. Such as: parcetomol, nimesil, ibuprofen, etc.

Treatment at home

  • In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms allergies to the sun (unpleasant itching, rash) you need to take baths with the addition of: fir, pine needles and spruce
  • Traditional medicine claims that a decoction of geranium leaves (three spoons for the same number of glasses of warm water) copes well with photodermatitis.
  • Water procedures along with all kinds of leaves of herbs and trees will help relieve redness. Can be used: leaves of birch, viburnum, rosehip and mint
  • According to the advice, celery root juice works great for photodermatitis. It must be taken 4 times a day, 5 ml.

Prevention of photodermatitis.

  1. Fair-skinned and fair-haired people need to spend less time in the sun
  2. UV protection must be reliable. Sunscreen creams marked SPF not less than +50 degrees. For example, Evalar
  3. When exposed to sunlight, it is necessary to minimize the use of any cosmetic products.
  4. Cover your body with clothing as much as possible
  5. Spend more time in the shade
  6. The optimal time for tanning is before 11 and after 18 hours
  7. Do not bring your condition to an extreme stage and when the first symptoms of an allergy to the sun appear, go to the doctor

Important! If even the smallest spots appear, you should consult a doctor.

In order for your holiday not to be spoiled, but skin disease avoided - it is necessary to strictly follow the preventive rules and recommendations.

It is a specific reaction of the body in response to direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. The basis of the pathological process is increased sensitivity skin to sunlight.

It is more correct to call rashes and itching caused by sunlight not an allergy, but a false allergic reaction, since antibodies are not formed in the blood serum.

The disease is associated not so much with the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, but with the body’s own reactivity. This problem is faced by 20% of the world's inhabitants. In the absence of therapy pathological process quickly transforms into eczema or becomes chronic.

The incidence of sun sensitivity is increasing. This unpleasant pathology, which leads to the development dangerous complications. To prevent this, you need to know how this type of allergy manifests itself. This will allow you to consult a doctor when the first symptoms of pathology appear.

ICD-10 code

  • T78.4 Allergy, unspecified;
  • L56.2 Photocontact dermatitis.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Some people with individual sensitivity to sun rays suffer when the sun first appears, but, as a rule, the first symptoms appear 18-72 hours after exposure to the sun.

TO local symptoms relate:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • burning and itching of skin areas;
  • the appearance of blisters filled with colorless liquid;
  • swelling of the affected areas.

Other symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting.

Besides, skin allergy in the sun it can cause white spots on the face. This occurs due to skin pigmentation disorders.

As a rule, the rashes disappear on their own within 20 days, but upon repeated exposure to radiation they appear again. If left untreated, sun allergies become chronic and clinical picture is complemented by dryness and infiltration of the skin, increased pattern on the skin, the appearance spider veins and hyperpigmentation.

What to do if you are allergic to the sun

If the allergy to the sun manifests itself in a severe form according to the type anaphylactic shock, you need to call an ambulance. In addition, the following measures are being taken:

When the temperature rises, antipyretic drugs are used. Allergy to the sun sometimes leads to vomiting, so the victim needs to be placed on his side. This will prevent vomit from entering the respiratory system.

Help for fainting

Fainting – severe symptom allergic reaction and requires emergency medical attention. What to do if an allergy to the sun causes fainting:

  • ensure that the patient is in the shade;
  • to increase blood flow to the head, slightly raise your legs;
  • release the neck area;
  • sprinkle your face with cool water;
  • bring ammonia to your nose.

Treatment of sun allergies

Ointments and creams for sun allergies

You can fight sun allergies externally, using local medications in the form of creams and ointments. More often, agents with anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic effects are used for this purpose.

For eliminating mild For sun allergies, ointments and creams containing the following drugs are used:

  • dexamethasone;
  • prednisolone;
  • betamethasone.

In addition, preference is given to non-hormonal creams and ointments:

  • Desitin;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Panthenol;
  • Gistan;
  • Radevit;
  • Losterol;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Actovegin.

Sun allergy pills

After a thorough, attentive examination, the doctor prescribes antihistamines:

  • Claritin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Zodak;
  • Cetrin.

If the cause of allergies is a lack of vitamins and decreased immunity, then the treatment complex includes vitamins C, B, E, and nicotinic acid.

Additionally, they cleanse the body of toxins and allergens with enterosorbents:

  • Filtrum STI;
  • Polysorb MP;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polyphepan.

Folk remedies for treating sun allergies

Folk remedies help neutralize the symptoms of sun allergy, improving the patient's condition.

Use cucumber, potato and cabbage juice, which is used to lubricate the affected area of ​​the body. The juice helps heal the wound surface and relieve inflammation. In addition to external use, it is recommended to take the juice orally.
Grind the celery root in a blender and squeeze out the juice. The rash and blisters are lubricated with an odorous liquid to reduce itching.
Hercules baths relieve symptoms of allergies to sun rays. 0.5 kg rolled oats pour 500 ml hot water, leaving to infuse for 45 minutes. Then the mass is added to the bath.
A bath of string helps relieve itching. To prepare, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry string (2 tablespoons) and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then pour the broth into a warm bath. Twenty minutes of such a bath daily will help cope with the problem and improve the condition of the skin.
To prevent the occurrence of urticaria, people predisposed to sun allergies are recommended to take horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with bee honey (1 teaspoon 3 times a day), or 50 ml 3 times a day of peppermint infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of leaves mint 300 ml boiling water and infusing for 1 hour).

Allergy to the sun in children

Children's skin is sensitive, delicate, and their immunity is weak. It’s not for nothing that pediatricians advise waiting to travel to hot countries until your baby is older. Some parents take with them one year old child, but it's better to wait until three years. This will make it easier for your baby to withstand exposure to the sun.

Red curls, freckles, a white body are an indicator that the baby is prone to allergic reactions and will first develop an allergy to the sun. The child's shoulders, chest and face are most often affected: the skin turns red, rashes, blisters, itching and burning appear. Body temperature rises (37-38 C), runny nose and sneezing appear. Swelling of the mucous membranes appears around the mouth, nose, and eyes.

Assign medications Only the attending physician can!

In addition, creams and ointments that contain methyluracil or lanolin are used.

Important to remember! Hormonal medications are contraindicated for children.

How to prevent sun allergies in a child:

Allergy to the sun in infants

Infants have a hard time with allergies. More often, parents confuse a rash on the body with diathesis or a reaction to diapers.

Types of sun allergies

Types of allergic reactions to sun rays are divided according to severity.

Causes of sun allergy

Allergy to the sun develops when the body is exposed to photosensitizers - substances that increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation. Under the influence of the sun, photosensitizers release free radicals that interact with proteins and form new compounds that activate the allergic reaction mechanism.

Development mechanism

As a rule, direct sunlight does not lead to an acute reaction, but can be a catalyst negative reaction immunity, manifesting itself in the following forms:

Photodermatosis after severe sun tanning provokes a response defense of the body, causing aggression to the stimulus. In this case, the body activates histamine and acetylcholine, which cause itching, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and rashes throughout the body.

TO external factors the development of sun allergies includes exposure to the skin household chemicals, funds personal hygiene, perfumes, cosmetics and some products. Before going out into the sun, it is not recommended to consume:

  • carrot juice;
  • figs;
  • Bell pepper;
  • citrus juices;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • sorrel.

Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays also increase alcoholic drinks, spicy dishes, foods with an abundance of dyes, preservatives and artificial additives.

The following medications can trigger sun allergies:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • fluoroquinolone antibiotics;
  • tetracyclines;
  • pipemidic acid;
  • macrolides;
  • folic acid inhibitors;
  • antifungal agents;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretic medications.

At-risk groups

More often, people with the following diseases suffer from sun allergies:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • adrenal glands;
  • metabolism;
  • endocrine disorders.

In addition to this group of people, people with pale skin are sensitive to the sun. This type of skin is called Celtic; the skin quickly gets sunburned.

The risk group includes infants, because protective properties skins are still undeveloped, and older people due to age-related changes body. Those who have just undergone chemical peeling or tattooing also need to be careful.

Diagnosis of sun allergy

Preliminary diagnosis of the disease is carried out based on a patient interview, dermatological examination and dermatoscopy. The type of photosensitizing substance is determined by application tests.

To identify internal reasons disease, the patient is referred for the following studies:

  • Zimnitsky samples;
  • biochemical tests of urine and blood;
  • CT and ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • hormonal studies;
  • excretory urography.

Sun allergy is differentiated from the following skin diseases:

  • lichen;
  • sunburn;
  • erysipelas;
  • dermatitis;
  • superficial type of lupus erythematosus.

Preventing sun allergies

An allergy to the sun is not a death sentence. Subject to following measures prevention and management healthy image life symptoms may not manifest themselves:

Questions and answers on the topic "Allergy to the sun"

Question:Hello. My son is almost 6 years old. At the beginning of June he was at sea for 10 days. There was no reaction from the sea. Then, after arriving from the sea, I went to kindergarten for a week. Since last Friday he has had redness on his skin. Later, the redness turned into huge spots that appeared only on open areas of the skin. Under shorts and a T-shirt, the skin remained white. The hospital prescribed citrine and atoxil. The fact is that when the child is in the apartment there are no manifestations. We spent 10 minutes on the balcony in the sun - after 5-10 minutes the spots appeared again, there was no swelling, the itching was very slight. What do you advise? What tests are best to take? Maybe some kind of complex one?

Answer: Hello. You can take a detailed blood test with a formula and an analysis for total immunoglobulin E. The first one will show general state body, and the second is whether it really is an allergy. Before going outside, apply sunscreen with 30 SPF protection to exposed areas.