Signs of sun allergy. Allergy to the sun: causes and solutions

The sun is the most important source of heat and light. It is also involved in many processes in the body, for example, in the creation of hormones important for life. But besides your own positive aspects, the sun also has negative ones. If a person is exposed to sunlight for too long, spots or burns may appear on the body. But there are also those people who suffer from allergic reactions, even being under sunlight is not very a long period. Many people know, but not everyone knows that this is a disease.

There are people for whom long exposure to the cold is contraindicated. The same may apply to people with sun allergies. The epidermis and the body of all people are sensitive to the influence sunlight. But for most of us, the sun's rays have a positive effect - the skin darkens and a tan appears on it. But there are also diseases, which include:

  1. Photodermatitis is the scientific name for painful perception of the sun's rays. Its rays can interact not only with the epidermis, but also with substances that are inside the body. This causes an allergic reaction in the form of rashes and other manifestations.
  2. Gunther's disease is one of the manifestations of the disease “photodermatosis”. This is a very rare form of the disease, and people who suffer from it cannot tolerate daylight or sunlight. Cracks and ulcers appear on their body from exposure to the rays. People with this condition have very pale skin and are also very thick eyebrows and eyelashes. To date, a cure for this disease has not yet been found. Therefore, in most cases, people with this disease very rarely go outside in daytime days.
  3. Pellagra is a disease that is also characterized by photodermatosis. Health problems in this case arise due to an insufficient amount of nicotinic acid in the body.

Types of sun allergies

Sun rays can affect human health in completely different ways. Therefore no accurate description Togo, what does a sun allergy look like?. It can be different and be expressed as follows:

  1. Phototraumatic reaction. This is a common occurrence in the form of burns from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This is a natural reaction of the body of any person. To avoid such skin problems and discomfort for several next days, you need to limit your time in the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. Phototoxic reaction. It can also appear in a person in the form of swelling or blisters that look like a sunburn. Most often, this is due to the intake of certain foods, drugs, herbs and other products that contain photosensitizers.
  3. Photoallergic reaction. This is an unnatural process. It is due to the fact that some people's bodies do not accept ultraviolet rays. Because of this, the skin and mucous membranes react to the rays as if they were a hostile or toxic influence. Because of this, vesicles and papules may appear on the body, and the skin may thicken.

With an allergy to the sun, pigmentation is disrupted, and roughness appears on the dermis. Most often, this is due to problems immune system. This reaction can occur in people who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system.

Typically, the skin reacts normally to the effects of sunlight, but sometimes its phototoxicity increases significantly after taking various medications, as well as due to the use of certain creams, scrubs or essential oils.

For example, such a reaction can be observed after using bergamot or rose oil. Because of them, the skin becomes softer and more tender, which makes it more susceptible to various external manifestations. Among the drugs, Tetracycline and Sedalgin can be distinguished, since they tend to accumulate in the human body. The more of these substances are in the body, the more likely which will increase skin sensitivity.

Various peelings and cleansing scrubs can also cause a reaction to the sun. Due to their use, the layer of natural epithelium is disrupted, and exposure to the sun on the skin can be very aggressive. Blisters and bubbles appear on the hands.

So what does an allergy look like? it is visually unsightly in the sun, then they try to mask it with cosmetics. This leads to a worsening of the condition of the dermis. However, this reason is not a common manifestation of allergies. This has more to do with the individual sensitivity and susceptibility of each person’s skin to external factors.

There are many factors that can cause such health problems, but there are basic ones. The causes of sun allergies can be:

Some plants, such as meadow plants, contain substances such as furocoumarins. When their juice comes into contact with human skin and subsequent exposure to the sun, symptoms of photodermatitis appear: rash, blisters, itching, and red spots. Areas of skin in contact with plants long period will have impaired pigmentation.

Plants that can cause this reaction:

  1. Hogweed, Fig tree, Buckwheat, and, of course, nettle.
  2. Among the herbs that are used for medicinal purposes are St. John's wort, clover, sweet clover and agrimony;
  3. Plants that contain chlorophyll and phycocyan. These include sedge and blue-green algae.

It turns out that an allergy to the sun can also be triggered by a plant that aggravates the effects of rays.

Foods that trigger an allergic reaction to the sun

The disease can also be caused by various products foods that almost every person uses in their diet:

  1. Carrot juice, figs, citruses, sorrel, sweet peppers and parsley. Before going out into direct sunlight, these foods should not be eaten or cut. If they get on the skin of the lip or enter the body, an unnatural reaction may occur.
  2. Spicy foods significantly increase the human body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Alcoholic drinks, most often wine and champagne, also affect sun sensitivity.
  4. Artificial additives and preservatives.

The disease can also progress in people who are allergic to chocolate or coffee.

Reactions on the body and in the human body can also occur due to various cosmetics. can be understood after using these tools and more. The disease can be caused by ordinary hygiene products, for example due to antibacterial soap. Offensive substances are also most often found in lotions, perfumes, lipsticks and other cosmetics.

Sun allergies can also be caused by creams that contain nut oil, citrus fruits, cumin, musk, St. John's wort, patchouli and many other essential oils. You need to be very careful when using creams, as in many cases they only increase the exposure of the human body to ultraviolet rays.

Sunscreens can also have a negative effect. Many of them can cause very serious allergic reaction. Most often, this disease occurs in people who bought sunscreen with benzophenones or para-aminobenzoic acid.

An allergic reaction may also occur after consuming certain medical supplies or ointments. Even if after ultraviolet irradiation a month or more has passed, some medications can have an aggressive effect on the human epidermis. It takes a very long time for drugs to leave the body. This period ranges from several months to several years.

Also, an allergy to the sun can occur after getting a tattoo. To transfer the design to the body, cadmium sulfate is added to the paint, the side effect of which can be photosensitization. Its symptoms are described above.

: main symptoms

Symptoms of the disease can appear on the human body within 1-1.5 hours after being in direct sunlight:

  1. First, red spots appear on the body - a burn if exposure to the sun was too strong. The skin may develop blisters, blisters, and then itchy skin. However, there are times when the body and dermis do not immediately respond to an allergic reaction. In this case, rashes can occur in the period from 18 hours to 3 days.
  2. If the human body is very sensitive or weakened, symptoms may manifest themselves in the form of bronchospasms and decreased blood pressure. Often these symptoms are accompanied by fainting or loss of consciousness.
  3. Itching and burning are some of the main, but most unpleasant symptoms of this disease. It is almost impossible to come to terms with them, which is why many people can only make the situation worse. You can cope with the itching using ointments or folk remedies, but if the patient scratches the blisters, specialized treatment may be needed.

Allergy to the sun in children manifests itself with the same symptoms as in adults. But since children's body weaker, then the reaction to the sun may be more significant. Except usual symptoms, children may also develop a fever, fever and other problems.

You don't have to sunbathe for a long time to get a tan on your body. To begin with, it is enough to regularly be in the sun for 10-15 minutes, after which the time can be increased. Next, be sure to sit in the shade and throw a cape or towel over your shoulders, since the sun's rays can also be reflected from the sand. Salt water only enhances the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Other prevention tips:

  1. If you are going on vacation to the coast, try to limit your intake of medications that can cause photodermatosis.
  2. Before your appointment sunbathing It is recommended not to use oils, deodorants and perfumes.
  3. When in the sun you need to wear clothes made of natural fabric that cover the most sensitive areas of the skin.
  4. It is necessary to use creams and products that protect the skin from sunlight.

Every person can experience an allergy to the sun, and therefore some precautions will not be superfluous. By protecting yourself in advance, you can avoid problems caused by the scorching rays. If you have any doubts about your symptoms and you don’t know how to deal with them, be sure to consult an allergist. It will help prevent more serious health problems.

What do you associate with vacation? Most people answer that these are trips to sunny countries by the sea, relaxing on the beach, a beautiful bronze tan, etc.

However, there is a group of people for whom the sun causes more trouble than joy, because their body is too sensitive to the sun's rays: burns, blisters, spots, rashes and other troubles appear on the skin. In medicine, such sensitivity is called photosensitivity, photoallergic reaction or photodermatitis, and in everyday life it is called more simply - sun allergy.

Redness and burns on the skin may also appear if safety rules are neglected. Remember that even if you are not prone to allergies to the sun, it is undesirable to be exposed to open rays from 11 am to 4 pm, that is, during the period of its highest activity.

Why does a sun allergy develop and how to avoid it?

The rays of the sun themselves are not allergens. Intolerance develops when ultraviolet light reacts with a certain substance on the surface or inside the skin. Arise accordingly exogenous or endogenous photodermatitis.

Meadow photodermatitis is the most common photodermatitis exogenous forms. It appears in the summer, when meadows and fields bloom. Meadow and field grasses produce specific substances called furocoumarins. When a person spends time among flowering plants, they stick to his skin.

When furocoumarins are irradiated by solar ultraviolet light, the skin of allergy sufferers becomes covered with a rash and blisters, begins to itch and itch, and also turns red for a long time due to the burn. Plants that secrete furocoumarins include: St. John's wort, sweet clover, hogweed, angelica, clover, nettle, quinoa, fig tree, buckwheat, blue-green algae, sedge, etc.

Some foods can also cause inadequate reaction to solar ultraviolet radiation, for example: wine, champagne, products with high content dyes and preservatives, carrot juice, bell pepper, figs, sorrel, citruses.

Exogenous photodermatitis can develop as a reaction to the following components of cosmetic and perfume products. These substances are photosensitizers or photoreagents:

  • eosin,
  • phenol,
  • retinoids,
  • essential oils of some plants (sandalwood, musk, patchouli, citrus, nuts, bergamot, rose, St. John's wort)
  • extracts and extracts from cumin, anise and parsley,
  • salicylic, boric, para-aminobenzoic acids. The latter, along with benzophenones, is unfortunately found in some sunscreens.

Allergies provoked by the listed substances develop like meadow photodermatitis. It can appear not only after being in the sun, but also after visiting a solarium.

Allergy to the sun can develop while taking medications:

The bad news is that some active ingredients are slowly eliminated from the body and even after several months they can provoke photodermatitis. When a medicine contains substances that cause sensitivity to the sun, this must be mentioned in the instructions in the section on side effects. Therefore, do not be lazy and look there before use. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises. When buying skin care products, carefully read the ingredients on the packaging, and look for cosmetics that do not contain any of the above.

Endogenous photodermatitis appears as a result of problems of the immune system and diseases that have developed against this background, as well as due to failures in metabolic processes body. Solar eczema, xeroderma pigmentosum, polymorphic photodermatosis, pellagra, porphyria are often accompanied by endogenous photodermatitis.

Erythropoietic porphyria is a rare type of photodermatitis. This disease is also called Gunther's disease in honor of the scientist Hans Gunther who described it. In patients, there is a mutation in the skin cells and in appearance these people become similar to vampires as they are described in the literature: pale, the skin is incredibly sensitive to sunlight, up to the appearance of ulcers and cracks on it, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, pink tooth enamel. Currently, this disease remains incurable.

Who is at risk

More often than others, photodermatitis affects people who have a history of diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, metabolism, endocrine disorders, protracted chronic illnesses. There is also a direct link between sun allergies and allergies to chocolate, coffee and nuts.

In addition to this group of people, people with pale skin are sensitive to the sun. This type of skin is called Celtic - tanning almost does not form on it, but the skin gets sunburned quite quickly.

The risk group includes infants, because protective properties their skin is still poorly developed, and older people - due to age-related changes in the body. Those who have just undergone a chemical peeling procedure (after which the skin becomes sensitive and vulnerable) or tattooing (cadmium, which is part of the pigments, increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation) also need to be careful.

In moderate doses, ultraviolet light is useful: it is a source of vitamin D. Without this vitamin, it is impossible for children to develop a strong skeleton. In addition, it protects against oncological diseases blood, mammary glands, prostate and rectum; has a positive effect on the immune system, strengthens the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses. But if you forget about caution and spend longer than expected under the scorching rays, you can get real harm. Sunburn has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer and lead to premature aging. Constant exposure to the sun is bad for your eyesight.

Symptoms of UV Sensitivity

Often allergies manifest themselves after several hours under the sun. In rare cases, it appears immediately after direct sunlight hits the face and other exposed areas of the body. Redness, swelling, blisters, peeling, and rash appear on the skin. It itches, and when touched there are discomfort. It happens that the skin affected by the rash thickens, becomes rough and furrows appear on it. In some cases, allergic reactions appear not only in areas burned by the sun, but also in those that were protected by clothing.

Treatment of sun allergies

If allergies occur, you should immediately see a specialist - an allergist, dermatologist or immunologist. If you do not take care of your condition in time, then in the future it may develop into eczema. Be sure to tell your doctor if this is not the first time such a reaction occurs.

Analyze what it could be caused by: medicine, cosmetics, food, or the cause is internal and the allergy develops against the background concomitant disease. It is necessary to eliminate contact with photoreagents. If the cause of sensitivity is a medication that cannot be stopped temporarily, then eliminate or limit time spent in the sun.

The treatment regimen includes both external and internal use: ointments (Fenistil-gel, La-cri, Panthenol, etc.), anti-inflammatory and antihistamines(Claritin, Cetrin, Tavegil, Zodak, Cetrin, etc.), vitamins E, C, B, a nicotinic acid, enterosorbents (, Filtrum, Enterosgel), drinking plenty of fluids. Good for severe allergies hormonal creams(they contain corticosteroids). However, these are not at all harmless means, and in order not to get by-effect Instead of help, you need to strictly follow the instructions or medical prescription. Depending on the severity of the condition, the course of therapy lasts up to several weeks.

As for forecasts, much depends on age, body condition, presence serious illnesses. Good news The fact is that most children outgrow this allergy.

Natural recipes to treat the first symptoms of sun allergy

If unpleasant symptoms took you by surprise away from medical institution, for example, in the country or somewhere in nature, you can give yourself first aid using natural medicines. Juice will help relieve redness and soothe burned skin fresh cucumber, potatoes and cabbage. If you have an infusion of calendula or celandine in your medicine cabinet, try applying a cold compress to the affected area.

Remember, or better yet, write down how your allergic reaction developed. Note the time when it began, what symptoms were accompanied and what was used as treatment. See a doctor as soon as possible.

Sun allergy is not quite correctly called a reaction that occurs in certain people under the influence of sunlight. The correct name for it is photodermatosis, or solar dermatitis.

There is an assumption that this allergy does not appear due to exposure to the sun, because it does not contain protein in its ray.

In this case, the sun's rays are attributed only to a certain factor. It is believed that the sun can only affect a certain type of people who suffer from diseases of systemic organs and have accumulated a large number of allergens in your body.

In this article we will talk about sun allergy - its symptoms and treatment methods, and also look at detailed photos.


Allergic or toxic effect ultraviolet (sun) rays manifest themselves when they combine with substances already on the skin - exogenous photodermatitis, with substances located in skin cells - endogenous photodermatitis.

Sunlight, in principle, cannot be an allergen, but it can provoke several types of aggressive reactions not only of the immune system, but also of the entire body:

  1. Photoallergy or sun allergy – photosensitivity.
  2. Phototraumatic reaction – an elementary reaction from overly “zealous” tanning.
  3. Phototoxic reaction – photodermatosis caused by interaction ultraviolet radiation and some types of medicines, plants.

All types of reactions are manifested by varying degrees of skin pigmentation; in addition, in people who are prone to allergies, even a seemingly safe half-hour exposure to the sun can cause severe allergies.

TO internal factors The development of photodermatitis includes:

  1. Reception row pharmacological drugs, for example hormonal birth control pills with a high content of estrogens, some antibiotics, diuretics, antidepressants, etc.;
  2. Vitamin deficiency in the body;
  3. Reduced immunity.

TO external reasons It is customary to refer to the use of various creams and other cosmetics that contain certain components, such as sandalwood oil, musk, etc.

Prone to appear photodermatosis:

  • Small children;
  • people with fair skin;
  • pregnant women;
  • those who were exposed the day before cosmetic procedures using cadmium salts (chemical peeling, tattooing).
  • persons who abuse solariums;

There are also substances that, if ingested, can cause photodermatitis. This group includes certain medications and some food products.

  • antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline);
  • drugs for the treatment of cardiac diseases;
  • aspirin;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • ibuprofen;
  • antidepressants;
  • diuretics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • oral contraceptives that have high content estrogen.

Therefore, if you cannot stop taking any medications, consult your doctor about the risk of photodermatitis when taking them.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Sun allergy, like any other pathology, has a number of its own symptoms and signs. Conventionally, it is possible to distinguish local and general manifestations from them.

Main symptoms photodermatosis:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • often accompanied by intense itching and burning;
  • rashes can be in the form of folliculitis (pustules) or papules.

Often this condition does not develop immediately. Unlike a burn, it can occur several hours after you leave the beach, and in some cases even after returning from the resort. A phototoxic reaction can occur within a few hours of sun exposure, while a photoallergic reaction can occur even days after sun exposure.

General symptoms:

  1. An increase in temperature indicates toxic compounds entering the bloodstream from the skin;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. As a result of allergen entering the bloodstream, it leads to fainting.

It should be noted that damage to minor areas of skin rarely leads to general symptoms of sun allergy. We’ll look at what to do if you find yourself with these symptoms below.

See also: at home.

Allergy to the sun photo

You can see what a sun allergy looks like in these photos:

What to do in this case?

Before treating a sun allergy, it is necessary to exclude other influencing factors. They also help. These are antihistamines that relieve itching and eliminate swelling. You can buy them at your nearest pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Treatment of sun allergies

There is no universal cure for sun allergies. In therapy, it is important to take an individual approach. How to treat a sun allergy will depend on the location of the inflammation on the skin, the severity of the rash and the presence of general symptoms.

In most cases, the treatment program includes the following components:

  1. Non-hormonal creams and ointments for external use: , desitin, etc.
  2. Corticosteroid drugs: prescribed for severe forms photodermatitis and only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Ointments based on zinc, methyluracil, hydrocortisone.
  4. Antihistamines: “”, “”, “Erius”, “” and others (see).
  5. Vitamin therapy, immunotherapy: the doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs that will help strengthen defensive reactions body.
  6. Enterosorbents: , Polyphepan, . Helps quickly cleanse the body of toxins and allergens.
  7. To restore liver function, the doctor prescribes hepatoprotectors: "", "Glutargin", "Silibor", "and other drugs plant origin.

Treatment depends on the specific type of allergic reaction. In mild cases, simply avoiding the sun for a few days may be enough to relieve symptoms.


If you have an allergy to the sun, what to do, how to deal with it? First of all, it is important to understand that any disease is better to prevent than to treat. That's why:

  1. Should be used with caution medications containing photosensitizing substances.
  2. Start your sunbathing with short stays open sun, in the first days it should only be 10-15 minutes.
  3. If you are predisposed to sun allergies, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, cut to protect the body from exposure to direct ultraviolet radiation.
  4. If the allergy is chronic, before the start of the spring-summer season, you can start taking medications with photoprotective properties, naturally after consulting a doctor.

How to treat allergies with folk remedies?

If it is impossible to consult a doctor, you can try using folk remedies, which will help alleviate pain and itching of the skin at first.

  1. For example, use cucumber juice, potatoes or cabbage leaves, as they have softening properties and help fast healing wounds and skin lesions.
  2. Infusions of celandine and calendula are used to make cold compresses.

Many people do not know how to properly treat allergies and in most cases self-medicate, but this should not be allowed under any circumstances. After detecting the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. By neglecting treatment, you can provoke the appearance of eczema, which is much more difficult to treat.

Summer is the most the right time for trips to the sea, trips to exotic countries, or just to the dacha or country house. But not only pleasant moments can await a person who spends a long time in the sun.

Thus, some people, starting from the period of increased solar activity (the month of May), exhibit symptoms of photodermatosis. Children who travel from one climate zone to another (hotter) for the summer are at greatest risk of getting sick. Allergens are not the sun's rays, but their excessive accumulation in the body and combination with other substances, which is why people begin to experience various allergic reactions. Most diseases occur in those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands.

It can occur when a person has been in the sun for a short time, and during prolonged exposure to direct rays (in the form of burns). The patient's condition does not worsen under the influence of artificial light (except for a solarium, which includes the ultraviolet spectrum).

The frequency of this problem is not very high. Only about 3 percent of the adult population is light-skinned. Among people with dark skin the disease is even less common.

Causes of sun allergies

The reasons can be very different:

  • taking medications;
  • application aromatic oils citrus or bergamot;
  • liver or kidney diseases;
  • disruptions in pigment metabolism;
  • reduced immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • taking hormonal contraceptive pills;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • very fair, hypersensitive skin;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Depending on the reasons that provoked photodermatitis, it is divided into two types:
1. exogenous. Appears due to the interaction of sunlight with substances applied to the skin. They may be:

  • personal hygiene products – shower gels, liquid soaps;
  • cosmetical tools– cream, deodorant, perfume;
  • Remnants of washing powders and other cleaning products that remain on clothes when they are not rinsed properly.

When these allergens are removed from the surface of the skin, the problem most often disappears.

Exogenous photodermatitis can develop due to the accumulation of phototoxic substances in the body.
substances. Thus, they will accumulate in the thickness of human skin. As a result, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, allergens are formed due to substances such as:

  • some medications (antibiotics, sulfonamides, griseofulvin), you should consult a doctor before using them;
  • certain representatives of legumes that contain xanthinols in their fruits.

Similar to the first option, it is necessary to eliminate contact with these substances and the allergic reaction will stop.

2. endogenous. It is a congenital human condition that is closely related to disruptions in metabolism and the functioning of the immune system:

  • impaired metabolism of porphyrin compounds, which leads to the accumulation of porphyrin in the skin, interacting with ultraviolet rays and provoking the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • a disrupted melanin metabolism process, as a result of which people with very fair skin (albinos) are susceptible to the development of photodermatosis.
  • improper functioning of the immune system, which causes various physical factors can trigger cold and sun allergies.


After a person has been exposed to sunlight, the following local symptoms may begin to appear within a couple of hours:

  • severe itching and redness of the skin;
  • rash in the form of small blisters;
  • swelling of the skin and mucous membranes.

General symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness due to a significant decrease in blood pressure.

If we're talking about about minor skin lesions, general symptoms photodermatitis may not appear.

Body reaction

Allergy to the sun most often does not need to be treated with any by special means, it goes away on its own after a few days. For the weak and over sensitive people the consequences may be the following: the development of bronchospasm, a significant decrease in blood pressure, fainting.

Preventive measures

People who are allergic to the sun should wear clothes made of thick material, with long sleeves, not be in the open sun, and not use alcohol-containing products: perfumes, deodorants, and aromatic oils. When the symptoms are mild, you can train your skin - go out into the open sun for a short time.

Treatment of photodermatitis

To cure a sun allergy, you need to eliminate its cause. It is definitely worth treating your liver and kidneys. With the help of folk remedies, you can eliminate the signs of the disease: eliminate swelling, itching of the skin, rash. Among traditional methods Cabbage leaves, a compress of grated potatoes, and cucumber, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin, are very popular.

Regarding treatment medical supplies, antihistamines are considered the most effective. They can eliminate itching and swelling. You can even buy them without a prescription at any pharmacy. But it is important to strictly follow the correct dosage.

Having eliminated the trigger, treatment begins according to a specific algorithm in order to achieve the best results:

  1. Wrap with a damp cloth on the first day after the allergic reaction occurs.
  2. Don't sunbathe for a couple of days.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. They wear closed suits, shirts, dresses.
  5. When there are a lot of rashes, a person takes a 30-minute soda bath.
  6. After baths, wipe the body with almond oil and menthol, or freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  7. Lubricate the affected areas with aloe juice.
  8. Make compresses from chamomile.
  9. Lubricate blisters with ointment from salicylic acid and zinc.
  10. Decoctions and infusions of oak and juniper bark are used.
  11. Advantan, Lorinden, Oxycort, Fluorocort, and Flucinar ointments are also very effective.
  12. Filming skin inflammation with aspirin and nidomethacin.
  13. Take B vitamins and vitamin C.
  14. Antihistamines are used: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, claritin, fenkarol.

If a person is predisposed to sun allergies, he is recommended to use creams with a high level of sun protection.

To prevent the appearance of hives, people are recommended to take horseradish juice, which is mixed with bee honey, or 50 ml of tincture peppermint before eating.

I consider an effective hop infusion, which is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of hops into 200 ml of boiling water. Take 70 ml before meals.

It is very important that a person includes fresh parsley and cabbage on the menu, which are very rich in vitamin C and PP. They make the skin less sensitive to solar radiation.

One universal remedy There is no remedy that would cure sun allergies. Therefore it is necessary to comply individual approach, which will depend on the location of the inflammation on the skin, the intensity of the rash, and the presence of general symptoms.

Local treatment of allergies involves the use of creams and ointments that have anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Those places where the skin is very sensitive and tender should be rubbed with cream. It can also be applied to prevent photodermatoses.
  • To places where the skin is denser, apply ointments that will be better absorbed.
  • if photodermatitis occurs on the scalp, it is necessary to use an emulsion.

The blisters that have formed at the site of the burns cannot be pierced, since in this way you can introduce an infection into the open wound and contribute to the formation of pustules.

For general treatment antiallergic drugs are used:

  • antihistamines in tablet form are taken for 5 days;
  • when allergic reactions are pronounced, manifested by a rash and swelling, it is necessary to seek the help of antiallergic injections.

When you take antihistamines, it is worth remembering that they reduce the intensity of allergy symptoms and do not eliminate the cause of the disease, so you need to completely limit contact with photosensitizing substances:

  • cosmetics, deodorants;
  • washing powders, detergents;
  • plants;
  • products that include legumes;
  • any medicines which can cause photosensitivity.

If we are talking about endogenous photodermatosis and it is not possible to limit contact with allergens, it is necessary to follow the rules for the prevention of allergic diseases:

  • wear a wide-brimmed hat;
  • put on clothes light colors made from light natural fabrics, with long sleeves and small cutouts;
  • apply sun protection creams;
  • wear sunglasses.

The following drugs are most widely used to treat photodermatitis:

  • non-hormonal ointment or cream. They are able to relieve skin inflammation and itching. For example, “Fenistil gel”, “Desitin”, “Dexpanthenol”, “Psilo-balm”.
  • corticosteroid medications. They are used when acute forms allergies to the sun, only as prescribed by a doctor. They have a short course of treatment (up to five days), because an overdose of these drugs can provoke the development of erythema, vasodilation, cosmetic defects skin.
  • other ointments. These are mainly drugs based on zinc, methyluracil, and hydrocortisone. All of them are available for free sale in pharmacies. They help eliminate inflammatory processes, and promote skin restoration.
  • antihistamines. Reduce skin itching, prevent the development of rashes, complications such as swelling of the mucous membranes. These drugs are “Erius”, “Cetrin”, “Tavegil”.
    vitamin therapy, immunotherapy. Since reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins in the body can contribute to the development of allergies, attention should be paid Special attention strengthening the immune system.
  • enterosorbents (Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel). Helps cleanse the body of toxic substances and allergens. Taking them along with sufficient quantity liquid (2-2.5 liters), a person can quickly get rid of allergy symptoms.
  • drugs for the treatment of the liver. These include hepatoprotectors such as “Karsil”, “Glutargin”, “Silibor”, “Gepabene” and other herbal preparations.

The duration of use and dose of any of these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment often lasts from a few days to a couple of weeks. If you pick incorrect treatment, it will not give any results and will contribute to the disease developing into chronic form. And this will complicate the treatment process and worsen the patient’s life.

Folk remedies

Wormwood and celandine

To treat “sun” allergies, wormwood and celandine are used. If rashes and redness appear on the skin under the influence of the sun's rays, it is worth wiping the affected areas with an alcoholic tincture of wormwood. Plus, take baths with celandine infusion

Oil with celandine

If your skin begins to become blistered and red from overexposure to sunlight, you can use celandine oil. In order to prepare it, fill a liter jar with celandine flowers, then pour them vegetable oil half and leave for 3 weeks. During sleep, the affected areas are wiped with hydrogen peroxide and a napkin soaked in this oil is placed on top. A film is placed on top of it, which is secured with an adhesive plaster. The next morning, remove the compress, wipe the skin with peroxide again, and repeat a similar procedure the next night. Noticeable results appear after three procedures.

Wormwood decoction

A strong, strained decoction of wormwood is used to wipe the affected areas of the skin. It stops itching after a couple of minutes, and after a few procedures the itching and redness completely disappear.

Herbal baths

With very bright and pronounced symptoms of sun allergy, herbal baths can help. So, if a patient’s skin and eyes begin to swell due to exposure to sunlight, and severe itching appears, it is worth doing special baths several times during the day. They add birch leaves, linden, walnut, viburnum, rosehip, pine needles, spruce, celandine, mint, lemon balm, clover, plantain, chamomile, tansy, yarrow. Dry herbs can be used in spring and fresh herbs in summer.

Hercules flake baths

To prepare such a bath you need to take half a kilogram oatmeal, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave to dissolve for 1 hour, then add the resulting mixture to the bath. You need to take such baths several times a week.

Vegetable juice

Juice from cucumbers, cabbage, and potatoes is very effective for sunburn. It is used both internally and externally, lubricating irritated areas of the skin.

Celery juice

Freshly squeezed celery juice acts as a medicine. You can prepare it by passing the plant root through a meat grinder and squeezing the resulting mass well. You need to take this juice three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Help for fainting

First of all, you need to call very quickly ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • take the person to a shaded place;
  • lay him on a horizontal surface on his back;
  • Elevate your legs slightly to increase blood flow to your head;
  • unbutton clothes around the neck;
  • splash cool water on your face;
  • bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose.

Afterwards it is worth holding events in inpatient conditions, which involve normalizing blood pressure, introducing antihistamines and removal of toxic substances.

3 814 0 Hello, dear readers our site. Today we will talk about sun allergy, its symptoms and methods of treatment and prevention. From the article you will learn what to do at the first signs of allergies and how to treat allergies in a child. Under the influence of many unfavorable factors, the number of allergic reactions among urban residents increases. Even a person who has never experienced allergies before may begin to cough from polluted air, sneeze from pollen, or develop a rash from certain foods. All this is connected with general decline immunity, unbalanced diet, insufficient exposure to fresh air. The main problem is that an allergy to one thing can aggravate the general condition of the body and provoke the appearance of another type. In this case, an allergy to the sun occurs.

Dermatitis, or dermatosis, is allergic manifestations on the skin in the form of rashes, blisters, redness. If the prefix photo- is added to these terms, then they are caused by the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the dermis.

No one is immune from sun allergy; it can cause many problems:

  • discomfort on the skin in the form of itching and pain;
  • unsightly appearance skin during the summer period;
  • restriction of certain food products and personal care products;
  • You should not sunbathe until the dermis has fully recovered from injury.

There may be several types that have different manifestations and the reasons for its appearance.

Toxic Traumatic Allergic
ManifestationsBlistersBurnsRashes all over the body, deterioration of the entire skin
CausesTaking medications containing photosensitizers (antibacterial, estrogen-containing and tetracycline drugs)Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the dermis during lunchtimeImmune system diseases
How to get ridDo not sunbathe until the end of treatment with these drugs.Apply ointments from sunburn, be in the sun in the morning and evening for no more than 2 hoursApply complex treatment, follow your doctor's recommendations for sun exposure

In what other cases can photodermatitis occur:

  1. Due to the occurrence of a reaction between ultraviolet radiation and individual chemical elements in the composition of cosmetics, as well as components of plant origin, which causes irritation of the skin. Such photosensitizing components include: almost all essential oils with a rich odor (bergamot, grapefruit, sandalwood, etc.), various acids, eosin, alcohol, herbs (St. John's wort, nettle, etc.).
  2. Eating foods that, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, provoke the production of histamine in the body. For example, exotic fruits, all plants and fruits high in vitamin C, alcoholic drinks, hot spices, preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, GMOs.
  3. Availability various diseases related to renal failure, liver dysfunction, duodenum, thyroid gland, dysbacteriosis.
  4. Various types of allergies to pollen, food, animal hair, dust can provoke photodermatosis;
  5. Weakened immunity, frequent colds and infectious diseases, a lack of vitamins in the body after the cold season can cause allergies to the spring sun.
  6. Exposure to sunlight on wet skin that contains chlorine-containing water after swimming in a pool.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Visible manifestations of dermatitis attract attention instantly. These include small rashes all over the body, blisters, and severe burns. But there are cases when an allergy may not appear on the skin immediately, but at the same time, after exposure to the sun, the following symptoms occur:

  • body temperature rises;
  • the skin becomes hypersensitive to any touch;
  • arises headache or dizziness;
  • Heatstroke may occur;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • a sharp increase in pigmentation (freckles, spots) on the face and body;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of swelling on the face;
  • weakness throughout the body.

Both basic and additional symptoms appear primarily in fair-skinned people with or without pronounced pigmentation, in children, in tanning bed lovers winter time of the year. Age-related changes organisms also affect the symptomatic manifestation of photodermatosis, so people over 50 need to be careful when interacting with sun rays.

Allergy to the sun in a child

The child's body is very susceptible to various types of allergens; if this is added to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, then the child's skin will certainly react to this with redness, rash, burns or hives. How to prevent sun allergies in a child:

  1. If possible, exclude allergenic products nutrition for the period of active exposure to the sun;
  2. Use only children's hypoallergenic sunscreens, because some components of an adult product can cause an allergic reaction when interacting with ultraviolet radiation;
  3. Dry your child with a towel after swimming in the pool. Chlorine is the most common cause the appearance of photodermatitis;
  4. It's better if most The child spent his time on the beach in the shade.

If a child is allergic to the sun, then you should consult a doctor. Most often, in such cases, a soothing ointment for burns and antihistamines are prescribed.

How to get rid of allergies: treatment

A sun allergy is different in that it is not separate disease. It may manifest itself as a consequence of more serious problems with health. Therefore, at the first signs, it is better to consult a doctor, who will not only tell you To how to get rid of allergies and prescribe symptomatic treatment, but will also hold comprehensive examination organism to identify the main cause of photodermatitis. Remember that taking hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs for allergies can only be done in consultation with your doctor.

Treatment at home includes:

  • the use of soothing, cooling and anti-itching ointments and creams (Fenistil, Panthenol);
  • taking allergy medication in tablets or drops (Erius, Zyrtec);
  • vitamin complexes to improve immunity;
  • taking medications that help remove toxins from the intestines (Enterosgel, activated carbon);
  • recovery water balance To cleanse the body, you need to drink plenty of water.

In order to reduce pain syndrome, folk remedies can be used to soothe itching and burning. These include those that can have anti-inflammatory and cooling effects. For example, from potatoes or cabbage leaves The juice is squeezed out and applied to damaged areas of the skin. Infusions medicinal herbs can be used for night compresses (chamomile, calendula).

Preventing sun allergies

Prevention helps prevent skin problems and promotes joyful sun exposure. TO preventive measures relate:

  1. Staying on the beach when solar activity is low (morning and evening);
  2. Using sunscreen and after-sun lotion;
  3. Vary the time spent in the sun and shade;
  4. Wear a summer hat and glasses;
  5. Dry your skin after bathing and reapply the cream;
  6. Avoid dehydration, drink 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day;
  7. Do not use perfume or cosmetics with essential oils, alcohol, fragrances, acids in its composition;
  8. Start strengthening your immune system at the end of winter: drink vitamins, walk more in the fresh air;
  9. Eat berries and fruits containing antioxidants, vitamins A, E, B. For example, blueberries, apples, pomegranates, bananas;
  10. If possible, avoid spicy foods and exotic fruits;
  11. Conduct a preventive examination of the whole body to detect health problems in a timely manner.

Proper sun protection and self-care will help you become summer period time carefree and joyful.

Doctor's advice on how to cope with sun allergies.