Liv 52 when the result is noticeable. "Liv.52": reviews of doctors and instructions for use

In the article:

Dosage form

Liv 52 is available in drops and tablets for oral administration.

Registration number:

P N014783/01-040310

Trade name: Liv.52®

Dosage form Tablets.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • B19 Viral hepatitis, unspecified
  • K71 Liver toxicity
  • K73 chronic hepatitis not classified elsewhere
  • K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver
  • K76.0 fatty degeneration liver, not elsewhere classified
  • K76.9 Liver disease, unspecified
  • R63.0 Anorexia

Pharmacological group

The drug improves digestion and absorption of food. It increases the content of vitamin E in hepatocytes and CYP450, activates the formation of proteins and phospholipids. The drug restores hepatocytes, improves intracellular metabolism, normalizes the ratio of albumin and globulin, the level of liver enzymes, cholesterol and triglycerides. Decreases bilirubin levels and alkaline phosphatase. Against the background of therapy, the ability of the liver to accumulate glycogen, the contractile function of the gallbladder improves.

The drug reduces the likelihood of formation gallstones, stimulates hematopoiesis. With alcoholic liver damage, the drug reduces the content ethyl alcohol in blood and urine. It increases the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, as a result, the concentration of acetaldehyde decreases, and it does not bind to proteins and is more quickly excreted from the body. The damaging effect of acetaldehyde on hepatocytes is reduced and the likelihood of a "hangover" syndrome, which is characterized by trembling of the limbs, nausea, vomiting, and headaches, is reduced.

Description and composition

The drug is available in round biconvex greenish-gray tablets with splashes.

The drops are a dark brown liquid.

active substances are the following components:

  • capers are prickly;
  • common chicory;
  • nightshade black;
  • iron oxide;
  • cassia western;
  • kukubha;
  • yarrow;
  • Tamarix Gallic;
  • bringaraja;
  • phyllanthus niruri;
  • berhavia sprawling;
  • tinospora cordifolia;
  • garden radish;
  • amla;
  • chitrak;
  • currant embelia;
  • terminalia chebula;
  • wild rue.

As additional components, the tablets contain MCC, E 572, croscarmellose sodium and carboxymethylcellulose.

Auxiliary components of drops are:

  • sucrose;
  • peach fragrance;
  • purified water;
  • E331;
  • E 218;
  • E 216.

The mechanism of action of the hepatoprotector LIV 52

This hepatoprotector is combination drug based on plant components, due to which its action is determined. So, the composition of grassy capers contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • steroidal saponins;
  • thioglycosides;
  • routine;
  • quartzetin.

Thanks to this component, the drug LIV 52 has the following effects on the body:

  • painkiller;
  • diuretic;
  • hepatostimulating and hepatoprotective;
  • helps improve appetite.

The composition of wild chicory is represented by such components as:

  • fructose;
  • glycosides;
  • B vitamins;
  • choline;
  • vitamin C.

This component of the hepatoprotector LIV 52 contributes to:

  • improving the work of organs gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased appetite;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • stimulates the production of bile.

The composition of black nightshade is represented by such components as:

  • glycoalkaloids;
  • citric and ascorbic acids;
  • tannins;
  • routine;
  • sitosterol;
  • asparagine;
  • saponins.

This component provides the following actions of the drug:

  • hepatoprotective;
  • painkiller;
  • emollient;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic.

Cassia occidentalis contains organic acids, anthraglycosides, sterols and flavonoids. It has a laxative, choleretic and antitoxic effect on the body. Normalizes the process of bile discharge into the intestines. Doesn't disrupt work small intestine, has a tonic effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, does not cause constipation.

Terminal arjuna is characterized by a general tonic and diuretic property, and tamarix kalsky has a hepatoprotective effect. Yarrow contains vitamin K, flavonoids, essential oil and tannins. Therefore, it contributes to the expansion of the bile ducts and the intensification of the processes of bile secretion, reduces the severity of pain in the intestines, has a carminative effect and tones the function of the gastrointestinal tract. These properties allow the use of a hepatoprotector for peptic ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, kidney and liver diseases, spastic ulcerative colitis.

Under the influence of iron oxide, the processes of hematopoiesis are intensified. In general, the drug has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and antitoxic effect on the body. Against the background of its use, an improvement in the digestion process is noted, it stimulates hematopoiesis. The hepatoprotective effect is due to the membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant properties of the components that make up the drug.

In patients taking LIV 52, there is a decrease in the rate of degradation of cell membranes, an increase in the concentration of antioxidants in hepatocytes, the drug prevents the formation of free radicals.

The antitoxic property of the drug allows you to provide protection endoplasmic reticulum hepatocytes. Under the influence of LIV 52, normalization and an increase in the concentration of cytochrome P450 are noted. In patients with chronic alcoholism the drug prevents infiltration of lipids into liver cells. Protects the body from carbon tetrachloride. Helps slow down the development of the disease in the precirrhotic phase, protects the liver from further destruction.

While taking LIV 52, there is an increase in the production of protein, phospholipids and cholesterol, regeneration of liver cells, restoration of their functional ability. The hepatoprotector helps to improve appetite, makes it easier for gases to pass from the intestines. In malnourished patients, it increases body weight, including through the growth of bones and muscles. The combination of the components of the drug allows it to have an effective complex effect.

What helps Liv-52? As a hepatoprotector, the drug protects hepatocytes from damage and promotes their active regeneration. In addition, Liv-52 increases the activity of the biosynthetic function of liver cells, inhibits the oxidation of lipid components, protecting cell membranes from the negative effects of oxidation products on them. Action medicinal product also aimed at binding toxins and other harmful substances that have entered the body and adversely affect the function of hepatocytes. The medicine Liv-52 successfully fights against congestion in the biliary tract, eliminating the phenomena of dyskinesia and normalizing at the same time digestive process increasing the patient's appetite. To the above properties of the drug, you can also add a choleretic, antioxidant and mild diuretic effect.

The main indications for the use of Liv-52:

  • Diffuse liver damage (prevention and treatment);
  • Toxic lesions of hepatocytes;
  • Fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • Hepatitis of various origins;
  • Prevention of liver damage for the period of taking chemically aggressive drugs, for example, antitumor, antibiotics, etc.;
  • Prevention of liver damage during radiological treatment (irradiation);
  • Dyskinesia of bile ducts;
  • Cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis;
  • Paraproteinemia (presence of functionally defective proteins in the blood);
  • Anorexia, weight loss in children.

Treatment of other gastrointestinal diseases

Liv 52 is used not only for liver pathologies, but also for diseases of other organs. digestive system:

    Very often this medicine is prescribed after removal of the gallbladder, but you should find out how effective its use is after cholecystectomy. After removal of the gallbladder, bile has nowhere to accumulate and it flows directly from the liver to the intestines. But in some cases, especially if the diet is not followed, bile can accumulate in the liver and cause inflammation.

    That is why many patients after cholecystectomy complain of pain in the right hypochondrium. To support the activity of the liver, hepatoprotectors and cholagogues are prescribed. But Liv 52 is not the most effective in this situation - its action is more aimed at reducing the gallbladder, and since there is nothing to reduce after the operation, then its intake is not mandatory.

    After cholecystectomy, drugs containing bile and bile acids are considered the most effective. Although it is worth saying that patient reviews speak of the effectiveness of Liv 52.

    So, Igor writes: “After the removal of the gallbladder, pain periodically occurs under the right rib. The doctor advised taking courses of Hofitol or Liv 52. I tried both drugs, it seems to me that Liv 52 gives a positive result faster.”

    Reception Liv 52 can be prescribed in violation of the pancreas. This drug or others choleretic agents necessary when bile is thrown into the pancreatic duct, causing inflammation.

    In addition, pancreatitis is often accompanied by diseases such as cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, so it is necessary to take medications that normalize the outflow of bile. Liv 52 is prescribed for pancreatitis to relieve the burden on the pancreas, eliminate bile stasis, prevent swelling and normalize digestion. But there are contraindications to taking the drug for such diseases:

    • acute pancreatitis;
    • stones in the gallbladder or ducts;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • severe form of cirrhosis. Liv 52 is the most popular for pancreatitis due to natural composition, as it is best tolerated and practically does not cause side effects. So, Maria writes: “I have had pancreatitis and cholecystitis for several years now, I take Liv 52 two courses a year. The attacks have practically disappeared, but of course, you need to maintain a diet, otherwise there will be no sense in the treatment.
  • With biliary dyskinesia, hepatoprotectors are prescribed for severe stagnation of bile or the cessation of its release. Liv 52 is one of the drugs that effectively fights cholestasis, eliminates the symptoms of dyskinesia and normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs.

    Many patients noted that taking the drug during an attack eliminated pain. But Liv 52 is nonspecific drug in the treatment of this disease, as well as pancreatitis - in these diseases, the most important thing is to maintain a diet and give up bad habits.

    Valeria writes: “I have been taking Liv 52 for dyskinesia for two weeks and have already noticed that not only discomfort in the stomach, but also improved general state- the stool returned to normal, skin color improved, heartburn disappeared.

The use of Liv-52 in the past and now

Liv-52 is a drug well known to domestic consumers. AT modern world it has been suggested for treatment viral hepatitis in 1955. The history of the use of Liv-52 in the Soviet, and then Russian practice of treating diseases accompanied by liver damage, has at least 40 years. In the US, the drug is not allowed to be sold as a medicine.

On the other side latest research, carried out according to the canons evidence-based medicine, do not find confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug and sometimes even demonstrate its danger.

Since the invention, the drug has undergone a kind of rebranding - if initially in the instructions for use Liv-52 was positioned as a classic hepatoprotector capable of completely or almost completely restoring damaged liver tissue, now they talk about it mainly as a choleretic drug.

Apparently, this is related to complex composition drug and poor knowledge of its mechanism of action, the difficulty of conducting and interpreting the results of clinical trials. However, in this regard, it does not differ from other hepatoprotectors of plant origin: in order to figure out exactly how and from what exactly they help, people have yet to study and research them.

Instructions for use

Despite the natural composition of the drug, Liv 52 can only be prescribed by the attending physician, in order to avoid complications. There is a specific list of conditions for which this drug can help:

Liv 52 is actively prescribed after long-term treatment with antibiotics, cytostatics, sulfonamides and chemotherapy drugs to avoid drug intoxication. The drug is in demand among professional athletes - Liv 52 supports the activity of the liver when taking steroids.

The medicine has practically no contraindications for taking, more precisely, there are only four of them:

  1. Pregnancy at any time.
  2. lactation period.
  3. Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
  4. Age restrictions: drops can be from 2 years old, and tablets from 6 years of age.

If you compare the instructions for tablets and drops, you can see that they have an almost identical composition, only the doses of each active substance are several times less than in tablet form. If we compare tablets and capsules Liv 52, then they have an equal content active substances, but the difference is that the capsules are absorbed much better, which is why they are prescribed to patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

The instructions for use indicate that the drug can be taken at any time, regardless of food intake. But experts recommend drinking the medicine half an hour before or after meals in order to achieve better absorption.

How to use:

  1. AT childhood from 6 years old take 1-2 tablets or capsules 3 times a day in medicinal purposes and 2 times a day as a preventive measure.
  2. Adults are prescribed 2-3 tablets or capsules 3 times a day.
  3. From 2 years of age, 11 to 20 drops of the solution are prescribed 2 times a day.
  4. Adolescents and adults can be prescribed from 20 to 160 drops 2 times a day.

Duration of treatment acute hepatitis 3 months, with chronic - 6 months, with alcoholic destruction of the liver from six months to 12 months. Liv 52 is prescribed with extreme caution to patients with pathologies of the digestive system in the acute stage. If necessary, taking the drug, it is prescribed in the minimum dosage.

How to take the drug in the form of drops?

The drug in the form of drops is taken for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Children from 2 years old are recommended to take 11-20 drops twice a day, adults - 82-160 drops (1 or 2 teaspoons) twice a day.


For therapeutic purposes, children from 6 years of age take Liv 52 1-2 tablets three times a day.

For therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, children from 2 years of age take Liv 52 K, 11-20 drops twice a day.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated for use during these periods.

Interaction with other medicines

Before starting treatment with Liv-52, you should carefully read the instructions for its use in order to prevent adverse events in the form adverse reactions body for this drug. You should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The combination of Liv-52 with ibuprofen reduces therapeutic effect last;
  • The use of the drug together with antibiotics of the tetracycline group reduces their effectiveness;
  • During the course of treatment is not recommended to drink alcohol.

What form of the drug is most effective?

Most effective form drug - capsules. However, each has its own purpose. So, for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), Liv 52 capsules are better suited, due to the fact that they help patients to better absorb the medicine.

Is the drug safe?

Experiments conducted in India have shown that this drug helps protect the liver of rats from alcohol damage, and also improves liver function in acute viral hepatitis.

However, a group of European scientists conducted a study in 1997, the results of which are not encouraging. They treated half of their patients with alcoholic hepatitis with Liv-52 (given 1200 mg), and the rest of the patients were given a placebo. By the end of the experiment, among those who received a placebo, 86% of patients survived. And among those who received Liv-52 - only 74%.

Even worse was the case with the treatment of hepatitis C. During the treatment, 22 of the 23 patients who received Liv-52 died. All of these cases were associated with liver failure or bleeding. Whereas in the control group (who did not receive Liv-52), fewer people died: 3 out of 11.

From these studies, it can be concluded that with existing diseases liver it herbal remedy may further aggravate the situation. After the publication of the results of these experiments, Liv-52 was withdrawn from the drug market in the United States, although it can still be bought in this country as a dietary supplement.


  1. Allergy to the components of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Diseases of the biliary tract.
  4. Acute forms of bowel disease.
  5. Diseases of the stomach.
  6. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

With moderate use, no side effects were found, however, with prolonged use, allergic reactions and dyspepsia may occur.


There were no cases of overdose with the use of the drug. However, there is a possibility of manifestation of various allergic reactions with long-term use Liv 52 in large quantities.


Analogues of the tool for structural components on this moment does not exist, however, pharmacological group many analogues. For example, Holenzim. Most of them are also made from natural raw materials and have a lot of positive feedback. In this case, only the price plays a role. At the same time, Liv 52 is inferior in this indicator to many of its counterparts. Here is just a small list of the most famous of them:

  • Karsil;
  • Ovesol;
  • Hofitol;
  • Heptor;
  • Silymarin;
  • Galsten;
  • Flamin;
  • Urdox;
  • Phosfonciale;
  • Laennec;
  • Phosphogliv;
  • Essliver Forte;
  • Rezalut Pro;
  • Essentiale;
  • Livodexa;
  • Hepabene;
  • Ursosan;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Geptral;
  • Holenzim.

LIV 52 drug and alcohol

To some people, this hepatoprotector is known as a remedy that helps prevent the onset of hangover symptoms. Despite the fact that there have been quite a few clinical trials on humans, experiments on laboratory animals confirm the fact that during alcoholic liver damage, the components of this hepatoprotector prevent an increase in the activity of enzymes that destroy working liver cells. As a result, the load on this body, glutathione reserves are maintained, lipid peroxidation is inhibited. Thus, LIV 52 protects the liver from alcoholic oxidative stress.

There is evidence that this hepatoprotector disrupts the binding of acetaldehyde, which is the main toxic decay product alcoholic beverages in the human body, with hepatocyte proteins, which ensures its faster excretion from the body. An increase in the content of acetaldehyde in the urine was noted both in laboratory animals and in humans taking LIV 52.

A number of studies involving volunteers confirm the fact that the hepatoprotector has a positive effect, which manifests itself in the form of improving the patient's well-being, reducing the severity of hangover symptoms, including those with multi-day drinking bouts.

Although LIV 52 does not have any significant effect during a hangover, in the absence of contraindications, it can be used in combination with other drugs and means to prevent the onset of hangover symptoms and protect the body from harmful effects alcoholic drinks. Before taking the drug (both as part of the complex, and in the form independent means), it is necessary to consult a doctor to confirm that there are no contraindications to its use.

special instructions

Use with caution in patients with acute illnesses stomach and intestines.

Liv 52 in bodybuilding

The drug is often used in bodybuilding as a hepatoprotector during long courses of medication and hormonal stimulation muscle growth and athletic performance.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children at a temperature of +10 to +30°C.

Opinion and reviews about the drug

So far, the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven directly through laboratory studies. There are various rumors about the advisability of its use. A number of studies have shown that it should be used only for preventive purposes, and for therapeutic purposes - with mild forms of diseases.

Reviews of doctors about liv.52

02.10.18 19:41:44
Rating 4.2 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Old, time tested Indian drug, which helps to stop various manifestations of hepatic dysfunction (colic, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, moderate symptoms intoxication). I use it in the treatment of patients with addictions when liver function suffers.

The drug is not the cheapest. Allergic reactions are possible.

23.06.17 09:51:29
Rating 2.5 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

The drug has been used in Russia for a very long time. Against the background of taking the drug, she noted a significant positive trend. The drug is not cheap, but available to many. Another plus is that it can be used in young age. Recent times they write a lot of articles about the side effects of the drug, and therefore stopped using it in practice.

09.06.16 22:33:14
Rating 2.5 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

An old proven drug, again from herbs. The effect is weak, but a wide range therapeutic action.

Caution should be used in allergy sufferers, be sure to collect an anamnesis. And their number is growing every year! In practice, about 20-30% of patients develop some kind of intolerance.

Some take it with pleasure, as herbs, although from India.

09.06.16 15:08:46

Liv 52 is a medication that affects the liver and bile ducts. The drug, which has antioxidant, choleretic and diuretic properties, is intended for the treatment of liver ailments of various etymologies. Liv 52, allows you to reanimate the affected cellular composition liver, restore it and stimulate the function of biosynthesis.

Thanks to the active components of the drug, toxins are blocked that have negative impact on the cells of the largest digestive gland, and symptoms are quickly eliminated. The drug Liv 52 for the treatment of the liver has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves appetite, relieves inflammation.

Composition and form of release

The medicine goes on sale in the form of:

  • tablets (pack of 100 pcs.);
  • drops for oral use (60 ml bottle).

The drug is made on the basis of dry crushed plants and evaporated extracts from medicinal herbs. Manufacturers use in the manufacturing process:

  • chicory;
  • caper powder;
  • mandura basmu;
  • black nightshade;
  • western cassia;
  • yarrow;
  • Gallic tamarisk.

For evaporation of extracts use:

  • white eclipta;
  • philanthus niruri;
  • sprawling beravia;
  • tinospore;
  • radish;
  • Ceylon pig;
  • currant embelia;
  • medicinal smoke.

Hepatoprotector functions

There is an increase in the content of tocopherol in hepatocytes, a medicine for the liver helps to increase antioxidant properties, as well as to ensure the synthesis of phospholipids and proteins that are necessary to carry out the reproduction process in order to restore liver cells.

In cases where digestive gland damaged due to long-term alcohol abuse, Liv 52 helps to reduce the level of concentration of ethyl alcohol in circulatory system and urine. In addition, the drug for the liver helps to accelerate the excretion of alcohol decay products from the body, which cause intoxication of the body.

In acute intestinal ailments, treatment with Liv 52 is possible only under medical supervision.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that Liv 52 is based on natural ingredients, only the attending physician can prescribe a hepatoprotector. Self-medication with the drug can cause a number of complications. Medicines that affect the liver are prescribed to treat:

  • hepatitis of various etiologies, which are in the acute or chronic phase;
  • cholangitis;
  • liver steatosis;
  • cirrhosis and precirrhosis;
  • toxic injury liver;
  • dyskinesia biliary tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • paraproteinemia;
  • to restore the liver after radio exposure.

Liv 52 is often used after prolonged use of antibiotics, cytostatics, sulfonamides, chemotherapy drugs. The drug allows you to get rid of drug intoxication. In addition, Liv 52 is actively used by athletes who take steroids to maintain the normal functioning of the liver.

In acute intestinal ailments, treatment with the drug is possible only under the supervision of a physician.


Treatment with Liv 52 is not recommended in the presence of hypersensitivity, an acute inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). It is also worth excluding taking pills during childbearing and during breastfeeding. Children can be given the drug only from the age of 6.

Instructions for use

Regardless of which form of release was purchased, Liv 52 is intended for internal reception. For the treatment of adults with a tablet remedy, it is recommended to drink 2 tablets 3 times a day 60 minutes before meals. For children over 6 years old, the dosage of tablets is reduced to 1-2 pcs. per day. For preventive purposes, experts recommend taking a couple of tablets twice a day.

For the treatment of adults with drops, you will need to take them in the morning and evening hours for 2 tsp. Children over 2 years of age are recommended to take only 10-15 drops 2 times a day. For preventive purposes, it is enough to drink 1 tsp. healing liquid per day. Children over the age of 14 are prescribed adult dosage taking medications.

The duration of the course of treatment is regulated by the attending physician, who takes into account the overall clinical picture. If it has been established, then the duration of therapy and the medication regimen should be scheduled for 6-12 months. In the first 90 days, the patient should drink 2-3 tablets per day, then the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet per day.

For the treatment of adults with drops, you will need to take them in the morning and evening hours for 2 tsp.


Liv 52 usually does not cause any specific symptoms when the dose is increased. In some cases, dizziness or increased side effects. special treatment not required in this case.

Side effects

While taking the pills, the patient may be disturbed by side effects, such as:

  • rash on skin;
  • hyperemia;
  • skin itching;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • dyspepsia.

Possible consequences and effectiveness

Liv 52 is based on herbal ingredients, so it should not cause backlash organism. Rarely, patients may complain of allergic rash on the skin due to taking a hepatoprotector. There may also be problems with the stool and pain in the abdomen after drinking the pill. It is very important to report any side effect to your doctor. He may consider it necessary to stop taking the drug.

Not so long ago, information appeared that as a result of taking pills, liver pathology of a malignant nature occurs. Is this really so, it is difficult to answer, but after such a statement, it began to go on sale new hepatoprotector with a similar Liv 52 composition. Most likely, the statement about the negative effects of the drug was only marketing ploy to promote a new drug.

None of the components of the drug has a carcinogenic effect on the body, therefore, cause reproduction cancer cells Liv 52 is not capable. However, in the presence of oncological diseases, it is still worth refraining from taking the drug so as not to provoke the rapid growth of the tumor.

In addition, it is best to refuse treatment with a hepatoprotector and those who have a hereditary tendency to oncological diseases. Experts advise, before treating Liv 52 liver, to undergo examinations that will help the attending physician to accurately see the clinical picture. For example, the presence of cirrhosis of the liver in a severe stage in the treatment of Liv medicine can lead to carcinoma.

In order to exclude the occurrence of side effects, it is recommended:

  • Do not take Liv 52 tablets at the same time as other medicines.
  • Do not drink high-grade drinks during the period of therapy, so as not to create an additional load on the body.

Liv 52 will help cure liver disease and restore affected gland cells

Since the liver in the patient's body performs vital important function, it is required to control its condition, to provide timely treatment and prevention. To restore hepatocytes and accelerate the regeneration process, the patient is recommended medical preparation Liv - 52, which belongs to the pharmacological group of hepatoprotectors.

General description of the drug

medication, chemical formula which contains only plant components, completely eliminates intoxication of the body, reduces the list of contraindications and the risk of side effects. Liv 52 has a choleretic effect, that is, it productively removes toxic substances followed by liver rehabilitation. Among additional features it is worth highlighting the analgesic, antiseptic and hepatostimulating effect even in advanced clinical pictures.
This medicine has been known to medicine for over 40 years, but if it used to completely restore the affected “filter” of the body and its functionality, now it is an addition. complex therapy. Despite the loss of former positions, the end result is obvious, the positive dynamics of the disease is provided. The following substances of plant origin are collected in the natural composition:

  • caper;
  • nightshade;
  • senna;
  • chicory;
  • terminalia;
  • iron oxide.

Such components first undergo a steam treatment method, after which they enter the composition of the drug. The first three substances have a stable antitoxic effect, since large volumes are imperceptibly removed from the liver. toxic substances. The remaining components demonstrate a choleretic effect, with the exception of terminalia, which additionally has antioxidant properties for accelerated regeneration of the affected parenchyma. So the affected "filter" of the body receives powerful protection from further damage, so this hepatoprotector can be used for prevention purposes.
The medical preparation Liv 52 is produced in the form of tablets and liquids exclusively for oral use. The instruction describes the clinical picture, where this or that appointment is appropriate; but it is important to understand that self-treatment will not provide positive results, will only aggravate the course of the pathological process.
The drug has a lot of analogues, including Antral, Heptral, Karsil, Gepabene, Hepatofit, Essentiale, Enerliv, Rezalyut pro. Before buying an alternative, you need to contact a specialist and work together to select a potent medicine with a mild effect on the focus of pathology. The cost of analogues is approximately the same, so the final choice is determined by the specifics, characteristics of the affected organism.

Mechanism of action in the body

If the doctor has prescribed this particular medicine, it is important to understand what happens in the body after oral administration of a single dose. Active components perform a protective function in relation to hepatocytes, as they prevent their destruction, provide a quick recovery of the affected units. Capersnica supports the biosynthetic function of the parenchyma, nightshade inhibits the oxidation process, protects cell membranes from harmful destruction. Senna and chicory remove harmful toxins from the organic resource, and terminalia supplies the affected organ with valuable compounds of organic origin.

Among the positive directions in the body, the hepatoprotector LIV 52 provides the following processes:

Hepatoprotector Liv 52 is the normalization of the work of the digestive tract

  • effective fight against congestion of bile;
  • elimination of biliary tract dysfunction;
  • stabilization of the patient's appetite;
  • normalization of the work of the digestive tract;
  • getting rid of dyskinesia;
  • slight loosening of the stool;
  • diuretic, choleretic and antioxidant action in an organic resource.

Such a multifaceted effect does not go unnoticed, therefore graduates use this hepatoprotector in the treatment of most diagnoses caused by dysfunction of the "human filter".

Indications for use

You can take a hepatoprotector called "Liv 52" only in cases where a doctor has made such an appointment. Such a prescription is appropriate for the following diagnoses and pathological processes

  • treatment and prevention of diffuse liver changes;
  • cholecystocholangitis;
  • anorexia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • death of hepatocytes against the background of intoxication;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • recovery after radiological treatment;
  • one of the forms of hepatitis in the progressive stage;
  • paraproteinemia;
  • long-term drug therapy.

With such health problems, Leaf 52 acts as additional treatment for effective and timely restoration of liver parenchyma functions.

Contraindications for use

Detailed instructions for use informs: despite vegetable origin this medicine, a list of contraindications exists, and it covers the following clinical pictures:

Hepatoprotector Liv 52 - contraindicated in pregnancy

  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components in the natural formula;
  • pregnancy;
  • patients with problems of the gastrointestinal tract in a chronic form;
  • childhood.

The drug imperceptibly adapts in the body, demonstrating a stable positive effect. But there are cases when local and allergic reactions, disturbed digestion and loose stools are of concern. In such clinical pictures, it is desirable to exclude the hepatoprotector from the treatment regimen, choose an analogue.

Also worth noting drug interaction which significantly limits the number of buyers. If Liv 52 is taken simultaneously with analgesics and antipyretics, the effectiveness of the latter is noticeably weakened. A similar effect is observed in the treatment regimen with the participation of tetracycline antibiotics. At intensive care alcohol consumption should also be limited, since such a combination only aggravates the disease, brings a disease-causing attack closer.

Features and method of application

If after detailed diagnostics human filter, the patient is assigned Liv 52, the instructions and the attending physician will help determine how to use this medicine in home environment. It is important not to violate the daily standards, strictly follow all the instructions of the specialist.

As mentioned above, the hepatoprotector is prescribed for oral use, that is, inside; and daily doses depend on the form of release of this medication. If these are pills, the determining factor becomes age category patient. So, patients under 6 years old are shown 1-2 tablets three times a day, from 6 years old - 3-4 tablets four times a day. It is advisable to swallow the medicine a quarter of an hour before a meal or 40 minutes after it, drinking enough liquids. For prevention, the best daily dose- 2 tablets in the morning and evening.

If Liv 52 liquid is recommended for use, adult patients at a time need to drink 1 tablespoon of the drug in the morning and evening, children - 20 drops for the whole day. In order to prevent therapeutic fluid can be taken orally in the amount of 80 drops at a time. The duration of intensive care is individual, determined at the consultation of the attending physician after a detailed diagnosis and diagnosis.

Special instructions for the patient to note

The use of Liv 52 does not affect the state of the nervous system, so psychomotor reactions do not slow down, there is no need to protect yourself from intellectual activity and driving a personal vehicle.

The drug should not be taken while carrying a fetus, because clinical researches this category of patients have not yet been carried out. It is better not to risk the health of the crumbs, look for more safe analogues for the treatment of a diseased liver.

If an allergic reaction occurs on the skin, it is recommended to temporarily suspend the selected treatment, additionally visit a doctor in order to replace the hepatoprotector with an analogue with a milder effect.

It is advisable not to overestimate the prescribed doses, since the therapeutic effect from this will not accelerate anyway. In addition, overdose symptoms, general or partial intoxication of the body are excluded. Dose adjustment is independent, without additional medical participation. Liv is a hepatoprotector that does not cause health problems and contributes to their quick solution.

Liv 52 is effective method alcohol control because active ingredients from a natural composition eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, signs of intoxication and protect liver cells. The drug provides the process of binding hepatocytes, reducing the toxic effect on the "human filter", restoring liver functions. So the drug is really effective, the main thing is to take it according to the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician.

Who said that it is impossible to cure severe liver diseases?

  • I've tried many ways but nothing helps...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited good health!

An effective remedy for the treatment of the liver exists. Follow the link and find out what the doctors recommend!

Liv 52 belongs to the category of hepatoprotective agents. The drug has a plant base and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The mechanism of action extends to the hematopoietic system, gallbladder, digestive tract and liver. Due to the complex effect on the body by a combination of components in the composition of the drug.

Each plant has its own therapeutic effects. Liv 52 is used to treat not only adult patients with liver dysfunctions, but is also used in pediatrics. The drug has a minimal list of contraindications and is not suitable for use during pregnancy.

If you notice signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment.

1. Instruction

Subsheet contains important information. After reading it, you will learn about the indications, method of administration, side effects. In addition, in the article you can learn about approximate cost medicines, as well as some tips that may also be helpful.

pharmachologic effect

Liv 52 has a complex effect on the body systems. To a greater extent, the effect of the drug extends to the liver. The drug improves functional state cells, regulates metabolic processes and prevents the progression of hepatic pathologies. In case of alcoholic damage to the body, Liv 52 not only accelerates the processes of recovery of liver cells and tissues, but also relieves conditions that indicate hangover syndrome(tremor of the limbs, thirst, chills, etc.).

For children, the medication can be used as part of complex therapy or to prevent hepatic pathologies at the risk of their occurrence.

Pharmacological properties:


The drug Liv 52 can be prescribed for conditions such as:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic liver damage;
  • Anorexia;
  • Cholecystitis, as well as biliary dyskinesia.

Liv 52 can also be prescribed to prevent liver damage (caused by antibiotics).

Mode of application

This medicine must be taken by mouth. Reception should be carried out 30 minutes before sitting down to eat. As a drug, children over 6 years of age are prescribed Liv 52 at a dosage of 1-2 tablets. In this case, the reception is divided into 2-4 times. Adults should take 3 tablets.

Application Dosage
For hepatitis C, A and B children should be given 1 tablet 3 times a day. Adults should take 2 tablets. Treatment can be continued up to three months. If required, the attending physician may decide to extend the treatment.
For hepatitis C and B who have chronic form, children are recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, for adults, the dosage is increased to 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment can last up to half a year.
With anorexia children should take the medicine at a dosage of 1 tab. 3 times a day. Adults need to take 2 tablets. Treatment should be continued for 14 days. If the doctor considers it necessary, then the treatment is extended for another 2 weeks.
For anti-tuberculosis therapy adults are prescribed medicine Liv 52 at a dosage of 2 tablets 2 times a day, and children can take no more than 1 table. 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

In addition, for prophylactic purposes, Liv 52 can be prescribed to adults at a dosage of 80-120 drops (1-2 tsp) 2 times a day, as well as to children at a dosage of 10-20 drops. Reception should also be divided into 2 times.

Release form

This medicine can be presented in the form of tablets and drops.

The composition of 1 table. includes powder of chicory seeds, kamers roots, cassia seeds, philanthus niruri, tamarix, black nightshade, terminalia arzhun, yarrow, mandur basma and extract of raw materials: tinospore cordifolia, eclipta white, tinospore, sowing radish, currant embelia, fumes officinalis, hebula terminalia.

Additional components: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, magnesium stearate, and sodium croscarmellose.

The composition of the drops leads the following types extracts: liquid water, prickly caper roots, yarrow, cassia seeds, arjun terminalia, tamarix gal, western cassia, white eclipta, common radish, fumes, chicory seeds, black nightshade, spreading berchavia, philanthus niruri, tinospore cordifolia, chebula terminalia peel, currant embelia.

Additional components : peach flavor, sodium citrate, sodium propylarben, water, and sucrose.

drug interaction

The drug Liv 52 reduces the absorption of iboprofen in human blood. That is why it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the last drug.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that Liv 52 may reduce the bioavailability of doxycycline and tetracycline.

2. Side effects

In isolated cases this remedy can cause a response of the body, which can manifest itself in the form of conditions such as:

  • Flatulence, abdominal pain, taste disturbance, poor appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, belching, and nausea;
  • Redness, urticaria, itching, dermatitis, angioedema, blisters, eczema.


Episodes severe consequences Liv 52's overdose medical practice not fixed. The drug differs slightly side effects and with a regular violation of the dosing regimen, it can only provoke allergic reactions. Single overdose to pathological conditions will not lead. An exception is hypersensitivity to plant components. With such a feature of the body, an allergy can manifest itself from the minimum dosages of the drug.


The drug Liv 52 should not be taken if there is an allergy to the individual components of the drug.


At this time, it is not advisable for a woman to take Liv 52 medicine. This is due to the possible negative impact that the drug can have on the fetus.

It is also better not to take Liv 52 while breastfeeding. breastfeeding on the mixture.

3. Special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Violation of concentration of attention or a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions does not apply to the list adverse symptoms Liv 52. The drug does not affect the central nervous system.

Pregnancy and lactation

AT lactation period and during pregnancy, Liv 52 is prohibited for use. The preparation contains many plant components that can provoke various disorders in the body of a woman and a newborn child. During pregnancy, some substances can have a negative impact on the process of fetal formation.

Application in childhood

Liv 52 in the form of tablets can be used to treat children from the age of six (drops are suitable for use for babies from two years old).

For impaired renal function

Renal dysfunction is not a reason to discontinue the drug or adjust the dosage regimen.

For impaired liver function

Liv 52 is used to treat hepatic pathologies of various etiologies. The instruction does not contain information about exceptions.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

A doctor's prescription is not required.

4. Expiry date

Do not leave the drug near children or pets. Liv 52 can be stored in a place where water or sunlight does not fall. The temperature in this room should not be lower than 10, but not exceed 30 degrees.

Under these conditions, both dosage forms the drug can be stored for no more than 3 years. After the expiration date, the medicine should be disposed of immediately, its further use is prohibited.

5. Cost

The price of the drug Liv 52 must be found in the pharmacies of the city. This measure is due to the fact that in different regions the price can vary significantly.


  • For tablets, on average, you will have to pay 365 rubles;
  • For drops of Liv 52, you will have to pay 370 rubles.


  • You will have to pay 150-198 hryvnias for tablets;
  • For drops of Liv 52, you need to pay 200 hryvnia.

6. Analogs

Only a doctor can choose the right replacement agent.

Liv 52 has a large number of effective analogues. Among them are:

Berlition, Vitanorm, Hepatofalk planta, L-Methionine, Antraliv, Brenciale forte, Hepatosan, Geptrong, Heptral, Legalon 70, Hepa Merz, Karsil, Kavehol, Heptrol, Glutargin alkoklin, Glutargin, Legalon 140, Livodex, Lipoid C 100, Ornitsetil, Milife, Methionine, Livolife Forte,

Is Liv 52 Causing Cancer and Is It Toxic? Reviews on this hepatoprotector are terrifying, how could such a poison be missed on the Russian market? Where is Rospotrebnazdor looking, and why, despite cases of oncology, does Liv-52 (aka Himalaya, Himalaya, in the West and in the USA - Liver Care) continue to be prescribed by gastroenterologists?

Just take a look at these patient testimonials:

“In Russia, they continue to sell Liv-52, which is highly toxic, causes oncological diseases! This is a conspiracy of gastrologists who have a percentage of this! In America, Liv-52 is banned, but in Russia they sell it - they want to destroy a healthy nation! They poison our children with poisons, but Liv-52 leads to cancer! And why hasn’t Putin withdrawn the drug from pharmacies yet!”

“Liv-52 is dangerous! My children were prescribed this medicine by a doctor for high bilirubin and poor appetite! The children immediately began to deteriorate, nausea, vomiting! Make an urgent repost!

You can find a lot of such hysteria, especially in Odnoklassniki, where extravagant provincial women even believe in a conspiracy of toothpaste manufacturers. But maybe they are right after all?

What do our and Western doctors say

Of course, we were immediately interested in the negative reviews of doctors about Liv-52, and is it true that this remedy can cause cancer.

On the website of Komarovsky, the therapist Alexander Yuryevich Ryltsov writes the following:

“Liv-52 is potentially dangerous drug, with unproven efficacy. He should not be appointed to anyone at all, he should be banned.”

The doctor refers to the English-language article "Alternative Medicine in Hepatology: Evidence for Effectiveness", which says something like this:

“Liv-52 is an Indian Ayurvedic drug that is sold specifically for the treatment of liver diseases. It was tested on rats that were artificially injured with carbon tetrachloride and alcohol. The annotation also says that the drug should help in the treatment of viral hepatitis. During clinical trials, a large number of deaths and internal bleeding were detected, as a result of which the drug was immediately withdrawn from the US market.

We begin to dig in Western sources. And here professional liver transplant surgeon Vinay Kumaran writes this:

“The drug is harmful. Definitely. It is marketed as a liver protectant, and is supposed to help people get better. However, there is no evidence of his help. Moreover, I believe that medicine should not be poisonous to humans."

Below on the same site are positive reviews doctors, but their specialization is Ayurvedic medicine. So they don't have much faith.

On the same website, consultant hepatologist Abhinav Jain makes the following argument:

“Liv-52 is a placebo, that is, a false pill like a regular sugar lozenge. There is no evidence that it helps. There are three studies on this drug. The first was AIIMS in 1976. In it, in patients with hepatitis A, bilirubin dropped slightly, and cells were restored. However, patients were without complications, and even with such hepatitis, recovery occurs without placebo.

The second study, almost an exact copy of the first, was carried out at the Osmania Hospital, Hyderabad in 1978. Again, no comparison was made with those who did not accept Liv-52.

The third study was for patients with liver cirrhosis in Iran in 2004. "Liv-52" showed a significant decrease in ALT and AST compared with conventional placebo, but also does not differ in objectivity.

Regarding the fact that "Liv-52 causes cancer" it was not possible to find any comprehensive information. Doctors write mostly vague things, for example, here is a review of the French specialist Ward Chatier:

“Even when using simple herbal supplements with chemotherapy, it is very important to do so under the supervision of your oncologist. It often causes big problems."

Also, in Western sources there are a lot of frankly frightening publications about how Liv-52 causes complications in alcoholic liver failure.

Compatibility with alcohol is dangerous! Remember this! The poisons that are part of Liv-52 plants can finish off the liver!

There are also positive reviews - about the reduction of ascites, recovery, and even saving lives. But all this is not exact, subjective, not complex.


So, there are rumors on the Internet that Liv 52 causes cancer. There is no confirmation of this, as well as rebuttals.

Doctors prescribing Liv-52 really do not rely on anything. What is the remedy for plant-based- doesn't say anything either.

What are safe and cheap analogues of "Liv-52"? Safe to drink for the liver corn silk(columns), dandelion, wild rose, chamomile. These are worth buying side effects they won't give.

No one tested the extracts included in Liv-52 in the course of full-fledged clinical trials, so it is impossible to talk about their safety.

The composition of LIV-52 may include the following harmful substances:

  • Corned beef - found in black nightshade berries;
  • Oxalates - are included in chicory, and contribute to the formation of stones in the digestive tract;
  • Senna - she is also western cassia, washes minerals from the body;
  • Stakhidrin, matricin - poisons, and other substances included in the yarrow (can provoke a miscarriage during pregnancy);

How these substances will manifest themselves at a certain stage of cirrhosis or even simple liver damage after poisoning is unknown. And it's probably better not to check.

If the Liv-52 company wants to sell its products in Russia, let them carry out full-fledged tests.

In this regard, many people are interested in whether this is true? Reviews of those who have already used it are also in the top of the search, since the medicine is very popular today and necessary. After all, manufacturers assure that Liv 52 treats cirrhosis of the liver, helps in the fight against liver cancer, prevents the appearance of gallstones, relieves hangover symptoms and much more. Of course, if this is the case, then this is a real find, especially considering that the drug is completely natural and not very expensive.

Positive reviews

This drug is produced by the very famous Indian company Himalaya. It has been on the market for a long time and produces a lot of different herbal medicines, as well as hygiene and care products and natural ingredients.

“Liv 52 always helps me get rid of the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and its consequences. I take a pill before bed and in the morning like a cucumber. I’ve been doing this for 10 years, and I don’t have any cancer,” Andrey, Moscow.

“I treated hepatitis with Liv 52. More precisely, I took it as additional remedy. The liver has recovered and nothing really worries, ”- Nadezhda, Astrakhan.

“During exacerbations, I drank this medicine. Noticeably better, the bitterness disappears in the morning. But, nevertheless, despite the fact that Liv 52 causes cancer or not, it is still a medicine and consult your doctor before taking it. An intelligent doctor, given the state of your health, available chronic diseases, knowing what you are allergic to, will tell you exactly whether to take this drug or not. It is also very important to remember that Liv 52 should not be taken during pregnancy.

And another opinion...

At its core, Liv-52 is a natural stimulant. Everyone knows perfectly well, for example, the ability of aloe to heal cuts, abrasions, treat bronchitis with blood, and so on. However, with oncology, aloe begins to stimulate cell growth, the tumor grows rapidly. Accordingly, Liv-52 can also demonstrate a similar effect, so the origin of the rumors is hardly devoid of any ground.

The same can be said about poisonous plants. They can run protective functions organism, or they can finish it off.

Pay attention to the annotation to the drug - "Liv-52 promotes quick recovery liver cells". That is, if primary cancer is present in the organ, then under the influence of the drug, the cells can begin to grow faster and soon turn into serious metastases. Therefore, if oncology has already been diagnosed, or cirrhosis in a serious stage (which often develops into cancer) , it is better to refuse the use of Liv-52 in order to prolong life.

A healthy person, in the absence of allergies, in principle, has nothing to fear this medicine. But in small doses and not for long, since the same chemistry from yarrow tends to accumulate in the body.

Most likely, Liv.52 really tried some patient with cancer in the initial stage (which he did not know about, since our people are first treated, and then they go for diagnostics), his tumor has grown, so there are reviews on the Internet about that it is dangerous.

But the drug itself is very suspicious, untested and subjective. This is a dietary supplement with a strange reputation, which you take at your own risk.